Пример #1
def markers_callback(msg):
    global markers, savedDetections, estimated_poses, dict_ekf
    markers = msg.markers
    # Dictionary for Kalman filter (we will have 3 aruco markers for the basic case)
    estimated_dict = {}
    for i in markers:
        if str(i.id) not in savedDetections.keys():
            savedDetections[str(i.id)] = [(msg.header.stamp.secs, i.pose.pose)]
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)] = PoseStamped()
            #Making sure that a Kalman filter is initialized for each marker if we don't have the Aruco Marker registered in the dictionary.
            dict_ekf[str(i.id)] = cv2.KalmanFilter(
                7, 7)  # Initialization of kalman filter.
            trans_mat = np.identity(7, np.float32)
            )].transitionMatrix = trans_mat  #x'=Ax+BU         transition matrix is A
            dict_ekf[str(i.id)].measurementMatrix = trans_mat
            dict_ekf[str(i.id)].processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                dict_ekf[str(i.id)].processNoiseCov, 1e3)  #4
            dict_ekf[str(i.id)].measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                dict_ekf[str(i.id)].measurementNoiseCov, 1)  #2
            dict_ekf[str(i.id)].errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(
                dict_ekf[str(i.id)].errorCovPost)  #, 1)

            savedDetections[str(i.id)] = [(msg.header.stamp.secs, i.pose.pose)]
            # Once the filter is initialized, for all new iterations:
            translation = np.array([[
                i.pose.pose.position.x, i.pose.pose.position.y,
            ]], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
            rot_ang = np.array([
                i.pose.pose.orientation.x, i.pose.pose.orientation.y,
                i.pose.pose.orientation.z, i.pose.pose.orientation.w
            ], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
            #    x,y,z       roll,pitch,yaw
            measurements = np.concatenate((translation, rot_ang))
            prediction = dict_ekf[str(i.id)].predict()
            estimated = dict_ekf[str(i.id)].correct(measurements.reshape(
                -1, 1))
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)].header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)].header.frame_id = i.id
                i.id)].pose.position.x = estimated[0]  #i.pose.pose.position.x
                i.id)].pose.position.y = estimated[1]  #i.pose.pose.position.y
                i.id)].pose.position.z = estimated[2]  #i.pose.pose.position.z
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)].pose.orientation.x = estimated[
                3]  #i.pose.pose.orientation.x
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)].pose.orientation.y = estimated[
                4]  #i.pose.pose.orientation.y
            estimated_poses[str(i.id)].pose.orientation.z = estimated[
                5]  #i.pose.pose.orientation.z
            if isinstance(i.pose.pose.orientation.w, list):
                    i.id)].pose.orientation.w = i.pose.pose.orientation.w[0]
                    i.id)].pose.orientation.w = i.pose.pose.orientation.w
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):

        state_size = 5
        meas_size = 3
        contr_zize = 0

        self.filter = cv2.KalmanFilter(state_size, meas_size, contr_zize)
        self.state = np.empty([state_size, 1], np.float32)
        self.meas = np.empty([meas_size, 1], np.float32)
        self.found = False
        self.not_found = 0

        self.filter.transitionMatrix = np.asarray(self.filter.transitionMatrix)
        self.filter.measurementMatrix = np.asarray(self.filter.measurementNoiseCov)
        self.filter.processNoiseCov = np.asarray(self.filter.processNoiseCov)
        self.filter.measurementNoiseCov = np.asarray(self.filter.measurementNoiseCov)
        self.filter.errorCovPre = np.asarray(self.filter.errorCovPre)


        self.filter.measurementMatrix = np.zeros((meas_size, state_size), np.float32)
        self.filter.measurementMatrix.itemset(0, 1.0)
        self.filter.measurementMatrix.itemset(6, 1.0)
        self.filter.measurementMatrix.itemset(14, 1.0)

        self.filter.processNoiseCov.itemset(0, 0.01)
        self.filter.processNoiseCov.itemset(6, 0.01)
        self.filter.processNoiseCov.itemset(12, 5.0)
        self.filter.processNoiseCov.itemset(18, 5.0)
        self.filter.processNoiseCov.itemset(24, 0.01)

        cv2.setIdentity(self.filter.measurementNoiseCov, 0.1)
Пример #3
def initKalmanFilter(n_states, n_measurements, n_inputs, dt):
    KF = cv2.KalmanFilter(n_states, n_measurements, n_inputs, cv2.CV_64F)
    KF.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, 1e-5)
    KF.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-2)
    KF.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, 1)
    dt_2 = 0.5 * (dt**2)
    Problem: Assigning directly to elements in KF.transitionMatrix 
    and KF.measurementMatrix through numpy indexing does not actually
    change the underlying data when calling them.
    Quick solution: Reassign the variable directly to a new array object.       
    tempTM = KF.transitionMatrix
    tempMM = KF.measurementMatrix

    # Position
    tempTM[0, 3] = dt
    tempTM[1, 4] = dt
    tempTM[2, 5] = dt
    tempTM[3, 6] = dt
    tempTM[4, 7] = dt
    tempTM[5, 8] = dt
    tempTM[0, 6] = dt_2
    tempTM[1, 7] = dt_2
    tempTM[2, 8] = dt_2

    # Orientation
    tempTM[9, 12] = dt
    tempTM[10, 13] = dt
    tempTM[11, 14] = dt
    tempTM[12, 15] = dt
    tempTM[13, 16] = dt
    tempTM[14, 17] = dt
    tempTM[9, 15] = dt_2
    tempTM[10, 16] = dt_2
    tempTM[11, 17] = dt_2

    tempMM[0, 0] = 1  # X
    tempMM[1, 1] = 1  # Y
    tempMM[2, 2] = 1  # Z
    tempMM[3, 9] = 1  # Roll
    tempMM[4, 10] = 1  # Pitch
    tempMM[5, 11] = 1  # Yaw

    KF.transitionMatrix = tempTM
    KF.measurementMatrix = tempMM
    return KF
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, world, vehicle):
        self.world = world
        self.vehicle = vehicle

        self.tMatrix = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]],

        self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 4)
        self.kf.transitionMatrix = self.tMatrix
        self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.array(
            [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]],
        self.kf.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.processNoiseCov,
                                                  1e-2)  # 1e-2
        self.kf.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
            self.kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-3)  # 1e-3
        self.kf.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.errorCovPost,
                                               1e-1)  # 1e-1


        self.left_x = 0
        self.right_x = 0

        # Setup sensor
        blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library()
        # https://carla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cameras_and_sensors
        # get the blueprint for this sensor
        self.blueprint = blueprint_library.find('sensor.camera.rgb')
        # change the dimensions of the image
        self.blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_x', f'{self.im_width}')
        self.blueprint.set_attribute('image_size_y', f'{self.im_height}')
        self.blueprint.set_attribute('fov', '110')

        # Adjust sensor relative to vehicle
        self.spawn_point = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5, z=0.7))

        # spawn the sensor and attach to vehicle.
        self.sensor = world.spawn_actor(self.blueprint,
        # print('sensor: ', self.sensor)
        self.image_queue = queue.Queue()
    def _set_kalman(self):
        self._kalman.transitionMatrix = np.float32(
            [[1, 0, self._delta_time, 0], [0, 1, 0, self._delta_time],
             [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self._kalman.statePre = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)

        self._kalman.statePre[0][0] = self._point[0]  # x
        self._kalman.statePre[1][0] = self._point[1]  # y

        self._kalman.statePre[2][0] = 1  # init velocity x
        self._kalman.statePre[3][0] = 1  # init velocity y

        self._kalman.statePost = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)

        self._kalman.statePost[0] = self._point[0]
        self._kalman.statePost[1] = self._point[1]

        self._kalman.measurementMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(

        self._kalman.processNoiseCov = np.float32(
                pow(self._delta_time, 4.0) / 4.0, 0,
                pow(self._delta_time, 3.0) / 2.0, 0
                 pow(self._delta_time, 4.0) / 4.0, 0,
                 pow(self._delta_time, 3.0) / 2.0
                 pow(self._delta_time, 3.0) / 2.0, 0,
                 pow(self._delta_time, 2.0), 0
                 pow(self._delta_time, 3.0) / 2.0, 0,
                 pow(self._delta_time, 2.0)

        self._kalman.processNoiseCov *= self._accel_noise_mag
        self._kalman.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
            self._kalman.measurementNoiseCov, 0.1)
        self._kalman.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(self._kalman.errorCovPost,
Пример #6
    def __init__(self):
        self.thresLower = (25, 50, 50)
        self.thresUpper = (35, 255, 255)

        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/vrep/image", Image, self.callback)
        self.result_pub = rospy.Publisher("/ball_pos", Point32, queue_size=1)
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

        self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(5, 3)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.transitionMatrix, 1.)
        self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.array(
            [[1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]],
        self.kf.processNoiseCov = np.array(
            [[1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 5., 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 5., 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-1]], np.float32)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)
        self.ticks = cv2.getTickCount()
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, start_measure, meaningful_of_noise=0.5):
        self.tracker_id = KalmanTracker.next_id
        KalmanTracker.next_id += 1
        self.color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255),
                      random.randint(0, 255))  # Set random RGB color
        self.start_measure = start_measure
        self.act_prediction = start_measure
        self.frames_without_update = 0
        self.life_time = 0
        self.prediction_history = Queue(KalmanTracker.max_history_predictions)

        self.kalman_filter = cv2.KalmanFilter(
            dynamParams=KalmanTracker.matrix_size,  # Dimension of the state
            measure_params,  # Dimension of measurement
            controlParams=0)  # Dimension of control vector

        # Init state
        pre_state = self.kalman_filter.statePre
        pre_state = KalmanTracker.__get_updated_measure_array(
            pre_state, self.start_measure)
        self.kalman_filter.statePre = pre_state
        self.kalman_filter.statePost = np.copy(pre_state)  # Conversion

        self.kalman_filter.measurementMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(

        # Set transitionMatrix
        self.__measures_addiction = np.diag(np.ones(
            KalmanTracker.matrix_size - KalmanTracker.min_matrix_size,
        matrix_A = np.diag(
                    dtype=np.float32)) + self.__measures_addiction
        self.kalman_filter.transitionMatrix = matrix_A

        self.kalman_filter.processNoiseCov *= meaningful_of_noise
        self.kalman_filter.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
        self.kalman_filter.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(
Пример #8
class KalmanFilter:

    kf = cv.KalmanFilter(4, 2)
    kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]], np.float32)
    kf.transitionMatrix = np.array(
        [[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32)

    cv2.setIdentity(kf.processNoiseCov, 1e-5)
    cv2.setIdentity(kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)
    cv2.setIdentity(kf.errorCovPost, 1)

    cv2.randn(kf.statePost, 0, 0.1)

    def Estimate(self, coordX, coordY):
        ''' This function estimates the position of the object'''
        measured = np.array([[np.float32(coordX)], [np.float32(coordY)]])
        predicted = self.kf.predict()
        #print("PREDICTED ===== "+str(predicted))
        return predicted
Пример #9
def initKalmanFilter(nStates, nMeasurements, nInputs, dt):
    KF = cv2.KalmanFilter(nStates, nMeasurements, nInputs)
    KF.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, 1e-5)
    KF.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-2)
    KF.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, 1)
    dt2 = 0.5*dt*dt
    transitionMatrix = np.identity(nStates, dtype=np.float32)
    transitionMatrix[0, 3] = dt
    transitionMatrix[1, 4] = dt
    transitionMatrix[2, 5] = dt
    transitionMatrix[3, 6] = dt
    transitionMatrix[4, 7] = dt
    transitionMatrix[5, 8] = dt
    transitionMatrix[0, 6] = dt2
    transitionMatrix[1, 7] = dt2
    transitionMatrix[2, 8] = dt2

    transitionMatrix[9, 12] = dt
    transitionMatrix[10, 13] = dt
    transitionMatrix[11, 14] = dt
    transitionMatrix[12, 15] = dt
    transitionMatrix[13, 16] = dt
    transitionMatrix[14, 17] = dt
    transitionMatrix[9, 15] = dt2
    transitionMatrix[10, 16] = dt2
    transitionMatrix[11, 17] = dt2

    KF.transitionMatrix = transitionMatrix

    measurementMatrix = np.zeros((nMeasurements, nStates), dtype=np.float32)
    measurementMatrix[0, 0] = 1
    measurementMatrix[1, 1] = 1
    measurementMatrix[2, 2] = 1
    measurementMatrix[3, 9] = 1
    measurementMatrix[4, 10] = 1
    measurementMatrix[5, 11] = 1

    KF.measurementMatrix = measurementMatrix

    return KF
Пример #10
    def Kcorrect(self, meas, restart=False):
        State correction using measurement matrix with 3D points
        if (restart):  # Restart the filter
            # Initialization
            cv.setIdentity(kf.errorCovPre, 1.0)

            # Force the measurement to be used with 100% weight ignoring Hx
            kf.statePost[SPX] = meas[SPX]
            kf.statePost[SPY] = meas[SPY]
            kf.statePost[SPZ] = meas[SPZ]
            kf.statePost[SVX] = 3.
            kf.statePost[SVY] = 3.
            kf.statePost[SVZ] = 3.
            kf.statePost[SAC] = grav
            # Kalman Correction
        return np.float32(
            [kf.statePost[SPX], kf.statePost[SPY],
Пример #11
    def initialTrackerwithHog(self, fvs, hogPersonDetector):
         initialize kalman tracker with hog detector
         by reading frames until the first person is detected

        # loop over the frames obtained from the video file stream
        while fvs.more():

            frame = fvs.read()

            objectDetected = hogPersonDetector.detectLargest(frame)

            if len(objectDetected) > 0:
                #x1, y1, w1, h1 = objectDetected.ravel()
                #cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1, y1), (x1+w1, y1+h1), (0,0,255), 2, 4)

                # copy max area to kalman filter
                self.measurement = objectDetected[:3].astype(np.float32)

                # update state , its worthy to note that x,y, w are set
                # to measured values where vx= vy= vw = 0 as we have no idea
                # about the velocities yet

                self.KF.statePost[0:3, 0] = self.measurement[:, 0]
                self.KF.statePost[3:6] = 0.0

                # set processNoisCon (Q) and measurementNoiseCov (R)
                # these values are set by trial and error by trying various values
                # set diagnal values for covariance matrices . processNoiseCon is Q
                self.KF.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                    self.KF.processNoiseCov, (1e-2))

                self.KF.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                    self.KF.measurementNoiseCov, (1e-2))

                return cv2.getTickCount()
Пример #12
    def correct(self,
                ):  # state correction using measurement matrix with BB

        if restart:
            self.ticks = cv.getTickCount()
            cv.setIdentity(kfilt.errorCovPre, 1.0)

            # Updating statePost with bbx, bby, bbw, and bbh
            kfilt.statePost[SBBX] = bbx
            kfilt.statePost[SBBX] = bby
            kfilt.statePost[SV_X] = 0
            kfilt.statePost[SV_Y] = 0
            kfilt.statePost[SBBW] = bbw
            kfilt.statePost[SBBH] = bbh
            kfilt.statePost[SV_W] = 0
            kfilt.statePost[SV_H] = 0

            # Running correct with bbx, bby, bbw, and bbh
            kfilt.correct(np.float32([bbx, bby, bbw, bbh]).squeeze())

        # Keeping the values greater than or equal to 0
        kfilt.statePost[SBBX] = max(0.0, kfilt.statePost[SBBX])
        kfilt.statePost[SBBY] = max(0.0, kfilt.statePost[SBBY])
        kfilt.statePost[SBBW] = max(0.0, kfilt.statePost[SBBW])
        kfilt.statePost[SBBH] = max(0.0, kfilt.statePost[SBBH])

        # Return a floating point array with the corrected values for bbx, bby, bbw, bbh
        return np.float32([
            kfilt.statePost[SBBX], kfilt.statePost[SBBY],
            kfilt.statePost[SBBW], kfilt.statePost[SBBH]
Пример #13
    def initKalmanFilter(self):
        # see https://docs.opencv.org/3.3.0/dc/d2c/tutorial_real_time_pose.html
        fps = self.video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
        dt = 1.0 / fps
        KF = cv2.KalmanFilter(18, 6, 0, cv2.CV_64F)
        print("process noise cov", KF.processNoiseCov.shape)
        print("measurement noise cov", KF.measurementNoiseCov.shape)
        print("error cov post", KF.errorCovPost.shape)
        cv2.setIdentity(KF.processNoiseCov, 2000)
        cv2.setIdentity(KF.measurementNoiseCov, 2000)
        cv2.setIdentity(KF.errorCovPost, 2000)

        # position
        KF.transitionMatrix = np.eye(18)
        KF.transitionMatrix[0, 3] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[1, 4] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[2, 5] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[3, 6] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[4, 7] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[5, 8] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[0, 6] = 0.5 * dt * dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[1, 7] = 0.5 * dt * dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[2, 8] = 0.5 * dt * dt

        KF.transitionMatrix[9, 12] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[10, 13] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[11, 14] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[12, 15] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[13, 16] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[14, 17] = dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[9, 15] = 0.5 * dt * dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[10, 16] = 0.5 * dt * dt
        KF.transitionMatrix[11, 17] = 0.5 * dt * dt

        # measurement model
        KF.measurementMatrix = np.zeros(KF.measurementMatrix.shape)
        KF.measurementMatrix[0, 0] = 1
        KF.measurementMatrix[1, 1] = 1
        KF.measurementMatrix[2, 2] = 1
        KF.measurementMatrix[3, 9] = 1
        KF.measurementMatrix[4, 10] = 1
        KF.measurementMatrix[5, 11] = 1

        return KF
Пример #14
    def __initializeKalmanFilter(self, initial_bounding_box):
        self.filter = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0)
        self.filter.transitionMatrix = np.array(
            [[1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], np.float32)

        initial_position = self.getCenter(initial_bounding_box)

        self.filter.statePre = np.array(
            [initial_position[0], initial_position[1], 0, 0], np.float32)
        self.filter.statePost = np.array(
            [initial_position[0], initial_position[1], 0, 0], np.float32)

        self.filter.measurementMatrix = np.array(
            [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]], np.float32)
        # cv2.setIdentity(self.filter.measurementMatrix)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.filter.processNoiseCov, 10**-4)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.filter.measurementNoiseCov, 10**-1)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.filter.errorCovPost, 10**-1)
    def __init__(self):
        self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(6, 4, 0)

        # self.kf.transitionMatrix = np.eye(6, dtype=np.float32)

        self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.zeros((4, 6), dtype=np.float32)
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[0, 0] = 1
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[1, 1] = 1
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[2, 4] = 1
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[3, 5] = 1

        # self.kf.processNoiseCov = 1e-2 * np.eye(6, dtype=np.float32)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.processNoiseCov, 1e-2)
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[2, 2] = 5
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[3, 3] = 5

        # self.kf.measurementNoiseCov = 1e-1 * np.eye(6, dtype=np.float32)
        cv2.setIdentity(self.kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)
Пример #16
    print("Camera could not be opened.")

tMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, DELTA_FRAMES, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0, DELTA_FRAMES],
                    [0, 0, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32)

kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 4)
kf.transitionMatrix = tMatrix
kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, DELTA_FRAMES, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, DELTA_FRAMES],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
kf.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(kf.processNoiseCov, 1e-2)
kf.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-7)
kf.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(kf.errorCovPost, 1e-1)


lastX = 0
lastY = 0
prediction = kf.predict()

while True:
thresLower = (25, 50, 50)
thresUpper = (35, 255, 255)
pts = deque(maxlen=64)

camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# In[3]:

stateSize = 5 # [x, y, v_x, v_y, r]'
measSize = 3 # [x, y, r]

kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(stateSize, measSize)

cv2.setIdentity(kf.transitionMatrix, 1.)

kf.measurementMatrix = np.array([
    [1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
    [0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
    [0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]

kf.processNoiseCov = np.array([
    [1e-3, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1e-3, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 5., 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 5., 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1e-1]
Пример #18
def Map2localization(trans):
    global estimated_tf, init, localize, offset_hist, map2odom
    offset = TransformStamped()
    # We want to transform the detected aruco pose to map frame to do a reasonable comparison
    qinv = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)
    qdetected = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0)
    if init:
        #Making sure that a Kalman filter is initialized for each marker if we don't have the Aruco Marker registered in the dictionary.
        estimated_tf = cv2.KalmanFilter(6,
                                        6)  # Initialization of kalman filter.
        trans_mat = np.identity(6, np.float32)
        estimated_tf.transitionMatrix = trans_mat  #x'=Ax+BU         transition matrix is A
        estimated_tf.measurementMatrix = trans_mat
        estimated_tf.processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
            estimated_tf.processNoiseCov, 1e-3)  #4
        estimated_tf.measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
            estimated_tf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-2)  #2
        estimated_tf.errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(
            estimated_tf.errorCovPost)  #, 1)
        init = False

    if not buff.can_transform(trans.child_frame_id, 'cf1/odom',
                              trans.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            5.0, 'No tranform from %s to map' % trans.child_frame_id)
        t = TransformStamped()
            # We want to keep the relative position.... We can calculate the error betwen these frames.
            t = buff.lookup_transform('cf1/odom', trans.child_frame_id,
                                      rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(0.5))
        except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException,
                5.0, 'No tranform from %s to odom' % trans.child_frame_id)


        #Ludvig's solution
        Fodom = tf_conversions.fromTf(
            ((t.transform.translation.x, t.transform.translation.y,
             (t.transform.rotation.x, t.transform.rotation.y,
              t.transform.rotation.z, t.transform.rotation.w)))
        Fmap = tf_conversions.fromMsg(json_markers[int(

        Fdiff = Fmap * Fodom.Inverse()

        offset = TransformStamped()
        offset.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        offset.header.frame_id = 'map'
        offset.child_frame_id = 'cf1/odom'
        ((offset.transform.translation.x, offset.transform.translation.y,
         (offset.transform.rotation.x, offset.transform.rotation.y,
          offset.transform.rotation.w)) = tf_conversions.toTf(Fdiff)
        #offset.transform.translation.z = 0 # Not considering any changes in z-axis
        #print("before filter " + str(offset.transform.translation.x) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.y) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.z))
        offset.transform.translation.x = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.x, cutoff, fs, order)
        offset.transform.translation.y = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.y, cutoff, fs, order)
        offset.transform.translation.z = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.translation.z, cutoff, fs, order)
        #offset.transform.rotation.x = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.x, cutoff, fs, order)
        #offset.transform.rotation.y = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.y, cutoff, fs, order)
        #offset.transform.rotation.z = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.z, cutoff, fs, order)
        #offset.transform.rotation.w = butter_lowpass_filter(offset.transform.rotation.w, cutoff, fs, order)
        #print("after filter " + str(offset.transform.translation.x) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.y) + " " + str(offset.transform.translation.z))


        # pp.pprint(offset_hist)
        # print('list\n')
        # if len(offset_hist)>1:
        #     offset_hist=offset_hist[-1:]
        #     #print(offset_hist)
        #     average = np.mean(offset_hist, axis=0)
        #     #print(average)
        #     offset.transform.translation.x =average[0]
        #     offset.transform.translation.y =average[1]
        #     offset.transform.translation.z =average[2]
        #     #offset.transform.translation.y = average[1]
        # #     print('hi!')
        # #     Fdiff=np.average(offset_hist)
        # #     print('list 2\n')
        # #     pp.pprint(Fdiff)
        # #     #sum(offset_hist)/float(len(offset_hist))
        #     del offset_hist[:]
        #     offset.transform.translation.z = 0
        # #     #=====================================

        #     tf_bc.sendTransform(offset)
        #     map2odom=offset
        #     localize.data=True
        #     pub_tf.publish(localize)
        #     #=====================================

        #offset.transform.translation.z = 0 # Not considering any changes in z-axis

        filtered_offset = copy.deepcopy(offset)

        # ########Update the Kalman filter
        rot_ang = np.array([
        ], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
        translation = np.array([
        ], np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)

        #                             #    x,y,z       roll,pitch,yaw
        measurements = np.concatenate((translation, rot_ang))
        prediction = estimated_tf.predict()
        estimation = estimated_tf.correct(measurements.reshape(-1, 1))

        offset.transform.translation.x = estimation[0]
        offset.transform.translation.y = estimation[1]

        offset.transform.translation.x = estimation[0]
        offset.transform.translation.y = estimation[1]
        offset.transform.translation.z = 0
        offset.transform.rotation.x = estimation[2]
        offset.transform.rotation.y = estimation[3]
        offset.transform.rotation.z = estimation[4]
        offset.transform.rotation.w = estimation[5]
        n = np.linalg.norm([
            offset.transform.rotation.x, offset.transform.rotation.y,
            offset.transform.rotation.z, offset.transform.rotation.w
        # #Normalize the quaternion
        offset.transform.rotation.x /= n
        offset.transform.rotation.y /= n
        offset.transform.rotation.z /= n
        offset.transform.rotation.w /= n
        map2odom = offset
        localize.data = True
Пример #19
def eyeGazeTacking():

    global metaMain, netMain, altNames
    configPath = "cfg/yolov3-tiny-1c.cfg"
    weightPath = "backup/yolov3-tiny-1c_last.weights"
    metaPath = "data/eye.data"

    if netMain is None:
        netMain = darknet.load_net_custom(configPath.encode("ascii"),
                                          weightPath.encode("ascii"), 0,
                                          1)  # batch size = 1
    if metaMain is None:
        metaMain = darknet.load_meta(metaPath.encode("ascii"))
    if altNames is None:
            with open(metaPath) as metaFH:
                metaContents = metaFH.read()
                import re
                match = re.search("names *= *(.*)$", metaContents,
                                  re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE)
                if match:
                    result = match.group(1)
                    result = None
                    if os.path.exists(result):
                        with open(result) as namesFH:
                            namesList = namesFH.read().strip().split("\n")
                            altNames = [x.strip() for x in namesList]
                except TypeError:
        except Exception:

    kalman = cv2.KalmanFilter(4, 2, 0)

    measurement = np.array((2, 1), np.float32)

    kalman.statePre[0] = 500
    kalman.statePre[1] = 280
    kalman.statePre[2] = 0
    kalman.statePre[3] = 0

    kalman.transitionMatrix = np.array(
        [[1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
    kalman.measurementMatrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]],
    cv2.setIdentity(kalman.processNoiseCov, 1e-5)
    cv2.setIdentity(kalman.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)
    cv2.setIdentity(kalman.errorCovPost, 1)
    cv2.randn(kalman.statePost, 0, 0.1)

    eyev = []
    kalmanv = []

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1)
    cap.set(3, 1280)
    cap.set(4, 720)
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 60)
    detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
    predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")
    # Create an image we reuse for each detect
    darknet_image = darknet.make_image(darknet.network_width(netMain),
                                       darknet.network_height(netMain), 3)
    while True:
        stime = time.time()
        ret, image = cap.read()
        keyboard = np.zeros((560, 1000, 3), np.uint8)
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        faces = detector(gray)

        for face in faces:

            prediction = kalman.predict()
            predict_pt = (prediction[0], prediction[1])

            # x, y = face.left(), face.top()
            # x1, y1 = face.right(), face.bottom()
            # cv2.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x1,y1), (0,255,0), 2)
            landmarks = predictor(gray, face)

            # for points in range(36, 48):
            #   x = landmarks.part(points).x
            #  y = landmarks.part(points).y
            # cv2.circle(frame, (x, y), 3, (0, 0, 255), 2)
            left_point = (landmarks.part(36).x, landmarks.part(36).y)
            right_point = (landmarks.part(39).x, landmarks.part(39).y)

            # hor_line = cv2.line(image, left_point, right_point, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            srodek_gora_lewe = srodek(landmarks.part(37), landmarks.part(38))
            srodek_dol_lewe = srodek(landmarks.part(41), landmarks.part(40))

            # ver_line = cv2.line(image, srodek_gora_lewe, srodek_dol_lewe, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            left_point1 = (landmarks.part(42).x, landmarks.part(42).y)
            right_point1 = (landmarks.part(45).x, landmarks.part(45).y)

            # hor_line1 = cv2.line(image, left_point1, right_point1, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            srodek_gora_prawe = srodek(landmarks.part(43), landmarks.part(44))
            srodek_dol_prawe = srodek(landmarks.part(47), landmarks.part(46))

            # ver_line1 = cv2.line(image, srodek_gora_prawe, srodek_dol_prawe, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            hor_line_lenght = hypot((left_point[0] - right_point[0]),
                                    (left_point[1] - right_point[1]))
            ver_line_lenght = hypot((srodek_gora_lewe[0] - srodek_dol_lewe[0]),
                                    (srodek_gora_lewe[1] - srodek_dol_lewe[1]))

            wsp_otwartosci_oka = hor_line_lenght / ver_line_lenght

            if wsp_otwartosci_oka < 6:
                cv2.putText(image, "Otwarte", (50, 150), font, 3, (255, 0, 0))

            if wsp_otwartosci_oka > 6:
                cv2.putText(image, "Zakmniete", (50, 150), font, 3,
                            (255, 0, 0))

            left_eye_region = np.array(
                [(landmarks.part(36).x, landmarks.part(36).y),
                 (landmarks.part(37).x, landmarks.part(37).y),
                 (landmarks.part(38).x, landmarks.part(38).y),
                 (landmarks.part(39).x, landmarks.part(39).y),
                 (landmarks.part(40).x, landmarks.part(40).y),
                 (landmarks.part(41).x, landmarks.part(41).y)], np.int32)

            # cv2.polylines(image, [left_eye_region], True, (0, 0, 255), 2)

            right_eye_region = np.array(
                [(landmarks.part(36).x, landmarks.part(36).y),
                 (landmarks.part(37).x, landmarks.part(37).y),
                 (landmarks.part(38).x, landmarks.part(38).y),
                 (landmarks.part(39).x, landmarks.part(39).y),
                 (landmarks.part(40).x, landmarks.part(40).y),
                 (landmarks.part(41).x, landmarks.part(41).y)], np.int32)

            # cv2.polylines(frame, [right_eye_region], True, (0, 0, 255), 2)

            # height, width, _ = image.shape
            # mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
            # # gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            # cv2.polylines(mask, [left_eye_region], True, 255, 2)
            # min_x = np.min(left_eye_region[:, 0])
            # max_x = np.max(left_eye_region[:, 0])
            # min_y = np.min(left_eye_region[:, 1])
            # max_y = np.max(left_eye_region[:, 1])
            # gray_eye = image[min_y: max_y, min_x: max_x]
            # _, threshold_eye = cv2.threshold(gray_eye, 50, 240, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
            color_eye = image
            color_eye = cv2.cvtColor(color_eye, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            color_eye = cv2.resize(color_eye,

            darknet.copy_image_from_bytes(darknet_image, color_eye.tobytes())

            detections = darknet.detect_image(netMain,
            _, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = cvDrawBoxes(detections, image)
            xsr = int(round(xmin + ((xmax - xmin) / 2)))
            ysr = int(round(ymin + ((ymax - ymin) / 2)))
                (int(round(left_point1[0])), int(round(left_point1[1]))),
                (int(round(right_point1[0])), int(round(right_point1[1]))),
                (0, 0, 255), 2)
            cv2.line(image, (int(round(
                srodek_gora_prawe[0])), int(round(srodek_gora_prawe[1]))),
                      int(round(srodek_dol_prawe[1]))), (0, 0, 255), 2)
            cv2.circle(image, (xsr, ysr), 4, (255, 0, 0), 4)
            # color_eye = cv2.cvtColor(color_eye, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            # proportial_ratio_x = 1000/1280*15
            # proportial_ratio_y = 560/720*30
            # cv2.line(keyboard, (int(round((srodek_gora_prawe[0]-left_point1[0])*proportial_ratio_x)), int(round((srodek_gora_prawe[1]-srodek_gora_prawe[1])*proportial_ratio_y))),
            #          (int(round((srodek_dol_prawe[0]-left_point1[0])*proportial_ratio_x)), int(round((srodek_dol_prawe[1]-srodek_gora_prawe[1])*proportial_ratio_y))), (0, 0, 255), 2)
            # cv2.line(keyboard, (int((round(left_point1[0]-left_point1[0])*proportial_ratio_x)), int(round((left_point1[1]-srodek_gora_prawe[1])*proportial_ratio_y))),
            #          (int(round((right_point1[0]-left_point1[0])*proportial_ratio_x)), int(round((right_point1[1]-srodek_gora_prawe[1])*proportial_ratio_y))), (0, 0, 255), 2)
            # cv2.circle(keyboard, (int(round((xsr-left_point1[0])*proportial_ratio_x)), int(round((ysr-srodek_gora_prawe[1])*proportial_ratio_y))), 4, (255, 0, 0), 4)

            proportial_ratio_x = hor_line_lenght / 1000
            proportial_ratio_y = ver_line_lenght / 560
                         round((srodek_gora_prawe[0] - left_point1[0]) /
                          round((srodek_gora_prawe[1] - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) /
                         round((srodek_dol_prawe[0] - left_point1[0]) /
                          round((srodek_dol_prawe[1] - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) /
                                proportial_ratio_y))), (0, 0, 255), 2)
                     (int((round(left_point1[0] - left_point1[0]) /
                          round((left_point1[1] - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) /
                         round((right_point1[0] - left_point1[0]) /
                          round((right_point1[1] - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) /
                                proportial_ratio_y))), (0, 0, 255), 2)

                (int(round((xsr - left_point1[0]) / proportial_ratio_x)),
                     (ysr - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) / proportial_ratio_y))), 4,
                (255, 0, 0), 4)

            measurement[0] = int(
                round((xsr - left_point1[0]) / proportial_ratio_x))
            measurement[1] = int(
                round((ysr - srodek_gora_prawe[1]) / proportial_ratio_y))

            estimated = kalman.correct(measurement)

            state_pt = (estimated[0], estimated[1])
            meas_pt = (measurement[0], measurement[1])


            cv2.circle(keyboard, (meas_pt[0], meas_pt[1]), 5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
            cv2.circle(keyboard, (predict_pt[0], predict_pt[1]), 5,
                       (0, 0, 255), 1)

            for i in range(len(eyev) - 1):
                cv2.line(keyboard, eyev[i], eyev[i + 1], (255, 0, 0), 1)

            for i in range(len(kalmanv) - 1):
                cv2.line(keyboard, kalmanv[i], kalmanv[i + 1], (0, 155, 255),

        cv2.imshow("Eyess", image)
        cv2.imshow("Keyboard", keyboard)

        print('FPS {:.1f}'.format(1 / (time.time() - stime)))

        key = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if key == 27:
Пример #20
    def __init__(self,
        if process_noise_cov is None:
            process_noise_cov = np.array([1e-1, 1e-1, 1e-1, 1e-1], "float32")
        if measurement_noise_cov is None:
            measurement_noise_cov = np.array([1e-1, 1e-1], "float32")

        self.kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(STATE_SIZE, MEASURE_SIZE, CONTROL_SIZE)
        self.state = np.zeros(STATE_SIZE, "float32")  # [x, y, vx, vy]
        self.meas = np.zeros(MEASURE_SIZE, "float32")  # [zx, zy]

        # State transition matrix (A).
        # Used for calculating (and updating) the estimated, or next, state of the
        # parameters. It is updated with dt in the predict phase which results in the
        # following transitions:

        # position_i (x, y) = position_{i-1} + dt_i * velocity_{i-1}
        # velocity_i (vx, vy) = velocity_{i-1}

        # In matrix form:

        # [ 1  0  dt 0  ]
        # [ 0  1  0  dt ]
        # [ 0  0  1  0  ]
        # [ 0  0  0  1  ]
        self.kf.transitionMatrix = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE),
        self.kf.transitionMatrix[0, 2] = timestep
        self.kf.transitionMatrix[1, 3] = timestep

        # Face detections results in two sensor measurements, position (x, y). I.e.
        #   [ 1 0 0 0 ]
        #   [ 0 1 0 0 ]
        #   [ 0 0 0 0 ]
        #   [ 0 0 0 0 ]
        self.kf.measurementMatrix = np.zeros((MEASURE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE),
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.kf.measurementMatrix[1, 1] = 1.0

        # Process Noise Covariance Matrix (Q):
        #   [ Ex  0   0   0   ]
        #   [ 0   Ey  0   0   ]
        #   [ 0   0   Evx 0   ]
        #   [ 0   0   0   Evy ]
        self.kf.processNoiseCov = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE), "float32")
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[0, 0] = process_noise_cov[0]
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[1, 1] = process_noise_cov[1]
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[2, 2] = process_noise_cov[2]
        self.kf.processNoiseCov[3, 3] = process_noise_cov[3]

        # Measurement Noise Covariance Matrix (R).
        #   [ Ex 0  ]
        #   [ 0  Ey ]
        # Since we are using pixels, magnitudes will be around one.
        self.kf.measurementNoiseCov = np.zeros((MEASURE_SIZE, MEASURE_SIZE),
        self.kf.measurementNoiseCov[0, 0] = measurement_noise_cov[0]
        self.kf.measurementNoiseCov[1, 1] = measurement_noise_cov[1]

        # Error Covariance
        self.kf.errorCovPre = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, STATE_SIZE), "float32")
        self.kf.errorCovPre[0, 0] = 1.0
        self.kf.errorCovPre[1, 1] = 1.0
        self.kf.errorCovPre[2, 2] = 1.0
        self.kf.errorCovPre[3, 3] = 1.0

        self.kf.statePost = np.zeros((STATE_SIZE, 1), "float32")
        self.found = False
Пример #21
  #   1, 0, 0, dt, 0,  0,
  #   0, 1, 0, 0,  dt, 0,
  #   0, 0, 1, 0,  0,  dt,
  #   0, 0, 0, 1,  0,  0,
  #   0, 0, 0, 0,  1,  0,
  #   0, 0, 0, dt, 0,  1 
  # ]
  # because
  # x = x + vx * dt
  # y = y + vy * dt
  # w = y + vw * dt
  # vx = vx
  # vy = vy
  # vw = vw
  KF.transitionMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(KF.transitionMatrix)

  # Measurement matrix is of the form
  # [
  #  1, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,
  #  0, 1, 0, 0, 0,  0,
  #  0, 0, 1, 0, 0,  0,
  # ]
  # because we are detecting only x, y and w.
  # These quantities are updated.
  KF.measurementMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(KF.measurementMatrix)

  # Variable to store detected x, y and w
  measurement = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.float32)
  # Variables to store detected object and tracked object
  objectTracked = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)
Пример #22
def analysis_video(in_file, out_file):
    ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    ap.add_argument("-v", "--video", help="path to the (optional) video file")
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    greenLower = (29, 86, 6)
    greenUpper = (64, 255, 255)

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(UPLOAD_FOLDER + '/' + in_file)
    cap.set(3, 320)  #cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH
    cap.set(4, 240)  #cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT

    stateSize = 6
    measSize = 4
    contrSize = 0
    ltype = cv2.CV_32F
    end_flag = False
    kf = cv2.KalmanFilter(stateSize, measSize, contrSize, cv2.CV_32F)
    state = np.zeros((stateSize, 1), np.float32)
    meas = np.zeros((measSize, 1), np.float32)
    cv2.setIdentity(kf.transitionMatrix, 1)

    kf.measurementMatrix = np.zeros((measSize, stateSize), np.float32)
    kf.measurementMatrix[0, 0] = 1.0
    kf.measurementMatrix[3, 1] = 1.0
    kf.measurementMatrix[0, 4] = 1.0
    kf.measurementMatrix[3, 5] = 1.0

    kf.processNoiseCov[0, 0] = 1e-2
    kf.processNoiseCov[1, 1] = 1e-2
    kf.processNoiseCov[2, 2] = 5.0
    kf.processNoiseCov[3, 3] = 5.0
    kf.processNoiseCov[4, 4] = 1e-2
    kf.processNoiseCov[5, 5] = 1e-2

    cv2.setIdentity(kf.measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)

    ch = 0
    ticks = 0
    found = False
    notFoundCount = 0
    #Main loop
    pos = tmpno = 0
    maskx = 450
    masky = 200
    frame_width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
    frame_height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
    fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
    #vector<cv::Rect> prevBox;
    prevBox = []
    Avgvelocity = 0.0
    TotalVelocity = 0.0
    TotalFrame = 0
    totaldispixel = np.sqrt(707 * 707 + 468 * 468)
    totaldisMM = 18440.4
    BallD = 75.0
    FocusD = 9.5 * totaldisMM / BallD
    tmpDis = totaldisMM
    remainframe = 0
    fcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
    video = cv2.VideoWriter(UPLOAD_FOLDER + '/' + out_file, fcc, fps,
                            (1920, 1080))

    #Point prev;
    frameno = drawflag = curframe = StartFrameflag = 0
    frameCounter = 1
    speeds = [int]

    while True:
        precTick = ticks
        ticks = cv2.getTickCount()

        dT = (ticks - precTick) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
        #frame1 = np.zeros((1920, 1080,3), np.uint8)
        (grabbed, frame) = cap.read()
        length = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))

        if grabbed == False:

        frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=1920, height=1080)
        res = frame.copy()

        if found:
            #>>>> Matrix A
            kf.transitionMatrix[2, 0] = dT
            kf.transitionMatrix[3, 1] = dT
            #<<<< Matrix A
            state = kf.predict()

            width = state[4]
            height = state[5]
            x = int(state[0] - width / 2)
            y = int(state[1] - height / 2)
            predRect = (x, y, width, height)
            center = (state[0], state[1])

            cv2.circle(res, center, 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)
            if frameno > 50 and x + width <= 1000:
                drawflag = 1

        cou = 27
        balls = []
        ballsBox = []
        tmpcols = 0
        tmprows = 0
        tmpLoc = (0, 0)
        maxTemp = 0.0
        image2 = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        ttcou = 0
        for ii in range(pos, cou):
            tm = ii + 1
            path = 'patterns/pattern'
            tmpch = str(tm)
            temppattern = cv2.imread(path + tmpch + ".png")
            temppattern = cv2.cvtColor(temppattern, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            match_method = cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED
            res1 = cv2.matchTemplate(image2, temppattern, match_method)

            minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(res1)
            if match_method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF or match_method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED:
                matchLoc = minLoc
                matchLoc = maxLoc

            if maxVal >= 0.97 and maxVal >= maxTemp and matchLoc[
                    0] > maskx and matchLoc[1] > masky and matchLoc[0] < 1000:
                if ii != 0 and tmpno == 0:
                if ii == 0 and tmpno == 0:
                    tmpno = 1
                    maskx = matchLoc[0] - 100
                    masky = matchLoc[1] - 10
                    curframe = 1

                if curframe > 0 and ii - curframe > 0 and ii < curframe - 1:

                curframe = ii + 1
                maxTemp = maxVal
                tmpLoc = matchLoc
                ttcou += 1

                tmprows, tmpcols = temppattern.shape

        if ttcou > 0:
            bBox = [tmpLoc[0], tmpLoc[1], tmpcols, tmprows]
            ttcou = 0
            tmp = []
            tmp.append([tmpLoc[0], tmpLoc[1]])

        #double deltadis;
        deltaspeed = 0
        if len(ballsBox) != 0:
            deltadis = BallD * FocusD / ballsBox[0][2]  #width
            if tmpDis >= deltadis:
                deltaspeed = tmpDis - deltadis
                if TotalFrame == 0 and ballsBox[0][2] < 15:  #width
                    StartFrameflag = 1
                    TotalFrame += 1

                if TotalFrame == 0 and ballsBox[0][2] >= 15:  #width

                if StartFrameflag == 1:
                    TotalVelocity = deltaspeed * 3.6 * fps / 1000 / TotalFrame
                    Avgvelocity += TotalVelocity
                    TotalFrame += 1

        if TotalFrame == 0:
            speed = 0
            speed = Avgvelocity / TotalFrame

        sstr = '( Average Velocity=  ' + str(int(speed)) + ')'

        if TotalVelocity >= 60 and TotalVelocity <= 80:

        if frameCounter >= (length - 1):
            tSpeed = 0
            for s in range(1, len(speeds)):
                tSpeed = tSpeed + speeds[s]
            eSpeed = tSpeed / (len(speeds) - 1)
            print('speed!!!:' + str(int(eSpeed)))
            sstr1 = '( Velocity=  ' + str(int(eSpeed)) + ')'
            cv2.putText(res, sstr1, (10, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.0,
                        (255, 0, 0), 2)

        # Detection result

        for i in range(len(balls)):
            cv2.rectangle(res, (ballsBox[i][0], ballsBox[i][1]),
                          (ballsBox[i][0] + ballsBox[i][2],
                           ballsBox[i][1] + ballsBox[i][3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)

            #cv::Point center;
            x = int(ballsBox[i][0] + ballsBox[i][2] / 2)
            y = int(ballsBox[i][1] + ballsBox[i][3] / 2)
            cv2.circle(res, (x, y), 2, (20, 150, 20), -1)

            #stringstream sstr;
            sstr = '(' + str(x) + ',' + str(y) + ')'
            cv2.putText(res, sstr, (x + 3, y - 3), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
                        0.5, (20, 150, 20), 2)

        if len(balls) == 0:
            notFoundCount += 1
            if notFoundCount >= 100:
                found = False
            notFoundCount = 0
            meas[0] = ballsBox[0][0] + ballsBox[0][2] / 2
            meas[1] = ballsBox[0][1] + ballsBox[0][3] / 2
            meas[2] = ballsBox[0][2]
            meas[3] = ballsBox[0][3]

            if not (found):  #First detection!
                # Initialization
                kf.errorCovPre[0, 0] = 1
                kf.errorCovPre[1, 1] = 1
                kf.errorCovPre[2, 2] = 1
                kf.errorCovPre[3, 3] = 1
                kf.errorCovPre[4, 4] = 1
                kf.errorCovPre[5, 5] = 1
                state[0] = meas[0]
                state[1] = meas[1]
                state[2] = 0
                state[3] = 0
                state[4] = meas[2]
                state[5] = meas[3]
                # Initialization
                kf.statePost = state
                found = True
                kf.correct(meas)  #Kalman Correction

        frameCounter = frameCounter + 1

    def callback(self, data):
        # Convert the image from OpenCV to ROS format
        #self.fps = FPS().start()

        # Filter requirements.
        order = 6
        fs = 30.0  # sample rate, Hz
        cutoff = 3.3  # desired cutoff frequency of the filter, Hz
        # Get the filter coefficients so we can check its frequency response.
        b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order)
            cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:
      Fancy code here.
        global mtx, dist
        h, w = cv_image.shape[:2]
        mtx, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(mtx, dist, (w, h), 1, (w, h))

        blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(cv_image,
                                     size=(300, 300),

        #Prediction of network
        detections = self.net.forward()

        cols = 300
        rows = 300

        for i in range(detections.shape[2]):
            confidence = detections[0, 0, i, 2]  #Confidence of prediction
            if confidence > 0.8:  # Filter prediction
                class_id = int(detections[0, 0, i, 1])  # Class label
                # Object location
                xLeftBottom = int(detections[0, 0, i, 3] * cols)
                yLeftBottom = int(detections[0, 0, i, 4] * rows)
                xRightTop = int(detections[0, 0, i, 5] * cols)
                yRightTop = int(detections[0, 0, i, 6] * rows)
                # Factor for scale to original size of frame
                heightFactor = cv_image.shape[0] / 300.0
                widthFactor = cv_image.shape[1] / 300.0
                # Scale object detection to frame
                xLeftBottom = int(widthFactor * xLeftBottom)
                yLeftBottom = int(heightFactor * yLeftBottom)
                xRightTop = int(widthFactor * xRightTop)
                yRightTop = int(heightFactor * yRightTop)

                roi = cv2.cvtColor(cv_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                roi = roi[yLeftBottom:yRightTop, xLeftBottom:xRightTop]

                # Draw location of object
                cv2.rectangle(cv_image, (xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom),
                              (xRightTop, yRightTop), (0, 255, 0))
                if class_id in self.classNames:
                    label = self.classNames[class_id] + ": " + str(confidence)
                    labelSize, baseLine = cv2.getTextSize(
                        label, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1)
                    yLeftBottom = max(yLeftBottom, labelSize[1])
                        cv_image, (xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom - labelSize[1]),
                        (xLeftBottom + labelSize[0], yLeftBottom + baseLine),
                        (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED)
                    cv2.putText(cv_image, label, (xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom),
                                cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255))
                    # Use the box of the detected object for the translation estimation.
                image_points =np.array([(xRightTop, yRightTop),
                                        (xRightTop-(xRightTop-xLeftBottom), yRightTop),
                                        (xLeftBottom+(xRightTop-xLeftBottom), yLeftBottom),
                                        (xLeftBottom, yLeftBottom)                                                           

                    #_,rmat,tmat= cv2.solvePnPRansac(self.model_points,image_points, mtx,dist,flags=6,iterationsCount = 500,reprojectionError = 2.0,confidence = 0.99)[:3]

                    #success,rmat,tmat= cv2.solvePnPRansac(self.model_points,image_points, mtx,dist,flags=6)[:3]#,iterationsCount = 500,reprojectionError = 2.0,confidence = 0.95)[:3]

                    #Then check ORB matching for the orientation.
                    kp_model, desc_model = self.unpickle_keypoints(
                        self.keypoints_database[class_id - 1])
                    # print(desc_model)
                    if str(class_id) not in self.dict_ekf.keys():

                        #Kalman Filter for the pose
                        self.dict_ekf[str(class_id)] = cv2.KalmanFilter(6, 6)
                        trans_mat = np.identity(6, np.float32)
                            class_id)].transitionMatrix = trans_mat
                            class_id)].measurementMatrix = trans_mat
                            class_id)].processNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                                1e-1)  #4
                            class_id)].measurementNoiseCov = cv2.setIdentity(
                                    class_id)].measurementNoiseCov, 1e-1)  #2
                            class_id)].errorCovPost = cv2.setIdentity(
                                    class_id)].errorCovPost)  #, 1)

                    kp_image, desc_image = self.orb.detectAndCompute(roi,


                        matches = self.flann.knnMatch(desc_model,
                        matchesMask = [[0, 0] for i in range(len(matches))]
                        #-- Filter matches using the Lowe's ratio test
                        good_matches = []
                        for i, (m, n) in enumerate(matches):
                            if m.distance < 0.7 * n.distance:
                                matchesMask[i] = [1, 0]
                        draw_params = dict(matchColor=(0, 0, 255),
                                           singlePointColor=(255, 0, 0),

                        matches = good_matches  #sorted(good_matches, key = lambda x: x.distance)
                        list_kpimage = []
                        list_kpmodel = []
                        for mat in matches:
                            img1_idx = mat.queryIdx
                            img2_idx = mat.trainIdx

                            (x1, y1) = kp_model[img1_idx].pt
                            (x2, y2) = kp_image[img2_idx].pt

                            # Append to each list

                            list_kpmodel.append((x1, y1, 0.0))
                            list_kpimage.append((x2, y2))

                    image_points2 = np.array(list_kpimage, dtype=np.float32)
                    model_points2 = np.array(list_kpmodel, dtype=np.float32)

                        if not (image_points2.size == 0
                                and model_points2.size == 0):

                            _, rmat, tmat = cv2.solvePnPRansac(
                            if np.linalg.norm(tmat) < 1000:
                                measurements = np.array(
                                    tmat, np.float32)  #.reshape(1,-1)
                                prot = np.array(rmat,
                                                np.float32)  #.reshape(1,-1)
                                measurements = np.concatenate(
                                    (measurements, prot))
                                prediction = self.dict_ekf[str(
                                estimated = self.dict_ekf[str(
                                        measurements.reshape(-1, 1))
                                rmat2 = np.array(estimated[3:6])

                            #Update the Kalman filter
                            RotMat = cv2.Rodrigues(rmat2)[0]
                            pose = np.hstack((RotMat, tmat))
                            pose = np.vstack((pose, [0, 0, 0, 1]))
                            _, invpose = cv2.invert(pose)
                            rot = invpose[0:3, 0:3]
                            tmat = invpose[0:3, 3:4]
                            rmat = cv2.Rodrigues(rot)[0]

                            if np.linalg.norm(tmat) < 10000:
                                transform = TransformStamped()
                                transform.header.frame_id = 'cf1/camera_link'
                                transform.child_frame_id = 'sign/' + self.classNames[
                                transform.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

                                transform.transform.translation.x = round(
                                        tmat[2], cutoff, fs, order),
                                    3) + 0.2  #tmat[2]/950#+0.2
                                transform.transform.translation.y = round(
                                        tmat[1], cutoff, fs, order),
                                    3) - 0.1  #tmat[1]/950#-0.1
                                transform.transform.translation.z = round(
                                        tmat[0], cutoff, fs, order), 3) * 1.5

                                a = quaternion_from_euler(
                                    rmat[0] * math.pi / 180,
                                    rmat[1] * math.pi / 180 + math.pi,
                                    rmat[2] * math.pi / 180 - math.pi / 2)
                                transform.transform.rotation.x = a[0]
                                transform.transform.rotation.y = a[1]
                                transform.transform.rotation.z = a[2]
                                transform.transform.rotation.w = a[3]
                                if transform.transform.translation.z > 0.15:

    Fancy code finishes here.
        # Publish the image
                cv_image, "bgr8"))  #np.asarray(thresh_img),"mono8"))
        except CvBridgeError as e:
Пример #24
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize Kalman filter for tracking one person
        In openCV Kalman filter is initialized using 
        KalmanFilter KF(nmbStateVars, nmbMeasts, nmbControlInputs, type)
        Here we will use the state of our kalman filter which consists of
        6 elments (x,y,w,vx,vy,vw)
        x,y are the coord  of the top left corner of the bounding box
        w is the width of the detected person
        vx,vy are the x and y velocities of the top left corner
        vw is the rate of change of the width w.r.to time
        the height of the bounding box is not considered as the part
        of the state because it is assumed to be equal to twice the width

        nmbStateVars = 6

        # the measurement matrix has 3 elements (x,y, w)
        nmbMeasts = 3

        # there are no control inputs , as we will this class
        # for tracking in video file and there is no way to change
        #  the affect of the state of the person walking

        nmbControlInputs = 0

        # the type is float32

        self.KF = cv2.KalmanFilter(nmbStateVars, nmbMeasts, nmbControlInputs)
         bz our motion model is
          x = x + vx * dt
          y = y + vy * dt
          w = y + vw * dt
          here for simplicity we assume zero accelaration, therefore
           vx = vx
           vy = vy
           vw = vw
          Our transition matrix is of the following form
           1, 0, 0, dt, 0,  0,
           0, 1, 0, 0, dt, 0
           0, 0, 1, 0, 0, dt
           0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
           0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1
           which is 6x6 identity matrix and later we add dt in a loop

        self.KF.transitionMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(self.KF.transitionMatrix)
          our measurment matrix is the following form
          bz we are only detecting x, y, and w, the measurment matrix
          picks only these quantities and leaves vx, vy and vw
            1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
            0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
        self.KF.measurementMatrix = cv2.setIdentity(self.KF.measurementMatrix)

        # initializing variables to be used of tracking

        # initialize var to store detected x, y, w
        self.measurement = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.float32)

        # initialize vars to store tracked object
        self.objTracked = np.zeros((4, 1), dtype=np.float32)

        # vars used to store the results of the predict and update
        self.updatedMeasts = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.float32)
        self.predictedMeasts = np.zeros((6, 1), dtype=np.float32)

        # boolean for the indication of whether the measurments are updated
        self.meastsWasUpdated = False