def camera(): print "# Starting initialization..." #camera capture #cap = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) intrinsics = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(intrinsics) #camera data intrinsics[0, 0] = 1100.850708957251072 intrinsics[1, 1] = 778.955239997982062 intrinsics[2, 2] = 1.0 intrinsics[0, 2] = 348.898495232253822 intrinsics[1, 2] = 320.213734835526282 dist_coeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(dist_coeffs) dist_coeffs[0, 0] = -0.326795877008420 dist_coeffs[0, 1] = 0.139445565548056 dist_coeffs[0, 2] = 0.001245710462327 dist_coeffs[0, 3] = -0.001396618726445 #pFrame = cv.QueryFrame(cap) print "# intrinsics loaded!" #prepare memory capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) size = GetSize(src) dst0 = cv.CreateImage(size, src.depth, src.nChannels) # bg = cv.LoadImage("00000005.jpg") image_ROI = (0,70,640,340) size = (640,340) red = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) green = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) blue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) hue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) sat = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) val = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) ball = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) yellow = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) ballx = 0 bally = 0 ballmiss = 0 yellowmiss = 0 bluemiss = 0 dst2 = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) hsv = cv.CreateImage(size,8,3) print "# base images created..." #####------------------ajustment data---------------------############### #shadow high = 40 low = 300 #threshold thresBallInit = 116 thresYellowInit = 94 thresBlueInit = 18 ballRangeInit = 8.0 yellowRangeInit = 5.0 blueRangeInit = 8.0 ballRange = ballRangeInit yellowRange = yellowRangeInit blueRange = blueRangeInit ballMinRange = 1.5 yellowMinRange = 2.5 blueMinRange = 8.0 thresBall = thresBallInit thresYellow = thresYellowInit thresBlue = thresBlueInit #dilate ex = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3,3,1,1,cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex2 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(2,2,1,1,cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex5 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5,5,1,1,cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) #ball ballcount = 15.0 ballAreaInit = 105.0 ballAreaRangeInit = 60.0 ballArea = ballAreaInit ballAreaRange = ballAreaRangeInit ballMinAreaRange = 40.0 ballcompact = 3.0 #blue bluecount = 30.0 blueAreaInit = 300.0 blueAreaRangeInit = 150.0 blueArea = blueAreaInit blueAreaRange = blueAreaRangeInit blueMiniAreaRange = 50.0 bluemaxdepth = 8.0 blueminidepth = 2.5 #yellow yellowcount = 30.0 yellowAreaInit = 450.0 yellowAreaRangeInit = 200.0 yellowArea = yellowAreaInit yellowAreaRange = yellowAreaRangeInit yellowMinAreaRange = 50.0 yellowmaxdepth = 10.0 yellowminidepth = 3.2 #####---------------------------------------- #create window NamedWindow("camera",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("ball",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("yellow",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("blue",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("hue",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("sat",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) #NamedWindow("val",cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) timecount = 0 onesec = time.clock() storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() print "# starting capture..." print '' capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) aa = time.clock() while(True): timecount = timecount + 1 src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #barrel undistortion cv.Undistort2(src, dst0, intrinsics, dist_coeffs) #ROI = Region of Interests, crop the image cv.SetImageROI(dst0,image_ROI) dst = GetImage(dst0) CvtColor(dst,hsv,CV_RGB2HSV) cv.Split(hsv,hue,sat,val,None) # ShowImage("hue",hue) # ShowImage("val",val) # ShowImage("sat",sat) # BALL cv.Threshold(hue,ball,thresBallInit+ballRange, 255,cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) cv.Threshold(hue,ball,thresBallInit-ballRange, 255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(ball,ball,ex2,1) cv.Dilate(ball,ball,ex2,1) ShowImage("ball",ball) # YELLOW cv.Threshold(hue,yellow,thresYellowInit+yellowRange,255,cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) cv.Threshold(yellow,yellow,thresYellowInit-yellowRange,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(yellow,yellow,ex2,1) cv.Dilate(yellow,yellow,ex2,1) ShowImage("yellow",yellow) # BLUE # CvtColor(dst,hsv,CV_BGR2HSV) # cv.Split(hsv,hue,sat,val,None) cv.Threshold(hue,blue,thresBlue+blueRange,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) # cv.Threshold(blue,blue,4,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(blue,blue,ex2,1) cv.Dilate(blue,blue,ex2,1) ShowImage("blue",blue) cv.Threshold(val,val,80,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) cv.Threshold(sat,sat,80,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) ShowImage("sat2",sat) ShowImage("val2",val) # Removes the walls Sub(blue,val,blue) Sub(blue,sat,blue) Sub(yellow,val,yellow) Sub(yellow,sat,yellow) Sub(ball,val,ball) Sub(ball,sat,ball) Set2D(ball,4,4,255) Set2D(blue,4,4,255) Set2D(yellow,4,4,255) ShowImage("yellow3",yellow) ShowImage("ball3",ball) ShowImage("blue3",blue) #find ball seq = cv.FindContours(ball,storage,cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= ballcount): count =count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq)+0.01 compact = ArcLength(seq)*ArcLength(seq)/(4*area*math.pi) if (area < 4 or area > (ballArea+ballAreaRange) or area < (ballArea-ballAreaRange)): #or compact >= ballcompact ): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: ballx = 0 bally = 0 for p in seq: ballx = ballx + p[0] bally = bally + p[1] ballx = int(float(ballx)/len(seq)) bally = int(float(bally)/len(seq)) ###############--------------Auto ajustment print "ball area %f" %area print "ball hue: %f" %hue[bally,ballx] # thresBall = 0.2*hue[bally,ballx]+0.2*thresBall + 0.5*thresBallInit # ballArea = area # if(ballRange > ballMinRange): # ballRange = ballRange -0.1 # if(ballAreaRange > ballMinAreaRange): # ballAreaRange = ballAreaRange -1.0 cv.Circle(dst,(ballx,bally),4,cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,(ballx,bally),10,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0),9,8,0) break if(count > ballcount or seq == None): # thresBall = thresBallInit # ballRange = 0.5*ballRange + 0.5*ballRangeInit # ballArea = ballArea + 10.0 # ballAreaRange = ballAreaRange + 0.1 print ballAreaRange ballx = 0 bally = 0 ballmiss = ballmiss + 1 print "\r# error: ball not found " #find blue seq = cv.FindContours(blue,storage,cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= bluecount): count =count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if(area < blueArea-blueAreaRange or area > blueArea+blueAreaRange): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None hull =cv.ConvexHull2(seq,storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq,hull,storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex , key = lambda(k1,k2,k3,k4):k4)#sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex)-1][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex)-1][3] > bluemaxdepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] > bluemaxdepth ): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T blue_start1 = convex[len(convex)-1][0] blue_end1 = convex[len(convex)-1][1] blue_depth1 = convex[len(convex)-1][2] #draw the side line of T blue_start2 = convex[len(convex)-2][0] blue_end2 = convex[len(convex)-2][1] blue_depth2 = convex[len(convex)-2][2] blue_from = ((blue_depth1[0]+blue_depth2[0])/2,(blue_depth1[1]+blue_depth2[1])/2)#calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot(blue_start1[0]-blue_end2[0],blue_start1[1]-blue_end2[1])>math.hypot(blue_end1[0]-blue_start2[0],blue_end1[1]-blue_start2[1]): blue_to = ((blue_end1[0]+blue_start2[0])/2,(blue_end1[1]+blue_start2[1])/2) else: blue_to = ((blue_start1[0]+blue_end2[0])/2,(blue_start1[1]+blue_end2[1])/2) cv.Line(dst,blue_from,blue_to,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,255),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,blue_from,1,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,blue_to,1,cv.CV_RGB(0,0,0),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,blue_from,10,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0),9,8,0) #######---------------------------Auto Ajusting print "blue area %f" %area # print "blue hue: %f" %hue[blue_from[1],blue_from[0]] # thresBlue = hue[blue_from[1],blue_from[0]] #+ 0.4*thresBlue + 0.5*thresBlueInit # blueArea = area # if(blueAreaRange > blueMiniAreaRange): # blueAreaRange = blueAreaRange -1.0 # if(blueRange > blueMinRange): # blueRange = blueRange - 0.1 break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if(count > bluecount or seq == None): # thresBlue = thresBlueInit # blueAreaRange = blueAreaRange + 10.0 # blueArea = blueArea + 10.0 # blueRange = 0.5*blueRange + 0.5*blueRangeInit bluemiss = bluemiss + 1 blue_from = (0,0); blue_to = (0,0); print "\r# error: blue not found " #find yellow seq = cv.FindContours(yellow,storage,cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= yellowcount): count =count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if(area < yellowArea-yellowAreaRange or area > yellowArea + yellowAreaRange): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None hull =cv.ConvexHull2(seq,storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq,hull,storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex , key = lambda(k1,k2,k3,k4):k4)#sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex)-1][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex)-1][3] > yellowmaxdepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] > yellowmaxdepth ): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T yellow_start1 = convex[len(convex)-1][0] yellow_end1 = convex[len(convex)-1][1] yellow_depth1 = convex[len(convex)-1][2] #draw the side line of T yellow_start2 = convex[len(convex)-2][0] yellow_end2 = convex[len(convex)-2][1] yellow_depth2 = convex[len(convex)-2][2] yellow_from = ((yellow_depth1[0]+yellow_depth2[0])/2,(yellow_depth1[1]+yellow_depth2[1])/2)#calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot(yellow_start1[0]-yellow_end2[0],yellow_start1[1]-yellow_end2[1])>math.hypot(yellow_end1[0]-yellow_start2[0],yellow_end1[1]-yellow_start2[1]): yellow_to = ((yellow_end1[0]+yellow_start2[0])/2,(yellow_end1[1]+yellow_start2[1])/2) else: yellow_to = ((yellow_start1[0]+yellow_end2[0])/2,(yellow_start1[1]+yellow_end2[1])/2) ###########------------------------------Auto Ajusting # print cv.ContourArea(seq) print "yellow area %f" %area print "yellow hue: %f" %hue[yellow_from[1],yellow_from[0]] # thresYellow = hue[yellow_from[1],yellow_from[0]] #+ 0.4*thresYellow + 0.5*thresYellowInit # yellowArea = area # if(yellowRange > yellowMinRange): # yellowRange = yellowRange -0.1 # if(yellowAreaRange > yellowMinAreaRange): # yellowAreaRange = yellowAreaRange - 1.0 # yellow_miss = ((yellow_from[0]+yellow_to[0])/2,(yellow_from[1]+yellow_to[1])/2) cv.Line(dst,yellow_from,yellow_to,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,255),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,yellow_from,1,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,yellow_to,1,cv.CV_RGB(0,0,0),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst,yellow_from,10,cv.CV_RGB(255,0,0),9,8,0) break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if(count > yellowcount or seq == None): #thresYellow = thresYellowInit # yellowRange = 0.5*yellowRange + 0.5*yellowRangeInit #yellowArea = yellowArea # yellowAreaRange = yellowAreaRange + 10.0 print "area:%d" %yellowArea yellowmiss = yellowmiss + 1 yellow_from = (0,0); yellow_to = (0,0); print "\r# error: yellow not found" ballpos = (ballx,bally) #output(ballpos,blue_from,blue_to,yellow_from,yellow_to) ShowImage("camera",dst) cv.SetImageROI(dst0,(0,0,640,480)) # ShowImage("camera",dst0) if( cv.WaitKey(2) >= 0 ): bb = time.clock() print "frame rate: %f" %(timecount/(bb-aa)) print "ball miss rate: %f" %(ballmiss) print "blue miss rate: %f" %(bluemiss) print "yellow miss rate: %f" %(yellowmiss) break;
def shapeAnalysis(mask): height, width = mask.shape pixels = height * width # spatial and central moments moments = cv.Moments(mask, binary=1) huMoments = cv.GetHuMoments(moments) print "Shape hu moments", huMoments # distances from the gravity point contour_seq = cv.FindContours(np.array(mask), cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_RETR_TREE, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) gravity_center = (int(moments.m10 / moments.m00), int(moments.m01 / moments.m00)) # (x, y) gx, gy = gravity_center distances = np.array( [math.sqrt((gx - x)**2 + (gy - y)**2) for (x, y) in contour_seq]) dist_distri, bin_dist = np.histogram(distances, bins=10, range=None, normed=True) print "dist distribution", dist_distri dist_max = np.max(distances) dist_min = np.min(distances) dist_ratio_min_max = dist_min / dist_max print "dist ratio min max", dist_ratio_min_max dist_mean = np.mean(distances) dist_std = np.std(distances) # normalize distance min and max dist_max = dist_max / pixels dist_min = dist_min / pixels dist_mean = dist_mean / pixels dist_std = dist_std / pixels print "dist max", dist_max print "dist min", dist_min print "dist mean", dist_mean print "dist std", dist_std # number of petals nbPetals = np.sum([ min(x1, x2) < dist_mean < max(x1, x2) for x1, x2 in zip(distances[:-1], distances[1:]) ]) / 2 print "petals", nbPetals poly_seq = cv.ApproxPoly(contour_seq, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, 2.8) ppimg = np.zeros(mask.shape) for (x, y) in poly_seq: ppimg[y, x] = 255 imsave('/home/cplab/workspace/imageex/src/imageex/static/POLYYYAAAAA.png', ppimg) convex_hull = cv.ConvexHull2(poly_seq, cv.CreateMemStorage()) convexity_defects = cv.ConvexityDefects(poly_seq, convex_hull, cv.CreateMemStorage()) # number of defects nbDefects = len(convexity_defects) print "defects", nbDefects convexity_seq = sum([[cd[0], cd[2], cd[1]] for cd in convexity_defects], []) ppimg = np.zeros(mask.shape) for (x, y) in convexity_seq: ppimg[y, x] = 255 imsave('/home/cplab/workspace/imageex/src/imageex/static/CONVEXXAAAAA.png', ppimg) convexity_depths = np.array([cd[3] for cd in convexity_defects]) convexity_depth_max = np.max(convexity_depths) convexity_depth_min = np.min(convexity_depths) convexity_depth_ratio_min_max = convexity_depth_min / convexity_depth_max print "convexity depth ratio min max", convexity_depth_ratio_min_max #normalize convexity_depth_max = convexity_depth_max / pixels print "convexity depth max", convexity_depth_max area = cv.ContourArea(contour_seq) perimeter = cv.ArcLength(contour_seq) perimeterOarea = perimeter / area print "perimeter over area", perimeterOarea features = [] features += list(huMoments) features += dist_distri, dist_ratio_min_max, dist_max, dist_min, dist_mean, dist_std features += nbPetals, nbDefects features += convexity_depth_ratio_min_max, convexity_depth_max, perimeterOarea return features
def find_convex_defects(contour, hull): storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) return cv.ConvexityDefects(contour, hull, storage)
contours = cv.FindContours(hsv_mask, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, (0, 0)) des = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(image), 8, 3) contours2 = False hull = False blank = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(image), 8, 3) while contours: contours2 = contours contours = contours.h_next() if contours2: hull = cv.ConvexHull2(contours2, cv.CreateMemStorage(), cv.CV_CLOCKWISE, 0) defects = cv.ConvexityDefects(contours2, hull, cv.CreateMemStorage()) cv.DrawContours(image, contours2, (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), 0, 5) noOfDefects = 0 comx, comy = 0, 0 Z, (p, q), radius = cv.MinEnclosingCircle(contours2) if Z: cv.Circle(image, (int(p), int(q)), int(5), [0, 255, 255], -1) for defect in defects: start, end, far, d = defect xpos, ypos = far cv.Line(image, start, end, [0, 255, 0], 2) if d > 20 and not pointInFace(xpos, ypos, x, y, w, h): cv.Circle(image, far, 5, [0, 0, 255], -1)
def camera(): found_goals = False print "# Starting initialization..." intrinsics = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(intrinsics) #camera data intrinsics[0, 0] = 850.850708957251072 intrinsics[1, 1] = 778.955239997982062 intrinsics[2, 2] = 1 intrinsics[0, 2] = 320.898495232253822 intrinsics[1, 2] = 380.213734835526282 dist_coeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(dist_coeffs) dist_coeffs[0, 0] = -0.226795877008420 dist_coeffs[0, 1] = 0.139445565548056 dist_coeffs[0, 2] = 0.001245710462327 dist_coeffs[0, 3] = -0.001396618726445 print "# intrinsics loaded!" #prepare memory capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) size = GetSize(src) dst0 = cv.CreateImage(size, src.depth, src.nChannels) image_ROI = (0, 60, 640, 340) size = (640, 340) hue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) sat = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) val = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) ball = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) yellow = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) blue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) Set2D(hue, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(sat, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(val, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(ball, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(yellow, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(blue, 4, 4, 255) ballx = 0 bally = 0 print "# base images created..." #####------------------adjustment data---------------------############### #shadow high = 40 low = 300 #threshold thresred = 160 thresgreen = 220 thresblue = 254 #dilate ex = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex2 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(2, 2, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex5 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) tHack = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_CROSS) #ball ballcount = 15 ballmaxarea = 200 ballminiarea = 45 ballcompact = 1.3 #blue bluecount = 30 bluemaxarea = 1500 blueminiarea = 50 bluemaxdepth = 10 blueminidepth = 2 #yellow yellowcount = 30 yellowmaxarea = 1000 yellowminiarea = 50 yellowmaxdepth = 10 yellowminidepth = 3.2 #####---------------------------------------- aa = time.time() storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() first = True pitch = 0 # 0 for main pitch, 1 for alt pitch countf = 0 print "# starting capture..." print '' capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) while (True): src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #ShowImage('src',src) cv.SetImageROI(dst0, (0, 0, 640, 480)) average = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) #barrel undistortion cv.Undistort2(src, dst0, intrinsics, dist_coeffs) #ROI = Region of Interests, crop the image cv.SetImageROI(dst0, image_ROI) dst = GetImage(dst0) dst2 = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) Set2D(dst2, 4, 4, 255) hsv = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) CvtColor(dst, hsv, CV_RGB2HSV) cv.Split(hsv, hue, sat, val, None) if (first): #hist = cv.CreateHist([32,64], CV_HIST_ARRAY, [[0,180], [0,256]], 1) #cv.CalcHist([hue, sat], hist, 0, None) #values = cv.GetMinMaxHistValue(hist) #print values #tweak = values[3][0] #if tweak >= 12: # pitch = 1 #print ">>> tweak=",tweak,"pitch selected =",pitch pitch = pitchSet if pitch == 1: base = cv.LoadImage("base.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED) baseInv = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) cv.Not(base, baseInv) #huecorr = cv.LoadImage("huecorr.jpg",cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED) #cv.Smooth(huecorr,huecorr) #ShowImage("base",base) #base = cv.CreateImage(size,8,1) #base = GetImage(val) #cv.Threshold(hue,hue,75,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) #cv.SaveImage("huecorr.jpg", hue) #cv.Threshold(base,base,110,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) #cv.SaveImage("base.jpg", base) #cv.WaitKey(-1) first = False if (debug): ShowImage("hue", hue) ShowImage("sat", sat) ShowImage("val", val) if pitch == 1: walls = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) cv.Threshold(val, walls, 50, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) Set2D(walls, 4, 4, 255) # BALL # fixed this cause with another robot it was finding the ball on it. seems to work Add(sat, hue, ball) Sub(ball, walls, ball) cv.SubS(ball, 60, ball, baseInv) cv.Threshold(ball, ball, 170, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(ball, ball, ex, 1) cv.Dilate(ball, ball, ex2, 1) Set2D(ball, 4, 4, 255) # YELLOW # cv.Threshold(hue,yellow,80,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Threshold(val, yellow, 250, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) Sub(yellow, walls, yellow) cv.Erode(yellow, yellow, ex, 1) Set2D(yellow, 4, 4, 255) # blue cv.Add(walls, hue, blue) cv.Threshold(blue, blue, 40, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) cv.Erode(blue, blue, ex2, 2) Set2D(blue, 4, 4, 255) cv.Dilate(blue, blue, tHack, 2) if pitch == 0: ballcompact = 2.0 walls = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) cv.Threshold(val, walls, 50, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) Set2D(walls, 4, 4, 255) # BALL #cv.Add(sat,val,ball) #ShowImage("rawB",ball) cv.Threshold(hue, ball, 110, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(ball, ball, ex2, 1) cv.Dilate(ball, ball, ex, 1) # YELLOW cv.Threshold(val, yellow, 240, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) # cv.Threshold(hue,yellow,80,255,cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO) # cv.Threshold(yellow,yellow,105,255,cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) # cv.Threshold(yellow,yellow,50,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(yellow, yellow, ex, 1) cv.Dilate(yellow, yellow, tHack, 1) # BLUE CvtColor(dst, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV) cv.Split(hsv, hue, sat, val, None) cv.Threshold(hue, blue, 80, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Threshold(val, val, 80, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) # Removes the walls Sub(blue, val, blue) Sub(yellow, val, yellow) Sub(ball, val, ball) cv.Erode(blue, blue, ex, 1) Set2D(ball, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(yellow, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(blue, 4, 4, 255) if (debug): ShowImage("blue", blue) ShowImage("yellow", yellow) ShowImage("ball", ball) #find ball #seq = None seq = cv.FindContours(ball, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 #print seq while seq != None: compact = 0 count = count + 1 if (count > ballcount): break #removed and pitch==0 no idea why it was there if (cv.ContourArea(seq) != 0): compact = ArcLength(seq) * ArcLength(seq) / ( 4 * cv.ContourArea(seq) * math.pi) if compact >= ballcompact: print ">> compact: ", compact, ballcompact seq = seq.h_next() continue area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if (area == 0 or area > ballmaxarea or area < ballminiarea): # or compact > ballcompact): print ">> area: ", area, ballmaxarea, ballminiarea seq = seq.h_next() continue else: ballx = 0 bally = 0 for p in seq: ballx = ballx + p[0] bally = bally + p[1] ballx = int(float(ballx) / len(seq)) bally = int(float(bally) / len(seq)) # print "compact=%f,area=%f" %(compact,area) cv.Circle(dst, (ballx, bally), 4, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst2, (ballx, bally), 4, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) break if (count > 15 or seq == None): ballx = -1 bally = -1 print "# error: ball not found " #find blue seq = None seq = cv.FindContours(blue, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while seq != None: count = count + 1 if (count > bluecount): break if (cv.ContourArea(seq) < blueminiarea or cv.ContourArea(seq) > bluemaxarea): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None # hull = cv.ConvexHull2(seq, storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq, hull, storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex, key=lambda (k1, k2, k3, k4): k4 ) #sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex) - 1][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 1][3] > bluemaxdepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] > bluemaxdepth): cv.Line(dst, convex[len(convex) - 1][0], convex[len(convex) - 1][2], cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, convex[len(convex) - 1][2], convex[len(convex) - 1][1], cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, convex[len(convex) - 2][0], convex[len(convex) - 2][2], cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, convex[len(convex) - 2][2], convex[len(convex) - 2][1], cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T blue_start1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][0] blue_end1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][1] blue_depth1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][2] #draw the side line of T cv.Line(dst, blue_start1, blue_depth1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, blue_depth1, blue_end1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, blue_start1, blue_depth1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, blue_depth1, blue_end1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) blue_start2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][0] blue_end2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][1] blue_depth2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][2] cv.Line(dst, blue_start2, blue_depth2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, blue_depth2, blue_end2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, blue_start2, blue_depth2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, blue_depth2, blue_end2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) blue_from = ((blue_depth1[0] + blue_depth2[0]) / 2, (blue_depth1[1] + blue_depth2[1]) / 2 ) #calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot(blue_start1[0] - blue_end2[0], blue_start1[1] - blue_end2[1]) > math.hypot( blue_end1[0] - blue_start2[0], blue_end1[1] - blue_start2[1]): blue_to = ((blue_end1[0] + blue_start2[0]) / 2, (blue_end1[1] + blue_start2[1]) / 2) else: blue_to = ((blue_start1[0] + blue_end2[0]) / 2, (blue_start1[1] + blue_end2[1]) / 2) cv.Line(dst, blue_from, blue_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, blue_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, blue_to, 1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, blue_from, blue_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst2, blue_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst2, blue_to, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if (count > bluecount or seq == None): blue_from = (0, 0) blue_to = (0, 0) print "# error: blue not found " #find yellow seq = None seq = cv.FindContours(yellow, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while seq != None: count = count + 1 if (count > yellowcount): break area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if (area < yellowminiarea or area > yellowmaxarea): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None # hull = cv.ConvexHull2(seq, storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq, hull, storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex, key=lambda (k1, k2, k3, k4): k4 ) #sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex) - 1][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 1][3] > yellowmaxdepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] > yellowmaxdepth): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T yellow_start1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][0] yellow_end1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][1] yellow_depth1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][2] #draw the side line of T cv.Line(dst, yellow_start1, yellow_depth1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, yellow_depth1, yellow_end1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, yellow_start1, yellow_depth1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, yellow_depth1, yellow_end1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) yellow_start2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][0] yellow_end2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][1] yellow_depth2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][2] cv.Line(dst, yellow_start2, yellow_depth2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst, yellow_depth2, yellow_end2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, yellow_start2, yellow_depth2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, yellow_depth2, yellow_end2, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) yellow_from = ( (yellow_depth1[0] + yellow_depth2[0]) / 2, (yellow_depth1[1] + yellow_depth2[1]) / 2 ) #calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot( yellow_start1[0] - yellow_end2[0], yellow_start1[1] - yellow_end2[1]) > math.hypot( yellow_end1[0] - yellow_start2[0], yellow_end1[1] - yellow_start2[1]): yellow_to = ( (yellow_end1[0] + yellow_start2[0]) / 2, (yellow_end1[1] + yellow_start2[1]) / 2) else: yellow_to = ( (yellow_start1[0] + yellow_end2[0]) / 2, (yellow_start1[1] + yellow_end2[1]) / 2) # print cv.ContourArea(seq) cv.Line(dst, yellow_from, yellow_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, yellow_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, yellow_to, 1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Line(dst2, yellow_from, yellow_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst2, yellow_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst2, yellow_to, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, 8, 0) break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if (count > yellowcount or seq == None): yellow_from = (0, 0) yellow_to = (0, 0) print "# error: yellow not found" ballpos = (ballx, bally) ShowImage("camera", dst) if (found_goals == False): if (us == "yellow"): goals = find_goals(size, yellow_from) stewies_goal = goals[0] loiss_goal = goals[1] found_goals = True elif (us == "blue"): goals = find_goals(size, blue_from) stewies_goal = goals[0] loiss_goal = goals[1] found_goals = True #if (ballx >= 0): output(ballpos, blue_from, blue_to, yellow_from, yellow_to, stewies_goal, loiss_goal) time_passed = time.time() - aa countf += 1 if (time_passed >= 1): print "frame per second: " + str(countf), countf = 0 aa = time.time() cv.WaitKey(2)
def test_2542670(self): xys = [ (94, 121), (94, 122), (93, 123), (92, 123), (91, 124), (91, 125), (91, 126), (92, 127), (92, 128), (92, 129), (92, 130), (92, 131), (91, 132), (90, 131), (90, 130), (90, 131), (91, 132), (92, 133), (92, 134), (93, 135), (94, 136), (94, 137), (94, 138), (95, 139), (96, 140), (96, 141), (96, 142), (96, 143), (97, 144), (97, 145), (98, 146), (99, 146), (100, 146), (101, 146), (102, 146), (103, 146), (104, 146), (105, 146), (106, 146), (107, 146), (108, 146), (109, 146), (110, 146), (111, 146), (112, 146), (113, 146), (114, 146), (115, 146), (116, 146), (117, 146), (118, 146), (119, 146), (120, 146), (121, 146), (122, 146), (123, 146), (124, 146), (125, 146), (126, 146), (126, 145), (126, 144), (126, 143), (126, 142), (126, 141), (126, 140), (127, 139), (127, 138), (127, 137), (127, 136), (127, 135), (127, 134), (127, 133), (128, 132), (129, 132), (130, 131), (131, 130), (131, 129), (131, 128), (132, 127), (133, 126), (134, 125), (134, 124), (135, 123), (136, 122), (136, 121), (135, 121), (134, 121), (133, 121), (132, 121), (131, 121), (130, 121), (129, 121), (128, 121), (127, 121), (126, 121), (125, 121), (124, 121), (123, 121), (122, 121), (121, 121), (120, 121), (119, 121), (118, 121), (117, 121), (116, 121), (115, 121), (114, 121), (113, 121), (112, 121), (111, 121), (110, 121), (109, 121), (108, 121), (107, 121), (106, 121), (105, 121), (104, 121), (103, 121), (102, 121), (101, 121), (100, 121), (99, 121), (98, 121), (97, 121), (96, 121), (95, 121) ] #xys = xys[:12] + xys[16:] pts = cv.CreateMat(len(xys), 1, cv.CV_32SC2) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(xys): pts[i, 0] = (x, y) storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() hull = cv.ConvexHull2(pts, storage) hullp = cv.ConvexHull2(pts, storage, return_points=1) defects = cv.ConvexityDefects(pts, hull, storage) vis = cv.CreateImage((1000, 1000), 8, 3) x0 = min([x for (x, y) in xys]) - 10 x1 = max([x for (x, y) in xys]) + 10 y0 = min([y for (y, y) in xys]) - 10 y1 = max([y for (y, y) in xys]) + 10 def xform(pt): x, y = pt return (1000 * (x - x0) / (x1 - x0), 1000 * (y - y0) / (y1 - y0)) for d in defects[:2]: cv.Zero(vis) # First draw the defect as a red triangle cv.FillConvexPoly(vis, [xform(p) for p in d[:3]], cv.RGB(255, 0, 0)) # Draw the convex hull as a thick green line for a, b in zip(hullp, hullp[1:]): cv.Line(vis, xform(a), xform(b), cv.RGB(0, 128, 0), 3) # Draw the original contour as a white line for a, b in zip(xys, xys[1:]): cv.Line(vis, xform(a), xform(b), (255, 255, 255)) self.snap(vis)
def camera(): found_goals = False print "# Starting initialization..." intrinsics = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(intrinsics) #camera data intrinsics[0, 0] = 850.850708957251072 intrinsics[1, 1] = 778.955239997982062 intrinsics[2, 2] = 1 intrinsics[0, 2] = 320.898495232253822 intrinsics[1, 2] = 380.213734835526282 dist_coeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_64FC1) cv.Zero(dist_coeffs) dist_coeffs[0, 0] = -0.226795877008420 dist_coeffs[0, 1] = 0.139445565548056 dist_coeffs[0, 2] = 0.001245710462327 dist_coeffs[0, 3] = -0.001396618726445 print "# intrinsics loaded!" #prepare memory capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) size = GetSize(src) dst0 = cv.CreateImage(size, src.depth, src.nChannels) image_ROI = (0, 60, 640, 340) size = (640, 340) hue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) sat = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) val = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) ball = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) yellow = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) blue = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) Set2D(hue, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(sat, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(val, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(ball, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(yellow, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(blue, 4, 4, 255) ballx = 0 bally = 0 ballmiss = 0 yellowmiss = 0 bluemiss = 0 print "# base images created..." #####------------------ajustment data---------------------############### #shadow high = 40 low = 300 #threshold thresBallInit = 116 thresYellowInit = 94 thresBlueInit = 18 ballRangeInit = 8.0 yellowRangeInit = 6.0 blueRangeInit = 8.0 ballRange = ballRangeInit yellowRange = yellowRangeInit blueRange = blueRangeInit ballMinRange = 1.5 yellowMinRange = 1.5 blueMinRange = 8.0 thresBall = thresBallInit thresYellow = thresYellowInit thresBlue = thresBlueInit #dilate ex = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex2 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(2, 2, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) ex5 = cv.CreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 1, 1, cv.CV_SHAPE_RECT) #ball ballcount = 15.0 ballAreaInit = 95.0 ballAreaRangeInit = 80.0 ballArea = ballAreaInit ballAreaRange = ballAreaRangeInit ballMinAreaRange = 40.0 ballcompact = 8.0 #blue bluecount = 30.0 blueAreaInit = 400.0 blueAreaRangeInit = 200.0 blueArea = blueAreaInit blueAreaRange = blueAreaRangeInit blueMiniAreaRange = 50.0 bluemaxdepth = 9.0 blueminidepth = 2.5 #yellow yellowcount = 30.0 yellowAreaInit = 450.0 yellowAreaRangeInit = 200.0 yellowArea = yellowAreaInit yellowAreaRange = yellowAreaRangeInit yellowMinAreaRange = 50.0 yellowmaxdepth = 10.0 yellowminidepth = 3.2 #####---------------------------------------- aa = time.time() storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() first = True pitch = 0 # 0 for main pitch, 1 for alt pitch countf = 0 print "# starting capture..." print '' capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) while (True): global connected if (not connected): global s s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect((hostname, port)) connected = True except: print "java down, waiting" src = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #ShowImage('src',src) cv.SetImageROI(dst0, (0, 0, 640, 480)) average = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) #barrel undistortion cv.Undistort2(src, dst0, intrinsics, dist_coeffs) #ROI = Region of Interests, crop the image cv.SetImageROI(dst0, image_ROI) dst = GetImage(dst0) dst2 = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) Set2D(dst2, 4, 4, 255) hsv = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 3) CvtColor(dst, hsv, CV_RGB2HSV) cv.Split(hsv, hue, sat, val, None) if (first): pitch = pitchSet if pitch == 1: base = cv.LoadImage("base.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED) baseInv = cv.CreateImage(size, 8, 1) cv.Not(base, baseInv) first = False if (debug): ShowImage("hue", hue) ShowImage("sat", sat) ShowImage("val", val) # BALL cv.Threshold(hue, ball, thresBallInit + ballRange, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) cv.Threshold(hue, ball, thresBallInit - ballRange, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) #ShowImage("ball",ball) # YELLOW cv.Threshold(hue, yellow, thresYellowInit + yellowRange, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV) cv.Threshold(yellow, yellow, thresYellowInit - yellowRange, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) cv.Erode(yellow, yellow, ex, 1) cv.Dilate(yellow, yellow, ex, 1) #ShowImage("yellow",yellow) # BLUE # CvtColor(dst,hsv,CV_BGR2HSV) # cv.Split(hsv,hue,sat,val,None) cv.Threshold(hue, blue, thresBlue + blueRange, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) # cv.Threshold(blue,blue,4,255,cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) # cv.Erode(blue,blue,ex2,1) #ShowImage("blue",blue) cv.Threshold(val, val, 130, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) cv.Threshold(sat, sat, 100, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV) #ShowImage("sat2",sat) #ShowImage("val2",val) # Removes the walls Sub(blue, val, blue) Sub(blue, sat, blue) Sub(yellow, val, yellow) Sub(yellow, sat, yellow) Sub(ball, val, ball) Sub(ball, sat, ball) cv.Erode(ball, ball, ex, 1) cv.Dilate(ball, ball, ex, 1) cv.Dilate(blue, blue, ex, 1) Set2D(ball, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(blue, 4, 4, 255) Set2D(yellow, 4, 4, 255) #ShowImage("yellow3",yellow) #ShowImage("ball3",ball) #ShowImage("blue3",blue) if (debug): ShowImage("blue", blue) ShowImage("yellow", yellow) ShowImage("ball", ball) #find ball seq = cv.FindContours(ball, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= ballcount): count = count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) + 0.01 compact = ArcLength(seq) * ArcLength(seq) / (4 * area * math.pi) if (area < 4 or area > (ballArea + ballAreaRange) or area < (ballArea - ballAreaRange) or compact >= ballcompact): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: ballx = 0 bally = 0 for p in seq: ballx = ballx + p[0] bally = bally + p[1] ballx = int(float(ballx) / len(seq)) bally = int(float(bally) / len(seq)) ###############--------------Auto ajustment # print "ball area %f" %area # print "ball hue: %f" %hue[bally,ballx] # cv.Circle(dst,(ballx,bally),4,cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255),2,8,0) cv.Circle(dst, (ballx, bally), 5, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 3, 8, 0) break if (count > ballcount or seq == None): # print ballAreaRange ballx = 0 bally = 0 ballmiss = ballmiss + 1 print "# error: ball not found " #find blue seq = cv.FindContours(blue, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= bluecount): count = count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if (area < blueArea - blueAreaRange or area > blueArea + blueAreaRange): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None hull = cv.ConvexHull2(seq, storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq, hull, storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex, key=lambda (k1, k2, k3, k4): k4 ) #sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex) - 1][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 1][3] > bluemaxdepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] > bluemaxdepth): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T blue_start1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][0] blue_end1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][1] blue_depth1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][2] #draw the side line of T blue_start2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][0] blue_end2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][1] blue_depth2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][2] blue_from = ((blue_depth1[0] + blue_depth2[0]) / 2, (blue_depth1[1] + blue_depth2[1]) / 2 ) #calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot(blue_start1[0] - blue_end2[0], blue_start1[1] - blue_end2[1]) > math.hypot( blue_end1[0] - blue_start2[0], blue_end1[1] - blue_start2[1]): blue_to = ((blue_end1[0] + blue_start2[0]) / 2, (blue_end1[1] + blue_start2[1]) / 2) else: blue_to = ((blue_start1[0] + blue_end2[0]) / 2, (blue_start1[1] + blue_end2[1]) / 2) cv.Line(dst, blue_from, blue_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, blue_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, blue_to, 3, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, blue_from, 5, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 255), 3, 8, 0) #######---------------------------Auto Ajusting print "blue area %f" % area # print "blue hue: %f" %hue[blue_from[1],blue_from[0]] break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if (count > bluecount or seq == None): bluemiss = bluemiss + 1 blue_from = (0, 0) blue_to = (0, 0) print "# error: blue not found " #find yellow seq = cv.FindContours(yellow, storage, cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= yellowcount): count = count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if (area < yellowArea - yellowAreaRange or area > yellowArea + yellowAreaRange): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None hull = cv.ConvexHull2(seq, storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq, hull, storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex, key=lambda (k1, k2, k3, k4): k4 ) #sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex) - 1][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] < yellowminidepth or convex[len(convex) - 1][3] > yellowmaxdepth or convex[len(convex) - 2][3] > yellowmaxdepth): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T yellow_start1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][0] yellow_end1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][1] yellow_depth1 = convex[len(convex) - 1][2] #draw the side line of T yellow_start2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][0] yellow_end2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][1] yellow_depth2 = convex[len(convex) - 2][2] yellow_from = ( (yellow_depth1[0] + yellow_depth2[0]) / 2, (yellow_depth1[1] + yellow_depth2[1]) / 2 ) #calculate the center of robot #calculate the end of direction vector, the two end point of the smaller distans if math.hypot( yellow_start1[0] - yellow_end2[0], yellow_start1[1] - yellow_end2[1]) > math.hypot( yellow_end1[0] - yellow_start2[0], yellow_end1[1] - yellow_start2[1]): yellow_to = ( (yellow_end1[0] + yellow_start2[0]) / 2, (yellow_end1[1] + yellow_start2[1]) / 2) else: yellow_to = ( (yellow_start1[0] + yellow_end2[0]) / 2, (yellow_start1[1] + yellow_end2[1]) / 2) ###########------------------------------Auto Ajusting # print cv.ContourArea(seq) # print "yellow area %f" %area # print "yellow hue: %f" %hue[yellow_from[1],yellow_from[0]] cv.Line(dst, yellow_from, yellow_to, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, yellow_from, 1, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, yellow_to, 3, cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv.Circle(dst, yellow_from, 5, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 0), 3, 8, 0) break else: seq = seq.h_next() continue if (count > yellowcount or seq == None): yellowmiss = yellowmiss + 1 yellow_from = (0, 0) yellow_to = (0, 0) print "# error: yellow not found" ballpos = (ballx, bally) ShowImage("camera", dst) if (found_goals == False): if (us == "yellow"): goals = find_goals(size, yellow_from) stewies_goal = goals[0] loiss_goal = goals[1] found_goals = True elif (us == "blue"): goals = find_goals(size, blue_from) stewies_goal = goals[0] loiss_goal = goals[1] found_goals = True #if (ballx >= 0): output(ballpos, blue_from, blue_to, yellow_from, yellow_to, stewies_goal, loiss_goal) time_passed = time.time() - aa countf += 1 if (time_passed >= 1): print "frame per second: " + str(countf) countf = 0 aa = time.time() keyPress = cv.WaitKey(2) if (keyPress == 1048608): break elif (keyPress >= 0 and keyPress != 1048608): bb = time.clock() print "frame rate: %f" % (timecount / (bb - aa)) print "ball miss rate: %f" % (ballmiss) print "blue miss rate: %f" % (bluemiss) print "yellow miss rate: %f" % (yellowmiss)
def __init__(self, poly, depth): self.depth = depth self.points = [] self.angles = [.0] self.touching = [] self.children = [] self.parents = [] xavg = [] yavg = [] xmin = ymin = xmax = ymax = None for j in range( ptr = cv.GetSeqElem(poly, j) #point = ctypes.cast(_ptr, cv.Point.CAST ) #x = point.contents.x; y = point.contents.y point = cv.Point(pointer=ptr, cast=True) x = point.x y = point.y p = Point(x, y) if self.points: a = math.degrees(self.points[-1].angle(p)) self.angles.append(a) self.points.append(p) xavg.append(x) yavg.append(y) if j == 0: xmin = xmax = x ymin = ymax = y else: if x < xmin: xmin = x if x > xmax: xmax = x if y < ymin: ymin = y if y > ymax: ymax = y self.avariance = .0 self.avariance_points = [.0, .0] if self.angles: print(self.angles) prev = self.angles[0] for a in self.angles[1:]: v = abs(prev - a) self.avariance_points.append(v) self.avariance += v prev = a #print 'variance', self.avariance #print 'variance-points', self.avariance_points #print 'len len', len(self.points), len(self.avariance_points) n = len(self.points) self.weight = (sum(xavg) / float(n), sum(yavg) / float(n)) self.width = xmax - xmin self.height = ymax - ymin = (int(xmin + (self.width / 2)), int(ymin + (self.height / 2))) self.rectangle = ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) self.dwidth = xmax - xmin self.dheight = ymax - ymin self.dcenter = (xmin + (self.dwidth / 2), ymin + (self.dheight / 2)) self.drectangle = ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) self.defects = [] self.center_defects = None self.convex = cv.CheckContourConvexity(poly) if not self.convex: T = 80 dxavg = [] dyavg = [] hull = cv.ConvexHull2(poly, self.storage_hull, 1, 0) defects = cv.ConvexityDefects(poly, hull, self.storage_defects) n = for j in range(n): D = cv.ConvexityDefect(pointer=cv.GetSeqElem(defects, j), cast=True) s = D.start.contents e = D.end.contents d = D.depth_point.contents start = (s.x, s.y) end = (e.x, e.y) depth = (d.x, d.y) ## ignore large defects ## if abs(end[0] - depth[0]) > T or abs(end[1] - depth[1]) > T or abs( start[0] - end[0]) > T or abs(start[1] - end[1]) > T: continue dxavg.append(depth[0]) dyavg.append(depth[1]) self.defects.append((start, end, depth)) xmin = ymin = 999999 xmax = ymax = -1 if self.defects: n = len(self.defects) self.center_defects = (int(sum(dxavg) / float(n)), int(sum(dyavg) / float(n))) for j, f in enumerate(self.defects): s, e, d = f if s[0] < xmin: xmin = s[0] if e[0] < xmin: xmin = e[0] if s[0] > xmax: xmax = s[0] if e[0] > xmax: xmax = e[0] if s[1] < ymin: ymin = s[1] if e[1] < ymin: ymin = e[1] if s[1] > ymax: ymax = s[1] if e[1] > ymax: ymax = e[1] self.dwidth = xmax - xmin self.dheight = ymax - ymin self.dcenter = (xmin + (self.dwidth / 2), ymin + (self.dheight / 2)) self.drectangle = ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) cv.ClearMemStorage(self.storage_hull) cv.ClearMemStorage(self.storage_defects)
#find blue seq = cv.FindContours(blue,storage,cv.CV_RETR_LIST, cv.CV_LINK_RUNS) if seq != None: count = 0 while (seq != None and count <= bluecount): count =count + 1 area = cv.ContourArea(seq) if(area < blueArea-blueAreaRange or area > blueArea+blueAreaRange): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: hull = None convex = None hull =cv.ConvexHull2(seq,storage) convex = cv.ConvexityDefects(seq,hull,storage) if (len(convex) > 1): convex = sorted(convex , key = lambda(k1,k2,k3,k4):k4)#sort by depth of the convex defect if (convex[len(convex)-1][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] < blueminidepth or convex[len(convex)-1][3] > bluemaxdepth or convex[len(convex)-2][3] > bluemaxdepth ): seq = seq.h_next() continue else: #find the T blue_start1 = convex[len(convex)-1][0] blue_end1 = convex[len(convex)-1][1] blue_depth1 = convex[len(convex)-1][2] #draw the side line of T blue_start2 = convex[len(convex)-2][0]
def repeat(begin, unmute, last, hold, beginhold): """Actual finger detection function, passes mute and click status""" #captures input frame frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #creates horizontally flipped copy of input frame to work with cv.Copy(frame, sframe) cv.Flip(sframe, sframe, 1) #makes mask of skintones dog = skin(sframe, ccolor) #inverts skintone mask to all non-skin areas cv.ConvertScale(dog, dog, -1, 255) #makes greyscale copy of frame cv.CvtColor(sframe, grey, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #replaces nonskin areas with white cv.Add(grey, white, grey, dog) #implements laplacian edge detection on greyscale image dst_16s2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(bg), cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1) cv.Laplace(grey, dst_16s2, 5) cv.Convert(dst_16s2, grey) #creates a threshold to binarize the image cv.Threshold(grey, grey, 75, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) #creates contours on greyscale image storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) contours = cv.FindContours(grey, storage, cv.CV_RETR_TREE, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #sets final display frame background to black cv.Set(cframe, 0) #sets minimum range for object detection mx = 20000 #initializes hand position to previous best = last #creates some cvSeq maxcont by copying contours maxcont = contours #goes through all contours and finds bounding box while contours: bound_rect = cv.BoundingRect(list(contours)) #if bounding box area is greater than min range or current max box if bound_rect[3] * bound_rect[2] > mx: #sets max to current object, creates position at center of box, and sets display contour to current mx = bound_rect[3] * bound_rect[2] maxcont = contours #goes to next contour contours = contours.h_next() #draws largest contour on final frame cv.DrawContours(cframe, maxcont, 255, 127, 0) if maxcont: #creates convex hull of largest contour chull = cv.ConvexHull2(maxcont, storage, cv.CV_CLOCKWISE, 1) cv.PolyLine(cframe, [chull], 1, 255) chulllist = list(chull) chull = cv.ConvexHull2(maxcont, storage, cv.CV_CLOCKWISE, 0) cdefects = cv.ConvexityDefects(maxcont, chull, storage) #filters small convexity defects and draws large ones truedefects = [] for j in cdefects: if j[3] > 30: truedefects.append(j) cv.Circle(cframe, j[2], 6, 255) #if hand is in a pointer position, detects tip of convex hull if cdefects and len(truedefects) < 4: tipheight = 481 tiploc = 0 for j in chulllist: if j[1] < tipheight: tipheight = j[1] tiploc = chulllist.index(j) best = chulllist[tiploc] #keeps last position if movement too quick, or smooths slower movement xdiff = best[0] - last[0] ydiff = best[1] - last[1] dist = math.sqrt(xdiff**2 + ydiff**2) if dist > 100: best = last else: best = (last[0] + xdiff * .75, last[1] + ydiff * .75) #draws main position circle cv.Circle(cframe, (int(best[0]), int(best[1])), 20, 255) #displays image with contours cv.ShowImage("w2", cframe) cv.MoveWindow('w2', 600, 0) #delay between frame capture c = cv.WaitKey(10) if not hold: #if largest contour covers half the screen if mx > 153600 / 2: #begins timer if not yet started if begin == 0: begin = time.time() else: #sets volume to new volume, or 0 if muted #in Linux if sysname == True: os.system('amixer set Master %s' % (.64 * unmute * (100 - best[1] / 4.8))) #in Mac else: os.system( 'osascript -e \'set volume output volume %s\'' % (.64 * unmute * (100 - best[1] / 4.8))) #if 3 seconds have passed, stops timer and switches mute status if time.time() - begin > 3: unmute = 1 - unmute begin = 0 #stops timer and sets volume to new, if unmuted else: begin = 0 #in Linux if sysname == True: os.system('amixer set Master %s' % (int(.64 * unmute * (100 - best[1] / 4.8)) * .75)) #in Mac else: os.system('osascript -e \'set volume output volume %s\'' % (int(.64 * unmute * (100 - best[1] / 4.8)) * .75)) #returns timer start, mute status, and previous hand position return (begin, unmute, best, hold, beginhold)
def repeat1(begin, unmute, last, hold, beginhold): """actual function for moving and clicking mouse""" def click_down(): """Simulates a down click""" fake_input(d, ButtonPress, 1) d.sync() def click_up(): """Simulates an up click""" fake_input(d, ButtonRelease, 1) d.sync() #captures input frame frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #initializes mouse behavior d = Display() s = d.screen() root = s.root #creates horizontally flipped copy of input frame to work with cv.Copy(frame, sframe) cv.Flip(sframe, sframe, 1) #makes mask of skintones dog = skin(sframe, ccolor) #inverts skintone mask to all non-skin areas cv.ConvertScale(dog, dog, -1, 255) #makes greyscale copy of frame cv.CvtColor(sframe, grey, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) #replaces nonskin areas with white cv.Add(grey, white, grey, dog) #implements laplacian edge detection on greyscale image dst_16s2 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(bg), cv.IPL_DEPTH_16S, 1) cv.Laplace(grey, dst_16s2, 5) cv.Convert(dst_16s2, grey) #creates a threshold to binarize the image cv.Threshold(grey, grey, 75, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY) #creates contours on greyscale image storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) contours = cv.FindContours(grey, storage, cv.CV_RETR_TREE, cv.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #sets final display frame background to black cv.Set(cframe, 0) #sets minimum range for object detection mx = 20000 #initializes hand position to previous best = last #creates some cvSeq maxcont by copying contours maxcont = contours #goes through all contours and finds bounding box while contours: bound_rect = cv.BoundingRect(list(contours)) #if bounding box area is greater than min range or current max box if bound_rect[3] * bound_rect[2] > mx: #sets max to current object, creates position at center of box, and sets display contour to current mx = bound_rect[3] * bound_rect[2] maxcont = contours #goes to next contour contours = contours.h_next() #draws largest contour on final frame cv.DrawContours(cframe, maxcont, 255, 127, 0) if maxcont: #draws and finds convex hull and convexity defects chull = cv.ConvexHull2(maxcont, storage, cv.CV_CLOCKWISE, 1) cv.PolyLine(cframe, [chull], 1, 255) chulllist = list(chull) chull = cv.ConvexHull2(maxcont, storage, cv.CV_CLOCKWISE, 0) cdefects = cv.ConvexityDefects(maxcont, chull, storage) #filters smaller convexity defects and displays larger ones truedefects = [] for j in cdefects: if j[3] > 30: truedefects.append(j) cv.Circle(cframe, j[2], 6, 255) #Finds highest point of convex hull if hand follows smooth vertical shape if cdefects and len(truedefects) < 4: tipheight = 481 tiploc = 0 for j in chulllist: if j[1] < tipheight: tipheight = j[1] tiploc = chulllist.index(j) best = chulllist[tiploc] #if hand is open, begin click if len(truedefects) >= 4: if beginhold == 0: beginhold = time.time() else: #if .05 seconds have passed, clicks down if (time.time() - beginhold > .05) and not hold: hold = True beginhold = 0 click_down() #unclicks if hand returns to smooth else: if hold: click_up() hold = False beginhold = 0 #keeps last position if movement too quick, or smooths slower movement xdiff = best[0] - last[0] ydiff = best[1] - last[1] dist = math.sqrt(xdiff**2 + ydiff**2) if dist > 100: best = last else: best = (last[0] + xdiff * .75, last[1] + ydiff * .75) #displays main position circle cv.Circle(cframe, (int(best[0]), int(best[1])), 20, 255) #displays image with contours cv.ShowImage("w2", cframe) cv.MoveWindow('w2', 500, 0) #delay between frame capture c = cv.WaitKey(10) #Mouse Move/ Bottom Pointer Dx, Dy = mousedelta(last, best) root.warp_pointer((best[0] - 320) * 1600 / 600 + 800, best[1] * 900 / 360) d.sync() return (begin, unmute, best, hold, beginhold)
def cdefects(cnt, hull, storage): #cnt = the contour in question #hull = the convex hull of cnt #returns the points on shape cnt that are maximally #distant to the convex hull. This is basically the indents return cv.ConvexityDefects(cnt, hull, storage)