def draw_input_window(state, window, rpc_queue): color = curses.color_pair(1) if 'testnet' in state: if state['testnet']: color = curses.color_pair(2) window.clear() window.addstr(0, 1, g.rpc_deamon + "-ncurses " + g.version + " [transaction input mode]", color + curses.A_BOLD) window.addstr(1, 1, "please enter txid", curses.A_BOLD) window.refresh() entered_txid = getstr.getstr(67, 3, 1) # w, y, x if len(entered_txid) == 64: # TODO: better checking for valid txid here s = {'txid': entered_txid} rpc_queue.put(s) window.addstr(5, 1, "waiting for transaction (will stall here if not found)", color + curses.A_BOLD) window.refresh() state['mode'] = 'tx' else: window.addstr(5, 1, "not a valid txid", color + curses.A_BOLD) window.refresh() time.sleep(0.5) window.clear() window.refresh() state['mode'] = "monitor"
def draw_outputs(state): window_height = (state['y'] - 4) / 2 win_outputs = curses.newwin(window_height, 75, 3+window_height, 0) if state['tx']['mode'] == 'outputs': win_outputs.addstr(0, 1, "outputs: (UP/DOWN: scroll)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(3)) else: win_outputs.addstr(0, 1, "outputs: (TAB: switch to)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(5)) offset = state['tx']['out_offset'] for index in xrange(offset, offset+window_height-1): if index < len(state['tx']['vout_string']): condition = (index == offset+window_height-2) and (index+1 < len(state['tx']['vout_string'])) condition = condition or ( (index == offset) and (index > 0) ) if condition: win_outputs.addstr(index+1-offset, 1, "... ") else: string = state['tx']['vout_string'][index] if '[UNSPENT]' in string: color = curses.color_pair(1) elif '[SPENT]' in string or '[UNCONFIRMED SPEND]' in string: color = curses.color_pair(3) else: color = 0 win_outputs.addstr(index+1-offset, 1, string, color) win_outputs.refresh()
def dir_list(self, path="/usr/share/snmp/mibs/"): self.window.clear() self.window.move(0,0) max_y, max_x = self.window.getmaxyx() beg_y, beg_x = self.window.getbegyx() cursor_y, cursor_x = self.window.getyx() #first output the [..] for parent dir self.window.addstr("../") cursor_y = cursor_y + 1 self.window.move(cursor_y, 0) for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for subdirname in dirnames: self.window.attron(curses.color_pair(5)) self.window.addstr(subdirname[:25] + "/") self.window.attroff(curses.color_pair(5)) cursor_y = cursor_y + 1 self.window.move(cursor_y, 0) for file in filenames: if (cursor_y + 1 < max_y): self.window.addstr(file) cursor_y = cursor_y + 1 self.window.move(cursor_y, 0) self.window.move(0,0) self.window.chgat(curses.A_REVERSE) curses.curs_set(0)
def start_combat(self, unit): attacker = unit self.enemy = attacker status = self.var_handler.get('status_handler') io = self.var_handler.get('io_handler') command_processor = self.var_handler.get('command_processor') player = self.var_handler.get('player') hud = self.var_handler.get('hud_handler') self.combat = True io.output("You enter combat with a {0}".format(attacker.display_name), curses.color_pair(2)) status.end_sequence() status.output("You are attacked by: {0}".format(attacker.display_name)) hud.text_update() while self.combat: curses.curs_set(1) input = io.get_input(">>>>>>>:", curses.color_pair(2)) if input.split(" ")[0] in self.commands: if "attack" in input: output = self.attack(player, attacker) elif input == "run": output = elif input.split(" ")[0] == "cast": output = self.cast(input.split(" ")[1]) else: output = command_processor.receive_command(input) if attacker.state == "dead": self.combat = False self.enemy = None output = (output[0] + "\nYou kill the {0}".format(attacker.display_name), output[1]) else: output = ("You can't do that in combat", curses.color_pair(2)) io.output(output[0], output[1]) hud.text_update() status.start_sequence()
def update_patch(target): target.erase() color = config.COLOR_FOCUS if target.enabled and target.current_task > -1: if target.selected: target.addstr(0,0,"\u25C0", curses.color_pair(color)) else: target.addstr(0,0,"\u25C0") else: if target.enabled and target.selected: target.addstr(0,0,"\u25C1", curses.color_pair(color)) else: target.addstr(0,0,"\u25C1") if target.enabled and target.current_task+1 < len(target.task_list): if target.selected: target.addstr(target.size[0]-3,0,"\u25B6", curses.color_pair(color)) else: target.addstr(target.size[0]-3,0,"\u25B6") else: if target.enabled and target.selected: target.addstr(target.size[0]-3,0,"\u25B7", curses.color_pair(color)) else: target.addstr(target.size[0]-3,0,"\u25B7") if target.current_task >= 0: desc = globals.database.tasks[target.get_task()].desc target.addstr(3,0,desc)
def attack(self, player, enemy): player_accuracy = (ceil(player.attack_current / 2.0) + player.proficiency_current) - (ceil(enemy.defense_current / 2.0) + enemy.proficiency_current) if player_accuracy < -10: player_accuracy = -10 elif player_accuracy > 10: player_accuracy = 10 player_accuracy = int(player_accuracy * 5) + 85 + randint(0, 5) enemy_accuracy = (ceil(enemy.attack_current / 2.0) + enemy.proficiency_current) - (ceil(player.defense_current / 2.0) + player.proficiency_current) if enemy_accuracy < -10: enemy_accuracy = -10 elif enemy_accuracy > 10: enemy_accuracy = 10 enemy_accuracy = int(enemy_accuracy * 5) + 85 + randint(0, 5) player_damage = 0 enemy_damage = 0 state = "miss" if randint(0, 100) <= player_accuracy: player_damage = player.attack_current - int(enemy.defense_current * 0.65) if player_damage < 0: player_damage = 0 state = enemy.take_damage(player_damage) if state == "alive" or state == "miss": if randint(0, 100) <= enemy_accuracy: enemy_damage = enemy.attack_current - int(player.defense_current * 0.65) if enemy_damage < 0: enemy_damage = 0 player.take_damage(enemy_damage) return ("You attack, dealing {0} damage and taking {1} damage".format(player_damage, enemy_damage), curses.color_pair(2)) elif state == "miss": return ("You miss and take {0}".format(enemy_damage), curses.color_pair(2)) elif state == "dead": return ("You attack, dealing {0} damage".format(player_damage), curses.color_pair(2)) else: raise ValueError("Unit is not alive or dead")
def print_line(self, w, i): num_line = self.win_y + i is_current_line = self.cursor_y == i x = 0 force_exit = False for (string, col, is_bold) in self.token_lines[num_line]: if x + len(string) >= w: string = string[:w-x-1] force_exit = True c = color_pair(col) if is_current_line: c |= A_UNDERLINE if is_bold: c |= curses.A_BOLD self.screen.addstr(i, x, string, c) x += len(string) if force_exit: break if is_current_line and not force_exit: n = w - x - 1 self.screen.addstr(i, x, " " * n, color_pair(0) | A_UNDERLINE) x += n self.highlight_search(i, w) self.screen.move(i, x)
def _add_video_item(self, y, x, w, item): # Bail if we have _no_ horizontal space if w <= 0: return title = item['title'] uploader = item['uploader'] likes = int(item['likeCount']) if 'likeCount' in item else 0 ratings = int(item['ratingCount']) if 'ratingCount' in item else 0 comments = int(item['commentCount']) if 'commentCount' in item else 0 views = int(item['viewCount']) if 'viewCount' in item else 0 favorites = int(item['favoriteCount']) if 'favoriteCount' in item else 0 # Show the title and uploader, prioritising the title if len(uploader) > w: self._main_win.addstr(y,x,truncate(title, w).encode(self._code), self._title_attr) else: self._main_win.addstr(y,x,truncate(title, w-len(uploader)).encode(self._code), self._title_attr) self._main_win.addstr(y,x+w-len(uploader), uploader.encode(self._code), self._uploader_attr) desc = item['description'] if desc is None or len(desc.strip()) == 0: desc = 'No description' desc = re.sub(r'[\n\r]', r' ', desc) self._main_win.addstr(y+1,x,truncate(desc, w).encode(self._code), curses.color_pair(2)) self._add_table_row([ ('d', duration(item['duration'])), ('v', number(views)), ('c', number(comments)), ('l/d', '%s/%s' % (number(likes), number(ratings - likes)) ), ('f', number(favorites)), ], y+2, x, w, curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_DIM, max_width=22)
def draw_window(self): "Draw window." # Cusor of movies to display (first/last) first = self.cursor['first'] last = self.cursor['first'] + self.cursor['show'] lst_movies = self.lst_movies[first:last] # Title of window options = " - " + K_PLAY + ":Play " + K_SCAN + ":Refresh " options += K_PREV + ":Up " + K_NEXT + ":Down " + K_PPAG options += ":PUp " + K_NPAG + ":PDown " + K_FIND + ":Find " options += K_QUIT + ":Quit" title = "PiMP V" + str(VERSION) + options self.draw_line_of_text(0, title, curses.color_pair(4)) # List of movies self.clear_list_widget(1, self.H-2, self.W-1) i = 1 for movie in lst_movies: if movie == self.get_current_movie(): self.draw_line_of_text(i, "> "+movie, curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.draw_line_of_text(i, " "+movie) i += 1 # Status self.draw_status(self.status) self.stdscr.refresh()
def display_info(self, story): when = nice_date(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(story.unix_time), self.interface.body_win.addstr(" ") self.interface.body_win.addstr("points: ") if story.score == 1: points = "1" elif story.score > 1: points = "%d" % story.score else: points = "-" self.interface.body_win.addstr(points.ljust(5), curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD) self.interface.body_win.addstr("comments: ") if story.comments == 1: comments = "1" elif story.comments >= 0: comments = "%d" % story.comments else: comments = '-' self.interface.body_win.addstr(comments.ljust(5), curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD) self.interface.body_win.addstr("posted: ") self.interface.body_win.addstr(when.ljust(17), curses.color_pair(2) | curses.A_BOLD) self.interface.body_win.addstr("user: "******"\n")
def draw_window(state, window): window.clear() window.refresh() win_header = curses.newwin(5, 75, 0, 0) if 'browse_height' in state['blocks']: height = str(state['blocks']['browse_height']) if height in state['blocks']: blockdata = state['blocks'][height] win_header.addstr(0, 1, "height: " + height.zfill(6) + " (J/K: browse, HOME/END: quicker, L: latest, G: seek)", curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(1, 1, "hash: " + blockdata['hash'], curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(2, 1, "root: " + blockdata['merkleroot'], curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(3, 1, str(blockdata['size']) + " bytes (" + str(blockdata['size']/1024) + " KB) ", curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(3, 26, "diff: " + "{:,d}".format(int(blockdata['difficulty'])), curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(3, 52, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(blockdata['time'])), curses.A_BOLD) win_header.addstr(4, 51, ("v" + str(blockdata['version'])).rjust(20), curses.A_BOLD) draw_transactions(state) state['blocks']['loaded'] = 1 else: win_header.addstr(0, 1, "no block information loaded", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(3)) win_header.addstr(1, 1, "press 'G' to enter a block hash, height, or timestamp", curses.A_BOLD) else: win_header.addstr(0, 1, "no block information loaded", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(3)) win_header.addstr(1, 1, "press 'G' to enter a block hash, height, or timestamp", curses.A_BOLD) win_header.refresh() footer.draw_window(state)
def _prepare_alert_description(self, alert): attrs = curses.color_pair(0) if alert['type'] == 'WEATHERHAZARD': if len(alert['subtype']) > 0: if alert['subtype'] == 'HAZARD_ON_ROAD_OBJECT': typ = 'Object on road' elif alert['subtype'] == \ 'HAZARD_ON_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION': typ = 'Construction on road' elif alert['subtype'] == 'HAZARD_ON_ROAD_POT_HOLE': typ = 'Pothole on road' elif alert['subtype'] in [ 'HAZARD_ON_SHOULDER_CAR_STOPPED', 'HAZARD_ON_ROAD_CAR_STOPPED']: typ = 'Car stopped' else: typ = alert['subtype'] else: typ = alert['type'] elif alert['type'] == 'POLICEMAN': if alert['subtype'] == 'POLICE_VISIBLE': typ = 'Police visible' elif alert['subtype'] == 'POLICE_HIDING': typ = 'Police hiding' else: typ = 'Police' attrs = curses.color_pair(0) | curses.A_BOLD else: typ = alert['type'] typ = typ.title() return (typ, attrs)
def setData(self, data): # reset position self.linePos = 0 self.colPos = 0 # load new data self.text = data data = data.split("\n") if isinstance(data, str): data = [data] self.numLines = len(data) self.numCols = 0 for line in data: if len(line) > self.numCols: self.numCols = len(line) self.pad.clear() self.pad.resize(self.numLines, self.numCols) for i in range(self.numLines): try: s = data[i] if isHighlightedErrorLine(s): colors = curses.color_pair(ERROR_HIGHLIGHT_COLORS) else: colors = curses.color_pair(REGULAR_COLORS) self.pad.addstr(i, 0, s, colors) except: pass
def draw_list(): line = 0 y = 2 for item in mapping_list: string = item["Name"] if item["Type"] in ["Heading"]: x = 4 elif item["Type"] in ["Room", "Scene"]: x = 6 elif item["Type"] in ["Device"]: x = 8 # if item["Type"] == "Heading": # y+=1 # line += 1 if line == hilight: if item["Status"].isdigit(): if int(item["Status"]) > 0: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, curses.color_pair(4)) elif int(item["Status"]) == 0: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, curses.color_pair(2)) else: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, curses.A_REVERSE) else: if item["Status"].isdigit(): if int(item["Status"]) > 0: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, curses.color_pair(3)) elif int(item["Status"]) == 0: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string, curses.color_pair(1)) else: stdscr.addstr(y, x, string) y += 1 line += 1
def showHG(): """ Fonction permettant d'afficher le HighScore """ #On créer une nouvelle fenetre win = createNewWin(curses) #On affiche le texte win.addstr(1, 4, 'SnakePY HighScore', curses.color_pair(1)) win.addstr(2, 4, 'Press 1 to return previous menu', curses.color_pair(1)) win.addstr(3, 4, '') #On boucle sur les HighScore i = 4 #Pour chaque entrée dans le highscore... for hg in game.highscore.showHighScore(): #On ajoute une ligne win.addstr(i, 4, "%s -- %s" %(hg[0], hg[1]), curses.color_pair(1)) i+=1 chooseMenu = 0 #Tant que la touche 1 n'est pas pressée... while chooseMenu!= ord('1'): #On attend et on 'hook' les touches chooseMenu = win.getch() #Si on sort de la boucle (4), alors on #détruit les fenetres destroyWin() #...sinon on sort de la boucle et on affiche de #de nouveau le menu menu()
def main(stdscr): curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() for bg in range(256): for i in range(0, curses.COLORS): curses.init_pair(i + 1, i, bg) try: for i in range(256): # c = str(i) c = curses.ACS_ULCORNER c = ord('a') c = u'\u239e' c = u'\u2588' # c = 9608 # c = u'\u239e'.encode("utf-8") # c = u'\u0438'.encode('utf-8') stdscr.addstr(c, curses.color_pair(i)) # stdscr.addch(9118) # stdscr.addstr('\\u239e') # stdscr.addch(c) if i < 16: stdscr.addstr(' ', curses.color_pair(i)) if i in (16,52,88,124,160,196,232,): stdscr.addstr('\n', curses.color_pair(i)) stdscr.addstr('\n', curses.color_pair(i)) except curses.error: # End of screen reached pass if stdscr.getch() == ord('q'): break stdscr.clear()
def __init__(self, category, type, name): if type == "*" or category == "*": for folder in os.listdir('conf/items'): for file in os.listdir('conf/items/{0}'.format(folder if category == "*" else category)): try: = self._load_stats("conf/items/{0}/{1}/{2}.yaml".format(folder if category == "*" else category, file if type == "*" else type, name)) break except IOError: pass else: = self._load_stats("conf/items/{0}/{1}/{2}.yaml".format(category, type, name)) try: except: raise ValueError("That item does not exist") =['name'] self.display_name =['display_name'] self.category =['category'] self.type =['type'] self.tier =['tier'] self.examine =['examine'] self.text_color = curses.color_pair(['text_color']) self.frame_color = curses.color_pair(['frame_color']) if self.category == "gear" or self.category == "consumables": if self.category == "gear": self.image =['image'] self.enchantment = None if self.category == "consumables": self.duration =['duration'] self.stats =['stats'] # Buffs that the item gives from enchantments on it self.buffs = []
def showGameOver(): """ Fonction permettant l'affichage du score """ #On créer une nouvelle fenetre win = createNewWin(curses) #On affiche le texte win.addstr(1, 4, 'GAME OVER', curses.color_pair(3)) win.addstr(2, 4, 'Your Score', curses.color_pair(1)) win.addstr(3, 4, '%s - %s' %(, game.player.score), curses.color_pair(1)) win.addstr(4, 4, 'Press 1 to return previous menu', curses.color_pair(1)) win.addstr(5, 4, '') #Ajout dans le highscore game.highscore.addHighScore(, game.player.score) game.highscore.writeHighScore() key = 0 #Tant que la touche 1 n'est pas pressée... #while key!= 343 or key!=10: while key != ord('1'): #On attend et on 'hook' les touches key = win.getch() #Si on sort de la boucle (1), alors on #détruit les fenetres destroyWin() #A la fin de la partie (game over), on affiche l'écran menu()
def makeInfoPanel(h,w, y,x, title, info): win = curses.newwin(h,w, y,x) win.erase() if title == "<Planet>": title = "Target: {}".format( ln = 1 ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "{:^29}".format(info.empr)) ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Population:{:>18}".format(info.popl)) ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Tech:{:>24}".format( + " Age")) ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Wealth rating:{:>15}".format(info.wealth), ) ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Production:{:>18}".format( ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Avg. Temp:{:>19}".format(str(info.temp) + "*C")) ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w, "Distance:{:>20}".format(str(info.range) + "ly")) win.addstr(8, 1, "+---------------------------+") win.addstr(8, 9, " Useful Notes ", curses.color_pair(16)) ln += 1 for item in info.desc: ln += disWritePara(win, ln, 1, h, w-2, "> " + item) if ln >= w: break; #disWritePara(win, 1, 1, h, w, text) win.border(0, 0, 0, 0, curses.ACS_TTEE, 0, curses.ACS_BTEE, curses.ACS_RTEE) win.addstr(0, int(w/2) - int((len(title)+2)/2), " {} ".format(title), curses.color_pair(16)) panel = curses.panel.new_panel(win) return win, panel
def build_playinfo(self, song_name, artist, album_name, quality, start, pause=False): curses.noecho() # refresh top 2 line self.screen.move(1, 1) self.screen.clrtoeol() self.screen.move(2, 1) self.screen.clrtoeol() if pause: self.screen.addstr(1, self.indented_startcol, '_ _ z Z Z ' + quality, curses.color_pair(3)) else: self.screen.addstr(1, self.indented_startcol, '♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ' + quality, curses.color_pair(3)) self.screen.addstr( 1, min(self.indented_startcol + 18, self.x - 1), song_name + + artist + ' < ' + album_name + ' >', curses.color_pair(4)) self.screen.refresh()
def choose_agent(window): agents = registry.get_names() curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) window.addstr(10, 34, "Choose agent---SEER DIMENSIONS WAR") ch = 0 selected = 0 while ch != 10 and ch != 27: index = 0 for agent in agents: if index == selected: color = curses.color_pair(3) else: color = curses.color_pair(0) window.addstr(index + 11, 25, "{:^30}".format(agent), color) index += 1 window.refresh() ch = window.getch() if ch == curses.KEY_UP: selected -= 1 if selected < 0: selected = len(agents) - 1 if ch == curses.KEY_DOWN: selected += 1 if selected == len(agents): selected = 0 window.clear() if ch == 27: sys.exit(0) else: return registry.create_agent(agents[selected])
def drawTrade(player, y,x, h,w, ptr=0): win = curses.newwin(h,w, y,x) win.erase() win.hline(3,1, curses.ACS_HLINE, w-2) win.vline(2,26, curses.ACS_VLINE, h-3) win.vline(2,34, curses.ACS_VLINE, h-3) win.vline(2,42, curses.ACS_VLINE, h-3) win.addstr(2,1, "Commodities") win.addstr(2,27, "Price") win.addstr(2,35, "Stock") win.addstr(2,43, "Cargo") line = 4 for p in player.planet.comm: color = curses.color_pair(209) if line-4 == ptr: color = curses.color_pair(16) try: win.addstr(line, 1, player.planet.comname[line-4], color) #name win.addstr(line, 27, str(p)+"c", color) #price win.addstr(line, 35, "inf", color) #stock win.addstr(line, 43, str(player.cargo[line-4])+"t", color) #cargo except: pass line += 1 win.border(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, curses.ACS_TTEE, curses.ACS_LTEE, curses.ACS_BTEE) win.addstr(0, int(w/2)-5, " {} ".format("Trading Screen"), curses.color_pair(16)) win.addstr(1, 1, "Credits: {} | Hold: {}/{} ".format(player.credits, player.cargotot, player.cargomax), curses.color_pair(16)) panel = curses.panel.new_panel(win) return win, panel
def draw_word(window, y, word, color, reversed=False): color = curses.color_pair(color) | curses.A_BOLD if reversed: color = color | curses.A_REVERSE if "$" in word: next_color = color current_color = curses.color_pair(8) | curses.A_BOLD current_x = 6 for chunk in word.split("$"): chunk_length = len(chunk) if chunk_length > 0: window.addstr(y, current_x, chunk, current_color) current_x += chunk_length current_color, next_color = next_color, current_color else: # just a normal word window.addstr( y, 6, word, color) window.clrtoeol() window.refresh()
def run(self): (height, width) = self.ncurses.chatWindow.getmaxyx() self.ncurses.textboxWindow.move(0, 0) while True: chatInput = self.ncurses.textbox.edit(self.inputValidator) # Don't send anything if we're not connected to a nick if self.ncurses.connectedNick is None: self.ncurses.appendMessage('', "Not connected to client", curses.color_pair(0)) # Stop the thread if the stop flag is set if self.stop.is_set(): self.ncurses.dialogDismissed.acquire() self.ncurses.dialogDismissed.notify() self.ncurses.dialogDismissed.release() return self.ncurses.screen.refresh() # Clear the chat input self.ncurses.textboxWindow.deleteln() self.ncurses.textboxWindow.move(0, 0) self.ncurses.textboxWindow.deleteln() # Add the new input to the chat window prefix = "(%s) %s: " % (utils.getTimestamp(), self.ncurses.nick) self.ncurses.appendMessage(prefix, chatInput[:-1], curses.color_pair(3)) # Send the input to the client self.ncurses.connectionManager.getClient(self.ncurses.connectedNick).sendChatMessage(chatInput[:-1])
def __init__ (self): self.board = puzzle_2048() self.screen = curses.initscr() self.screen.keypad(1) self.screen.leaveok(0) curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.noecho() curses.curs_set(0) self.screen.addstr(0,0,"To play: combine the tiles that match using the arrow keys, and press esc to exit") #Drawing the lines for the board self.screen.hline(5,10,"-", 29, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.hline(9,10,"-", 29, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.hline(13,10,"-", 29, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.hline(17,10,"-", 29, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.hline(21,10,"-", 29, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.vline(5,10,"|", 17, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.vline(5,17,"|", 17, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.vline(5,24,"|", 17, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.vline(5,31,"|", 17, curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.vline(5,38,"|", 17, curses.color_pair(1)) self.Update_screen()
def _updateMenu(self): menurow = self._screensize[0] - 1 self._screen.addstr(menurow, 0, ' ' * (self._screensize[1] - 1), curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_HEADER_NORMAL)) self._screen.move(menurow,4) for mnemonic, text in self._keys.iteritems(): self._screen.addstr(' {0} '.format(mnemonic), curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_NORMAL) | curses.A_BOLD) self._screen.addstr('{0}'.format(text), curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_HEADER_NORMAL))
def print_line(self, line, highlight=False,semi_highlight=False): """A thin wrapper around curses's addstr().""" try: try: max_ousy, max_x = line = line.encode('utf-8')[0:max_x] if semi_highlight and highlight and self.time_to_highlight: line += " " * ([1] - len(line)), 0, line, curses.color_pair(1)) elif semi_highlight: line += " " * ([1] - len(line)), 0, line, curses.A_STANDOUT) elif highlight: line += " " * ([1] - len(line)), 0, line, curses.color_pair(1)) else:, 0, line, 0) except UnicodeEncodeError as e:, 0, 'x', 0) except curses.error: self.lineno = 0 raise else: self.lineno += 1
def _initDialog(self, height, width, buttons=('OK',), caption=None): self._dialogpad = curses.newpad(height, width) self._dialogpad.bkgd(0x94, curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_HEADER_HI)) self._dialogpad.clear() if caption: lh = (width / 2) - (len(caption) / 2) - 1 self._dialogpad.addstr(0, lh, ' {0} '.format(caption), curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_NORMAL) | curses.A_STANDOUT) if buttons: if len(buttons) > 1: bwid = 0 for bcap in buttons: if len(bcap) > bwid: bwid = len(bcap) cellwid = (width - 4) / len(buttons) lpad = (cellwid - bwid) / 2 - 1 rpad = cellwid - bwid - lpad - 1 self._dialogpad.move(height - 2, 1) else: bwid = len(buttons[0]) lpad = rpad = 1 self._dialogpad.move(height - 2, (width / 2) - (bwid / 2) - 2) for button in buttons: self._dialogpad.addstr('{0:{wlpad}}<{1:^{wbwid}}>{0:{wrpad}}'.format('',button, wlpad=lpad, wbwid=bwid, wrpad=rpad)) dt = (self._screensize[0] / 2) - (height / 2) dl = (self._screensize[1] / 2) - (width / 2) dc = padcoords(sminrow=dt,smincol=dl,smaxrow=dt+height - 1, smaxcol=dl+width - 1) self._dialogcoords = dc self._dialogpad.overlay(self._screen, 0, 0, dc.sminrow, dc.smincol, dc.smaxrow, dc.smaxcol) self._screen.refresh()
def _updateDetail_Info(self, pad): node = self._selectedNode if node: #baudRate, basic, generic, specific, version, security self._deviceInfoColumns=['id','name','location','capabilities','neighbors','manufacturer','product','productType'] if self._detailpos[self._detailview] >= len(self._deviceInfoColumns): self._detailpos[self._detailview]=len(self._deviceInfoColumns)-1 editableColumns=['name','location','manufacturer','product'] i = maxwid = 0 for name in self._deviceInfoColumns: maxwid = len(name) if len(name) > maxwid else maxwid colwidth = maxwid + 2 clr = self._getListItemColor(False) clr_rw = curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_ERROR) clr_ro = self._getListItemColor(True) clr_col = curses.color_pair(self.COLOR_OK) # TODO: If editable, should be textpad for column in self._deviceInfoColumns: val = str(getattr(node, column)) pad.move(i + 1, 1) pad.addstr('{0:>{width}}'.format(column.title() + ':', width=colwidth), clr_col) selected = i == self._detailpos[self._detailview] thisclr = clr if selected: thisclr = clr_rw if column in editableColumns else clr_ro i += 1 pad.addstr(' ') pad.addstr('{0:<{width}}'.format(val, width=30), thisclr)
def setupCurses(self): self.titlewin = self.stdscr.subwin(1, 80, 0, 0) self.mainwin = self.stdscr.subwin(23, 80, 1, 0) self.progwin = self.stdscr.subwin(10, 60, 6, 10) self.statwin = self.stdscr.subwin(1, 80, 24, 0) self.progBar = progressBar(0, 100, 56) curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) self.titlewin.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) self.statwin.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) self.mainwin.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2)) self.titlewin.addstr(0, 0, "Installing " + self.packageName) self.statwin.addstr(0, 0, "Please wait...") self.resetProgWin() self.stdscr.refresh()
def call(address, frequency): # RPS calculation last_tot_time = time.time() last_reqnumber_per_worker = defaultdict(int) last_reqnumber_per_core = defaultdict(int) # 0 - do not show async core # 1 - merge core statistics with worker statistics # 2 - display active cores under workers async_mode = 0 fast_screen = 0 screen = init_screen() http_stats, sfamily, addr, host = parse_address(address) need_reset = True def game_over(): if need_reset: curses.echo() curses.endwin() def exc_hook(type, value, tb): need_reset = False if screen: curses.echo() curses.endwin() traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb) atexit.register(game_over) sys.excepthook = exc_hook while True: if fast_screen == 1: screen.timeout(100) else: screen.timeout(frequency * 1000) screen.clear() js = '' try: js = reads(http_stats, addr, sfamily) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise continue except: raise Exception("unable to get uWSGI statistics") dd = json.loads(js) uversion = '' if 'version' in dd: uversion = '-' + dd['version'] if 'listen_queue' not in dd: dd['listen_queue'] = 0 cwd = "" if 'cwd' in dd: cwd = "- cwd: %s" % dd['cwd'] uid = "" if 'uid' in dd: uid = "- uid: %d" % dd['uid'] gid = "" if 'gid' in dd: gid = "- gid: %d" % dd['gid'] masterpid = "" if 'pid' in dd: masterpid = "- masterpid: %d" % dd['pid'] screen.addstr( 1, 0, "node: %s %s %s %s %s" % (host, cwd, uid, gid, masterpid)) if 'vassals' in dd: screen.addstr( 0, 0, "uwsgi%s - %s - emperor: %s - tyrant: %d" % (uversion, time.ctime(), dd['emperor'], dd['emperor_tyrant'])) if dd['vassals']: vassal_spaces = max([len(v['id']) for v in dd['vassals']]) screen.addstr(2, 0, " VASSAL%s\tPID\t" % (' ' * (vassal_spaces - 6)), curses.A_REVERSE) pos = 3 for vassal in dd['vassals']: screen.addstr( pos, 0, " %s\t%d" % (vassal['id'].ljust(vassal_spaces), vassal['pid'])) pos += 1 elif 'workers' in dd: tot = sum([worker['requests'] for worker in dd['workers']]) rps_per_worker = {} rps_per_core = {} cores = defaultdict(list) dt = time.time() - last_tot_time total_rps = 0 for worker in dd['workers']: wid = worker['id'] curr_reqnumber = worker['requests'] last_reqnumber = last_reqnumber_per_worker[wid] rps_per_worker[wid] = (curr_reqnumber - last_reqnumber) / dt total_rps += rps_per_worker[wid] last_reqnumber_per_worker[wid] = curr_reqnumber if not async_mode: continue for core in worker.get('cores', []): if not core['requests']: # ignore unused cores continue wcid = (wid, core['id']) curr_reqnumber = core['requests'] last_reqnumber = last_reqnumber_per_core[wcid] rps_per_core[wcid] = (curr_reqnumber - last_reqnumber) / dt last_reqnumber_per_core[wcid] = curr_reqnumber cores[wid].append(core) cores[wid].sort(key=reqcount) last_tot_time = time.time() if async_mode == 1: merge_worker_with_cores(dd['workers'], rps_per_worker, cores, rps_per_core) tx = human_size(sum([worker['tx'] for worker in dd['workers']])) screen.addstr( 0, 0, "uwsgi%s - %s - req: %d - RPS: %d - lq: %d - tx: %s" % (uversion, time.ctime(), tot, int( round(total_rps)), dd['listen_queue'], tx)) screen.addstr( 2, 0, " WID\t%\tPID\tREQ\tRPS\tEXC\tSIG\tSTATUS\tAVG\tRSS\tVSZ\tTX\tReSpwn\tHC\tRunT\tLastSpwn", curses.A_REVERSE) pos = 3 dd['workers'].sort(key=reqcount, reverse=True) for worker in dd['workers']: sigs = 0 wtx = human_size(worker['tx']) wlastspawn = "--:--:--" wrunt = worker['running_time'] / 1000 if wrunt > 9999999: wrunt = "%sm" % str(int(wrunt / (1000 * 60))) else: wrunt = str(wrunt) if worker['last_spawn']: wlastspawn = time.strftime( "%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(worker['last_spawn'])) color = curses.color_pair(0) if 'signals' in worker: sigs = worker['signals'] if worker['status'] == 'busy': color = curses.color_pair(1) if worker['status'] == 'cheap': color = curses.color_pair(2) if worker['status'].startswith('sig'): color = curses.color_pair(4) if worker['status'] == 'pause': color = curses.color_pair(5) wid = worker['id'] rps = int(round(rps_per_worker[wid])) try: screen.addstr( pos, 0, " %s\t%.1f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%dms\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (wid, calc_percent( tot, worker['requests']), worker['pid'], worker['requests'], rps, worker['exceptions'], sigs, worker['status'], worker['avg_rt'] / 1000, human_size(worker['rss']), human_size( worker['vsz']), wtx, worker['respawn_count'], worker['harakiri_count'], wrunt, wlastspawn), color) except: pass pos += 1 if async_mode != 2: continue for core in cores[wid]: color = curses.color_pair(0) if core['in_request']: status = 'busy' color = curses.color_pair(1) else: status = 'idle' cid = core['id'] rps = int(round(rps_per_core[wid, cid])) try: screen.addstr( pos, 0, " :%s\t%.1f\t-\t%d\t%d\t-\t-\t%s\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-" % ( cid, calc_percent(tot, core['requests']), core['requests'], rps, status, ), color) except: pass pos += 1 screen.refresh() ch = screen.getch() if ch == ord('q'): game_over() break elif ch == ord('a'): async_mode = (async_mode + 1) % 3 elif ch == ord('f'): fast_screen = (fast_screen + 1) % 2
def draw_inputs(state): window_height = (state['y'] - 4) // 2 window_width = state['x'] win_inputs = curses.newwin(window_height, window_width, 3, 0) if state['tx']['mode'] == 'inputs': # win_inputs.addstr(0, 1, "inputs: (UP/DOWN: select, ENTER: view, V: verbose)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(3)) win_inputs.addstr( 0, 1, "inputs: (TAB: switch to)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(5)) else: # win_inputs.addstr(0, 1, "inputs: (TAB: switch to, V: verbose)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(5)) win_inputs.addstr( 0, 1, "inputs: (TAB: switch to)", curses.A_BOLD + curses.color_pair(5)) # reset cursor if it's been resized off the bottom if state['tx']['cursor'] > state['tx']['offset'] + (window_height - 2): state['tx']['offset'] = state['tx']['cursor'] - (window_height - 2) offset = state['tx']['offset'] for index in range(offset, offset + window_height - 1): if index < len(state['tx']['vin']): if 'txid' in state['tx']['vin'][index]: buffer_string = state['tx']['vin'][index][ 'txid'] + ":" + "%03d" % state['tx']['vin'][index]['vout'] if 'prev_tx' in state['tx']['vin'][index]: vout = state['tx']['vin'][index]['prev_tx'] if 'value' in vout: if vout['scriptPubKey']['type'] == "pubkeyhash": buffer_string = "% 14.8f" % vout[ 'value'] + ": " + vout['scriptPubKey'][ 'addresses'][0].ljust(34) else: if len(vout['scriptPubKey'] ['asm']) > window_width - 37: buffer_string = "% 14.8f" % vout[ 'value'] + ": ..." + vout['scriptPubKey'][ 'asm'][-(window_width - 40):] else: buffer_string = "% 14.8f" % vout[ 'value'] + ": " + vout['scriptPubKey'][ 'asm'] length = len(buffer_string) if length + 72 < window_width: buffer_string += " " + state['tx']['vin'][index][ 'txid'] + ":" + "%03d" % state['tx']['vin'][ index]['vout'] else: buffer_string += " " + state['tx']['vin'][index][ 'txid'][:(window_width - length - 14)] + "[...]:" + "%03d" % state[ 'tx']['vin'][index]['vout'] if index == (state['tx']['cursor']): win_inputs.addstr(index + 1 - offset, 1, ">", curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) condition = (index == offset + window_height - 2) and (index + 1 < len(state['tx']['vin'])) condition = condition or ((index == offset) and (index > 0)) if condition: win_inputs.addstr(index + 1 - offset, 3, "...") else: win_inputs.addstr(index + 1 - offset, 3, buffer_string) elif 'coinbase' in state['tx']['vin'][index]: coinbase = "[coinbase] " + state['tx']['vin'][index]['coinbase'] coinbase_bytes = binascii.unhexlify( state['tx']['vin'][index]['coinbase']) # strip non-ASCII characters coinbase_bytes = bytes(x for x in coinbase_bytes if 31 < x < 127) coinbase_string = " [strings] {}".format( coinbase_bytes.decode("utf-8")) if len(coinbase) > window_width - 1: win_inputs.addstr(index + 1 - offset, 1, coinbase[:window_width - 5] + " ...") else: win_inputs.addstr(index + 1 - offset, 1, coinbase[:window_width - 1]) if len(coinbase_string) > window_width - 1: win_inputs.addstr( index + 2 - offset, 1, coinbase_string[:window_width - 5] + " ...") else: win_inputs.addstr(index + 2 - offset, 1, coinbase_string[:window_width - 1]) win_inputs.refresh()
def runmenu(menu): global screen global screenHeight global topLineNum global highlightLineNum global up global down up = -1 down = 1 screenHeight = 0 topLineNum = 0 highlightLineNum = 0 oldHighlightLineNum=None screenHeight = curses.LINES - 6 # - 1 border - 5 title lines x = None # Loop until return key is pressed while x !=ord('\n'): # reset screen screen.clear() screen.border(0) # print title screen.addstr(2,2, menu['title'].encode('utf-8'), curses.A_STANDOUT) top = topLineNum bottom = topLineNum + screenHeight # print lines for (index,menuItem,) in enumerate(menu['options'][top:bottom]): linenum = topLineNum + index # print normal if index != highlightLineNum: screen.addstr(index + 5, 5, " " + menuItem['title'].encode('utf-8'), curses.A_NORMAL ) # bold Cancel if index == len(menu['options']) - 1: screen.addstr(index + 5, 5, " " + menuItem['title'].encode('utf-8'), curses.A_BOLD) else: # print highlight current line screen.addstr(index + 5, 5, " -> " + menuItem['title'].encode('utf-8'), curses.color_pair(1)) screen.refresh() # get user input x = screen.getch() if x == curses.KEY_UP: moveUpDown(up, menu) elif x == curses.KEY_DOWN: moveUpDown(down, menu) screen.refresh() # return index of the selected item return topLineNum + highlightLineNum
def update(self, card): self.selected = -1 self.field_count = 0 self.fields = None if card is not None: # find logest label field_idx = 0 self.longest = 0 self.fields = card['fields'] self.field_count = 0 for f in card['fields']: if f['value'] is None: field_idx += 1 continue self.field_count += 1 label_len = len(f['name']) if label_len > self.longest: self.longest = label_len if (self.selected == -1 and f['type'] in ('password', 'one_time_password', 'secret', 'pin')): self.selected = field_idx field_idx += 1 if self.field_count and self.selected == -1: self.selected = 0 # print title y_pos = self.lines - self.field_count - 2, self.longest + 3, card['title'], curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD) # print fields field_idx = 0 for f in card['fields']: if f['value'] is None: field_idx += 1 continue if f['type'] in ('password', 'one_time_password', 'secret'): text = '**********' elif f['type'] == 'pin': text = '***' else: text = f['value'] label = f['name'] x_pos = self.longest - len(label) + 1 y_pos += 1, x_pos, f'{label}:', curses.color_pair(4) | curses.A_BOLD), self.longest + 3, text) if field_idx == self.selected:, self.longest + 2, '>', curses.color_pair(1)) field_idx += 1
def run_dialog(self, title, items, interval=2, buttons=None, y_pos=3): self.popup_pos = 0 self.w = curses.newwin( 5 + len(list(items))*interval + (2 if buttons else 0), 50, y_pos, 5) w = self.w out = {} while True: w.clear() w.border(0) w.addstr( 0, 2, title) num = len(list(items)) numpos = num if buttons: numpos += 2 for i in range(num): item = items[i] label = item.get('label') if item.get('type') == 'list': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'satoshis': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'str': value = item.get('value','') elif item.get('type') == 'password': value = '*'*len(item.get('value','')) else: value = '' if value is None: value = '' if len(value)<20: value += ' '*(20-len(value)) if 'value' in item: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label) w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 15, value, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else curses.color_pair(1) ) else: w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else 0) if buttons: w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 10, "[ ok ]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-2) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 25, "[cancel]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-1) else curses.color_pair(2)) w.refresh() c = self.stdscr.getch() if c in [ord('q'), 27]: break elif c in [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP]: self.popup_pos -= 1 elif c in [curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN]: self.popup_pos +=1 else: i = self.popup_pos%numpos if buttons and c==10: if i == numpos-2: return out elif i == numpos -1: return {} item = items[i] _type = item.get('type') if _type == 'str': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'password': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c) out[item.get('label')] = item ['value'] elif _type == 'satoshis': item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c, True) out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'list': choices = item.get('choices') try: j = choices.index(item.get('value')) except Exception: j = 0 new_choice = choices[(j + 1)% len(choices)] item['value'] = new_choice out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value') elif _type == 'button': out['button'] = item.get('label') break return out
def print_send_tab(self): self.stdscr.clear() self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40) self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40) self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15) self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2)) self.maxpos = 6
def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size): text += " "*(size - len(text) ) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label) self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1))
def get_color_pair(self, fg, bg): return curses.color_pair(self.get_pair_number(fg, bg))
def on_draw(self): self.window.border(0) self.window.addstr("Pretty text", curses.color_pair(1))
curses.cbreak() #curses.curs_set(0) if curses.has_colors(): curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) stdscr.addstr("Select Solos to swarmify", curses.A_REVERSE) stdscr.chgat(-1, curses.A_REVERSE) stdscr.addstr(curses.LINES - 1, 0, "Press 'ESC' to go back, 'Q' to quit") stdscr.chgat(curses.LINES - 1, 7, 1, curses.A_BOLD | curses.color_pair(2)) outer_window = curses.newwin(curses.LINES - 2, curses.COLS, 1, 0) text_window = outer_window.subwin(curses.LINES - 6, curses.COLS - 4, 3, 2) text_window.addstr("Sololink_whatever") stdscr.noutrefresh() outer_window.noutrefresh() curses.doupdate() while True: c = outer_window.getch() if c == ord('r') or c == ord('R'):
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Topmenu and the submenus are based of the example found at this location # The rest of the work was done by Matthew Bennett and he requests you keep these two mentions when you reuse the code :-) # Basic code refactoring by Andrew Scheller import curses, os #curses is the interface for capturing key presses on the menu, os launches the files screen = curses.initscr() #initializes a new window for capturing key presses curses.noecho() # Disables automatic echoing of key presses (prevents program from input each key twice) curses.cbreak() # Disables line buffering (runs each key as it is pressed rather than waiting for the return key to pressed) curses.start_color() # Lets you use colors when highlighting selected menu option screen.keypad(1) # Capture input from keypad # Change this to use different colors when highlighting curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # Sets up color pair #1, it does black text with white background h = curses.color_pair(1) #h is the coloring for a highlighted menu option n = curses.A_NORMAL #n is the coloring for a non highlighted menu option MENU = "menu" COMMAND = "command" menu_data = { 'title': "Welcome to the Almond box! Please setup your Wifi Network by entering the ssid and password", 'type': MENU, 'subtitle': " ", 'options': [ { 'title': "Enter Wifi Password information", 'type': COMMAND, 'command': 'sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces' }, { 'title': "Update Launcher Menu", 'type': COMMAND, 'command': 'sudo sh /home/pi/' }, { 'title': "Entertainment", 'type': MENU, 'subtitle': "Shows, Movies, games and More", 'options': [ { 'title': "Kodi", 'type': COMMAND, 'command': 'kodi-standalone' },
def write_label(self): label_start = 0 label_end = 17 label_color = curses.color_pair(5) self.write(label_start, label_end, f" {self.label}", label_color)
def module_funcs(stdscr): "Test module-level functions" for func in [ curses.baudrate, curses.beep, curses.can_change_color, curses.cbreak, curses.def_prog_mode, curses.doupdate, curses.filter, curses.flash, curses.flushinp, curses.has_colors, curses.has_ic, curses.has_il, curses.isendwin, curses.killchar, curses.longname, curses.nocbreak, curses.noecho, curses.nonl, curses.noqiflush, curses.noraw, curses.reset_prog_mode, curses.termattrs, curses.termname, curses.erasechar, curses.getsyx ]: func() # Functions that actually need arguments curses.curs_set(1) curses.delay_output(1) curses.echo() curses.echo(1) f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() stdscr.putwin(f) curses.getwin(f) f.close() curses.halfdelay(1) curses.intrflush(1) curses.meta(1) curses.napms(100) curses.newpad(50, 50) win = curses.newwin(5, 5) win = curses.newwin(5, 5, 1, 1) curses.putp('abc') curses.qiflush() curses.raw() curses.raw(1) curses.setsyx(5, 5) curses.setupterm(fd=sys.__stdout__.fileno()) curses.tigetflag('hc') curses.tigetnum('co') curses.tigetstr('cr') curses.tparm('cr') curses.typeahead(sys.__stdin__.fileno()) curses.unctrl('a') curses.ungetch('a') curses.use_env(1) # Functions only available on a few platforms if curses.has_colors(): curses.start_color() curses.init_pair(2, 1, 1) curses.color_content(1) curses.color_pair(2) curses.pair_content(curses.COLOR_PAIRS) curses.pair_number(0) if hasattr(curses, 'keyname'): curses.keyname(13) if hasattr(curses, 'has_key'): curses.has_key(13) if hasattr(curses, 'getmouse'): curses.mousemask(curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED) curses.mouseinterval(10)
def draw_char(stdscr, height, width, y, x, char): if y == height - 1 and x == width - 1: # If it's the lower-right corner, addch() throws an error. Use insch() instead. stdscr.insch(y, x, char, curses.color_pair(1)) else: stdscr.addch(y, x, char, curses.color_pair(1))
def run(stdscr): current_optimizer = 'Adam' train_tensors = adam_train_tensors current_step = 0 curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_CYAN, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(6, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(7, curses.COLOR_MAGENTA, curses.COLOR_BLACK) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('{}\n'.format(self.save_dir), curses.A_STANDOUT) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('GPU: {}\n'.format(self.cuda_visible_devices), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Current optimizer: {}\n'.format(current_optimizer), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Epoch: {:3d}'.format(0), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(' | ') stdscr.addstr('Step: {:5d}\n'.format(0), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Moving acc: {:5.2f}'.format(0.), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(' | ') stdscr.addstr('Best moving acc: {:5.2f}\n'.format(0.), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Steps since improvement: {:4d}\n'.format(0), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.move(2,0) stdscr.refresh() try: current_epoch = 0 best_accuracy = 0 current_accuracy = 0 steps_since_best = 0 while (not self.max_steps or current_step < self.max_steps) and \ (not self.max_steps_without_improvement or steps_since_best < self.max_steps_without_improvement) and \ (not self.n_passes or current_epoch < len(trainset.conllu_files)*self.n_passes): if steps_since_best >= 500 and self.switch_optimizers: train_tensors = amsgrad_train_tensors current_optimizer = 'AMSGrad' for batch in trainset.batch_iterator(shuffle=True): train_outputs.restart_timer() start_time = time.time() feed_dict = trainset.set_placeholders(batch) _, train_scores =, feed_dict=feed_dict) train_outputs.update_history(train_scores) current_step += 1 if current_step % self.print_every == 0: for batch in devset.batch_iterator(shuffle=False): dev_outputs.restart_timer() feed_dict = devset.set_placeholders(batch) dev_scores =, feed_dict=feed_dict) dev_outputs.update_history(dev_scores) current_accuracy *= .5 current_accuracy += .5*dev_outputs.get_current_accuracy() if current_accuracy >= best_accuracy: steps_since_best = 0 best_accuracy = current_accuracy if self.save_model_after_improvement:, os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'ckpt'), global_step=self.global_step, write_meta_graph=False) if self.parse_devset: self.parse_files(devset, dev_outputs, sess, print_time=False) else: steps_since_best += self.print_every current_epoch = stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Current optimizer: {}\n'.format(current_optimizer), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Epoch: {:3d}'.format(int(current_epoch)), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(' | ') stdscr.addstr('Step: {:5d}\n'.format(int(current_step)), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Moving acc: {:5.2f}'.format(current_accuracy), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.addstr(' | ') stdscr.addstr('Best moving acc: {:5.2f}\n'.format(best_accuracy), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr('\t') stdscr.addstr('Steps since improvement: {:4d}\n'.format(int(steps_since_best)), curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) stdscr.clrtoeol() train_outputs.print_recent_history(stdscr) dev_outputs.print_recent_history(stdscr) print('') stdscr.move(2,0) stdscr.refresh() current_epoch = trainset.load_next() with open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, 'SUCCESS'), 'w') as f: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass line = 0 stdscr.move(line,0) instr = stdscr.instr().rstrip() while instr: screen_output.append(instr) line += 1 stdscr.move(line,0) instr = stdscr.instr().rstrip()
def main(stdscr): # Setup the default colors curses.use_default_colors() # Clear the screen stdscr.clear() # Display the logo and wait for user input stdscr.addstr(LOGO) stdscr.refresh() stdscr.getch() # Initialize the game grid display stdscr.clear() for y in range(NUM_ROWS): for x in range(NUM_COLS): stdscr.addstr(y, x, STR_COVERED) stdscr.move(0, 0) stdscr.refresh() # Initialize colors initialize_color_pairs() # Initialize the Minesweeper game minesweeper = Minesweeper(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, NUM_MINES) # Run the game logic while True: c = stdscr.getch() (y, x) = stdscr.getyx() # This is a good place for a switch statement!!! if c == ord('e'): break elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: stdscr.move(y, max(x - 1, 0)) elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: stdscr.move(y, min(x + 1, NUM_COLS - 1)) elif c == curses.KEY_UP: stdscr.move(max(y - 1, 0), x) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: stdscr.move(min(y + 1, NUM_ROWS - 1), x) elif c == ord('c'): # Check for double click on revealed tile which has proper number # of marked flags if ord('1') <= (stdscr.inch(y, x) & 0xff) <= ord('8') and str( countSurroundingFlags( x, y, stdscr)) == chr(stdscr.inch(y, x) & 0xff): revealSurrounding(x, y, stdscr, minesweeper) else: revealTile(x, y, stdscr, minesweeper) # Avoid moving the cursor. There's probably a nicer way to do this stdscr.move(y, x) stdscr.refresh() elif c == ord('f'): stdscr.addstr(STR_FLAG, curses.color_pair(PAIR_FLAG)) # Avoid moving the cursor. stdscr.move(y, x) stdscr.refresh()
def build_loading(self): self.screen.addstr(6, 19, '尽享高品质音乐...', curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.refresh()
def build_menu(self, datatype, title, datalist, offset, index, step): # keep playing info in line 1 curses.noecho() self.screen.move(4,1) self.screen.clrtobot() self.screen.addstr(4, 19, title, curses.color_pair(1)) if len(datalist) == 0: self.screen.addstr(8, 19, '这里什么都没有 -,-') else: if datatype == 'main': for i in range( offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]) elif datatype == 'songs': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): # this item is focus if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['artist'] + ' < ' + datalist[i]['album_name'] + ' >', curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['artist'] + ' < ' + datalist[i]['album_name'] + ' >') elif datatype == 'artists': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['artists_name'] + ' - ' + str(datalist[i]['alias']), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['artists_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['alias']) elif datatype == 'albums': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['albums_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['artists_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['albums_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['artists_name']) elif datatype == 'playlists': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['playlists_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['creator_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['playlists_name'] + ' - ' + datalist[i]['creator_name']) elif datatype == 'djchannels': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name']) elif datatype == 'help': for i in range(offset, min( len(datalist), offset+step) ): if i == index: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 16, '-> ' + str(i) + '. \'' + datalist[i][0] + '\' ' + datalist[i][1] + ' ' + datalist[i][2], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.screen.addstr(i - offset +8, 19, str(i) + '. \'' + datalist[i][0] + '\' ' + datalist[i][1] + ' ' + datalist[i][2]) self.screen.addstr(20, 6, 'NetEase-MusicBox 基于Python,所有版权音乐来源于网易,本地不做任何保存') self.screen.addstr(21, 10, '按 [G] 到 Github 了解更多信息,帮助改进,或者Star表示支持~~') self.screen.addstr(22, 19, 'Build with love to music by @vellow') self.screen.refresh()
def build_menu(self, datatype, title, datalist, offset, index, step, start): # keep playing info in line 1 curses.noecho() self.screen.move(5, 1) self.screen.clrtobot() self.addstr(5, self.startcol, title, curses.color_pair(1)) if len(datalist) == 0: self.addstr(8, self.startcol, '这里什么都没有 -,-') else: if datatype == 'main': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]) elif datatype == 'songs' or datatype == 'fmsongs': iter_range = min(len(datalist), offset + step) for i in range(offset, iter_range): # this item is focus if i == index: self.addstr(i - offset + 8, 0, ' ' * self.startcol) lead = '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' self.addstr(i - offset + 8, self.indented_startcol, lead, curses.color_pair(2)) name = '{}{}{} < {} >'.format( datalist[i]['song_name'],, datalist[i]['artist'], datalist[i]['album_name']) # the length decides whether to scoll if truelen(name) < self.x - self.startcol - 1: self.addstr(i - offset + 8, self.indented_startcol + len(lead), name, curses.color_pair(2)) else: name = scrollstring(name + ' ', start) self.addstr(i - offset + 8, self.indented_startcol + len(lead), str(name), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 8, 0, ' ' * self.startcol) self.addstr( i - offset + 8, self.startcol, '{}. {}{}{} < {} >'.format( i, datalist[i]['song_name'],, datalist[i]['artist'], datalist[i]['album_name'])[:int(self.x * 2)]) self.addstr(iter_range - offset + 8, 0, ' ' * self.x) elif datatype == 'comments': # 被选中的评论在最下方显示全部字符,其余评论仅显示一行 for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): maxlength = min(int(1.8 * self.startcol), len(datalist[i])) if i == index: try: self.addstr(20, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i], curses.color_pair(2)) except: self.addstr( 20, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + 'This comment is invalid', curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i][:maxlength]) elif datatype == 'artists': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['artists_name'] + + str(datalist[i]['alias']), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['artists_name'] + + datalist[i]['alias']) elif datatype == 'albums': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['albums_name'] + + datalist[i]['artists_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['albums_name'] + + datalist[i]['artists_name']) elif datatype == 'playlists': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['title'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['title']) elif datatype == 'top_playlists': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['playlists_name'] + + datalist[i]['creator_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['playlists_name'] + + datalist[i]['creator_name']) elif datatype == 'toplists': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]) elif datatype in ('playlist_classes', 'playlist_class_detail'): for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 9, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]) elif datatype == 'djchannels': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 8, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name'], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 8, self.startcol, str(i) + '. ' + datalist[i]['song_name']) elif datatype == 'search': self.screen.move(6, 1) self.screen.clrtobot() self.screen.timeout(-1) self.addstr(8, self.startcol, '选择搜索类型:', curses.color_pair(1)) for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr(i - offset + 10, self.indented_startcol, '-> ' + str(i) + '.' + datalist[i - 1], curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr(i - offset + 10, self.startcol, str(i) + '.' + datalist[i - 1]) self.screen.timeout(100) elif datatype == 'help': for i in range(offset, min(len(datalist), offset + step)): if i == index: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.indented_startcol, '-> {}. \'{}{} {}'.format( i, (datalist[i][0].upper() + '\'').ljust(11), datalist[i][1], datalist[i][2]), curses.color_pair(2)) else: self.addstr( i - offset + 9, self.startcol, '{}. \'{}{} {}'.format( i, (datalist[i][0].upper() + '\'').ljust(11), datalist[i][1], datalist[i][2])) self.addstr(20, 6, 'NetEase-MusicBox 基于Python,所有版权音乐来源于网易,本地不做任何保存') self.addstr(21, 10, '按 [G] 到 Github 了解更多信息,帮助改进,或者Star表示支持~~') self.addstr(22, self.startcol, 'Build with love to music by omi') self.screen.refresh()
def __init__(self, stdscreen, options_file): self.screen = stdscreen # Init the colors curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_GREEN) curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.screen.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) self.maxy, self.maxx = self.screen.getmaxyx() self.screen.addstr(self.maxy - 1, 0, ' Arrow keys make selections; <Enter> activates.') curses.curs_set(0) self.cd_path = None kernel_params = subprocess.check_output(['cat', '/proc/cmdline']) # check the kickstart param ks_config = None m = re.match(r".*ks=(\S+)\s*.*\s*", kernel_params) if m != None: ks_config = self.get_config( # check for the repo param m = re.match(r".*repo=(\S+)\s*.*\s*", kernel_params) if m != None: rpm_path = else: # the rpms should be in the cd self.mount_RPMS_cd() rpm_path = os.path.join(self.cd_path, "RPMS") # This represents the installer screen, the bool indicated if I can go back to this window or not items = [] if not ks_config: random_id = '%12x' % random.randrange(16**12) random_hostname = "photon-" + random_id.strip() install_config = {'iso_system': False} license_agreement = License(self.maxy, self.maxx) select_disk = SelectDisk(self.maxy, self.maxx, install_config) select_partition = PartitionISO(self.maxy, self.maxx, install_config) package_selector = PackageSelector(self.maxy, self.maxx, install_config, options_file) self.alpha_chars = range(65, 91) self.alpha_chars.extend(range(97, 123)) partition_accepted_chars = list(range(48, 58)) hostname_accepted_chars = list(self.alpha_chars) # Adding the numeric chars hostname_accepted_chars.extend(range(48, 58)) # Adding the . and - hostname_accepted_chars.extend([ord('.'), ord('-')]) hostname_reader = WindowStringReader( self.maxy, self.maxx, 10, 70, 'hostname', None, # confirmation error msg if it's a confirmation text None, # echo char hostname_accepted_chars, # set of accepted chars self.validate_hostname, # validation function of the input None, # post processing of the input field 'Choose the hostname for your system', 'Hostname:', 2, install_config, random_hostname, True) root_password_reader = WindowStringReader( self.maxy, self.maxx, 10, 70, 'password', None, # confirmation error msg if it's a confirmation text '*', # echo char None, # set of accepted chars self.validate_password, # validation function of the input None, # post processing of the input field 'Set up root password', 'Root password:'******'password', "Passwords don't match, please try again.", # confirmation error msg if it's a confirmation text '*', # echo char None, # set of accepted chars None, # validation function of the input self. generate_password_hash, # post processing of the input field 'Confirm root password', 'Confirm Root password:'******'ostree_repo_url', None, # confirmation error msg if it's a confirmation text None, # echo char None, # set of accepted chars self. validate_ostree_url_input, # validation function of the input None, # post processing of the input field 'Please provide the URL of OSTree repo', 'OSTree Repo URL:', 2, install_config, "http://") ostree_ref_reader = OSTreeWindowStringReader( self.maxy, self.maxx, 10, 70, 'ostree_repo_ref', None, # confirmation error msg if it's a confirmation text None, # echo char None, # set of accepted chars self. validate_ostree_refs_input, # validation function of the input None, # post processing of the input field 'Please provide the Refspec in OSTree repo', 'OSTree Repo Refspec:', 2, install_config, "photon/1.0/x86_64/minimal") items = items + [ (license_agreement.display, False), (select_disk.display, True), (select_partition.display, False), (select_disk.guided_partitions, False), (package_selector.display, True), (hostname_reader.get_user_string, True), (root_password_reader.get_user_string, True), (confirm_password_reader.get_user_string, False), (ostree_server_selector.display, True), (ostree_url_reader.get_user_string, True), (ostree_ref_reader.get_user_string, True), ] else: install_config = ks_config install_config['iso_system'] = False installer = InstallerContainer(install_config, self.maxy, self.maxx, True, rpm_path=rpm_path, log_path="/var/log", ks_config=ks_config) items = items + [(installer.install, False)] index = 0 params = None while True: result = items[index][0](params) if result.success: index += 1 params = result.result if index == len(items) - 1: self.screen.clear() if index == len(items): break else: index -= 1 while index >= 0 and items[index][1] == False: index -= 1 if index < 0: index = 0
def build_process_bar(self, now_playing, total_length, playing_flag, pause_flag, playing_mode): if (['player_info']['idx'] >= len(['player_info']['player_list'])): return curses.noecho() self.screen.move(3, 1) self.screen.clrtoeol() self.screen.move(4, 1) self.screen.clrtoeol() if not playing_flag: return if total_length <= 0: total_length = 1 if now_playing > total_length or now_playing <= 0: now_playing = 0 process = '[' for i in range(0, 33): if i < now_playing / total_length * 33: if (i + 1) > now_playing / total_length * 33: if not pause_flag: process += '>' continue process += '=' else: process += ' ' process += '] ' now_minute = int(now_playing / 60) if now_minute > 9: now_minute = str(now_minute) else: now_minute = '0' + str(now_minute) now_second = int(now_playing - int(now_playing / 60) * 60) if now_second > 9: now_second = str(now_second) else: now_second = '0' + str(now_second) total_minute = int(total_length / 60) if total_minute > 9: total_minute = str(total_minute) else: total_minute = '0' + str(total_minute) total_second = int(total_length - int(total_length / 60) * 60) if total_second > 9: total_second = str(total_second) else: total_second = '0' + str(total_second) process += '(' + now_minute + ':' + now_second + '/' + total_minute + ':' + total_second + ')' # NOQA if playing_mode == 0: process = '顺序播放 ' + process elif playing_mode == 1: process = '顺序循环 ' + process elif playing_mode == 2: process = '单曲循环 ' + process elif playing_mode == 3: process = '随机播放 ' + process elif playing_mode == 4: process = '随机循环 ' + process else: pass self.addstr(3, self.startcol - 2, process, curses.color_pair(1)) song =['songs'][['player_info']['player_list'][['player_info']['idx']]] if 'lyric' not in song.keys() or len(song['lyric']) <= 0: self.now_lyric = '暂无歌词 ~>_<~ \n' if dbus_activity and self.config.get_item('osdlyrics'): self.now_playing = song['song_name'] + ' - ' + song[ 'artist'] + '\n' else: key = now_minute + ':' + now_second for line in song['lyric']: if key in line: if 'tlyric' not in song.keys() or len(song['tlyric']) <= 0: self.now_lyric = line else: self.now_lyric = line for tline in song['tlyric']: if key in tline and self.config.get_item( 'translation'): self.now_lyric = tline + ' || ' + self.now_lyric # NOQA self.now_lyric = re.sub('\[.*?\]', '', self.now_lyric) if dbus_activity and self.config.get_item('osdlyrics'): try: bus = dbus.SessionBus().get_object('org.musicbox.Bus', '/') if self.now_lyric == '暂无歌词 ~>_<~ \n': bus.refresh_lyrics(self.now_playing, dbus_interface='local.musicbox.Lyrics') else: bus.refresh_lyrics(self.now_lyric, dbus_interface='local.musicbox.Lyrics') except Exception as e: log.error(e) pass self.addstr(4, self.startcol - 2, str(self.now_lyric), curses.color_pair(3)) self.screen.refresh()
def build_loading(self): self.addstr(7, self.startcol, '享受高品质音乐,loading...', curses.color_pair(1)) self.screen.refresh()
def show_stat(stdscr, file, dira): """ show stats on right panel """ h, w = stdscr.getmaxyx() wn = 37 if (w < wn * 2): return if file == "Empty Folder": for i in range(2, 10): stdscr.addstr(i, w - wn, " " * wn, curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(1, w - wn + wn // 2 - 1, "Stats", curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(2, w - wn + wn // 2 - 7, "Nothing to show", curses.color_pair(11)) return stdscr.addstr(h - 3, w - wn, " " * wn, curses.color_pair(11)) try: st = os.stat(file) except: for i in range(2, 10): stdscr.addstr(i, w - wn, " " * wn, curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(1, w - wn + wn // 2 - 1, "Stats", curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(2, w - wn + wn // 2 - 7, "Permission Denied", curses.color_pair(11)) return if dira: dira = "Folder" else: dira = "File" kb = 2**10 stdscr.addstr(1, w - wn + wn // 2 - 1, "Stats", curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(2, w - wn + 1, "Created : " + str(time.ctime(st.st_ctime)), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(3, w - wn + 1, "Modified : " + str(time.ctime(st.st_atime)), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(4, w - wn + 1, "Accessed : " + str(time.ctime(st.st_mtime)), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(5, w - wn, " " * wn, curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(5, w - wn + 1, "Size (KB): " + str(round(st.st_size / kb, 3)), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(6, w - wn, " " * wn, curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(6, w - wn + 1, "Type : " + dira, curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(7, w - wn + 1, "User ID : " + str(st.st_uid), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(8, w - wn + 1, "Group ID : " + str(st.st_gid), curses.color_pair(11)) stdscr.addstr(9, w - wn + 1, "Inode : " + str(st.st_ino), curses.color_pair(11)) bar_single(stdscr, h, w)
def draw_title(self, row): self.addstr_color(row, 0, self.stretch(' TIMESTAMP MESSAGE'), curses.color_pair(1))
def update_array(stdscr, self): while self.thread_list[0].is_alive(): for index, val in enumerate(self.cell_array): stdscr.addstr(index + 1, 0, val, curses.color_pair(1)) time.sleep(0.05)
def set_fg_bg_attr(self, fg, bg, attr): try:, bg)) | attr) except _curses.error: pass
def display_pizza(self, color_pair): self.scr.addstr(3, 14, ", - ~~ - ,", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(4, 10, ", '", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(4, 25, "' ,", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(5, 8, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(5, 29, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(6, 7, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(6, 30, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(7, 6, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(7, 31, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(8, 6, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(8, 31, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(9, 6, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(9, 31, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(10, 7, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(10, 30, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(11, 8, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(11, 29, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(12, 10, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(12, 28, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(13, 12, "' - , __ , - '", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.refresh()
def visualize(device): chunk = 2048 # Change if too fast/slow, never less than 1024 scale = 200 # Change if bars too short/long exponent = .5 # Change if too little/too much difference between loud and quiet sounds sample_rate = 44100 p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=1, rate=sample_rate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=chunk, input_device_index=device) print "Starting, use Ctrl+C to stop" screen = curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.curs_set(0) # invisible cursor curses.init_pair(1, -1, curses.COLOR_BLUE) curses.init_pair(2, -1, -1) term_height = screen.getmaxyx()[0] term_width = screen.getmaxyx()[1] min_bar_height = 1 bar_width = 4 bar_spacing = 2 vertical_offset = 2 bins = term_width / (bar_width + bar_spacing) bars = [] for i in range(bins): xcoord = bar_spacing + i * (bar_width + bar_spacing) bars.append( curses.newwin(min_bar_height, bar_width, term_height - vertical_offset, xcoord)) try: while True: # handle terminal resizing if curses.is_term_resized(term_height, term_width): screen.clear() screen.refresh() term_height = screen.getmaxyx()[0] term_width = screen.getmaxyx()[1] bins = term_width / (bar_width + bar_spacing) bars = [] for i in range(bins): xcoord = bar_spacing + i * (bar_width + bar_spacing) bars.append( curses.newwin(min_bar_height, bar_width, term_height - vertical_offset, xcoord)) data = levels = analyze(data, chunk, sample_rate, bins) for i in range(bins): height = max(min((levels[i] * 1.0) / scale, 1.0), 0.0) height = height**exponent height = int(height * term_height * 1.5) prev_coords = bars[i].getbegyx() prev_bar_height = bars[i].getmaxyx()[0] bars[i].bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(2)) # recolor to default bars[i].erase() bars[i].refresh() new_bar_height = max(height, min_bar_height) bars[i] = curses.newwin( new_bar_height, bar_width, prev_coords[0] - (new_bar_height - prev_bar_height), prev_coords[1]) bars[i].bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) # set color bars[i].refresh() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: print "\nStopping" stream.close() p.terminate() curses.endwin()
def display_pizza_edge(self, color_pair): self.scr.addstr(2, 13, ", - ~~ - ,", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(3, 9, ", '", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(3, 26, "' ,", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(4, 7, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(4, 30, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(5, 6, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(5, 31, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(6, 5, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(6, 32, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(7, 5, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(7, 32, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(8, 5, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(8, 32, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(9, 5, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(9, 32, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(10, 5, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(10, 32, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(11, 6, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(11, 31, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(12, 7, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(12, 30, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(13, 9, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(13, 28, ",", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.addstr(14, 11, "' - , __ , - '", curses.color_pair(color_pair)) self.scr.move(self.y, self.x) self.scr.refresh()
def draw(self): with self.lock: win = self.handle_keypress() x = LEFT_BORDER_OFFSET y = blank_line = count(2) my, mx = win.getmaxyx() win.erase() win.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(1)) win.border() win.addstr(1, x, self.greet, curses.A_DIM | curses.color_pair(5)) next(blank_line) win.addstr(next(y), x, self.format_row('UUID', 'TASK', 'WORKER', 'TIME', 'STATE'), curses.A_BOLD | curses.A_UNDERLINE) tasks = self.tasks if tasks: for row, (uuid, task) in enumerate(tasks): if row > self.display_height: break if task.uuid: lineno = next(y) self.display_task_row(lineno, task) # -- Footer next(blank_line) win.hline(my - 6, x, curses.ACS_HLINE, self.screen_width - 4) # Selected Task Info if self.selected_task: win.addstr(my - 5, x, self.selected_str, curses.A_BOLD) info = 'Missing extended info' detail = '' try: selection = self.state.tasks[self.selected_task] except KeyError: pass else: info = if 'runtime' in info: info['runtime'] = '{0:.2f}'.format(info['runtime']) if 'result' in info: info['result'] = abbr(info['result'], 16) info = ' '.join( '{0}={1}'.format(key, value) for key, value in items(info) ) detail = '... -> key i' infowin = abbr(info, self.screen_width - len(self.selected_str) - 2, detail) win.addstr(my - 5, x + len(self.selected_str), infowin) # Make ellipsis bold if detail in infowin: detailpos = len(infowin) - len(detail) win.addstr(my - 5, x + len(self.selected_str) + detailpos, detail, curses.A_BOLD) else: win.addstr(my - 5, x, 'No task selected', curses.A_NORMAL) # Workers if self.workers: win.addstr(my - 4, x, self.online_str, curses.A_BOLD) win.addstr(my - 4, x + len(self.online_str), ', '.join(sorted(self.workers)), curses.A_NORMAL) else: win.addstr(my - 4, x, 'No workers discovered.') # Info win.addstr(my - 3, x, self.info_str, curses.A_BOLD) win.addstr( my - 3, x + len(self.info_str), STATUS_SCREEN.format( s=self.state, w_alive=len([w for w in values(self.state.workers) if w.alive]), w_all=len(self.state.workers), ), curses.A_DIM, ) # Help self.safe_add_str(my - 2, x, self.help_title, curses.A_BOLD) self.safe_add_str(my - 2, x + len(self.help_title),, curses.A_DIM) win.refresh()