Пример #1
def wiener_deconvolution(image, psf, snr=30, add_pad=0):
    """ A GPU accelerated implementation of a linear Wiener filter. Some effort is made
    to allow processing even relatively large images, but some kind of block-based processing
     (as in the RL implementation) may be required in some cases."""
    assert isinstance(image, Image)
    assert isinstance(psf, Image)

    image_s = Image(image.copy(), image.spacing)
    orig_shape = image.shape

    if image.ndim != psf.ndim:
        raise ValueError("Image and psf dimensions do not match")

    if psf.spacing != image.spacing:
        psf = imops.zoom_to_spacing(psf, image.spacing)

    if add_pad != 0:
        new_shape = list(i + 2 * add_pad for i in image_s.shape)
        image_s = imops.zero_pad_to_shape(image_s, new_shape)

    if psf.shape != image_s.shape:
        psf = imops.zero_pad_to_shape(psf, image_s.shape)

    psf /= psf.max()
    psf = fftshift(psf)

    psf_dev = cp.asarray(psf.astype(np.complex64))
    with get_fft_plan(psf_dev):
        psf_dev = fftn(psf_dev, overwrite_x=True)

    below = cp.asnumpy(psf_dev)
    psf_abs = cp.abs(psf_dev)**2
    psf_abs /= (psf_abs + snr)
    above = cp.asnumpy(psf_abs)
    psf_abs = None
    psf_dev = None

    image_dev = cp.asarray(image_s.astype(np.complex64))
    with get_fft_plan(image_dev):
        image_dev = fftn(image_dev, overwrite_x=True)

    wiener_dev = cp.asarray(arrayops.safe_divide(above, below))

    image_dev *= wiener_dev

    result = cp.asnumpy(cp.abs(ifftn(image_dev, overwrite_x=True)).real)
    result = Image(result, image.spacing)

    return imops.remove_zero_padding(result, orig_shape)
Пример #2
 def rfft2(self,z):
     m = z.shape[0]
     if self._plan_fft2 is None:
         self._plan_fft2 = cpxFFT.get_fft_plan(z + 1j*cp.zeros_like(z), shape=z.shape)
     temp = cpxFFT.fft2(z.astype(cp.complex64),shape=z.shape,plan=self._plan_fft2,overwrite_x=True)
     temp = cp.fft.fftshift(temp,axes=0)
     return temp[m//2 -(self.basis_number-1):m//2 +self.basis_number,:self.basis_number ]/(2*self.extended_basis_number-1)
Пример #3
 def __enter__(self):
     farplane = cp.empty(
         (self.nwaves, self.detector_shape, self.detector_shape),
     self.plan = get_fft_plan(farplane, axes=(-2, -1))
     del farplane
     return self
Пример #4
def ifft2(x):
    global plan2D
    if plan2D == None and Plan:
        plan2D = fftpack.get_fft_plan(x, axes=(-2, -1))

#   return
    return fftpack.ifft2(x, overwrite_x=owrite, plan=plan2D)
Пример #5
    def test_fftn_error_on_wrong_plan(self, dtype, enable_nd):
        # This test ensures the context manager plan is picked up

        from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
        from cupy.fft import fftn
        assert config.enable_nd_planning == enable_nd

        # can't get a plan, so skip
        if self.axes is not None:
            if self.s is not None:
                if len(self.s) != len(self.axes):
            elif len(self.shape) != len(self.axes):

        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, cupy, dtype)
        bad_in_shape = tuple(2 * i for i in self.shape)
        if self.s is None:
            bad_out_shape = bad_in_shape
            bad_out_shape = tuple(2 * i for i in self.s)
        b = testing.shaped_random(bad_in_shape, cupy, dtype)
        plan_wrong = get_fft_plan(b, bad_out_shape, self.axes)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex, plan_wrong:
            fftn(a, s=self.s, axes=self.axes, norm=self.norm)
        # targeting a particular error
        assert 'The CUFFT plan and a.shape do not match' in str(ex.value)
Пример #6
def fft(x):
    global plan1D
    if plan1D == None and Plan:
        plan1D = fftpack.get_fft_plan(x, axes=(-1))

    return fftpack.fft(x, overwrite_x=owrite, plan=plan1D)
Пример #7
    def run(self):
        max_shape = self._find_max_shape()

        # compute FT, assuming they are the same size
        fft1 = cp.asarray(self.image1, dtype=cp.complex64)
        fft2 = cp.asarray(self.image2, dtype=cp.complex64)

        plan = get_fft_plan(fft1, value_type="C2C")
        fft1 = fftn(fft1, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)
        fft2 = fftn(fft2, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)

        print(f"shape: {fft1.shape}, dtype: {fft1.dtype}")

        def normalize(fft_image):
            re, im = cp.real(fft_image), cp.imag(fft_image)
            length = cp.sqrt(re * re + im * im)
            return fft_image / length

        fft1 = normalize(fft1)
        fft2 = cp.conj(normalize(fft2))

        # phase correlation spectrum
        pcm = fft1 * fft2
        pcm = ifftn(pcm, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)
        pcm = cp.real(pcm)

        from skimage.morphology import disk
        from skimage.filters import median
        pcm = cp.asnumpy(pcm)
        pcm = median(pcm, disk(3))
        pcm = cp.asarray(pcm)

        peak_list = self._extract_correlation_peaks(pcm)
Пример #8
 def _get_fft_plan(self, a, axes, **kwargs):
     """Cache multiple FFT plans at the same time."""
     key = (*a.shape, *axes)
     if key in self.plan_cache:
         plan = self.plan_cache[key]
         plan = get_fft_plan(a, axes=axes)
         self.plan_cache[key] = plan
     return plan
Пример #9
 def _get_fft_plan(self, a, axes=None, **kwargs):
     """Cache multiple FFT plans at the same time."""
     axes = tuple(range(a.ndim)) if axes is None else axes
     key = (*a.shape, *axes)
     if key in self.plan_cache:
         plan = self.plan_cache[key]
         plan = get_fft_plan(a, axes=axes)
         self.plan_cache[key] = plan
     return plan
Пример #10
    def cupy_prop(self, signal):

        if not signal.is_pol:
            raise Exception("only dp signal supported at this time")
        step_number = self.length / self.step_length
        step_number = int(np.floor(step_number))
        temp = np.zeros_like(signal[:])
        freq = fftfreq(signal.shape[1], 1 / signal.fs_in_fiber)
        freq_gpu = cp.asarray(freq)
        omeg = 2 * np.pi * freq_gpu
        D = -1j / 2 * self.beta2(signal.center_wavelength) * omeg**2
        N = 8 / 9 * 1j * self.gamma
        atten = -self.alpha_lin / 2

        time_x = cp.asarray(signal[0, :])
        time_y = cp.asarray(signal[1, :])

        plan = get_fft_plan(time_x)

        for i in range(step_number):

            time_x, time_y = self.linear_prop_cupy(D, time_x, time_y,
                                                   self.step_length / 2, plan)
            time_x, time_y = self.nonlinear_prop_cupy(N, time_x, time_y)
            time_x = time_x * math.exp(atten * self.step_length)
            time_y = time_y * math.exp(atten * self.step_length)

            time_x, time_y = self.linear_prop_cupy(D, time_x, time_y,
                                                   self.step_length / 2, plan)

        last_step = self.length - self.step_length * step_number
        last_step_eff = (1 -
                         np.exp(-self.alpha_lin * last_step)) / self.alpha_lin
        if last_step == 0:
            time_x = cp.asnumpy(time_x)
            time_y = cp.asnumpy(time_y)
            temp[0, :] = time_x
            temp[1, :] = time_y

            return temp

            time_x, time_y = self.linear_prop_cupy(D, time_x, time_y,
                                                   last_step / 2, plan)
            time_x, time_y = self.nonlinear_prop_cupy(N, time_x, time_y,
            time_x = time_x * math.exp(atten * last_step)
            time_y = time_y * math.exp(atten * last_step)
            time_x, time_y = self.linear_prop_cupy(D, time_x, time_y,
                                                   last_step / 2, plan)

            temp[0, :] = cp.asnumpy(time_x)
            temp[1, :] = cp.asnumpy(time_y)

        return temp
Пример #11
 def test_fftn_multiple_plan_error(self, dtype):
     import cupy
     import cupyx.scipy.fftpack as fftpack
     x = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, cupy, dtype)
     # hack: avoid testing the cases when getting a cuFFT plan is impossible
     if _default_fft_func(x, s=self.s, axes=self.axes) is not _fftn:
     plan = fftpack.get_fft_plan(x, shape=self.s, axes=self.axes)
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex, plan:
         fftpack.fftn(x, shape=self.s, axes=self.axes, plan=plan)
     assert 'Use the cuFFT plan either as' in str(ex.value)
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, image, psf, writer, options):
        :param image:   the image as a Image object
        :param psf:     the psf as an Image object

        :param options: command line options that control the behavior
                        of the fusion algorithm
        deconvolve.DeconvolutionRL.__init__(self, image, psf, writer, options)
        self._fft_plan = fftpack.get_fft_plan(cp.zeros(self.block_size, dtype=cp.complex64))
Пример #13
 def test_fft_multiple_plan_error(self, dtype):
     # hack: avoid testing the cases when the output array is of size 0
     # because cuFFT and numpy raise different kinds of exceptions
     if self.n == 0:
     import cupy
     import cupyx.scipy.fftpack as fftpack
     x = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, cupy, dtype)
     plan = fftpack.get_fft_plan(x, shape=self.n, axes=self.axis)
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as ex, plan:
         fftpack.fft(x, n=self.n, axis=self.axis, plan=plan)
     assert 'Use the cuFFT plan either as' in str(ex.value)
Пример #14
 def irfft2(self,uHalf2D):
     Fourier transform of one dimensional signal
     ut   = 1D signal 
     num  = Ut length - 1
     dt   = timestep
     (now using cp.fft.fft) in the implementation
     u2D = util.extend2D(util.symmetrize_2D(uHalf2D),self.extended_basis_number)
     if self._plan_ifft2 is None:
         self._plan_ifft2 = cpxFFT.get_fft_plan(u2D, shape=u2D.shape)   
     u2D = cp.fft.ifftshift(u2D)
     temp = cpxFFT.ifft2(u2D,shape=u2D.shape,plan=self._plan_ifft2,overwrite_x=True)
     return temp.real*(2*self.extended_basis_number-1)
Пример #15
    def test_ifftn(self, xp, dtype, enable_nd):
        assert config.enable_nd_planning == enable_nd
        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        if xp == cupy:
            from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
            plan = get_fft_plan(a, self.s, self.axes)
            with plan:
                out = xp.fft.ifftn(a, s=self.s, axes=self.axes, norm=self.norm)
            out = xp.fft.ifftn(a, s=self.s, axes=self.axes, norm=self.norm)

        if xp == np and dtype is np.complex64:
            out = out.astype(np.complex64)

        return out
Пример #16
    def test_rfftn(self, xp, dtype, enable_nd):
        assert config.enable_nd_planning == enable_nd
        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        if xp is cupy:
            from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
            plan = get_fft_plan(a, self.s, self.axes, value_type='R2C')
            with plan:
                out = xp.fft.rfftn(a, s=self.s, axes=self.axes, norm=self.norm)
            out = xp.fft.rfftn(a, s=self.s, axes=self.axes, norm=self.norm)

        if xp is np and dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.complex64]:
            out = out.astype(np.complex64)

        return out
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, data, writer, options):
        :param data:    a ImageData object

        :param options: command line options that control the behavior
                        of the fusion algorithm
        :param writer:  a writer object that can save intermediate results
        fusion.MultiViewFusionRL.__init__(self, data, writer, options)

        padded_block_size = self.block_size + 2 * self.options.block_pad

        self._fft_plan = fftpack.get_fft_plan(
            cp.zeros(padded_block_size, dtype=cp.complex64))
Пример #18
    def test_fft_error_on_wrong_plan(self, dtype):
        # This test ensures the context manager plan is picked up

        from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
        from cupy.fft import fft

        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, cupy, dtype)
        bad_shape = tuple(5 * i for i in self.shape)
        b = testing.shaped_random(bad_shape, cupy, dtype)
        plan_wrong = get_fft_plan(b)
        assert isinstance(plan_wrong, cupy.cuda.cufft.Plan1d)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex, plan_wrong:
            fft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)
        # targeting a particular error
        assert 'Target array size does not match the plan.' in str(ex.value)
Пример #19
    def test_ifft(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        if xp == cupy:
            from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
            shape = (self.n, ) if self.n is not None else None
            plan = get_fft_plan(a, shape=shape)
            assert isinstance(plan, cupy.cuda.cufft.Plan1d)
            with plan:
                out = xp.fft.ifft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)
            out = xp.fft.ifft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)

        if xp == np and dtype is np.complex64:
            out = out.astype(np.complex64)

        return out
Пример #20
    def test_irfft(self, xp, dtype):
        a = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, xp, dtype)
        if xp is cupy:
            from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
            shape = (self.n,) if self.n is not None else None
            plan = get_fft_plan(a, shape=shape, value_type='C2R')
            assert isinstance(plan, cupy.cuda.cufft.Plan1d)
            with plan:
                out = xp.fft.irfft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)
            out = xp.fft.irfft(a, n=self.n, norm=self.norm)

        if xp is np and dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.complex64]:
            out = out.astype(np.float32)

        return out
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, context, data, axes):

        self.context = context
        self.axes = axes

        assert len(data.shape) > max(axes)

        from cupyx.scipy import fftpack as cufftp

        if data.flags.f_contiguous:
            self._ax = [data.ndim - 1 - aa for aa in axes]
            _dat = data.T
            self.f_contiguous = True
            self._ax = axes
            _dat = data
            self.f_contiguous = False

        self._fftplan = cufftp.get_fft_plan(_dat,
Пример #22
def ifft(x):
    global plan1D
    if plan1D == None and Plan:
        plan1D = fftpack.get_fft_plan(x, axes=(-1))

    return fftpack.ifft(x, overwrite_x=owrite, plan=plan1D)
Пример #23
def channelize_poly(x, h, n_chans):
    Polyphase channelize signal into n channels

    x : array_like
        The input data to be channelized
    h : array_like
        The 1-D input filter; will be split into n
        channels of int number of taps
    n_chans : int
        Number of channels for channelizer

    yy : channelized output matrix

    Currently only supports simple channelizer where channel
    spacing is equivalent to the number of channels used (zero overlap).
    Number of filter taps (len of filter / n_chans) must be <=32.


    dtype = cp.promote_types(x.dtype, h.dtype)

    x = asarray(x, dtype=dtype)
    h = asarray(h, dtype=dtype)

    # number of taps in each h_n filter
    n_taps = int(len(h) / n_chans)
    if n_taps > 32:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The number of calculated taps ({}) in  \
            each filter is currently capped at 32. Please reduce filter \
                length or number of channels".format(

    if n_taps > 32:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Number of taps ({}) must be less than (32).".format(n_taps)

    # number of outputs
    n_pts = int(len(x) / n_chans)

    if x.dtype == cp.float32 or x.dtype == cp.complex64:
        y = cp.empty((n_pts, n_chans), dtype=cp.complex64)
    elif x.dtype == cp.float64 or x.dtype == cp.complex128:
        y = cp.empty((n_pts, n_chans), dtype=cp.complex128)

    _channelizer(x, h, y, n_chans, n_taps, n_pts)

    # Remove with CuPy v8
    if (x.dtype, n_pts, n_taps, n_chans) in _cupy_fft_cache:
        plan = _cupy_fft_cache[(x.dtype, n_pts, n_taps, n_chans)]
        plan = _cupy_fft_cache[
            (x.dtype, n_pts, n_taps, n_chans)
        ] = fftpack.get_fft_plan(y, axes=-1)

    return cp.conj(fftpack.fft(y, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)).T
Пример #24
def fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode="full", axes=None):
    """Convolve two N-dimensional arrays using FFT.

    Convolve `in1` and `in2` using the fast Fourier transform method, with
    the output size determined by the `mode` argument.

    This is generally much faster than `convolve` for large arrays (n > ~500),
    but can be slower when only a few output values are needed, and can only
    output float arrays (int or object array inputs will be cast to float).

    As of v0.19, `convolve` automatically chooses this method or the direct
    method based on an estimation of which is faster.

    in1 : array_like
        First input.
    in2 : array_like
        Second input. Should have the same number of dimensions as `in1`.
    mode : str {'full', 'valid', 'same'}, optional
        A string indicating the size of the output:

           The output is the full discrete linear convolution
           of the inputs. (Default)
           The output consists only of those elements that do not
           rely on the zero-padding. In 'valid' mode, either `in1` or `in2`
           must be at least as large as the other in every dimension.
           The output is the same size as `in1`, centered
           with respect to the 'full' output.
           axis : tuple, optional
    axes : int or array_like of ints or None, optional
        Axes over which to compute the convolution.
        The default is over all axes.

    out : array
        An N-dimensional array containing a subset of the discrete linear
        convolution of `in1` with `in2`.

    Autocorrelation of white noise is an impulse.

    >>> import cusignal
    >>> import cupy as cp
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> sig = cp.random.randn(1000)
    >>> autocorr = cusignal.fftconvolve(sig, sig[::-1], mode='full')

    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fig, (ax_orig, ax_mag) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    >>> ax_orig.plot(cp.asnumpy(sig))
    >>> ax_orig.set_title('White noise')
    >>> ax_mag.plot(np.arange(-len(sig)+1,len(sig)), autocorr)
    >>> ax_mag.set_title('Autocorrelation')
    >>> fig.tight_layout()
    >>> fig.show()

    Gaussian blur implemented using FFT convolution.  Notice the dark borders
    around the image, due to the zero-padding beyond its boundaries.
    The `convolve2d` function allows for other types of image boundaries,
    but is far slower.

    >>> from scipy import misc
    >>> face = misc.face(gray=True)
    >>> kernel = cp.outer(cusignal.gaussian(70, 8), cusignal.gaussian(70, 8))
    >>> blurred = cusignal.fftconvolve(face, kernel, mode='same')

    >>> fig, (ax_orig, ax_kernel, ax_blurred) = plt.subplots(3, 1,
    ...                                                      figsize=(6, 15))
    >>> ax_orig.imshow(face, cmap='gray')
    >>> ax_orig.set_title('Original')
    >>> ax_orig.set_axis_off()
    >>> ax_kernel.imshow(cp.asnumpy(kernel), cmap='gray')
    >>> ax_kernel.set_title('Gaussian kernel')
    >>> ax_kernel.set_axis_off()
    >>> ax_blurred.imshow(cp.asnumpy(blurred), cmap='gray')
    >>> ax_blurred.set_title('Blurred')
    >>> ax_blurred.set_axis_off()
    >>> fig.show()

    in1 = cp.ascontiguousarray(in1)
    in2 = cp.ascontiguousarray(in2)
    noaxes = axes is None

    if in1.ndim == in2.ndim == 0:  # scalar inputs
        return in1 * in2
    elif in1.ndim != in2.ndim:
        raise ValueError("in1 and in2 should have the same dimensionality")
    elif in1.size == 0 or in2.size == 0:  # empty arrays
        return cp.array([])

    _, axes = _init_nd_shape_and_axes_sorted(in1, shape=None, axes=axes)
    # axes needs to be numpy type for proper execution in FFT
    axes = cp.asnumpy(axes)

    if not noaxes and not axes.size:
        raise ValueError("when provided, axes cannot be empty")

    if noaxes:
        other_axes = np.array([], dtype=cp.intc)
        other_axes = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(in1.ndim), axes)

    s1 = np.array(in1.shape)
    s2 = np.array(in2.shape)

    if not np.all((s1[other_axes] == s2[other_axes])
                  | (s1[other_axes] == 1)
                  | (s2[other_axes] == 1)):
        raise ValueError("incompatible shapes for in1 and in2:"
                         " {0} and {1}".format(in1.shape, in2.shape))

    complex_result = np.issubdtype(in1.dtype,
                                   np.complexfloating) or np.issubdtype(
                                       in2.dtype, cp.complexfloating)
    shape = np.maximum(s1, s2)
    shape[axes] = s1[axes] + s2[axes] - 1

    # Check that input sizes are compatible with 'valid' mode
    if _inputs_swap_needed(mode, s1, s2):
        # Convolution is commutative; order doesn't have any effect on output
        in1, s1, in2, s2 = in2, s2, in1, s1

    # Speed up FFT by padding to optimal size for FFTPACK
    fshape = [next_fast_len(d) for d in shape[axes]]
    fslice = tuple([slice(sz) for sz in shape])

    if not complex_result:
        if (str(fshape), str(axes), "R2C") in _cupy_fft_cache:
            rplan = _cupy_fft_cache[(str(fshape), str(axes), "R2C")]
            rplan = _cupy_fft_cache[(str(fshape), str(axes),
                                     "R2C")] = fftpack.get_fft_plan(
            with rplan:
                sp1 = cp.fft.rfftn(in1, fshape, axes=axes)
                sp2 = cp.fft.rfftn(in2, fshape, axes=axes)
        except Exception:
            sp1 = cp.fft.rfftn(in1, fshape, axes=axes)
            sp2 = cp.fft.rfftn(in2, fshape, axes=axes)

        ret = cp.fft.irfftn(sp1 * sp2, fshape, axes=axes)[fslice].copy()
        # Need to move to cupyx.scipy.fft with CuPy v8
        if (str(fshape), str(axes)) in _cupy_fft_cache:
            plan = _cupy_fft_cache[(str(fshape), str(axes))]
            plan = _cupy_fft_cache[(str(fshape),
                                    str(axes))] = fftpack.get_fft_plan(
                                        in1, fshape, axes=axes)
            with plan:
                sp1 = fftpack.fftn(in1, fshape, axes=axes)
                sp2 = fftpack.fftn(in2, fshape, axes=axes)
                ret = fftpack.ifftn(sp1 * sp2, axes=axes)[fslice].copy()
        except Exception:
            sp1 = fftpack.fftn(in1, fshape, axes=axes)
            sp2 = fftpack.fftn(in2, fshape, axes=axes)
            ret = fftpack.ifftn(sp1 * sp2, axes=axes)[fslice].copy()

    if mode == "full":
        return ret
    elif mode == "same":
        return _centered(ret, s1)
    elif mode == "valid":
        shape_valid = shape.copy()
        shape_valid[axes] = s1[axes] - s2[axes] + 1
        return _centered(ret, shape_valid)
        raise ValueError("acceptable mode flags are \
                         " 'same', or 'full'")
Пример #25
def fiber_cupy(param: FiberParam, samples: np.ndarray, fs: float,
               center_wavelength: float, device: str):
    import cupy as np
    from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import fft as improved_fft
    from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import ifft as improved_ifft
    from cupyx.scipy.fftpack import get_fft_plan
    samples = np.array(samples)
    plan = get_fft_plan(samples[0])

    def step(samples, step_length, step_eff):
        xpol = samples[0]
        ypol = samples[1]
        xpol, ypol = linear_prop(xpol, ypol, step_length / 2)
        xpol, ypol = nonlinear_prop(xpol, ypol, step_eff)
        xpol, ypol = atteunation(xpol, ypol, step_length)
        xpol, ypol = linear_prop(xpol, ypol, step_length / 2)
        return np.vstack((xpol, ypol))

    def atteunation(xpol, ypol, step_length):
        xpol = xpol * np.exp(atten * step_length)
        ypol = ypol * np.exp(atten * step_length)
        return xpol, ypol

    def nonlinear_prop(xpol, ypol, step_length):
        amplitude_xpol = (xpol[:, 0]**2 + xpol[:, 1]**2)
        amplitude_ypol = (ypol[:, 0]**2 + ypol[:, 1]**2)
        phase_rotation_xpol = 8 / 9 * (amplitude_xpol +
                                       amplitude_ypol) * gamma * step_length
        phase_rotation_ypol = phase_rotation_xpol

        xpol = xpol * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * phase_rotation_xpol)
        ypol = ypol * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * phase_rotation_ypol)

        return xpol, ypol

    def linear_prop(xpol, ypol, length):
        frequency_domain_xpol = improved_fft(xpol, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)
        frequency_domain_ypol = improved_fft(ypol, overwrite_x=True, plan=plan)
        frequency_domain_xpol = frequency_domain_xpol * np.exp(1j * D * length)
        frequency_domain_ypol = frequency_domain_ypol * np.exp(1j * D * length)

        xpol_time_domain = improved_ifft(frequency_domain_xpol,
        ypol_time_domain = improved_ifft(frequency_domain_ypol,

        return xpol_time_domain, ypol_time_domain

    gamma = param.gamma
    length = param.length
    step_length = param.step_length
    xpol = samples[0]
    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(xpol), 1 / fs)
    omeg = 2 * np.pi * freq
    D = -1 / 2 * param.beta2(center_wavelength) * omeg**2
    atten = -param.alphalin / 2

    step_number = length / step_length
    step_number = int(np.floor(step_number))

    last_length = length - step_number * step_length
    step_eff = 1 - np.exp(-param.alphalin * step_length)
    step_eff = step_eff / param.alphalin
    last_length_eff = 1 - np.exp(-param.alphalin * last_length)
    last_length_eff = last_length_eff / param.alphalin

    for step_index in range(step_number):
        samples = step(samples, step_length, step_eff)

    if last_length_eff:
        samples = step(samples, last_length, last_length_eff)

    return samples