def gpuChambolleProjectionStopCriterion(f, mi=100, tau=0.25, tol=1e-5):
    The 2D case of Chambolle projection algorithm. This version uses stop criterion.

    Cywińska, Maria, Maciej Trusiak, and Krzysztof Patorski. 
    "Automatized fringe pattern preprocessing using unsupervised variational image decomposition." Optics express 27.16 (2019): 22542-22562.

    f : cupy.ndarray
        image which is input for Chambolle
    mi : float
        regularization parameter that defines the separation of the energy between the fringes and noise components
    tau : float
        Chambolle projection step value
    tol : float
        error tolerance when algorithm should stop its work

    x2 : numpy.ndarray
        image with filtered background function
    n : int
        number of iterations that was needed to reach result image
    g_err : float
        error of the result image
    n = 1
    xi = cp.array([cp.zeros(f.shape), cp.zeros(f.shape)])
    x1 = cp.zeros(f.shape)
    x2 = cp.zeros(f.shape)

    err_n = 0
    err = []
    pp = []
    pr = 1

    for _ in iter(int, 1):

        gdv = cp.array(gradient2DGPU(divergence2DGPU(xi) - f / mi))
        d = cp.sqrt(cp.power(gdv[0], 2) + cp.power(gdv[1], 2))
        d = cp.tile(d, [2, 1, 1])
        xi = cp.divide(xi + tau * gdv, 1 + tau * d)

        # Reconstruction
        x2 = mi * divergence2DGPU(xi)
        # Tolerance
        num1 = cp.linalg.norm(x2 - x1, 2)
        num2 = cp.linalg.norm(f, 2)
        err.append(num1 / num2)

        g_err = cp.abs((err_n - err[n - 1]) / 2)
        err_n = err[n - 1]
        pp.append(g_err / err[0])
        pr = pp[n - 1]

        x1 = x2
        n = n + 1

        if pr < tol:

    return [x2, n, g_err]
Пример #2
def evaluate_chunks(
        results: [cp.ndarray, cp.ndarray,
                  cp.ndarray],  # closest triangle, distance, projection
        all_pts: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertices: cp.ndarray = None,
        edges: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        edge_normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        norms: cp.ndarray = None,
        normssq: cp.ndarray = None,
        zero_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        one_tensor: cp.ndarray = None,
        tris: cp.ndarray = None,
        vertex_normals: cp.ndarray = None,
        bounding_box: dict = None,
        chunk_size: int = None,
        num_verts: int = None) -> None:

    # Expand vertex normals if non empty
    if vertex_normals is not None:
        vertex_normals = vertex_normals[tris]
        vertex_normals = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(vertex_normals, axis=2),
                                 (1, 1, chunk_size, 1))

    # begin = time.time()
    # Load and extend the batch
    num_chunks = all_pts.shape[0] // chunk_size
    for i in range(num_chunks):
        # Get subset of the query points
        start_index = i * chunk_size
        end_index = (i + 1) * chunk_size
        pts = all_pts[start_index:end_index, :]

        # Match the dimensions to those assumed above.
        #    REPEATED       REPEATED
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        pts = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(pts, axis=(0, 1)), (num_verts, 3, 1, 1))

        # Compute the differences between
        # vertices on each triangle and the
        # points of interest
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        # ===================
        # [:,0,:,:] = p - p1
        # [:,1,:,:] = p - p2
        # [:,2,:,:] = p - p3
        diff_vectors = pts - vertices

        # Compute alpha, beta, gamma
        barycentric = cp.empty(diff_vectors.shape)

        # gamma = u x (p - p1)
        barycentric[:, 2, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 0, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :])
        # beta = (p - p1) x v
        barycentric[:, 1, :, :] = cp.cross(diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :],
                                           edges[:, 1, :, :])
        # alpha = w x (p - p2)
        barycentric[:, 0, :, :] = cp.cross(edges[:, 2, :, :],
                                           diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :])
        barycentric = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric, normals), axis=3), normssq)

        # Test conditions
        less_than_one = cp.less_equal(barycentric, one_tensor)
        more_than_zero = cp.greater_equal(barycentric, zero_tensor)

        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        cond1 = cp.logical_and(less_than_one, more_than_zero)

        #     if gamma <= 0:
        cond2 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 2, :])
        cond2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond2, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if beta <= 0:
        cond3 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 1, :])
        cond3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond3, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        cond4 = cp.logical_not(more_than_zero[:, 0, :])
        cond4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(cond4, axis=1), (1, 3, 1))

        # Get the projections for each case
        xi = cp.empty(barycentric.shape)
        barycentric_ext = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(barycentric, axis=3),
                                  (1, 1, 1, 3))
        proj = cp.sum(cp.multiply(barycentric_ext, vertices), axis=1)
        #     if 0 <= gamma and gamma <= 1
        #    and 0 <= beta and beta <= 1
        #    and 0 <= alpha and alpha <= 1:
        xi[cond1] = barycentric[cond1]

        # if gamma <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  u = p2 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p2
        t2 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 0, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 0])
        xi2 = cp.zeros((t2.shape[0], 3, t2.shape[1]))
        xi2[:, 0, :] = -t2 + 1
        xi2[:, 1, :] = t2
        t2 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t2, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t2, cp.zeros(t2.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t2, cp.ones(t2.shape))
        proj2 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t2, edges[:, 0, :, :])
        proj2[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj2[go] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][go]
        xi[cond2] = xi2[cond2]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)] = proj2[cp.swapaxes(cond2, 1, 2)]

        # if beta <= 0:
        #  x = p - p1
        #  v = p3 - p1
        #  a = p1
        #  b = p3
        t3 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 1, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 0, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 1])
        xi3 = cp.zeros((t3.shape[0], 3, t3.shape[1]))
        xi3[:, 0, :] = -t3 + 1
        xi3[:, 2, :] = t3
        t3 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t3, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t3, cp.zeros(t3.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t3, cp.ones(t3.shape))
        proj3 = vertices[:, 0, :, :] + cp.multiply(t3, edges[:, 1, :, :])
        proj3[lz] = vertices[:, 0, :, :][lz]
        proj3[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond3] = xi3[cond3]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)] = proj3[cp.swapaxes(cond3, 1, 2)]

        #     if alpha <= 0:
        #  y = p - p2
        #  w = p3 - p2
        #  a = p2
        #  b = p3
        t4 = cp.divide(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(edges[:, 2, :, :], diff_vectors[:, 1, :, :]),
            edge_normssq[:, 2])
        xi4 = cp.zeros((t4.shape[0], 3, t4.shape[1]))
        xi4[:, 1, :] = -t4 + 1
        xi4[:, 2, :] = t4
        t4 = cp.tile(cp.expand_dims(t4, axis=2), (1, 1, 3))
        lz = cp.less(t4, cp.zeros(t4.shape))
        go = cp.greater(t4, cp.ones(t4.shape))
        proj4 = vertices[:, 1, :, :] + cp.multiply(t4, edges[:, 2, :, :])
        proj4[lz] = vertices[:, 1, :, :][lz]
        proj4[go] = vertices[:, 2, :, :][go]
        xi[cond4] = xi4[cond4]
        proj[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)] = proj4[cp.swapaxes(cond4, 1, 2)]

        vec_to_point = pts[:, 0, :, :] - proj
        distances = cp.linalg.norm(vec_to_point, axis=2)

        # n = "\n"
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:]=}")
        # print(f"{proj=}")
        # print(f"{pts[:,0,:,:] - proj=}")
        # print(f"{distances=}")

        min_distances = cp.min(distances, axis=0)

        closest_triangles = cp.argmin(distances, axis=0)

        projections = proj[closest_triangles, np.arange(chunk_size), :]

        # Distinguish close triangles
        is_close = cp.isclose(distances, min_distances)

        # Determine sign
        signed_normal = normals[:, 0, :, :]
        if vertex_normals is not None:
            signed_normal = cp.sum(vertex_normals.transpose() * xi.transpose(),

        is_negative = cp.less_equal(
            cp.sum(cp.multiply(vec_to_point, signed_normal), axis=2), 0.)

        # Combine
        is_close_and_negative = cp.logical_and(is_close, is_negative)

        # Determine if inside
        is_inside = cp.all(cp.logical_or(is_close_and_negative,

        # Overwrite the signs of points
        # that are outside of the box
        if bounding_box is not None:
            # Extract
            rotation_matrix = cp.asarray(bounding_box['rotation_matrix'])
            translation_vector = cp.asarray(bounding_box['translation_vector'])
            size = cp.asarray(bounding_box['size'])
            # Transform
            transformed_pts =
                all_pts[start_index:end_index, :] - translation_vector,

            # Determine if outside bbox
            inside_bbox = cp.all(cp.logical_and(
                cp.less_equal(0., transformed_pts),
                cp.less_equal(transformed_pts, size)),

            # Treat points outside bbox as
            # being outside of lumen
            is_inside = cp.logical_and(is_inside, inside_bbox)

        # Apply sign to indicate whether the distance is
        # inside or outside the mesh.
        min_distances[is_inside] = -1 * min_distances[is_inside]

        # Emplace results
        # [triangle_index, vert_index, querypoint_index, coordinates]
        results[0][start_index:end_index] = closest_triangles
        results[1][start_index:end_index] = min_distances
        results[2][start_index:end_index, :] = projections
Пример #3
def forward_pool(A_previous, stride, f, mode = "max"):
    A forward pool step
    Calcul output shape : (1 + (x - f) / stride)

    A_previous : cp.array(examples, height, width, depth)
        Input images from the previous layer.
    stride : int
        Stride number.
    f : int
        Square filter dimension.
    mode : string, optional
        Pool mode 'mean' or 'max'. The default is "max".

    A : cp.array(examples, 1 + (height - f) / stride, 1 + (width - f) / stride, depth)
        Output layer image.

    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_previous.shape
    n_H = int(1 + (n_H_prev - f) / stride)
    n_W = int(1 + (n_W_prev - f) / stride)
    n_C = n_C_prev

    A = cp.zeros((m, n_H, n_W, n_C))       

    i0 = cp.repeat(cp.arange(f), f)
    i1 = stride * cp.repeat(cp.arange(n_W), n_H)
    j0 = cp.tile(cp.arange(f), f)
    j1 = stride * cp.tile(cp.arange(n_H), n_W)
    i = cp.reshape(i0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(i1, (1, -1))
    j = cp.reshape(j0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(j1, (1, -1))
    R = A_previous[:, i, j, :]
    if mode == "max":
        pl = cp.max(R, axis=1)
    elif mode == "mean":
        pl = cp.mean(R, axis=1)
    A = cp.reshape(pl, (m, n_H, n_W, n_C))
    for i in range(m):                       
        for h in range(n_H):                   
            vert_start = h*stride
            vert_end = h*stride+f
            for w in range(n_W):        
                horiz_start = w*stride
                horiz_end = w*stride+f
                for c in range (n_C):
                    a_prev_slice = A_previous[i, vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, c]
                    if mode == "max":
                        A[i, h, w, c] = cp.max(a_prev_slice)
                    elif mode == "mean":
                        A[i, h, w, c] = cp.mean(a_prev_slice)
    return A
Пример #4
 def from_vec3(v: Vec3, length: int) -> Vec3List:
     vl = cp.tile(v.e, (length, 1))
     return Vec3List(vl)
def mandelbrot_boundary_gpu(res_c, res, res_tile, iter_scale, growth_rate):
    #res_c - initial resolution tested. I recommend using a value between 20 and 100
    #res - final resolution tested. Values between 1000-5000 show that the set has a fractal dimension of 2
    #res_tile - due to a high memory memory complexity (approx n^2), for testing high resolutions "tiling" is needed (see paper). This parameter controls the tile resolution. Set this parameter as high as memory allows.
    #Using a 1080 ti with 11GB of VRAM, I can calculate the set for resolution up to 10000x10000. For 8GB of VRAM, try res_tile = 7500; 6GB, 6000; 4GB, 5000. If you have less VRAM than 4GB, I recommend using your cpu instead of gpu.
    #iter_scale - Instead of calculating the mandelbrot set with a fixed amount iterations, the amount of iterations is based off of the resolution being calculated. Iter = current_res*iter_scale.
    #I recommend values between .5-5.
    #growth_rate - instead of testing all resolutions between res_c and res. I used an expontially increasing loop counter for the resolutions. growth_rate is the exponent. Must be greater than 1, the larger the value, the less resolutions are tested.
    #I recommend values between 1.05-1.3
    #point counter, var holds total amount of points in the set for a given resolution
    point_c = 0
    #var used to init x and y vars to store calculation results
    init_res = res_c
    #x and y tile counters, used as loop vars for looping tile over complex plane interval
    tile_c_x = 0
    tile_c_y = 0
    #determines final tile resolution
    tile_stop = int(res / res_tile)
    #tile counter, loops from 1 to tile_stop value
    tile_stop_c = 1

    #main resolution loop, res_c works as both the initial resl parameter as well as the loop counter
    while res_c < res:
        #this logic statement controls whether or to tile.
        if res_c < res_tile:
            #calc iters for a given res_c value
            iterations = int(res_c * iter_scale)
            #clear gpu memory
            mempool = cp.get_default_memory_pool()

            #message to user on current res being calculated
            print("Next Resolution:", res_c, "x", res_c, ";Testing ", res_c**2,
                  " points")
            #generate X and Y vectors, these vars will make up the real and imag parts of the complex plane matrix C
            X = cp.linspace(-2, 2, num=res_c).reshape((1, res_c))
            Y = cp.linspace(-2, 2, num=res_c).reshape((res_c, 1))
            C = cp.tile(X, (res_c, 1)) + 1j * cp.tile(Y, (1, res_c))

            #Z matrix of zeros from mandelbrot set definition
            Z = cp.zeros((res_c, res_c), dtype=complex)
            #M is matrix of bools used to store whether or not a given point in c is in the set or not
            #if the abs value of a point of Z is greater than 2, that entry in M is made false, halting multiplication
            M = cp.full((res_c, res_c), True, dtype=bool)

            #perform calculations
            for i in tqdm(range(iterations)):
                Z[M] = Z[M] * Z[M] + C[M]
                M[cp.abs(Z) > 2] = False

            #Move the M array to CPU
            M_cpu = cp.asnumpy(M)
            #update user
            print("Now finding the set")
            #these nested loops loop over the logic set (which is now on the cpu) to find the amount of points in the boundary of the set
            for i in tqdm(range(res_c - 1)):
                for j in range(res_c - 1):
                    a = M_cpu[i, j]
                    b = M_cpu[(i + 1), j]
                    c = M_cpu[i, (j + 1)]
                    d = M_cpu[(i + 1), (j + 1)]
                    if (a != b) or (a != c) or (a != d) or (b != c) or (
                            b != d) or (c != d):
                        point_c = point_c + 1

            #creates arrays x and y if first time through the loop
            #otherwise adds new entries to x and y
            #x and y are used to calc a linear regression, the slope of this regression is the estimate for the fractal dimension
            if res_c == init_res:
                x = np.array([m.log10(res_c)])
                y = np.array([m.log10(point_c)])
                x = np.append(x, [m.log10(res_c)], axis=0)
                y = np.append(y, [m.log10(point_c)], axis=0)

            #countinue loop
            res_c = m.floor(res_c * growth_rate) + 1
            #reset point counter
            point_c = 0

            #for any resolution greater than 'res_tile' (user specified parameter), the complex plane is "tiled" res_tile x res_tile sections, then the same calculations are performed on these tiles.
            #if res_tile = 5000, and res = 10000, then tile_stop will be 2.
            res_c = res_tile
            point_c = 0

            #this loop contorls the amount of tiles needed for a given resolution.
            while tile_stop_c <= tile_stop:
                #update user
                print("Next Resolution: ", (res_c * tile_stop_c), "x",
                      (res_c * tile_stop_c), ";Testing ",
                      (res_c * tile_stop_c)**2, " points")
                #tot_c records the total amount of tiles that have been calculated, soley for user update
                tot_c = 1
                #tile counters for x and y loop over the tile over the complex plane from -2 to 2 in both the real and imag axes
                tile_c_x = 0
                tile_c_y = 0

                #Since the complex plane has been broken up into tile_stop_c by tile_stop_c tiles, a double loop is needed to calculate the set over the whole complex plane.
                while tile_c_y < tile_stop_c:
                    while tile_c_x < tile_stop_c:
                        #update user
                        print("Calculating", res_tile, "x", res_tile, "tile",
                              tot_c, "out of", tile_stop_c**2)
                        #Dynamically calculate iterations
                        iterations = int(res_tile * iter_scale)
                        #step tile calculates the offset of the tile from -2
                        step_tile = 4 / tile_stop_c
                        #clear GPU memory
                        mempool = cp.get_default_memory_pool()

                        #generate complex plane from -2 to 2 on both the real and imag axes
                        X = cp.linspace((-2 + (step_tile * tile_c_x)),
                                        (-2 + (step_tile * (tile_c_x + 1))),
                                        num=res_tile).reshape((1, res_tile))
                        Y = cp.linspace((-2 + (step_tile * tile_c_y)),
                                        (-2 + (step_tile * (tile_c_y + 1))),
                                        num=res_tile).reshape((res_tile, 1))
                        C = cp.tile(
                            X, (res_tile, 1)) + 1j * cp.tile(Y, (1, res_tile))

                        Z = cp.zeros((res_tile, res_tile), dtype=complex)
                        M = cp.full((res_tile, res_tile), True, dtype=bool)

                        #calculate set
                        for i in tqdm(range(iterations)):
                            Z[M] = Z[M] * Z[M] + C[M]
                            M[cp.abs(Z) > 2] = False

                        #move M to cpu and calculate set size
                        M_cpu = cp.asnumpy(M)
                        #update user
                        print("Now finding the set")
                        #these nested loops loop over the logic set (which is now on the cpu) to find the amount of points in the boundary of the set
                        for i in tqdm(range(res_tile - 1)):
                            for j in range(res_tile - 1):
                                a = M_cpu[i, j]
                                b = M_cpu[(i + 1), j]
                                c = M_cpu[i, (j + 1)]
                                d = M_cpu[(i + 1), (j + 1)]
                                if (a != b) or (a != c) or (a != d) or (
                                        b != c) or (b != d) or (c != d):
                                    point_c = point_c + 1

                        #countinue inner loop
                        tile_c_x = tile_c_x + 1
                        tot_c = tot_c + 1
                    #countinue outer loop
                    tile_c_y = tile_c_y + 1
                    tile_c_x = 0

                #outside of the doubly nested loop, record total plot resolution and total amount of points in the set
                x = np.append(x, [m.log10(res_c * tile_stop_c)], axis=0)
                y = np.append(y, [m.log10(point_c)], axis=0)
                #expontially iterate loop
                tile_stop_c = m.floor(tile_stop_c * growth_rate) + 1
                #reset point counter
                point_c = 0
            #exit main loop
            res_c = res

    #prepare x and y for linear regression
    x = x.reshape((-1, 1))
    y = y.flatten()

    #calculate linear regression
    model = LinearRegression(), y)
    r_sq = model.score(x, y)

    #print results to user
    print('r^2:', r_sq)
    print("The Dimenionsality is:", model.coef_)
    print("The Scaling Factor is:", model.intercept_)

    #show loglog plot to user
    plt.plot(x, y, 'ro')
    plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 10])
Пример #6
    def __call__(self, input_x, t):
        output = self.predictor(input_x)
        batch_size, _, grid_h, grid_w = output.shape
        self.seen += batch_size
        x, y, w, h, conf, prob = F.split_axis(F.reshape(
            output, (batch_size, self.predictor.n_boxes,
                     self.predictor.n_classes + 5, grid_h, grid_w)),
                                              (1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
        x = F.sigmoid(x)  # xのactivation
        y = F.sigmoid(y)  # yのactivation
        conf = F.sigmoid(conf)  # confのactivation
        prob = F.transpose(prob, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
        prob = F.softmax(prob)  # probablitiyのacitivation

        # 教師データの用意
        tw = xp.zeros(
            dtype=xp.float32)  # wとhが0になるように学習(e^wとe^hは1に近づく -> 担当するbboxの倍率1)
        th = xp.zeros(h.shape, dtype=xp.float32)
        tx = xp.tile(0.5, x.shape).astype(xp.float32)  # 活性化後のxとyが0.5になるように学習()
        ty = xp.tile(0.5, y.shape).astype(xp.float32)

        if self.seen < self.unstable_seen:  # centerの存在しないbbox誤差学習スケールは基本0.1
            box_learning_scale = xp.tile(0.1, x.shape).astype(xp.float32)
            box_learning_scale = xp.tile(0, x.shape).astype(xp.float32)

        tconf = xp.zeros(
            conf.shape, dtype=xp.float32
        )  # confidenceのtruthは基本0、iouがthresh以上のものは学習しない、ただしobjectの存在するgridのbest_boxのみ真のIOUに近づかせる
        conf_learning_scale = xp.tile(0.1, conf.shape).astype(xp.float32)

        tprob =  # best_anchor以外は学習させない(自身との二乗和誤差 = 0)

        # 全bboxとtruthのiouを計算(batch単位で計算する)
        x_shift = Variable(
            xp.broadcast_to(xp.arange(grid_w, dtype=xp.float32), x.shape[1:]))
        y_shift = Variable(
                xp.arange(grid_h, dtype=xp.float32).reshape(grid_h, 1),
        w_anchor = Variable(
                    xp.array(self.anchors, dtype=xp.float32)[:, 0],
                    (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), w.shape[1:]))
        h_anchor = Variable(
                    xp.array(self.anchors, dtype=xp.float32)[:, 1],
                    (self.predictor.n_boxes, 1, 1, 1)), h.shape[1:]))
        x_shift.to_gpu(), y_shift.to_gpu(), w_anchor.to_gpu(), h_anchor.to_gpu(
        best_ious = []
        for batch in range(batch_size):
            n_truth_boxes = len(t[batch])
            box_x = (x[batch] + x_shift) / grid_w
            box_y = (y[batch] + y_shift) / grid_h
            box_w = F.exp(w[batch]) * w_anchor / grid_w
            box_h = F.exp(h[batch]) * h_anchor / grid_h

            ious = []
            for truth_index in range(n_truth_boxes):
                truth_box_x = Variable(
                        xp.array(t[batch][truth_index]["x"], dtype=xp.float32),
                truth_box_y = Variable(
                        xp.array(t[batch][truth_index]["y"], dtype=xp.float32),
                truth_box_w = Variable(
                        xp.array(t[batch][truth_index]["w"], dtype=xp.float32),
                truth_box_h = Variable(
                        xp.array(t[batch][truth_index]["h"], dtype=xp.float32),
                truth_box_x.to_gpu(), truth_box_y.to_gpu(), truth_box_w.to_gpu(
                ), truth_box_h.to_gpu()
                        Box(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h),
                        Box(truth_box_x, truth_box_y, truth_box_w,
            ious = xp.array(ious)
            best_ious.append(xp.max(ious, axis=0))
        best_ious = xp.array(best_ious)

        # 一定以上のiouを持つanchorに対しては、confを0に下げないようにする(truthの周りのgridはconfをそのまま維持)。
        tconf[best_ious > self.thresh] =[
            best_ious > self.thresh]
        conf_learning_scale[best_ious > self.thresh] = 0

        # objectの存在するanchor boxのみ、x、y、w、h、conf、probを個別修正
        abs_anchors = self.anchors / xp.array([grid_w, grid_h])
        for batch in range(batch_size):
            for truth_box in t[batch]:
                truth_w = int(float(truth_box["x"]) * grid_w)
                truth_h = int(float(truth_box["y"]) * grid_h)
                truth_n = 0
                best_iou = 0.0
                for anchor_index, abs_anchor in enumerate(abs_anchors):
                    iou = box_iou(
                        Box(0, 0, float(truth_box["w"]),
                        Box(0, 0, abs_anchor[0], abs_anchor[1]))
                    if best_iou < iou:
                        best_iou = iou
                        truth_n = anchor_index

                # objectの存在するanchorについて、centerを0.5ではなく、真の座標に近づかせる。anchorのスケールを1ではなく真のスケールに近づかせる。学習スケールを1にする。
                box_learning_scale[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h, truth_w] = 1.0
                tx[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h,
                   truth_w] = float(truth_box["x"]) * grid_w - truth_w
                ty[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h,
                   truth_w] = float(truth_box["y"]) * grid_h - truth_h
                tw[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h, truth_w] = xp.log(
                    float(truth_box["w"]) / abs_anchors[truth_n][0])
                th[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h, truth_w] = xp.log(
                    float(truth_box["h"]) / abs_anchors[truth_n][1])
                tprob[batch, :, truth_n, truth_h, truth_w] = 0
                      int(truth_box["label"]), truth_n, truth_h, truth_w] = 1

                # IOUの観測
                full_truth_box = Box(float(truth_box["x"]),
                predicted_box = Box(
                    (x[batch][truth_n][0][truth_h][truth_w].data.get() +
                     truth_w) / grid_w,
                    (y[batch][truth_n][0][truth_h][truth_w].data.get() +
                     truth_h) / grid_h,
                    xp.exp(w[batch][truth_n][0][truth_h][truth_w].data.get()) *
                    xp.exp(h[batch][truth_n][0][truth_h][truth_w].data.get()) *
                predicted_iou = box_iou(full_truth_box, predicted_box)
                tconf[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h, truth_w] = predicted_iou
                conf_learning_scale[batch, truth_n, :, truth_h, truth_w] = 10.0

            # debug prints
            maps = F.transpose(prob[batch], (2, 3, 1, 0)).data
                "best confidences and best conditional probability and predicted class of each grid:"
            for i in range(grid_h):
                for j in range(grid_w):
                    print("%2d" %
                          (int(conf[batch, :, :, i, j].data.max() * 100)),
                          end=" ")
                print("     ", end="")
                for j in range(grid_w):
                    print("%2d" % (maps[i][j][int(
                          end=" ")
                print("     ", end="")
                for j in range(grid_w):
                    print("%2d" % (maps[i][j][int(
                        maps[i][j].max(axis=1).argmax())].max() * 100),
                          end=" ")

                "best default iou: %.2f   predicted iou: %.2f   confidence: %.2f   class: %s"
                % (best_iou, predicted_iou,
        print("seen = %d" % self.seen)

        # loss計算
        tx, ty, tw, th, tconf, tprob = Variable(tx), Variable(ty), Variable(
            tw), Variable(th), Variable(tconf), Variable(tprob)
        box_learning_scale, conf_learning_scale = Variable(
            box_learning_scale), Variable(conf_learning_scale)
        tx.to_gpu(), ty.to_gpu(), tw.to_gpu(), th.to_gpu(), tconf.to_gpu(
        ), tprob.to_gpu()

        x_loss = F.sum((tx - x)**2 * box_learning_scale) / 2
        y_loss = F.sum((ty - y)**2 * box_learning_scale) / 2
        w_loss = F.sum((tw - w)**2 * box_learning_scale) / 2
        h_loss = F.sum((th - h)**2 * box_learning_scale) / 2
        c_loss = F.sum((tconf - conf)**2 * conf_learning_scale) / 2
        p_loss = F.sum((tprob - prob)**2) / 2
            "x_loss: %f  y_loss: %f  w_loss: %f  h_loss: %f  c_loss: %f   p_loss: %f"
            % (F.sum(x_loss).data, F.sum(y_loss).data, F.sum(w_loss).data,
               F.sum(h_loss).data, F.sum(c_loss).data, F.sum(p_loss).data))

        loss = x_loss + y_loss + w_loss + h_loss + c_loss + p_loss
        return loss
Пример #7
 def tile(arr, rep):
     return cp.tile(arr, rep)
Пример #8
    def forward(self, inputs):
        e1 = array.as_mat(inputs[0])
        e2 = array.as_mat(inputs[1])
        W = inputs[2]
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            y = numpy.einsum('ij,ik,jkl->il', e1, e2, W)
            i_len, j_len = e1.shape
            k_len = e2.shape[1]
            # 'ij,ik->ijk'
            e1e2 = e1[:, :, None] * e2[:, None, :]
            # ijk->i[jk]
            e1e2 = e1e2.reshape(i_len, j_len * k_len)
            # jkl->[jk]l
            W_mat = W.reshape(-1, W.shape[2])
            # 'i[jk],[jk]l->il'
            y =

        if len(inputs) == 6:
            V1, V2, b = inputs[3:]
            y +=
            y +=
            y += b
        #modified forward calculation
        #print 'L7 e1.shape',
        #print e1.shape
        #print 'L7 e2.shape',
        #print e2.shape
        #print 'L7 W.shape',
        #print W.shape

        e1_cube = e1.reshape(len(e1), 1, -1).astype(dtype=e1.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 e1_cube.shape=',
        #print e1_cube.shape

        e1_tile = cupy.tile(e1_cube, (1, time_span, 1)).astype(dtype=e1.dtype,
        #print 'L7 e1_tile.shape=',
        #print e1_tile.shape

        e2_cube = e2.reshape(len(e2), time_span, -1).astype(dtype=e1.dtype,
        #print 'L7 e2_cube.shape=',
        #print e2_cube.shape

        y_cube = e1_tile * e2_cube
        #print 'L7 y_cube.shape=',
        #print y_cube.shape
        #print 'L7 y_cube.dtype=',
        #print y_cube.dtype

        y_sum = cupy.sum(y_cube, axis=2).astype(dtype=e1.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 y_sum.shape=',
        #print y_sum.shape

        y = y_sum.reshape(len(e1), -1).astype(dtype=e1.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 y.shape=',
        #print y.shape

        return y,
Пример #9
def _get_nearplane_gradients(
    psi_update_numerator = cp.zeros(psi.shape, dtype='complex64')
    psi_update_denominator = cp.zeros(psi.shape, dtype='complex64')
    probe_update_numerator = cp.zeros(probe.shape, dtype='complex64')
    position_update_numerator = cp.zeros(scan.shape, dtype='float32')
    position_update_denominator = cp.zeros(scan.shape, dtype='float32')

    grad_x, grad_y = tike.ptycho.position._image_grad(op, patches)

    for m in range(probe.shape[-3]):

        diff = nearplane[..., [m], :, :] - (probe[..., [m], :, :] * patches)

        if recover_psi:
            grad_psi = cp.conj(probe[..., [m], :, :]) * diff
            psi_update_numerator = op.diffraction.patch.adj(
                patches=grad_psi[..., 0, 0, :, :],
            probe_amp = probe[..., 0, m, :, :] * probe[..., 0, m, :, :].conj()
            # TODO: Allow this kind of broadcasting inside the patch operator
            if probe_amp.shape[-3] == 1:
                probe_amp = cp.tile(probe_amp, (scan.shape[-2], 1, 1))
            psi_update_denominator = op.diffraction.patch.adj(

        if recover_probe:
            probe_update_numerator[..., [m], :, :] = cp.sum(
                cp.conj(patches) * diff,

        if recover_positions:
            position_update_numerator[..., 0] += cp.sum(
                cp.real(cp.conj(grad_x * probe[..., [m], :, :]) * diff),
                axis=(-2, -1),
            )[..., 0, 0]
            position_update_denominator[..., 0] += cp.sum(
                cp.abs(grad_x * probe[..., [m], :, :])**2,
                axis=(-2, -1),
            )[..., 0, 0]
            position_update_numerator[..., 1] += cp.sum(
                cp.real(cp.conj(grad_y * probe[..., [m], :, :]) * diff),
                axis=(-2, -1),
            )[..., 0, 0]
            position_update_denominator[..., 1] += cp.sum(
                cp.abs(grad_y * probe[..., [m], :, :])**2,
                axis=(-2, -1),
            )[..., 0, 0]

    if recover_probe:
        probe_update_denominator = cp.sum(
            patches * patches.conj(),
        probe_update_denominator = None

    return (
 # print(B_agg)
 for ref_dist in range(0, len(dist_id_sel)):
     # Step 1: standardization of the climate data with reference period (1895-1994 on monthly basis) ICV at ICV proxy ref_dist
     B_j = B_agg[:, ref_dist]
     C_j = cp.transpose(cp.concatenate((locals()['ppt_sp_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['ppt_sm_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['ppt_fl_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['ppt_wt_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmax_sp_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmax_sm_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmax_fl_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()[
                        'tmax_wt_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmin_sp_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmin_sm_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmin_fl_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist], locals()['tmin_wt_'+mdl+'_C'][:, ref_dist],  locals()['npp_'+mdl+"_C"][:, ref_dist])).reshape(13, len(locals()['ppt_sp_'+mdl+'_C'])))  # C_j should be T_mon X n(var), T X K in Mohany's paper
     C_j_sd = C_j.std(axis=0)
     A_prime = A_agg/C_j_sd[:, None]
     B_j_prime = B_j/C_j_sd
     C_j_prime = C_j/C_j_sd
     # Step 2: principal component analyses on the reference matrix C, and principal components extraction
     C_j_prime_avg = cp.mean(C_j_prime, axis=0)
     C_j_prime_temp = cp.asnumpy(C_j_prime)
     m, n = np.shape(C_j_prime_temp)
     C_adj = []
     C_j_prime_p_avg = cp.tile(C_j_prime_avg, (m, 1))
     C_adj = C_j_prime - C_j_prime_p_avg
     # calculate the covariate matrix
     covC = cp.cov(C_adj.T)
     # solve its eigenvalues and eigenvectors
     covC_np = cp.asnumpy(covC)
     C_eigen_val, C_eigen_vec = np.linalg.eig(covC_np)
     # rank the eigenvalues: in here, I did not apply the truncation rule for the sake of limited variable availability
     index = cp.argsort(-C_eigen_val)
     C_eigen_val = C_eigen_val[index]
     C_eigen_vec = C_eigen_vec[:, index]
     finalData = []
     # C matrix, corrected with PCA
     C_pca_vec = C_eigen_vec.T
     # A and B matrices, corrected with PCA
     A_prime_np = cp.asnumpy(A_prime)
Пример #11
 def optimize(self,training_features, training_targets,weight_matrix):    
     training_features = cupy.array(training_features)
     training_targets = cupy.array(training_targets)
     N = training_features.shape[0]
     M = weight_matrix.shape[1]
     tensor_of_x_features = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,training_features.shape[1]))
     tensor_of_x_squared = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,training_features.shape[1],training_features.shape[1]))
     matrix_set_diag_to_zero = cupy.tile(1.0,(training_features.shape[1],training_features.shape[1]))
     for i in range(N):
     tensor_of_x_squared = tensor_of_x_squared*matrix_set_diag_to_zero
     tensor_of_x_features_squared = tensor_of_x_features*tensor_of_x_features
     tensor_of_proto_vx = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,M))
     tensor_of_proto_square = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,M))
     vector_of_prediction = cupy.tile(0.0,N)
     vector_of_sum = cupy.tile(1.0,(M,1))
     vector_of_gradient = cupy.tile(0.0,N)
     weight_matrix_square = cupy.tile(0.0,(weight_matrix.shape))
     update_step = cupy.tile(0.0,(weight_matrix.shape))
     #batch_size = #numpy.floor(N/batch_count).astype(numpy.int32)
     batch_count = numpy.floor(N/self.batch_size).astype(numpy.int32)
     seed = 0
     idxs = cupy.linspace(0,self.batch_size,self.batch_size,dtype=numpy.int32)  
     patience_counter = 0
     last_iteration_error = 0
     #error_iter_array = numpy.tile(1,(iterations,1))
     error_iter_array = numpy.empty(self.iterations, dtype=numpy.float32)
     for i in range(self.iterations):
         seed = seed + 1
         numpy_rand_idx_list = numpy.random.permutation(N)
         random_idx_list = cupy.array(numpy_rand_idx_list)
         idxs = 0
         init = 0
         ending = 0
         error_sum = 0
         for j in range(batch_count):
             init = j*self.batch_size
             ending = (j+1)*self.batch_size
             idxs = random_idx_list[init:ending]
             weight_matrix_square = weight_matrix*weight_matrix
             tensor_of_proto_vx = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_features[idxs],weight_matrix,axes=1)
             tensor_of_proto_square = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_features_squared[idxs],weight_matrix_square,axes=1)
             vector_of_prediction = cupy.tensordot(((tensor_of_proto_vx*tensor_of_proto_vx) - tensor_of_proto_square),vector_of_sum,axes=1).sum(axis=1)*0.5
             b = training_targets[idxs]-vector_of_prediction           
             error_sum = error_sum+cupy.mean(b)#b.mean()
             vector_of_gradient = -2*b
             vrau = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_squared[idxs],weight_matrix,axes=1)
             update_step = ((vector_of_gradient.T*vrau.T).T).sum(axis=0)+weight_matrix_square*self.regularization
             #ADAGRAD UPDATE
             historical_gradient += update_step * update_step
             weight_matrix -= self.alpha/(cupy.sqrt(historical_gradient)) * update_step#+0.000001            
         error_iter_array[i] = error_sum/batch_count
         if cupy.abs(cupy.abs(error_iter_array[i]) - last_iteration_error) < self.iteration_patience_threshold:
         patience_counter = patience_counter+1
         patience_counter = 0 #RESET
         if patience_counter == self.iteration_patience:
         break #
         last_iteration_error = cupy.abs(error_iter_array[i])
     return weight_matrix,error_iter_array.mean(),error_iter_array#return array with the most errors
Пример #12
 def from_array(a):
     vl = cp.transpose(cp.tile(a, (3, 1)))
     return Vec3List(vl)
Пример #13
 def from_vec3(v, length):
     v1 = cp.tile(v.e, (length, 1))
     return Vec3List(v1)
Пример #14
def get_values():
    rnd = numpy.random.RandomState(1)
    values = numpy.tile(rnd.uniform(0, 100, size=nx*ny//10), 10)
    return values
Пример #15
def sgd_subset(train_X, train_Y, iterations, alpha, regularization,weight_matrix):
    N = train_X.shape[0]#N = 6928 & 6928/866=8
    M = weight_matrix.shape[1]
    tensor_of_x_features = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,trainX.shape[1]))
    tensor_of_x_squared = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,trainX.shape[1],trainX.shape[1]))

    matrix_set_diag_to_zero = cupy.tile(1.0,(trainX.shape[1],trainX.shape[1]))
    for i in range(N):

    tensor_of_x_squared = tensor_of_x_squared*matrix_set_diag_to_zero
    tensor_of_x_features_squared = tensor_of_x_features*tensor_of_x_features
    tensor_of_proto_vx = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,M))
    tensor_of_proto_square = cupy.tile(0.0,(N,1,M))
    vector_of_prediction = cupy.tile(0.0,N)
    vector_of_sum = cupy.tile(1.0,(M,1))
    vector_of_gradient = cupy.tile(0.0,N)
    weight_matrix_square = cupy.tile(0.0,(weight_matrix.shape))
    update_step = cupy.tile(0.0,(weight_matrix.shape))

    splits = 3#9*2#720
    splits_minus_one = splits -1
    n_minus_one = N -1
    taker = numpy.floor(N/splits).astype(numpy.int32)
    seed = 0
    idxs = cupy.linspace(start=0,stop=taker,num=taker)#,dtype=cupy.int32)
    for i in range(iterations):
        seed = seed + 1
        numpy_rand_idx_list = numpy.random.permutation(N)
        random_idx_list = cupy.array(numpy_rand_idx_list)
        #skiper = 0        
        #idxs = 0
        init = 0
        ending = 0
        for j in range(splits):
            init = j*taker
            ending = (j+1)*taker

            if j == (splits_minus_one):
                ending = n_minus_one
            idxs = random_idx_list[init:ending]
            weight_matrix_square = weight_matrix*weight_matrix
            tensor_of_proto_vx = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_features[idxs],weight_matrix,axes=1)
            tensor_of_proto_square = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_features_squared[idxs],weight_matrix_square,axes=1)
            vector_of_prediction = cupy.tensordot(((tensor_of_proto_vx*tensor_of_proto_vx) - tensor_of_proto_square),vector_of_sum,axes=1).sum(axis=1)*0.5
            b = train_Y[idxs]-vector_of_prediction
            vector_of_gradient = -2*b
            vrau = cupy.tensordot(tensor_of_x_squared[idxs],weight_matrix,axes=1)
            update_step = ((vector_of_gradient.T*vrau.T).T).sum(axis=0)+weight_matrix_square*regularization
            #ADAGRAD UPDATE
            historical_gradient += update_step * update_step
            weight_matrix -= alpha/(cupy.sqrt(historical_gradient)) * update_step#+0.000001
    return weight_matrix
Пример #16
    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        e1 = array.as_mat(inputs[0])
        e2 = array.as_mat(inputs[1])
        W = inputs[2]
        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        #print 'L7 gy.shape',
        #print gy.shape
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            gW = numpy.einsum('ij,ik,il->jkl', e1, e2, gy)
            ge1 = numpy.einsum('ik,jkl,il->ij', e2, W, gy)
            ge2 = numpy.einsum('ij,jkl,il->ik', e1, W, gy)
            kern = cuda.reduce('T in0, T in1, T in2', 'T out',
                               'in0 * in1 * in2', 'a + b', 'out = a', 0,

            e1_b = e1[:, :, None, None]  # ij
            e2_b = e2[:, None, :, None]  # ik
            gy_b = gy[:, None, None, :]  # il
            W_b = W[None, :, :, :]  # jkl

            gW = kern(e1_b, e2_b, gy_b, axis=0)  # 'ij,ik,il->jkl'
            ge1 = kern(e2_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(2, 3))  # 'ik,jkl,il->ij'
            ge2 = kern(e1_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(1, 3))  # 'ij,jkl,il->ik'

        ret = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape), ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape), gW
        if len(inputs) == 6:
            V1, V2, b = inputs[3:]
            gV1 =
            gV2 =
            gb = gy.sum(0)
            ge1 +=
            ge2 +=
            ret += gV1, gV2, gb

        #modified backward calculation
        #calculate ge1
        gy_cube = gy.reshape(len(gy), time_span, -1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'L7 gy_cube.shape=',
        #print gy_cube.shape

        gy_tile = cupy.tile(gy_cube, (1, 1, len(e1[0]))).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'L7 gy_tile.shape=',
        #print gy_tile.shape

        e2_cube = e2.reshape(len(e2), time_span, -1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'L7 e2_cube.shape=',
        #print e2_cube.shape

        ge1_cube = gy_tile * e2_cube
        #print 'L7 ge1_cube.shape=',
        #print ge1_cube.shape
        #print 'L7 ge1_cube.dtype=',
        #print ge1_cube.dtype

        ge1_sum = cupy.sum(ge1_cube, axis=1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 ge1_sum.shape=',
        #print ge1_sum.shape

        ge1 = ge1_sum.reshape(len(gy), -1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 ge1.shape=',
        #print ge1.shape

        #calculate ge2
        e1_cube = e1.reshape(len(e1), 1, -1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 e1_cube.shape=',
        #print e1_cube.shape

        e1_tile = cupy.tile(e1_cube, (1, time_span, 1)).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'L7 e1_tile.shape=',
        #print e1_tile.shape

        ge2_cube = e1_tile * gy_tile
        #print 'L7 ge2_cube.shape=',
        #print ge2_cube.shape
        #print 'L7 ge2_cube.dtype=',
        #print ge2_cube.dtype

        ge2 = ge2_cube.reshape(len(gy), -1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'L7 ge2.shape=',
        #print ge2.shape

        #print 'L7 W.shape=',
        #print W.shape

        gW = cupy.zeros((len(W), len(W[0]), len(W[0][0])), dtype=gy.dtype)
        #print 'L7 gW.shape=',
        #print gW.shape

        ret = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape), ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape), gW

        return ret
Пример #17
    def adj_all(self,
        """Peform adj and adj_probe at the same time."""
        assert probe.shape[:-4] == scan.shape[:-2]
        assert psi.shape[:-2] == scan.shape[:-2], (psi.shape, scan.shape)
        assert probe.shape[-4] == 1 or probe.shape[-4] == scan.shape[-2]
        assert nearplane.shape[:-3] == scan.shape[:-1], (nearplane.shape,

        patches = self.patch.fwd(
            # Could be xp.empty if scan positions are all in bounds
                (*scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3],
                 self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape),
        patches = patches.reshape((*scan.shape[:-1], nearplane.shape[-3],
                                   self.probe_shape, self.probe_shape))
        if rpie:
            patches_amp = self.xp.sum(
                patches * patches.conj(),
        patches = patches.conj()
        patches *= nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end]

        if not overwrite:
            nearplane = nearplane.copy()
        nearplane[..., self.pad:self.end, self.pad:self.end] *= probe.conj()
        if rpie:
            probe_amp = probe * probe.conj()
            # TODO: Allow this kind of broadcasting inside the patch operator
            probe_amp = cp.tile(probe_amp, (scan.shape[-2], 1, 1, 1))
            probe_amp = self.patch.adj(
                    (*scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3],
                images=self.xp.zeros((*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n),

        apsi = self.patch.adj(
                (*scan.shape[:-2], scan.shape[-2] * nearplane.shape[-3],
            images=self.xp.zeros((*scan.shape[:-2],, self.n),

        if rpie:
            return apsi, patches, patches_amp, probe_amp
            return apsi, patches
Пример #18
    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        e1 = array.as_mat(inputs[0])
        e2 = array.as_mat(inputs[1])
        W = inputs[2]
        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        print 'cupy.max(gy) = ',
        print cupy.max(gy)
        print 'cupy.min(gy) = ',
        print cupy.min(gy)
        #print 'backward'
        #print 'gy.shape',
        #print gy.shape
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            gW = numpy.einsum('ij,ik,il->jkl', e1, e2, gy)
            ge1 = numpy.einsum('ik,jkl,il->ij', e2, W, gy)
            ge2 = numpy.einsum('ij,jkl,il->ik', e1, W, gy)
            kern = cuda.reduce('T in0, T in1, T in2', 'T out',
                               'in0 * in1 * in2', 'a + b', 'out = a', 0,

            e1_b = e1[:, :, None, None]  # ij
            e2_b = e2[:, None, :, None]  # ik
            gy_b = gy[:, None, None, :]  # il
            W_b = W[None, :, :, :]  # jkl

            gW = kern(e1_b, e2_b, gy_b, axis=0)  # 'ij,ik,il->jkl'
            ge1 = kern(e2_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(2, 3))  # 'ik,jkl,il->ij'
            ge2 = kern(e1_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(1, 3))  # 'ij,jkl,il->ik'
        #ge1_ext = e1*gy.astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False) #Hadamard product
        #print 'ge1_ext.shape',
        #print ge1_ext.shape
        #ge1 = cupy.sum(ge1_ext, axis=1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'ge1.shape',
        #print ge1.shape

        ge1 = cupy.sum(gy, axis=1).reshape(len(gy), 1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        print 'cupy.max(ge1) = ',
        print cupy.max(ge1)
        print 'cupy.min(ge1) = ',
        print cupy.min(ge1)

        gy_sum = cupy.sum(gy, axis=1).reshape(len(gy), 1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'gy_sum.shape',
        #print gy_sum.shape
        gy_tile = cupy.tile(gy_sum, len(gy[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'gy_tile.shape',
        #print gy_tile.shape
        #print 'gy.shape',
        #print gy.shape
        #print 'gy_tile.shape',
        #print gy_tile.shape
        #print 'gy_tile / len(gy[0]).dtype',
        #print (gy_tile / len(gy[0])).dtype
        #ge_tmp1 = gy_tile / len(gy[0])
        #ge_tmp2 = gy - gy_tile

        ge2 = (gy - gy_tile / len(gy[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'ge2.shape',
        #print ge2.shape
        print 'cupy.max(ge2) = ',
        print cupy.max(ge2)
        print 'cupy.min(ge2) = ',
        print cupy.min(ge2)
        gW = cupy.zeros(len(e1[0])*len(e2[0])*len(e2[0])).reshape(len(e1[0]), len(e2[0]), len(e2[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'gW.shape',
        #print gW.shape

        ret = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape), ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape), gW
        if len(inputs) == 6:
            V1, V2, b = inputs[3:]
            gV1 =
            gV2 =
            gb = gy.sum(0)
            ge1 +=
            ge2 +=
            ret += gV1, gV2, gb
        #print 'len(ret)',
        #print len(ret)
        #print 'ret[0].shape',
        #print ret[0].shape
        #print 'ret[1].shape',
        #print ret[1].shape
        #print 'ret[2].shape',
        #print ret[2].shape

        return ret
Пример #19
    def test_spacing(self):
        f = cp.array([0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0])
        f = cp.tile(f, (6, 1)) + f.reshape(-1, 1)
        x_uneven = cp.array([0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0])
        x_even = cp.arange(6.0)

        fdx_even_ord1 = cp.tile([2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0], (6, 1))
        fdx_even_ord2 = cp.tile([2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5], (6, 1))
        fdx_uneven_ord1 = cp.tile([4.0, 3.0, 1.7, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0], (6, 1))
        fdx_uneven_ord2 = cp.tile([5.0, 3.0, 1.7, 0.5, 0.25, -0.25], (6, 1))

        # evenly spaced
        for edge_order, exp_res in [(1, fdx_even_ord1), (2, fdx_even_ord2)]:
            res1 = gradient(f, 1.0, axis=(0, 1), edge_order=edge_order)
            res2 = gradient(f,
                            axis=(0, 1),
            res3 = gradient(f,
            for g1, g2 in zip(res1, res2):
                assert_array_equal(g1, g2)
            for g1, g2 in zip(res2, res3):
                assert_array_equal(g1, g2)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1[0], exp_res.T)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1[1], exp_res)

            res1 = gradient(f, 1.0, axis=0, edge_order=edge_order)
            res2 = gradient(f, x_even, axis=0, edge_order=edge_order)
            assert res1.shape == res2.shape
            assert_array_almost_equal(res2, exp_res.T)

            res1 = gradient(f, 1.0, axis=1, edge_order=edge_order)
            res2 = gradient(f, x_even, axis=1, edge_order=edge_order)
            assert res1.shape == res2.shape
            assert_array_equal(res2, exp_res)

        # unevenly spaced
        for edge_order, exp_res in [(1, fdx_uneven_ord1),
                                    (2, fdx_uneven_ord2)]:
            res1 = gradient(f,
                            axis=(0, 1),
            res2 = gradient(f,
            for g1, g2 in zip(res1, res2):
                assert_array_equal(g1, g2)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1[0], exp_res.T)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1[1], exp_res)

            res1 = gradient(f, x_uneven, axis=0, edge_order=edge_order)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1, exp_res.T)

            res1 = gradient(f, x_uneven, axis=1, edge_order=edge_order)
            assert_array_almost_equal(res1, exp_res)

        # mixed
        res1 = gradient(f, x_even, x_uneven, axis=(0, 1), edge_order=1)
        res2 = gradient(f, x_uneven, x_even, axis=(1, 0), edge_order=1)
        assert_array_equal(res1[0], res2[1])
        assert_array_equal(res1[1], res2[0])
        assert_array_almost_equal(res1[0], fdx_even_ord1.T)
        assert_array_almost_equal(res1[1], fdx_uneven_ord1)

        res1 = gradient(f, x_even, x_uneven, axis=(0, 1), edge_order=2)
        res2 = gradient(f, x_uneven, x_even, axis=(1, 0), edge_order=2)
        assert_array_equal(res1[0], res2[1])
        assert_array_equal(res1[1], res2[0])
        assert_array_almost_equal(res1[0], fdx_even_ord2.T)
        assert_array_almost_equal(res1[1], fdx_uneven_ord2)
    def backward(self, inputs, grad_outputs):
        e1 = array.as_mat(inputs[0])
        e2 = array.as_mat(inputs[1])
        W = inputs[2]
        gy = grad_outputs[0]
        print 'cupy.max(gy) = ',
        print cupy.max(gy)
        print 'cupy.min(gy) = ',
        print cupy.min(gy)
        #print 'backward'
        #print 'gy.shape',
        #print gy.shape
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(*inputs)
        if xp is numpy:
            gW = numpy.einsum('ij,ik,il->jkl', e1, e2, gy)
            ge1 = numpy.einsum('ik,jkl,il->ij', e2, W, gy)
            ge2 = numpy.einsum('ij,jkl,il->ik', e1, W, gy)
            kern = cuda.reduce('T in0, T in1, T in2', 'T out',
                               'in0 * in1 * in2', 'a + b', 'out = a', 0,

            e1_b = e1[:, :, None, None]  # ij
            e2_b = e2[:, None, :, None]  # ik
            gy_b = gy[:, None, None, :]  # il
            W_b = W[None, :, :, :]  # jkl

            gW = kern(e1_b, e2_b, gy_b, axis=0)  # 'ij,ik,il->jkl'
            ge1 = kern(e2_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(2, 3))  # 'ik,jkl,il->ij'
            ge2 = kern(e1_b, W_b, gy_b, axis=(1, 3))  # 'ij,jkl,il->ik'
        #ge1_ext = e1*gy.astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False) #Hadamard product
        #print 'ge1_ext.shape',
        #print ge1_ext.shape
        #ge1 = cupy.sum(ge1_ext, axis=1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'ge1.shape',
        #print ge1.shape

        ge1 = cupy.sum(gy, axis=1).reshape(len(gy), 1).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        print 'cupy.max(ge1) = ',
        print cupy.max(ge1)
        print 'cupy.min(ge1) = ',
        print cupy.min(ge1)

        gy_sum = cupy.sum(gy, axis=1).reshape(len(gy),
        #print 'gy_sum.shape',
        #print gy_sum.shape
        gy_tile = cupy.tile(gy_sum, len(gy[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'gy_tile.shape',
        #print gy_tile.shape
        #print 'gy.shape',
        #print gy.shape
        #print 'gy_tile.shape',
        #print gy_tile.shape
        #print 'gy_tile / len(gy[0]).dtype',
        #print (gy_tile / len(gy[0])).dtype
        #ge_tmp1 = gy_tile / len(gy[0])
        #ge_tmp2 = gy - gy_tile

        ge2 = (gy - gy_tile / len(gy[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype, copy=False)
        #print 'ge2.shape',
        #print ge2.shape
        print 'cupy.max(ge2) = ',
        print cupy.max(ge2)
        print 'cupy.min(ge2) = ',
        print cupy.min(ge2)

        gW = cupy.zeros(len(e1[0]) * len(e2[0]) * len(e2[0])).reshape(
            len(e1[0]), len(e2[0]), len(e2[0])).astype(dtype=gy.dtype,
        #print 'gW.shape',
        #print gW.shape

        ret = ge1.reshape(inputs[0].shape), ge2.reshape(inputs[1].shape), gW
        if len(inputs) == 6:
            V1, V2, b = inputs[3:]
            gV1 =
            gV2 =
            gb = gy.sum(0)
            ge1 +=
            ge2 +=
            ret += gV1, gV2, gb
        #print 'len(ret)',
        #print len(ret)
        #print 'ret[0].shape',
        #print ret[0].shape
        #print 'ret[1].shape',
        #print ret[1].shape
        #print 'ret[2].shape',
        #print ret[2].shape

        return ret
Пример #21
def affine_position_regularization(
    """Regularize position updates with an affine deformation constraint.

    Assume that the true position updates are a global affine transformation
    plus some random error. The regularized positions are then weighted average
    of the affine deformation applied to the original positions and the updated

    The affine deformation, X, is represented as a (..., 2, 2) array such that
    updated = original @ X. X may be decomposed into scale, rotation, and shear

    original (..., N, 2)
        The original scanning positions.
    updated (..., N, 2)
        The updated scanning positions.

    regularized (..., N, 2)
        The updated scanning regularized with affine deformation.
    transformation (..., 2, 2)
        The global affine transformation

    This algorithm copied from ptychoshelves.

    # Estimate the reliability of each updated position based on the content of
    # the patch of the object at that position; smooth patches are less
    # reliable than patches with interesting features. This position relability
    # is some imperical formula based on weighting the local image gradient of
    # the object by the amount of illumination it recieved.

    obj_proj = op.diffraction.patch.fwd(
        images=psi / cp.max(cp.abs(psi), axis=(-1, -2), keepdims=True),
    nx, ny = obj_proj.shape[-2:]
    X, Y = cp.mgrid[-ny // 2:ny // 2, -nx // 2:nx // 2]
    spatial_filter = cp.exp(-(X**16 + Y**16) / (min(nx, ny) / 2.2)**16)
    obj_proj *= spatial_filter
    dX, dY = _image_grad(op, obj_proj)

    illum = probe[..., :, 0, 0, :, :]
    illum = illum * illum.conj()
    illum = cp.tile(illum, (1, updated.shape[-2], 1, 1))
    sigma = probe.shape[-1] / 10
    total_illumination = op.diffraction.patch.adj(
        images=cp.zeros(psi.shape, dtype='complex64'),
    total_illumination = op.propagation._fft2(total_illumination)
    total_illumination *= _gaussian_frequency(
    total_illumination *= _gaussian_frequency(
    )[..., None]
    total_illumination = op.propagation._ifft2(total_illumination)
    illum_proj = op.diffraction.patch.fwd(
    dX = abs(dX) * illum_proj.real * illum.real
    dY = abs(dY) * illum_proj.real * illum.real

    total_variation = np.stack(
            cp.sqrt(cp.mean(dX, axis=(-1, -2))),
            cp.sqrt(cp.mean(dY, axis=(-1, -2))),

    position_reliability = total_variation**4 / cp.mean(
        total_variation**4, axis=-2, keepdims=True)

    # Use weighted least squares to find the global affine transformation, X.
    # The two columns of X are independent; we solve separtely so we can use
    # different weights in each direction.
    # TODO: Use homogenous coordinates to add shifts into model
    X = cp.empty((*updated.shape[:-2], 2, 2), dtype='float32')
    X[..., 0:1] = tike.linalg.lstsq(
        b=updated[..., 0:1],
        weights=position_reliability[..., 0],
    X[..., 1:2] = tike.linalg.lstsq(
        b=updated[..., 1:2],
        weights=position_reliability[..., 1],
    )'affine position error:\n{X}')

    # TODO: Decompose X into scale, rotate, shear operations.
    # Remove non-affine and unwanted transformations
    # scale, rotate, shear = _decompose_transformation()
    # X = scale @ rotate @ shear

    # Regularize the positions based on the position reliability and distance
    # from the original positions.
    relax = 0.1
    # Constrain more the probes in flat regions
    W = relax * (1 - (position_reliability / (1 + position_reliability)))
    # Penalize positions with a large random error
    if max_error is not None:
        random_error = updated - original @ X
        W = cp.minimum(
            10 * relax,
            W + cp.maximum(0, random_error - max_error)**2 / max_error**2,
    return (1 - W) * updated + W * original @ X, X
Пример #22
def forward_conv(A_previous, Filter, Bias, pad, stride, 
                 function = 'identity', verbose = False):
    A forward convolution step.
    Calcul output shape : ((x-f+2*pad)/stride)+1

    A_previous : cp.array(examples, height, width, depth)
        Input images from the previous layer.
    Filter : cp.array(f, f, depth, number of filter)
        Filter to convolve with the input image.
    Bias : cp.array(1, 1, 1, number of filter)
        Bias for each filter.
    pad : int
        Padding edge width.
    stride : int
        Stride number.

    Z : cp.array(examples, ((h-f+2*pad)/stride)+1, ((w-f+2*pad)/stride)+1), number of filter)
        Output layer image.

    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_previous.shape

    (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C) = Filter.shape
    mu = cp.mean(Filter)
    s = cp.std(Filter)
    Filter = (Filter-mu)/(s+1e-5)
    n_H = int(((n_H_prev-f+2*pad)/stride)+1)
    n_W = int(((n_W_prev-f+2*pad)/stride)+1)

    Z = cp.zeros([m, n_H, n_W, n_C])
    A_prev_pad = cp.pad(A_previous, ((0,0), (pad,pad), (pad,pad), (0,0),), mode='constant', constant_values = (0,0))

    i0 = cp.repeat(cp.arange(f), f)
    i1 = stride * cp.repeat(cp.arange(n_W), n_H)
    j0 = cp.tile(cp.arange(f), f)
    j1 = stride * cp.tile(cp.arange(n_H), n_W)
    i = cp.reshape(i0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(i1, (1, -1))
    j = cp.reshape(j0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(j1, (1, -1))
    k = cp.reshape(cp.repeat(cp.arange(n_C_prev), f**2), (-1, 1))
    Ztest = A_prev_pad[:, i, j, :]
    weights = cp.reshape(Filter, (f**2, n_C_prev, n_C))
    conV = cp.tensordot(weights, Ztest, ((0, 1), (1, 3)))
    Z = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(conV, (1, 2, 0)), (m, n_H, n_W, n_C)) + Bias
    Z = activation('forward', function, Z)
        print("Filter :")
        print("Weights :")
        print("Z :")
        print("Conv :")
        print("Result :")
    for i in range(m):               
        a_prev_pad = A_prev_pad[i, :, :, :]             
        for h in range(n_H):     
            vert_start = h*stride
            vert_end = h*stride+f
            for w in range(n_W):       
                horiz_start = w*stride
                horiz_end = w*stride+f
                a_slice_prev = a_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :]
                for c in range(n_C):  
                    Z[i, h, w, c] = cp.squeeze(cp.sum(a_slice_prev*Filter[:, :, :, c])+Bias[:, :, :, c])
    return Z
Пример #23
def P_generator_SL(MatingPool, Pop_Gradient, Boundary, Coding, MaxOffspring):

    N, D = MatingPool.shape
    if MaxOffspring < 1 or MaxOffspring > N:
        MaxOffspring = N
    if Coding == "Real":
        ProC = 1
        ProM = 1 / D
        DisC = 20
        DisM = 20

        Out = Pop_Gradient
        Offspring = np.zeros((N, D))

        for i in range(0, N, 2):

            flag = np.random.rand(1) > 0.5  #>1 时

            miu1 = np.random.rand(D, ) / 2
            miu2 = np.random.rand(D, ) / 2 + 0.5
            miu_temp = np.random.random((D, ))

            dictor = MatingPool[i, :] > MatingPool[i + 1, :]
            MatingPool[i][dictor], MatingPool[i + 1][dictor] = MatingPool[
                i + 1][dictor], MatingPool[i][dictor]
            Out[i][dictor], Out[i + 1][dictor] = Out[i +
                                                     1][dictor], Out[i][dictor]
            G_temp = Out[i:i + 2, :].copy()


            L = G_temp[0, :].copy()
            P = miu1.copy()
            P[L > 0] = miu2[L > 0].copy()
            P[L == 0] = miu_temp[L == 0].copy()
            miu = P.copy()

            beta = np.zeros((D, ))
            beta[miu <= 0.5] = (2 * miu[miu <= 0.5])**(1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[miu > 0.5] = (2 - 2 * miu[miu > 0.5])**(-1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[np.random.random((D, )) > ProC] = 1

            if flag == True:
                beta[MatingPool[i] == 0] = 1

            Offspring[i, :] = (
                (MatingPool[i, :] + MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2) + (np.multiply(
                    beta, (MatingPool[i, :] - MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2))


            L = -G_temp[0, :].copy()
            P = miu1.copy()
            P[L > 0] = miu2[L > 0].copy()
            P[L == 0] = miu_temp[L == 0].copy()
            miu = P.copy()

            beta = np.zeros((D, ))
            beta[miu <= 0.5] = (2 * miu[miu <= 0.5])**(1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[miu > 0.5] = (2 - 2 * miu[miu > 0.5])**(-1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[np.random.random((D, )) > ProC] = 1

            if flag == True:
                beta[MatingPool[i + 1] == 0] = 1

            Offspring[i + 1, :] = (
                (MatingPool[i, :] + MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2) - (np.multiply(
                    beta, (MatingPool[i, :] - MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2))

            Out[i][dictor], Out[i + 1][dictor] = Out[i +
                                                     1][dictor], Out[i][dictor]

            k1 = np.random.rand(D, ) > 0.5
            L = G_temp[0, :].copy()
            k2 = Offspring[i, :] != 0
            kl1 = np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0)

            L = -G_temp[1, :].copy()
            k2 = Offspring[i + 1, :] != 0
            # kl2 = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0), k2)
            kl2 = np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0)

            Offspring[i][kl1], Offspring[i + 1][kl2] = Offspring[
                i + 1][kl1], Offspring[i][kl2]
            Out[i][kl1], Out[i + 1][kl2] = Out[i + 1][kl1], Out[i][kl2]
            Offspring[i][dictor], Offspring[i + 1][dictor] = Offspring[
                i + 1][dictor], Offspring[i][dictor]

        Offspring_temp = Offspring[:MaxOffspring, :].copy()
        Offspring = Offspring_temp

        if MaxOffspring == 1:
            MaxValue = Boundary[0, :]
            MinValue = Boundary[1, :]
            MaxValue = np.tile(Boundary[0, :], (MaxOffspring, 1))
            MinValue = np.tile(Boundary[1, :], (MaxOffspring, 1))

        k = np.random.random((MaxOffspring, D))
        miu = np.random.random((MaxOffspring, D))

        Temp = np.bitwise_and(k <= ProM, miu < 0.5)

        # Offspring[Temp] = Offspring[Temp] + np.multiply((MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]),
        #                                                 ((2 * miu[Temp] + np.multiply(
        #                                                     1 - 2 * miu[Temp],
        #                                                     (1 - (Offspring[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]) / (
        #                                                                 MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp])) ** (
        #                                                                 DisM + 1))) ** (1 / (
        #                                                         DisM + 1)) - 1))
        Offspring[Temp] = 0
        Temp = np.bitwise_and(k <= ProM, miu >= 0.5)
        # Offspring[Temp] = Offspring[Temp] + np.multiply((MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]),
        #                                                 (1 - ((2 * (1 - miu[Temp])) + np.multiply(
        #                                                     2 * (miu[Temp] - 0.5),
        #                                                     (1 - (MaxValue[Temp] - Offspring[Temp]) / (
        #                                                                 MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp])) ** (
        #                                                                 DisM + 1))) ** (1 / (
        #                                                         DisM + 1))))
        Offspring[Temp] = 0

        Offspring[Offspring > MaxValue] = MaxValue[Offspring > MaxValue]
        Offspring[Offspring < MinValue] = MinValue[Offspring < MinValue]

    elif Coding == "Binary":
        Offspring = []

    elif Coding == "DE":
        Offspring = []

    return Offspring
Пример #24
def backward_conv(dZ, A_previous, Filter, Bias, pad, stride, function = 'identity'):
    A backward convolution step

    dZ : cp.array(examples, ((h-f+2*pad)/stride)+1, ((w-f+2*pad)/stride)+1), number of filter)
        Cost derivative from the l+1 layer.
    A_previous : cp.array(examples, height, width, depth)
        Output image from the l-1 layer.
    Filter : cp.array(f, f, depth, number of filter)
        Convolutionnal filter.
    Bias : cp.array(1, 1, 1, number of filter)
        Bias respective to each filter.
    pad : int
        Padding parameter.
    stride : int
        Stride parameter.

    dA : cp.array(examples, height, width, depth)
        Cost derivative from the current layer.
    dFilter : cp.array(f, f, depth, number of filter)
        Cost derivative from filter.
    dBias : cp.array(1, 1, 1, number of filter)
        Cost derivative from Bias.

    dZ = activation('backward', function, 1, dZ)
    (m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev) = A_previous.shape
    (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C) = Filter.shape
    (m, n_H, n_W, n_C) = dZ.shape
    dA = cp.zeros((m, n_H_prev, n_W_prev, n_C_prev))                           
    dFilter = cp.zeros((f, f, n_C_prev, n_C))
    dBias = cp.zeros((1, 1, 1, n_C))
    dBias = cp.sum(dZ, axis=(0, 1, 2))
    A_prev_pad = cp.pad(A_previous, ((0,0), (pad,pad), (pad,pad), (0,0),), mode='constant', constant_values = (0,0))
    dA_prev_pad = cp.pad(dA, ((0,0), (pad,pad), (pad,pad), (0,0),), mode='constant', constant_values = (0,0))
    i0 = cp.repeat(cp.arange(f), f)
    i1 = stride * cp.repeat(cp.arange(n_W), n_H)
    j0 = cp.tile(cp.arange(f), f)
    j1 = stride * cp.tile(cp.arange(n_H), n_W)
    i = cp.reshape(i0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(i1, (1, -1))
    j = cp.reshape(j0, (-1, 1))+cp.reshape(j1, (1, -1))
    Ztest = A_prev_pad[:, i, j, :]
    dZtest = cp.reshape(dZ, (m, -1, n_C))
    dFiltertest = cp.tensordot(dZtest, cp.transpose(Ztest, (1, 0, 2, 3)), ((0, 1), (1, 2)))
    dFilter = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(dFiltertest, (1, 2, 0)), (f, f, n_C_prev, n_C))
    dZ = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(dZ, (3, 1, 2, 0)), (n_C, -1))
    weights = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(Filter, (3, 1, 2, 0)), (n_C, -1))
    dA_prev_pad =, dZ)
    strPad = "same"
        strPad = "valid"
    dA = Utils.column_to_image(dA_prev_pad, (m, n_C_prev, n_H_prev, n_W_prev), (f, f), stride, strPad)
    Intuitive way (Really not optimized)
    for i in range(m):                     
        a_prev_pad = A_prev_pad[i, :, :, :]
        da_prev_pad = dA_prev_pad[i, :, :, :]
        for h in range(n_H):
            vert_start = h*stride
            vert_end = h*stride + f
            for w in range(n_W):
                horiz_start = w*stride
                horiz_end = w*stride + f
                a_slice = a_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :]
                for c in range(n_C):
                    da_prev_pad[vert_start:vert_end, horiz_start:horiz_end, :] += Filter[:,:,:,c] * dZ[i, h, w, c]
                    #dFilter[:,:,:,c] += a_slice * dZ[i, h, w, c]
                    #dBias[:,:,:,c] += dZ[i, h, w, c]
        dA[i, :, :, :] = da_prev_pad[pad:da_prev_pad.shape[0]-pad, pad:da_prev_pad.shape[1]-pad, :]
    return dA, dFilter, dBias
Пример #25
def rezToPhy(ctx, dat_path=None, output_dir=None):
    # pull out results from kilosort's rez to either return to workspace or to
    # save in the appropriate format for the phy GUI to run on. If you provide
    # a savePath it should be a folder

    savePath = output_dir
    Path(savePath).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    ctx = checkClusters(ctx)  # check clusters integrity

    probe = ctx.probe
    ir = ctx.intermediate
    params = ctx.params
    nt0 = params.nt0

    # spikeTimes will be in samples, not seconds
    W = cp.asarray(ir.Wphy).astype(np.float32)
    Wrot = ir.Wrot
    est_contam_rate = ir.est_contam_rate
    good = ir.good
    Ths = ir.Ths

    st3 = cp.asarray(ir.st3_c)

    U = cp.asarray(ir.U_s).astype(np.float32)
    iNeigh = ir.iNeigh_s
    iNeighPC = ir.iNeighPC_s
    simScore = ir.simScore_s

    if st3.shape[1] > 4:
        st3 = st3[:, :4]

    isort = cp.argsort(st3[:, 0])
    st3 = st3[isort, :]
    # cProj = ir.cProj_c[cp.asnumpy(isort), :]
    # cProjPC = ir.cProjPC_c[cp.asnumpy(isort), :, :]

    fs = os.listdir(savePath)
    for file in fs:
        if file.endswith('.npy'):
            os.remove(join(savePath, file))
    if os.path.isdir(join(savePath, '.phy')):
        shutil.rmtree(join(savePath, '.phy'))

    spikeTimes = st3[:, 0].astype(cp.uint64)
    spikeTemplates = st3[:, 1].astype(cp.uint32)

    # (DEV_NOTES) if statement below seems useless due to above if statement
    if st3.shape[1] > 4:
        spikeClusters = (1 + st3[:, 4]).astype(cp.uint32)

    # templateFeatures = cProj
    templateFeatureInds = iNeigh.astype(cp.uint32)
    # pcFeatures = cProjPC
    pcFeatureInds = iNeighPC.astype(cp.uint32)

    whiteningMatrix = cp.asarray(Wrot) / params.scaleproc
    whiteningMatrixInv = cp.linalg.pinv(whiteningMatrix)

    amplitudes = st3[:, 2]

    Nchan = probe.Nchan

    xcoords = probe.xc
    ycoords = probe.yc
    chanMap = probe.chanMap
    chanMap0ind = chanMap  # - 1

    nt0, Nfilt = W.shape[:2]

    # (DEV_NOTES) 2 lines below can be combined
    # templates = cp.einsum('ikl,jkl->ijk', U, W).astype(cp.float32)
    # templates = cp.zeros((Nchan, nt0, Nfilt), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    tempAmpsUnscaled = cp.zeros(Nfilt, dtype=np.float32)
    templates_writer = NpyWriter(join(savePath, 'templates.npy'),
                                 (Nfilt, nt0, Nchan), np.float32)
    for iNN in tqdm(range(Nfilt), desc="Computing templates"):
        t =[:, iNN, :], W[:, iNN, :].T).T
        t_unw =, whiteningMatrixInv)
        assert t_unw.ndim == 2
        tempChanAmps = t_unw.max(axis=0) - t_unw.min(axis=0)
        tempAmpsUnscaled[iNN] = tempChanAmps.max()

    # templates = cp.transpose(templates, (2, 1, 0))  # now it's nTemplates x nSamples x nChannels
    # we include all channels so this is trivial
    templatesInds = cp.tile(np.arange(Nfilt), (Nchan, 1))

    # here we compute the amplitude of every template...

    # unwhiten all the templates
    # tempsUnW = cp.einsum('ijk,kl->ijl', templates, whiteningMatrixinv)
    # tempsUnW = cp.zeros(templates.shape, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    # for t in tqdm(range(templates.shape[0]), desc="Unwhitening the templates"):
    #     tempsUnW[t, :, :] =[t, :, :], whiteningMatrixInv)

    # The amplitude on each channel is the positive peak minus the negative
    # tempChanAmps = tempsUnW.max(axis=1) - tempsUnW.min(axis=1)

    # The template amplitude is the amplitude of its largest channel
    # tempAmpsUnscaled = tempChanAmps.max(axis=1)

    # assign all spikes the amplitude of their template multiplied by their
    # scaling amplitudes
    # tempAmpsUnscaled = cp.(tempAmpsUnscaled, axis=0).astype(np.float32)
    spikeAmps = tempAmpsUnscaled[spikeTemplates] * amplitudes

    # take the average of all spike amps to get actual template amps (since
    # tempScalingAmps are equal mean for all templates)
    ta = clusterAverage(spikeTemplates, spikeAmps)
    tids = cp.unique(spikeTemplates).astype(np.int64)
    tempAmps = cp.zeros_like(tempAmpsUnscaled, order='F')
        tids] = ta  # because ta only has entries for templates that had at least one spike
    tempAmps = params.gain * tempAmps  # for consistency, make first dimension template number

    save_pcs(ir.spikes_to_remove, ir.cProj, ir.cProjPC, savePath, st3, isort)

    # with open(, 'wb') as fp:
    #     save_large_array(fp, templateFeatures)
    # cProj = ir.cProj_c[cp.asnumpy(isort), :]
    # cProjPC = ir.cProjPC_c[cp.asnumpy(isort), :, :]

    def _save(name, arr, dtype=None):, name + '.npy'), arr.astype(dtype or arr.dtype))

    if savePath is not None:
        _save('spike_times', spikeTimes)
        _save('spike_templates', spikeTemplates, cp.uint32)
        if st3.shape[1] > 4:
            _save('spike_clusters', spikeClusters, cp.uint32)
            _save('spike_clusters', spikeTemplates, cp.uint32)
        _save('amplitudes', amplitudes)
        # _save('templates', templates)
        _save('templates_ind', templatesInds)

        chanMap0ind = chanMap0ind.astype(cp.int32)

        _save('channel_map', chanMap0ind)
        _save('channel_positions', np.c_[xcoords, ycoords])

        # _save('template_features', templateFeatures)
        # with open(join(savePath, 'template_features.npy'), 'wb') as fp:
        #     save_large_array(fp, templateFeatures)
        _save('template_feature_ind', templateFeatureInds.T)

        # _save('pc_features', pcFeatures)
        # with open(join(savePath, 'pc_features.npy'), 'wb') as fp:
        #     save_large_array(fp, pcFeatures)
        _save('pc_feature_ind', pcFeatureInds.T)

        _save('whitening_mat', whiteningMatrix)
        _save('whitening_mat_inv', whiteningMatrixInv)

        _save('thresholds', Ths)

        if 'simScore' in ir:
            similarTemplates = simScore
            _save('similar_templates', similarTemplates)

        est_contam_rate[np.isnan(est_contam_rate)] = 1
        with open(join(savePath, 'cluster_group.tsv'), 'w') as f:
            for j in range(len(good)):
                if good[j]:
                    f.write('%d\tgood\n' % j)
                # else:
                #     f.write('%d\tmua\n' % j)

        with open(join(savePath, 'cluster_ContamPct.tsv'), 'w') as f:
            for j in range(len(good)):
                f.write('%d\t%.1f\n' % (j, 100 * est_contam_rate[j]))

        with open(join(savePath, 'cluster_Amplitude.tsv'), 'w') as f:
            for j in range(len(good)):
                f.write('%d\t%.1f\n' % (j, tempAmps[j]))

        # make params file
        if not os.path.exists(join(savePath, '')):
            with open(join(savePath, ''), 'w') as f:
                if os.path.isabs(dat_path):
                    f.write('dat_path = "%s"\n' % dat_path)
                    f.write('dat_path = "../%s"\n' % dat_path)
                f.write('n_channels_dat = %d\n' % probe.NchanTOT)
                f.write('dtype = "int16"\n')
                f.write('offset = 0\n')
                f.write('hp_filtered = False\n')
                f.write('sample_rate = %i\n' % params.fs)
                f.write('template_scaling = %.1f\n' % params.templateScaling)
Пример #26
 def from_array(a: cp.ndarray) -> Vec3List:
     vl = cp.transpose(cp.tile(a, (3, 1)))
     return Vec3List(vl)
Пример #27
    def compute(self):
        self.log.node("VesselSegmentation compute")

        compute = self.getVal('compute')
        doHanning2 = self.getVal('Hann 2D Filter')
        Hann2_taper = self.getVal('Hann 2D Taper (%)')
        Hann2_width = self.getVal('Hann 2D Width (%)')
        Flip_image = self.getVal('Flip Image')
        doHanning1 = self.getVal('Hann 1D Filter')
        Hann1_taper = self.getVal('Hann 1D Taper (%)')
        Hann1_width = self.getVal('Hann 1D Width (%)')
        Hann1_stopVal = self.getVal('Hann 1D StopVal (%)') / 100.0
        ZeroFill_factor_value = self.getVal('Fourier interpolation factor')

        if ZeroFill_factor_value == 0:
            ZeroFill_factor = 1
        elif ZeroFill_factor_value == 1:
            ZeroFill_factor = 2
        elif ZeroFill_factor_value == 2:
            ZeroFill_factor = 4
        elif ZeroFill_factor_value == 3:
            ZeroFill_factor = 8
        elif ZeroFill_factor_value == 4:
            ZeroFill_factor = 16

        # GETTING PORT INFO (1/2)
        #data = np.abs(self.getData('data'))  # not sure why one would do absolute here?
        data = cp.asarray(self.getData('data'))

        if (compute
                and (ZeroFill_factor_value > 0 or doHanning1 or doHanning2)):
            import triggeredGASSP.gridding.Kaiser2D_utils as kaiser2D

            # doHanning1 means through plane, assuming that the data is only 3D in this case
            if doHanning1:
                # FFT to k-space
                kSpace = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.ifftn(cp.fft.ifftshift(
                    data, axes=(-3, -2, -1)),
                                                      axes=(-3, -2, -1)),
                                         axes=(-3, -2, -1))

                # add Hanning filters 2D in-plane and 1D thru z to smooth out kspace before ZF
                if doHanning2:
                    self.log.node('Applying 2D Hann filter (in plane)')
                    # gridded k-space here
                    Hann2_win = cp.asarray(
                        kaiser2D.window2(kSpace.shape[-2:], Hann2_taper,
                    for i_slc in range(kSpace.shape[0]):
                        kSpace[i_slc, ...] *= Hann2_win
                        self.log.node(" in slice " + str(i_slc))
                if doHanning1:
                    self.log.node('Applying 1D Hann filter (thru slices)')
                    # gridded k-space here
                    # Hann1_width should always be 100% and stopVal > 0
                    Hann1_win = cp.asarray(
                    self.log.node("Hann1 shape: " + str(Hann1_win.shape))
                    Hann1_winTile = Hann1_win[:, cp.newaxis]
                    Hann1_winTile = Hann1_winTile[:, :, cp.newaxis]
                    Hann1_winTile = cp.tile(
                        Hann1_winTile, (1, kSpace.shape[-2], kSpace.shape[-1]))
                    self.log.node("Hann1 tiled shape: " +
                    kSpace *= Hann1_winTile

                # zero filling based on FFT nodes
                for i in range(data.ndim):
                    zpad_length = (ZeroFill_factor *
                                   data.shape[-i - 1]) - data.shape[-i - 1]
                    if zpad_length >= 0:
                        zpad_before = int(zpad_length / 2.0 + 0.5)
                        zpad_after = int(zpad_length / 2.0)
                        temp = cp.insert(
                            temp, data.shape[-i - 1] * cp.ones(zpad_after),
                            0.0, (-i - 1))
                        temp = cp.insert(temp, cp.zeros(zpad_before), 0.0,
                                         (-i - 1))

                # often the image needs to be flipped to correspond to radiological orientation
                if Flip_image == 0:
                    out = cp.fft.fftshift(
                        cp.fft.fftn(cp.fft.ifftshift(temp), axes=(-3, -2, -1)))
                    out = cp.fft.fftshift(
                                     axes=(-3, -2, -1)))
                # data dimensions
                nx = data.shape[-1]
                ny = data.shape[-2]
                if data.ndim == 2:
                    extra_dim1 = 1
                    extra_dim2 = 1
                elif data.ndim == 3:
                    extra_dim1 = data.shape[-3]
                    extra_dim2 = 1
                elif data.ndim == 4:
                    extra_dim1 = data.shape[-3]
                    extra_dim2 = data.shape[-4]
                elif data.ndim > 4:
                    self.log.warn("Only up to 4 dimensions implemented yet.")
                data.shape = [extra_dim2, extra_dim1, ny, nx]

                # GPU memory limitation - loop over cardiac phases - assumed to be extra_dim1
                out = np.zeros([
                    extra_dim2, extra_dim1, ZeroFill_factor * ny,
                    ZeroFill_factor * nx
                if doHanning2:
                    self.log.node('Pre-calculate 2D Hann filter (in plane)')
                    Hann2_win = cp.asarray(
                        kaiser2D.window2(data.shape[-2:], Hann2_taper,
                for extra_idx1 in range(extra_dim1):
                    # inverse FFT data in-plane only
                    kSpace = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.ifft2(cp.fft.ifftshift(
                        data[:, extra_idx1, :, :], axes=(-1, -2)),
                                                          axes=(-1, -2)),
                                             axes=(-1, -2))

                    if doHanning2:
                        self.log.node('Applying 2D Hann filter (in plane)')
                        for idx_dim2 in range(extra_dim2):
                            kSpace[idx_dim2, ...] *= Hann2_win

                    # zero filling based on FFT nodes
                    if ZeroFill_factor_value == 0:
                        zero_filled_kSpace = kSpace
                        zero_filled_kSpace = cp.zeros([
                            extra_dim2, ZeroFill_factor * ny,
                            ZeroFill_factor * nx
                        zpad_length = (ZeroFill_factor *
                                       data.shape[-1]) - data.shape[-1]
                        zpad_before = int(zpad_length / 2.0 + 0.5)
                        zpad_after = int(zpad_length / 2.0)
                        zero_filled_kSpace[:, zpad_before:-zpad_after,
                                           zpad_before:-zpad_after] = kSpace

                    # often the image needs to be flipped to correspond to radiological orientation
                    if Flip_image == 0:
                        out[:, extra_idx1, :, :] = cp.asnumpy(
                                zero_filled_kSpace, axes=(-2, -1)),
                                                        axes=(-2, -1)),
                                            axes=(-2, -1)))
                        out[:, extra_idx1, :, :] = cp.asnumpy(
                                zero_filled_kSpace, axes=(-2, -1)),
                                                         axes=(-2, -1)),
                                            axes=(-2, -1)))

            self.setData('Zero filled data', out.squeeze())
            if doHanning2 and Hann2_win is not None:
                self.setData('Hann 2D window', cp.asnumpy(Hann2_win))
            if doHanning1 and Hann1_win is not None:
                self.setData('Hann 1D window', cp.asnumpy(Hann1_win))

        return 0
Пример #28
def chambolleProjectionGPU(f, f_ref, mi=100, tau=0.25, tol=1e-5):
    The 2D case of Chambolle projection algorithm. This version uses reference image.

    Cywińska, Maria, Maciej Trusiak, and Krzysztof Patorski. 
    "Automatized fringe pattern preprocessing using unsupervised variational image decomposition." Optics express 27.16 (2019): 22542-22562.

    f : cupy.ndarray
        image which is input for Chambolle
    f_ref : cupy.ndarray
        image og input but perfectly without background function
    mi : float
        regularization parameter that defines the separation of the energy between the fringes and noise components
    tau : float
        Chambolle projection step value
    tol : float
        error tolerance when algorithm should stop its work

    x_best : numpy.ndarray
        image with filtered background function
    it_min : int
        number of iterations that was needed to reach result image
    rms_min : float
        error of the result image
    n = 1
    xi = cp.array([cp.zeros(f.shape), cp.zeros(f.shape)])
    x1 = cp.zeros(f.shape)
    x2 = cp.zeros(f.shape)
    x_best = cp.zeros(f.shape)

    rms_min_A = []
    rms_min = 1.0
    it_min = 0

    for _ in iter(int, 1):

        gdv = cp.array(gradient2DGPU(divergence2DGPU(xi) - f / mi))
        d = cp.sqrt(cp.power(gdv[0], 2) + cp.power(gdv[1], 2))
        d = cp.tile(d, [2, 1, 1])
        xi = cp.divide(xi + tau * gdv, 1 + tau * d)

        x2 = mi * divergence2DGPU(xi)

        diff = x2 - f_ref
        rms_n = cp.sqrt(cp.var(diff.flatten()))

        if len(rms_min_A) < 100:

        if rms_n < rms_min:
            rms_diff = rms_min_A[0] - rms_min_A[-1]
            rms_local_diff = rms_min - rms_n

            if (rms_diff < 10 * tol):
                if (rms_local_diff < tol):
                    rms_min = rms_n
                    it_min = n

            rms_min = rms_n
            it_min = n

        x1 = x2
        n = n + 1

        if n - it_min >= 100:


    x_best = x2

    return [x_best, it_min, rms_min]
Пример #29
    def admittanceMatrixE(self):
        shapeParams = self.shapeFunctionParameters()
        whereIsZero = (cp.absolute(shapeParams) - 1e-12 < 0)
        indexZero = cp.where(whereIsZero)
        isConst = indexZero[2] == 2  # 1 for const x, 0 for const y
        indicesConstX = cp.where(isConst)[0]
        indicesConstY = cp.where(~isConst)[0]
        sortedElNodeIndices = cp.sort(self.nodeisElectrode[self.isValid],
        admittanceMatrixE = cp.zeros((self.n_pts,
        shapeMatrix = cp.zeros((shapeParams.shape[0], shapeParams.shape[1], 2))
        integratingMatrix = cp.zeros((shapeParams.shape[0], 2))
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstY, :, 0] = shapeParams[
            indicesConstY, :, 0] + shapeParams[indicesConstY, :, 2] * self.pts[
                sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 1, 1][:, None]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstY, :, 1] = shapeParams[indicesConstY, :, 1]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstX, :, 0] = shapeParams[
            indicesConstX, :, 0] + shapeParams[indicesConstX, :, 1] * self.pts[
                sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 1, 0][:, None]
        shapeMatrix[indicesConstX, :, 1] = shapeParams[indicesConstX, :, 2]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 0] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][
            indicesConstY, 1,
            0] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 0, 0]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstY, 1] = 0.5 * (
            cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 1, 0],
                     2) -
            cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstY, 0, 0], 2))
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstX, 0] = self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][
            indicesConstX, 1,
            1] - self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 0, 1]
        integratingMatrix[indicesConstX, 1] = 0.5 * (
            cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 1, 1],
                     2) -
            cp.power(self.pts[sortedElNodeIndices, :][indicesConstX, 0, 1], 2))
        integrals = cp.einsum('ijk, ik -> ij', shapeMatrix, integratingMatrix)
        integrals[:] = cp.absolute(integrals)
        #integr = cp.sum(cp.multiply(shapeMatrix, integratingMatrix[:, None]), axis=2)

        #print(cp.sum(cp.round_(integrals, 16) == cp.round_(integr, 16)))

        indexElectrode = sortedElNodeIndices[:, 0] // self.n_per_el
        integrals = -integrals / self.z[indexElectrode][:, None, None]
        integrals = integrals.ravel()
        indexElectrode = cp.tile(indexElectrode, (self.n_per_el, 1)).T.ravel()
        indexNode = self.tri[self.twoFromElectrode][self.isValid].ravel()

        #admittanceMatrixE [self.tri[twoFromElectrode][isValid].ravel(), indexElectrode] += integrals.ravel()
        indSort = cp.argsort(indexNode)
        indexNode = indexNode[indSort]
        indexElectrode = indexElectrode[indSort]
        integrals = integrals[indSort]

        unique, counts = cp.unique(indexNode, return_counts=True)
        #print("number of unique entries", unique.shape)
        #print("counts \n", counts)
        index_pointer = cp.zeros(self.n_pts + 1)
        sum_count = cp.cumsum(counts)
        index_pointer[unique[:] + 1] = sum_count[:]
        nonzeroes = cp.nonzero(index_pointer)[0]
        mask = cp.zeros(index_pointer.shape[0], dtype='b1')
        mask[nonzeroes] = True
        mask[0] = True
        zeroes = cp.where(~mask)[0]
        #time_loop = time()
        while (index_pointer[1:] == 0).any():
            index_pointer[zeroes] = index_pointer[zeroes - 1]
        '''for i in range(index_pointer.shape[0]):
            if i == 0:
            elif index_pointer[i] == 0:
                index_pointer[i] = index_pointer[i-1]'''
        #print('time for loop ',time()-time_loop)
        index_pointer2 = cp.arange(self.n_pts + 1)
        #print('indexEl', indexElectrode)
        admittanceMatrixE = sp.csr_matrix(
            (integrals, indexElectrode, index_pointer),
        adm = admittanceMatrixE.toarray()
        #a = (sortedElNodeIndices[0,0])
        # print(adm[:,1])
        #print('sum zeroes ',cp.sum(adm>0))
        return adm
Пример #30
    def learn_mapping(self, seeds, loss_type, **kwargs):
            Learn the mapping function. The objective is l2 loss or
            hinge loss. Orthogonal constraint is optional.
            seeds: A list of two lists. seeds[0][i] and seeds[1][i] specifies
                   a seeding pair

            loss_type: 'l2' or 'hinge'
              'l2': min_R \sum_i |R * x_i - y_i|^2
              'hinge': min_R \sum_i \sum_{j!=i}
                          max{0, th_i + |R * x_i - y_i|^2 - |R * x_i - y_j|^2}
                       The objetive is optimzied by SGD. Each iteration samples
                       some random negative examples

            kwargs: misc parameters, mostly for hinge loss minimizer
              orth: (False) whether to contrain the mapping being orthogonal
              epochs: number of epochs in SGD optimizer
                     if loss_type='hinge'
              seed_per_batch, number of seeds per minibatch in SGD
              lr: learning rate
              dist: the distance (cosine or squared Euclidean) in hinge loss.
                    Cosine is suggested.
              samples: number of negative samples per seeding pair
              alpha: determine threshold `th_i` in the following way
                     th_i = percentile(
                            d(R * x_i, y_j) - d(R * x_i, y_i), alpha)
              constant_th: constant threshold for all pairs. 
                     If given, alpha is futile. 
              src_vocab, tgt_vocab: source and target vocabs. If given, will
                    report P@1 during the minimization of hinge loss
              queries: for reporting test accuracy, src_vocab and tgt_vocab 
                    must be given
            W: linear mapping
        # prepare default params
        orth = kwargs.get('orth')
        epochs = kwargs.get('epochs')
        dist = kwargs.get('dist')
        lr = kwargs.get('lr')
        s_per_b = kwargs.get('seed_per_batch')
        sample_method = kwargs.get('sample_method')
        ns = kwargs.get('samples')
        alpha = kwargs.get('alpha')
        constant_th = kwargs.get('constant_th')
        src_vocab = kwargs.get('src_vocab', None)
        tgt_vocab = kwargs.get('tgt_vocab', None)
        queries = kwargs.get('queries', None)
        seed_dict = {}
        for i, j in zip(*seeds):
            if i not in seed_dict:
                seed_dict[i] = [j]

        if orth:
            C = self.src_space[seeds[0]][seeds[1]])
            U, _, Vh = xp.linalg.svd(C)
            self.W =
            if not gpu:
                self.W = xp.linalg.lstsq(self.src_space[seeds[0]],
                self.W = xp.linalg.pinv(self.src_space[seeds[0]]).dot(

        if loss_type == 'l2':
            self.loss = xp.linalg.norm(
                        - self.tgt_space[seeds[1]]) ** 2
        elif loss_type == 'hinge':
            # SGD optimizer, each iteration samples seeds and negative samples
            # Initialized with l2 solution
            self.loss = []
            dim = self.src_space.shape[1]
            total_it = 0
            th = self.determine_th(seeds, alpha, dist, constant_th)
            for ep in range(epochs):
                S = [_ for _ in zip(*(seeds + [th]))]
                for it in range(0, len(S), s_per_b):
                    i_s, i_t, th_i = zip(*S[it:min(len(S), it + s_per_b)])
                    i_s, i_t, th_i = list(i_s), list(i_t), xp.array(th_i)
                    B = len(i_s)
                    Wx = self.src_space[i_s].dot(self.W)
                    D = distance_function(Wx, self.tgt_space, dist)
                    if sample_method == 'random':
                        j = [xp.random.choice(
                             [_ for _ in range(self.tgt_size)\
                                if _ not in seed_dict[i_s_]],
                                ns).tolist() for i_s_ in i_s]
                    elif sample_method == 'top':
                        j = []
                        for ii, i_s_ in enumerate(i_s):
                            d_ii = xp.copy(D[ii])
                            d_ii[seed_dict[i_s_]] = xp.float('inf')
                                top_k(d_ii, ns, biggest=False)[0].tolist())

                    delta = D[xp.tile(range(B), (ns, 1)).T, j]\
                            - D[xp.arange(B), i_t][:, None]

                    # print some diagnostics
                    ell = xp.sum(xp.maximum(th_i[:, None] - delta, 0)) / B
                    if gpu:
                        ell = ell.get()
                    if total_it % 100 == 0:
                        if all([src_vocab, tgt_vocab, queries]):
                            P_at_1 = self.report_precision(
                                src_vocab, tgt_vocab, queries)
                            p_str = ', p@1 {}%'.format(P_at_1[0])
                            p_str = ''
                        print("Epoch {}, Iter {}, loss {:.2f}".format(
                            ep, total_it, ell) + p_str,

                    incur_loss = delta < th_i[:, None]
                    n_incur = [xp.sum(xp.array(_)) for _ in incur_loss]
                    if dist == 'sqeuc':
                        delta_y = [xp.sum(self.tgt_space[j[_]][incur_loss[_]],\
                                axis=0) - self.tgt_space[i_t[_]] * n_incur[_]\
                                for _ in range(B)]
                        grad = self.src_space[i_s]
                    elif dist == 'cos':
                        Wx_norm = xp.linalg.norm(Wx, ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=1)
                        delta_y = [
                            xp.sum(self.tgt_space[j[_]][incur_loss[_]] / (eps+\
                            ord=2, axis=1, keepdims=1)), axis=0) -\
                            self.tgt_space[i_t[_]] /\
                            xp.linalg.norm(self.tgt_space[i_t[_]]) * n_incur[_]
                            for _ in range(B)
                        delta_cos = [xp.sum(delta[_][incur_loss[_]])\
                                     for _ in range(B)]
                        grad = (self.src_space[i_s] / Wx_norm)
                                xp.vstack(delta_y)) +\
                                (self.src_space[i_s] * xp.vstack(delta_cos)).T\
                    if orth:
                        # Use Cayley transform to maintain orthogonality
                        A =
                        A = A - A.T
                        Q = xp.linalg.inv(xp.eye(dim) + lr / 2 *
                                          A).dot(xp.eye(dim) - lr / 2 * A)
                        self.W =
                        self.W -= lr * grad / B

                    total_it += 1
        return self.W
Пример #31
 def backward(self, error):
     x, axis = self.cache
     shape = [1] * len(x.value.shape)
     shape[axis] = x.value.shape[axis]
     x.accumulate(np.tile(error, shape))