Пример #1
def sparse_chol(M, perm=None, retF=False, retP=True, retL=True):

    # Quick check that M is square
    if M.size[0] != M.size[1]:
        raise Exception('M must be square.')

    # Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

    if not perm is None:
        # Make an expression for the factorisation
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M, p=perm)
        # Make an expression for the factorisation
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M)

    # Calculate the factorisation
    cholmod.numeric(M, F)

    # Empty factorisation object
    factorisation = {}

    if retF:

        # Calculate the factorisation again (buggy if returning L for
        # some reason)
        F2 = cholmod.symbolic(M, p=perm)
        cholmod.numeric(M, F2)

        # If we want to return the F object, add it to the dictionary
        factorisation['F'] = F2

    if retP:

        # Set p to [0,...,n-1]
        P = cvxopt.matrix(range(M.size[0]), (M.size[0], 1), tc='d')

        # Solve and replace p with the true permutation used
        cholmod.solve(F, P, sys=7)

        # Convert p into an integer array; more useful that way
        P = cvxopt.matrix(np.array(P).astype(np.int64), tc='i')

        # If we want to return the permutation, add it to the dictionary
        factorisation['P'] = P

    if retL:

        # Get the sparse cholesky factor
        L = cholmod.getfactor(F)

        # If we want to return the factor, add it to the dictionary
        factorisation['L'] = L

    # Return P and L
    return (factorisation)
Пример #2
    def proj(y, ip=True):
        if not ip: y = +y
        tmp = matrix(0.0, size=(meq, 1))

        ypre = +y
            m = nssq, n = meq, beta = 1)

        cholmod.solve(LTLi, tmp)
            m = nssq, n = meq)
        if not ip: return y
Пример #3
def eval(obj):
        s = cholmod.options['supernodal']
    except KeyError:
        s = 2  # set to default.
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 0
    A = cvxopt.base.sparse(obj)
    F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
    cholmod.numeric(A, F)
    Di = matrix(1.0, (4, 1))
    cholmod.solve(F, Di, sys=6)
    # Reset state.
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = s
    return -sum(cvxopt.base.log(Di))
Пример #4
def eval(obj):
        s = cholmod.options['supernodal']
    except KeyError:
        s = 2 # set to default.
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 0
    A = cvxopt.base.sparse(obj)
    F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
    cholmod.numeric(A, F)
    Di = matrix(1.0, (4,1))
    cholmod.solve(F, Di, sys=6)
    # Reset state.
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = s
    return -sum(cvxopt.base.log(Di))
Пример #5
def PLS2D_getBeta(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P,
                  tinds, rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)

    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX

    # Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * ZtZ * Lambda
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lambda.size[0]), range(Lambda.size[0]))
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)

    # Obtain RZX
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)

    # Obtain RXtRX
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)

    return (betahat)
Пример #6
    (np.tile(theta[0:f1_n_lamcomps], f1_nl),
     np.tile(theta[f1_n_lamcomps:(f1_n_lamcomps + f2_n_lamcomps)], f2_nl)))

lambda_theta = cvxopt.spmatrix(
    np.hstack((r_inds_f1, r_inds_f2)).astype(np.int64),
    np.hstack((c_inds_f1, c_inds_f2)).astype(np.int64))

theta_fromlambda = pd.unique(list(lambda_theta))

# Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

# Make an expression for the factorisation
F = cholmod.symbolic(ZtZ)

# Calculate the factorisation
cholmod.numeric(ZtZ, F)

# Work out the permutation
p = cvxopt.matrix(range(ZtZ.size[0]), (ZtZ.size[0], 1), tc='d')
cholmod.solve(F, p, sys=7)

# Get the sparse cholesky factorisation
L = cholmod.getfactor(F)
LLt2 = L * cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(L)

p = cvxopt.matrix(np.array(p).astype(np.int64), tc='i')
print(LLt2 - ZtZ[p, p])
Пример #7
def covsel(Y):
    Returns the solution of

         minimize    -log det K + Tr(KY)
         subject to  K_{ij}=0,  (i,j) not in indices listed in I,J.

    Y is a symmetric sparse matrix with nonzero diagonal elements.
    I = Y.I,  J = Y.J.

    I, J = Y.I, Y.J
    n, m = Y.size[0], len(I)
    N = I + J*n         # non-zero positions for one-argument indexing
    D = [k for k in range(m) if I[k]==J[k]]  # position of diagonal elements

    # starting point: symmetric identity with nonzero pattern I,J
    K = spmatrix(0.0, I, J)
    K[::n+1] = 1.0

    # Kn is used in the line search
    Kn = spmatrix(0.0, I, J)

    # symbolic factorization of K
    F = cholmod.symbolic(K)

    # Kinv will be the inverse of K
    Kinv = matrix(0.0, (n,n))

    for iters in range(100):

        # numeric factorization of K
        cholmod.numeric(K, F)
        d = cholmod.diag(F)

        # compute Kinv by solving K*X = I
        Kinv[:] = 0.0
        Kinv[::n+1] = 1.0
        cholmod.solve(F, Kinv)

        # solve Newton system
        grad = 2*(Y.V - Kinv[N])
        hess = 2*(mul(Kinv[I,J],Kinv[J,I]) + mul(Kinv[I,I],Kinv[J,J]))
        v = -grad

        # stopping criterion
        sqntdecr = -blas.dot(grad,v)
        print("Newton decrement squared:%- 7.5e" %sqntdecr)
        if (sqntdecr < 1e-12):
            print("number of iterations: ", iters+1)

        # line search
        dx = +v
        dx[D] *= 2      # scale the diagonal elems
        f = -2.0 * sum(log(d))    # f = -log det K
        s = 1
        for lsiter in range(50):
            Kn.V = K.V + s*dx
                cholmod.numeric(Kn, F)
            except ArithmeticError:
                s *= 0.5
                d = cholmod.diag(F)
                fn = -2.0 * sum(log(d)) + 2*s*blas.dot(v,Y.V)
                if (fn < f - 0.01*s*sqntdecr):
                s *= 0.5

        K.V = Kn.V

    return K
Пример #8
    def factor(W, H=None, Df=None):

        if F['firstcall']:
            if type(G) is matrix:
                F['Gs'] = matrix(0.0, G.size)
                F['Gs'] = spmatrix(0.0, G.I, G.J, G.size)
            if mnl:
                if type(Df) is matrix:
                    F['Dfs'] = matrix(0.0, Df.size)
                    F['Dfs'] = spmatrix(0.0, Df.I, Df.J, Df.size)
            if (mnl and type(Df) is matrix) or type(G) is matrix or \
                    type(H) is matrix:
                F['S'] = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
                F['K'] = matrix(0.0, (p, p))
                F['S'] = spmatrix([], [], [], (n, n), 'd')
                F['Sf'] = None
                if type(A) is matrix:
                    F['K'] = matrix(0.0, (p, p))
                    F['K'] = spmatrix([], [], [], (p, p), 'd')

        # Dfs = Wnl^{-1} * Df
        if mnl:
            base.gemm(spmatrix(W['dnli'], list(range(mnl)),
                               list(range(mnl))), Df, F['Dfs'], partial=True)

        # Gs = Wl^{-1} * G.
        base.gemm(spmatrix(W['di'], list(range(ml)), list(range(ml))),
                  G, F['Gs'], partial=True)

        if F['firstcall']:
            base.syrk(F['Gs'], F['S'], trans='T')
            if mnl:
                base.syrk(F['Dfs'], F['S'], trans='T', beta=1.0)
            if H is not None:
                F['S'] += H
                if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                    F['Sf'] = cholmod.symbolic(F['S'])
                    cholmod.numeric(F['S'], F['Sf'])
            except ArithmeticError:
                F['singular'] = True
                if type(A) is matrix and type(F['S']) is spmatrix:
                    F['S'] = matrix(0.0, (n, n))
                base.syrk(F['Gs'], F['S'], trans='T')
                if mnl:
                    base.syrk(F['Dfs'], F['S'], trans='T', beta=1.0)
                base.syrk(A, F['S'], trans='T', beta=1.0)
                if H is not None:
                    F['S'] += H
                if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                    F['Sf'] = cholmod.symbolic(F['S'])
                    cholmod.numeric(F['S'], F['Sf'])
            F['firstcall'] = False

            base.syrk(F['Gs'], F['S'], trans='T', partial=True)
            if mnl:
                base.syrk(F['Dfs'], F['S'], trans='T', beta=1.0,
            if H is not None:
                F['S'] += H
            if F['singular']:
                base.syrk(A, F['S'], trans='T', beta=1.0, partial=True)
            if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                cholmod.numeric(F['S'], F['Sf'])

        if type(F['S']) is matrix:
            # Asct := L^{-1}*A'.  Factor K = Asct'*Asct.
            if type(A) is matrix:
                Asct = A.T
                Asct = matrix(A.T)
            blas.trsm(F['S'], Asct)
            blas.syrk(Asct, F['K'], trans='T')

            # Asct := L^{-1}*P*A'.  Factor K = Asct'*Asct.
            if type(A) is matrix:
                Asct = A.T
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], Asct, sys=7)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], Asct, sys=4)
                blas.syrk(Asct, F['K'], trans='T')
                Asct = cholmod.spsolve(F['Sf'], A.T, sys=7)
                Asct = cholmod.spsolve(F['Sf'], Asct, sys=4)
                base.syrk(Asct, F['K'], trans='T')
                Kf = cholmod.symbolic(F['K'])
                cholmod.numeric(F['K'], Kf)

        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'  GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0   0          ] * [ uy   ] = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I         ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # If not F['singular']:
            #     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz ) - by
            #     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*uy
            #     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).
            # If F['singular']:
            #     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by )
            #            - by
            #     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y.
            #     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).

            # z := W^{-1} * z = W^{-1} * bz
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')

            # If not F['singular']:
            #     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z)
            #        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz)
            # If F['singular']:
            #     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z + A'*y))
            #        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*y)

            if mnl:
                base.gemv(F['Dfs'], z, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(F['Gs'], z, x, offsetx=mnl, trans='T',
            if F['singular']:
                base.gemv(A, y, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                blas.trsv(F['S'], x)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=7)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=4)

            # y := K^{-1} * (Asc*x - y)
            #    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz) - by)
            #      (if not F['singular'])
            #    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz +
            #      A'*by) - by)
            #      (if F['singular']).

            base.gemv(Asct, x, y, trans='T', beta=-1.0)
            if type(F['K']) is matrix:
                lapack.potrs(F['K'], y)
                cholmod.solve(Kf, y)

            # x := P' * L^{-T} * (x - Asc'*y)
            #    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*y)
            #      (if not F['singular'])
            #    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y)
            #      (if F['singular'])

            base.gemv(Asct, y, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                blas.trsv(F['S'], x, trans='T')
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=5)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=8)

            # W*z := GGs*x - z = W^{-T} * (GG*x - bz)
            if mnl:
                base.gemv(F['Dfs'], x, z, beta=-1.0)
            base.gemv(F['Gs'], x, z, beta=-1.0, offsety=mnl)

        return solve
Пример #9
    def solve_phase1(self, kktsolver='chol', MM=1e5):
        Solves primal Phase I problem using the feasible 
        start solver.

        Returns primal feasible X.

        from cvxopt import cholmod, amd
        k = 1e-3

        # compute Schur complement matrix
        Id = [i * (self.n + 1) for i in range(self.n)]
        As = self._A[:, 1:]
        As[Id, :] /= sqrt(2.0)

        M = spmatrix([], [], [], (self.m, self.m))
        base.syrk(As, M, trans='T')
        u = +self.b

        # compute least-norm solution
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M)
        cholmod.numeric(M, F)
        cholmod.solve(F, u)
        x = 0.5 * self._A[:, 1:] * u
        X0 = spmatrix(x[self.V[:].I], self.V.I, self.V.J, (self.n, self.n))

        # test feasibility
        p = amd.order(self.V)
        #Xc,Nf = chompack.embed(X0,p)
        #E = chompack.project(Xc,spmatrix(1.0,range(self.n),range(self.n)))
        symb = chompack.symbolic(self.V, p)
        Xc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + X0

            # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
            L = Xc.copy()
            # least-norm solution is feasible
            return X0

        # create Phase I SDP object
        trA = matrix(0.0, (self.m + 1, 1))
        e = matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1))
        Aa = self._A[Id, 1:]
        base.gemv(Aa, e, trA, trans='T')
        trA[-1] = MM
        P1 = SDP()
        P1._A = misc.phase1_sdp(self._A, trA)
        P1._b = matrix([self.b - k * trA[:self.m], MM])

        # find feasible starting point for Phase I problem
        tMIN = 0.0
        tMAX = 1.0
        while True:
            t = (tMIN + tMAX) / 2.0
            #Xt = chompack.copy(Xc)
            Xt = Xc.copy() + spmatrix(t, range(self.n), range(self.n))

                # L = chompack.completion(Xt)
                L = Xt.copy()
                tMAX = t
                if tMAX - tMIN < 1e-1:
                tMAX *= 2.0
                tMIN = t

        tt = t + 1.0
        U = X0 + spmatrix(tt, range(self.n, ), range(self.n))
        trU = sum(U[:][Id])

        Z0 = spdiag([U, spmatrix([tt + k, MM - trU], [0, 1], [0, 1], (2, 2))])
        sol = P1.solve_feas(primalstart={'x': Z0}, kktsolver=kktsolver)

        s = sol['x'][-2, -2] - k
        if s > 0:
            return None, P1

            X0 = sol.pop('x')[:self.n,:self.n]\
                - spmatrix(s,range(self.n),range(self.n))
            return X0, sol
Пример #10
        def solve(x, y, z):
            Returns solution of 

                rho * ux + A'(uy) - r^-T * uz * r^-1 = bx
                A(ux)                                = by
                -ux               - r * uz * r'      = bz.

            On entry, x = bx, y = by, z = bz.
            On exit, x = ux, y = uy, z = uz.

            # bz is a copy of z in the format of x
            blas.copy(z, bz)
            # x := x + rho * bz
            #    = bx + rho * bz
            blas.axpy(bz, x, alpha=rho)

            # x := Gamma .* (u' * x * u)
            #    = Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(U[j], x, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                blas.tbmv(Gamma[j], x, n=ns[j]**2, k=0, ldA=1, offsetx=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # y := y - As(x)
            #   := by - As( Gamma .* u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            offseti = 0
            for i in xrange(M):
                offsetj = 0
                for j in xrange(N):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                                  m=ns[j] * (ns[j] + 1) / 2,
                    offsetj += ns[j]**2
                offseti += ms[i]
            # y := -y - A(bz)
            #    = -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma .*  (u' * (bx + rho * bz) * u)

            Af(bz, y, alpha=-1.0, beta=-1.0)

            # y := H^-1 * y
            #    = H^-1 ( -by - A(bz) + As(Gamma.* u'*(bx + rho*bz)*u) )
            #    = uy

            cholmod.solve(HF, y)

            # bz = Vt' * vz * Vt
            #    = uz where
            # vz := Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - x )
            #     = Gamma .* ( As'(uy)  - Gamma .* (u'*(bx + rho *bz)*u) )
            #     = Gamma.^2 .* ( u' * (A'(uy) - bx - rho * bz) * u ).
            blas.copy(x, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):

                # xp is -x[j] = -Gamma .* (u' * (bx + rho*bz) * u)
                # in packed storage
                misc.pack2(xp, {'l': offsetj, 'q': [], 's': [ns[j]]})
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.scal(-1.0, xp)

            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                # xp +=  As'(uy)

                offseti = 0
                for i in xrange(M):
                    if type(As[i][j]) is matrix:
                        blas.gemv(As[i][j], y, xp, alpha = 1.0,
                             beta = 1.0, m = ns[j]*(ns[j]+1)/2, \
                                n = ms[i],ldA = ns[j]**2, \
                                offsetx = offseti, offsety = offsetj)
                    offseti += ms[i]

                # bz[j] is xp unpacked and multiplied with Gamma
                #unpack(xp, bz[j], ns[j])

                            bz, {
                                'l': 0,
                                'q': [],
                                's': [ns[j]]


                # bz = Vt' * bz * Vt
                #    = uz

                cngrnc(Vt[j], bz, trans='T', offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                symmetrize(bz, ns[j], offset=offsetj)
                offsetj += ns[j]**2

            # x = -bz - r * uz * r'
            blas.copy(z, x)
            blas.copy(bz, z)
            offsetj = 0
            for j in xrange(N):
                cngrnc(+W['r'][j], bz, offsetx=offsetj, n=ns[j])
                offsetj += ns[j]**2
            blas.axpy(bz, x)
            blas.scal(-1.0, x)
Пример #11
        def solve(x, y, z):

            # Solve
            #     [ H          A'  GG'*W^{-1} ]   [ ux   ]   [ bx        ]
            #     [ A          0   0          ] * [ uy   ] = [ by        ]
            #     [ W^{-T}*GG  0   -I         ]   [ W*uz ]   [ W^{-T}*bz ]
            # and return ux, uy, W*uz.
            # If not F['singular']:
            #     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz ) - by
            #     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*uy
            #     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).
            # If F['singular']:
            #     K*uy = A * S^{-1} * ( bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by )
            #            - by
            #     S*ux = bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y.
            #     W*uz = W^{-T} * ( GG*ux - bz ).

            # z := W^{-1} * z = W^{-1} * bz
            scale(z, W, trans='T', inverse='I')

            # If not F['singular']:
            #     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z)
            #        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz)
            # If F['singular']:
            #     x := L^{-1} * P * (x + GGs'*z + A'*y))
            #        = L^{-1} * P * (x + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*y)

            if mnl:
                base.gemv(F['Dfs'], z, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            base.gemv(F['Gs'], z, x, offsetx=mnl, trans='T',
            if F['singular']:
                base.gemv(A, y, x, trans='T', beta=1.0)
            if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                blas.trsv(F['S'], x)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=7)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=4)

            # y := K^{-1} * (Asc*x - y)
            #    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz) - by)
            #      (if not F['singular'])
            #    = K^{-1} * (A * S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz +
            #      A'*by) - by)
            #      (if F['singular']).

            base.gemv(Asct, x, y, trans='T', beta=-1.0)
            if type(F['K']) is matrix:
                lapack.potrs(F['K'], y)
                cholmod.solve(Kf, y)

            # x := P' * L^{-T} * (x - Asc'*y)
            #    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz - A'*y)
            #      (if not F['singular'])
            #    = S^{-1} * (bx + GG'*W^{-1}*W^{-T}*bz + A'*by - A'*y)
            #      (if F['singular'])

            base.gemv(Asct, y, x, alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0)
            if type(F['S']) is matrix:
                blas.trsv(F['S'], x, trans='T')
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=5)
                cholmod.solve(F['Sf'], x, sys=8)

            # W*z := GGs*x - z = W^{-T} * (GG*x - bz)
            if mnl:
                base.gemv(F['Dfs'], x, z, beta=-1.0)
            base.gemv(F['Gs'], x, z, beta=-1.0, offsety=mnl)
Пример #12
def PLS2D_getSigma2(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P,
                    I, tinds, rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    #t1 = time.time()
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.170967102050781e-05   9

    # Obtain Lambda'
    #t1 = time.time()
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)# 3.5762786865234375e-06

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.049041748046875e-05   13

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * (ZtZ * Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.790855407714844e-05   2

    #t1 = time.time()
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#0.0001342296600341797   1

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    #t1 = time.time()
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.5974044799804688e-05   5

    # Obtain RZX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.2159347534179688e-05   7

    # Obtain RXtRX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#9.775161743164062e-06  11

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    #t1 = time.time()
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.7404556274414062e-05   6

    # Obtain u estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#1.2874603271484375e-05   8

    # Obtain b estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    bhat = Lambda * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#2.86102294921875e-06  15

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat
    #t2 = time.time()
    #print(t2-t1)#3.409385681152344e-05   4

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat

    return (pss / n)
Пример #13
from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, cholmod

A = spmatrix([10, 3, 5, -2, 5, 2], [0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3])
X = matrix(range(8), (4,2), 'd')
F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
cholmod.numeric(A, F)
cholmod.solve(F, X)
P = cvxopt.matrix(P)
print(cvxopt.matrix(list(map(lambda x: x != 1, abs(P))), P.size))
Пример #14
FA = umfpack.numeric(A, Fs)
FB = umfpack.numeric(B, Fs)
umfpack.solve(A, FA, x)
umfpack.solve(B, FB, x)
umfpack.solve(A, FA, x, trans='T')

A = spmatrix([10, 3, 5, -2, 5, 2], [0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3], [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3])
X = matrix(range(8), (4, 2), 'd')
cholmod.linsolve(A, X)

X = cholmod.splinsolve(A, spmatrix(1.0, range(4), range(4)))

X = matrix(range(8), (4, 2), 'd')
F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
cholmod.numeric(A, F)
cholmod.solve(F, X)

F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
cholmod.numeric(A, F)
print(2.0 * sum(log(cholmod.diag(F))))
options['supernodal'] = 0
F = cholmod.symbolic(A)
cholmod.numeric(A, F)
Di = matrix(1.0, (4, 1))
cholmod.solve(F, Di, sys=6)
Пример #15
def covsel(Y):
    Returns the solution of
        minimize    -log det K + tr(KY)
        subject to  K_ij = 0  if (i,j) not in zip(I, J).

    Y is a symmetric sparse matrix with nonzero diagonal elements.
    I = Y.I,  J = Y.J.

    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

    I, J = Y.I, Y.J
    n, m = Y.size[0], len(I) 
    # non-zero positions for one-argument indexing 
    N = I + J*n         
    # position of diagonal elements
    D = [ k for k in range(m) if I[k]==J[k] ]  

    # starting point: symmetric identity with nonzero pattern I,J
    K = spmatrix(0.0, I, J) 
    K[::n+1] = 1.0

    # Kn is used in the line search
    Kn = spmatrix(0.0, I, J)

    # symbolic factorization of K 
    F = cholmod.symbolic(K)

    # Kinv will be the inverse of K
    Kinv = matrix(0.0, (n,n))

    for iters in range(100):

        # numeric factorization of K
        cholmod.numeric(K, F)
        d = cholmod.diag(F)

        # compute Kinv by solving K*X = I 
        Kinv[:] = 0.0
        Kinv[::n+1] = 1.0
        cholmod.solve(F, Kinv)
        # solve Newton system
        grad = 2 * (Y.V - Kinv[N])
        hess = 2 * ( mul(Kinv[I,J], Kinv[J,I]) + 
               mul(Kinv[I,I], Kinv[J,J]) )
        v = -grad
        # stopping criterion
        sqntdecr = -blas.dot(grad,v) 
        print("Newton decrement squared:%- 7.5e" %sqntdecr)
        if (sqntdecr < 1e-12):
            print("number of iterations: %d" %(iters+1))

        # line search
        dx = +v
        dx[D] *= 2      
        f = -2.0*sum(log(d))      # f = -log det K
        s = 1
        for lsiter in range(50):
            Kn.V = K.V + s*dx
                cholmod.numeric(Kn, F)
            except ArithmeticError: 
                s *= 0.5
                d = cholmod.diag(F)
                fn = -2.0 * sum(log(d)) + 2*s*blas.dot(v,Y.V)
                if (fn < f - 0.01*s*sqntdecr): break
                else: s *= 0.5

        K.V = Kn.V

    return K
Пример #16
def PLS(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, P, tinds, rinds,

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Obtain Lambda from theta
    Lambda = mapping(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    # Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
    cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain L
    #t1 = time.time()
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * ZtZ * Lambda
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lambda.size[0]), range(Lambda.size[0]))
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    chol_dict = sparse_chol(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    F = chol_dict['F']
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    #t1 = time.time()
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain RZX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain RXtRX
    #t1 = time.time()
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX
    #t2 = time.time()


    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    #t1 = time.time()
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain u estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    #t2 = time.time()

    #t1 = time.time()
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain b estimates
    #t1 = time.time()
    bhat = Lambda * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    #t1 = time.time()
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain Log(|L|^2)
    #t1 = time.time()
    logdet = 2 * sum(cvxopt.log(
        cholmod.diag(F)))  # this method only works for symm decomps
    # Need to do tr(R_X)^2 for rml
    #t2 = time.time()

    # Obtain log likelihood
    logllh = -logdet / 2 - X.size[0] / 2 * (1 + np.log(2 * np.pi * pss) -

    #print(L[::(L.size[0]+1)]) # gives diag

    return (-logllh[0, 0])
Пример #17
def PeLS2D(theta, ZtX, ZtY, XtX, ZtZ, XtY, YtX, YtZ, XtZ, YtY, n, P, I, tinds,
           rinds, cinds):

    # Obtain Lambda
    Lambda = mapping2D(theta, tinds, rinds, cinds)

    # Obtain Lambda'
    Lambdat = spmatrix.trans(Lambda)

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'Y and Lambda'Z'X
    LambdatZtY = Lambdat * ZtY
    LambdatZtX = Lambdat * ZtX

    # Obtain the cholesky decomposition
    LambdatZtZLambda = Lambdat * (ZtZ * Lambda)
    chol_dict = sparse_chol2D(LambdatZtZLambda + I,
    F = chol_dict['F']

    # Obtain C_u (annoyingly solve writes over the second argument,
    # whereas spsolve outputs)
    Cu = LambdatZtY[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, Cu, sys=4)

    # Obtain RZX
    RZX = LambdatZtX[P, :]
    cholmod.solve(F, RZX, sys=4)

    # Obtain RXtRX
    RXtRX = XtX - matrix.trans(RZX) * RZX

    # Obtain beta estimates (note: gesv also replaces the second
    # argument)
    betahat = XtY - matrix.trans(RZX) * Cu
        lapack.posv(RXtRX, betahat)
        lapack.gesv(RXtRX, betahat)

    # Obtain u estimates
    uhat = Cu - RZX * betahat
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=5)
    cholmod.solve(F, uhat, sys=8)

    # Obtain b estimates
    bhat = Lambda * uhat

    # Obtain residuals sum of squares
    resss = YtY - 2 * YtX * betahat - 2 * YtZ * bhat + 2 * matrix.trans(
        betahat) * XtZ * bhat + matrix.trans(
            betahat) * XtX * betahat + matrix.trans(bhat) * ZtZ * bhat

    # Obtain penalised residual sum of squares
    pss = resss + matrix.trans(uhat) * uhat

    # Obtain Log(|L|^2)
    logdet = 2 * sum(cvxopt.log(cholmod.diag(F)))

    # Obtain log likelihood
    logllh = -logdet / 2 - n / 2 * (1 + np.log(2 * np.pi * pss[0, 0]) -

    return (-logllh)
Пример #18
    def solve_phase1(self,kktsolver='chol',MM = 1e5):
        Solves primal Phase I problem using the feasible
        start solver.

        Returns primal feasible X.

        from cvxopt import cholmod, amd
        k = 1e-3

        # compute Schur complement matrix
        Id = [i*(self.n+1) for i in range(self.n)]
        As = self._A[:,1:]
        As[Id,:] /= sqrt(2.0)

        M = spmatrix([],[],[],(self.m,self.m))
        u = +self.b

        # compute least-norm solution
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M)
        x = 0.5*self._A[:,1:]*u
        X0 = spmatrix(x[self.V[:].I],self.V.I,self.V.J,(self.n,self.n))

        # test feasibility
        p = amd.order(self.V)
        #Xc,Nf = chompack.embed(X0,p)
        #E = chompack.project(Xc,spmatrix(1.0,range(self.n),range(self.n)))
        symb = chompack.symbolic(self.V,p)
        Xc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + X0

            # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
            L = Xc.copy()
            # least-norm solution is feasible
            return X0,None

        # create Phase I SDP object
        trA = matrix(0.0,(self.m+1,1))
        e = matrix(1.0,(self.n,1))
        Aa = self._A[Id,1:]
        trA[-1] = MM
        P1 = SDP()
        P1._A = misc.phase1_sdp(self._A,trA)
        P1._b = matrix([self.b-k*trA[:self.m],MM])

        # find feasible starting point for Phase I problem
        tMIN = 0.0
        tMAX = 1.0
        while True:
            t = (tMIN+tMAX)/2.0
            #Xt = chompack.copy(Xc)
            Xt = Xc.copy() + spmatrix(t,list(range(self.n)),list(range(self.n)))

                # L = chompack.completion(Xt)
                L = Xt.copy()
                tMAX = t
                if tMAX - tMIN < 1e-1:
                tMAX *= 2.0
                tMIN = t

        tt = t + 1.0
        U = X0 + spmatrix(tt,list(range(self.n,)),list(range(self.n)))
        trU = sum(U[:][Id])

        Z0 = spdiag([U,spmatrix([tt+k,MM-trU],[0,1],[0,1],(2,2))])
        sol = P1.solve_feas(primalstart = {'x':Z0}, kktsolver = kktsolver)

        s = sol['x'][-2,-2] - k
        if s > 0:
            return None,P1

            X0 = sol.pop('x')[:self.n,:self.n]\
                - spmatrix(s,list(range(self.n)),list(range(self.n)))
            return X0,sol