Пример #1
 def compute_iou_dt_gt(self, dt, gt, is_crowd):
     if self.is_rotated(dt) or self.is_rotated(gt):
         # TODO: take is_crowd into consideration
         assert all(c == 0 for c in is_crowd)
         dt = RotatedBoxes(self.boxlist_to_tensor(dt, output_box_dim=5))
         gt = RotatedBoxes(self.boxlist_to_tensor(gt, output_box_dim=5))
         return pairwise_iou_rotated(dt, gt)
         # This is the same as the classical COCO evaluation
         return maskUtils.iou(dt, gt, is_crowd)
Пример #2
    def _get_ground_truth(self):
            gt_objectness_logits: list of N tensors. Tensor i is a vector whose length is the
                total number of anchors in image i (i.e., len(anchors[i])). Label values are
                in {-1, 0, 1}, with meanings: -1 = ignore; 0 = negative class; 1 = positive class.
            gt_anchor_deltas: list of N tensors. Tensor i has shape (len(anchors[i]), 5).
        gt_objectness_logits = []
        gt_anchor_deltas = []
        # Concatenate anchors from all feature maps into a single RotatedBoxes per image
        anchors = [RotatedBoxes.cat(anchors_i) for anchors_i in self.anchors]
        for image_size_i, anchors_i, gt_boxes_i in zip(self.image_sizes,
                                                       anchors, self.gt_boxes):
            image_size_i: (h, w) for the i-th image
            anchors_i: anchors for i-th image
            gt_boxes_i: ground-truth boxes for i-th image
            match_quality_matrix = pairwise_iou_rotated(gt_boxes_i, anchors_i)
            matched_idxs, gt_objectness_logits_i = self.anchor_matcher(

            if self.boundary_threshold >= 0:
                # Discard anchors that go out of the boundaries of the image
                # NOTE: This is legacy functionality that is turned off by default in cvpods
                anchors_inside_image = anchors_i.inside_box(
                    image_size_i, self.boundary_threshold)
                gt_objectness_logits_i[~anchors_inside_image] = -1

            if len(gt_boxes_i) == 0:
                # These values won't be used anyway since the anchor is labeled as background
                gt_anchor_deltas_i = torch.zeros_like(anchors_i.tensor)
                # TODO wasted computation for ignored boxes
                matched_gt_boxes = gt_boxes_i[matched_idxs]
                gt_anchor_deltas_i = self.box2box_transform.get_deltas(
                    anchors_i.tensor, matched_gt_boxes.tensor)


        return gt_objectness_logits, gt_anchor_deltas
Пример #3
    def label_and_sample_proposals(self, proposals, targets):
        Prepare some proposals to be used to train the RROI heads.
        It performs box matching between `proposals` and `targets`, and assigns
        training labels to the proposals.
        It returns `self.batch_size_per_image` random samples from proposals and groundtruth boxes,
        with a fraction of positives that is no larger than `self.positive_sample_fraction.

            See :meth:`StandardROIHeads.forward`

            list[Instances]: length `N` list of `Instances`s containing the proposals
                sampled for training. Each `Instances` has the following fields:
                - proposal_boxes: the rotated proposal boxes
                - gt_boxes: the ground-truth rotated boxes that the proposal is assigned to
                  (this is only meaningful if the proposal has a label > 0; if label = 0
                   then the ground-truth box is random)
                - gt_classes: the ground-truth classification lable for each proposal
        gt_boxes = [x.gt_boxes for x in targets]
        if self.proposal_append_gt:
            proposals = add_ground_truth_to_proposals(gt_boxes, proposals)

        proposals_with_gt = []

        num_fg_samples = []
        num_bg_samples = []
        for proposals_per_image, targets_per_image in zip(proposals, targets):
            has_gt = len(targets_per_image) > 0
            match_quality_matrix = pairwise_iou_rotated(
                targets_per_image.gt_boxes, proposals_per_image.proposal_boxes)
            matched_idxs, matched_labels = self.proposal_matcher(
            sampled_idxs, gt_classes = self._sample_proposals(
                matched_idxs, matched_labels, targets_per_image.gt_classes)

            proposals_per_image = proposals_per_image[sampled_idxs]
            proposals_per_image.gt_classes = gt_classes

            if has_gt:
                sampled_targets = matched_idxs[sampled_idxs]
                proposals_per_image.gt_boxes = targets_per_image.gt_boxes[
                gt_boxes = RotatedBoxes(
                        (len(sampled_idxs), 5)))
                proposals_per_image.gt_boxes = gt_boxes

                (gt_classes == self.num_classes).sum().item())
            num_fg_samples.append(gt_classes.numel() - num_bg_samples[-1])

        # Log the number of fg/bg samples that are selected for training ROI heads
        storage = get_event_storage()
        storage.put_scalar("roi_head/num_fg_samples", np.mean(num_fg_samples))
        storage.put_scalar("roi_head/num_bg_samples", np.mean(num_bg_samples))

        return proposals_with_gt