def __init__(self, name): """This initializes the object""" = name self.last_frame = None self.current_frame = None self.match_frames = None #Create an ORB object for keypoint detection self.orb = ORB_create(nfeatures=100, scaleFactor=2, edgeThreshold=100, fastThreshold=10) #Create a BF object for keypoint matching = BFMatcher(NORM_L1, crossCheck=True) #For keeping track of the drone's current velocity self.vel_x = None self.vel_y = None #For plotting the drone's current and past velocities self.times = [] self.x_s = [] self.y_s = [] #Creating a publisher that will publish the calculated velocity to the ROS topic /quadrotor/ardrone/calc_vel = rospy.Publisher("/quadrotor/ardrone/calc_vel", Twist, queue_size=10)
def get_H(img1, img2): ''' img1 - center img2 - panned ''' # detect kepoints and their descriptor for 'img1' using SIFT sift = SIFT_create() kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(img1, None) kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(img2, None) # Keypoints matching bf = BFMatcher() matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2) good = [] for m in matches: if (m[0].distance < 0.5 * m[1].distance): good.append(m) matches = np.asarray(good) src = np.float32([kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in matches[:, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) dst = np.float32([kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches[:, 0]]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) # Matrix H = ransacHomography(src[:200, 0, :], dst[:200, 0, :]) return H
def __init__(self, number_of_features: int = None): if number_of_features is None: self.number_of_features = self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES self.features_extractor = ORB_create( nfeatures=self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES) # ORB uses binary descriptors -> use hamming norm (XOR between descriptors) self.features_matcher = BFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True)
def __init__(self,K,nfeatures=5000,norm=NORM_HAMMING,crosscheck=False): self.orb = ORB_create(nfeatures) self.bfm = BFMatcher(norm,crosscheck) self.orb_mask = None self.last = None self.K = K self.Kinv = inv(self.K) self.f_est_avg = []
def knn_matcher(descriptors1, descriptors2, nndist=0.75): bf = BFMatcher() # Match descriptors with 2 nearest neighbours matches = bf.knnMatch(descriptors1.fft, descriptors2.fft, k=2) good_matches = [] for m, n in matches: if m.distance < nndist * n.distance: good_matches.append(m) return good_matches
def SeekDuelist(): for times in range(4): info("SeekDuelist() getting screenshot") #get screen image Screenshot() #iterate through sprites info("SeekDuelist() iterating through duelists") for image in listdir("TEMPLATES\\characters\\"): #set sprite pic="TEMPLATES\\characters\\"+image #read sprite image img1= imread(pic,IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) #read screen image img2= imread("screen.png",IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) #set ORB object orb= ORB_create(100000) #feature detect sprite kp1, des1= orb.detectAndCompute(img1, None) #feature detect screen kp2, des2= orb.detectAndCompute(img2, None) #match features from sprite and screen bf = BFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) matches = bf.match(des1, des2) #sort accuracy of matches matches = sorted(matches,key=lambda image:image.distance) #select accurate matches found=[] for m in matches: if m.distance<=20: found.append(m.distance) #check if accurate matches were found if len(found)!=0: #set image info img2_idx = matches[0].trainIdx # Get the coordinates # x - left to right # y - top to bottom (x,y) = kp2[img2_idx].pt info("SeekDuelist() match found for "+image+" at ("+str(int(x))+", "+str(int(y))+")") return (int(x),int(y)) #Scroll one down to change screens info("SeekDuelist() no matches found. scrolling") mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 0, 0, -1, 0) sleep(2) info("SeekDuelist() no matches found. raising exception") raise Exception
def closestImageSimple(desc, imageLib, nb_el=5): """ Take an image descriptor list, and a list of image with their descriptors """ # create BFMatcher object from cv2 import BFMatcher, NORM_HAMMING nbmatches = [] matcher = BFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) for j, img2 in enumerate(imageLib): nameComp = img2[0] currentmatches = matcher.match(desc, img2[1][1]) #matches = sorted(currentmatches, key = lambda x:x.distance) nbmatches.append((img2, len(currentmatches), currentmatches)) return sorted(nbmatches, key = lambda x: x[1])[-nb_el:]
def closestImageSimple(desc, imageLib, nb_el=5): """ Take an image descriptor list, and a list of image with their descriptors """ # create BFMatcher object from cv2 import BFMatcher, NORM_HAMMING nbmatches = [] matcher = BFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) for j, img2 in enumerate(imageLib): nameComp = img2[0] currentmatches = matcher.match(desc, img2[1][1]) #matches = sorted(currentmatches, key = lambda x:x.distance) nbmatches.append((img2, len(currentmatches), currentmatches)) return sorted(nbmatches, key=lambda x: x[1])[-nb_el:]
def closestImage(desc, key_images, key_desc, nb_el=5): """ Take an image descriptor list, and a list of image with their descriptors """ # create BFMatcher object from cv2 import BFMatcher, NORM_HAMMING nbmatches = [] for j, img2 in enumerate(key_images): try: currentmatches = BFMatcher().knnMatch(desc, key_desc[j], k=2) good = [] visited = [] for c in currentmatches: if (len(c) == 2): m, n = c if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance: if not (m.trainIdx in visited) and not (m.queryIdx in visited): visited.append(m.trainIdx) visited.append(m.queryIdx) good.append([m]) nbmatches.append((img2, len(good), good)) except Exception: print 'erreur' print 'in image', img2 if img2 in erreurs.keys(): erreurs[img2] += 1 else: erreurs[img2] = 1 else: pass return sorted(nbmatches, key=lambda x: x[1])[-nb_el:]
def closestImage(desc, imageLib, nb_el=5): """ Take an image descriptor list, and a list of image with their descriptors """ # create BFMatcher object from cv2 import BFMatcher, NORM_HAMMING nbmatches = [] for j, img2 in enumerate(imageLib): nameComp = img2[0] currentmatches = BFMatcher().knnMatch(queryDescriptors=desc, img2[1][1], k=2) good = [] visited = [] for c in currentmatches: if (len(c) == 2): m, n = c if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance: if not (m.trainIdx in visited) and not (m.queryIdx in visited): visited.append(m.trainIdx) visited.append(m.queryIdx) good.append([m]) nbmatches.append((img2, len(good), good)) return sorted(nbmatches, key=lambda x: x[1])[-nb_el:]
class OrbFeaturesHandler(FeaturesHandlerAbstractBase): """ This class implements an ORB features exractor """ features_extractor: ORB features_matcher: BFMatcher DEFAULT_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_FOR_SUCCESSFULL_FEATURE_MATCH: int = 10 DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES = 1000 number_of_features: int def __init__(self, number_of_features: int = None): if number_of_features is None: self.number_of_features = self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES self.features_extractor = ORB_create( nfeatures=self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES) # ORB uses binary descriptors -> use hamming norm (XOR between descriptors) self.features_matcher = BFMatcher(NORM_HAMMING, crossCheck=True) def extract_features(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> ProcessedFrameData: """ This method extracts ORB features """ list_of_keypoints, descriptors = self.features_extractor.detectAndCompute( image=frame, mask=None) return, list_of_keypoints=list_of_keypoints, descriptors=descriptors) def match_features(self, frame_1: ProcessedFrameData, frame_2: ProcessedFrameData): """ This method matches ORB features based on """ list_of_matches: List[DMatch] = self.features_matcher.match( queryDescriptors=frame_1.descriptors, trainDescriptors=frame_2.descriptors) return sorted(list_of_matches, key=lambda x: x.distance) # # Sort them in the order of their distance. # return def is_handler_capable(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ This method implements ORB handler capability test """ extracted_features: ProcessedFrameData = self.extract_features( frame=frame) return len(extracted_features.list_of_keypoints) >= int( 0.9 * self.DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES)
class ROS_Video_Node(): def __init__(self, name): """This initializes the object""" = name self.last_frame = None self.current_frame = None self.match_frames = None #Create an ORB object for keypoint detection self.orb = ORB_create(nfeatures=100, scaleFactor=2, edgeThreshold=100, fastThreshold=10) #Create a BF object for keypoint matching = BFMatcher(NORM_L1, crossCheck=True) #For keeping track of the drone's current velocity self.vel_x = None self.vel_y = None #For plotting the drone's current and past velocities self.times = [] self.x_s = [] self.y_s = [] #Creating a publisher that will publish the calculated velocity to the ROS topic /quadrotor/ardrone/calc_vel = rospy.Publisher("/quadrotor/ardrone/calc_vel", Twist, queue_size=10) def detect_motion(self): """This function detects the motion between the current and last frame.""" if (self.last_frame == self.current_frame).all(): print( "Beep boop! I think my current frame is exactly the same as my last frame. \nEither I'm not moving, or something is very wrong.\n" ) namedWindow( imshow(, self.current_frame) waitKey(1) return None #This finds the keypoints and descriptors with SIFT kp1, des1 = self.orb.detectAndCompute(self.last_frame, None) kp2, des2 = self.orb.detectAndCompute(self.current_frame, None) #Match descriptors matches =, des2) #Sort them in the order of their distance matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.distance) #This is a test to see if I can filter out bad matches from the getgo #Right now I've set a threshold that I think will keep only bad matches to see if it makes the data super noisy # print("MATCH DISTANCES") #undoiing test, ELEPHANT filtered_matches = matches # filtered_matches = [] # for match in matches: # if match.distance > 1000: # filtered_matches.append(match) if len(filtered_matches) < 5: print( "Beep boop! Not enough good matches were found. This data is unreliable. \n Try moving me above the building, please.\n" ) namedWindow( imshow(, self.current_frame) waitKey(1) return None #create arrays of the coordinates for keypoints in the two frames kp1_coords = asarray( [kp1[mat.queryIdx].pt for mat in filtered_matches]) kp2_coords = asarray( [kp2[mat.trainIdx].pt for mat in filtered_matches]) #calculate the translations needed to get from the first set of keypoints to the next set of keypoints translations = kp2_coords - kp1_coords least_error = 5 for translation in translations: a = translation[0] * ones((translations.shape[0], 1)) b = translation[1] * ones((translations.shape[0], 1)) test_translation = concatenate((a, b), axis=1) test_coords = kp1_coords + test_translation error = sqrt(mean(square(kp2_coords - test_coords))) if error < least_error: least_error = error best_translation = translation self.vel_x = translation[0] self.vel_y = translation[1] # Draw first matches. draw_params = dict( matchColor=(0, 255, 0), # draw matches in green color singlePointColor=None, matchesMask=None, # draw only inliers flags=2) self.match_frames = drawMatches(self.last_frame, kp1, self.current_frame, kp2, matches, None, **draw_params) namedWindow( imshow(, self.match_frames) waitKey(1) if least_error < 2: print("This is a new match") print("X velocity: ", self.vel_x) print("Y velocity: ", self.vel_y) print("least_error: ", least_error) #Publish the velocities found calc_vel = Twist() calc_vel.linear.x = self.vel_x calc_vel.linear.y = self.vel_y def plot_current_vel(self): """This function live plots the quadrotor's measured velocity""" #save the current velocities self.times.append(time()) self.x_s.append(self.vel_x) self.y_s.append(self.vel_y) #plot the velocities plt.title("Live Velocities") plt.ylabel("Velocity") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylim(-20, 20) try: plt.plot(self.times[-60:], self.x_s[-60:], 'r-', label="X Velocity") plt.plot(self.times[-60:], self.y_s[-60:], 'b-', label="Y Velocity") except: plt.plot(self.times, self.x_s, 'r-', label="X Velocity") plt.plot(self.times, self.y_s, 'b-', label="Y Velocity") plt.legend(loc="upper right")
class KPExtractor(object): def __init__(self,K,nfeatures=5000,norm=NORM_HAMMING,crosscheck=False): self.orb = ORB_create(nfeatures) self.bfm = BFMatcher(norm,crosscheck) self.orb_mask = None self.last = None self.K = K self.Kinv = inv(self.K) self.f_est_avg = [] def normalize(self,pts): return dot(self.Kinv,self.add_ones(pts).T).T[:, 0:2] def denormalize(self,pt): ret = dot(self.K, array([pt[0],pt[1],1.0]).T) ret /= ret[2] return int(round(ret[0])),int(round(ret[1])),int(round(ret[2])) def build_orb_mask(self,frame): h,w= frame.shape c = 1 self.orb_mask = zeros((h,w,c),dtype=uint8) rectangle(self.orb_mask,(0,0),(w,int(h*0.75)),(255,255,255),-1) # self.orb_mask = cvtColor(self.orb_mask,COLOR_BGR2GRAY) def extractRt(self,E): U,w,Vt = svd(E) assert det(U) > 0 if det(Vt) < 0: Vt *= -1.0 #Find R and T from Hartleyy and Zisserman W = mat([[0,-1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]],dtype=float) R = dot(dot(U,W),Vt) if sum(R.diagonal()) < 0: R = dot(dot(U,W.T),Vt) t = U[:,2] Rt = concatenate([R,t.reshape(3,1)],axis=1) return Rt # [x,y] to [x,y,1] def add_ones(self,x): return concatenate([x, ones((x.shape[0],1))],axis=1) def extract(self,frame,maxCorners=5000,qualityLevel=.01,minDistance=3): #Detect feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(frame,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask) #Extract kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in feats] kps,des = self.orb.compute(frame,kps) #Match ret = [] if self.last is not None: #THE QUERY IMAGE IS THE ACTUAL IMAGE & #THE TRAIN IMAGE IS THE LAST IMAGE #U STOUPID KUNT matches = self.bfm.knnMatch(des,self.last['des'],k=2) for m,n in matches: if m.distance < 0.7 * n.distance: ret.append((kps[m.queryIdx].pt,self.last['kps'][m.trainIdx].pt)) #filter Rt = None if len(ret) > 0: ret = array(ret) #Normalize ret[:,0,:] = self.normalize(ret[:,0,:]) ret[:,1,:] = self.normalize(ret[:,1,:]) try: # print(f"{len(ret)=}, {ret[:,0].shape=}, {ret[:,1].shape=}") model, inliers = ransac((ret[:, 0],ret[:, 1]), #FundamentalMatrixTransform, EssentialMatrixTransform, min_samples=8, residual_threshold=0.005, max_trials=200) ret = ret[inliers] Rt = self.extractRt(model.params) except: pass self.last = {'kps': kps,'des':des} return ret,Rt #warp is pattern for now def homography(self,last_puzzle,puzzle,warp,maxCorners=5000,qualityLevel=.01,minDistance=3): #Detect f_feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(frame,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask) #Extract f_kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in f_feats] f_kps,f_des = self.orb.compute(frame,f_kps) #Detect w_feats = goodFeaturesToTrack(warp,maxCorners,qualityLevel,minDistance)#,mask=self.orb_mask) #Extract w_kps = [KeyPoint(x=f[0][0],y=f[0][1],_size=20) for f in w_feats] w_kps,w_des = self.orb.compute(warp,w_kps) #Match ret = [] # #THE QUERY IMAGE IS THE ACTUAL IMAGE & # #THE TRAIN IMAGE IS THE LAST IMAGE # #U STOUPID KUNT matches = self.bfm.knnMatch(w_des,f_des,k=2) for m,n in matches: # if m.distance <= 1 * n.distance: ret.append((w_kps[m.queryIdx].pt,f_kps[m.trainIdx].pt)) #filter Rt = None H, mask, warp_pts, orig_pts = None,None,None,None if len(ret) > 0: warp_pts = float32([r[0] for r in ret]).reshape(-1,1,2) orig_pts = float32([r[1] for r in ret]).reshape(-1,1,2) H,mask = findHomography(warp_pts,orig_pts,RANSAC,5.0) return H,mask,warp_pts,orig_pts def project_matrix(self,homography): homography *= (-1) rot_and_transl = dot(self.Kinv, homography) col_1 = rot_and_transl[:, 0] col_2 = rot_and_transl[:, 1] col_3 = rot_and_transl[:, 2] # normalise vectors l = sqrt(norm(col_1, 2) * norm(col_2, 2)) rot_1 = col_1 / l rot_2 = col_2 / l translation = col_3 / l # compute the orthonormal basis c = rot_1 + rot_2 p = cross(rot_1, rot_2) d = cross(c, p) rot_1 = dot(c / norm(c, 2) + d / norm(d, 2), 1 / sqrt(2)) rot_2 = dot(c / norm(c, 2) - d / norm(d, 2), 1 / sqrt(2)) rot_3 = cross(rot_1, rot_2) # finally, compute the 3D projection matrix from the model to the current frame projection = stack((rot_1, rot_2, rot_3, translation)).T return dot(self.K, projection)
def spoj(leva, desna, sleva=False, nove=None, orig=None): # Ukoliko nisu prosledjene tacke, moraju se naci if nove is None or orig is None \ or not nove or not orig \ or len(nove) != len(orig) \ or len(nove) < 4: # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print() print('Traže se korespondencije.') # Upotreba SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) # algoritma za pronalazak zanimljivih tacaka na slikama sift = SIFT_create() kpl, desl = sift.detectAndCompute(leva, None) kpd, desd = sift.detectAndCompute(desna, None) # Uparivanje dobijenih deskriptora # brute-force metodom najblizih suseda parovi = BFMatcher().knnMatch(desd, desl, k=2) # Filtriranje parova izuzimanjem onih previse # dalekih; ovo nije neophodno, ali olaksava # posao RANSAC-u i znatno ga ubrzava bliski = [m for m, n in parovi if m.distance < 0.5 * n.distance] # Neophodna su barem cetiri para za # potrebe odredjivanja projekcije if len(bliski) < 4: raise ValueError # Izdvajanje originala (sa desne slike) # i slika (sa leve slike) za projekciju orig = np.float32([kpd[m.queryIdx].pt for m in bliski]).reshape(-1, 2) nove = np.float32([kpl[m.trainIdx].pt for m in bliski]).reshape(-1, 2) # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Uspešno odabrane korespondencije.') elif LOGUJ: print() # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Određuje se transformacija.') # Izracunavanje matrice projekcije M = RANSAC(nove, orig) if sleva: M = LA.inv(M) # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Uspešno određena transformacija.') # Dimenzije ulaznih slika dim1 = leva.shape[1], leva.shape[0] dim2 = desna.shape[1], desna.shape[0] if sleva: dim1, dim2 = dim2, dim1 # Pronalazak tacaka van slike cosk = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [dim2[0] - 1, 0, 1], [0, dim2[1] - 1, 1], [dim2[0] - 1, dim2[1] - 1, 1]]) cosk = np.array([*map(lambda x: M @ x, cosk)]) cosk = np.array([*map(lambda x: [x[0] / x[2], x[1] / x[2], 1], cosk)]) mini = cosk[:, 0].min(), cosk[:, 1].min() mini = [*map(lambda x: abs(ceil(min(x, 0))), mini)] # Nova matrica, sa dodatkom translacije koja # dosad nevidljive elemente smesta na sliku M = np.array([[1, 0, mini[0]], [0, 1, mini[1]], [0, 0, 1]]) @ M # Dimenzije slike koja nije fiksirana cosk = np.array( [*map(lambda x: [x[0] + mini[0], x[1] + mini[1], 1], cosk)]) dim = (ceil(max(cosk[:, 0].max() + 1, dim1[0] + mini[0])), ceil(max(cosk[:, 1].max() + 1, dim1[1] + mini[1]))) # Obuhvatajuci pravougaonik (bounding box) # slike koja nije fiksna zarad ustede vremena; # ukoliko su dimenzije nove slike dosta vece # od polazne, nema potrebe gledati crne piksele minx = int(ceil(cosk[:, 0].min())) maxx = int(ceil(cosk[:, 0].max())) + 1 miny = int(ceil(cosk[:, 1].min())) maxy = int(ceil(cosk[:, 1].max())) + 1 gran = (miny, minx), (maxy, maxx) # Cuvanje fiksirane i slike koju treba # transformisati pod informativnijim imenima fiksna = leva transf = desna if sleva: fiksna, transf = transf, fiksna # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print(f'Transformiše se {"leva" if sleva else "desna"} slika.') # Transformacija slike koja nije fiksirana transf = projektuj(transf, M, dim, gran) # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Uspešno izvršena transformacija.') # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Spajaju se slike.') # Uzduzne granice preklapanja if sleva: lgran = mini[0] dgran = maxx else: lgran = minx dgran = dim1[0] + mini[0] # Postavljanje fiksne slike na mesto; # prvo obrada delova pre i posle granice if sleva: transf[mini[1]:dim1[1]+mini[1], dgran :dim1[0]+mini[0]] = \ [[fiksna[i-mini[1],j-mini[0]] for j in range( dgran , dim1[0]+mini[0])] for i in range(mini[1], dim1[1]+mini[1])] else: transf[mini[1]:dim1[1]+mini[1], mini[0]: lgran ] = \ [[fiksna[i-mini[1],j-mini[0]] for j in range(mini[0], lgran )] for i in range(mini[1], dim1[1]+mini[1])] # Funkcija za filtriranje crnih piskela crn = lambda p: all(map(lambda x: x == 0, p)) # Funkcija za interpolaciju piksela duzina = dgran - lgran + 1 if sleva: pros = lambda y, x, j: (dgran - j) / duzina * x + (j - lgran + 1 ) / duzina * y else: pros = lambda x, y, j: (dgran - j) / duzina * x + (j - lgran + 1 ) / duzina * y # Tezinsko uprosecavanje (interpolacija) # necrnih piksela unutar granicnog pojasa transf[mini[1]:dim1[1] + mini[1], lgran:dgran] = [[ transf[i, j] if crn(fiksna[i - mini[1], j - mini[0]]) else fiksna[i - mini[1], j - mini[0]] if crn(transf[i, j]) else pros(fiksna[i - mini[1], j - mini[0]], transf[i, j], j) for j in range(lgran, dgran) ] for i in range(mini[1], dim1[1] + mini[1])] # Log poruka o akciji if LOGUJ: print('Uspešno spojene slike.') # Isecanje praznih ivica return iseci(transf)