def __init__(self, size): # Get frame size x1, y1 = 0, 0 x2, y2 = size # Resize to fft window w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2-x1, y2-y1]) x1, y1 = (x1+x2-w)//2, (y1+y2-h)//2 # Store position and size relative to frame self.pos = x, y = x1+0.5*(w-1), y1+0.5*(h-1) self.size = w, h # Create Hanning window (weighting of values from center) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) # Create output image (centered Gaussian point--for correlation) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h//2, w//2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() # Save the desired output image in frequency space self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) # Create sum matrices self.F = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.HSum = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.count = 0
def __init__(self, frame, rect, number): self.num = number x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2-x1, y2-y1]) x1, y1 = (x1+x2-w)//2, (y1+y2-h)//2 self.pos = x, y = x1+0.5*(w-1), y1+0.5*(h-1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h//2, w//2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(MOSSE.rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums( A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel() self.update(frame)
def phase_corr(): single = imageio.imread("images/single-device-mask.jpg", as_gray=True) grid = imageio.imread("images/raw/01 BF-before.mask.tif") re = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(single, grid) cv2.imshow('re', np.log(re / np.max(re))) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() return single = pad_fft(single) / 255. grid = pad_fft(grid) / 255. height, width = grid.shape hanw = cv2.createHanningWindow(grid.shape, cv2.CV_64F) # Windowing and FFT G_a = np.fft.fft2(single * hanw) G_b = np.fft.fft2(grid * hanw) conj_b = R = G_a * conj_b R /= np.absolute(R) r = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(R).real) r = 255. * r / np.max(r) cv2.imshow('r', np.log(r)) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def preprocess(self, im): if self._window is None: self._window = cv2.createHanningWindow((im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), cv2.CV_64FC1) # grayscale = np.mean(im, 2) hanned = im * self._window image_fft = PhaseCorrelate.preprocessForPhaseCorrelate(hanned) return image_fft
def PhaseCorrelation(a, b): height, width = a.shape #dt = a.dtype # data type # Windowing hann_ = cv2.createHanningWindow((height, width), cv2.CV_64F) #hann = hann_.astype(dt) # convert to correspoinding dtype rhann = np.sqrt(hann_) rhann = hann_ # FFT G_a = np.fft.fft2(a * rhann) G_b = np.fft.fft2(b * rhann) conj_b = R = G_a * conj_b R /= np.absolute(R) r = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(R).real) # Get result and Interpolation DY, DX = np.unravel_index(r.argmax(), r.shape) # Subpixel Accuracy boxsize = 5 box = r[DY - int((boxsize - 1) / 2):DY + int((boxsize - 1) / 2) + 1, DX - int((boxsize - 1) / 2):DX + int((boxsize - 1) / 2) + 1] # x times x box #TY,TX= CenterOfGravity(box) TY, TX = WeightedCOG(box) sDY = TY + DY sDX = TX + DX # Show the result # print('DX=',width/2-sDX,'DY=',height/2-sDY) # print('CorrelationVal=',r[DY,DX]) plt.imshow(r, vmin=r.min(), vmax=r.max()) return [width / 2 - sDX, height / 2 - sDY], r[DY, DX]
def __init__(self, frame, rect, index, prev_id=0, reInit=False): self.stationary_for_frames = 0 x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect self.index = index if not reInit: self.id_ = MOSSE.MosseCounter MOSSE.MosseCounter = MOSSE.MosseCounter + 1 else: self.id_ = prev_id w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 self.pos = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel() self.update(frame)
def __init__(self, frame, rect): org = frame.copy() if len(frame.shape) == 3: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2-x1, y2-y1]) x1, y1 = (x1+x2-w)//2, (y1+y2 - h)//2 self.pos = x,y = x1+0.5*(w-1), y1 + 0.5*(h-1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w,h), (x,y)) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w,h), cv2.CV_32F) #expected response g = np.zeros((h,w), np.float32) g[h//2, w//2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1,-1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in range(128): f = self.preprocess(self.rnd_warp(img), F = cv2.dft(f, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, F, 0, conjB = True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums( F, F, 0, conjB = True) self.update_kernel() #update kernel self.update(frame) #
def shift_stabilization(img1, img2, rows, cols, print_result=None): """ Perform shift stabilization on two images using phase correlation with hanning window :param img1 source image :param img2: target image :param rows: rows of result image :param cols: columns of result image :param print_result: gathered information during stabilization :return: result_image: stabilized (shifted) image print_result: collected information during shift stabilization """ img1_gray = ImageProcess.to_gray(img1) img2_gray = ImageProcess.to_gray(img2) hanning = cv2.createHanningWindow((cols, rows), cv2.CV_32F) (cx, cy), _ = cv2.phaseCorrelate(np.float32(img2_gray), np.float32(img1_gray)) # (cx, cy) = (round(cx, 2), round(cy, 2)) M = np.float32([[1, 0, cx], [0, 1, cy]]) print_result['x'] = cx print_result['y'] = cy t_form = transform.EuclideanTransform(translation=(cx, cy)) result_image = transform.warp(img2, t_form) return img_as_ubyte(result_image), print_result
def onrect(self, rect): #print "onrect enterd:",rect self.lk_ready = True frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame_gray = cv2.equalizeHist(frame_gray) self.old_gray = frame_gray.copy() self.patch = self.old_gray[rect[1]:rect[3],rect[0]:rect[2]] self.w = rect[2]-rect[0] self.h = rect[3]-rect[1] #cv2.imshow('patch',self.patch) #cv2.waitKey(10) mask = cv2.createHanningWindow((self.w,self.h),cv2.CV_32F) self.patch = np.uint8(self.patch*mask) self.p0 = getUniformPoints(self.old_gray,rect[:2],rect[2:],100) # self.p0 = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(self.patch, mask = None, **feature_params) if len(self.p0)==0: self.lk_ready = False print "len p0:",len(self.p0) ## else: ## for i in xrange(len(self.p0)): ## self.p0[i][0][0] = self.p0[i][0][0] + rect[0] ## self.p0[i][0][1] = self.p0[i][0][1] + rect[1] tracker = MOSSE(frame_gray, rect) self.trackers.append(tracker)
def init(self, frame, rect): if frame.ndim == 3: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) rect = rect.astype(int) rect[2:] += rect[:2] x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 self.t_center = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) self.t_sz = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.A = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.B = np.zeros_like(self.G) for _i in range(128): patch = self._preprocess(self._random_warp(img)) F = cv2.dft(patch, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.A += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, F, 0, conjB=True) self.B += cv2.mulSpectrums(F, F, 0, conjB=True) self._update_kernel() self.update(frame)
def __init__(self, frame, rect): x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 self.pos = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) self.size = w, h #self.good = 0 img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel() self.update(frame)
def pre_process(img): log_img = np.log(img + 1) normalize_img = (log_img - np.mean(log_img.flatten())) / ( np.std(log_img.flatten() + 1e-5)) cosine_window = cv2.createHanningWindow(img.shape[:2], cv2.CV_32F) output = normalize_img * cosine_window.T return output
def __init__(self, frame, rect): x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect # Extract coordinates of the rectangle to be tracked w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 # 0.5 * x \in [w, h] (-1) = the centre point of the region self.pos = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) # Hanning Window # # = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, None, cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, None, cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel() self.update(frame) = id(self)
def make_image(): image = np.random.rand(20, 70, 3) window = cv2.createHanningWindow((image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), cv2.CV_64FC1) grayscale = np.mean(image, 2) hanned = grayscale * window image_fft = PhaseCorrelate.preprocessForPhaseCorrelate(hanned) return image, image_fft
def __reduce_image_noise_and_details(self): # apply Gaussian Blur on the original image, to reduce noise and the amount of details, for # faster processing self.g = np.zeros((self.size[::-1]), np.float32) self.g[self.size[1] // 2, self.size[0] // 2] = 1 self.g = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.g, (-1, -1), 2.0) self.g /= self.g.max() self.hann_window = cv2.createHanningWindow(self.size, cv2.CV_32F)
def getCylHanning(size, axis=0, ptype=cv2.CV_64F): tmp = cv2.createHanningWindow(size[::-1], ptype) if axis == 0: tmp = tmp[size[1] / 2, :] ret = np.tile(tmp, (size[0], 1)) else: tmp = tmp[:, size[0] / 2] ret = np.transpose(np.tile(tmp, (size[1], 1))) # print ret.shape return ret
def getCylHanning(size, axis=0, ptype=cv2.CV_64F): tmp=cv2.createHanningWindow(size[::-1], ptype) if axis==0: tmp=tmp[size[1]/2,:] ret=np.tile(tmp,(size[0],1)) else: tmp=tmp[:, size[0]/2] ret=np.transpose(np.tile(tmp,(size[1],1))) # print ret.shape return ret
def pre_process(img): # get the size of the img... height, width = img.shape img = np.log(np.float32(img) + 1.0) img = (img - img.mean()) / (img.std() + 1e-5) # use the hanning window... # window = window_func_2d(height, width) window = cv2.createHanningWindow((width, height), cv2.CV_32F) img = img * window return img
def initialise(self, gray_image, bounding_box): ''' Receives a grayscale frame and a bounding box and operates over it return True if OK Bounding box format: ((x0, y0),(x1, y1)) This uses the Numpy FFT since it already represents the numbers in complex representation and allows to do Spectrum Multiplciation and Vision in a straight-forward fashion ''' self.last_frame = gray_image p1, w, h = self.extractBoundingBox(bounding_box) p1, p2 = bounding_box cols = p2[0] - p1[0] rows = p2[1] - p1[1] self.size = (w, h) x1 = int(round((2 * p1[0] + cols - w) / 2)) y1 = int(round((2 * p1[1] + rows - h) / 2)) = (x1 + (w / 2), y1 + (h / 2)) # Get inputs - window from BBox and the HanningWindow for gaussianity window = cv.getRectSubPix(gray_image, self.size, self.hanWin = cv.createHanningWindow(self.size, cv.CV_32F) # Create goal and its FFT g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[int(h / 2)][int(w / 2)] = 1. g = cv.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) maxVal = cv.minMaxLoc(g)[1] maxVal = 1. / maxVal g = g * maxVal self.G = np.fft.fft2(g) # Initialise the filter and other elements self.A = np.zeros(self.G.shape, dtype=np.complex128) self.B = np.zeros(self.G.shape, dtype=np.complex128) # Train the filter with a random warping for i in range(8): warped = randWarp(window) self.f = preprocess(warped, self.hanWin) F = np.fft.fft2(self.f) A_i = self.G * np.conjugate(F) B_i = F * np.conjugate(F) self.A += A_i self.B += B_i mask_b =, mask=(self.B == 0)) self.H = self.A / mask_b self.H = self.H.filled(0.) return True
def create_window(reference, plot=False): height, width = reference.shape hanning_window = cv2.createHanningWindow((width, height), cv2.CV_64F) #hanning_window = hanning_window[height//2, :] #hanning_window = np.outer(hanning_window, hanning_window) if plot: plt.contourf(hanning_window) return hanning_window
def phaseCorr(img1, img2, isUseHann=True, isDebug=False): assert(img1.shape==img2.shape) if isUseHann: hw=cv2.createHanningWindow(img1.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_64F) img1=img1*hw img2=img2*hw if isDebug: cv2.imshow("debug-img12", np.concatenate((nrmMat(img1), nrmMat(img2)))) fft1=np.fft.fft2(img1) fft2=np.fft.fft2(img2) CC=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2( (fft1*fft2.conj())/(fft2*fft2.conj()) ).real) minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc=cv2.minMaxLoc(CC) dxy=(maxLoc - np.array(img1.shape[::-1])/2) return (CC, dxy, maxVal)
def phaseCorr(img1, img2, isUseHann=True, isDebug=False): assert (img1.shape == img2.shape) if isUseHann: hw = cv2.createHanningWindow(img1.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_64F) img1 = img1 * hw img2 = img2 * hw if isDebug: cv2.imshow("debug-img12", np.concatenate((nrmMat(img1), nrmMat(img2)))) fft1 = np.fft.fft2(img1) fft2 = np.fft.fft2(img2) CC = np.fft.fftshift( np.fft.ifft2((fft1 * fft2.conj()) / (fft2 * fft2.conj())).real) minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(CC) dxy = (maxLoc - np.array(img1.shape[::-1]) / 2) return (CC, dxy, maxVal)
def ripoc(srcImg1, srcImg2, logpolarMagnitude=40, plotFig=False): grayImg1 = np.float64(cv2.cvtColor(srcImg1, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY)) / 255.0 grayImg2 = np.float64(cv2.cvtColor(srcImg2, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY)) / 255.0 center = (grayImg1.shape[0] / 2.0, grayImg1.shape[1] / 2.0) # lpImg1 = cv2.logPolar(grayImg1, center, logpolarMagnitude, cv2.INTER_CUBIC + cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) lpImg1 = _logPolar(grayImg1, center, logpolarMagnitude) center = (grayImg2.shape[0] / 2.0, grayImg2.shape[1] / 2.0) # lpImg2 = cv2.logPolar(grayImg2, center, logpolarMagnitude, cv2.INTER_CUBIC + cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) lpImg2 = _logPolar(grayImg2, center, logpolarMagnitude) if plotFig: figLP, (figLPLeft, figLPRight) = plt.subplots(ncols=2) figLPLeft.imshow(lpImg1, cmap="gray") figLPRight.imshow(lpImg2, cmap="gray") hann = cv2.createHanningWindow(lpImg1.shape, cv2.CV_64F) ret, resp = cv2.phaseCorrelate(lpImg1, lpImg2, hann) # angle = -((ret[1] + 0.5) * 360.0 / float(lpImg1.shape[0]) ) # scale = np.exp(ret[0] / logpolarMagnitude) angle = ret[1] * 360.0 / float(lpImg1.shape[0]) scale = np.exp(ret[0] / logpolarMagnitude) # print("ret = " + str(ret) + "\nresponse = " + str(resp)) # print("angle = " + str(angle) + "\nscale = " + str(scale)) matTrans = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale) imgTrans = cv2.warpAffine(srcImg1, matTrans, srcImg1.shape[0:2], flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if plotFig: figDst, (figDstLeft, figDstRight) = plt.subplots(ncols=2) figDstLeft.imshow(imgTrans) figDstRight.imshow(srcImg2) subtractImg = cv2.subtract(cv2.cvtColor(imgTrans, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(srcImg2, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGB)) plt.imshow(subtractImg) grayTrans = np.float64(cv2.cvtColor(imgTrans, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2GRAY)) / 255.0 ret, resp = cv2.phaseCorrelate(grayTrans, grayImg2, hann) return angle, scale, ret, resp
def train_H(self, train_data): h, w = train_data[0].shape = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for elem in train_data: a = self.preprocess(elem) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums( self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) # conjB=True 表示在做乘法之前取第二个输入数组的共轭. self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel()
def phaseCorr(img1, img2, isUseHann=True, isDebug=False, isFloatAcc=True, RadPQ=3): assert(img1.shape==img2.shape) if isUseHann: hw=cv2.createHanningWindow(img1.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_64F) img1=img1*hw img2=img2*hw if isDebug: cv2.imshow("debug-img12", np.concatenate((nrmMat(img1), nrmMat(img2)))) fft1=np.fft.fft2(img1) fft2=np.fft.fft2(img2) CC=np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2( (fft1*fft2.conj())/(fft2*fft2.conj()) ).real) minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc=cv2.minMaxLoc(CC) _,_,pq=calcPeakQ(CC,maxLoc,RadPQ) if isFloatAcc: maxLoc=calcWeightedCenter(CC,maxLoc,RadPQ) dxy=(maxLoc - np.array(img1.shape[::-1])/2) #TODO: Check this point !!! return (CC, dxy, maxVal,pq)
def __init__(self, frame, rect): x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect self.frameWidth = frame.shape[1] self.frameHeight = frame.shape[0] self.firstframe = frame[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1):int(x2)] cv2.imshow('first frame', self.firstframe) fout.write('bounding box initial position : ') fout.write( str(x1) + ',' + str(y1) + ',' + str(x2 - x1) + ',' + str(y2 - y1) + '\n') fout.write('tracking object from here \n') w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 self.pos = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) self.PF_number = n_PF self.prev_PF_count = n_PF self.f0 = np.array([]) self.f = np.array([]) = np.ones((n_PF, 2), int) * self.pos self.last_img_PF = np.array([]) self.last_resp_PF = np.array([]) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel()
def __init__(self, frame, rect): # Get frame size x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect # Resize to fft window w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2-x1, y2-y1]) x1, y1 = (x1+x2-w)//2, (y1+y2-h)//2 # Store position and size relative to frame self.pos = x, y = x1+0.5*(w-1), y1+0.5*(h-1) self.size = w, h # Crop template image from frame img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Create Hanning window (weighting of values from center) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) # Create output image (centered Gaussian point--for correlation) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h//2, w//2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() # Save the desired output image in frequency space self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) # Create transformed variants of input self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): # Preprocess, get DFT a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) # Sum of G x F* self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums( A, A, 0, conjB=True) # Sum of F x F* # Update filter self.update_kernel() self.update(frame)
def calcPhaseCorrShift(fimg1, fimg2): frm1=cv2.imread(fimg1, 0) frm2=cv2.imread(fimg2, 0) frm1=cv2.resize(frm1.astype(np.float).copy(), (int(frm1.shape[1]/kdif), int(frm1.shape[0]/kdif))) frm2=cv2.resize(frm2.astype(np.float).copy(), (int(frm2.shape[1]/kdif), int(frm2.shape[0]/kdif))) frm1_nrm=cv2.normalize(frm1.copy(), None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) frm2_nrm=cv2.normalize(frm2.copy(), None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) hann=cv2.createHanningWindow((frm1.shape[1], frm1.shape[0]), cv2.CV_64F) # shift = cv2.phaseCorrelate(frm1, frm2, hann) dxy=shift[0] frm2_nrm_shift=np.roll(frm2_nrm, int(math.floor(-dxy[0])), 1) frm2_nrm_shift=np.roll(frm2_nrm_shift, int(math.floor(-dxy[1])), 0) tmp=np.zeros((frm1.shape[0], frm1.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) tmp[:,:,2]=frm1_nrm tmp[:,:,1]=frm2_nrm_shift tmp[:,:,0]=0 # tmp[:,:,1]=frm2_nrm cv2.imshow("frame #2 shift", cv2.resize(tmp, (tmp.shape[1]/1, tmp.shape[0]/1))) return dxy
def __init__(self, frame, rect): x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect self.frameWidth = frame.shape[1] self.frameHeight = frame.shape[0] self.firstframe = frame[int(y1):int(y2),int(x1):int(x2)] cv2.imshow('first frame',self.firstframe) fout.write('bounding box initial position : ') fout.write(str(x1)+','+ str(y1)+','+ str(x2-x1)+','+ str(y2-y1)+'\n') fout.write('tracking object from here \n') w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2-x1, y2-y1]) x1, y1 = (x1+x2-w)//2, (y1+y2-h)//2 self.pos = x, y = x1+0.5*(w-1), y1+0.5*(h-1) self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) self.PF_number = n_PF self.prev_PF_count = n_PF self.f0 = np.array([]) self.f = np.array([]) = np.ones((n_PF, 2), int) * self.pos self.last_img_PF = np.array([]) self.last_resp_PF = np.array([]) = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h//2, w//2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) for i in xrange(128): a = self.preprocess(rnd_warp(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums( A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_kernel()
def register(fn1, fn2): im1 = cv2.imread(fn1) im2 = cv2.imread(fn2) # Create a Hanning window. print(im1.shape) im1_flt = tofloat(im1) im2_flt = tofloat(im2) hann = cv2.createHanningWindow(im1.shape[:2], cv2.CV_64F) # Find the shift using. shift = cv2.phaseCorrelate(im1_flt, im2_flt) print('shift: ', shift) radius = math.sqrt(shift.x * shift.x + shift.y*shift.y) if radius > 5: center = (im1.cols >> 1, im1.rows >> 1), center, int(radius), (0,255,0), 3) cv2.imshow('result', im1) cv2.waitKey(0)
def __init__(self, frame, rect, trackNo, frameNo): x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect self.startpos = (x1, y1) self.startFrame = frameNo w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) x1, y1 = (x1 + x2 - w) // 2, (y1 + y2 - h) // 2 self.pos = x, y = x1 + 0.5 * (w - 1), y1 + 0.5 * (h - 1) #self.lastPos = self.pos self.size = w, h self.objectMoved = False self.objectLeft = False self.stationaryCount = 0 #self.isOverLap = False #print(frame,w,h,x,y) self.trackNo = trackNo img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x, y)) self.obj = None = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F) g = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) g[h // 2, w // 2] = 1 g = cv2.GaussianBlur(g, (-1, -1), 2.0) g /= g.max() self.G = cv2.dft(g, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 = np.zeros_like(self.G) self.H2 = np.zeros_like(self.G) # print('in constructor - img = {}, img.shape = {}'.format(img, img.shape)) for i in range(128): a = self.preprocess(Apply_affine(img)) A = cv2.dft(a, flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) self.H1 += cv2.mulSpectrums(self.G, A, 0, conjB=True) self.H2 += cv2.mulSpectrums(A, A, 0, conjB=True) self.update_Filter() self.update(frame)
def __init__(self, frame, rect): #given a initial frame, and ROI region (top-left,down-right) if len(frame.shape) == 3: frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect w_, h_ = x2-x1, y2-y1 self.factor = 2 # region is factor * roi x1, y1 = (x1+x2- w_)//2, (y1+y2 - h_ )//2 self.pos = x,y = x1+0.5*(w_-1), y1 + 0.5*(h_-1) #center w, h = map(cv2.getOptimalDFTSize, [int(self.factor*w_), int(self.factor*h_)]) #get optimal DFT size self.size = w, h img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, self.size, self.pos) #will auto padding if size exceeds boundaries = cv2.createHanningWindow(self.size, cv2.CV_32F) self.X = self.preprocess(img, #first patch self.Y =, h/self.factor, self.factor) #expected response, gaussian distri. self.sigma = 0.2 self.lamb = 0.01 self.dgk = self.gaussian_kernel self.alphaf =, self.Y, self.sigma, self.lamb)
def test(self, frame): (x,y), (w,h) = self.pos, self.size win = cv2.createHanningWindow((w,h), cv2.CV_32F) img1 = self.preprocess(self.last_img, win) F1 = cv2.dft(img1, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) G1 = cv2.mulSpectrums(F1, self.H, 0, conjB = True) resp1 = cv2.idft(G1, flags = cv2.DFT_SCALE|cv2.DFT_REAL_OUTPUT) img = cv2.getRectSubPix(frame, (w, h), (x,y)) img2 = self.preprocess(img, win) F2 = cv2.dft(img2, flags = cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT) G2 = cv2.mulSpectrums(F2, self.H, 0, conjB = True) resp2 = cv2.idft(G2, flags = cv2.DFT_SCALE|cv2.DFT_REAL_OUTPUT) merge1 = np.hstack((img1 , resp1)) merge2 = np.hstack((img2, resp2)) merge = np.vstack((merge1, merge2)) name = 'comparison--last vs cur.' cv2.namedWindow(name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow(name, 600,400) cv2.imshow(name, merge)
def match(self): height, width = self.ref.shape self.hanw = cv2.createHanningWindow((height, width), cv2.CV_64F) # Windowing and FFT G_a = np.fft.fft2(self.ref * self.hanw) G_b = np.fft.fft2(self.cmp * self.hanw) # 1.1: Frequency Whitening self.LA = np.fft.fftshift(np.log(np.absolute(G_a) + 1)) self.LB = np.fft.fftshift(np.log(np.absolute(G_b) + 1)) # 1.2: Log polar Transformation cx =[1] cy =[0] self.Mag = width / (math.log(width) - math.log(2) * 0.5) self.LPA = cv2.logPolar(self.LA, (cy, cx), self.Mag, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR + cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) self.LPB = cv2.logPolar(self.LB, (cy, cx), self.Mag, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR + cv2.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS) # 1.3:filtering LPmin = math.floor(self.Mag * math.log(self.alpha * width / 2.0 / math.pi)) LPmax = min(width, math.floor(self.Mag * math.log(width * self.beta / 2))) assert LPmax > LPmin, 'Invalid condition!\n Enlarge lpmax tuning parameter or lpmin_tuning parameter' Tile = np.repeat([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [LPmin - 1, LPmax - LPmin + 1, width - LPmax]) self.Mask = np.tile(Tile, [height, 1]) self.LPA_filt = self.LPA * self.Mask self.LPB_filt = self.LPB * self.Mask # 1.4: Phase Correlate to Get Rotation and Scaling Diff, peak, self.r_rotatescale = self.PhaseCorrelation( self.LPA_filt, self.LPB_filt) theta1 = 2 * math.pi * Diff[1] / height # deg theta2 = theta1 + math.pi # deg theta ambiguity invscale = math.exp(Diff[0] / self.Mag) # 2.1: Correct rotation and scaling b1 = self.Warp_4dof(self.cmp, [0, 0, theta1, invscale]) b2 = self.Warp_4dof(self.cmp, [0, 0, theta2, invscale]) # 2.2 : Translation estimation diff1, peak1, self.r1 = self.PhaseCorrelation( self.ref, b1) #diff1, peak1 = PhaseCorrelation(a,b1) diff2, peak2, self.r2 = self.PhaseCorrelation( self.ref, b2) #diff2, peak2 = PhaseCorrelation(a,b2) # Use cv2.phaseCorrelate(a,b1) because it is much faster # 2.3: Compare peaks and choose true rotational error if peak1 > peak2: Trans = diff1 peak = peak1 theta = -theta1 else: Trans = diff2 peak = peak2 theta = -theta2 if theta > math.pi: theta -= math.pi * 2 elif theta < -math.pi: theta += math.pi * 2 # Results self.param = [Trans[0], Trans[1], theta, 1 / invscale] self.peak = peak self.perspective = self.poc2warp(, self.param) self.affine = self.perspective[0:2, :]
def _process_movie(self, **kwargs): """ Function for analyzing a full film or video. This is where the magic happens when we're making analyses. Function will exit if neither a movie path nor a data path are supplied. This function is not intended to be called directly. Normally, call one of the two analyze_ functions instead, which will call this function. """ ap = self._check_pcorr_params(kwargs) verbose = ap['verbose'] if not HAVE_CV: print "WARNING: You must install OpenCV in order to analyze or view!" return if (self.movie_path is None) and (self.data_path is None) and ap['mode'] is 'analysis': print "ERROR: Must supply both a movie and a data path for analysis!" return have_mov = os.path.exists(self.movie_path) have_data = os.path.exists(self.data_path) if (have_mov is False) and (have_data is False): print "Both movie file and data file are missing! Please supply at least one." return None print ap if have_mov: self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.movie_path) frame_width = int(self.capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) frame_height = int(self.capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) else: frame_width = 640 frame_height = int(frame_width / self._read_json_value('aspect')) fps = ap['fps'] grid_x_divs = ap['grid_divs_x'] grid_y_divs = ap['grid_divs_y'] frame_size = (frame_width, frame_height) grid_width = int(frame_width/grid_x_divs) grid_height = int(frame_height/grid_y_divs) grid_size = (grid_width, grid_height) centers_x = range((frame_width/16),frame_width,(frame_width/8)) centers_y = range((frame_height/16),frame_height,(frame_height/8)) if verbose: print fps, ' | ', frame_size, ' | ', grid_size # container for prev. frame's grayscale subframes prev_sub_grays = [] if ap['offset'] > 0: offset_secs = ap['offset'] else: offset_secs = 0 print "%%% ", ap['duration'] if ap['duration'] > 0: dur_secs = ap['duration'] elif ap['duration'] < 0: ap['duration'] = self.determine_movie_length() else: print "Duration cannot be 0." return dur_secs = ap['duration'] stride_frames = ap['stride'] stride_hop = stride_frames - 1 print "1. ", ap['duration'] print "2. ", dur_secs # check offset first, then compress duration, if needed offset_secs = min(max(offset_secs, 0), ap['duration']) dur_secs = min(max(dur_secs, 0), (ap['duration'] - offset_secs)) offset_strides = int(offset_secs * (fps / stride_frames)) dur_strides = int(dur_secs * (fps / stride_frames)) offset_frames = offset_strides * stride_frames dur_frames = dur_strides * stride_frames if verbose: print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'DUR TOTAL: ', dur_total_secs print "OFFSET (SECONDS): ", offset_secs print "OFFSET (STRIDES): ", offset_strides print "OFFSET (FRAMES): ", offset_frames print "DUR (SECONDS): ", dur_secs print 'DUR (STRIDES): ', dur_strides print 'DUR (FRAMES): ', dur_frames print 'XDIVS: ', grid_x_divs print 'YDIVS: ', grid_y_divs print "FPS: ", fps print "stride_frames: ", stride_frames # set up memmap if ap['mode'] == 'playback' and ap['display'] == True: fp = np.memmap(self.data_path, dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=((offset_strides + dur_strides),(64+1),2)) else: fp = np.memmap(self.data_path, dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(dur_strides,(64+1),2)) if ap['display']: cv.NamedWindow('Image', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv.ResizeWindow('Image', frame_width, frame_height) self.frame_idx = offset_frames end_frame = offset_frames + dur_frames if have_mov: self.capture.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, offset_frames) ret, frame = if frame is None: print 'Frame error! Exiting...' return # no image captured... end the processing frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) prev_frame_gray = np.float32(frame_gray[:]) fhann = cv2.createHanningWindow((frame_width,frame_height), cv2.CV_32FC1) ghann = cv2.createHanningWindow((grid_width,grid_height), cv2.CV_32FC1) for row in range(grid_y_divs): for col in range(grid_x_divs): prev_sub_grays += [np.float32(frame_gray[(row*grid_height):((row+1)*grid_height), (col*grid_width):((col+1)*grid_width)])] else: frame = np.empty((frame_width, frame_height), np.uint8) print frame.shape self.frame_idx += 1 print "<<< ", frame.mean() # cv.ShowImage('Image', cv.fromarray(frame)) while self.frame_idx < end_frame: if (self.frame_idx % 1000) == 0: print 'fr. idx: ', self.frame_idx, ' (', self.frame_idx / float(end_frame), ' | ', end_frame, ')' if have_mov: # grab next frame ret, frame = if frame is None: print 'Frame error! Exiting...' break # no image captured... end the processing frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: frame[:] = 0 # display stage (full) if ap['mode'] == 'playback' and ap['display']: fret = fp[self.frame_idx][64] # print fret elif have_mov: fret, fres = cv2.phaseCorrelateRes(prev_frame_gray, np.float32(frame_gray[:]), fhann) print fret if abs(fres) > 0.01: fp[self.frame_idx][64] = [(fret[0]/frame_width),(fret[1]/frame_height)] else: fp[self.frame_idx][64] = [0,0] else: return # display stage (gridded) for row in range(grid_y_divs): for col in range(grid_x_divs): if ap['mode'] == 'playback' and ap['display']: cell = ((row*8)+col) gret = fp[self.frame_idx][cell] elif have_mov: sub_gray = np.float32(frame_gray[(row*grid_height):((row+1)*grid_height), (col*grid_width):((col+1)*grid_width)][:]) gret, gres = cv2.phaseCorrelateRes(prev_sub_grays[(row*grid_x_divs)+col], sub_gray, ghann) prev_sub_grays[(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = sub_gray if abs(gres) > 0.7: # WAS 0.01!!!! fp[self.frame_idx][(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = [(gret[0]/grid_width),(gret[1]/grid_height)] else: fp[self.frame_idx][(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = [0,0] else: return if ap['display'] and (gret[0] != 0 and gret[1] != 0): print gret print grid_size print centers_x[col] print centers_y[row] xval = int(min((gret[0]*1000), grid_size[0])+centers_x[col]) yval = int(min((gret[1]*1000), grid_size[1])+centers_y[row]) # print ((centers_x[i], centers_y[j], xval, yval), False, (0,255,255)) print (centers_x[col], centers_y[row]) print (xval, yval) cv2.line(frame, (centers_x[col], centers_y[row]), (xval, yval), (255,255,255)) #### SHOW if ap['display'] and have_mov: print "<<< ", frame.mean() cv.ShowImage('Image', cv.fromarray(frame)) fp.flush() self.frame_idx += 1 if have_mov: self.prev_gray = np.float32(frame_gray[:]) # handle events for abort k = cv.WaitKey (int(1000 / ap['afps'])) if k % 0x100 == 27: # user has press the ESC key, so exit break del fp if ap['display']: cv2.destroyAllWindows()
fnfrm1='/home/ar/video/drone_project/2/frame_364_640x480.3.png' fnfrm2='/home/ar/video/drone_project/2/frame_420_640x480.3.png' # fnfrm1='/home/ar/data/UAV_Drone_Project/VID_20150324_012829/image-01-013.jpeg' # fnfrm2='/home/ar/data/UAV_Drone_Project/VID_20150324_012829/image-01-014.jpeg' xy_frm1=np.array([825, 618]) xy_frm2=np.array([1147, 675]) if __name__=='__main__': frm1=cv2.imread(fnfrm1, 0) frm2=cv2.imread(fnfrm2, 0) frm1=frm1.astype(np.float) frm2=frm2.astype(np.float) hann=cv2.createHanningWindow((frm1.shape[1], frm1.shape[0]), cv2.CV_64F) hann2=cv2.createHanningWindow((100,100), cv2.CV_64F) hann2_nrm=cv2.normalize(hann2, None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) cv2.imshow("F**K", hann2_nrm) shift = cv2.phaseCorrelate(frm1, frm2, hann) dxy=shift[0] print shift print xy_frm2-xy_frm1 hann_nrm=cv2.normalize(hann, None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) frm1_nrm=cv2.normalize(frm1, None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) frm2_nrm=cv2.normalize(frm2, None, 0,255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_8U) cv2.imshow("hanning", hann_nrm) cv2.imshow("frame #1", frm1_nrm) # cv2.imshow("frame #2", frm2_nrm) frm2_nrm_shift=np.roll(frm2_nrm, int(math.floor(-dxy[0])), 1) frm2_nrm_shift=np.roll(frm2_nrm_shift, int(math.floor(-dxy[1])), 0)
img2F=np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img2))) img1Fs=ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img1F+1.0))) img2Fs=ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img2F+1.0))) cv2.imshow("win-img-12", np.dstack((img1,img2,img1)).astype(np.uint8) ) # cv2.imshow("win-fft-12", np.dstack((img1Fs,img2Fs,img1Fs)) ) CC,dxy,ccval=ph.phaseCorr(img1, img2, isDebug=False) print dxy, ccval # cv2.imshow("win-CC", nrmMat(CC) ) img2Shift=np.roll(np.roll(img2,dxy[0],1), dxy[1], 0) # cv2.imshow("win-shift-12", np.dstack((nrmMat(img1),nrmMat(img2Shift),nrmMat(img1))) ) # # Rotate-Scale img1FLP,MM=ph.getLogPolar(img1F.copy()) img2FLP,MM=ph.getLogPolar(img2F.copy()) # hwLP=getCylHanning(img1FLP.shape, axis=0) hwLP=cv2.createHanningWindow(img1FLP.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_64F) img1FLP=img1FLP*hwLP img2FLP=img2FLP*hwLP # img1FLPN=ph.nrmMat( np.abs(np.log(img1FLP+1.0)) ) img2FLPN=ph.nrmMat( np.abs(np.log(img2FLP+1.0)) ) # cv2.imshow("win-Hann-LP", nrmMat(hwLP) ) cv2.imshow("win-fft-LP-img1", np.dstack((img1FLPN,img2FLPN,img1FLPN)) ) CCRS,dxyRS,ccvalRS=ph.phaseCorr(img1FLP,img2FLP) # dAng=(360./CCRS.shape[0])*dxyRS[1] dScl=np.exp(float(dxyRS[0])/MM) print dxyRS, ccvalRS, ", dAng = ", dAng, ", dScale=", dScl # rotm2=cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((img2.shape[1]/2, img2.shape[0]/2), -dAng, 1./dScl) print rotm2
def load_H(self, H_file): self.H = np.load(H_file) h, w = self.H.shape[:2] = cv2.createHanningWindow((w, h), cv2.CV_32F)
def preprocess(self, img, size): img = np.log(np.float32(img)+1.0) img = (img-img.mean()) / (img.std()+eps) win = cv2.createHanningWindow((size[0], size[1]), cv2.CV_32F) return img*win
def _process_phase_corr(**kwargs): if not HAVE_CV: print "WARNING: You must install OpenCV in order to analyze or view!" return ap = kwargs ap = {'fps':24, 'grid_divs_x':8, 'grid_divs_y':8, 'stride':STRIDE, 'mode':'analysis', 'display': True} # fstring = '~/dev/git/synaesthesia/films/' fstring = '~/Movies/action/JoggersRaining/' # fstring = '~/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Masters/2012/05/31/20120531-210318/IMG_0140.MOV' movie_path = ap['movie_path'] = os.path.expanduser(fstring) data_path = ap['data_path'] = os.path.expanduser('~/dev/git/synaesthesia/films/Synae_test_v2.pkl') verbose = True if (ap['movie_path'] is None) or (ap['data_path'] is None): print "ERROR: Must supply both a movie and a data path!" return capture = cv2.VideoCapture(ap['movie_path']) fps = ap['fps'] grid_x_divs = ap['grid_divs_x'] grid_y_divs = ap['grid_divs_y'] frame_width = int(capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) frame_height = int(capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) frame_size = (frame_width, frame_height) grid_width = int((frame_width/grid_x_divs)/DSF) grid_height = int((frame_height/grid_y_divs)/DSF) grid_size = (grid_width, grid_height) centers_x = range((frame_width/16/DSF),(frame_width/DSF),(frame_width/8/DSF)) centers_y = range((frame_height/16/DSF),(frame_height/DSF),(frame_height/8/DSF)) if verbose: print fps, ' | ', frame_size, ' | ', grid_size # container for prev. frame's grayscale subframes prev_sub_grays, prev_grid_xvals, prev_grid_yvals = [], [0 for i in range(64)], [0 for i in range(64)] # last but not least, get total_frame_count and set up the memmapped file dur_total_secs = int(capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) / fps) stride_frames = ap['stride'] # if ap['duration'] < 0: dur_secs = dur_total_secs # else: # dur_secs = ap['duration'] offset_secs = 0 # min(max(ap['offset'], 0), dur_total_secs) dur_secs = min(max(dur_secs, 0), (dur_total_secs - offset_secs)) offset_strides = int(offset_secs * (fps / stride_frames)) dur_strides = int(dur_secs * (fps / stride_frames)) offset_frames = offset_strides * stride_frames dur_frames = dur_strides * stride_frames if verbose: print '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' print 'FRAMES: ', int(capture.get(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) print 'DUR TOTAL: ', dur_total_secs print "OFFSET (SECONDS): ", offset_secs print "OFFSET (STRIDES): ", offset_strides print "OFFSET (FRAMES): ", offset_frames print "DUR (SECONDS): ", dur_secs print 'DUR (STRIDES): ', dur_strides print 'DUR (FRAMES): ', dur_frames print 'XDIVS: ', grid_x_divs print 'YDIVS: ', grid_y_divs print "FPS: ", fps print "stride_frames: ", stride_frames # set up memmap if ap['mode'] == 'playback' and ap['display'] == True: fp = np.memmap(data_path, dtype='float32', mode='r+', shape=((offset_strides + dur_strides),64,2)) else: fp = np.memmap(data_path, dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(dur_strides,64,2)) # set some drawing constants frame_idx = offset_frames end_frame = offset_frames + dur_frames if ap['display']: cv.NamedWindow('Image', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) capture.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, offset_frames) fhann = cv2.createHanningWindow((frame_width/DSF,frame_height/DSF), cv2.CV_32FC1) ghann = cv2.createHanningWindow((grid_width/DSF,grid_height/DSF), cv2.CV_32FC1) # load arrays with default vals for row in range(grid_y_divs): for col in range(grid_x_divs): #prev_sub_grays += [np.float32(frame_gray_pyr[(row*grid_height):((row+1)*grid_height), (col*grid_width):((col+1)*grid_width)])] # sub_grays += [np.zeros_like(ghann, dtype=np.int8)] prev_sub_grays += [np.zeros_like(ghann, dtype=np.int8)] xval = int(0+centers_x[col]) yval = int(0+centers_y[row]) frame_gray_pyr = np.zeros_like(fhann, dtype=np.int8) prev_frame_gray_pyr = np.zeros_like(fhann, dtype=np.int8) ds_grid_height = grid_height/DSF ds_grid_width = grid_width/DSF while frame_idx < end_frame: if ((frame_idx % stride_frames) == 0): t = clock() print '1. fr. idx: ', frame_idx, ' (', frame_idx / float(end_frame), ' | ', end_frame, ')' # grab next frame ret, frame = dt = clock() - t print 'time: %.1f ms' % (dt*1000) t = clock() if frame is None: print 'Frame error! Exiting...' break # no image captured... end the processing prev_frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if DSF > 1: prev_frame_gray_pyr = cv2.pyrDown(prev_frame_gray) else: prev_frame_gray_pyr = prev_frame_gray #[:] # grid stage (prev frame) for row in range(grid_y_divs): for col in range(grid_x_divs): cell = ((row*grid_x_divs)+col) prev_sub_grays[(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = prev_frame_gray_pyr[(row*ds_grid_height):((row+1)*ds_grid_height), (col*ds_grid_width):((col+1)*ds_grid_width)] dt = clock() - t print '2. time: %.1f ms' % (dt*1000) if (frame_idx % stride_frames) == 1: # grab next frame t = clock() ret, frame = if frame is None: print 'Frame error! Exiting...' break # no image captured... end the processing frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if DSF > 1: frame_gray_pyr = cv2.pyrDown(frame_gray) else: frame_gray_pyr = frame_gray #[:] # grid stage (full) for row in range(grid_y_divs): for col in range(grid_x_divs): if ap['mode'] == 'playback': cell = ((row*grid_x_divs)+col) gres = fp[(frame_idx/stride_frames)][cell] else: # print '--grid-----------' # print (row*ds_grid_height) # print (col*ds_grid_width) # print (row,col) sub_gray = np.float32(frame_gray_pyr[(row*ds_grid_height):((row+1)*ds_grid_height), (col*ds_grid_width):((col+1)*ds_grid_width)]) # print sub_gray.shape # print np.float32(prev_sub_grays[(row*grid_x_divs)+col]).shape # print ghann.shape gres = cv2.phaseCorrelateRes(np.float32(prev_sub_grays[(row*grid_x_divs)+col]), sub_gray, ghann) dflag = 0 if abs(gres[1]) > 0.9: fp[(frame_idx/stride_frames)][(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = [(gres[0][0]/grid_width),(gres[0][1]/grid_height)] dflag = 1 else: fp[(frame_idx/stride_frames)][(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = [0,0] if ap['display'] == True and dflag > 0: xvec = gres[0][0]*1000.0 yvec = gres[0][1]*1000.0 #sqrt preserving signs: if xvec < 0: xval = int((-1*((-1*xvec) ** 0.5))+centers_x[col]) else: xval = int((xvec ** 0.5)+centers_x[col]) if yvec < 0: yval = int((-1*((-1*yvec) ** 0.5))+centers_y[row]) else: yval = int((yvec ** 0.5)+centers_y[row]) # xval = int(xvec)+centers_x[col] # yval = int(yvec)+centers_y[row] #delta = ((xval - prev_grid_xvals[(row*grid_x_divs)+col]) ** 2.0) + ((yval - prev_grid_yvals[(row*grid_x_divs)+col]) ** 2.0) #print delta #if delta < MAXDIST: cv2.line(frame_gray_pyr, (centers_x[col], centers_y[row]), (xval, yval), (255,255,255)) #prev_grid_xvals[(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = xval #prev_grid_yvals[(row*grid_x_divs)+col] = yval print dt = clock() - t print 'time: %.1f ms' % (dt*1000) #### SHOW if ap['display']: print "show" cv.ShowImage('Image', cv.fromarray(frame_gray_pyr)) fp.flush() if ((frame_idx % stride_frames) == 0): frame_idx += 1 elif (frame_idx % stride_frames) == 1: frame_idx += 5 capture.set(cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_idx) # print "fr. idx.: ", frame_idx # prev_frame_gray_pyr = np.float32(frame_gray_pyr[:]) # handle events for abort k = cv2.waitKey (1) if k % 0x100 == 27: # user has press the ESC key, so exit break del fp if ap['display']: cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread('C:\\Users\\ankitdeora2856\\Desktop\\pic1.jpg') res = cv2.getRectSubPix(img,(200,200),(320,500)) win = cv2.createHanningWindow((500, 300), cv2.CV_32F) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(-1,-1),10) win0 = cv2.resize(win,None,fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) #cv2.namedWindow('img',cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.imshow('img',win0) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def POC(a, b): imshowflag = 1 # show the processing image a = a.astype(np.float32) b = b.astype(np.float32) height, width = a.shape hann = cv2.createHanningWindow((height, width), cv2.CV_64F) # rhann = np.sqrt(hann) # Windowing and FFT G_a = np.fft.fft2(a * hann) G_b = np.fft.fft2(b * hann) # 1. Get Rotation and Scaling Error # 1.1: Frequency Whitening LA = np.fft.fftshift(np.log(np.absolute(G_a) + 1)) LB = np.fft.fftshift(np.log(np.absolute(G_b) + 1)) # 1.2: Log polar cx = width / 2 cy = height / 2 Mag = width / math.log(width) LPA = cv2.logPolar(LA, (cy, cx), Mag, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) LPB = cv2.logPolar(LB, (cy, cx), Mag, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # 1.3: Filtering # --------------- Tuning parameter ---------------- lpmin_tuning = 0.5 # default 0.5 lpmax_tuning = 0.8 # default 0.8 # ------------------------------------------------- LPmin = math.floor(Mag * math.log(lpmin_tuning * width / 2.0 / math.pi)) LPmax = min(width, math.floor(Mag * math.log(width * lpmax_tuning / 2))) assert LPmax > LPmin, 'Invalid condition!\n Enlarge lpmax tuning parameter or lpmin_tuning parameter' Tile = np.repeat([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [LPmin - 1, LPmax - LPmin + 1, width - LPmax]) Mask = np.tile(Tile, [height, 1]) LPA_filt = LPA * Mask LPB_filt = LPB * Mask # 1.4: Phase Correlate to Get Rotation and Scaling Diff, peak = PhaseCorrelation(LPA_filt, LPB_filt) # Do not use "cv2.phaseCorrelate(LPA_filt,LPB_filt)" because the 2nd order fitting process is not suitable for this fucntion. # Final output of scale and rotation theta1 = 360 * Diff[1] / height # deg theta2 = theta1 + 180 # deg theta ambiguity #invscale = math.pow(float(width),Diff[0]/float(width)) invscale = math.exp(Diff[0] / Mag) # print('Theta? ',-theta1,'Scale ',1/invscale) # 2.1: Correct rotation and scaling b1 = Warp_4dof(b, 0, 0, theta1 * math.pi / 180, invscale) b2 = Warp_4dof(b, 0, 0, theta2 * math.pi / 180, invscale) # 2.2 : Translation estimation diff1, peak1 = cv2.phaseCorrelate( a, b1) #diff1, peak1 = PhaseCorrelation(a,b1) diff2, peak2 = cv2.phaseCorrelate( a, b2) #diff2, peak2 = PhaseCorrelation(a,b2) # Use cv2.phaseCorrelate(a,b1) because it is much faster # 2.3: Compare peaks and choose true rotational error if peak1 > peak2: Trans = diff1 peak = peak1 theta = -theta1 else: Trans = diff2 peak = peak2 theta = -theta2 if theta > 180: theta -= 360 elif theta < -180: theta += 360 if 0: # Imshow plt.subplot(5, 2, 1) plt.imshow(LA, vmin=LA.min(), vmax=LA.max()) plt.subplot(5, 2, 2) plt.imshow(LB, vmin=LB.min(), vmax=LB.max()) plt.subplot(5, 2, 3) plt.imshow(LPA, vmin=LPA.min(), vmax=LPA.max(), cmap="gray") plt.subplot(5, 2, 4) plt.imshow(LPB, vmin=LPB.min(), vmax=LPB.max(), cmap="gray") plt.subplot(5, 2, 5) plt.imshow(LPA_filt, vmin=LPA_filt.min(), vmax=LPA_filt.max(), cmap="gray") plt.subplot(5, 2, 6) plt.imshow(LPB_filt, vmin=LPB_filt.min(), vmax=LPB_filt.max(), cmap="gray") plt.subplot(5, 2, 7) plt.imshow(b1, vmin=b1.min(), vmax=b1.max(), cmap="gray") plt.subplot(5, 2, 8) plt.imshow(b2, vmin=b2.min(), vmax=b2.max(), cmap="gray") return [Trans[0], Trans[1], theta, 1 / invscale], peak
img2F = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(img2))) img1Fs = ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img1F + 1.0))) img2Fs = ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img2F + 1.0))) cv2.imshow("win-img-12", np.dstack((img1, img2, img1)).astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.imshow("win-fft-12", np.dstack((img1Fs,img2Fs,img1Fs)) ) CC, dxy, ccval = ph.phaseCorr(img1, img2, isDebug=False) print dxy, ccval # cv2.imshow("win-CC", nrmMat(CC) ) img2Shift = np.roll(np.roll(img2, dxy[0], 1), dxy[1], 0) # cv2.imshow("win-shift-12", np.dstack((nrmMat(img1),nrmMat(img2Shift),nrmMat(img1))) ) # # Rotate-Scale img1FLP, MM = ph.getLogPolar(img1F.copy()) img2FLP, MM = ph.getLogPolar(img2F.copy()) # hwLP=getCylHanning(img1FLP.shape, axis=0) hwLP = cv2.createHanningWindow(img1FLP.shape[::-1], cv2.CV_64F) img1FLP = img1FLP * hwLP img2FLP = img2FLP * hwLP # img1FLPN = ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img1FLP + 1.0))) img2FLPN = ph.nrmMat(np.abs(np.log(img2FLP + 1.0))) # cv2.imshow("win-Hann-LP", nrmMat(hwLP) ) cv2.imshow("win-fft-LP-img1", np.dstack((img1FLPN, img2FLPN, img1FLPN))) CCRS, dxyRS, ccvalRS = ph.phaseCorr(img1FLP, img2FLP) # dAng = (360. / CCRS.shape[0]) * dxyRS[1] dScl = np.exp(float(dxyRS[0]) / MM) print dxyRS, ccvalRS, ", dAng = ", dAng, ", dScale=", dScl # rotm2 = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((img2.shape[1] / 2, img2.shape[0] / 2), -dAng, 1. / dScl)
def getLittleF(gray): inter = np.log(gray.astype('float64') + 1) inter2 = (inter - np.amin(inter)) / np.amax(inter) return cv2.createHanningWindow((inter2.shape[1], inter2.shape[0]), cv2.CV_64F) * inter2
def init_hanning_window(self): = cv2.createHanningWindow(tuple(self.size), cv2.CV_32F) return self