Пример #1
 def update_histogram(self, region):
     cv.SetImageROI(self.hue, region)
     cv.SetImageROI(self.sat, region)
     cv.CalcArrHist([self.hue, self.sat], self.face_hist, 1)
     #cv.NormalizeHist(self.face_hist, 255)
Пример #2
    def run(self):
        while True:
            frame = cv.QueryFrame( self.capture)
			# Run the cam-shift
            if self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
                crit = ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
                (iters, (area, value, rect), track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.track_window, crit)
                self.track_window = rect

            # If mouse is pressed, highlight the current selected rectangle
            # and recompute the histogram

            if self.drag_start and is_rect_nonzero(self.selection):
				sub = cv.GetSubRect(frame, self.selection)
				save = cv.CloneMat(sub)
				cv.ConvertScale(frame, frame, 0.5)
				cv.Copy(save, sub)
				x,y,w,h = self.selection
				cv.Rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (255,255,255))

				sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, self.selection )
				cv.CalcArrHist( [sel], hist, 0)
				(_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue( hist)
				if max_val != 0:
					cv.ConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255. / max_val)        
				elif self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
					cv.EllipseBox( frame, track_box, cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, cv.CV_AA, 0 )		
Пример #3
    def run(self):
        hist = cv.CreateHist([180], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0, 180)], 1)
        backproject_mode = False
        while True:
            frame = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture)

            # Convert to HSV and keep the hue
            hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
            self.hue = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
            cv.Split(hsv, self.hue, None, None, None)

            # Compute back projection
            backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

            # Run the cam-shift
            cv.CalcArrBackProject([self.hue], backproject, hist)
            if self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
                crit = (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
                (iters, (area, value, rect),
                 track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.track_window, crit)
                self.track_window = rect

            # If mouse is pressed, highlight the current selected rectangle
            # and recompute the histogram

            if self.drag_start and is_rect_nonzero(self.selection):
                sub = cv.GetSubRect(frame, self.selection)
                save = cv.CloneMat(sub)
                cv.ConvertScale(frame, frame, 0.5)
                cv.Copy(save, sub)
                x, y, w, h = self.selection
                cv.Rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 255))

                sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, self.selection)
                cv.CalcArrHist([sel], hist, 0)
                (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
                if max_val != 0:
                    cv.ConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
            elif self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
                cv.EllipseBox(frame, track_box, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 3,
                              cv.CV_AA, 0)

            if not backproject_mode:
                cv.ShowImage("CamShiftDemo", frame)
                cv.ShowImage("CamShiftDemo", backproject)
            cv.ShowImage("Histogram", self.hue_histogram_as_image(hist))

            c = cv.WaitKey(7)
            if c == 27:
            elif c == ord("b"):
                backproject_mode = not backproject_mode
Пример #4
    def do_camshift(self, cv_image):
        """ Get the image size """
        image_size = cv.GetSize(cv_image)
        image_width = image_size[0]
        image_height = image_size[1]
        """ Convert to HSV and keep the hue """
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(image_size, 8, 3)
        cv.CvtColor(cv_image, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        self.hue = cv.CreateImage(image_size, 8, 1)
        cv.Split(hsv, self.hue, None, None, None)

        """ Compute back projection """
        backproject = cv.CreateImage(image_size, 8, 1)

        """ Run the cam-shift algorithm """
        cv.CalcArrBackProject( [self.hue], backproject, self.hist )
        if self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
            crit = ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
            (iters, (area, value, rect), track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.track_window, crit)
            self.track_window = rect
        """ If mouse is pressed, highlight the current selected rectangle
            and recompute the histogram """

        if self.drag_start and is_rect_nonzero(self.selection):
            sub = cv.GetSubRect(cv_image, self.selection)
            save = cv.CloneMat(sub)
            cv.ConvertScale(cv_image, cv_image, 0.5)
            cv.Copy(save, sub)
            x,y,w,h = self.selection
            cv.Rectangle(cv_image, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (255,255,255))

            sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, self.selection )
            cv.CalcArrHist( [sel], self.hist, 0)
            (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.hist)
            if max_val != 0:
                cv.ConvertScale(self.hist.bins, self.hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
        elif self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
            cv.EllipseBox( cv_image, track_box, cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, cv.CV_AA, 0 )
            roi = RegionOfInterest()
            roi.x_offset = int(min(image_width, max(0, track_box[0][0] - track_box[1][0] / 2)))
            roi.y_offset = int(min(image_height, max(0, track_box[0][1] - track_box[1][1] / 2)))
            roi.width = int(track_box[1][0])
            roi.height = int(track_box[1][1])

        cv.ShowImage("Histogram", self.hue_histogram_as_image(self.hist))
        if not self.backproject_mode:
            return cv_image
            return backproject
    def calcularHistograma(self):
        cv.CalcArrHist([self.imagem_destino], self.histograma)
        valorMaximoMinimo = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.histograma)
        cv.Rectangle(self.imagemHistograma, (0, 0), (512, 100),
                     cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), -1)

        for i in range(512):
            valor = cv.QueryHistValue_1D(self.histograma, i)
            normalizado = cv.Round(valor * 100 / valorMaximoMinimo[1])
            cv.Line(self.imagemHistograma, (i, 100), (i, 100 - normalizado),
                    cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255))
Пример #6
    def update_histogram(self, face):
        (x, y, w, h) = face
        x2 = int(x + w * FACE_BORDER)
        y2 = int(y + h * FACE_BORDER)
        w2 = int(w - w * FACE_BORDER * 2)
        h2 = int(h - h * FACE_BORDER * 2)

        cv.SetImageROI(self.hue, (x2, y2, w2, h2))
        cv.SetImageROI(self.sat, (x2, y2, w2, h2))
        cv.CalcArrHist([self.hue, self.sat], self.hist, 1)
        cv.NormalizeHist(self.hist, 255)

        cv.Rectangle(self.visualize, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0))
        cv.Rectangle(self.visualize, (x2, y2), (x2 + w2, y2 + h2),
                     (128, 150, 0))
Пример #7
    def update(self, im=None):
        if im is not None:
            self.im = im

        cv.CalcArrHist([self.im], self.hist)
        (min_value, max_value, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.hist)
        cv.Scale(self.hist.bins, self.hist.bins,
                 float(self.hist_image.height) / max_value, 0)

        cv.Set(self.hist_image, cv.ScalarAll(255))
        bin_w = round(float(self.hist_image.width) / self.hist_size)

        for i in range(self.hist_size):
                         (int(i * bin_w), self.hist_image.height),
                         (int((i + 1) * bin_w), self.hist_image.height -
                          cv.Round(self.hist.bins[i])), self.color, -1, 8, 0)

        cv.ShowImage(self.title, self.hist_image)
Пример #8
    def set_hist(self, frame, selection):
        sub = cv.GetSubRect(frame, selection)
        save = cv.CloneMat(sub)

        cv.ConvertScale(frame, frame, 0.5)
        cv.Copy(save, sub)
        x, y, w, h = selection

        # rectangular piece of frame
        cv.Rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 255))

        sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, selection)
        cv.CalcArrHist([sel], self.hist, 0)

        # get the most prevalent color in the histogram
        (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(self.hist)

        if max_val != 0:
            cv.ConvertScale(self.hist.bins, self.hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
            print "Val set to " + str(max_val)
Пример #9
def OCVHistogram(frame, ranges=[[0, 256]], hist_size=64):
    """Create a histogram of given frame"""
    if frame.nChannels != 1:
        dest = OCVCopyGrayscale(frame)
        dest = frame

    hist_image = cv.CreateImage((dest.width, dest.height), 8, 1)
    hist = cv.CreateHist([hist_size], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, ranges, 1)

    cv.CalcArrHist([dest], hist)
    (min_value, max_value, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
    cv.Scale(hist.bins, hist.bins, float(hist_image.height) / max_value, 0)

    cv.Set(hist_image, cv.ScalarAll(255))
    bin_w = round(float(hist_image.width) / hist_size)

    for i in range(hist_size):
        cv.Rectangle(hist_image, (int(i * bin_w), hist_image.height), (int(
            (i + 1) * bin_w), hist_image.height - cv.Round(hist.bins[i])),
                     cv.ScalarAll(0), -1, 8, 0)

    return hist_image
Пример #10
 def recompute_histogram(self, hist):
     sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, self.selection)
     cv.CalcArrHist([sel], hist, 0)
     (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
     if max_val != 0:
         cv.ConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
Пример #11
    def OnIdle( self, ):
        """Request refresh of the context whenever idle.
        track, get position, update camera, then redraw"""
        hist = cv.CreateHist([180], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0,180)], 1 )
        backproject_mode = False
        while True:
            frame = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture)

            # Convert to HSV and keep the hue
            hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
            self.hue = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
            cv.Split(hsv, self.hue, None, None, None)

            # Compute back projection
            backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)

            # Run the cam-shift
            cv.CalcArrBackProject( [self.hue], backproject, hist )
            if self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
                crit = ( cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
                (iters, (area, value, rect), track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, self.track_window, crit)
                self.track_window = rect

            # If mouse is pressed, highlight the current selected rectangle
            # and recompute the histogram

            if self.drag_start and is_rect_nonzero(self.selection):
                sub = cv.GetSubRect(frame, self.selection)
                save = cv.CloneMat(sub)
                cv.ConvertScale(frame, frame, 0.5)
                cv.Copy(save, sub)
                x,y,w,h = self.selection
                cv.Rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (0,0,255))

                sel = cv.GetSubRect(self.hue, self.selection )
                cv.CalcArrHist( [sel], hist, 0)
                (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue( hist)
                if max_val != 0:
                    cv.ConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
            elif self.track_window and is_rect_nonzero(self.track_window):
                cv.EllipseBox(frame, track_box, cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, cv.CV_AA, 0 )

# find centroid coordinate (x,y) and area (z)
                selection_centroid = track_box[0]
                global xposition
                xposition = selection_centroid[0]
                global yposition
                yposition = selection_centroid[1]
                width_height = track_box[1]

# writes output of coordinates to seed file if needed
                # with open('seed.txt', 'a') as f:
                #     value = (xposition, yposition)
                #     s = str(value) + '\n'
                #     f.write(s)
                #     # f.write('end_of_session')
                # f.close()

# print outs
                print "x: " + str(xposition)
                print "y: " + str(yposition)
                selection_area = width_height[0]*width_height[1]
                # print "The width is: " + str(width_height[0]) + " The height is: " + str(width_height[1])
                # print "centroid is: " + str(selection_centroid)
                # return "centroid is: " + str(selection_centroid)
                print "area: " + str(selection_area)
                # return "area is: " + str(selection_area)

            if not backproject_mode:
                cv.ShowImage( "CamShiftDemo", frame )
                cv.ShowImage( "CamShiftDemo", backproject)
            cv.ShowImage( "Histogram", self.hue_histogram_as_image(hist))

            c = cv.WaitKey(10)
            if c == 27: # escape key
            elif c == ord("b"): # show backproject mode with "b" key
                backproject_mode = not backproject_mode

        return 1
def camshift_track(roi_selection, img):
    """ setup_camshift:
        - is_rect_nonzero(r)
        - hue_histogram_as_image(hist)
        - making_selection(roi_selection)
        - create_hist()
        - placeholder()

        - isolate_hue
        - compute_back_projection
        - recompute_histogram(roi_selection)
        - run_camshift
        - draw ellipse
        - find_centroid(track_box)
        - show_hist

    # setup_camshift
    def is_rect_nonzero(r):
        (_, _, w, h) = r
        return (w > 0) and (h > 0)

    def hue_histogram_as_image(hist):
        """ Returns representation of a hue histogram """
        histimg_hsv = cv.CreateImage((320, 200), 8, 3)
        mybins = cv.CloneMatND(hist.bins)
        cv.Log(mybins, mybins)

        (_, hi, _, _) = cv.MinMaxLoc(mybins)
        cv.ConvertScale(mybins, mybins, 255. / hi)

        w, h = cv.GetSize(histimg_hsv)
        hdims = cv.GetDims(mybins)[0]
        for x in range(w):
            xh = (180 * x) / (w - 1)  # hue sweeps from 0-180 across the image
            val = int(mybins[int(hdims * x / w)] * h / 255)
            cv.Rectangle(histimg_hsv, (x, 0), (x, h - val), (xh, 255, 64), -1)
            cv.Rectangle(histimg_hsv, (x, h - val), (x, h), (xh, 255, 255), -1)

        histimg = cv.CreateImage((320, 200), 8, 3)
        cv.CvtColor(histimg_hsv, histimg, cv.CV_HSV2BGR)

        return histimg

# making_selection
# print roi_selection[0]
# print roi_selection[1]

    point1 = roi_selection[0]
    point2 = roi_selection[1]
    xmin = point1[0]
    ymin = point1[1]
    xmax = point2[0]
    ymax = point2[1]
    widthx = xmax - xmin
    heighty = ymax - ymin

    selection = (xmin, ymin, widthx, heighty)
    # end of making_selection

    # create_hist()
    hist = cv.CreateHist([180], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0, 180)], 1)
    # end of create_hist

    # placeholder()
    backproject_mode = False
    # end of placeholder

    while True:
        # capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0)
        # frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture)

        # isolate_hue
        # Convert to HSV and keep the hue
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        hue = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        cv.Split(hsv, hue, None, None, None)
        # end isolate_hue

        # Compute back projection
        backproject = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 1)
        # end compute back projection

        # highlight the current selected rectangle and recompute the histogram
        w = xmax - xmin
        h = ymax - ymax
        xmin, ymin, w, h = selection
        cv.Rectangle(frame, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 0, 255))
        # end highlight

        # Run the camshift
        cv.CalcArrBackProject([hue], backproject, hist)
        # end run camshift

        # draw ellipse
        print "selection is" + str(selection)
        if selection and is_rect_nonzero(selection):
            crit = (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1)
            (iters, (area, value, rect),
             track_box) = cv.CamShift(backproject, selection, crit)
            selection = rect

            sel = cv.GetSubRect(hue, selection)
            cv.CalcArrHist([sel], hist, 0)
            (_, max_val, _, _) = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist)
            if max_val != 0:
                cv.ConvertScale(hist.bins, hist.bins, 255. / max_val)
        elif selection and is_rect_nonzero(selection):
            cv.EllipseBox(frame, track_box, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, cv.CV_AA,
            # end draw ellipse

            # find centroid coordinate (x,y) and area (z)
            selection_centroid = track_box[0]
            xposition = selection_centroid[0]
            yposition = selection_centroid[1]
            width_height = track_box[1]
            # selection_area = width_height[0]*width_height[1]
            face_centroid_camshift = (xposition, yposition)
            # return face_centroid_camshift
# end find centroid

# show hist
        if backproject_mode:
            # cv.ShowImage( "CamShiftDemo", backproject)
            cv.ShowImage("Histogram", self.hue_histogram_as_image(hist))

# end show hist

    print "I made it this far"
    # print face_centroid_camshift
    return face_centroid_camshift
Пример #13
    def pipeline(self):
        presentation = []
        self.orig = self.source.grab_frame()
        cv.Resize(self.orig, self.small)
        cv.CvtColor(self.small, self.hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        cv.Split(self.hsv, self.hue, self.sat, self.bw, None)
        cv.Copy(self.small, self.visualize)
        presentation.append((self.visualize, 'input'))
        face = self.find_face(self.small)
        if face:
            sub_face = self.face_region(face, FACE_BORDER)
            self.draw_face(self.visualize, face, sub_face)

            hue_bg = cv.CreateImage(self.smallsize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
            sat_bg = cv.CreateImage(self.smallsize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
            (x, y, w, h) = face
            cv.Copy(self.hue, hue_bg)
            cv.Copy(self.sat, sat_bg)
            cv.Rectangle(hue_bg, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), 0, cv.CV_FILLED)
            cv.Rectangle(sat_bg, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), 0, cv.CV_FILLED)
            cv.CalcArrHist([self.hue, self.sat], self.bg_hist, 1)
            cv.NormalizeHist(self.bg_hist, 255)

        bp_bg = cv.CreateImage(self.smallsize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        cv.CalcArrBackProject([self.hue, self.sat], bp_bg, self.bg_hist)
        presentation.append((bp_bg, 'background bp'))

        bp = self.backproject()
        presentation.append((bp, 'forground bp'))

        compare = cv.CreateImage(self.smallsize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        compare_th = cv.CreateImage(self.smallsize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
        cv.Cmp(bp, bp_bg, compare, cv.CV_CMP_GT)
        #cv.AddS(bp_bg, 1, bp_bg)
        #cv.Div(bp, bp_bg, compare)
        cv.Threshold(compare, compare_th, self.threshold_value, 255,
        presentation.append((compare_th, 'compare'))

        th = self.threshold(bp)
        presentation.append((th, 'normal th'))
        morphed = self.morphology(th)

        # make dark copy of original
        cv.Copy(self.small, self.result)
        cv.ConvertScale(self.result, self.result, 0.2)
        cv.Copy(self.small, self.result, morphed)
        contours = self.find_contours(morphed)
        self.draw_contours(self.result, contours)
        limbs = self.find_limbs(contours)
        limbs = self.sort_limbs(limbs)
        self.draw_limbs(self.result, limbs)
        presentation.append((self.result, 'result'))

        # combine and show the results
        combined = self.combine_images(presentation)
        if face:
            sub_face = self.face_region(face, FACE_BORDER)
            self.draw_face(self.result, face, sub_face)

        cv.ShowImage('Skin Detection', combined)

        if STORE:
            cv.WriteFrame(self.writer, self.combined)
Пример #14

# draw face
faceRect = faces[0][0]
face_center = (faceRect[0] + faceRect[2]/2, faceRect[1] + faceRect[3]/2)
faceSubRect = sub_region(faceRect)
(x, y, w, h) = faceRect
cv.Rectangle(frameShow, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), cv.Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3)
(x, y, w, h) = faceSubRect
cv.Rectangle(frameShow, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), cv.Scalar(0, 255, 255), 3)

#calculate histogram
cv.SetImageROI(frameH, faceSubRect)
cv.SetImageROI(frameS, faceSubRect)
cv.CalcArrHist([frameH, frameS], hist, 0)

# turn this on or off:
#cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 1)
cv.NormalizeHist(hist, 5000)


#convert histogram to image
histImg = cv.GetMat(hist.bins, True)

#make backprojection
cv.CalcArrBackProject([frameH, frameS], frameBP, hist)

cv.Normalize(frameBP, frameBP, 0, 255, 32)