Пример #1
def maximize_fapx_cvxopt( node, problem, scoop=False):
    Finds the value of y solving maximize sum(fapx(x)) subject to:
                       l <= x <= u
    fapx is calculated by approximating the functions given in fs
    as the concave envelope of the function that is tight, 
    for each coordinate i, at the points in tight[i]
    fs should be a list of tuples containing the function and its derivative
    corresponding to each coordinate of the vector x.
    Returns a dict containing the optimal variable y as a list, 
    the optimal value of the approximate objective,
    and the value of sum(f(x)) at x.
    scoop = True optionally dumps all problem parameters into a file
    which can be parsed and solved using the scoop second order cone 
    modeling language
    n = len(node.l);
    l = matrix(node.l); u = matrix(node.u)

    x = problem.variable
    constr = problem.constr
    # add box constraints
    box = [x[i]<=u[i] for i in xrange(n)] + [x[i]>=l[i] for i in xrange(n)]

    # find approximation to concave envelope of each function
    (fapx,slopes,offsets,fapxs) = utilities.get_fapx(node.tight,problem.fs,l,u,y=x)
    if problem.check_z:
    if scoop:
    obj = sum( fapx )
    o = op(obj,constr + box)
        o.solve(solver = 'glpk')
    if not o.status == 'optimal':
        if o.status == 'unknown':
            raise ImportError('Unable to solve subproblem. Please try again after installing cvxopt with glpk binding.')
            # This node is dead, since the problem is infeasible
            return False
        # find the difference between the fapx and f for each coordinate i
        fi = numpy.array([problem.fs[i][0](x.value[i]) for i in range(n)])
        fapxi = numpy.array([list(-fun.value())[0] for fun in fapx])
        #if verbose: print 'fi',fi,'fapxi',fapxi
        maxdiff_index = numpy.argmax( fapxi - fi )
        results = {'x': list(x.value), 'fapx': -list(obj.value())[0], 'f': float(sum(fi)), 'maxdiff_index': maxdiff_index}
        return results
Пример #2
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack, solvers, matrix, spdiag, log, div, normal, setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m, n = 100, 30
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m, 1)
        b /= (1.1 * max(abs(b)))
        self.m, self.n, self.A, self.b = m, n, A, b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        op(sum(abs(A * x + b))).solve()
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        lapack.gels(Aprime, bprime)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A * x + b) - 0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(
            np.max([np.abs(A * x.value + b) - 0.5,
                    np.zeros((m, 1))], axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
            y = A * x + b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1 - y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0 * z[0] * div(1.0 + y**2, (1.0 - y**2)**2)) * A
            return f, gradf.T, H

        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
Пример #3
def balance(request, engines, demand):
    engines = json.loads(engines)
    enabled_engines = filter(lambda engine: engine["_isEnabled"], engines)
    print enabled_engines
    if not enabled_engines:
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(enabled_engines))
    vector_size = len(enabled_engines)
    rpms = variable(vector_size, "rpms")   

    fixed_engine_costs = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).fixed_engine_cost) for engine in enabled_engines])
    linear_engine_costs = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).linear_engine_cost) for engine in enabled_engines])

    fixed_energy_outputs = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=int(engine["_engineTypeId"])).fixed_energy_output) for engine in enabled_engines])
    linear_energy_outputs = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=int(engine["_engineTypeId"])).linear_energy_output) for engine in enabled_engines])

    minimum_rpms = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).minimum_rpm) for engine in enabled_engines])
    maximum_rpms = matrix([float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).maximum_rpm) for engine in enabled_engines])

    demand_constraint = ((float(demand) - dot(rpms, linear_energy_outputs) - sum(fixed_energy_outputs)) <= 0)

    maximum_rpm_constraint = ((rpms - maximum_rpms) <= 0)
    minimum_rpm_constraint = ((rpms - minimum_rpms) >= 0)

    constraints = [demand_constraint, maximum_rpm_constraint, minimum_rpm_constraint]                
    objective_function = op((dot(linear_engine_costs, rpms) + sum(fixed_engine_costs)), constraints)        

    print rpms.value

    rpmsIndex = 0
    for engine in engines:
        engine["_rpm"] = 0
        engine["_energyOutput"] = 0
        if engine["_isEnabled"]:
            print rpms
            if rpms.value:
                engine["_rpm"] = rpms.value[rpmsIndex]
                rpmsIndex += 1
                engine["_rpm"] = float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).maximum_rpm)

            energy_output_per_rpm = float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).linear_energy_output)
            base_energy_output = float(EngineType.objects.get(pk=engine["_engineTypeId"]).fixed_energy_output)
            engine["_energyOutput"] = energy_output_per_rpm * float(engine["_rpm"]) + base_energy_output      

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(engines));
    def setUp(self):
        Use cvxopt to get ground truth values

        from cvxopt import lapack,solvers,matrix,spdiag,log,div,normal,setseed
        from cvxopt.modeling import variable,op,max,sum
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

        m,n = 100,30
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m,1)
        b /= (1.1*max(abs(b)))
        self.m,self.n,self.A,self.b = m,n,A,b

        # l1 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_1
        x = variable(n)
        self.x1 = x.value

        # l2 approximation
        # minimize || A*x + b ||_2
        bprime = -matrix(b)
        Aprime = matrix(A)
        self.x2 = bprime[:n]

        # Deadzone approximation
        # minimize sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0))
        x = variable(n)
        dzop = op(sum(max(abs(A*x+b)-0.5, 0.0)))
        self.obj_dz = sum(np.max([np.abs(A*x.value+b)-0.5,np.zeros((m,1))],axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        # minimize -sum (log ( 1.0 - (A*x+b)**2))
        def F(x=None, z=None):
            if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0,(n,1))
            y = A*x+b
            if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
            f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
            gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1-y**2)
            if z is None: return f, gradf.T
            H = A.T * spdiag(2.0*z[0]*div(1.0+y**2,(1.0-y**2)**2))*A
            return f,gradf.T,H
        self.cxlb = solvers.cp(F)['x']
Пример #5
def solve_lad(X, Y):
    Y_cvx = matrix(Y)
    X_cvx = matrix(X)
    w_hat = variable(X.shape[1])
    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    op(sum(abs(Y_cvx - X_cvx * w_hat))).solve()
    return w_hat.value
Пример #6
    def balance(self, energy_demand):
        active_engines = filter(lambda engine: engine.is_enabled, self.engines)
        if len(active_engines) <= 0:
            return []
        rpms = variable(len(active_engines), 'rpms')    

        fixed_engine_costs = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.fixed_engine_cost) for engine in active_engines])
        linear_engine_costs = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.linear_engine_cost) for engine in active_engines])

        fixed_energy_outputs = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.fixed_energy_output) for engine in active_engines])
        linear_energy_outputs = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.linear_energy_output) for engine in active_engines])

        minimum_rpms = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.minimum_rpm) for engine in active_engines])
        maximum_rpms = matrix([float(engine.engine_type.maximum_rpm) for engine in active_engines])

        energy_demand_constraint = ((float(energy_demand) - dot(rpms, linear_energy_outputs) - sum(fixed_energy_outputs)) <= 0)

        maximum_rpm_constraint = ((rpms - maximum_rpms) <= 0)
        minimum_rpm_constraint = ((rpms - minimum_rpms) >= 0)

        constraints = [energy_demand_constraint, maximum_rpm_constraint, minimum_rpm_constraint]                
        objective_function = op((dot(linear_engine_costs, rpms) - sum(fixed_engine_costs)), constraints)        
        for i in range(len(active_engines)):
            engine = active_engines[i]
            engine.rpm = rpms.value[i]
            engine.energy_output = float(engine.engine_type.fixed_energy_output) * engine.rpm + float(engine.engine_type.fixed_energy_output)
        return active_engines              
Пример #7
    def test_problem_penalty(self):
        Compare cvxpy solutions to cvxopt ground truth

        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize, sum, abs,
                           norm2, log, square, zeros, max, hstack, vstack)

        m, n = self.m, self.n
        A = matrix(self.A)
        b = matrix(self.b)

        # set tolerance to 5 significant digits
        tol_exp = 5

        # l1 approximation
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(sum(abs(A * x + b))))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x.value, self.x1, tol_exp)

        # l2 approximation
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(norm2(A * x + b)))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x.value, self.x2, tol_exp)

        # Deadzone approximation - implementation is currently ugly (need max along axis)
        x = variable(n)
        Axbm = abs(A * x + b) - 0.5
        Axbm_deadzone = vstack(
            [max(hstack((Axbm[i, 0], 0.0))) for i in range(m)])
        p = program(minimize(sum(Axbm_deadzone)))
        obj_dz_cvxpy = np.sum(
            np.max([np.abs(A * x.value + b) - 0.5,
                    np.zeros((m, 1))], axis=0))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(obj_dz_cvxpy, self.obj_dz,

        # Log barrier
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(-sum(log(1.0 - square(A * x + b)))))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x.value, self.cxlb, tol_exp)
Пример #8
def F(x=None, z=None):
    if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
    y = A * x + b
    if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
    f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
    gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1 - y**2)
    if z is None: return f, gradf.T
    H = A.T * spdiag(2.0 * z[0] * div(1.0 + y**2, (1.0 - y**2)**2)) * A
    return f, gradf.T, H
 def F(x=None, z=None):
     if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0,(n,1))
     y = A*x+b
     if max(abs(y)) >= 1.0: return None
     f = -sum(log(1.0 - y**2))
     gradf = 2.0 * A.T * div(y, 1-y**2)
     if z is None: return f, gradf.T
     H = A.T * spdiag(2.0*z[0]*div(1.0+y**2,(1.0-y**2)**2))*A
     return f,gradf.T,H
Пример #10
def solver(A, b):
    A = matrix(A)
    b = matrix(b)
    x = variable(n)
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    sol_x = np.array(x.value).flatten()

    return ((end - start), sol_x)
    def test_problem_penalty(self):
        Compare cvxpy solutions to cvxopt ground truth

        from cvxpy import (matrix,variable,program,minimize,

        m, n = self.m, self.n
        A = matrix(self.A)
        b = matrix(self.b)

        # set tolerance to 5 significant digits
        tol_exp = 5

        # l1 approximation
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(sum(abs(A*x + b))))

        # l2 approximation
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(norm2(A*x + b)))

        # Deadzone approximation - implementation is currently ugly (need max along axis)
        x = variable(n)
        Axbm = abs(A*x+b)-0.5
        Axbm_deadzone = vstack([max(hstack((Axbm[i,0],0.0))) for i in range(m)])
        p = program(minimize(sum(Axbm_deadzone)))
        obj_dz_cvxpy = np.sum(np.max([np.abs(A*x.value+b)-0.5,np.zeros((m,1))],axis=0))

        # Log barrier
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(-sum(log(1.0-square(A*x + b)))))
Пример #12
    def test_case3(self):
        m, n = 500, 100
        A = normal(m,n)
        b = normal(m)

        x1 = variable(n)
        lp1 = op(max(abs(A*x1-b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp1.status == 'optimal')

        x2 = variable(n)
        lp2 = op(sum(abs(A*x2-b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp2.status == 'optimal')

        x3 = variable(n)
        lp3 = op(sum(max(0, abs(A*x3-b)-0.75, 2*abs(A*x3-b)-2.25)))
        self.assertTrue(lp3.status == 'optimal')
Пример #13
    def test_case3(self):
        m, n = 500, 100
        A = normal(m, n)
        b = normal(m)

        x1 = variable(n)
        lp1 = op(max(abs(A * x1 - b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp1.status == 'optimal')

        x2 = variable(n)
        lp2 = op(sum(abs(A * x2 - b)))
        self.assertTrue(lp2.status == 'optimal')

        x3 = variable(n)
        lp3 = op(
                    abs(A * x3 - b) - 0.75, 2 * abs(A * x3 - b) - 2.25)))
        self.assertTrue(lp3.status == 'optimal')
def barrier():

    # variables kept same from cvxopt example
    MAXITERS = 100
    ALPHA = 0.01
    BETA = 0.5

    x = matrix(0.0, (n, 1))
    H = matrix(0.0, (n, n))  # Symmetrix matrix

    for iter in range(MAXITERS):
        # get the gradient of the function
        d = (b - A * x)**-1
        g = A.T * d

        # print(d[:, n*[0]].size)
        # print(A.size)
        """bug here: won't multiply of two matrix of same dimension. code is looking into another dimension?"""
        # get Hessian
        # lower diaganol multiplied to constraint matrix, n*[0] is first center x^t(0)
        h = np.zeros(shape=(m, n))
        np.matmul(d[:, n * [0]], A, h)
        # use the BLAS solver to get the symmetric matrix and get roots
        blas.syrk(h, H, trans='T')

        # do Newton's step
        v = -g  # g is our gradient
        # LAPACK solves the matrix and gives us the tep value to transverse with
        lapack.posv(H, v)

        # Stop condition if exceeding tolerance
        lam = blas.dot(g, v)
        if sqrt(-lam) < mu:
            return x  # return the orignal value if we're above tolerance

        # Line search to go to optimal using ALPHA and BETA
        y = mul(A * v, d)
        step = 1.0
        while 1 - step * max(y) < 0:
            step *= BETA
        while True:
            if -sum(log(1 - step * y)) < (ALPHA * step * lam):
            step *= BETA

        # increment x by the step times the negative gradient otherwise
        x += step * v
Пример #15
def draw_interim_configs(x_i_C2val):
    res = []
    for weighted_configs in x_i_C2val:
        weight_list = [v for k, v in weighted_configs]
        weight_list = [0.0 if v < 0.0 else v for v in weight_list]
        weights = np.array(weight_list, dtype=np.float32)

        weights /= np.sum(weights)  # re-normalize in order to fix rounding issues

        configs = [k for k, v in weighted_configs]
            config = np.random.choice(configs, p=weights)
            raise ValueError('weights')
    return res
Пример #16
def stratified_sampling(X, a, y, emp_marginals, n_train_samples):
    emp_P_11 = emp_marginals[1, 1]
    emp_P_01 = emp_marginals[0, 1]
    emp_P_10 = emp_marginals[1, 0]
    emp_P_00 = emp_marginals[0, 0]
    X_11, X_01, X_10, X_00 = [], [], [], []
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        if a[i] == 1 and y[i] == 1:
            X_11.append(X[i, :])
        if a[i] == 0 and y[i] == 1:
            X_01.append(X[i, :])
        if a[i] == 1 and y[i] == 0:
            X_10.append(X[i, :])
        if a[i] == 0 and y[i] == 0:
            X_00.append(X[i, :])
    ind_11 = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.array(X_11).shape[0], size=int(emp_P_11 * n_train_samples))
    ind_01 = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.array(X_01).shape[0], size=int(emp_P_01 * n_train_samples))
    ind_10 = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.array(X_10).shape[0], size=int(emp_P_10 * n_train_samples))
    ind_00 = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.array(X_00).shape[0], size=int(emp_P_00 * n_train_samples))
    X_train_11 = np.array(X_11)[ind_11, :]
    X_train_01 = np.array(X_01)[ind_01, :]
    X_train_10 = np.array(X_10)[ind_10, :]
    X_train_00 = np.array(X_00)[ind_00, :]
    X_test11 = np.delete(np.array(X_11), ind_11, axis=0)
    X_test01 = np.delete(np.array(X_01), ind_01, axis=0)
    X_test10 = np.delete(np.array(X_10), ind_10, axis=0)
    X_test00 = np.delete(np.array(X_00), ind_00, axis=0)
    test_sensitives = np.hstack([[1] * X_test11.shape[0], [0] * X_test01.shape[0],
                                 [1] * X_test10.shape[0], [0] * X_test00.shape[0]])
    y_test = np.hstack([[1] * X_test11.shape[0], [1] * X_test01.shape[0],
                        [0] * X_test10.shape[0], [0] * X_test00.shape[0]])
    X_test = np.vstack([X_test11, X_test01, X_test10, X_test00])
    y_train = np.hstack([[1] * int(emp_P_11 * n_train_samples), [1] * int(emp_P_01 * n_train_samples),
                         [0] * int(emp_P_10 * n_train_samples), [0] * int(emp_P_00 * n_train_samples)])
    train_sensitives = np.hstack([[1] * int(emp_P_11 * n_train_samples), [0] * int(emp_P_01 * n_train_samples),
                                  [1] * int(emp_P_10 * n_train_samples), [0] * int(emp_P_00 * n_train_samples)])
    X_train = np.vstack([X_train_11, X_train_01, X_train_10, X_train_00])

    threshold = 1 - sum(y == 1) / y.shape[0]
    return X_train, train_sensitives, y_train, X_test, test_sensitives, y_test, threshold
Пример #17
def maximize_fapx_glpk( node, problem, verbose = False ):
    Finds the value of y solving maximize sum(fapx(x)) subject to:
                       l <= x <= u
    fapx is calculated by approximating the functions given in fs
    as the concave envelope of the function that is tight, 
    for each coordinate i, at the points in tight[i]
    fs should be a list of tuples containing the function and its derivative
    corresponding to each coordinate of the vector x.
    Returns a dict containing the optimal variable y as a list, 
    the optimal value of the approximate objective,
    and the value of sum(f(x)) at x.
    n = len(node.l);
    l = node.l; u = node.u
    # find approximation to concave envelope of each function
    (slopes,offsets,fapxs) = utilities.get_fapx(node.tight,problem.fs,l,u)
    # verify correctness of concave envelope
    if problem.check_z:
    # formulate concave problem as lp and solve    
    lp = sigopt2pyglpk(slopes = slopes,offsets=offsets,l=l,u=u,**problem.constr)

    # find the difference between the fapx and f for each coordinate i
    xstar = [c.primal for c in lp.cols[:n]]
    fi = numpy.array([problem.fs[i][0](xstar[i]) for i in range(n)])
    fapxi = numpy.array([c.primal for c in lp.cols[n:]])
    maxdiff_index = numpy.argmax( fapxi - fi )
    results = {'x': xstar, 'fapx': lp.obj.value, 'f': float(sum(fi)), 'maxdiff_index': maxdiff_index}
    if verbose: print 'fi',fi,'fapxi',fapxi,results
    return results
def lin_regression():

    raw_data = pd.read_csv("../Datasets/winequality-red.csv",
    raw_training = raw_data[:1500]
    x = cm.matrix(raw_training.iloc[:, :-1].to_numpy(dtype=float))
    y = cm.matrix(raw_training.iloc[:, -1:].to_numpy(dtype=float))

    raw_test = raw_data[1500:].reset_index(drop=True)
    x_test = cm.matrix(raw_test.iloc[:, :-1].to_numpy(dtype=float))
    y_test = cm.matrix(raw_test.iloc[:, -1:].to_numpy(dtype=float))

    a = cm.variable(x.size[1])
    b = cm.variable()
    z = cm.variable(x.size[0])

    constraint_1 = (z >= (y - x * a - b))
    constraint_2 = (z >= (x * a + b - y))

    z_min = cm.op(cm.min(cm.sum(z) / x.size[0]), [constraint_1, constraint_2])

    calc_a = a.value
    calc_b = b.value

    z_train = y - x * calc_a - calc_b
    z_test = y_test - x_test * calc_a - calc_b

    train_results = x * calc_a + calc_b
    average_training_error = mean_square_error(y, train_results)

    test_results = x_test * calc_a + calc_b
    average_test_error = mean_square_error(y_test, test_results)

    print(f"average training error = {average_training_error}")
    print(f"average testing error = {average_test_error}")
Пример #19
    def _update_learners_weights(self, t, samples_dist):
        """ Solve equation (3) in the paper, returns the set of lagrange multipliers that matches w
        n = len(samples_dist)
        batch_size = min(self.max_batch_size, int(n * self.batch_size_ratio))
        batch_indices = np.random.choice(a=list(range(n)),

        # Weak learners weights - what we need to find
        w = modeling.variable(t, 'w')

        # Slack variables
        # zetas = {int(i): modeling.variable(1, 'zeta_%d' % int(i)) for i in batch_indices}
        zetas = modeling.variable(batch_size, 'zetas')

        # Margin
        rho = modeling.variable(1, 'rho')

        # Constraints
        c1 = (w >= 0)
        c2 = (sum(w) == 1)
        c_slacks = (zetas >= 0)
        c_soft_margins = [
            (modeling.dot(matrix(self.u[sample_idx].astype(float).T), w) >=
             (rho - zetas[int(idx)]))
            for idx, sample_idx in enumerate(batch_indices)

        # Solve optimisation problems
        lp = modeling.op(-(rho - self.kappa * modeling.sum(zetas)),
                         [c1, c2, c_slacks] + c_soft_margins)
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

        return w.value
Пример #20
def nn1_np(A, C, b, x, y, z, lbda, machine_eps):
    i = 0
    prev_x = np.array(np.zeros(n), dtype=np.double, order='C', copy=False)
    while(sum(pow(x - prev_x, 2)) > machine_eps):
        i += 1
        prev_x = x
        x_stage = x - np.dot(np.transpose(A), y) + np.dot(np.transpose(C), z)
        x_bar = [g(ele) for ele in x_stage]

        y_stage = y + np.dot(A, x_bar) - b
        y_bar = [g(ele) for ele in y_stage]

        z_stage = np.dot(C, x_bar) - z
        z_bar = [g(ele) for ele in z_stage]

        x_diff = lbda*(x_bar - x)
        y_diff = 2*lbda*(y_bar - y)
        z_diff = 2*lbda*(np.dot(C, x_bar) - z_bar)

        x = x + x_diff
        y = y + y_diff
        z = z + z_diff

    return (i, x)
Пример #21
# The robust LP example of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, uniform
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, dot, op, sum
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m, n)
b = uniform(m)
c = normal(n)

x = variable(n)
op(dot(c, x), A * x + sum(abs(x)) <= b).solve()

x2 = variable(n)
y = variable(n)
op(dot(c, x2), [A * x2 + sum(y) <= b, -y <= x2, x2 <= y]).solve()

print("\nDifference between two solutions %e" % nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Пример #22
# The 1-norm support vector classifier of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, setseed
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m,n) 

x = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
u = variable(A.size[0],'u')  
op(sum(abs(x)) + sum(u), [A*x >= 1-u, u >= 0]).solve()

x2 = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
op(sum(abs(x2)) + sum(max(0, 1 - A*x2))).solve() 

print("\nDifference between two solutions: %e" %nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Пример #23
import pylab, numpy
from cvxopt import lapack, solvers, matrix, spdiag, log, div, normal
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

m, n = 100, 30
A = normal(m, n)
b = normal(m, 1)
b /= (1.1 * max(abs(b)))  # Make x = 0 feasible for log barrier.

# l1 approximation
# minimize || A*x + b ||_1

x = variable(n)
op(sum(abs(A * x + b))).solve()
x1 = x.value

pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w', figsize=(10, 10))
nbins = 100
bins = [-1.5 + 3.0 / (nbins - 1) * k for k in xrange(nbins)]
pylab.hist(A * x1 + b, numpy.array(bins))
nopts = 200
xs = -1.5 + 3.0 / (nopts - 1) * matrix(range(nopts))
pylab.plot(xs, (35.0 / 1.5) * abs(xs), 'g-')
pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 40])
pylab.title('Penalty function approximation (fig. 6.2)')

# l2 approximation
# The 1-norm support vector classifier of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, setseed
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m,n) 

x = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
u = variable(A.size[0],'u')  
op(sum(abs(x)) + sum(u), [A*x >= 1-u, u >= 0]).solve()

x2 = variable(A.size[1],'x')  
op(sum(abs(x2)) + sum(max(0, 1 - A*x2))).solve() 

print("\nDifference between two solutions: %e" %nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Пример #25
try: import numpy, pylab
except ImportError: pylab_installed = False
else: pylab_installed = True

m, n = 100, 30
A = normal(m,n)
b = normal(m,1)
b /= (1.1 * max(abs(b)))   # Make x = 0 feasible for log barrier.

# l1 approximation
# minimize || A*x + b ||_1

x = variable(n)
x1 = x.value

if pylab_installed:
    pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w', figsize=(10,10))
    nbins = 100
    bins = [-1.5 + 3.0/(nbins-1)*k for k in range(nbins)]
    pylab.hist( A*x1+b , numpy.array(bins))
    nopts = 200
    xs = -1.5 + 3.0/(nopts-1) * matrix(list(range(nopts)))
    pylab.plot(xs, (35.0/1.5) * abs(xs), 'g-')
    pylab.axis([-1.5, 1.5, 0, 40])
    pylab.title('Penalty function approximation (fig. 6.2)')
Пример #26
# The robust LP example of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, uniform  
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, dot, op, sum  
from cvxopt.blas import nrm2  
m, n = 500, 100  
A = normal(m,n)  
b = uniform(m)  
c = normal(n)  
x = variable(n)  
op(dot(c,x), A*x+sum(abs(x)) <= b).solve()  
x2 = variable(n)  
y = variable(n)  
op(dot(c,x2), [A*x2+sum(y) <= b, -y <= x2, x2 <= y]).solve()

print("\nDifference between two solutions %e" %nrm2(x.value - x2.value))
Пример #27
# The norm and penalty approximation problems of section 10.5 (Examples).

from cvxopt import normal, setseed
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op, max, sum

m, n = 500, 100
A = normal(m, n)
b = normal(m)

x1 = variable(n)
prob1 = op(max(abs(A * x1 + b)))

x2 = variable(n)
prob2 = op(sum(abs(A * x2 + b)))

x3 = variable(n)
prob3 = op(sum(max(0, abs(A * x3 + b) - 0.75, 2 * abs(A * x3 + b) - 2.25)))

    import pylab
except ImportError:
    pylab.hist(A * x1.value + b, m // 5)
    pylab.hist(A * x2.value + b, m // 5)