def prepare_train_data(self): batch_size = self.train_batch_size is_neg = cp.logical_not(self._train_labels) # Do not store verification matrix if using the negatives generation shortcut neg_mat = None if self.use_neg_trick else cp.array(self._neg_mat) # If there are no negative samples in the local portion of the training data, do nothing any_neg = cp.any(is_neg) if any_neg: self._train_users[is_neg], self._train_items[is_neg] = generate_negatives( self._train_users[is_neg], neg_mat, self.num_items, use_trick=self.use_neg_trick ) shuffled_order = cp.random.permutation(self._train_users.shape[0]) self._train_users = self._train_users[shuffled_order] self._train_items = self._train_items[shuffled_order] self._train_labels = self._train_labels[shuffled_order] is_neg = cp.logical_not(self._train_labels) # Manually create batches split_indices = np.arange(batch_size, self._train_users.shape[0], batch_size) self.train_users_batches = np.split(self._train_users, split_indices) self.train_items_batches = np.split(self._train_items, split_indices) self.train_labels_batches = np.split(self._train_labels, split_indices)
def binary_hit_or_miss(input, structure1=None, structure2=None, output=None, origin1=0, origin2=None): """ Multidimensional binary hit-or-miss transform. The hit-or-miss transform finds the locations of a given pattern inside the input image. Args: input (cupy.ndarray): Binary image where a pattern is to be detected. structure1 (cupy.ndarray, optional): Part of the structuring element to be fitted to the foreground (non-zero elements) of ``input``. If no value is provided, a structure of square connectivity 1 is chosen. structure2 (cupy.ndarray, optional): Second part of the structuring element that has to miss completely the foreground. If no value is provided, the complementary of ``structure1`` is taken. output (cupy.ndarray, dtype or None, optional): Array of the same shape as input, into which the output is placed. By default, a new array is created. origin1 (int or tuple of ints, optional): Placement of the first part of the structuring element ``structure1``, by default 0 for a centered structure. origin2 (int or tuple of ints or None, optional): Placement of the second part of the structuring element ``structure2``, by default 0 for a centered structure. If a value is provided for ``origin1`` and not for ``origin2``, then ``origin2`` is set to ``origin1``. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Hit-or-miss transform of ``input`` with the given structuring element (``structure1``, ``structure2``). .. warning:: This function may synchronize the device. .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.ndimage.binary_hit_or_miss` """ if structure1 is None: structure1 = generate_binary_structure(input.ndim, 1) if structure2 is None: structure2 = cupy.logical_not(structure1) origin1 = _util._fix_sequence_arg(origin1, input.ndim, 'origin1', int) if origin2 is None: origin2 = origin1 else: origin2 = _util._fix_sequence_arg(origin2, input.ndim, 'origin2', int) tmp1 = _binary_erosion(input, structure1, 1, None, None, 0, origin1, 0, False) inplace = isinstance(output, cupy.ndarray) result = _binary_erosion(input, structure2, 1, None, output, 0, origin2, 1, False) if inplace: cupy.logical_not(output, output) cupy.logical_and(tmp1, output, output) else: cupy.logical_not(result, result) return cupy.logical_and(tmp1, result)
def _preprocess(labels): label_values, inv_idx = cp.unique(labels, return_inverse=True) if not (label_values == 0).any(): warn('Random walker only segments unlabeled areas, where ' 'labels == 0. No zero valued areas in labels were ' 'found. Returning provided labels.', stacklevel=2) return labels, None, None, None, None # If some labeled pixels are isolated inside pruned zones, prune them # as well and keep the labels for the final output null_mask = labels == 0 pos_mask = labels > 0 mask = labels >= 0 fill = ndi.binary_propagation(null_mask, mask=mask) isolated = cp.logical_and(pos_mask, cp.logical_not(fill)) pos_mask[isolated] = False # If the array has pruned zones, be sure that no isolated pixels # exist between pruned zones (they could not be determined) if label_values[0] < 0 or cp.any(isolated): # synchronize! isolated = cp.logical_and( cp.logical_not(ndi.binary_propagation(pos_mask, mask=mask)), null_mask) labels[isolated] = -1 if cp.all(isolated[null_mask]): warn('All unlabeled pixels are isolated, they could not be ' 'determined by the random walker algorithm.', stacklevel=2) return labels, None, None, None, None mask[isolated] = False mask = cp.atleast_3d(mask) else: mask = None # Reorder label values to have consecutive integers (no gaps) zero_idx = cp.searchsorted(label_values, cp.array(0)) labels = cp.atleast_3d(inv_idx.reshape(labels.shape) - zero_idx) nlabels = label_values[zero_idx + 1:].shape[0] inds_isolated_seeds = cp.nonzero(isolated) isolated_values = labels[inds_isolated_seeds] return labels, nlabels, mask, inds_isolated_seeds, isolated_values
def remove_small_holes_gpu( mask: cupy.ndarray, area_threshold: int, ) -> None: """ See scikit-image remove_small_holes() N.B. Input array must be a labeled mask. This is a inplace operation. """ cupy.logical_not(mask, out=mask) remove_small_objects_gpu(mask, area_threshold) cupy.logical_not(mask, out=mask)
def binary_fill_holes(input, structure=None, output=None, origin=0): """Fill the holes in binary objects. Args: input (cupy.ndarray): N-D binary array with holes to be filled. structure (cupy.ndarray, optional): Structuring element used in the computation; large-size elements make computations faster but may miss holes separated from the background by thin regions. The default element (with a square connectivity equal to one) yields the intuitive result where all holes in the input have been filled. output (cupy.ndarray, dtype or None, optional): Array of the same shape as input, into which the output is placed. By default, a new array is created. origin (int, tuple of ints, optional): Position of the structuring element. Returns: cupy.ndarray: Transformation of the initial image ``input`` where holes have been filled. .. warning:: This function may synchronize the device. .. seealso:: :func:`scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes` """ mask = cupy.logical_not(input) tmp = cupy.zeros(mask.shape, bool) inplace = isinstance(output, cupy.ndarray) # TODO (grlee77): set brute_force=False below once implemented if inplace: binary_dilation(tmp, structure, -1, mask, output, 1, origin, brute_force=True) cupy.logical_not(output, output) else: output = binary_dilation(tmp, structure, -1, mask, None, 1, origin, brute_force=True) cupy.logical_not(output, output) return output
def image_complexity(self, X, masks): # 복잡도 기준 threshold = 25.0 # reshape #masks = cp.reshape(masks, masks.shape[:-1]) R, G, B = X[:, :, :, 0:1], X[:, :, :, 1:2], X[:, :, :, 2:] # compute rg = R - G rg = cp.absolute(R - G) # compute yb = 0.5 * (R + G) - B yb = cp.absolute(0.5 * (R + G) - B) _masks = cp.logical_not(masks) # compute the mean and standard deviation of both `rg` and `yb` () # no masked_where on cupy rb_masked =, rg) (rb_mean, rb_std) = (cp.mean(rb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)), cp.std(rb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3))) yb_masked =, yb) (yb_mean, yb_std) = (cp.mean(yb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3)), cp.std(yb_masked, axis=(1, 2, 3))) # combine the mean and standard deviations std_root = cp.sqrt((rb_std**2) + (yb_std**2)) mean_root = cp.sqrt((rb_mean**2) + (yb_mean**2)) # derive the "colorfulness" metric and return it complexity = std_root + (0.3 * mean_root) # 수치 수정 print('image_complexity Done.') return (complexity >= threshold).astype(cp.uint8)
def remove_small_holes_gpu( mask: cupy.ndarray, area_threshold: int, ) -> None: """ See scikit-image remove_small_holes() N.B. Input array must be a binary mask (bool type) or labeled mask (int type). This is a inplace operation. """ _check_dtype_supported(mask) cupy.logical_not(mask, out=mask) remove_small_objects_gpu(mask, area_threshold) cupy.logical_not(mask, out=mask)
def generate_negatives(neg_users, true_mat, item_range, sort=False, use_trick=False): """ Generate negative samples for data augmentation """ neg_u = [] neg_i = [] # If using the shortcut, generate negative items without checking if the associated # user has interacted with it. Speeds up training significantly with very low impact # on accuracy. if use_trick: neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0]) return neg_users, neg_items # Otherwise, generate negative items, check if associated user has interacted with it, # then generate a new one if true while len(neg_users) > 0: neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0]) neg_mask = true_mat[neg_users, neg_items] neg_u.append(neg_users[neg_mask]) neg_i.append(neg_items[neg_mask]) neg_users = neg_users[cp.logical_not(neg_mask)] neg_users = cp.concatenate(neg_u) neg_items = cp.concatenate(neg_i) if sort == False: return neg_users, neg_items sorted_users = cp.sort(neg_users) sort_indices = cp.argsort(neg_users) return sorted_users, neg_items[sort_indices]
def _comparison(self, other, op, op_name): if _util.isscalarlike(other): data = cupy.asarray(other, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(1) if numpy.isnan(data[0]): if op_name == '_ne_': return csr_matrix(cupy.ones(self.shape, dtype=numpy.bool_)) else: return csr_matrix(self.shape, dtype=numpy.bool_) indices = cupy.zeros((1, ), dtype=numpy.int32) indptr = cupy.arange(2, dtype=numpy.int32) other = csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(1, 1)) return binopt_csr(self, other, op_name) elif _util.isdense(other): return op(self.todense(), other) elif isspmatrix_csr(other): self.sum_duplicates() other.sum_duplicates() if op_name in ('_ne_', '_lt_', '_gt_'): return binopt_csr(self, other, op_name) warnings.warn( "Comparing sparse matrices using ==, <=, and >= is " "inefficient, try using !=, <, or > instead.", SparseEfficiencyWarning) if op_name == '_eq_': opposite_op_name = '_ne_' elif op_name == '_le_': opposite_op_name = '_gt_' elif op_name == '_ge_': opposite_op_name = '_lt_' res = binopt_csr(self, other, opposite_op_name) out = cupy.logical_not(res.toarray()) return csr_matrix(out) raise NotImplementedError
def transform(self, X) -> SparseCumlArray: """Impute all missing values in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input data to complete. """ check_is_fitted(self) X = self._validate_input(X, in_fit=False) X_indicator = super()._transform_indicator(X) statistics = self.statistics_ if X.shape[1] != statistics.shape[0]: raise ValueError("X has %d features per sample, expected %d" % (X.shape[1], self.statistics_.shape[0])) # Delete the invalid columns if strategy is not constant if self.strategy == "constant": valid_statistics = statistics else: # same as np.isnan but also works for object dtypes invalid_mask = _get_mask(statistics, np.nan) valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask) valid_statistics = statistics[valid_mask] valid_statistics_indexes = np.flatnonzero(valid_mask) if invalid_mask.any(): missing = np.arange(X.shape[1])[invalid_mask] if self.verbose: warnings.warn("Deleting features without " "observed values: %s" % missing) X = X[:, valid_statistics_indexes] # Do actual imputation if sparse.issparse(X): if self.missing_values == 0: raise ValueError("Imputation not possible when missing_values " "== 0 and input is sparse. Provide a dense " "array instead.") else: mask = _get_mask(, self.missing_values) indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X.indptr) - 1,, np.diff(X.indptr).tolist())[mask][mask] = valid_statistics[indexes].astype(X.dtype, copy=False) else: mask = _get_mask(X, self.missing_values) if self.strategy == "constant": X[mask] = valid_statistics[0] else: for i, vi in enumerate(valid_statistics_indexes): feature_idxs = np.flatnonzero(mask[:, vi]) X[feature_idxs, vi] = valid_statistics[i] X = super()._concatenate_indicator(X, X_indicator) return X
def test_01_01_circle(self): """Test that the Canny filter finds the outlines of a circle""" i, j = cp.mgrid[-200:200, -200:200].astype(float) / 200 c = cp.abs(cp.sqrt(i * i + j * j) - 0.5) < 0.02 result = feature.canny(c.astype(float), 4, 0, 0, cp.ones(c.shape, bool)) # # erode and dilate the circle to get rings that should contain the # outlines # # TODO: grlee77: only implemented brute_force=True, so added that to # these tests cd = binary_dilation(c, iterations=3, brute_force=True) ce = binary_erosion(c, iterations=3, brute_force=True) cde = cp.logical_and(cd, cp.logical_not(ce)) self.assertTrue(cp.all(cde[result])) # # The circle has a radius of 100. There are two rings here, one # for the inside edge and one for the outside. So that's # 100 * 2 * 2 * 3 for those places where pi is still 3. # The edge contains both pixels if there's a tie, so we # bump the count a little. point_count = cp.sum(result) self.assertTrue(point_count > 1200) self.assertTrue(point_count < 1600)
def logical_not(x: Array, /) -> Array: """ Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.logical_not <numpy.logical_not>`. See its docstring for more information. """ if x.dtype not in _boolean_dtypes: raise TypeError("Only boolean dtypes are allowed in logical_not") return Array._new(np.logical_not(x._array))
def extract_color(self, X, masks): # reshape masks_ = cp.reshape(masks, masks.shape[:-1]).astype(cp.bool) # extract color num_X = len(X) color = cp.empty((num_X, ), dtype=np.string_) bg_color = cp.empty((num_X, ), dtype=np.string_) # test for i, (x, m) in enumerate(zip(X, masks_)): #print(self.nearest_color(colors, cp.mean(X[i][masks[i]], axis=0).astype(int))) color[i] = self.nearest_color( cp.mean(x[m], axis=0).astype(cp.uint8)) #print(self.nearest_color(colors, cp.mean(X[i][cp.logical_not(masks[i])], axis=0).astype(int))) bg_color[i] = self.nearest_color( cp.mean(x[cp.logical_not(m)], axis=0).astype(cp.uint8)) print('extract_color Done.') return color, bg_color
def test_01_02_circle_with_noise(self): """Test that the Canny filter finds the circle outlines in a noisy image""" cp.random.seed(0) i, j = cp.mgrid[-200:200, -200:200].astype(float) / 200 c = cp.abs(cp.sqrt(i * i + j * j) - 0.5) < 0.02 cf = c.astype(float) * 0.5 + cp.random.uniform(size=c.shape) * 0.5 result = F.canny(cf, 4, 0.1, 0.2, cp.ones(c.shape, bool)) # # erode and dilate the circle to get rings that should contain the # outlines # cd = binary_dilation(c, iterations=4, brute_force=True) ce = binary_erosion(c, iterations=4, brute_force=True) cde = cp.logical_and(cd, cp.logical_not(ce)) self.assertTrue(cp.all(cde[result])) point_count = cp.sum(result) self.assertTrue(point_count > 1200) self.assertTrue(point_count < 1600)
def _get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels): """Return a 2D mask where mask[a, p] is True iff a and p are distinct and have same label. Args: labels: xp.array with shape=(batch_size) Returns: mask: xp.array with shape=(batch_size, batch_size), dtype=xp.bool """ # Check that i and j are distinct indices_not_equal = xp.logical_not( xp.diag(xp.ones(labels.size, dtype=xp.bool))) # Check if labels[i] == labels[j] # By using broadcasting: # Left side's shape (1, batch_size) => (*, batch_size) # Right side's shape (batch_size, 1) => (batch_size, *) labels_equal = xp.expand_dims(labels, axis=0) == xp.expand_dims(labels, axis=1) # Combine the two masks return indices_not_equal & labels_equal
def binary_blobs(length=512, blob_size_fraction=0.1, n_dim=2, volume_fraction=0.5, seed=None): """ Generate synthetic binary image with several rounded blob-like objects. Parameters ---------- length : int, optional Linear size of output image. blob_size_fraction : float, optional Typical linear size of blob, as a fraction of ``length``, should be smaller than 1. n_dim : int, optional Number of dimensions of output image. volume_fraction : float, default 0.5 Fraction of image pixels covered by the blobs (where the output is 1). Should be in [0, 1]. seed : int, optional Seed to initialize the random number generator. If `None`, a random seed from the operating system is used. Returns ------- blobs : ndarray of bools Output binary image Notes ----- Warning: CuPy does not give identical randomly generated numbers as NumPy, so using a specific seed here will not give an identical pattern to the scikit-image implementation. The behavior for a given random seed may also change across CuPy major versions. See: Examples -------- >>> from cucim.skimage import data >>> # tiny size (5, 5) >>> blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=5, blob_size_fraction=0.2, seed=1) >>> # larger size >>> blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=256, blob_size_fraction=0.1) >>> # Finer structures >>> blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=256, blob_size_fraction=0.05) >>> # Blobs cover a smaller volume fraction of the image >>> blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=256, volume_fraction=0.3) """ # filters is quite an expensive import since it imports all of scipy.signal # We lazy import here from ..filters import gaussian rs = cp.random.RandomState(seed) shape = tuple([length] * n_dim) mask = cp.zeros(shape) n_pts = max(int(1. / blob_size_fraction) ** n_dim, 1) points = (length * rs.rand(n_dim, n_pts)).astype(int) mask[tuple(indices for indices in points)] = 1 mask = gaussian(mask, sigma=0.25 * length * blob_size_fraction) threshold = cp.percentile(mask, 100 * (1 - volume_fraction)) return cp.logical_not(mask < threshold)
def cross_correlate_masked(arr1, arr2, m1, m2, mode="full", axes=(-2, -1), overlap_ratio=0.3): """ Masked normalized cross-correlation between arrays. Parameters ---------- arr1 : ndarray First array. arr2 : ndarray Seconds array. The dimensions of `arr2` along axes that are not transformed should be equal to that of `arr1`. m1 : ndarray Mask of `arr1`. The mask should evaluate to `True` (or 1) on valid pixels. `m1` should have the same shape as `arr1`. m2 : ndarray Mask of `arr2`. The mask should evaluate to `True` (or 1) on valid pixels. `m2` should have the same shape as `arr2`. mode : {'full', 'same'}, optional 'full': This returns the convolution at each point of overlap. At the end-points of the convolution, the signals do not overlap completely, and boundary effects may be seen. 'same': The output is the same size as `arr1`, centered with respect to the `‘full’` output. Boundary effects are less prominent. axes : tuple of ints, optional Axes along which to compute the cross-correlation. overlap_ratio : float, optional Minimum allowed overlap ratio between images. The correlation for translations corresponding with an overlap ratio lower than this threshold will be ignored. A lower `overlap_ratio` leads to smaller maximum translation, while a higher `overlap_ratio` leads to greater robustness against spurious matches due to small overlap between masked images. Returns ------- out : ndarray Masked normalized cross-correlation. Raises ------ ValueError : if correlation `mode` is not valid, or array dimensions along non-transformation axes are not equal. References ---------- .. [1] Dirk Padfield. Masked Object Registration in the Fourier Domain. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21(5), pp. 2706-2718 (2012). :DOI:`10.1109/TIP.2011.2181402` .. [2] D. Padfield. "Masked FFT registration". In Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2918-2925 (2010). :DOI:`10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540032` """ if mode not in {"full", "same"}: raise ValueError("Correlation mode {} is not valid.".format(mode)) if arr1.dtype.kind == "c" or arr2.dtype.kind == "c": raise ValueError("complex-valued arr1, arr2 are not supported") fixed_image = cp.asarray(arr1, dtype=np.float) fixed_mask = cp.asarray(m1, dtype=np.bool) moving_image = cp.asarray(arr2, dtype=np.float) moving_mask = cp.asarray(m2, dtype=np.bool) eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps # Array dimensions along non-transformation axes should be equal. all_axes = set(range(fixed_image.ndim)) for axis in all_axes - set(axes): if fixed_image.shape[axis] != moving_image.shape[axis]: raise ValueError( "Array shapes along non-transformation axes should be " "equal, but dimensions along axis {a} are not".format(a=axis)) # Determine final size along transformation axes # Note that it might be faster to compute Fourier transform in a slightly # larger shape (`fast_shape`). Then, after all fourier transforms are done, # we slice back to`final_shape` using `final_slice`. final_shape = list(arr1.shape) for axis in axes: final_shape[axis] = (fixed_image.shape[axis] + moving_image.shape[axis] - 1) final_shape = tuple(final_shape) final_slice = tuple([slice(0, int(sz)) for sz in final_shape]) # Extent transform axes to the next fast length (i.e. multiple of 3, 5, or # 7) fast_shape = tuple([next_fast_len(final_shape[ax]) for ax in axes]) # We use numpy.fft or the new scipy.fft because they allow leaving the # transform axes unchanged which was not possible with scipy.fftpack's # fftn/ifftn in older versions of SciPy. # E.g. arr shape (2, 3, 7), transform along axes (0, 1) with shape (4, 4) # results in arr_fft shape (4, 4, 7) fft = partial(fftmodule.fftn, s=fast_shape, axes=axes) ifft = partial(fftmodule.ifftn, s=fast_shape, axes=axes) fixed_image[cp.logical_not(fixed_mask)] = 0.0 moving_image[cp.logical_not(moving_mask)] = 0.0 # N-dimensional analog to rotation by 180deg is flip over all relevant axes. # See [1] for discussion. rotated_moving_image = _flip(moving_image, axes=axes) rotated_moving_mask = _flip(moving_mask, axes=axes) fixed_fft = fft(fixed_image) rotated_moving_fft = fft(rotated_moving_image) fixed_mask_fft = fft(fixed_mask) rotated_moving_mask_fft = fft(rotated_moving_mask) # Calculate overlap of masks at every point in the convolution. # Locations with high overlap should not be taken into account. number_overlap_masked_px = cp.real( ifft(rotated_moving_mask_fft * fixed_mask_fft)) number_overlap_masked_px[:] = cp.around(number_overlap_masked_px) number_overlap_masked_px[:] = cp.fmax(number_overlap_masked_px, eps) masked_correlated_fixed_fft = ifft(rotated_moving_mask_fft * fixed_fft) masked_correlated_rotated_moving_fft = ifft(fixed_mask_fft * rotated_moving_fft) numerator = ifft(rotated_moving_fft * fixed_fft) numerator -= (masked_correlated_fixed_fft * masked_correlated_rotated_moving_fft / number_overlap_masked_px) fixed_squared_fft = fft(cp.square(fixed_image)) fixed_denom = ifft(rotated_moving_mask_fft * fixed_squared_fft) fixed_denom -= (cp.square(masked_correlated_fixed_fft) / number_overlap_masked_px) fixed_denom[:] = cp.fmax(fixed_denom, 0.0) rotated_moving_squared_fft = fft(cp.square(rotated_moving_image)) moving_denom = ifft(fixed_mask_fft * rotated_moving_squared_fft) moving_denom -= (cp.square(masked_correlated_rotated_moving_fft) / number_overlap_masked_px) moving_denom[:] = cp.fmax(moving_denom, 0.0) denom = cp.sqrt(fixed_denom * moving_denom) # Slice back to expected convolution shape. numerator = numerator[final_slice] denom = denom[final_slice] number_overlap_masked_px = number_overlap_masked_px[final_slice] if mode == "same": _centering = partial(_centered, newshape=fixed_image.shape, axes=axes) denom = _centering(denom) numerator = _centering(numerator) number_overlap_masked_px = _centering(number_overlap_masked_px) # Pixels where `denom` is very small will introduce large # numbers after division. To get around this problem, # we zero-out problematic pixels. tol = 1e3 * eps * cp.max(cp.abs(denom), axis=axes, keepdims=True) nonzero_indices = denom > tol # TODO: grlee77: Added a cast to real here. # probably it should be real earlier? numerator = numerator.real denom = denom.real out = cp.zeros_like(denom) out[nonzero_indices] = numerator[nonzero_indices] / denom[nonzero_indices] cp.clip(out, a_min=-1, a_max=1, out=out) # Apply overlap ratio threshold number_px_threshold = overlap_ratio * cp.max( number_overlap_masked_px, axis=axes, keepdims=True) out[number_overlap_masked_px < number_px_threshold] = 0.0 return out
def evaluate_chunks( results: [cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray], # closest triangle, distance, projection all_pts: cp.ndarray = None, vertices: cp.ndarray = None, edges: cp.ndarray = None, edge_norms: cp.ndarray = None, edge_normssq: cp.ndarray = None, normals: cp.ndarray = None, norms: cp.ndarray = None, normssq: cp.ndarray = None, zero_tensor: cp.ndarray = None, one_tensor: cp.ndarray = None, tris: cp.ndarray = None, vertex_normals: cp.ndarray = None, bounding_box: dict = None, chunk_size: int = None, num_verts: int = None) -> None: # # Expand vertex normals if non empty if vertex_normals is not None: vertex_normals = vertex_normals[tris] vertex_normals = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(vertex_normals, axis=2), (1, 1, chunk_size, 1)) # begin = time.time() # # Load and extend the batch num_chunks = all_pts.shape[0] // chunk_size for i in range(num_chunks): # # Get subset of the query points start_index = i * chunk_size end_index = (i + 1) * chunk_size pts = all_pts[start_index:end_index, :] # # Match the dimensions to those assumed above. # REPEATED REPEATED # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates] pts = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(pts, axis=(0, 1)), (num_verts, 3, 1, 1)) # # Compute the differences between # vertices on each triangle and the # points of interest # # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates] # =================== # [:,0,:,:] = p - p1 # [:,1,:,:] = p - p2 # [:,2,:,:] = p - p3 diff_vectors = pts - vertices # # Compute alpha, beta, gamma barycentric = cp.empty(diff_vectors.shape) # # gamma = u x (p - p1) barycentric[:, 2, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 0, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]) # beta = (p - p1) x v barycentric[:, 1, :, :] = cp.cross(diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :], edges[:, 1, :, :]) # alpha = w x (p - p2) barycentric[:, 0, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 2, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :]) barycentric = cp.divide( cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric, normals), axis=3), normssq) # # Test conditions less_than_one = cp.less_equal(barycentric, one_tensor) more_than_zero = cp.greater_equal(barycentric, zero_tensor) # # if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1 # and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1 # and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1: cond1 = cp.logical_and(less_than_one, more_than_zero) # # if gamma <= 0: cond2 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 2, :]) cond2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond2, axis=1), (1, 3, 1)) # # if beta <= 0: cond3 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 1, :]) cond3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond3, axis=1), (1, 3, 1)) # # if alpha <= 0: cond4 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 0, :]) cond4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond4, axis=1), (1, 3, 1)) # # Get the projections for each case xi = cp.empty(barycentric.shape) barycentric_ext = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(barycentric, axis=3), (1, 1, 1, 3)) proj = cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric_ext, vertices), axis=1) # # if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1 # and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1 # and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1: xi[cond1] = barycentric[cond1] # # if gamma <= 0: # x = p - p1 # u = p2 - p1 # a = p1 # b = p2 t2 = cp.divide( # # cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 0, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]), axis=2), edge_normssq[:, 0]) xi2 = cp.zeros((t2.shape[0], 3, t2.shape[1])) xi2[:, 0, :] = -t2 + 1 xi2[:, 1, :] = t2 # t2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t2, axis=2), (1, 1, 3)) lz = cp.less(t2, cp.zeros(t2.shape)) go = cp.greater(t2, cp.ones(t2.shape)) proj2 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t2, edges[:, 0, :, :]) proj2[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz] proj2[go] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][go] # xi[cond2] = xi2[cond2] proj[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)] = proj2[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)] # # if beta <= 0: # x = p - p1 # v = p3 - p1 # a = p1 # b = p3 t3 = cp.divide( # # cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 1, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]), axis=2), edge_normssq[:, 1]) xi3 = cp.zeros((t3.shape[0], 3, t3.shape[1])) xi3[:, 0, :] = -t3 + 1 xi3[:, 2, :] = t3 # t3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t3, axis=2), (1, 1, 3)) lz = cp.less(t3, cp.zeros(t3.shape)) go = cp.greater(t3, cp.ones(t3.shape)) proj3 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t3, edges[:, 1, :, :]) proj3[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz] proj3[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go] # xi[cond3] = xi3[cond3] proj[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)] = proj3[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)] # # if alpha <= 0: # y = p - p2 # w = p3 - p2 # a = p2 # b = p3 t4 = cp.divide( # # cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 2, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :]), axis=2), edge_normssq[:, 2]) xi4 = cp.zeros((t4.shape[0], 3, t4.shape[1])) xi4[:, 1, :] = -t4 + 1 xi4[:, 2, :] = t4 # t4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t4, axis=2), (1, 1, 3)) lz = cp.less(t4, cp.zeros(t4.shape)) go = cp.greater(t4, cp.ones(t4.shape)) proj4 = vertices[:, 1, :, :] + cp.multiply(t4, edges[:, 2, :, :]) proj4[lz] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][lz] proj4[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go] # xi[cond4] = xi4[cond4] proj[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)] = proj4[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)] vec_to_point = pts[:, 0, :, :] - proj distances = cp.linalg.norm(vec_to_point, axis=2) # n = "\n" # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:]=}") # print(f"{proj=}") # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:] - proj=}") # print(f"{distances=}") min_distances = cp.min(distances, axis=0) closest_triangles = cp.argmin(distances, axis=0) projections = proj[closest_triangles, np.arange(chunk_size), :] # # Distinguish close triangles is_close = cp.isclose(distances, min_distances) # # Determine sign signed_normal = normals[:, 0, :, :] if vertex_normals is not None: signed_normal = cp.sum(vertex_normals.transpose() * xi.transpose(), axis=2).transpose() is_negative = cp.less_equal( cp.sum(cp.multiply(vec_to_point, signed_normal), axis=2), 0.) # # Combine is_close_and_negative = cp.logical_and(is_close, is_negative) # # Determine if inside is_inside = cp.all(cp.logical_or(is_close_and_negative, cp.logical_not(is_close)), axis=0) # # Overwrite the signs of points # that are outside of the box if bounding_box is not None: # # Extract rotation_matrix = cp.asarray(bounding_box['rotation_matrix']) translation_vector = cp.asarray(bounding_box['translation_vector']) size = cp.asarray(bounding_box['size']) # # Transform transformed_pts = all_pts[start_index:end_index, :] - translation_vector, rotation_matrix) # # Determine if outside bbox inside_bbox = cp.all(cp.logical_and( cp.less_equal(0., transformed_pts), cp.less_equal(transformed_pts, size)), axis=1) # # Treat points outside bbox as # being outside of lumen print(f"{inside_bbox=}") is_inside = cp.logical_and(is_inside, inside_bbox) # # Apply sign to indicate whether the distance is # inside or outside the mesh. min_distances[is_inside] = -1 * min_distances[is_inside] # # Emplace results # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates] results[0][start_index:end_index] = closest_triangles results[1][start_index:end_index] = min_distances results[2][start_index:end_index, :] = projections
def __init__(self, mask): self.mask = mask self.e = cp.array([cp.array([0, 0]) for i in range(9)]) self.w = cp.array([0.0 for i in range(9)]) for i in range(9): if i == 0: self.w[i] = 4 / 9 self.e[i][0] = 0 self.e[i][1] = 0 elif i == 1: self.w[i] = 1 / 9 self.e[i][0] = 1 self.e[i][1] = 0 elif i == 2: self.w[i] = 1 / 9 self.e[i][0] = 0 self.e[i][1] = 1 elif i == 3: self.w[i] = 1 / 9 self.e[i][0] = -1 self.e[i][1] = 0 elif i == 4: self.w[i] = 1 / 9 self.e[i][0] = 0 self.e[i][1] = -1 elif i == 5: self.w[i] = 1 / 36 self.e[i][0] = 1 self.e[i][1] = 1 elif i == 6: self.w[i] = 1 / 36 self.e[i][0] = -1 self.e[i][1] = 1 elif i == 7: self.w[i] = 1 / 36 self.e[i][0] = -1 self.e[i][1] = -1 elif i == 8: self.w[i] = 1 / 36 self.e[i][0] = 1 self.e[i][1] = -1 print(self.e[i], self.w[i]) self.psi = cp.full((H, W), -1.0) self.psi[:, :10] = 1.0 self.block_mask = cp.logical_not(mask) self.psi[self.block_mask] = psi_wall self.left_wall = cp.full((H, 1), 1.0) self.right_wall = cp.full((H, 1), -1.0) self.gamma = gamma self.top_bottom_wall = cp.full((1, W + 2), psi_wall) self.nabla_psix = cp.zeros((H, W)) self.nabla_psiy = cp.zeros((H, W)) self.nabla_psi2 = cp.zeros((H, W)) self.rho = 1.0 - 0.05 * cp.random.rand(H, W)[mask] #self.rho = np.ones((H, W))[mask] * rho0 # macroscopic density self.ux = cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] = cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] self.p = cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] self.f = cp.array([cp.zeros((H, W)) for i in range(9)]) self.g = cp.array([cp.zeros((H, W)) for i in range(9)]) self.feq = cp.array([cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] for i in range(9)]) self.geq = cp.array([cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] for i in range(9)]) = cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] self.mix_tau = cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] self.F = cp.array([cp.zeros((H, W))[mask] for i in range(9)]) self.nabla_psix = self.getNabla_psix() self.nabla_psiy = self.getNabla_psiy() self.nabla_psi2 = self.getNabla_psi2() mu = self.getMu() # = self.getUy() self.p = self.getP() self.mix_tau = self.getMix_tau() for i in range(9): self.f[i][self.mask] = self.getfeq(i) self.g[i][self.mask] = self.getgeq(i)
def main(): rect_corner_list = [] # for rectangle block # while True: # if count * 20 > 360: # break # if flag: # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 60), ((count + 1) * 20, 80))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 140), ((count + 1) * 20, 160))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 220), ((count + 1) * 20, 240))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 300), ((count + 1) * 20, 320))) # flag = False # count += 2 # continue # elif not flag: # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 20), ((count + 1) * 20, 40))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 100), ((count + 1) * 20, 120))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 180), ((count + 1) * 20, 200))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 260), ((count + 1) * 20, 280))) # rect_corner_list.append(((count * 20, 340), ((count + 1) * 20, 360))) # flag = True # count += 2 # block_psi_all, corner_list = setblock(rect_corner_list) cr = Createblock(H, W) bb = Bounce_back(H, W) circle_list = [[(int(W / 2 - W / 3), int(H / 2)), 30]] circle_list = [] # circle_list.append(((int(W/2), int(H/2)), 30)) r = 13 xx = 78 count = 2 flag = True mabiki = MAX_T // 150 # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, xx + r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 2 * xx + 3 * r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 3 * xx + 5 * r + 1), r + 1)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 3 * xx + 5 * r), r)) # while True: # if count * 2 * r > 380: # break # if flag: # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 3 * r), r + 5)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, xx + 5 * r), r + 5)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 2 * xx + 7 * r), r + 5)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 3 * xx + 9 * r), r + 5)) # print(3 * xx + 5 * r) # print(2 * xx + 3 * r) # flag = False # count += 2 # continue # elif not flag: # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, xx + r), r + 5)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 2 * xx + 3 * r), r + 5)) # circle_list.append(((count * 2 * r, 3 * xx + 5 * r), r + 5)) # flag = True # count += 2 # while True: # if count * r > 380: # break # circle_list.append(((count * r, 2 * r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * r, 6 * r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * r, 10 * r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * r, 14 * r), r)) # circle_list.append(((count * r, 18 * r), r)) # count += 4 block_psi_all, side_list, concave_list, convex_list = cr.setCirleblock(circle_list) block_mask = cp.where(block_psi_all == 1, True, False) mask = cp.logical_not(block_mask) cm = Compute(mask) cc = cp.array([cm.psi]) for i in range(MAX_T): for j in range(9): cm.F[j] = cm.getLarge_F(j) cm.feq[j] = cm.getfeq(j) cm.geq[j] = cm.getgeq(j) cm.f[j][mask] = cm.getF(j) cm.g[j][mask] = cm.getG(j) if i % mabiki == 0: cc = cp.append(cc, cp.array([cm.psi]), axis=0) print("timestep:{}".format(i)) f_behind = copy.deepcopy(cm.f) g_behind = copy.deepcopy(cm.g) stream(cm.f, cm.g) bb.halfway_bounceback_circle(side_list, concave_list, convex_list, f_behind, g_behind, cm.f, cm.g) # halfway_bounceback(corner_list, f_behind, g_behind, cm.f, cm.g) # bottom_top_wall(f_behind[:, 1:-1], g_behind[:, 1:-1], cm.f[:, 1:-1], cm.g[:, 1:-1]) cm.zou_he_boundary_inlet() cm.zou_he_boundary_outlet() cm.rho = cm.getRho() cm.udpatePsi() cm.nabla_psix = cm.getNabla_psix() cm.nabla_psiy = cm.getNabla_psiy() cm.nabla_psi2 = cm.getNabla_psi2() = cm.getMu() cm.ux = cm.getUx() = cm.getUy() cm.p = cm.getP() cm.mix_tau = cm.getMix_tau() y = [i for i in range(H)] x = [i for i in range(W)] # fig = plt.figure() # plt.colorbar(plt.pcolor(x, y, cc[0], cmap='RdBu')) # ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=(x, y, cc), frames=int(len(cc))) #'../movies/MAX_T{}_Pe{}_M{}_Ca{}_wall{}.mp4'.format(MAX_T, Pe, M, Ca, psi_wall), fps=10) plt.figure() plt.pcolor(x, y, cm.psi, label='MAX_T{}_Pe{}_M{}_Ca{}_wall{}'.format(MAX_T, Pe, M, Ca, psi_wall), cmap='RdBu') plt.colorbar() plt.legend() # plt.grid()
def approximate_polygon(coords, tolerance): """Approximate a polygonal chain with the specified tolerance. It is based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Note that the approximated polygon is always within the convex hull of the original polygon. Parameters ---------- coords : (N, 2) array Coordinate array. tolerance : float Maximum distance from original points of polygon to approximated polygonal chain. If tolerance is 0, the original coordinate array is returned. Returns ------- coords : (M, 2) array Approximated polygonal chain where M <= N. References ---------- .. [1] """ if tolerance <= 0: return coords chain = cp.zeros(coords.shape[0], "bool") # pre-allocate distance array for all points dists = cp.zeros(coords.shape[0]) chain[0] = True chain[-1] = True pos_stack = [(0, chain.shape[0] - 1)] end_of_chain = False while not end_of_chain: start, end = pos_stack.pop() # determine properties of current line segment r0, c0 = cp.asnumpy(coords[start, :]) r1, c1 = cp.asnumpy(coords[end, :]) dr = r1 - r0 dc = c1 - c0 segment_angle = -cp.arctan2(dr, dc) segment_dist = c0 * cp.sin(segment_angle) + r0 * cp.cos(segment_angle) # select points in-between line segment segment_coords = coords[start + 1:end, :] segment_dists = dists[start + 1:end] # check whether to take perpendicular or euclidean distance with # inner product of vectors # vectors from points -> start and end dr0 = segment_coords[:, 0] - r0 dc0 = segment_coords[:, 1] - c0 dr1 = segment_coords[:, 0] - r1 dc1 = segment_coords[:, 1] - c1 # vectors points -> start and end projected on start -> end vector projected_lengths0 = dr0 * dr + dc0 * dc projected_lengths1 = -dr1 * dr - dc1 * dc perp = cp.logical_and(projected_lengths0 > 0, projected_lengths1 > 0) eucl = cp.logical_not(perp) segment_dists[perp] = cp.abs( segment_coords[perp, 0] * cp.cos(segment_angle) + segment_coords[perp, 1] * cp.sin(segment_angle) - segment_dist) segment_dists[eucl] = cp.minimum( # distance to start point cp.sqrt(dc0[eucl]**2 + dr0[eucl]**2), # distance to end point cp.sqrt(dc1[eucl]**2 + dr1[eucl]**2), ) if cp.any(segment_dists > tolerance): # select point with maximum distance to line new_end = start + cp.argmax(segment_dists) + 1 pos_stack.append((new_end, end)) pos_stack.append((start, new_end)) chain[new_end] = True if len(pos_stack) == 0: end_of_chain = True return coords[chain, :]
def remove_small_holes(ar, area_threshold=64, connectivity=1, in_place=False): """Remove contiguous holes smaller than the specified size. Parameters ---------- ar : ndarray (arbitrary shape, int or bool type) The array containing the connected components of interest. area_threshold : int, optional (default: 64) The maximum area, in pixels, of a contiguous hole that will be filled. Replaces `min_size`. connectivity : int, {1, 2, ..., ar.ndim}, optional (default: 1) The connectivity defining the neighborhood of a pixel. in_place : bool, optional (default: False) If `True`, remove the connected components in the input array itself. Otherwise, make a copy. Raises ------ TypeError If the input array is of an invalid type, such as float or string. ValueError If the input array contains negative values. Returns ------- out : ndarray, same shape and type as input `ar` The input array with small holes within connected components removed. Examples -------- >>> import cupy as cp >>> from cupyimg.skimage import morphology >>> a = cp.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], ... [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0], ... [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], ... [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]], bool) >>> b = morphology.remove_small_holes(a, 2) >>> b array([[ True, True, True, True, True, False], [ True, True, True, True, True, False], [ True, False, False, True, True, False], [ True, True, True, True, True, False]]) >>> c = morphology.remove_small_holes(a, 2, connectivity=2) >>> c array([[ True, True, True, True, True, False], [ True, True, True, False, True, False], [ True, False, False, True, True, False], [ True, True, True, True, True, False]]) >>> d = morphology.remove_small_holes(a, 2, in_place=True) >>> d is a True Notes ----- If the array type is int, it is assumed that it contains already-labeled objects. The labels are not kept in the output image (this function always outputs a bool image). It is suggested that labeling is completed after using this function. """ _check_dtype_supported(ar) # Creates warning if image is an integer image if ar.dtype != bool: warn( "Any labeled images will be returned as a boolean array. " "Did you mean to use a boolean array?", UserWarning, ) if in_place: out = ar else: out = ar.copy() # Creating the inverse of ar if in_place: cp.logical_not(out, out=out) else: out = cp.logical_not(out) # removing small objects from the inverse of ar out = remove_small_objects(out, area_threshold, connectivity, in_place) if in_place: cp.logical_not(out, out=out) else: out = cp.logical_not(out) return out
def train(source_bpe, target_bpe, source_glove, target_glove, chunk_length, batch_size, warmup_steps, save_decimation, num_steps, gpu_id, out, log_level): if not os.path.exists(out): os.makedirs(out) ll = getattr(logging, log_level) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stream_handler.setLevel(ll) stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=os.path.join( out, 'training.log'), mode='a') file_handler.setLevel(ll) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) logger.addHandler(file_handler) logger.setLevel(ll) gpu_id = gpu_id if gpu_id is not None else -1 device_name = '@intel64' if gpu_id >= 0: device_name = f'@cupy:{gpu_id}' with chainer.using_device(device_name): source_vocab = make_vocab(source_glove) target_vocab = make_vocab(target_glove) output_model_dim = target_vocab.embedding_size dataset = make_dataset(source_bpe, target_bpe, source_vocab, target_vocab, chunk_length) iterator = MultithreadIterator(dataset, batch_size) state = TrainingState() model = Transformer(source_vocab, target_vocab) model.to_gpu(gpu_id) optimizer = Adam(beta1=0.99, beta2=0.98, eps=1e-9).setup(model) load_training(out, model, optimizer, state) try: for n, batch in enumerate(iterator): if n >= num_steps: break if (n + 1) % save_decimation == 0: save_training(out, model, optimizer, state) model.cleargrads() gc.collect() source, target = stack_nested(batch) source.token_ids.to_gpu(gpu_id) source.masks.to_gpu(gpu_id) target.token_ids.to_gpu(gpu_id) target.masks.to_gpu(gpu_id) output_probs = model.train_forward(source.token_ids, target.token_ids, input_masks=source.masks, output_masks=target.masks) unnormalized_loss = F.softmax_cross_entropy( F.reshape(output_probs, (output_probs.shape[0] * output_probs.shape[1], output_probs.shape[2])), F.reshape(target.token_ids, (target.token_ids.shape[0] * target.token_ids.shape[1], )), reduce='no') loss_mask = xp.reshape( xp.logical_not(target.masks.array).astype(xp.float32), (target.masks.shape[0] * target.masks.shape[1], )) loss = F.sum(unnormalized_loss * loss_mask) / F.sum(loss_mask) loss.backward() learning_rate = (output_model_dim**-0.5) * min( (state.step**-0.5), state.step * (warmup_steps**-1.5)) optimizer.alpha = learning_rate optimizer.update() f'time = {int(time.time())} | step = {state.step} | loss = {float(loss.array)} | lr = {learning_rate}' ) state.step += 1 finally: save_training(out, model, optimizer, state)
def _unique_update_mask_equal_nan(mask, x0): mask1 = cupy.logical_not(cupy.isnan(x0)) mask[:] = cupy.logical_and(mask, mask1)