def merge_intersected(contours): ret_val = [] merged_index = [] #lista indeksa kontura koje su već spojene sa nekim for i,contour1 in enumerate(contours): #slova if i in merged_index: continue rect1 = cv2.minAreaRect(contour1) for j,contour2 in enumerate(contours): #kukice if j in merged_index or i == j: continue rect2 = cv2.minAreaRect(contour2) #TODO 2 - izvršiti spajanje kukica iznad slova #spajanje dva niza je moguće obaviti funkcijom np.concatenate((contour1,contour2)) indicator, vertices = cv2.rotatedRectangleIntersection(rect1, rect2) if indicator>0: #spajanje kontura ret_val.append(np.concatenate((contour1,contour2))) merged_index.append(i) merged_index.append(j) #svi regioni koji se nisu ni sa kim spojili idu u listu kontura, bez spajanja for idx,contour in enumerate(contours): if idx not in merged_index: ret_val.append(contour) return ret_val
def drawRects(img, ctrs): i = 1 rectList = [] for ct in ctrs[0]: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(ct) #process only vertical rectagles (ie, w<h) with w and h > 1 if w < h and w > 10 and h > 10: #print i, ". ", len(ct), " -- ", cv2.boundingRect(ct), (x+w/2), cv2.minAreaRect(ct) rectList.append([cv2.boundingRect(ct), cv2.minAreaRect(ct)]) clr=(random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255)) #cv2.drawContours(image=img, contours=ct, contourIdx=-1, color=clr , thickness=-1) cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), clr, 5) cv2.fillConvexPoly(img, ct, clr) cv2.rectangle(img, (x+w/2-3,y), (x+w/2+3,y+h), (255,255,255), -1) cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y+h/2-3), (x+w,y+h/2+3), (255,255,255), -1) rotRect = cv2.minAreaRect(ct) box = box = np.int0(box) print box cv2.drawContours(img, [box], 0, (0,0,255),2) #cv2.imshow("asdsdasdadasdasd",img) #key = cv2.waitKey(1000) i = i + 1 cv2.rectangle(img, (318,0), (322,640), (255,255,255), -1) cv2.imshow("Output",img) print "done" return rectList
def detect_objects(imageFile, thresh_area=0.002, top=3): print '' print "===================" image = cv2.imread(imageFile) print 'Processing image:', imageFile, 'of size:', image.shape grayscale_img = cv2.imread(imageFile, 0) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(grayscale_img, 127, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, 1, 2) # calculate the threshold size height, width = grayscale_img.shape[:2] image_area = height * width object_threshold = thresh_area * image_area # filter out valid contours valid_contours = filter(lambda cont: cv2.minAreaRect(cont)[1][0] * \ cv2.minAreaRect(cont)[1][1]>object_threshold, contours) objects = [] for cnt in valid_contours: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(image, [box], 0, (0,0,0), 1) objects.append(box) print top_colors = process(image, objects, top) for index, color in enumerate(top_colors): print '%i. %s' % (index+1, color)
def get_motions(f, fMask, thickness=1, color=(170, 170, 170)): ''' Iterates over the contours in a mask and draws a bounding box around the ones that encompas an area greater than a threshold. This will return an image of just the draw bock (black bg), and also an array of the box points. ''' rects_mot = [] f_rects = np.zeros(f.shape, np.uint8) # get contours if imutils.is_cv3(): _, cnts, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( fMask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) elif imutils.is_cv2(): cnts, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( fMask.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # loop over the contours for c in cnts: # if the contour is too small, ignore it if cv2.contourArea(c) < contourThresh: continue if imutils.is_cv3(): box = cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(c)) elif imutils.is_cv2(): box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(f_rects, [box], 0, color, thickness) rects_mot.append(cv2.boundingRect(c)) return f_rects, rects_mot
def findDirection(self,circle1,circle2): #Divide the bound into two halves. rect1 = cv2.minAreaRect(getPointList(self.point1,self.point3,self.pointm1,self.pointm2)) rect2 = cv2.minAreaRect(getPointList(self.point2,self.point4,self.pointm1,self.pointm2)) r1Count = 0 r2Count = 0 #Check the count of each "corner" in each half. valid = False corners = getCornerList(self.point1.x,self.point1.y,self.point4.x,self.point4.y) #print "corners", corners for corner in corners: x,y = corner.ravel() #if(circle1.contains(x,y) || circle2.contains(x,y)) if (checkBounds(x,y,self.point1,self.point3,self.pointm1,self.pointm2)): r1Count +=1 elif(checkBounds(x,y,self.point2,self.point4,self.pointm1,self.pointm2)): r2Count +=1 print "r1/rr2 count:", r1Count,r2Count #if(cv2.pointPolygonTest(rect1,(x,y),False)== 1): # r1Count += 1 #if(cv2.pointPolygonTest(rect2,(x,y),False) == 1): # r2Count += 1 if(r1Count > r2Count): circle2.setNext(circle1) if(r2Count > r1Count): circle1.setNext(circle2)
def get_centroids (contours, frame): centres = [] if contours: for i in range(len(contours)): moments = cv2.moments(contours[i]) centres.append((int(moments['m10']/moments['m00']), int(moments['m01']/moments['m00']))) if i>0: dist = calculateDistance(centres[i-1][0],centres[i-1][1],centres[i][0],centres[i][1]) area=cv2.contourArea(contours[i]) prevarea=cv2.contourArea(contours[i-1]) if dist < 120: if area > prevarea: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i]) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) print(box) frame = cv2.drawContours(frame,[box],0,(0,0,255),2) else : rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i-1]) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) print(box) frame = cv2.drawContours(frame,[box],0,(0,0,255),2) else: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i]) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) frame = cv2.drawContours(frame,[box],0,(0,0,255),2) print(box) return centres, frame
def _read_kresimir_results(): # Load downloaded matlab csv results mat ='~/data/camtrawl_stereo_sample_data/Haul_83/Haul_083_qcresult.mat')) header = ub.readfrom(expanduser('~/data/camtrawl_stereo_sample_data/Haul_83/mat_file_header.csv')).strip().split(',') data = mat['lengthsqc'] mat_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header) mat_df['current_frame'] = mat_df['current_frame'].astype( mat_df['Species'] = mat_df['Species'].astype( mat_df['QC'] = mat_df['QC'].astype( # Transform so each row corresponds to one set of (x, y) points per detection bbox_cols1 = ['LX1', 'LX2', 'LX3', 'LX4', 'LY1', 'LY2', 'LY3', 'LY4', 'Lar', 'LboxL', 'WboxL', 'aveL'] bbox_pts1 = mat_df[bbox_cols1[0:8]] # NOQA bbox_pts1_ = bbox_pts1.values bbox_pts1_ = bbox_pts1_.reshape(len(bbox_pts1_), 2, 4).transpose((0, 2, 1)) bbox_cols2 = ['RX1', 'RX2', 'RX3', 'RX4', 'RY1', 'RY2', 'RY3', 'RY4', 'Rar', 'LboxR', 'WboxR', 'aveW'] bbox_pts2 = mat_df[bbox_cols2] # NOQA bbox_pts2 = mat_df[bbox_cols2[0:8]] # NOQA bbox_pts2_ = bbox_pts2.values bbox_pts2_ = bbox_pts2_.reshape(len(bbox_pts2_), 2, 4).transpose((0, 2, 1)) # Convert matlab bboxes into python-style bboxes mat_df['obox1'] = [ctalgo.OrientedBBox(*cv2.minAreaRect(pts[:, None, :].astype( for pts in bbox_pts1_] mat_df['obox2'] = [ctalgo.OrientedBBox(*cv2.minAreaRect(pts[:, None, :].astype( for pts in bbox_pts2_] mat_df.drop(bbox_cols2, axis=1, inplace=True) mat_df.drop(bbox_cols1, axis=1, inplace=True) return mat_df
def draw_walls(self): left_wall_points = np.array([self.transform(point) for point in self.left_wall_points]) right_wall_points = np.array([self.transform(point) for point in self.right_wall_points]) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(left_wall_points[:,:2].astype(np.float32)) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(self.grid, [box], 0, 128, -1) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(right_wall_points[:,:2].astype(np.float32)) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(self.grid, [box], 0, 128, -1) # So I dont have to comment abunch of stuff out for debugging dont_display = True if dont_display: return # Bob Ross it up (just for display) left_f, right_f = self.transform(self.left_f), self.transform(self.right_f) left_b, right_b = self.transform(self.left_b), self.transform(self.right_b) boat = self.transform(self.boat_pos) target = self.transform(, tuple(boat[:2].astype(np.int32)), 8, 255), tuple(target[:2].astype(np.int32)), 15, 255), tuple(self.transform(self.mid_point)[:2].astype(np.int32)), 5, 255), tuple(left_f[:2].astype(np.int32)), 10, 255), tuple(right_f[:2].astype(np.int32)), 10, 255), tuple(left_b[:2].astype(np.int32)), 3, 125), tuple(right_b[:2].astype(np.int32)), 3, 128) cv2.imshow("test", self.grid) cv2.waitKey(0)
def getRects(ctrs, imageOut=None): i = 1 rectList = [] #print "getRects(): {0} contours".format(len(ctrs[0])) for ct in ctrs[0]: #ct = ct.astype(np.int32) bbox = cv2.boundingRect(ct) x, y, w, h = bbox length = "" #process only vertical rectagles (ie, w<h) with w and h > 1 if w < h and w > 30 and h > 70: #print i, ". ", len(ct), " -- ", cv2.boundingRect(ct), (x+w/2), cv2.minAreaRect(ct) #dist = 320-(x+w/2) #direction = 1 #if dist < 0: # direction = -1 #print "Distance to center: ", dist, "pixels -- ", dist*0.0192, "inches --", dist*0.0192*1622/9.89,"revolutions" #if (x < 320) and ((x+w) > 320): if h > 173: length = "large" elif h > 140: length = "medium" elif h > 100: length = "small" #print i, " : ", cv2.boundingRect(ct), " -- ", length, "---", x, x+w, y, h #color detection code here... color = "red" rectList.append([cv2.boundingRect(ct), cv2.minAreaRect(ct),length, color]) if imageOut is not None: clr=(random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255),random.randrange(0,255)) #cv2.drawContours(image=imageOut, contours=ct, contourIdx=-1, color=clr , thickness=-1) cv2.rectangle(imageOut, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), clr, 5) #cv2.fillConvexPoly(imageOut, ct, clr) cv2.rectangle(imageOut, (x+w/2-3,y), (x+w/2+3,y+h), (255,255,255), -1) cv2.rectangle(imageOut, (x,y+h/2-3), (x+w,y+h/2+3), (255,255,255), -1) rotRect = cv2.minAreaRect(ct) box = box = np.int0(box) #print box #cv2.drawContours(imageOut, [box], 0, (0,0,255),2) i = i + 1 if imageOut is not None: cv2.rectangle(imageOut, (318,0), (322,640), (255,255,255), -1) #cv2.imshow("Rects", imageOut) #print "done" ## sort rectList by the first tuple - so that they are from left to right in image. rectList.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) return rectList
def process(self, imageLeftRect, imageRightRect, imageDisparityRect, cameraModel, stereoCameraModel, upper, lower): assert(imageLeftRect is not None) feedback = TrackObjectFeedback() feedback.found = False imageHLS = cv2.cvtColor(imageLeftRect, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HLS) lower = np.array([0,70,50], dtype = 'uint8') upper = np.array([200,255,255], dtype='uint8') mask=cv2.inRange(imageHLS, lower,upper) #HLS thresholds output = cv2.bitwise_and(imageLeftRect, imageLeftRect, mask=mask) self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imageLeftRect, "bgr8")) #mask=cv2.inRange(imageHSV, np.array([20,30,80],dtype='uint8'),np.array([40,52,120],dtype='uint8')) cnts = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = cnts[1] if len(contours) == 0: print("No contours") return feedback rects = [] for contour in contours: #adapted from epsilon = cv2.arcLength(contour, True)*0.05 contour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True) if len(contour) == 4 and cv2.isContourConvex(contour): contour = contour.reshape(-1, 2) max_cos = np.max([angle_cos( contour[i], contour[(i+1) % 4], contour[(i+2) % 4] ) for i in xrange(4)]) if max_cos < 0.1: rects.append(contour) if len(rects) > 1: rects = greatestNAreaContours(rects, 2) rect1 = list(cv2.minAreaRect(rects[0])) rect2 = list(cv2.minAreaRect(rects[1])) if(rect1[1][0] < rect1[1][1]): #Fix wonky angles from opencv (I think) rect1[2] = (rect1[2] + 180) * 180/3.141 else: rect1[2] = (rect1[2] + 90) * 180/3.141 if(rect2[1][0] < rect2[1][1]): rect2[2] = (rect2[2] + 180) * 180/3.141 else: rect2[2] = (rect2[2] + 90) * 180/3.141 gateCenter = (int((rect1[0][0] + rect2[0][0])/2), int((rect1[0][1] + rect2[0][1])/2)) = gateCenter self.feedback_msg.size = imageRightRect.shape self.feedback_pub.publish(self.feedback_msg) = gateCenter #feedback.size = imageRightRect.shape if gateCenter[0] - rect1[0][0] > 0: feedback.width = (rect2[0][0]+(rect2[1][0]/2)) - (rect1[0][0] - (rect1[1][0]/2)) else: feedback.width = (rect1[0][0] -(rect1[1][0]/2)) - (rect2[0][0]+(rect2[1][0]/2)) feedback.height = rect1[1][1] feedback.found = True return feedback
def get_cube_upright(): # Uses the depth image to only take the part of the image corresponding to the closest point and a bit further global depth_img_avg global img_bgr8_clean closest_pnt = np.amin(depth_img_avg) # resize the depth image so it matches the color one depth_img_avg = cv2.resize(depth_img_avg, (1280, 960)) # generate a mask with the closest points img_detection = np.where(depth_img_avg < closest_pnt + val_depth_capture, depth_img_avg, 0) # put all the pixels greater than 0 to 255 ret, mask = cv2.threshold(img_detection, 0.0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # convert to 8-bit mask = np.array(mask, dtype=np.uint8) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, 1, 2, offset=(0, -6)) useful_cnts = list() uprightrects = list() img_bgr8_clean_copy = img_bgr8_clean.copy() for cnt in contours: if 9000 < cv2.contourArea(cnt) < 15000: if 420 < cv2.arcLength(cnt, 1) < 560: useful_cnts.append(cnt) else: print("Wrong Lenght 450 < " + str(cv2.arcLength(cnt, 1)) + str(" < 570")) else: print ("Wrong Area: 9000 < " + str(cv2.contourArea(cnt)) + " < 15000") for index, cnts in enumerate(useful_cnts): min_area_rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnts) # minimum area rectangle that encloses the contour cnt (center, size, angle) = cv2.minAreaRect(cnts) width, height = size[0], size[1] if not (0.7*height < width < 1.3*height): print("Wrong Height/Width: " + str(0.7*height) + " < " + str(width) + " < " + str(1.3*height)) continue points = cv2.boxPoints(min_area_rect) # Find four vertices of rectangle from above rect points = np.int32(np.around(points)) # Round the values and make it integers cv2.drawContours(img_bgr8_clean_copy, [points], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.drawContours(img_bgr8_clean_copy, cnts, -1, (255, 0, 255), 2) cv2.waitKey(1) # if we rotate more than 90 degrees, the width becomes height and vice-versa if angle < -45.0: angle += 90.0 width, height = size[0], size[1] size = (height, width) rot_matrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) # rotate the entire image around the center of the parking cell by the # angle of the rotated rect imgwidth, imgheight = (img_bgr8_clean.shape[0], img_bgr8_clean.shape[1]) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(img_bgr8_clean, rot_matrix, (imgheight, imgwidth), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # extract the rect after rotation has been done sizeint = (np.int32(size[0]), np.int32(size[1])) uprightrect = cv2.getRectSubPix(rotated, sizeint, center) uprightrects.append(uprightrect) uprightrect_copy = uprightrect.copy() cv2.drawContours(uprightrect_copy, [points], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('uprightRect ' + str(index), uprightrect_copy) cv2.imshow('RBG', img_bgr8_clean_copy) cv2.waitKey(1) objects_detector(uprightrects)
def processCam(cap): bx = -1 by = -1 # Capture frame-by-frame ret, frame = # Our operations on the frame come here #gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)#HSV #white led ring: 45,2,240 - 130,40,255 lower_lim = np.array([37,10,180])#80,23,235 upper_lim = np.array([106,63,255])#102,167,255 mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_lim, upper_lim) img, contours, heirarchy = cv2.findContours(mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) img = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_lim, upper_lim) img = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) contours = findBigContours(contours) # find big contours #biggestContourIndex = findBiggestContour(contours) biggestContourIndex, secondBiggestIndex = findSecondBiggestContour(contours) #bigContours = findBigContours(contours) #biggestContourIndex = findBestAR(bigContours) if(len(contours) != 0): # find box around contour and it's center recta = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[biggestContourIndex]) rectb = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[secondBiggestIndex]) boxa = cv2.boxPoints(recta) boxb = cv2.boxPoints(rectb) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(np.concatenate([boxa,boxb])) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) bx = int((box[0][0] + box[2][0])/2) by = int((box[0][1] + box[2][1])/2) #x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contours[biggestContourIndex]) #if(h != 0): # print("aspect ratio: " + str(h/float(w))) #print("center: " + str(bx) + ', ' + str(by)) box = np.int0(box) img = cv2.drawContours(img,[box],0,(0,0,255),1) img =,(bx,by),4,(0,255,255),-1) # find centroid from moments #M = cv2.moments(contours[biggestContourIndex]) #if(M['m00'] != 0): # cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00']) # cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00']) # img =,(cx,cy),4,(255,255,0),-1) #img = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, biggestContourIndex, (255,255,0), 3) #img = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, secondBiggestIndex, (255,0,0), 3) for i in range(len(contours)): col = cv2.contourArea(contours[i]) / 20 img = cv2.drawContours(img, contours, i, (0,255-col,col), 1) return img, bx, by
def callback(self,data): try: img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) #imageHSV = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) contours = ThreshAndContour(img, self.upper, self.lower) contours = contours[1] #output = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask) if len(contours) == 0: return None rects = [] #cv2.drawContours(img,contours,-1, (0,255,0), 3) for contour in contours: #adapted from epsilon = cv2.arcLength(contour, True)*0.05 contour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True) if len(contour) == 4 and cv2.isContourConvex(contour): contour = contour.reshape(-1, 2) max_cos = np.max([angle_cos( contour[i], contour[(i+1) % 4], contour[(i+2) % 4] ) for i in range(4)]) if max_cos < 0.1: rects.append(contour) if len(rects) > 1: rects = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) rect1 = cv2.minAreaRect(rects[0]) rect2 = cv2.minAreaRect(rects[1]) if(rect1[1][0] < rect1[1][1]): #Fix wonky angles from opencv (I think) rect1 = (rect1[0], rect1[1], (rect1[2] + 180) * 180/3.141) else: rect1 = (rect1[0], rect1[1], (rect1[2] + 90) * 180/3.141) if(rect2[1][0] < rect2[1][1]): rect2 = (rect2[0], rect2[1], (rect2[2] + 180) * 180/3.141) else: rect2 = (rect2[0], rect2[1], (rect2[2] + 90) * 180/3.141) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect1) box = np.int0(box) #cv2.drawContours(img,[box],-1,(0,0,255),2) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect2) box = np.int0(box) #cv2.drawContours(img,[box],-1,(0,0,255),2) gateLocation = None gateAxis = None gateAngle = None gateCenter = (int((rect1[0][0] + rect2[0][0])/2), int((rect1[0][1] + rect2[0][1])/2)),gateCenter,5,(0,255,0),3) try: self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img,"bgr8")) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e)
def DrawMark(image,contours,mark,I=255,border=2): rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[mark]) box = box = np.int0(box) #Get Corners for box 2 rect1 = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[mark-1]) box1 = box1 = np.int0(box1) #Draw cv2.drawContours(image,[box],0,(I,I,I),border) cv2.drawContours(image,[box1],0,(I,I,I),border)
def find(img, hue_min=20, hue_max=175, sat_min=0, sat_max=255, val_min=0, val_max=255): """ Detect the qualification gate. :param img: HSV image from the bottom camera :return: tuple of location of the center of the gate in a "targeting" coordinate system: origin is at center of image, axes range [-1, 1] """ img = np.copy(img) bin = vision_util.hsv_threshold(img, hue_min, hue_max, sat_min, sat_max, val_min, val_max) canny = vision_util.canny(bin, 50) # find contours after first processing it with Canny edge detection contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(canny, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) hulls = vision_util.convex_hulls(contours) cv2.drawContours(bin, hulls, -1, 255) cv2.imshow('bin', bin) hulls.sort(key=hull_score) if len(hulls) < 2: return () # get the two highest scoring candidates left = cv2.minAreaRect(hulls[0]) right = cv2.minAreaRect(hulls[1]) # if we got left and right mixed up, switch them if right[0][0] < left[0][0]: left, right = right, left confidence = score_pair(left, right) if confidence < 80: return 0, 0 # draw hulls in Blaze Orange cv2.drawContours(img, hulls, -1, (0, 102, 255), -1) # draw green outlines so we know it actually detected it cv2.drawContours(img, hulls, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('img', img) center_actual = (np.mean([left[0][0], right[0][0]]), np.mean([left[0][1], right[0][1]])) # shape[0] is the number of rows because matrices are dumb center = (center_actual[0] / img.shape[1], center_actual[1] / img.shape[0]) # convert to the targeting system of [-1, 1] center = ((center[0] * 2) - 1, (center[1] * 2) - 1) return center
def detectSmallSquare(gray, info,blank,sm=50): chosen_cnt = [] chosen_cntx = [] cent = (-1,-1) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3,3),0) #gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (9,9),2) area = gray.shape[0]*gray.shape[1] min = np.amin(gray) max = np.amax(gray) thresh = min + (max-min)/1.5 mask = np.uint8(cv2.Canny(gray, thresh/2, thresh)) kern = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3,3)) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, kern, iterations=1) #mask = cv2.erode(mask, kern, iterations=1) outImg = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) contours, hierr = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) contours.sort(key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) if len(contours) >= 1: for currCnt in contours: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(currCnt) ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(currCnt) #if cv2.contourArea(currCnt) > 5000 and (ellipse[1][1]/ellipse[1][0]) >= 3: if cv2.contourArea(currCnt) > 1000 and VUtil.checkRectangle(currCnt): info['detected'] = True cent = VUtil.getCentroid(currCnt) cent = (cent[0],cent[1]-70) chosen_cnt.append(cent) chosen_cntx.append(currCnt) info['centroid'] = cent VUtil.drawInfo(outImg,info) VUtil.getRailDOA(currCnt,outImg,info,blank) if len(chosen_cnt) > 1: info['detected'] = True info['centroid'] = VUtil.averageCentroids(chosen_cnt) VUtil.groupContoursAlign(chosen_cntx,outImg,info,blank) chosen_cnt.sort(key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=True) chosen_cntx.sort(key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) chosen_cntx.sort(key=lambda x:VUtil.getCentroid(x)[0],reverse=True) rect_r = cv2.minAreaRect(chosen_cntx[0]) rect_l = cv2.minAreaRect(chosen_cntx[-1]) cv2.drawContours(outImg, [np.int0(], -1, PURPLE,3) cv2.drawContours(outImg, [np.int0(], -1, YELLOW,3) cv2.drawContours(blank, [np.int0(], -1, PURPLE,2) cv2.drawContours(blank, [np.int0(], -1, YELLOW,2) if sm < 0: info['centroid'] = chosen_cnt[-1] else: info['centroid'] = chosen_cnt[0] VUtil.drawInfo(outImg,info) return outImg
def areSimilar(cont1, cont2): (x1, y1), (w1, h1), angle1 = cv2.minAreaRect(cont1) (x2, y2), (w2, h2), angle2 = cv2.minAreaRect(cont2) (area1, area2) = (w1*h1, w2*h2) distance = ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)**0.5 areaDifference = area1 / area2 - 1 angleDifference = angle1 - angle2 if (distance < MIN_BOX_DISTANCE and abs(areaDifference) < 0.2 and abs(angleDifference) < 20): return True else: return False
def pull_anchors(flist, n, fltr_contours): """ Returns 3 anchor points for frames having equal n contours """ # amount of contours found in frame 0 if n == 1: ctrl_pts = [] # bounding rectangle to get 4 coords. for i in range(len(flist)): rect = cv2.minAreaRect(fltr_contours[i]) box = # rect = ( center (x,y), (width, height), angle of rotation ) # x1, y1 ; x1 + width, y1 + height x1, y1 = box[0] x2, y2 = box[1] x3, y3 = box[2] pts = np.array((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) # -- get data array sorted by n-th column (n= 1) pts = pts[np.argsort(pts[:, 1])] ctrl_pts.append(pts) return ctrl_pts # 2 cnts elif n == 2: # initial random indexes to extract 4 corners # 2 from each bounding rectangle ctrl_pts = [] for i in range(len(flist)): rect1 = cv2.minAreaRect(fltr_contours[i][0]) box1 = rect2 = cv2.minAreaRect(fltr_contours[i][1]) box2 = # coordinates 2 from each x1, y1 = box1[0] x2, y2 = box1[1] x3, y3 = box2[0] pts = np.array((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) # -- get data array sorted by n-th column (n= 1) pts = pts[np.argsort(pts[:, 1])] ctrl_pts.append(pts) return ctrl_pts else: # get all centers center_contours = find_centers(flist, fltr_contours) print center_contours pts = [] for i in range(len(flist)): coords = copy(center_contours[i]) # sort by argsort col n=1 and grab first 3 pts tmp = coords[np.argsort(coords[:, 1])] tmp = concatenate((tmp[:2], tmp[-1:]), axis=0) pts.append(tmp) return pts
def draw(self): """ draw - Method @summary: """ #Internal shape colour - Blue colours = [(89, 73, 48)] for x in self.interior: cv2.drawContours(self.img, [x], 0, colours[random.randint(0, len(colours)-1)],2) cv2.drawContours(self.img, [self.exterior], 0, (43, 58, 255),2) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(self.exterior) box = box = numpy.int0(box) if config.DEBUG: #Draw the center point, self.getCentrePoint(), 10, (0,0,255)) cv2.drawContours(self.img, [box],0,(0,0,255),2) cv2.imshow('Material', self.img) img1 = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(self.img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[0][0], box[0][1]), (box[1][0], box[1][1])], (255, 58, 48)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[1][0], box[1][1]), (box[2][0], box[2][1])], (255, 58, 48)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[2][0], box[2][1]), (box[3][0], box[3][1])], (255, 58, 48)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[3][0], box[3][1]), (box[0][0], box[0][1])], (255, 58, 48)) for x in self.interior: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(x) box = box = numpy.int0(box) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[0][0], box[0][1]), (box[1][0], box[1][1])], (48, 73, 89)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[1][0], box[1][1]), (box[2][0], box[2][1])], (48, 73, 89)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[2][0], box[2][1]), (box[3][0], box[3][1])], (48, 73, 89)) self._drawLine(img1, [(box[3][0], box[3][1]), (box[0][0], box[0][1])], (48, 73, 89)) quad = self.tag.quad self._drawLine(img1, [(quad[0][0], quad[0][1]), (quad[1][0], quad[1][1])], (96, 96, 96), 2, False) self._drawLine(img1, [(quad[1][0], quad[1][1]), (quad[2][0], quad[2][1])], (96, 96, 96), 2, False) self._drawLine(img1, [(quad[2][0], quad[2][1]), (quad[3][0], quad[3][1])], (96, 96, 96), 2, False) self._drawLine(img1, [(quad[3][0], quad[3][1]), (quad[0][0], quad[0][1])], (96, 96, 96), 2, False) if config.DEBUG:, "JPEG")
def run(self): while True: f, orig_img = orig_img = cv2.flip(orig_img, 1) img = cv2.GaussianBlur(orig_img, (5,5), 0) img = cv2.cvtColor(orig_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) img = cv2.resize(img, (len(orig_img[0]) / self.scale_down, len(orig_img) / self.scale_down)) red_lower = np.array([0, 150, 0],np.uint8) red_upper = np.array([5, 255, 255],np.uint8) red_binary = cv2.inRange(img, red_lower, red_upper) dilation = np.ones((15, 15), "uint8") red_binary = cv2.dilate(red_binary, dilation) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(red_binary, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) max_area = 0 largest_contour = None for idx, contour in enumerate(contours): area = cv2.contourArea(contour) if area > max_area: max_area = area largest_contour = contour if not largest_contour == None: moment = cv2.moments(largest_contour) if moment["m00"] > 1000 / self.scale_down: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(largest_contour) rect = ((rect[0][0] * self.scale_down, rect[0][1] * self.scale_down), (rect[1][0] * self.scale_down, rect[1][1] * self.scale_down), rect[2]) box = box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(orig_img,[box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow("ColourTrackerWindow", orig_img) if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27: cv2.destroyWindow("ColourTrackerWindow") self.capture.release() break
def locate(self, geo_image, image, marked_image): '''Find sticks in image and return list of FieldItem instances.''' # Extract out just blue channel from BGR image. #blue_channel, _, _ = cv2.split(image) #_, mask = cv2.threshold(blue_channel, 160, 255, 0) # Convert Blue-Green-Red color space to HSV hsv_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) lower_blue = np.array([90, 90, 50], np.uint8) upper_blue = np.array([130, 255, 255], np.uint8) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_image, lower_blue, upper_blue) # Night time testing lower_blue = np.array([90, 10, 5], np.uint8) upper_blue = np.array([142, 255, 255], np.uint8) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_image, lower_blue, upper_blue) filtered_rectangles = [] # Open mask (to remove noise) and then dilate it to connect contours. kernel = np.ones((5,5), np.uint8) mask_open = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) mask = cv2.dilate(mask_open, kernel, iterations = 1) # Find outer contours (edges) and 'approximate' them to reduce the number of points along nearly straight segments. contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(),, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #contours = [cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, .1, True) for contour in contours] # Create bounding box for each contour. bounding_rectangles = [cv2.minAreaRect(contour) for contour in contours] if marked_image is not None: for rectangle in bounding_rectangles: # Show rectangles using bounding box. drawRect(marked_image, rectangle, (0,0,0), thickness=2) # Remove any rectangles that couldn't be a plant based off specified size. min_stick_size = self.stick_diameter * 0.75 # looking straight down on it max_stick_size = self.stick_length * 1.25 # laying flat on the ground filtered_rectangles.extend(filter_by_size(bounding_rectangles, geo_image.resolution, min_stick_size, max_stick_size, enforce_min_on_w_and_h=True)) if ImageWriter.level <= ImageWriter.DEBUG: # Debug save intermediate images mask_filename = postfix_filename(geo_image.file_name, 'blue_thresh') ImageWriter.save_debug(mask_filename, mask) if marked_image is not None: for rectangle in filtered_rectangles: # Show rectangles using colored bounding box. purple = (255, 0, 255) drawRect(marked_image, rectangle, purple, thickness=2) sticks = [] for i, rectangle in enumerate(filtered_rectangles): # Just give default name for saving image until we later go through and assign to plant group. stick = FieldItem(name = 'stick' + str(i), bounding_rect = rectangle) sticks.append(stick) return sticks
def mask(img): biggest =None max_area = 0 grey = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) #blk = cv2.bitwise_not(grey) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(3,3)) res = cv2.morphologyEx(grey,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(grey,127,255,0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) dest = np.zeros(thresh.shape, np.uint8) print contours[::1] print len(contours) print hierarchy for cnt in contours[::1]: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) points = points = np.int0(np.around(points)) #cv2.drawContours(dest, [cnt],0,(0,255,0),2) #cv2.polylines(dest, [points], True,( 255,255,255), 2 ) cv2.fillPoly(orig, [cnt], (100,20,90), 4) cv2.fillPoly(dest, [cnt], (255,255,255), 4) x = cv2.cvtColor(dest,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) cv2.imshow('contour-highlighted image.jpg', x) cv2.imwrite("../../images/bound.jpg", x) cv2.imshow('masked image', orig)
def filter(seg,area,label): """ Apply the filter. The final list is ranked by area. """ good = label[area > TextRegions.minArea] area = area[area > TextRegions.minArea] filt,R = [],[] for idx,i in enumerate(good): mask = seg==i xs,ys = np.where(mask) coords = np.c_[xs,ys].astype('float32') rect = cv2.minAreaRect(coords) box = np.array(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) h,w,rot = TextRegions.get_hw(box,return_rot=True) f = (h > TextRegions.minHeight and w > TextRegions.minWidth and TextRegions.minAspect < w/h < TextRegions.maxAspect and area[idx]/w*h > TextRegions.pArea) filt.append(f) R.append(rot) # filter bad regions: filt = np.array(filt) area = area[filt] R = [R[i] for i in range(len(R)) if filt[i]] # sort the regions based on areas: aidx = np.argsort(-area) good = good[filt][aidx] R = [R[i] for i in aidx] filter_info = {'label':good, 'rot':R, 'area': area[aidx]} return filter_info
def blackbodysegment(img1, lowerlim, upperlim): element = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (4, 4)) img_np = np.asarray(img1) blue, green, red = img_np.T res = green > 100 # |(red>50)|(blue>50) res = res.astype(np.uint8) * 255 res = np.transpose(res) offset = 50 img_erode = cv2.erode(res, element) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img_erode, 127, 255, 0) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # img_crop = img1 for i in range(len(contours)): rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i]) (x, y), (w, h), theta = rect if w * h > lowerlim and w * h < upperlim: rect = (x + 5, y + 10), (w + offset, h + offset), theta box = box = np.int0(box) img_crop = img1[box[2][1] : box[0][1], box[1][0] : box[3][0]] break # cv2.drawContours(img1, [box], 0, (0,0,255), 2) return img_crop
def detectBlobs(d1): contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(d1, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) raw_bins = [] if len(contours) >= 1: cnt = contours[0] cv2.drawContours(d1, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), 3) max_w = 0 max_h = 0 max_x = 0 max_y = 0 avg_x = 0 avg_y = 0 count = 0 for h, cnt in enumerate(contours): #hull = cv2.convexHull(cnt) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) avg_x += x+w/2 avg_y += y+h/2 count += 1 if (w*h >max_w*max_h): max_w, max_h, max_x, max_y = w, h, x, y d1 = cv2.cvtColor(d1, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR,d1, 3) cv2.rectangle(d1,(max_x,max_y),(max_x+max_w,max_y+max_h),(0,255,0),2), (int(avg_x/count), int(avg_y/count)), 15, (255,0,0), -1), (int(max_x+max_w/2), int(max_y+max_h/2)), 15, (0,255,0), -1) vis_to_ard(int(max_x+max_w/2),int(max_y+max_h/2)) return d1
def get_hp_bars(binary): _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for cnt in contours: center, (height, width), angle = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) if 2 < height < 4 and 5 < width < 80 and 89 < -angle < 91: box = cv2.boxPoints((center, (height, width), angle)) yield np.int0(box)
def barcode_detect(img): image = img # load the image and convert it to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) sobelgx = cv2.Sobel(gray,cv2.CV_64F,1,0,ksize=3) sobelgy = cv2.Sobel(gray,cv2.CV_64F,0,1,ksize=3) # subtract the y-gradient from the x-gradient gradient = sobelgx - sobelgy gradient = cv2.convertScaleAbs(gradient) # blur and threshold the image blurred = cv2.blur(gradient, (3, 3)) _, thresh = cv2.threshold(blurred, 225, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # construct a closing kernel and apply it to the thresholded image kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (21, 7)) closed = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # perform a series of erosions and dilations closed = cv2.erode(closed, None, iterations=4) closed = cv2.dilate(closed, None, iterations=4) # find the contours in the thresholded image, then sort the contours # by their area, keeping only the largest one (_, contours, _) = cv2.findContours(closed, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) c = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)[0] # compute the rotated bounding box of the largest contour rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c) box = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) return box
def MomentDescriptor(name, thres): img1=cv2.imread(name) # img=img1 img=cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # edges=cv2.Canny(img, thres, thres*2) #Image to draw the contours drawing=np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(img,thres,255,0) contours, hierarchy=cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) MomentVector=[] for cnt in contours: M=cv2.moments(cnt) #Calculate moments if M['m00']!=0: Cx=int(M['m10']/M['m00']) Cy=int(M['m01']/M['m00']) Moments_Area=M['m00'] # Contour area moment Contours_Area=cv2.contourArea(cnt) # Contour area using in_built function #Draw moment rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) # cv2.drawContours(img1,contours, 0, (0,255,0),3) #draw contours in green color cv2.drawContours(img1,[box],0,(0,0,255),1), (Cx,Cy), 3,(0,255,0), -1)#draw centroids in red color MomentVector.append([M['m00'],Cx,Cy]) cv2.imshow('winname',img1) cv2.waitKey(5000) print MomentVector
def getShape(contour): p = cv2.arcLength(contour, True) aV = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.04 * p, True) vertices = len(aV) if vertices == 3: return 'Triangle' elif vertices == 4: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) contourArea = cv2.contourArea(contour) fittedArea = rect[1][0] * rect[1][1] #print "Countor Area:", contourArea , " Fiited A:", fittedArea (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(aV) ar = w / float(h) if .95 * fittedArea <= contourArea and ar >= 0.95 and ar <= 1.05: return 'Square' else: return 'Rectangle' elif vertices == 5: return 'Pentagon' elif vertices == 6: return 'Hexagon' elif vertices == 7: return 'Heptagon' else: (xC, yC), radius = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(contour) contourArea = cv2.contourArea(contour) fittedArea = radius*radius*3.14 # print "Countor Area:", contourArea , " Circle A:", fittedArea if abs(contourArea-fittedArea) / max(contourArea, fittedArea) < 0.10: return 'Circle' else: return str(str(len(aV))+'-Polygon') return 'Unknown'
def calMoments(name, thres): img1=cv2.imread(name) img=cv2.cvtColor(img1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # edges=cv2.Canny(img, thres, thres*2) #Image to draw the contours drawing=np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(img,127,255,0) contours, hierarchy=cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for cnt in contours: M=cv2.moments(cnt) #Calculate moments if M['m00']!=0: Cx=int(M['m10']/M['m00']) Cy=int(M['m01']/M['m00']) C_x=M['m10']/M['m00'] print C_x Moments_Area=M['m00'] # Contour area moment Contours_Area=cv2.contourArea(cnt) # Contour area using in_built function # #Draw moment rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = box = np.int0(box) # cv2.drawContours(img1,contours, 0, (0,255,0),3) #draw contours in green color cv2.drawContours(img1,[box],0,(0,0,255),5), (Cx,Cy), 5,(0,255,0), -1)#draw centroids in red color cv2.imshow("Original", img1) cv2.waitKey(0)
def detect(self): res10 = np.zeros_like(self.img) boxRes = self.img.copy() regions, bboxes = self.getMSERegions(self.grayImg) n1 = len(regions) # print('num bboxes:',n1) n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10 = [0] * 9 bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=n1, widgets=[ progressbar.Bar(marker='=', left='[', right=']'), ' ', progressbar.SimpleProgress() ]) bar.start() ## Coloring the regions for i, region in enumerate(regions): bar.update(i + 1) if self.getRegionArea( region ) > self.grayImg.shape[0] * self.grayImg.shape[1] * AREA_LIM: n2 += 1 if self.getRegionPerimeter( region) > 2 * (self.grayImg.shape[0] + self.grayImg.shape[1]) * PERIMETER_LIM: n3 += 1 if self.getAspectRatio(region) < ASPECT_RATIO_LIM: n4 += 1 if (self.getOccupyRate(region) > OCCUPATION_LIM[0] ) and (self.getOccupyRate(region) < OCCUPATION_LIM[1]): n5 += 1 if (self.getCompactness(region) > COMPACTNESS_LIM[0]) and ( self.getCompactness(region) < COMPACTNESS_LIM[1]): n6 += 1 # x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(region) x, y, w, h = bboxes[i] # strokeWidths, strokeWidths_opp, strokes = self.getStrokes((x, y, w, h)) strokeWidths, strokeWidths_opp = self.getStrokes( (x, y, w, h)) if DIRECTION != "both+": strokeWidths = np.append(strokeWidths, strokeWidths_opp, axis=0) strokeWidth, strokeWidthCount, mean, std, xMin, xMax = self.getStrokeProperties( strokeWidths) else: strokeWidth, strokeWidthCount, mean, std, xMin, xMax = self.getStrokeProperties( strokeWidths) strokeWidth_opp, strokeWidthCount_opp, mean_opp, std_opp, xMin_opp, xMax_opp = self.getStrokeProperties( strokeWidths_opp) if strokeWidthCount_opp > strokeWidthCount: ## Take the strokeWidths with max of counts strokeWidth (most probable one) strokeWidths = strokeWidths_opp strokeWidth = strokeWidth_opp strokeWidthCount = strokeWidthCount_opp mean = mean_opp std = std_opp xMin = xMin_opp xMax = xMax_opp if len(strokeWidths) > SWT_TOTAL_COUNT: n7 += 1 if std < SWT_STD_LIM: n8 += 1 strokeWidthSizeRatio = strokeWidth / ( 1.0 * max(self.getRegionShape(region))) if strokeWidthSizeRatio > STROKE_WIDTH_SIZE_RATIO_LIM: n9 += 1 strokeWidthVarianceRatio = ( 1.0 * strokeWidth) / (std**std) if strokeWidthVarianceRatio > STROKE_WIDTH_VARIANCE_RATIO_LIM: n10 += 1 res10 = self.colorRegion( res10, region) bar.finish() # print("{} regions left.".format(n10)) ## Binarize regions binarized = np.zeros_like(self.grayImg) rows, cols, color = np.where(res10 != [0, 0, 0]) binarized[rows, cols] = 255 ## Dilate regions and find contours kernel = np.zeros((KSIZE, KSIZE), dtype=np.uint8) kernel[(KSIZE // 2)] = 1 if TESS: print("Tesseract eliminates..") res = np.zeros_like(self.grayImg) dilated = cv2.dilate(binarized.copy(), kernel, iterations=ITERATION) image, contours, hierarchies = cv2.findContours( dilated, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) print("num contours", len(contours)) boxes = [] for i, (contour, hierarchy) in enumerate(zip(contours, hierarchies[0])): if hierarchy[-1] == -1: # x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # if (y - MARGIN > 0) and (y + h + MARGIN < self.height) and (x - MARGIN > 0) and (x + w + MARGIN < self.width): # boxes.append([x-MARGIN, y-MARGIN, x+w+MARGIN, y+h+MARGIN]) # else: # boxes.append([x, y, x+w, y+h]) if TESS: x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) if (y - MARGIN > 0) and (y + h + MARGIN < self.height ) and (x - MARGIN > 0) and ( x + w + MARGIN < self.width): cv2.imwrite( "text.jpg",[y - MARGIN:y + h + MARGIN, x - MARGIN:x + w + MARGIN]) else: cv2.imwrite("text.jpg",[y:y + h, x:x + w]) ################### ## Run tesseract ## ################### string = pytesseract.image_to_string("text.jpg")) if string is not u'': rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) boxes.append(box) cv2.drawContours(, [box], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.drawContours(res, [box], 0, 255, -1) # print(string) os.remove("text.jpg") else: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) boxes.append(box) # cv2.drawContours(, [box], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) # cv2.drawContours(res, [box], 0, 255, -1) return res, boxes
def siamese_track(state, im, mask_enable=False, refine_enable=False, use_cuda=True, preprocessed=False): p = state['p'] net = state['net'] avg_chans = state['avg_chans'] window = state['window'] target_pos = state['target_pos'] target_sz = state['target_sz'] wc_x = target_sz[1] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz) hc_x = target_sz[0] + p.context_amount * sum(target_sz) s_x = np.sqrt(wc_x * hc_x) scale_x = p.exemplar_size / s_x d_search = (p.instance_size - p.exemplar_size) / 2 pad = d_search / scale_x s_x = s_x + 2 * pad crop_box = [ target_pos[0] - round(s_x) / 2, target_pos[1] - round(s_x) / 2, round(s_x), round(s_x) ] if preprocessed: x_crop = Variable(im_to_torch(im).unsqueeze(0)) else: # extract scaled crops for search region x at previous target position x_crop = Variable( get_subwindow_tracking(im, target_pos, p.instance_size, round(s_x), avg_chans).unsqueeze(0)) if mask_enable: score, delta, mask = net.track_mask( x_crop.cuda() if use_cuda else x_crop) else: score, delta = net.track(x_crop.cuda() if use_cuda else x_crop) delta = delta.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).contiguous().view(4, -1).data.cpu().numpy() score = F.softmax(score.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).contiguous().view(2, -1).permute(1, 0), dim=1).data[:, 1].cpu().numpy() delta[0, :] = delta[0, :] * p.anchor[:, 2] + p.anchor[:, 0] delta[1, :] = delta[1, :] * p.anchor[:, 3] + p.anchor[:, 1] delta[2, :] = np.exp(delta[2, :]) * p.anchor[:, 2] delta[3, :] = np.exp(delta[3, :]) * p.anchor[:, 3] def change(r): return np.maximum(r, 1. / r) def sz(w, h): pad = (w + h) * 0.5 sz2 = (w + pad) * (h + pad) return np.sqrt(sz2) def sz_wh(wh): pad = (wh[0] + wh[1]) * 0.5 sz2 = (wh[0] + pad) * (wh[1] + pad) return np.sqrt(sz2) # size penalty target_sz_in_crop = target_sz * scale_x s_c = change(sz(delta[2, :], delta[3, :]) / (sz_wh(target_sz_in_crop))) # scale penalty r_c = change((target_sz_in_crop[0] / target_sz_in_crop[1]) / (delta[2, :] / delta[3, :])) # ratio penalty penalty = np.exp(-(r_c * s_c - 1) * p.penalty_k) pscore = penalty * score # cos window (motion model) pscore = pscore * (1 - p.window_influence) + window * p.window_influence best_pscore_id = np.argmax(pscore) pred_in_crop = delta[:, best_pscore_id] / scale_x lr = penalty[best_pscore_id] * score[best_pscore_id] * # lr for OTB res_x = pred_in_crop[0] + target_pos[0] res_y = pred_in_crop[1] + target_pos[1] res_w = target_sz[0] * (1 - lr) + pred_in_crop[2] * lr res_h = target_sz[1] * (1 - lr) + pred_in_crop[3] * lr target_pos = np.array([res_x, res_y]) target_sz = np.array([res_w, res_h]) # for Mask Branch if mask_enable: best_pscore_id_mask = np.unravel_index(best_pscore_id, (5, p.score_size, p.score_size)) delta_x, delta_y = best_pscore_id_mask[2], best_pscore_id_mask[1] if refine_enable: if use_cuda: mask = net.track_refine( (delta_y, delta_x)).cuda().sigmoid().squeeze().view( p.out_size, p.out_size).cpu().data.numpy() else: mask = net.track_refine( (delta_y, delta_x)).sigmoid().squeeze().view( p.out_size, p.out_size).cpu().data.numpy() else: mask = mask[0, :, delta_y, delta_x].sigmoid(). \ squeeze().view(p.out_size, p.out_size).cpu().data.numpy() def crop_back(image, bbox, out_sz, padding=-1): a = (out_sz[0] - 1) / bbox[2] b = (out_sz[1] - 1) / bbox[3] c = -a * bbox[0] d = -b * bbox[1] mapping = np.array([[a, 0, c], [0, b, d]]).astype(np.float) crop = cv2.warpAffine(image, mapping, (out_sz[0], out_sz[1]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=padding) return crop s = crop_box[2] / p.instance_size sub_box = [ crop_box[0] + (delta_x - p.base_size / 2) * p.total_stride * s, crop_box[1] + (delta_y - p.base_size / 2) * p.total_stride * s, s * p.exemplar_size, s * p.exemplar_size ] s = p.out_size / sub_box[2] back_box = [ -sub_box[0] * s, -sub_box[1] * s, state['im_w'] * s, state['im_h'] * s ] mask_in_img = crop_back(mask, back_box, (state['im_w'], state['im_h'])) target_mask = (mask_in_img > p.seg_thr).astype(np.uint8) if cv2.__version__[-5] == '4': contours, _ = cv2.findContours(target_mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) else: _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(target_mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) cnt_area = [cv2.contourArea(cnt) for cnt in contours] if len(contours) != 0 and np.max(cnt_area) > 100: contour = contours[np.argmax(cnt_area)] # use max area polygon polygon = contour.reshape(-1, 2) # pbox = cv2.boundingRect(polygon) # Min Max Rectangle prbox = cv2.boxPoints( cv2.minAreaRect(polygon)) # Rotated Rectangle # box_in_img = pbox rbox_in_img = prbox else: # empty mask location = cxy_wh_2_rect(target_pos, target_sz) rbox_in_img = np.array( [[location[0], location[1]], [location[0] + location[2], location[1]], [location[0] + location[2], location[1] + location[3]], [location[0], location[1] + location[3]]]) target_pos[0] = max(0, min(state['im_w'], target_pos[0])) target_pos[1] = max(0, min(state['im_h'], target_pos[1])) target_sz[0] = max(10, min(state['im_w'], target_sz[0])) target_sz[1] = max(10, min(state['im_h'], target_sz[1])) state['target_pos'] = target_pos state['target_sz'] = target_sz state['score'] = score state['mask'] = mask_in_img if mask_enable else [] state['ploygon'] = rbox_in_img if mask_enable else [] return state
def detect(self, msg): img = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "rgb8") # blur, filter colors, dilate and erode to define edges, and find contours blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (self.gauss_k, self.gauss_k), 0) mask = self.filterColors(blur) mask = cv2.dilate(mask, None, iterations=2) mask = cv2.erode(mask, None, iterations=1) inf, cnts, hrch = cv2.findContours(mask.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) try: cnts = sorted(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True)[:10] except: pass epsilon = 0.1 squares = [] corners2D = None R = None t = None cx = 0 cy = 0 for cnt in cnts: # approximate the contour peri = cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, epsilon * peri, True) # if our approximated contour has four points, then we # can assume that we have found our square if len(approx) == 4: squares.append(approx) for square in squares: rect = cv2.minAreaRect(square) w, h = rect[1] # x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(square) # set a lower threshold if ((w < 40) or (h < 40)): continue else: pass # verify width and height are similar aspect_ratio = w / h if (not ((aspect_ratio > 0.9) and (aspect_ratio < 1.1))): continue else: pass # verify area valid_area = self.verifyArea(w, h, square) if (not valid_area): continue else: pass box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.array(box, dtype="int") rect = perspective.order_points( box ) # order points: top-left, top-right, down-right, down-left # square = square.reshape( (-1, 2)) # square_couples[0][0].reshape((-1,2)) square = perspective.order_points(square) #screenCnt = square.reshape((4, 2)) # get centroid m = cv2.moments(square) try: cx = int(m["m10"] / m["m00"]) cy = int(m["m01"] / m["m00"]) corners2D = square.astype('float32') # corners2D = np.concatenate((screenCnt2, centroid), axis = 0) R, t, R_exp = self.getPose(self.corners3D, corners2D) img = self.draw_frame(img, (cx, cy), R_exp, t) except ZeroDivisionError: pass break self.pub_center(img, cx, cy, corners2D, R, t) maskmsg = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(mask, "mono8") self.mask.publish(maskmsg)
# contourArea() : Calculates a contour area perimeter = cv.arcLength(cnt,True) # arcLength() : Calculates a contour perimeter or a curve length epsilon = 0.1*perimeter approx = cv.approxPolyDP(cnt,epsilon,True) # approxPolyDP : Approximates a polygonal curve with specified precision # Convex Hull hull = cv.convexHull(cnt) # Checking Convexity k = cv.isContourConvex(cnt) # Bounding Rectangle # straight bounding rectangle x,y,w,h = cv.boundingRect(cnt) cv.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,0),2) # rotated rectangle rect = cv.minAreaRect(cnt) box = cv.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) cv.drawContours(img,[box],0,(0,0,255),2) # Minimum Enclosing circle (x,y),radius = cv.minEnclosingCircle(cnt) center = (int(x),int(y)) radius = int(radius),center,radius,(0,255,0),2) # Fitting an Ellipse ellipse = cv.fitEllipse(cnt) cv.ellipse(img,ellipse,(0,255,0),2) # Fitting a Line rows,cols = img.shape[:2] [vx,vy,x,y] = cv.fitLine(cnt, cv.DIST_L2,0,0.01,0.01) lefty = int((-x*vy/vx) + y)
def func_thr(img, window_name, file_name): ############ rotated height, width = img.shape img = cv2.bitwise_not(img) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU) coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1] if angle < -45: angle = -(90 + angle) else: angle = -angle # rotate the image to deskew it #(h, w) = save_img.shape[:2] center = (width // 2, height // 2) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) rotated = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (width, height), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) print("[INFO] angle: {:.3f}".format(angle)) rotated = cv2.bitwise_not(rotated) #cv2.imshow('rotated', rotated) #cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.imwrite('r_{}_{}'.format(int(angle), file_name), rotated) threshold_name = 'Ths' cv2.createTrackbar(threshold_name, window_name, 0, 255, nothing) cv2.setTrackbarPos(threshold_name, window_name, 140) while (1): height, width = img.shape ths = cv2.getTrackbarPos(threshold_name, window_name) ret, gray = cv2.threshold(rotated, ths, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) save_img = gray.copy() height_ratio = 1200 if height >= height_ratio and height_ratio != height: resize_width = (width * height_ratio) // height height, width = height_ratio, resize_width img_resize = cv2.resize(gray, (width, height)) else: img_resize = gray img_resize = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(img_resize, None, 15, 7, 21) cv2.imshow(window_name, img_resize) if cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xFF == 27: cv2.imwrite('t_{}_{}'.format(ths, file_name), save_img) break #save_img = threshold 된 이미지 ### rotated 가 최종 dataframe = pytesseract.image_to_data( save_img, lang='kor3+eng', output_type=Output.DATAFRAME, config="--psm 4 --oem 1 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=-01234567890XYZ:@") list_dataframe = dataframe_to_list(data_frame=dataframe) removed = df_list_removeNan(list_dataframe) topNheight_list = dflist_roi(removed) print(removed) cut_roi(img=save_img, axis_list=topNheight_list, file_name=file_name)
def script(self): # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments # ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() # ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, # help="path to the input image") # ap.add_argument("-w", "--width", type=float, required=True, # help="width of the left-most object in the image (in inches)") # args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # load the image, convert it to grayscale, and blur it slightly image = cv2.imread(self.fileName) image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0) # perform edge detection, then perform a dilation + erosion to # close gaps in between object edges edged = cv2.Canny(gray, 10, 10) edged = cv2.dilate(edged, None, iterations=1) edged = cv2.erode(edged, None, iterations=1) # find contours in the edge map cnts = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) # sort the contours from left-to-right and initialize the # 'pixels per metric' calibration variable (cnts, _) = contours.sort_contours(cnts) pixelsPerMetric = None orig = None for c in cnts: # if the contour is not sufficiently large, ignore it if cv2.contourArea(c) < 100: continue # compute the rotated bounding box of the contour orig = image.copy() box = cv2.minAreaRect(c) box = if imutils.is_cv2() else cv2.boxPoints( box) box = np.array(box, dtype="int") # order the points in the contour such that they appear # in top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left # order, then draw the outline of the rotated bounding # box box = perspective.order_points(box) cv2.drawContours(orig, [box.astype("int")], -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) # loop over the original points and draw them for (x, y) in box:, (int(x), int(y)), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1) # unpack the ordered bounding box, then compute the midpoint # between the top-left and top-right coordinates, followed by # the midpoint between bottom-left and bottom-right coordinates (tl, tr, br, bl) = box (tltrX, tltrY) = (tl[0] + tr[0]) * 0.5, (tl[1] + tr[1]) * 0.5 (blbrX, blbrY) = (bl[0] + br[0]) * 0.5, (bl[1] + br[1]) * 0.5 # compute the midpoint between the top-left and top-right points, # followed by the midpoint between the top-righ and bottom-right (tlblX, tlblY) = (tl[0] + bl[0]) * 0.5, (tl[1] + bl[1]) * 0.5 (trbrX, trbrY) = (tr[0] + br[0]) * 0.5, (tr[1] + br[1]) * 0.5 # draw the midpoints on the image, (int(tltrX), int(tltrY)), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1), (int(blbrX), int(blbrY)), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1), (int(tlblX), int(tlblY)), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1), (int(trbrX), int(trbrY)), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1) # draw lines between the midpoints cv2.line(orig, (int(tltrX), int(tltrY)), (int(blbrX), int(blbrY)), (255, 0, 255), 2) cv2.line(orig, (int(tlblX), int(tlblY)), (int(trbrX), int(trbrY)), (255, 0, 255), 2) # compute the Euclidean distance between the midpoints dA = dist.euclidean((tltrX, tltrY), (blbrX, blbrY)) dB = dist.euclidean((tlblX, tlblY), (trbrX, trbrY)) # if the pixels per metric has not been initialized, then # compute it as the ratio of pixels to supplied metric # (in this case, inches) if pixelsPerMetric is None: pixelsPerMetric = dB / 7.87 # compute the size of the object dimA = dA / pixelsPerMetric dimB = dB / pixelsPerMetric # draw the object sizes on the image cv2.putText(orig, "{:.1f}in".format(dimA), (int(tltrX - 15), int(tltrY - 10)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.65, (255, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(orig, "{:.1f}in".format(dimB), (int(trbrX + 10), int(trbrY)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.65, (255, 255, 255), 2) # show the output image cv2.imshow("Image", orig) break # Specify the paths for the 2 files protoFile = "pose/coco/pose_deploy_linevec.prototxt" weightsFile = "pose/coco/pose_iter_440000.caffemodel" nPoints = 18 POSE_PAIRS = [[1, 0], [1, 2], [1, 5], [2, 3], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], [1, 8], [8, 9], [9, 10], [1, 11], [11, 12], [12, 13], [0, 14], [0, 15], [14, 16], [15, 17]] # Read the network into Memory net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(protoFile, weightsFile) frameWidth = orig.shape[1] frameHeight = orig.shape[0] threshold = 0.1 net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(protoFile, weightsFile) # Specify the input image dimensions inWidth = 368 inHeight = 368 # Prepare the frame to be fed to the network inpBlob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(orig, 1.0 / 255, (inWidth, inHeight), (0, 0, 0), swapRB=False, crop=False) # Set the prepared object as the input blob of the network net.setInput(inpBlob) output = net.forward() H = output.shape[2] W = output.shape[3] # Empty list to store the detected keypoints points = [] for i in range(1, nPoints): if (i == 9 or i == 10): continue # confidence map of corresponding body's part. probMap = output[0, i, :, :] # Find global maxima of the probMap. minVal, prob, minLoc, point = cv2.minMaxLoc(probMap) # Scale the point to fit on the original image x = (frameWidth * point[0]) / W y = (frameHeight * point[1]) / H if prob > threshold:, (int(x), int(y)), 3, (0, 255, 255), thickness=-1, lineType=cv2.FILLED) cv2.putText(orig, "{}".format(i), (int(x), int(y)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # Add the point to the list if the probability is greater than the threshold points.append((int(x), int(y))) else: points.append(None) if (i == 11): break Shoulder = (points[4][0] - points[1][0]) / pixelsPerMetric Length = (points[7][1] - points[1][1]) / pixelsPerMetric Arm = (points[3][1] - points[1][1]) / pixelsPerMetric = "shoulder " + str(Shoulder) + "\nlength " + str( Length) + "\nArm-length " + str(Arm) + "\n" if (Shoulder < 12): += "Your T-shirt size is Small" elif (Shoulder < 13): += "Your T-shirt size is Medium" else: += "Your T-shirt size is Large" self.label1.configure( print( cv2.imshow("Image", orig) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
ret4, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) cv2.imshow('thresh', thresh) print('all good') image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) cnt = contours[-1] #image = cv2.drawContours(res2,contours,1, (0,255,0), 3) cv2.drawContours(res2, (cnt), 1, (0, 255, 0), 3) img = cv2.drawContours(frame, [cnt], 0, (0, 255, 0), 3) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) cv2.rectangle(res2, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(res2, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('frame1', res2) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) aspect_ratio = float(w) / h print(aspect_ratio) area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) rect_area = w * h extent = float(area) / rect_area print(extent)
def split_text_line3(line, step, img, step_align=True): """ 按照 minAreaRect 对文本进行划分 :param line: (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) 矩形四点坐标的顺序: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom :return: [(anchor_xmin, anchor_ymin, anchor_xmax, anchor_ymax)] """ if isinstance(line, torch.Tensor): line = line.cpu().data.numpy() global global_k_is_none_count if DEBUG: img = draw_four_vectors(img, line) # 首先,按照step切分img step_max = int(np.ceil(img.shape[1] / step)) max_start_col = step_max - 1 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_ltrb(line) width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin if height > MAX_HEIGHT_WIDTH_SCALE * width: return [] if xmax - xmin < step: # 过滤掉特别小的框 return [] anchor_count = int(math.ceil(width / step)) if DEBUG: img = draw_bounding_box(img, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) rect = cv2.minAreaRect( np.asarray([[line[0], line[1]], [line[2], line[3]], [line[4], line[5]], [line[6], line[7]]])) # 获得最小 rotate rect 的四个角点 box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = order_points(box) if DEBUG: img = draw_four_vectors(img, (box[0][0], box[0][1], box[1][0], box[1][1], box[2][0], box[2][1], box[3][0], box[3][1]), color=(255, 55, 55)) # 获取anchor的相关信息 p1 = Point(box[0][0], box[0][1]) p2 = Point(box[1][0], box[1][1]) p3 = Point(box[2][0], box[2][1]) p4 = Point(box[3][0], box[3][1]) mid_p12 = Point((box[0][0] + box[1][0]) / 2, (box[0][1] + box[1][1]) / 2) mid_p34 = Point((box[2][0] + box[3][0]) / 2, (box[2][1] + box[3][1]) / 2) if mid_p12.y >= mid_p34.y: print('bugs happen , this line is not useful') return [] l1 = Line(p1, p2) l2 = Line(p2, p3) l3 = Line(p3, p4) l4 = Line(p4, p1) lines = [l1, l2, l3, l4] if l1.k is None: global_k_is_none_count += 1 print("l1 K is None") print(p1) print(p2) print(p3) print(p4) return [] quad = [] splited_lines = [] side_refinement = [] shift = ((np.ceil((xmax - xmin) / step)) * step - (xmax - xmin)) / 2 if step_align: anchor_start = int(np.floor(xmin / step) * step) anchor_end = int((np.ceil(xmax / step)) * step) if abs(anchor_start - xmin) > (step // 2): anchor_start = anchor_start + step if abs(anchor_end - xmax) > (step // 2): anchor_end = anchor_end - step else: anchor_start = int(np.floor(xmin - shift)) anchor_end = int(np.floor(xmax + shift)) interval = int((anchor_end - anchor_start) / step) for start in range(interval): # 这里的down,up是按照y轴方向上的大小来定义的,靠近0的是down,即在上方的是down if anchor_start + start * step > max_start_col * step: continue grid_start = anchor_start + start * step grid_end = anchor_start + (start + 1) * step line_left_down = Point(grid_start, 0) line_left_up = Point(grid_start, height) line_right_down = Point(grid_end, 0) line_right_up = Point(grid_end, height) line_left = Line(line_left_down, line_left_up) line_right = Line(line_right_down, line_right_up) # 计算和 box的上下的line的交点 left_down = line_left.cross(l1) left_up = line_left.cross(l3) right_down = line_right.cross(l1) right_up = line_right.cross(l3) center_y = (left_down.y + right_down.y) / 2 + ( (left_up.y + right_up.y) / 2 - (left_down.y + right_down.y) / 2) / 2 center_x = (grid_start + grid_end) / 2 h = (left_up.y - left_down.y + right_up.y - right_down.y) / 2 dh = (left_up.y - right_up.y + left_down.y - right_down.y) / 2 # dh 定义成左侧减去右侧 splited_lines.append((center_x, center_y, h, dh, step)) quad.append((left_down.x, left_down.y, right_down.x, right_down.y, right_up.x, right_up.y, left_up.x, left_up.y)) if DEBUG: img = draw_four_vectors(img, ( left_down.x, left_down.y, right_down.x, right_down.y, right_up.x, right_up.y, left_up.x, left_up.y, ), color=(0, 255, 55)) cv2.imshow('test', img) cv2.waitKey() # 考虑side refinement # if abs(center_x - xmin) < 8: # side_refinement.append(center_x - xmin) # elif abs(center_x - xmax) < 8: # side_refinement.append(center_x - xmax) # else: # side_refinement.append(-999) if start == 0: side_refinement.append(center_x - xmin) elif start == interval - 1: side_refinement.append(center_x - xmax) else: side_refinement.append(-999) if DEBUG: cv2.imshow('test', img) cv2.waitKey() splited_lines = np.array(splited_lines) quad = np.array(quad) return quad, splited_lines, side_refinement
def getTargetPixelCoords(img): # returns the pixel coordinates of the target site in an image, as well as number of vision tapes detected # may need to change algorithm depending on what your current build season's game is (may or may not include numberOfVisionTapesDetected) # newcameramtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(CAMERA_MATRIX, DISTORTION_CONSTANTS, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT), 1, (IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT)) # img = cv2.undistort(image, CAMERA_MATRIX, DISTORTION_CONSTANTS, None, newcameramtx) g = img.copy() # separate green image channel g[:, :, 0] = 0 g[:, :, 2] = 0 r = img.copy() # separate red image channel r[:, :, 0] = 0 r[:, :, 1] = 0 img = g - r # create new image subtracting red channel from green channel gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # convert to grayscale mask = cv2.inRange(gray, LOWER_GRAY, UPPER_GRAY) # create grayscale mask res = cv2.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask=mask) # apply grayscale mask to image _, contours, __ = cv2.findContours( mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # find contours in the image targetCoords = [] # array to hold target coordinates points = [] # list of highest corners of rectangles numberOfVisionTapesDetected = 0 for contour in contours: contour_area = cv2.contourArea(contour) rect = cv2.minAreaRect( contour) # minimum area rectangle around contour rect_width = rect[1][0] # height of rectangle around contour is tilted rect_height = rect[1][ 1] # height of rectangle around contour is tilted rect_angle = rect[ 2] # angle at which rectangle around contour is tilted if (isValidTarget(contour_area, rect_width, rect_height, rect_angle)): # if condition to check if detected rectangle is a piece of vision tape numberOfVisionTapesDetected = numberOfVisionTapesDetected + 1 # add one to number of vision tapes detected box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) # find corners of vision tape box = np.int0(box) # convert to int0 array points.append( getMinYPoint(box) ) # add the highest corner of the detected vision tape to the list of points cv2.drawContours( res, [box], 0, (255), 4) # draw box around detected vision tape in output image if (len(points) > 0): targetCoords = list( sum(points) / len(points) ) # centroid of the highest corners of the detected vision tapes targetCoords.append( numberOfVisionTapesDetected) # number of vision tapes detected, (int(targetCoords[0]), int(targetCoords[1])), 4, (255), -1) # draw dot on target area in output image else: targetCoords.append(numberOfVisionTapesDetected ) # add number of vision tapes detected to result cv2.imwrite( '/Users/yiyi/Desktop/cv/contours/' +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") + '.jpg', res ) # write output image with white dot on target area and white boxes around detected vision tapes return targetCoords # result is the centroid of the highest corners of the detected vision tapes
def draw_contour(contour, img): min_square_size = 987 images = [] area = cv2.contourArea(contour) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(screenCnt) # If the contour is not really small, or really big h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] print('area == ' + str(area)) if area > min_square_size and area < h * w - (2 * (h + w)): # Get the four corners of the contour epsilon = .1 * cv2.arcLength(contour, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, epsilon, True) print("========================================================") # now that we have our screen contour, we need to determine # the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left # points so that we can later warp the image -- we'll start # by reshaping our contour to be our finals and initializing # our output rectangle in top-left, top-right, bottom-right, # and bottom-left order pts = screenCnt.reshape(4, 2) rect = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype="float32") # the top-left point has the smallest sum whereas the # bottom-right has the largest sum s = pts.sum(axis=1) rect[0] = pts[np.argmin(s)] rect[2] = pts[np.argmax(s)] # compute the difference between the points -- the top-right # will have the minumum difference and the bottom-left will # have the maximum difference diff = np.diff(pts, axis=1) rect[1] = pts[np.argmin(diff)] rect[3] = pts[np.argmax(diff)] # now that we have our rectangle of points, let's compute # the width of our new image (tl, tr, br, bl) = rect widthA = np.sqrt(((br[0] - bl[0])**2) + ((br[1] - bl[1])**2)) widthB = np.sqrt(((tr[0] - tl[0])**2) + ((tr[1] - tl[1])**2)) # ...and now for the height of our new image heightA = np.sqrt(((tr[0] - br[0])**2) + ((tr[1] - br[1])**2)) heightB = np.sqrt(((tl[0] - bl[0])**2) + ((tl[1] - bl[1])**2)) # take the maximum of the width and height values to reach # our final dimensions maxWidth = max(int(widthA), int(widthB)) maxHeight = max(int(heightA), int(heightB)) # construct our destination points which will be used to # map the screen to a top-down, "birds eye" view dst = np.array([[0, 0], [maxWidth - 1, 0], [maxWidth - 1, maxHeight - 1], [0, maxHeight - 1]], dtype="float32") # calculate the perspective transform matrix and warp # the perspective to grab the screen M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(rect, dst) warp = cv2.warpPerspective(frame, M, (maxWidth, maxHeight)) #cv2.imshow('warp', warp) #cv2.waitKey() locs = text_area_detect(warp) print("========================================================") images.append(warp.copy()) return images, locs
def digitize_sudoku(sudoku_image, test=False): gray = cv2.cvtColor(sudoku_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) black_box = np.zeros((28,28,3),np.uint8) black_box = cv2.cvtColor(black_box, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) h, w = sudoku_image.shape[0], sudoku_image.shape[1] # Sudoku object that will contain all the information sudoku = Sudoku.instance() # Let The borders of the whole grid (4) sudoku_border = 4 border = 4 x = w/9 y = h/9 for i in range(9): for j in range(9): # We get the position of each case (simply dividing the image in 9) top = int(round(y*i+border)) left = int(round(x*j+border)) right = int(round(x*(j+1)-border)) bottom = int(round(y*(i+1)-border)) if i == 0: top+=sudoku_border if i == 8: bottom-=sudoku_border if j == 0: left+=sudoku_border if j == 8: right-=sudoku_border point = [[[left, top]],[[right, top]],[[left, bottom]],[[right, bottom]]] square, _ = crop(gray, point) grid_square = square.copy() contours, _ = cv2.findContours(grid_square, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cv2.drawContours(grid_square, contours, -1, (255, 255, 255), 2) contours, _ = cv2.findContours(grid_square, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) num_grid_img_position = [top, right, bottom, left] if contours: conts = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) # seelcting the biggest contour cnt = conts[0] minarea = x*y*0.04 if cv2.contourArea(cnt) > minarea: # Cropping out the number from grid rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) minx , miny = max(min(box, key=lambda g: g[0])[0], 0),max(min(box, key=lambda g: g[1])[1], 0) maxx ,maxy = min(max(box, key=lambda g: g[0])[0], int(x)),min(max(box, key=lambda g: g[1])[1], int(y)) number_image = square[miny:maxy, minx:maxx] if number_image is None or number_image.shape[0] < 2 or number_image.shape[1] < 2: # If no number in there sudoku.update_grid(black_box, (i, j), num_grid_img_position) else: final = number_image.copy() final = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(final, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, 7, 7) final = make_square(final) final = final/255 #final = optimize_digit(final) sudoku.update_grid(final, (i, j), num_grid_img_position) else: sudoku.update_grid(black_box, (i, j), num_grid_img_position) else: sudoku.update_grid(black_box, (i, j), num_grid_img_position) return sudoku
def draw_rotated_rect(self, image, contour): rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(image, [box], -1, (255, 0, 0), 3) return rect
def restoreSkewByMarkers(self): _,_, angle = cv2.minAreaRect(self._getMagentaMarkers()) angle = angle%90 if angle%90<45 else angle%90-90 self._print("Skew correction: rotating by %+f°"%angle) = rotateImage(, angle, cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
img = cv2.imread('detect_blob.png') # 避免修改原图 img = img.copy() binary = threshold_demo(img) # 轮廓发现 out, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for i in range(len(contours)): cv2.drawContours(img, contours, i, (0, 0, 255), 2, 8) # 面积 area = cv2.contourArea(contours[i]) # 弧长 perimeter = cv2.arcLength(contours[i], True) print('the %dth contours, area: %d, perimeter: %d' % (i, area, perimeter)) # 计算包围目标的最小矩形区域 rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i]) cx, cy = rect[0] # 获得包围矩形的四个顶点坐标 box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(img, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 2), (np.int32(cx), np.int32(cy)), 2, (255, 0, 0), 2, 8, 0) cv2.imshow('contours-Matrix', img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
[10, 20, 70, 30]] print 'RotatedRoi:', RotatedRoi1 Point_2x1 = np.array([10, 20]).reshape(2, 1) drawPoints(Img1, Point_2x1, 255) print Point_2x1.ravel(), 'in RotatedRoi?', inRoi(Point_2x1, RotatedRoi1, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED) Point_2x1 = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(2, 1) drawPoints(Img1, Point_2x1, 255) print Point_2x1.ravel(), 'in RotatedRoi?', inRoi(Point_2x1, RotatedRoi1, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED) Point_2x1 = np.array([70, 70]).reshape(2, 1) drawPoints(Img1, Point_2x1, 255) drawPoints(Img1, Point_2x1, 255, offset=(-10, 10)) print Point_2x1.ravel(), 'in RotatedRoi?', inRoi(Point_2x1, RotatedRoi1, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED) drawRoi(Img1, RotatedRoi1, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED, color=255, thickness=-1) drawRoi(Img2, RotatedRoi2, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED, color=255, offset=(-50, -50)) Contours, _ = cv2.findContours(image=Img2.copy(), mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) Rect = cv2.minAreaRect(Contours[0]) Box = BoxImg = np.zeros((200, 200), np.uint8) drawRoi(Img2, Box, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED, color=255) drawRoi(Img1, RotatedRoi1, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED, color=255, offset=(20, 20)) # drawRoi(Img2, RotatedRoi2, ROI_TYPE_ROTATED, color=255, offset=(20, 20)) cv2.imshow('Roi2', Img2) cv2.imshow('Roi1', Img1) cv2.waitKey() # Img = (np.random.random((100, 100)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # roi_xywh = [10, 10, 20, 20] # roi_xyxy = [10, 10, 30, 30] # print 'Roi_xywh: ', roi_xywh # roi_xywh2xyxy = cvtRoi(roi=roi_xywh, flag=ROI_CVT_XYWH2XYXY) # roi_xyxy2xywh = cvtRoi(roi=roi_xyxy, flag=ROI_CVT_XYXY2XYWH)
def recognition(): """ """ img0 = cv2.imread(pic_path) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img0, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #高斯矩阵的尺寸(只能取奇数)越大,标准差越大,处理过的图像模糊程度越大 # gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) #边缘检测 gray = cv2.Canny(gray, 50, 100) img = deal_block(gray) show_pic(img) #return 所处理的图像, 轮廓的点集,轮廓的属性矩阵 _, cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(img.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #轮廓排序,使第一个轮廓为最左边参照物 cnts = sorted(cnts, key=lambda k: np.min(k[:, :, 0]), reverse=False) scale = None blue = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) red = (0, 0, 255) pink = (255, 0, 255) orig = img0.copy() count = 0 for c in cnts: if cv2.contourArea(c) < 100: #去除小轮廓 continue count += 1 orig1 = img0.copy() cv2.drawContours(orig1, [c], -1, (255, 255, 0), 2) show_pic(orig1) # 获取最小包围矩形 rect = cv2.minAreaRect(c) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) cv2.drawContours(orig, [box.astype("int")], -1, green, 2) show_pic(orig) for point in box:, (point[0], point[1]), 5, red, -1) show_pic(orig) (p1, p2, p3, p4) = box midpoint1 = getMidPoint(p1, p2) midpoint2 = getMidPoint(p2, p3) midpoint3 = getMidPoint(p3, p4) midpoint4 = getMidPoint(p4, p1) for midpoint in [midpoint1, midpoint2, midpoint3, midpoint4]:, midpoint, 5, blue, -1) show_pic(orig) cv2.line(orig, midpoint1, midpoint3, pink, 2) cv2.line(orig, midpoint2, midpoint4, pink, 2) show_pic(orig) #通过查看参照物来初始化pixelsPerMetric变量 dis13 = getDistanceByPosition(midpoint1, midpoint3) dis24 = getDistanceByPosition(midpoint2, midpoint4) if scale is None: if dis24 > dis13: scale = dis24 / standard else: scale = dis13 / standard reald1 = dis13 / scale reald2 = dis24 / scale if reald1 > reald2: rad = reald1 else: rad = reald2 value = "unknown" if rad > 235: value = "1 yuan" else: Ymin = np.min(c[:, :, 0]) Ymax = np.max(c[:, :, 0]) Xmin = np.min(c[:, :, 1]) Xmax = np.max(c[:, :, 1]) orig1 = cv2.imread(pic_path, 0) cropImg = orig1[Xmin:Xmax, Ymin:Ymax] value = orb_deal(cropImg) value = str(value) + "jiao" # break #照片/添加的文字/左上角坐标/字体/字体大小/颜色/字体粗细 cv2.putText(orig, '%s' % (value), (midpoint1[0] - 10, midpoint1[1] + 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 2) cv2.putText(orig, '%.1fmm' % (rad / 10.0), (midpoint2[0] + 10, midpoint2[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) show_pic(orig) cv2.putText(orig, '%s' % (str(count)), (20, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 4) show_pic(orig)
def main_func(image_path): #start PATH_ORIGINAL = image_path originalPath = PATH_ORIGINAL imgSkewed = imgSwt = pillowfight.swt(imgSkewed, output_type=pillowfight.SWT_OUTPUT_BW_TEXT) # saved skewed Image # imageCopied = convertPilImageToCv2Image(imgSwt) image = convertPilImageToCv2Image(imgSwt) results, image = east(image) # TODO rect = results[-4][0] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() roi = image[rect[1]-40:rect[3]+40, rect[0]-40:rect[2]+40] if roi==[]: roi = image[rect[1]-4:rect[3], rect[0]-4:rect[2]] # cv2.imwrite(PATH_CROP_AFTER_EAST, roi) # roi = image[rect[1]-4:rect[3], rect[0]-4:rect[2]] image = roi # for rect in results[-2]: # roi = image[rect[1]-40:rect[3]+40, rect[0]-40:rect[2]+40] # cv2.imwrite('crop.jpg',roi) # break ################################################################################################# # convert the image to grayscale and flip the foreground # and background to ensure foreground is now "white" and # the background is "black" gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.bitwise_not(gray) # threshold the image, setting all foreground pixels to # 255 and all background pixels to 0 thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] # grab the (x, y) coordinates of all pixel values that # are greater than zero, then use these coordinates to # compute a rotated bounding box that contains all # coordinates coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1] # the `cv2.minAreaRect` function returns values in the # range [-90, 0); as the rectangle rotates clockwise the # returned angle trends to 0 -- in this special case we # need to add 90 degrees to the angle if angle < -45: angle = -(90 + angle) # otherwise, just take the inverse of the angle to make # it positive else: angle = -angle # print("angle " + str(angle)) # rotate the image to deskew it (h, w) = image.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0) img = cv2.imread(PATH_ORIGINAL) (h, w) = img.shape[:2] rotated = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) # # draw the correction angle on the image so we can validate it # cv2.putText(rotated, "Angle: {:.2f} degrees".format(angle), # (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) # show the output image # print("[INFO] angle: {:.3f}".format(angle)) # cv2.imshow("Input", image) # cv2.imshow("Rotated", rotated) # cv2.imwrite(PATH_ORIGINAL_ROTATED,rotated) # cv2.waitKey(0) ################################################################# image = convertCv2ImageToPilImage(rotated),dpi=(300,300)) results, image = east(convertPilImageToCv2Image(image)) # print(results) ######################################################################################################33\ imgSkewed = # imgSwt = pillowfight.swt(imgSkewed, output_type=pillowfight.SWT_OUTPUT_BW_TEXT) cmd = "tesseract " + PATH_SWT + " test -l eng --psm 11 --oem 1" returned_value = os.system(cmd) # returns the exit code in unix text = open("test.txt", "r") text1 = str( print( return (text1)
def extract_rows_columns(gray_image): inverted = cv2.bitwise_not(gray_image) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(inverted, (5, 5), 0) height, width = gray_image.shape thresholded = cv2.threshold(blurred, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] # show_wait_destroy("extract_rows_columns", thresholded) # A verticle kernel of (1 X kernel_length), which will detect all the verticle lines from the image. vertical_kernel_height = math.ceil(height * 0.1) verticle_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, vertical_kernel_height)) # A horizontal kernel of (kernel_length X 1), which will help to detect all the horizontal line from the image. horizontal_kernel_width = math.ceil(width * 0.3) hori_kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (horizontal_kernel_width, 1)) # Morphological operation to detect vertical lines from an image img_temp1 = cv2.erode(thresholded, verticle_kernel, iterations=3) # show_wait_destroy("extract_rows_columns", img_temp1) verticle_lines_img = cv2.dilate(img_temp1, verticle_kernel, iterations=3) # show_wait_destroy("extract_rows_columns", verticle_lines_img) _, vertical_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(verticle_lines_img.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Sort all the contours by top to bottom. (vertical_contours, vertical_bounding_boxes) = sort_contours(vertical_contours, method="left-to-right") filtered_vertical_bounding_boxes = list( filter(lambda x: vertical_boxes_filter(x, height), vertical_bounding_boxes)) # Morphological operation to detect horizontal lines from an image img_temp2 = cv2.erode(thresholded, hori_kernel, iterations=3) horizontal_lines_img = cv2.dilate(img_temp2, hori_kernel, iterations=3) # show_wait_destroy("extract_rows_columns", horizontal_lines_img) _, horizontal_contours, _ = cv2.findContours(horizontal_lines_img.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) horizontal_contours, horizontal_bounding_boxes = sort_contours( horizontal_contours, method="top-to-bottom") filtered_horizontal_bounding_boxes = list( filter(lambda x: horizontal_boxes_filter(x, width), horizontal_bounding_boxes)) # if DEBUG: color_image = cv2.cvtColor(gray_image.copy(), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv2.drawContours(color_image, vertical_contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.drawContours(color_image, horizontal_contours, -1, (255, 0, 0), 2) # for filtered_horizontal_bounding_box in filtered_horizontal_bounding_boxes: # x,y,w,h = filtered_horizontal_bounding_box # cv2.rectangle(color_image,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,255),2) # # for filtered_vertical_bounding_box in filtered_vertical_bounding_boxes: # x,y,w,h = filtered_vertical_bounding_box # cv2.rectangle(color_image,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,255),2) # show_wait_destroy("horizontal_vertical_contours", color_image) extracted_rows_columns = [] for idx_h, horizontal_bounding_box in enumerate( filtered_horizontal_bounding_boxes): if idx_h == 0: continue # previous horizontal box hx_p, hy_p, hw_p, hh_p = filtered_horizontal_bounding_boxes[idx_h - 1] hx_c, hy_c, hw_c, hh_c = horizontal_bounding_box extracted_columns = [] for idx_v, vertical_bounding_box in enumerate( filtered_vertical_bounding_boxes): if idx_v == 0: continue # previous horizontal box vx_p, vy_p, vw_p, vh_p = filtered_vertical_bounding_boxes[idx_v - 1] vx_c, vy_c, vw_c, vh_c = vertical_bounding_box table_cell = gray_image[hy_p:hy_c + hh_c, vx_p:vx_c + vw_c] blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(table_cell, (5, 5), 0) # cv2.rectangle(color_image,(vx_p,hy_p),(vx_c+vw_c,hy_c+hh_c),(255,0,0),2) thresholded = cv2.threshold(blurred, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( thresholded, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours = sorted(contours, key=cv2.contourArea, reverse=True) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[0]) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) extracted = four_point_transform( table_cell.copy(), box.reshape(4, 2))[1:-1, 1:-1] # remove 1 px from each side ret, extracted = cv2.threshold(extracted, 165, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) extracted_columns.append(extracted) # cv2.drawContours(color_image, [contours[0]], -1, (0,255,0), 3) extracted_rows_columns.append(extracted_columns) # show_wait_destroy("horizontal_lines_img",color_image) return extracted_rows_columns
image = cv2.imread('images/tankwa/8.jpg') # convert the image to grayscale and flip the foreground # and background to ensure foreground is now "white" and # the background is "black" gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.bitwise_not(gray) # threshold the image, setting all foreground pixels to # 255 and all background pixels to 0 thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] # grab the (x, y) coordinates of all pixel values that # are greater than zero, then use these coordinates to # compute a rotated bounding box that contains all # coordinates coords = np.column_stack(np.where(thresh > 0)) angle = cv2.minAreaRect(coords)[-1] # the `cv2.minAreaRect` function returns values in the # range [-90, 0); as the rectangle rotates clockwise the # returned angle trends to 0 -- in this special case we # need to add 90 degrees to the angle if angle < -45: angle = -(90 + angle) # otherwise, just take the inverse of the angle to make # it positive else: angle = -angle # rotate the image to deskew it (h, w) = image.shape[:2] center = (w // 2, h // 2) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0)
def hi2(): #import numpy as np img = cv2.imread('image4.jpg') gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) im2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (3,3), 0) dimen=im2.shape #edges = cv2.Canny(im2, 75, 150) ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(im2,45 ,255,0) try: contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for i in range(0,len(contours)): cnt = contours[i] M = cv2.moments(cnt) if(M["m00"] != 0 and cv2.contourArea(cnt)<18000 and cv2.contourArea(cnt)>150): cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) perimeter = cv2.arcLength(cnt,True) #epsilon = 0.1*perimeter rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)# #print(list(a)[0],list(b)[0],list(c)[0],list(d)[0]) listy = [] for row in range(4): inner_list = [] for col in range(2): inner_list.append(box[row][col]) #print(inner_list[col][row]) print(inner_list[0]) print(inner_list[1]) cv2.putText(im2,str(int(inner_list[0]))+'.'+str(int(inner_list[1])),(inner_list[0], inner_list[1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,0,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) listy.append(inner_list) print("tjos/n",listy) #box = np.int0([a][b][c][d]) #box=[[k for row in list(a)] for column in range(4)] #print([box]) #im = cv2.drawContours(im2,list_of_lists,0,(0,255,0),2)#[[a][b][c][d]] for i in range(4): im=cv2.line(im2, tuple(listy[i]), tuple(listy[(i + 1) % 4]), (0,255,0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA, 0); #im =cv2.line(im2,(listy),(x2,y2),(0,0,255),2) print( (cX , cY),"area: ",cv2.contourArea(cnt),"perimeter:",perimeter), (cX, cY), 4, (0, 0, 255), -1) ''' cv2.putText(im,str(cv2.contourArea(cnt)),(cX, cY), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,0,255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) ''' fromCenter = False #ROIs = cv2.selectROIs('Select ROIs', im, showCrosshair=False,fromCenter) #im=im[int(dimen[0])-125:int(dimen[0])-25, int(dimen[1])-450:int(dimen[1])-50] #approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt,epsilon,True) #print(approx,i) #cv2.drawContours(im, [cnt],-2,(0,255,0)) im_ROI1=im[int(dimen[0])-125:int(dimen[0])-25, int(dimen[1])-680:int(dimen[1])-50] im_ROI2=im[int(dimen[0])-300:int(dimen[0])-100, int(dimen[1])-640:int(dimen[1])-80] print("1",int(dimen[0])-125,int(dimen[0])-25, int(dimen[1])-680,int(dimen[1])-50) print("2",int(dimen[0])-300,int(dimen[0])-100, int(dimen[1])-640,int(dimen[1])-80) while True: cv2.imshow('Features',im ) cv2.imshow('Features0',im_ROI1 ) cv2.imshow('Features1',im_ROI2 ) if cv2.waitKey(1)& 0xFF == 27: break cv2.destroyAllWindows() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): return 'exiting'
def area_of_contour(contour): return cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
def get_bounding_rect(contour): rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour) box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) return np.int0(box)
def callback(self,data): #The below two functions conver the compressed image to opencv Image #''' # np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) # cv_image = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) #''' cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") #Create copy of captured image img_cpy = cv_image.copy() #Color to HSV and Gray Scale conversion hsv = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) #gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #Red_Thresholds lower_red1 = np.array([0, 100, 100]) upper_red1 = np.array([10, 255,255]) lower_red2 = np.array([160,100,100]) upper_red2 = np.array([179,255,255]) #Blue Thresholds lower_blue = np.array([104,110,110]) upper_blue = np.array([143,255,255]) #Green Thresholds lower_green = np.array([60,60,46]) upper_green = np.array([97,255,255]) #GREEN STUFF # Threshold the HSV image to get only single color portions mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_green, upper_green) #Find contours(borders) for the shapes in the image #NOTE if you get following error: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # ValueError: need more than two values to unpack # change following line to: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Pass through each contour and check if it has required properties to classify into required object for x in range (len(contours)): contourarea = cv2.contourArea(contours[x]) #get area of contour if contourarea > 600: #Discard contours with a small area as this may just be noise #The below 2 functions help you to approximate the contour to a nearest polygon arclength = cv2.arcLength(contours[x], True) approxcontour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[x], 0.02 * arclength, True) #Find the coordinates of the polygon with respect to he camera frame in pixels rect_cordi = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[x]) obj_x = int(rect_cordi[0][0]) obj_y = int(rect_cordi[0][1]) #Check for Square if len(approxcontour) == 4: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((4,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*square_side_lenth)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Green_Id = 122 #Move to next Contour else : # v-----------------------v added by team 7 v-----------------------v #Check for Triangle if len(approxcontour) == 3: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((3,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*triangle_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Green_Id = 123 else : #Check for Star if len(approxcontour) == 8: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((8,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*star_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Green_Id = 121 else : # ^-----------------------^ added by team 7 ^-----------------------^ continue #Calculate Cordinates wrt to Camera, convert to Map #Coordinates and publish message for storing #319.5, 239.5 = image centre obj_cam_x = ((obj_x - 319.5)*Distance)/focal_leng obj_cam_y = ((obj_y - 239.5)*Distance)/focal_leng #convert the x,y in camera frame to a geometric stamped point P = PointStamped() P.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # .now() - rospy.Time(23) # ^-----------------------^ commented by team 7 ^-----------------------^ #print ('time: ', data.header.stamp) P.header.frame_id = 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' P.point.x = obj_cam_x P.point.y = obj_cam_y P.point.z = Distance #Transform Point into map coordinates # trans_pt ='/map', P) #fill in the publisher object to publish obj_info_pub = object_loc() obj_info_pub.ID = Green_Id obj_info_pub.point.x = 0 obj_info_pub.point.y = 0 obj_info_pub.point.z = 0 #publish the message self.object_location_pub.publish(obj_info_pub) # RED STUFF 1 # Threshold the HSV image to get only single color portions mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red1, upper_red1) #Find contours(borders) for the shapes in the image #NOTE if you get following error: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # ValueError: need more than two values to unpack # change following line to: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Pass through each contour and check if it has required properties to classify into required object for x in range (len(contours)): contourarea = cv2.contourArea(contours[x]) #get area of contour if contourarea > 600: #Discard contours with a small area as this may just be noise #The below 2 functions help you to approximate the contour to a nearest polygon arclength = cv2.arcLength(contours[x], True) approxcontour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[x], 0.02 * arclength, True) #Find the coordinates of the polygon with respect to he camera frame in pixels rect_cordi = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[x]) obj_x = int(rect_cordi[0][0]) obj_y = int(rect_cordi[0][1]) #Check for Square if len(approxcontour) == 4: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((4,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*square_side_lenth)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 112 #Move to next Contour else : # v-----------------------v added by team 7 v-----------------------v #Check for Triangle if len(approxcontour) == 3: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((3,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*triangle_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 113 else : #Check for Star if len(approxcontour) == 8: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((8,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*star_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 111 else : # ^-----------------------^ added by team 7 ^-----------------------^ continue #Calculate Cordinates wrt to Camera, convert to Map #Coordinates and publish message for storing #319.5, 239.5 = image centre obj_cam_x = ((obj_x - 319.5)*Distance)/focal_leng obj_cam_y = ((obj_y - 239.5)*Distance)/focal_leng #convert the x,y in camera frame to a geometric stamped point P = PointStamped() P.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # .now() - rospy.Time(23) # ^-----------------------^ commented by team 7 ^-----------------------^ #print ('time: ', data.header.stamp) P.header.frame_id = 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' P.point.x = obj_cam_x P.point.y = obj_cam_y P.point.z = Distance #Transform Point into map coordinates # trans_pt ='/map', P) #fill in the publisher object to publish obj_info_pub = object_loc() obj_info_pub.ID = Red_Id obj_info_pub.point.x = 0 obj_info_pub.point.y = 0 obj_info_pub.point.z = 0 #publish the message self.object_location_pub.publish(obj_info_pub) # RED STUFF 2 # Threshold the HSV image to get only single color portions mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red2, upper_red2) #Find contours(borders) for the shapes in the image #NOTE if you get following error: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # ValueError: need more than two values to unpack # change following line to: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Pass through each contour and check if it has required properties to classify into required object for x in range (len(contours)): contourarea = cv2.contourArea(contours[x]) #get area of contour if contourarea > 600: #Discard contours with a small area as this may just be noise #The below 2 functions help you to approximate the contour to a nearest polygon arclength = cv2.arcLength(contours[x], True) approxcontour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[x], 0.02 * arclength, True) #Find the coordinates of the polygon with respect to he camera frame in pixels rect_cordi = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[x]) obj_x = int(rect_cordi[0][0]) obj_y = int(rect_cordi[0][1]) #Check for Square if len(approxcontour) == 4: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((4,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*square_side_lenth)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 112 #Move to next Contour else : # v-----------------------v added by team 7 v-----------------------v #Check for Triangle if len(approxcontour) == 3: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((3,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*triangle_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 113 else : #Check for Star if len(approxcontour) == 8: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((8,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*star_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Red_Id = 111 else : # ^-----------------------^ added by team 7 ^-----------------------^ continue #Calculate Cordinates wrt to Camera, convert to Map #Coordinates and publish message for storing #319.5, 239.5 = image centre obj_cam_x = ((obj_x - 319.5)*Distance)/focal_leng obj_cam_y = ((obj_y - 239.5)*Distance)/focal_leng #convert the x,y in camera frame to a geometric stamped point P = PointStamped() P.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # .now() - rospy.Time(23) # ^-----------------------^ commented by team 7 ^-----------------------^ #print ('time: ', data.header.stamp) P.header.frame_id = 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' P.point.x = obj_cam_x P.point.y = obj_cam_y P.point.z = Distance #Transform Point into map coordinates # trans_pt ='/map', P) #fill in the publisher object to publish obj_info_pub = object_loc() obj_info_pub.ID = Red_Id obj_info_pub.point.x = 0 obj_info_pub.point.y = 0 obj_info_pub.point.z = 0 #publish the message self.object_location_pub.publish(obj_info_pub) #BLUE STUFF # Threshold the HSV image to get only single color portions mask2 = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) #Find contours(borders) for the shapes in the image #NOTE if you get following error: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # ValueError: need more than two values to unpack # change following line to: # contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask2,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #Pass through each contour and check if it has required properties to classify into required object for x in range (len(contours)): contourarea = cv2.contourArea(contours[x]) #get area of contour if contourarea > 600: #Discard contours with a small area as this may just be noise #The below 2 functions help you to approximate the contour to a nearest polygon arclength = cv2.arcLength(contours[x], True) approxcontour = cv2.approxPolyDP(contours[x], 0.02 * arclength, True) #Find the coordinates of the polygon with respect to he camera frame in pixels rect_cordi = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[x]) obj_x = int(rect_cordi[0][0]) obj_y = int(rect_cordi[0][1]) #Check for Square if len(approxcontour) == 4: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((4,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*square_side_lenth)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Blue_Id = 132 #Move to next Contour else : # v-----------------------v added by team 7 v-----------------------v #Check for Triangle if len(approxcontour) == 3: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((3,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*triangle_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Blue_Id = 133 else : #Check for Star if len(approxcontour) == 8: #print ('Length ', len(approxcontour)) cv2.drawContours(cv_image,[approxcontour],0,(0,255,255),2) approxcontour = approxcontour.reshape((8,2)) LongestSide = Longest_Length(approxcontour) Distance = (focal_leng*star_side_length)/LongestSide #focal length x Actual Border width / size of Border in pixels Blue_Id = 131 else : # ^-----------------------^ added by team 7 ^-----------------------^ continue #Calculate Cordinates wrt to Camera, convert to Map #Coordinates and publish message for storing #319.5, 239.5 = image centre obj_cam_x = ((obj_x - 319.5)*Distance)/focal_leng obj_cam_y = ((obj_y - 239.5)*Distance)/focal_leng #convert the x,y in camera frame to a geometric stamped point P = PointStamped() P.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) # .now() - rospy.Time(23) # ^-----------------------^ commented by team 7 ^-----------------------^ #print ('time: ', data.header.stamp) P.header.frame_id = 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' P.point.x = obj_cam_x P.point.y = obj_cam_y P.point.z = Distance #Transform Point into map coordinates # trans_pt ='/map', P) #fill in the publisher object to publish obj_info_pub = object_loc() obj_info_pub.ID = Blue_Id obj_info_pub.point.x = 0 obj_info_pub.point.y = 0 obj_info_pub.point.z = 0 #publish the message self.object_location_pub.publish(obj_info_pub) #Display the captured image cv2.imshow("Image",cv_image) #cv2.imshow("HSV", hsv) cv2.waitKey(1)
def fcenet_decode(preds, fourier_degree, num_reconstr_points, scale, alpha=1.0, beta=2.0, text_repr_type='poly', score_thr=0.3, nms_thr=0.1): """Decoding predictions of FCENet to instances. Args: preds (list(Tensor)): The head output tensors. fourier_degree (int): The maximum Fourier transform degree k. num_reconstr_points (int): The points number of the polygon reconstructed from predicted Fourier coefficients. scale (int): The down-sample scale of the prediction. alpha (float) : The parameter to calculate final scores. Score_{final} = (Score_{text region} ^ alpha) * (Score_{text center region}^ beta) beta (float) : The parameter to calculate final score. text_repr_type (str): Boundary encoding type 'poly' or 'quad'. score_thr (float) : The threshold used to filter out the final candidates. nms_thr (float) : The threshold of nms. Returns: boundaries (list[list[float]]): The instance boundary and confidence list. """ assert isinstance(preds, list) assert len(preds) == 2 assert text_repr_type in ['poly', 'quad'] cls_pred = preds[0][0] tr_pred = cls_pred[0:2].softmax(dim=0).data.cpu().numpy() tcl_pred = cls_pred[2:].softmax(dim=0).data.cpu().numpy() reg_pred = preds[1][0].permute(1, 2, 0).data.cpu().numpy() x_pred = reg_pred[:, :, :2 * fourier_degree + 1] y_pred = reg_pred[:, :, 2 * fourier_degree + 1:] score_pred = (tr_pred[1]**alpha) * (tcl_pred[1]**beta) tr_pred_mask = (score_pred) > score_thr tr_mask = fill_hole(tr_pred_mask) tr_contours, _ = cv2.findContours( tr_mask.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # opencv4 mask = np.zeros_like(tr_mask) boundaries = [] for cont in tr_contours: deal_map = mask.copy().astype(np.int8) cv2.drawContours(deal_map, [cont], -1, 1, -1) score_map = score_pred * deal_map score_mask = score_map > 0 xy_text = np.argwhere(score_mask) dxy = xy_text[:, 1] + xy_text[:, 0] * 1j x, y = x_pred[score_mask], y_pred[score_mask] c = x + y * 1j c[:, fourier_degree] = c[:, fourier_degree] + dxy c *= scale polygons = fourier2poly(c, num_reconstr_points) score = score_map[score_mask].reshape(-1, 1) polygons = poly_nms(np.hstack((polygons, score)).tolist(), nms_thr) boundaries = boundaries + polygons boundaries = poly_nms(boundaries, nms_thr) if text_repr_type == 'quad': new_boundaries = [] for boundary in boundaries: poly = np.array(boundary[:-1]).reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.float32) score = boundary[-1] points = cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(poly)) points = np.int0(points) new_boundaries.append(points.reshape(-1).tolist() + [score]) return boundaries
def split_text_line2(line, step, img=None): """ 按照 minAreaRect 对文本进行划分 :param line: (x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) 矩形四点坐标的顺序: left-top, right-top, right-bottom, left-bottom :return: [(anchor_xmin, anchor_ymin, anchor_xmax, anchor_ymax)] """ global global_k_is_none_count if DEBUG: img = draw_four_vectors(img, line) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_ltrb(line) width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin if height > MAX_HEIGHT_WIDTH_SCALE * width: return [] anchor_count = int(math.ceil(width / step)) if DEBUG: img = draw_bounding_box(img, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)) rect = cv2.minAreaRect( np.asarray([[line[0], line[1]], [line[2], line[3]], [line[4], line[5]], [line[6], line[7]]])) # 获得最小 rotate rect 的四个角点 box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = get_clockwise(box) if DEBUG: img = draw_four_vectors(img, (box[0][0], box[0][1], box[1][0], box[1][1], box[2][0], box[2][1], box[3][0], box[3][1]), color=(255, 55, 55)) p1 = Point(box[0][0], box[0][1]) p2 = Point(box[1][0], box[1][1]) p3 = Point(box[2][0], box[2][1]) p4 = Point(box[3][0], box[3][1]) l1 = Line(p1, p2) l2 = Line(p2, p3) l3 = Line(p3, p4) l4 = Line(p4, p1) lines = [l1, l2, l3, l4] if l1.k is None: global_k_is_none_count += 1 print("l1 K is None") print(p1) print(p2) print(p3) print(p4) return [] splited_lines = [] for i in range(anchor_count): anchor_xmin = i * step + xmin anchor_xmax = anchor_xmin + step - 1 anchor_ymin = ymin anchor_ymax = ymax # 垂直于 X 轴的线 left_line = Line(Point(anchor_xmin, 0), Point(anchor_xmin, height)) right_line = Line(Point(anchor_xmax, 0), Point(anchor_xmax, height)) left_cross_pnts = [left_line.cross(l) for l in lines] right_cross_pnts = [right_line.cross(l) for l in lines] if l1.k < 0: if l1.contain(right_cross_pnts[0]): anchor_ymin = right_cross_pnts[0].y if l4.contain(right_cross_pnts[3]): anchor_ymax = right_cross_pnts[3].y if l3.contain(left_cross_pnts[2]): anchor_ymax = left_cross_pnts[2].y if l2.contain(left_cross_pnts[1]): anchor_ymin = left_cross_pnts[1].y if l1.k > 0: if l4.contain(right_cross_pnts[3]): anchor_ymin = right_cross_pnts[3].y if l3.contain(right_cross_pnts[2]): anchor_ymax = right_cross_pnts[2].y if l1.contain(left_cross_pnts[0]): anchor_ymin = left_cross_pnts[0].y if l2.contain(left_cross_pnts[1]): anchor_ymax = left_cross_pnts[1].y if anchor_ymax - anchor_ymin <= MIN_TEXT_HEIGHT: continue if DEBUG: img = draw_bounding_box( img, (anchor_xmin, anchor_ymin, anchor_xmax, anchor_ymax), (0, 0, 255)) cv2.imshow('test', img) cv2.waitKey() splited_lines.append( (anchor_xmin, anchor_ymin, anchor_xmax, anchor_ymax)) if DEBUG: cv2.imshow('test', img) cv2.waitKey() return splited_lines
def draw_circle(xy,r,color):, (int(xy[0]), int(xy[1])) , r, color, -1) def mid_point(a,b): return ((a[0] + b[0]) / 2 , (a[1] + b[1]) / 2) def draw_line(a,b): cv2.line(resize, (int(a[0]),int(a[1])), (int(b[0]), int(b[1])), (255,0,0), thickness=2) def distance(a,b): return int(dist.euclidean(a,b)) for c in cnts: box = cv2.minAreaRect(c) box = cv2.boxPoints(box) box = np.array(box, dtype="int") box = Helpers.orders(box) (tl, tr, br, bl) = box cv2.drawContours(resize, [box.astype("int")], -1, (0, 0, 255), 2) for xy in box: draw_circle(xy,4,(0,255,0)) tltr = mid_point(tl,tr) tlbl = mid_point(tl,bl) trbr = mid_point(tr,br) blbr = mid_point(bl,br)
def getMinRectangles(input_binary_img): _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(input_binary_img, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, offset=(0, 0)) min_rects = [None] * len(contours) for i in range(len(contours)): min_rects[i] = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i]) return contours, min_rects
def PoseEstimator(self, frame): # convert the frame to grayscale, blur it, and detect edges gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0) edged = cv2.Canny(blurred, 50, 150) # find contours in the edge map # print cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) Area = 0 # loop over the contours for c in cnts: # approximate the contour peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.01 * peri, True) # ensure that the approximated contour is "roughly" rectangular if len(approx) >= 4 and len(approx) <= 6: # compute the bounding box of the approximated contour and # use the bounding box to compute the aspect ratio (x1, y1, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(approx) # print x1 # print y1 aspectRatio = w / float(h) # compute the solidity of the original contour Area = [] area = cv2.contourArea(c) Area = max(area, Area) hullArea = cv2.contourArea(cv2.convexHull(c)) solidity = area / float(hullArea) # compute whether or not the width and height, solidity, and # aspect ratio of the contour falls within appropriate bounds keepDims = w > 25 and h > 25 keepSolidity = solidity > 0.9 keepAspectRatio = aspectRatio >= 0.8 and aspectRatio <= 1.2 # ensure that the contour passes all our tests if keepDims and keepSolidity and keepAspectRatio: # draw an outline around the target and update the status # text cv2.drawContours(frame, [approx], -1, (0, 0, 255), 4) status = "Target(s) Acquired" # This will give you the Pixel location of the rectangular box rc = cv2.minAreaRect(approx[:]) # print rc,'rc' box = cv2.boxPoints(rc) pt = [] for p in box: val = (p[0], p[1]) pt.append(val) # print pt,'pt', val, 5, (200, 0, 0), 2) #print pt M = cv2.moments(approx) (cX, cY) = (int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]), int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])) (startX, endX) = (int(cX - (w * 0.15)), int(cX + (w * 0.15))) (startY, endY) = (int(cY - (h * 0.15)), int(cY + (h * 0.15))) cv2.line(frame, (startX, cY), (endX, cY), (0, 0, 255), 3) cv2.line(frame, (cX, startY), (cX, endY), (0, 0, 255), 3) #print "cX", cX cv2.putText(frame, str(cX), (cX, cY), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 100) # 2D image points. If you change the image, you need to change vector image_points = np.array([pt], dtype="double") # print image_points size = frame.shape # 3D model points. model_points = np.array([ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), # Rectangle center (0.0, 13.6, 0.0), # (13.6, 13.6, 0.0), # (13.6, 0.0, 0.0), # ]) # Camera intrinsic parameters focal_length = size[1] center = (size[1] / 2, size[0] / 2) camera_matrix = np.array( [[focal_length, 0, center[0]], [0, focal_length, center[1]], [0, 0, 1]], dtype="double") # print "Camera Matrix :\n {0}".format(camera_matrix) criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) dist_coeffs = np.zeros( (4, 1)) # Assuming no lens distortion (success, rotation_vector, translation_vector) = cv2.solvePnP( model_points, image_points, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs, criteria) rotationMatrix = np.zeros((3, 3), np.float32) # print "Rotation Vector:\n {0}".format(rotation_vector) print "Translation Vector:\n {0}".format( translation_vector) print translation_vector[2] cv2.putText(frame, str(round(translation_vector[2], 2)), (cX, cY + 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 100) cv2.imshow("Image window", frame) # Rodrigues to convert it into a Rotation vector #print rotation_vector dst, jacobian = cv2.Rodrigues(rotation_vector) #print "Rotation matrix:\n {0}".format(dst) # sy = math.sqrt(dst[0, 0] * dst[0, 0] + dst[1, 0] * [1, 0]) A = dst[2, 1] * dst[2, 2] B = dst[1, 0] * dst[0, 0] # C = -dst[2,0]*sy if success: #print cX self.twist.linear.x = self.translate( translation_vector[2], 45, 200, -.1, 1) self.twist.linear.y = 0 self.twist.linear.z = 0 self.twist.angular.x = 0 self.twist.angular.y = 0 self.twist.angular.z = self.translate( cX, 50, 600, -1, 1) #print "Twist values are " , self.twist try: self.twist_pub.publish(self.twist) print self.twist except: print "failed to publish" # Eular angles Theta_x = math.degrees(math.atan(A) * 2) #Theta_y = math.degrees(math.atan(C)*2) Theta_z = math.degrees(math.atan(B) * 2) #print "Roll axis:\n {0}".format(Theta_x) #print "Yaw axis:\n {0}".format(Theta_z) cv2.imshow("Pose estimator", frame) cv2.waitKey(1)
def solidity(self, contour): w, h = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)[1] area = w * h contourArea = cv2.contourArea(contour) return contourArea / area
_, frame = frame = np.array(np.flip(frame, 1)) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame, (5, 5), 0) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) ### Color Thresholds mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, np.array([h_low, s_low, v_low]), np.array([h_hi, s_hi, v_hi])) ### Change Here res = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask) im, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if contours is not None and len(contours) > 0: cnt = max( contours, key=lambda x: cv2.minAreaRect(x)[1][0] * cv2.minAreaRect(x)[1][1]) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cnt) boxpts = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(boxpts) cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 5) for corner in boxpts:, (corner[0], corner[1]), 10, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow('contours', np.hstack((frame, res))) #else: # cv2.imshow('contours', frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()