def create_pool(self, batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient,
                    image_references: 'List[utils.ImageReference]'):
        Creates the Pool that will be submitted to the batch service.

        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type image_references: List['utils.ImageReference`]
        :param image_references: A list of image references that job can run

        # load the template file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.pool_template_file)

        # set extra license if needed
        if self.application_licenses is not None:
                "applicationLicenses"] = self.application_licenses.split(",")

        # Set rendering version
        ctm.set_image_reference(template, image_references)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)

        all_pools = [ for p in batch_service_client.pool.list()]

        if self.pool_id not in all_pools:
            self.submit_pool(batch_service_client, template)
  'pool [{}] already exists'.format(self.pool_id))
    def submit_pool(self, batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient,
                    template: str):
        Submits a batch pool based on the template 

        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param template: The in memory version of the template used to create a the job.
        :type template: str
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)

        #updates any placeholder parameter values with the values from keyVault, if required
            parameters, self.keyvault_client_with_url)
        pool_json = batch_service_client.pool.expand_template(
            template, parameters)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)
        pool = batch_service_client.pool.poolparameter_from_json(pool_json)'Creating pool [{}]...'.format(pool))
        except batchmodels.BatchErrorException as err:
            if utils.expected_exception(err,
                                        "The specified pool already exists"):
                logger.warning("Pool [{}] is already being created.".format(
      "Create pool error: {}".format(err))
    def create_and_submit_job(self, batch_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient):
        Creates the Job that will be submitted to the batch service

        :param batch_client: The batch client to use.
        :type batch_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        """'Creating Job [{}]... job will run on [{}]'.format(
            self.job_id, self.pool_id))

        # load the template and parameters file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.template_file)
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)

        #updates any placeholder parameter values with the values from keyVault, if required
            parameters, self.keyvault_client_with_url)
        # overrides some of the parameters needed in the file, container SAS
        # tokens need to be generated for the container
        ctm.set_parameter_name(parameters, self.job_id)
        ctm.set_parameter_storage_info(parameters, self.storage_info)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(parameters, self.pool_id)

        # Submits the job
        self.submit_job(batch_client, template, parameters)
    def submit_pool(self, batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient, template: str):
        Submits a batch pool based on the template 

        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param template: The in memory version of the template used to create a the job.
        :type template: str
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)
        pool_json = batch_service_client.pool.expand_template(template, parameters)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)
        pool = batch_service_client.pool.poolparameter_from_json(pool_json)'Creating pool [{}]...'.format(self.pool_id))
        except batchmodels.batch_error.BatchErrorException as err:
            if utils.expected_exception(
                    err, "The specified pool already exists"):
                    "Pool [{}] is already being created.".format(
      "Create pool error: {}".format(err))
    def create_pool(self,
                    batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient,
                    image_references: 'List[utils.ImageReference]',
        Creates the Pool that will be submitted to the batch service.

        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type image_references: List['utils.ImageReference`]
        :param image_references: A list of image references that job can run
        :type VM_image_URL: str
        :param VM_image_URL: The resource link to an image inside your image repo. If this is resource link is provided
        the VMs will use the custom image you provided.
        :type VM_OS_type: str
        :param VM_OS_type: The custom image operating system type, this can be windows or centos. This is needed if you
        want to use a custom image.

        # load the template file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.pool_template_file)

        # set extra license if needed
        if self.application_licenses is not None:
                "applicationLicenses"] = self.application_licenses.split(",")

        # Set rendering version
        ctm.set_image_reference(template, image_references)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)
        if VM_image_URL is not None:
            ctm.set_custom_image(template, VM_image_URL, VM_OS_type)

        all_pools = [ for p in batch_service_client.pool.list()]

        if self.pool_id not in all_pools:
            self.submit_pool(batch_service_client, template)
  'pool [{}] already exists'.format(self.pool_id))
Пример #6
    def submit_pool(self, batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient, template: str, UseLowPriorityVMs: bool):
        Submits a batch pool based on the template 

        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param template: The in memory version of the template used to create a the job.
        :type template: str
        :param UseLowPriorityVMs: True: Use low priority nodes, False: will use the type in the template file
        :type UseLowPriorityVMs: bool
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)
        if UseLowPriorityVMs==True:
            #swap the dedicated vm count to low pri and zero out the dedicated count (to reduce testing COGS)
            ctm.set_low_priority_vm_count(template, str(self.min_required_vms))

            #some tests set the dedicated vm count in the test parameters file, and some use the default in the template, so override both to 0
            ctm.set_dedicated_vm_count(parameters, 0)
            ctm.set_dedicated_vm_count(template, 0)

        # updates any placeholder parameter values with the values from
        # keyVault, if required
            parameters, self.keyvault_client_with_url)
        pool_json = batch_service_client.pool.expand_template(
            template, parameters)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)
        pool = batch_service_client.pool.poolparameter_from_json(pool_json)'Creating pool [{}]...'.format(pool))
            utils.run_with_jitter_retry(batch_service_client.pool.add, pool)
        except batchmodels.BatchErrorException as err:
            if utils.expected_exception(
                    err, "The specified pool already exists"):
                    "Pool [{}] is already being created.".format(
      "Create pool error: {}".format(err))
    def create_and_submit_job(self, batch_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient):
        Creates the Job that will be submitted to the batch service

        :param batch_client: The batch client to use.
        :type batch_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        """'Creating Job [{}]... job will run on [{}]'.format(self.job_id, self.pool_id))

        # load the template and parameters file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.template_file)
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)

        # overrides some of the parameters needed in the file, container SAS
        # tokens need to be generated for the container
        ctm.set_parameter_name(parameters, self.job_id)
        ctm.set_parameter_storage_info(parameters, self.storage_info)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(parameters, self.pool_id)

        # Submits the job
        self.submit_job(batch_client, template, parameters)
    def create_and_submit_job(self, batch_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient):
        Creates the Job that will be submitted to the batch service

        :param batch_client: The batch client to use.
        :type batch_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        """'Creating Job [{}]... job will run on [{}]'.format(
            self.job_id, self.pool_id))

        # load the template and parameters file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.template_file)
        parameters = ctm.load_file(self.parameters_file)

        # overrides some of the parameters needed in the file, container SAS
        # tokens need to be generated for the container
        ctm.set_parameter_name(parameters, self.job_id)
        ctm.set_parameter_storage_info(parameters, self.storage_info)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(parameters, self.pool_id)

        # Submits the job
        self.submit_job(batch_client, template, parameters)
    def create_pool(self, batch_service_client: batch.BatchExtensionsClient,
                    image_references: 'List[utils.ImageReference]', VM_image_URL=None, VM_OS_type=None):
        Creates the Pool that will be submitted to the batch service.

        :type batch_service_client: `azure.batch.BatchExtensionsClient`
        :param batch_service_client: The batch client used for making batch operations
        :type image_references: List['utils.ImageReference`]
        :param image_references: A list of image references that job can run
        :type VM_image_URL: str
        :param VM_image_URL: The resource link to an image inside your image repo. If this is resource link is provided
        the VMs will use the custom image you provided.
        :type VM_OS_type: str
        :param VM_OS_type: The custom image operating system type, this can be windows or centos. This is needed if you
        want to use a custom image.

        # load the template file
        template = ctm.load_file(self.pool_template_file)

        # set extra license if needed
        if self.application_licenses is not None:
            template["pool"]["applicationLicenses"] = self.application_licenses.split(",")

        # Set rendering version
        ctm.set_image_reference(template, image_references)
        ctm.set_template_pool_id(template, self.pool_id)
        if VM_image_URL is not None and VM_OS_type is not None:
            ctm.set_custom_image(template, VM_image_URL, VM_OS_type)

        all_pools = [ for p in batch_service_client.pool.list()]

        if self.pool_id not in all_pools:
            self.submit_pool(batch_service_client, template)
  'pool [{}] already exists'.format(self.pool_id))