Пример #1
def noncentral_f(dfnum, dfden, nonc, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Noncentral F distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the noncentral F

    Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noncentral_F-distribution

        dfnum (float): Parameter of the noncentral F distribution.
        dfden (float): Parameter of the noncentral F distribution.
        nonc (float): Parameter of the noncentral F distribution.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the noncentral F distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.noncentral_f(dfnum, dfden, nonc, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #2
def pareto(a, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Pareto II or Lomax distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the Pareto II distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\alpha(1+x)^{-(\\alpha+1)}.

        a (float or array_like of floats): Parameter of the Pareto II
            distribution :math:`\\alpha`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, this
            function generate an array whose shape is `a.shape`.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the Pareto II distribution.

    .. seealso:: :meth:`numpy.random.pareto
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    x = rs.pareto(a, size, dtype)
    return x
Пример #3
def noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Noncentral chisquare distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the noncentral chisquare
    distribution. Its probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{1}{2}e^{-(x+\\lambda)/2} \\
        \\left(\\frac{x}{\\lambda}\\right)^{k/4 - 1/2} \\
        I_{k/2 - 1}(\\sqrt{\\lambda x}),

    where :math:`I` is the modified Bessel function of the first kind.

        df (float): Parameter of the noncentral chisquare distribution
        nonc (float): Parameter of the noncentral chisquare distribution
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the noncentral chisquare distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #4
def logseries(p, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Log series distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the log series distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{-p^x}{x\\ln(1-p)}.

        p (float): Parameter of the log series distribution :math:`p`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the log series distribution.

    .. seealso:: :meth:`numpy.random.logseries

    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.logseries(p, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #5
def negative_binomial(n, p, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Negative binomial distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the negative binomial distribution.
    Its probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\binom{x + n - 1}{n - 1}p^n(1-p)^{x}.

        n (int): Parameter of the negative binomial distribution :math:`n`.
        p (float): Parameter of the negative binomial distribution :math:`p`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the negative binomial distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.negative_binomial(n, p, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #6
def hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample, size=None, dtype=int):
    """hypergeometric distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the hypergeometric distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{\\binom{m}{n}\\binom{N-m}{n-x}}{\\binom{N}{n}}.

        ngood (int or array_like of ints): Parameter of the hypergeometric
            distribution :math:`n`.
        nbad (int or array_like of ints): Parameter of the hypergeometric
            distribution :math:`m`.
        nsample (int or array_like of ints): Parameter of the hypergeometric
            distribution :math:`N`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the hypergeometric distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample, size, dtype)
Пример #7
def logistic(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Logistic distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the logistic distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{e^{-(x-\\mu)/s}}{s(1+e^{-(x-\\mu)/s})^2}.

        loc (float): The location of the mode :math:`\\mu`.
        scale (float): The scale parameter :math:`s`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the logistic distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.logistic(loc, scale, size, dtype)
Пример #8
def f(dfnum, dfden, size=None, dtype=float):
    """F distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the f distribution. Its probability
    density function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{1}{B(\\frac{d_1}{2},\\frac{d_2}{2})} \
            \\left(\\frac{d_1}{d_2}\\right)^{\\frac{d_1}{2}} \
            x^{\\frac{d_1}{2}-1} \
            \\left(1+\\frac{d_1}{d_2}x\\right) \

        dfnum (float or array_like of floats): Parameter of the f distribution
        dfden (float or array_like of floats): Parameter of the f distribution
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the f distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.f(dfnum, dfden, size, dtype)
Пример #9
def geometric(p, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Geometric distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the geometric distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = p(1-p)^{k-1}.

        p (float): Success probability of the geometric distribution.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the geometric distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.geometric(p, size, dtype)
Пример #10
def exponential(scale, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Exponential distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the exponential distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\beta}\\exp (-\\frac{x}{\\beta}).

        scale (float or array_like of floats): The scale parameter
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the exponential distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.exponential(scale, size, dtype)
Пример #11
def choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None):
    """Returns an array of random values from a given 1-D array.

    Each element of the returned array is independently sampled
    from ``a`` according to ``p`` or uniformly.

    .. note::

       Currently ``p`` is not supported when ``replace=False``.

        a (1-D array-like or int):
            If an array-like,
            a random sample is generated from its elements.
            If an int, the random sample is generated as if ``a`` was
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array.
        replace (boolean): Whether the sample is with or without replacement.
        p (1-D array-like):
            The probabilities associated with each entry in ``a``.
            If not given the sample assumes a uniform distribution over all
            entries in ``a``.

        cupy.ndarray: An array of ``a`` values distributed according to
                      ``p`` or uniformly.

    .. seealso:: :meth:`numpy.random.choice

    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.choice(a, size, replace, p)
Пример #12
def randint(low, high=None, size=None):
    """Returns a scalar or an array of integer values over ``[low, high)``.

    Each element of returned values are independently sampled from
    uniform distribution over left-close and right-open interval
    ``[low, high)``.

        low (int): If ``high`` is not ``None``,
            it is the lower bound of the interval.
            Otherwise, it is the **upper** bound of the interval
            and lower bound of the interval is set to ``0``.
        high (int): Upper bound of the interval.
        size (None or int or tuple of ints): The shape of returned value.

        int or cupy.ndarray of ints: If size is ``None``,
        it is single integer sampled.
        If size is integer, it is the 1D-array of length ``size`` element.
        Otherwise, it is the array whose shape specified by ``size``.
    if high is None:
        lo = 0
        hi = low
        lo = low
        hi = high

    if lo >= hi:
        raise ValueError('low >= high')

    diff = hi - lo - 1
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return lo + rs.interval(diff, size)
Пример #13
def poisson(lam=1.0, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Poisson distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the poisson distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{\\lambda^xe^{-\\lambda}}{k!}.

        lam (array_like of floats): Parameter of the poisson distribution
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, this
            function generate an array whose shape is `lam.shape`.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the poisson distribution.

    .. seealso:: :meth:`numpy.random.poisson
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    x = rs.poisson(lam, size, dtype)
    return x
Пример #14
def chisquare(df, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Chi-square distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the chi-square distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{(1/2)^{k/2}}{\\Gamma(k/2)}x^{k/2-1}e^{-x/2}.

        df (int or array_like of ints): Degree of freedom :math:`k`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the chi-square distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.chisquare(df, size, dtype)
Пример #15
 def test_get_random_state_memoized(self):
     generator._random_states = {self.device_id: 'expected',
                                 self.device_id + 1: 'dummy'}
     rs = generator.get_random_state()
     self.assertEqual('expected', generator._random_states[self.device_id])
     self.assertEqual('dummy', generator._random_states[self.device_id + 1])
     self.assertEqual('expected', rs)
Пример #16
def laplace(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Laplace distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the laplace distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{1}{2b}\\exp\\left(-\\frac{|x-\\mu|}{b}\\right),

        loc (float): The location of the mode :math:`\\mu`.
        scale (float): The scale parameter :math:`b`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the laplace destribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.laplace(loc, scale, size, dtype)
Пример #17
def permutation(a):
    """Returns a permuted range or shuffles an array."""
    if isinstance(a, six.integer_types):
        rs = generator.get_random_state()
        return rs.permutation(a)
        return shuffle(a)
Пример #18
def gumbel(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Returns an array of samples drawn from a Gumbel distribution.

    The samples are drawn from a Gumbel distribution with location ``loc``
    and scale ``scale``.
    Its probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\eta} \
           \\exp\\left\\{ - \\frac{x - \\mu}{\\eta} \\right\\} \
           \\exp\\left[-\\exp\\left\\{-\\frac{x - \\mu}{\\eta} \

    where :math:`\\mu` is ``loc`` and :math:`\\eta` is ``scale``.

        loc (float): The location of the mode :math:`\\mu`.
        scale (float): The scale parameter :math:`\\eta`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the Gumbel destribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.gumbel(loc, scale, size, dtype)
Пример #19
def binomial(n, p, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Binomial distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the binomial distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\binom{n}{x}p^x(1-p)^{n-x},

        n (int): Trial number of the binomial distribution.
        p (float): Success probability of the binomial distribution.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the binomial destribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.binomial(n, p, size, dtype)
Пример #20
def weibull(a, size=None, dtype=float):
    """weibull distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the weibull distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = ax^{(a-1)}e^{-x^a}.

        a (float): Parameter of the weibull distribution :math:`a`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the weibull distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.weibull(a, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #21
def zipf(a, size=None, dtype=int):
    """Zipf distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the Zipf distribution. Its
    probability mass function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{x^{-a}}{ \\zeta (a)},

    where :math:`\\zeta` is the Riemann Zeta function.

        a (float): Parameter of the beta distribution :math:`a`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.int32` and
            :class:`numpy.int64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the Zipf distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.zipf(a, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #22
def dirichlet(alpha, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Dirichlet distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the dirichlet distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{\\Gamma(\\sum_{i=1}^K\\alpha_i)} \
            {\\prod_{i=1}^{K}\\Gamma(\\alpha_i)} \

        alpha (array): Parameters of the dirichlet distribution
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the dirichlet distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.dirichlet(alpha, size, dtype)
Пример #23
def wald(mean, scale, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Wald distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the Wald distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\sqrt{\\frac{\\lambda}{2\\pi x^3}}\\

        mean (float): Parameter of the wald distribution :math:`\\mu`.
        scale (float): Parameter of the wald distribution :math:`\\lambda`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the wald distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.wald(mean, scale, size, dtype)
Пример #24
def triangular(left, mode, right, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Triangular distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the triangular distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\begin{cases}
            \\frac{2(x-l)}{(r-l)(m-l)} & \\text{for } l \\leq x \\leq m, \\\\
            \\frac{2(r-x)}{(r-l)(r-m)} & \\text{for } m \\leq x \\leq r, \\\\
            0 & \\text{otherwise}.

        left (float): Lower limit :math:`l`.
        mode (float): The value where the peak of the distribution occurs.
        right (float): Higher Limit :math:`r`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the triangular distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.triangular(left, mode, right, size, dtype)
Пример #25
def vonmises(mu, kappa, size=None, dtype=float):
    """von Mises distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the von Mises distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{e^{\\kappa \\cos(x-\\mu)}}{2\\pi I_0(\\kappa)}.

        mu (float): Parameter of the von Mises distribution :math:`\\mu`.
        kappa (float): Parameter of the von Mises distribution :math:`\\kappa`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the von Mises distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.vonmises(mu, kappa, size=size, dtype=dtype)
Пример #26
def standard_t(df, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Standard Student's t distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the standard Student's t
    distribution. Its probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{\\Gamma(\\frac{\\nu+1}{2})} \
            {\\sqrt{\\nu\\pi}\\Gamma(\\frac{\\nu}{2})} \
            \\left(1 + \\frac{x^2}{\\nu} \\right)^{-(\\frac{\\nu+1}{2})}.

        df (float or array_like of floats): Degree of freedom :math:`\\nu`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the standard Student's t distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.standard_t(df, size, dtype)
Пример #27
def standard_gamma(shape, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Standard gamma distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the standard gamma distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(k)}x^{k-1}e^{-x}.

        shape (array): Parameter of the gamma distribution :math:`k`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the standard gamma distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.standard_gamma(shape, size, dtype)
Пример #28
def beta(a, b, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Beta distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the beta distribution. Its
    probability density function is defined as

    .. math::
       f(x) = \\frac{x^{\\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\\beta-1}}{B(\\alpha,\\beta)}.

        a (float): Parameter of the beta distribution :math:`\\alpha`.
        b (float): Parameter of the beta distribution :math:`\\beta`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the beta distribution.

    .. seealso::
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.beta(a, b, size, dtype)
Пример #29
def rayleigh(scale=1.0, size=None, dtype=float):
    """Rayleigh distribution.

    Returns an array of samples drawn from the rayleigh distribution.
    Its probability density function is defined as

      .. math::
         f(x) = \\frac{x}{\\sigma^2}e^{\\frac{-x^2}{2-\\sigma^2}}, x \\ge 0.

        scale (array): Parameter of the rayleigh distribution :math:`\\sigma`.
        size (int or tuple of ints): The shape of the array. If ``None``, a
            zero-dimensional array is generated.
        dtype: Data type specifier. Only :class:`numpy.float32` and
            :class:`numpy.float64` types are allowed.

        cupy.ndarray: Samples drawn from the rayleigh distribution.

    .. seealso:: :meth:`numpy.random.rayleigh
    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    x = rs.rayleigh(scale, size, dtype)
    return x
Пример #30
def shuffle(a):
    """Shuffles an array.

        a (cupy.ndarray): The array to be shuffled.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.random.shuffle`

    rs = generator.get_random_state()
    return rs.shuffle(a)