Пример #1
def Sobel_Filter(img):
    sobel_x = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_16S, 1, 0, ksize=5)
    sobel_y = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_16S, 0, 1, ksize=5)
    sobel_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobel_x)
    sobel_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobel_y)
    sobel_xy = cv2.addWeighted(sobel_x, 0.5, sobel_y, 0.5, 0)
    return sobel_xy
Пример #2
def sobel_extract(img):
    x = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_16S, 1, 0)  # 1,0代表只计算x方向计算边缘
    y = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_16S, 0, 1)  # 0,1代表只在y方向计算边缘
    absX = cv2.convertScaleAbs(x)
    absY = cv2.convertScaleAbs(y)
    dst = cv2.addWeighted(absX, 0.5, absY, 0.5, 0)
    return dst
Пример #3
def apply_sobel(img, *params):
    ddepth = cv2.CV_16S
    scale = 1
    delta = 0
    kernel_size = 3

    img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

    grad_x = cv2.Sobel(img,
    grad_y = cv2.Sobel(img,
    abs_grad_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
    abs_grad_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)

    new_image = cv2.addWeighted(abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0)
    #new_image = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_16S, 1, 0, ksize=3)

    return new_image
Пример #4
def DeriveOG_filter(img, kernel_size, sigma):

    # img_x为x方向上的梯度
    # img_y为y方向上的梯度
    kernel_x = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
    kernel_y = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
    for i in range(kernel_size):
        for j in range(kernel_size):
            norm = (i - kernel_size // 2)**2 + (j - kernel_size // 2)**2
            kernel_x[i, j] = (j - kernel_size // 2) * np.exp(-norm /
                                                             (sigma**2 * 2))
            kernel_y[i, j] = (i - kernel_size // 2) * np.exp(-norm /
                                                             (sigma**2 * 2))

    s_x = np.sum(abs(kernel_x)) / 2
    s_y = np.sum(abs(kernel_y)) / 2
    kernel_x = kernel_x / s_x
    kernel_y = kernel_y / s_y

    img_x = filter.conv(img, kernel_x, "copy")
    img_y = filter.conv(img, kernel_y, "copy")

    img_x = cv.convertScaleAbs(img_x)
    img_y = cv.convertScaleAbs(img_y)
    img_edge = 0.5 * img_x + 0.5 * img_y

    img_edge = (img_edge - np.min(img_edge)) / (np.max(img_edge) -
                                                np.min(img_edge)) * 255
    return img_edge
Пример #5
def sobel_gradient(image):
    grad_x = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_32F, 1, 0)           # 对x求一阶导
    grad_y = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_32F, 0, 1)           # 对y求一阶导
    gradx = cv.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)                  # 用convertScaleAbs()函数将其转回原来的uint8形式
    grady = cv.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)
    # cv.imshow("sobel_x", gradx)                         # x方向上的梯度
    # cv.imshow("sobel_y", grady)                         # y方向上的梯度
    gradxy = cv.addWeighted(gradx, 0.5, grady, 0.5, 0)  # 图片融合
    cv.imshow("sobel", gradxy)
Пример #6
def edge_filter(img):
    kernel1 = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [-1, 0, 1]])
    kernel2 = np.array([[-1, -2, -1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 1]])
    result1 = conv(img, kernel1)
    result1 = cv.convertScaleAbs(result1)
    result2 = conv(img, kernel2)
    result2 = cv.convertScaleAbs(result2)
    result = 0.5 * result1 + 0.5 * result2

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
Пример #7
def sobel_demo(image):  #当边缘不明显时可用Scharr算子,但该算子受噪声影响较大
    grad_x = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_32F, 1, 0)
    grad_y = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_32F, 0, 1)

    gradx = cv.convertScaleAbs(grad_x)
    grady = cv.convertScaleAbs(grad_y)

    cv.imshow("x_dir", gradx)
    cv.imshow("y_dir", grady)

    gradxy = cv.addWeighted(gradx, 0.5, grady, 0.5, 0)
    cv.imshow("xy_dir", gradxy)
Пример #8
def get_cityscapes_rm_da(img, semantics):
    """Applies two adaptive filters to find road markings"""

    semantics_road = (128, 64, 128)
    mask_road = cv2.inRange(semantics, semantics_road, semantics_road)

    # cv2.imwrite('temp/cityscapes_road_mask.png', mask_road)

    height = img.shape[0]
    width = img.shape[1]
    vertices = np.array([[(0, height), (0, int(height * 3 / 4)),
                          (width, int(height * 3 / 4)), (width, height)]])
    mask_bottom = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint8)
    cv2.fillPoly(mask_bottom, vertices, 255)
    mask_top = cv2.bitwise_not(mask_bottom)

    mask_road_top = cv2.bitwise_and(mask_road, mask_road, mask=mask_top)
    mask_road_bottom = cv2.bitwise_and(mask_road, mask_road, mask=mask_bottom)

    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # img = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
    thr_adaptive_top = masked_adaptive_threshold(img,
    thr_adaptive_top = cv2.convertScaleAbs(thr_adaptive_top)
    thr_adaptive_top = cv2.bitwise_and(thr_adaptive_top,
    thr_adaptive_bottom = masked_adaptive_threshold(img,
    thr_adaptive_bottom = cv2.convertScaleAbs(thr_adaptive_bottom)
    thr_adaptive_bottom = cv2.bitwise_and(thr_adaptive_bottom,
    thr_adaptive_combined = cv2.bitwise_or(thr_adaptive_top,

    plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
    plt.imshow(thr_adaptive_top, cmap='gray')
    plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
    plt.imshow(thr_adaptive_bottom, cmap='gray')

    return thr_adaptive_combined
Пример #9
def sobelFilter(image):
    # Use Sobel filter on abscisse X.
    filterX = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=3)
    absoluteX = cv.convertScaleAbs(filterX)

    # Use Sobel filter on abscisse Y.
    filterY = cv.Sobel(image, cv.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=3)
    absoluteY = cv.convertScaleAbs(filterY)

    # Converge the output filter.
    filteredImage = np.hypot(absoluteX, absoluteY)
    filteredImage = filteredImage / filteredImage.max() * 255
    angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(filterY, filterX))

    return (filteredImage, angle)
Пример #10
def addGaussNoise(img, mu, sigma):
    noise = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, img.shape)
    # dst_img = np.clip(img, -1, 1)
    dst_img = img.copy()
    dst_img = dst_img + noise
    dst_img = cv.convertScaleAbs(dst_img)
    return dst_img
Пример #11
def median_filter(img, kernel_size):
    img_dim = len(img.shape)

    if img_dim == 3:
        img_row = img.shape[0]
        img_col = img.shape[1]
        img_channel = img.shape[2]

        result = np.zeros((img_row, img_col, img_channel))
        ex_img = np.pad(img, ((kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1))
        result_row = result.shape[0]
        result_col = result.shape[1]
        result_channel = result.shape[2]
        for i in range(result_row):
            for j in range(result_col):
                for k in range(result_channel):
                    result[i, j, k] = np.median(ex_img[i:i + kernel_size, j:j + kernel_size, k])

    elif img_dim == 2:
        img_row = img.shape[0]
        img_col = img.shape[1]

        result = np.zeros((img_row, img_col))
        ex_img = np.pad(img, ((kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2)), 'constant', constant_values=(1, 1))
        result_row = result.shape[0]
        result_col = result.shape[1]
        for i in range(result_row):
            for j in range(result_col):
                result[i, j] = np.median(ex_img[i:i + kernel_size, j:j + kernel_size])

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
Пример #12
def bilateral_filter(img, kernel_size, sigmas, sigmar):
    img_dim = len(img.shape)

    if img_dim == 3:
        img_row = img.shape[0]
        img_col = img.shape[1]
        img_channel = img.shape[2]

        kernels = gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, sigmas)
        kernelr = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
        kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))

        result = np.zeros((img_row, img_col, img_channel))
        # ex_img = np.pad(img, ((kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        ex_img = padding(img, (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), "reflect")
        result_row = result.shape[0]
        result_col = result.shape[1]
        result_channel = result.shape[2]
        for i in range(result_row):
            for j in range(result_col):

                for m in range(0, kernel_size, 1):
                    for n in range(0, kernel_size, 1):
                        kernelr[m, n] = (float(ex_img[i + m, j + n, 0]) - float(ex_img[i + kernel_size // 2, j + kernel_size // 2, 0]))**2 + (float(ex_img[i + m, j + n, 1]) - float(
                            ex_img[i + kernel_size // 2, j + kernel_size // 2, 1]))**2 + (float(ex_img[i + m, j + n, 2]) - float(ex_img[i + kernel_size // 2, j + kernel_size // 2, 2]))**2
                kernelr = np.exp(-kernelr / (2 * sigmar**2))
                kernel = kernels * kernelr
                s = np.sum(kernel)
                kernel = kernel / s
                for k in range(result_channel):
                    result[i, j, k] = np.sum(ex_img[i:i + kernel_size, j:j + kernel_size, k] * kernel)

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result.astype(np.uint8)
Пример #13
def up_sample(img, kernel_size, sigma):

    img_dim = len(img.shape)

    if img_dim == 3:
        row = img.shape[0]
        col = img.shape[1]
        channel = img.shape[2]

        dst_img = np.zeros((2 * row, 2 * col, channel))
        for i in range(2 * row):
            for j in range(2 * col):
                if i % 2 == 0 and j % 2 == 0:
                    for k in range(channel):
                        dst_img[i, j, k] = img[i // 2, j // 2, k]

        ex_img = filter.padding(dst_img, (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2),
                                (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2),
        gauss_k = filter.gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, sigma)

        for i in range(2 * row):
            for j in range(2 * col):
                for k in range(channel):
                    if dst_img[i, j, k] == 0:
                        s = np.sum(
                            (ex_img[i:i + kernel_size, j:j + kernel_size, k] !=
                             0) * gauss_k)
                        dst_img[i, j, k] = np.sum(
                            ex_img[i:i + kernel_size, j:j + kernel_size, k] *
                            gauss_k) / s

        dst_img = cv.convertScaleAbs(dst_img)
        return dst_img.astype(np.uint8)
Пример #14
def convert_file(dcm_file_path, jpg_file_path):
    dicom_img = dicom.read_file(dcm_file_path)
    img = dicom_img.pixel_array
    scaled_img = cv2.convertScaleAbs(
        img-np.min(img), alpha=(255.0 / min(np.max(img)-np.min(img), 10000)))
    cv2.imwrite(jpg_file_path, scaled_img)
Пример #15
def gauss_filter1(img, kernel_size, sigma):

    kernel = gaussian_kernel1(kernel_size, sigma)
    result = conv1_col(img, kernel)
    result = conv1_row(result, kernel.transpose())
    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result.astype(np.uint8)
Пример #16
def gray(img):
    row, col, _ = img.shape
    result = np.zeros((row, col))
    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):
            result[i, j] = 0.114 * img[i, j, 0] + 0.299 * img[i, j, 1] + 0.587 * img[i, j, 2]
    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
Пример #17
def custom_demo(image):
    kernel = np.array([[
    ], [1, -8, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
    dst = cv.filter2D(image, cv.CV_32F, kernel=kernel)
    custom = cv.convertScaleAbs(dst)
    cv.imshow("result", custom)
Пример #18
def sharpen_filter(img):
    kernel1 = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
    kernel2 = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) / 9
    alpha = 0.8
    kernel = (1 + alpha) * kernel1 - alpha * kernel2
    result = conv(img, kernel)

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
Пример #19
def sharpen_filter(img, kernel_size, sigma, alpha):
    kernel1 = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
    kernel1[kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2] = 1
    kernel2 = gaussian_kernel2(kernel_size, sigma)
    kernel = (1 + alpha) * kernel1 - alpha * kernel2
    result = conv2(img, kernel)

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result.astype(np.uint8)
Пример #20
def calculate_weight_map(tar_img, ref_img, mask):
    tar_img_YUV = cv2.GaussianBlur(cv2.cvtColor(tar_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV),
                                   (5, 5), 10)
    ref_img_YUV = cv2.GaussianBlur(cv2.cvtColor(ref_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV),
                                   (5, 5), 10)
    tar_img_Y = tar_img_YUV[:, :, 0]
    ref_img_Y = ref_img_YUV[:, :, 0]

    YUV_diff = np.abs(tar_img_YUV - ref_img_YUV)
    color_diff = cv2.convertScaleAbs(YUV_diff[:, :, 0] * 0.5 +
                                     YUV_diff[:, :, 1] * 0.25 +
                                     YUV_diff[:, :, 2] * 0.25)
    color_diff[mask.overlap == 0] = 0

    print('finish YUV_diff')

    grad_diff_mag = getGradDiff(tar_img_Y, ref_img_Y)
    grad_diff_mag[mask.overlap == 0] = 0
    print('finish grad_diff')

    color_grad_diff_sum = grad_diff_mag * 100 + color_diff

    filter_bank = getGarborFilterBank(tar_img_Y, ref_img_Y)
    # print('finish gabor filter bank')

    h, w = tar_img_Y.shape
    tar_result = np.zeros((h, w))
    for i in range(len(filter_bank)):
        temp = cv2.filter2D(tar_img_Y, cv2.CV_64FC1, filter_bank[i])
        tar_result += temp**2
    tar_result = np.sqrt(tar_result)
    tar_result[mask.overlap == 0] = 0
    print('finish gabor feature target')

    ref_result = np.zeros((h, w))
    for i in range(len(filter_bank)):
        temp = cv2.filter2D(ref_img_Y, cv2.CV_64FC1, filter_bank[i])
        ref_result += temp**2

    ref_result = np.sqrt(ref_result)
    ref_result[mask.overlap == 0] = 0
    print('finish gabor feature reference')

    gabor_result = ref_result + tar_result

    weight_map = np.multiply(gabor_result, color_grad_diff_sum)
    print('finish weight map')

    # cv2.imwrite('./YUV_diff.png',color_diff)
    # cv2.imwrite('./gradian_diff.png',(grad_diff_mag/np.max(grad_diff_mag)*255).astype(np.uint8))
    # cv2.imwrite('./color_grad_diff.png',(color_grad_diff_sum/np.max(color_grad_diff_sum)*255).astype(np.uint8))
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./gabor/ref_gobar_final.png',(ref_result/np.max(ref_result)*255).astype(np.uint8) )
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./gabor/gobar_final.png',(gabor_result/np.max(gabor_result)*255).astype(np.uint8) )
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./gabor/tar_gobar_final.png',(tar_result/np.max(tar_result)*255).astype(np.uint8) )
    # cv2.imwrite(f'./gabor/W_final.png',(weight_map-np.mean(weight_map))/np.std(weight_map)*255)
    return weight_map
Пример #21
def mean_filter(img):
    kernel = np.zeros((3, 3), np.float32)
    for i in range(0, 3, 1):
        for j in range(0, 3, 1):
            kernel[i, j] = 1
    kernel = kernel / 9
    result = conv(img, kernel)

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
Пример #22
def calc_hog(gray):
    ''' 计算梯度 '''
    dx = cv.Sobel(gray, cv.CV_16S, 1, 0)
    dy = cv.Sobel(gray, cv.CV_16S, 0, 1)
    sigma = 1e-3
    # 计算角度
    angle = np.int32(np.arctan(dy / (dx + sigma)) * 180 / np.pi) + 90
    dx = cv.convertScaleAbs(dx)
    dy = cv.convertScaleAbs(dy)
    # 计算梯度大小
    mag = cv.addWeighted(dx, 0.5, dy, 0.5, 0)

    print('angle\n', angle[:8, :8])
    print('mag\n', mag[:8, :8])
    ''' end of 计算梯度 '''

    # 将图像切成多个cell
    cell_size = 8
    bin_size = 9
    img_h, img_w = gray.shape[:2]
    cell_h, cell_w = (img_h // cell_size, img_w // cell_size)

    cells = np.zeros((cell_h, cell_w, bin_size), dtype=np.int32)
    for i in range(cell_h):
        cell_row = cell_size * i
        for j in range(cell_w):
            cell_col = cell_size * j
            cells[i, j] = calc_hist(
                mag[cell_row:cell_row + cell_size,
                    cell_col:cell_col + cell_size],
                angle[cell_row:cell_row + cell_size,
                      cell_col:cell_col + cell_size], bin_size)

    # 多个cell融合成block
    block_size = 2
    block_h, block_w = (cell_h - block_size + 1, cell_w - block_size + 1)
    blocks = np.zeros((block_h, block_w, block_size * block_size * bin_size),
    for i in range(block_h):
        for j in range(block_w):
            blocks[i, j] = l2_norm(cells[i:i + block_size, j:j + block_size])

    return blocks.flatten()
def apply_contrast_brightness(img, *params):
    alpha = params[0]
    beta = params[1]
    #alpha = 1.0 # Simple contrast control
    #beta = 0    # Simple brightness control

    new_image = cv2.convertScaleAbs(img, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)
    #new_image = (img * alpha) + beta
    #new_image = cv2.addWeighted(img, alpha, img, 0, beta)
    return new_image
Пример #24
def ssr_c(img, size):
    img_G = replaceZeroes(cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (size, size), 0))
    img = replaceZeroes(img)
    # img_G = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (size, size), 0)
    log_S = cv2.log(img / 255.0)
    g_L = cv2.log(img_G / 255.0)
    log_L = cv2.multiply(log_S, g_L)
    log_R = cv2.subtract(log_S, log_L)
    dst_R = cv2.normalize(log_R, None, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
    R_c = cv2.convertScaleAbs(dst_R)
    return R_c
Пример #25
def get_oxford_rm(img, mask):
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    thr_adaptive = masked_adaptive_threshold(img,
    thr_adaptive = cv2.convertScaleAbs(thr_adaptive)
    thr_adaptive = cv2.bitwise_and(thr_adaptive, thr_adaptive, mask=mask)
    kernel = np.ones((2, 2))
    morph = cv2.morphologyEx(thr_adaptive, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
    dil = cv2.dilate(morph, kernel)

    return dil
Пример #26
def edgeDetectionZeroCrossingLOG(I: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
    # smooth with gaussian
    I = blurImage2(I, 9)

    # turn to GrayScale and activate laplace filter
    src_gray = cv2.cvtColor(I, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    lap = cv2.Laplacian(src_gray, cv2.CV_16S, ksize=7)

    # show the img
    # activate abs only if you want to show the picture
    # make sure you find the edge points before using abs

    lap = cv2.convertScaleAbs(lap)

    return lap
Пример #27
	def getContours(self, frame):
		#intermediate states where frame is being edited'
		self.frame = frame

		frame2     = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
		frame2 	   = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame2, (25,25), 0)
		thresh     = cv2.threshold(frame2, self.threshold, self.maxVal, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
		#incredibly important for using imageio to cv2 
		thresh     = cv2.convertScaleAbs(thresh)
		thresh 	   = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=1)
		contours, h = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

		return contours
Пример #28
def conv1_row(img, kernel):
    img_dim = len(img.shape)

    if img_dim == 3:
        img_row = img.shape[0]
        img_col = img.shape[1]
        img_channel = img.shape[2]
        kernel_size = kernel.shape[1]

        result = np.zeros((img_row, img_col, img_channel))
        # 横向卷积
        ex_img = np.pad(img,
                        ((0, 0), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2), (0, 0)),
                        constant_values=(0, 0))
        result_row = result.shape[0]
        result_col = result.shape[1]
        result_channel = result.shape[2]
        for i in range(result_row):
            for j in range(result_col):
                for k in range(result_channel):
                    result[i, j, k] = np.sum(
                        ex_img[i:i + 1, j:j + kernel_size, k] * kernel)

    elif img_dim == 2:
        img_row = img.shape[0]
        img_col = img.shape[1]
        kernel_size = kernel.shape[1]

        result = np.zeros((img_row, img_col))
        # 横向卷积
        ex_img = np.pad(img, ((0, 0), (kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2)),
                        constant_values=(0, 0))
        result_row = result.shape[0]
        result_col = result.shape[1]
        for i in range(result_row):
            for j in range(result_col):
                result[i, j] = np.sum(ex_img[i:i + 1, j:j + kernel_size // 2] *

    result = cv.convertScaleAbs(result)
    return result
 def contrast_image(self, image, contrast_factor):
         Adjust contrast of the given image.
             img (numpy ndarray): numpy ndarray to be adjusted.
             contrast_factor (float): How much to adjust the contrast. Can be any
                 non negative number. 0 gives a solid gray image, 1 gives the
                 original image while 2 increases the contrast by a factor of 2.
             numpy ndarray: Contrast adjusted image.
     # alpha 1  beta 0      --> no change
     # 0 < alpha < 1        --> lower contrast
     # alpha > 1            --> higher contrast
     # -127 < beta < +127   --> good range for brightness values
     result = cv2.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=contrast_factor, beta=0)
     return result
Пример #30
def padding(img, ud, lr, paddingtype):
    up = ud[0]
    down = ud[1]
    left = lr[0]
    right = lr[1]

    dst_img = np.zeros((img.shape[0] + up + down, img.shape[1] + left + right, 3))
    dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = img

    if paddingtype == "black":
    if paddingtype == "wrap":
        dst_img[0:up, 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[img.shape[0]:img.shape[0] + up, img.shape[1]:img.shape[1] + left, 0:3]
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], img.shape[1]:img.shape[1] + left, 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + down, img.shape[1]:img.shape[1] + left, 0:3]
        dst_img[0:up, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = dst_img[img.shape[0]:img.shape[0] + up, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + down, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[0:up, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[img.shape[0]:img.shape[0] + up, left:left + right, 0:3]
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left:left + right, 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + down, left:left + right, 0:3]
    if paddingtype == "copy":
        dst_img[0:up, 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + 1, left:left + 1, 0:3]
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left:left + 1, 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, 0:left, 0:3] = dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - 1:up + img.shape[0], left:left + 1, 0:3]
        dst_img[0:up, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + 1, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - 1:up + img.shape[0], left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[0:up, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + 1, left + img.shape[1] - 1:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1] - 1:left + img.shape[1], 0:3]
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - 1:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1] - 1:left +
                                                                                                                            img.shape[1], 0:3]
    if paddingtype == "reflect":
        dst_img[0:up, 0:left, 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up:up + up, left:left + left, 0:3], (0, 1))
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], 0:left, 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left:left + left, 0:3], 1)
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, 0:left, 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - down:up + img.shape[0], left:left + left, 0:3], (0, 1))
        dst_img[0:up, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up:up + up, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3], 0)
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - down:up + img.shape[0], left:left + img.shape[1], 0:3], 0)
        dst_img[0:up, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up:up + up, left + img.shape[1] - right:left + img.shape[1], 0:3], (0, 1))
        dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = np.flip(dst_img[up:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1] - right:left + img.shape[1]], 1)
        dst_img[up + img.shape[0]:up + img.shape[0] + down, left + img.shape[1]:left + img.shape[1] + right, 0:3] = np.flip(
            dst_img[up + img.shape[0] - down:up + img.shape[0], left + img.shape[1] - right:left + img.shape[1], 0:3], (0, 1))

    dst_img = cv.convertScaleAbs(dst_img)
    return dst_img