def sdpRho(self):
        Build and solve optimisation for rho
        With parameters, we could build it only once.
        constraints = []
        n = self.dimension**self.nbJoueurs
        rho = cp.Variable((n, n), hermitian=True)
        constraints += [rho >> 0]
        constraints += [cp.trace(rho) == 1]

        socialWelfaire = cp.Constant(0)
        winrate = cp.Constant(0)

        for question in
            for answer in
                proba = self.probaRho(answer, question, rho)
                socialWelfaire += *
                    answer) * proba
                winrate += * proba

        sdp = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.real(socialWelfaire)), constraints)
        sdp.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=False)

        return rho
 def addDependentTerm(self,uc_type,dep_model,dim=None,L=None):
     Add a new q term, i.e. a state and/or input dependent term.
     uc_type : str
         Uncertainy type. Must be either of "input", "state" or "process".
     dep_model : DependencyDescription
         Description of the state and input dependency (see class above).
     dim : int, optional
         Dimension of this q term. Obligatory if S is not provided.
     L : array, optional
         Optional specification of mapping matrix for set,
         {L*q : ||q||<=phi(||x||,||u||)}. Obligatory if dim is not provided.
     if L is None:
         L = np.eye(dim)
         dim = L.shape[1]
     ball = NormBall(dim,dep_model.pq)
     sampler = lambda x,u: ball(dep_model.phi_direct(cvx.Constant(x),cvx.Constant(u)).value)
     self.sample_sim.append(lambda t,x,u:,u)))
     # Extend the other matrices
     self.W = np.vstack((self.W,np.zeros((L.shape[0],self.W.shape[1]))))
     for i in range(len(self.L)-1):
         self.L[i] = np.vstack((self.L[i],np.zeros((L.shape[0],self.L[i].shape[1]))))
Пример #3
def total_variation_plus_seasonal_filter(signal, c1=10, c2=500):
    This performs total variation filtering with the addition of a seasonal baseline fit. This introduces a new
    signal to the model that is smooth and periodic on a yearly time frame. This does a better job of describing real,
    multi-year solar PV power data sets, and therefore does an improved job of estimating the discretely changing

    :param signal: A 1d numpy array (must support boolean indexing) containing the signal of interest
    :param c1: The regularization parameter to control the total variation in the final output signal
    :param c2: The regularization parameter to control the smoothness of the seasonal signal
    :return: A 1d numpy array containing the filtered signal
    s_hat = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    s_seas = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    s_error = cvx.Variable(len(signal))
    c1 = cvx.Constant(value=c1)
    c2 = cvx.Constant(value=c2)
    index_set = ~np.isnan(signal)
    w = len(signal) / np.sum(index_set)
    objective = cvx.Minimize((365 * 3 / len(signal)) * w *
                             cvx.sum(cvx.huber(s_error)) +
                             c1 * cvx.norm1(cvx.diff(s_hat, k=1)) +
                             c2 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=2)) +
                             c2 * .1 * cvx.norm(cvx.diff(s_seas, k=1)))
    constraints = [
        signal[index_set] == s_hat[index_set] + s_seas[index_set] +
        s_error[index_set], s_seas[365:] - s_seas[:-365] == 0,
        cvx.sum(s_seas[:365]) == 0
    problem = cvx.Problem(objective=objective, constraints=constraints)
    return s_hat.value, s_seas.value
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, I, J, v, b, Ab=None):
            I : ndarray of bools, shape (nfuns, npoints)
            J : ndarray of ints, shape (nregions, nsubpoints)
            v : ndarray of floats, shape (npoints, ndim)
            b : ndarray of floats, shape (nfuns, npoints)
        assert I.shape == b.shape
        assert I.shape[1] == v.shape[0]

        nfuns, npoints = I.shape
        nregions, nsubpoints = J.shape
        ndim = v.shape[1]
        self.I, self.J, self.v, self.b = I, J, v, b
        self.Ab = epigraph_Ab(I, J, v, b) if Ab is None else Ab

        self.x = Variable((nregions, nfuns, ndim + 1))
        self.y = self.x

        import cvxpy as cp
        self.cp_tol = 1e-7
        self.cp_x = cp.Parameter(self.x.size)
        self.cp_y = cp.Variable(self.y.size)
        self.cp_prob = cp.Problem(
            cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(self.cp_y - self.cp_x)),
            [cp.Constant(self.Ab[0]) * self.cp_y <= cp.Constant(self.Ab[1])])
Пример #5
def convex_cleanup(phrase_probs, lex_probs, group_indices):
    size = phrase_probs.size
        assert (size == lex_probs.size)
    except AssertionError:
        print("The probability distribution does not have the same size",

    uniq_entries = group_indices.shape[0]
    group_indices = cvx.Constant(group_indices)
    marginals = cvx.Constant(np.ones(uniq_entries))
    sparse_dist = cvx.Variable(size)
    lambd = cvx.Parameter(sign="positive")
    reg = cvx.norm(sparse_dist, 1)
    phrase_cost = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.kl_div(sparse_dist, phrase_probs))
    lex_cost = cvx.sum_entries(cvx.kl_div(sparse_dist, lex_probs))
    prob_violations = cvx.sum_entries(group_indices * sparse_dist - marginals)
    cost = phrase_cost + lex_cost + reg * lambd + prob_violations
    constraints = [
        sparse_dist >= 0,  # Positive probability values \
        # cvx.sum_entries(group_indices*sparse_dist) == marginals.T, \
        # Sum of probabilities is 1 \
        # making this a constraint seems to slow down the optimizer,
        # adding this to cost instead;
    for reg_param in np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.05):
        lambd.value = reg_param
        opt_instance = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cost), constraints)
        yield sparse_dist
Пример #6
    def run(self, bases, observation, verbose=True):
        """Runs the model calculations.

        Bases and observations are loaded into proper polarized data sets. In this step,
        arguments are checked to ensure polarization angles match in value and order. Any bases that have not been
        built already are built with their corresponding ``build()`` method.

        Bases and observations of multiple polarizations are then concatenated and given to cvxpy and MOSEK for solving.

        Results are returned and processed in inherited ``Model`` attributes.

            bases (list of Basis): The basis objects (built or not) of several polarizations, to be used for fitting.
            observation (list of Observation): The observation objects of several polarizations, to be used for fitting.
            verbose (bool): The console verbosity of the called solver (MOSEK).
        super().run(bases, observation)

        print('Bases and observations loaded in model')
        t0 = time.time()
        print('Forming Regularized problem:')
        print('    Setting up basis and observation matrices')
        A = sp.vstack([self.data_set(angle).basis.basis_matrix for angle in self.polarization_angles])

        basis_rows = A.shape[0]
        n = A.shape[1] + 1

        o = sp.csc_matrix((np.ones(basis_rows, ), (np.arange(basis_rows), np.zeros(basis_rows, ))))
        A = sp.hstack((A, o))
        H = cvx.Constant(A)

        b = np.vstack([self.data_set(angle) * 1024, 1), order='F') for angle in
        b = cvx.Constant(b)

        x = cvx.Variable(n)

        print('    Defining regularization term with alpha = {0}'.format(self.alpha))
        D = np.diag(np.ones((A.shape[1] - 1,)), k=1) - np.diag(np.ones((A.shape[1],)))
        D = cvx.Constant(D[:-1, :])
        alpha = self.alpha

        print('    Defining objective')
        objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm2(H * x - b) + alpha * cvx.norm2(D * x))
        print('    Defining constraints')
        constraints = [x[:-1] >= 0]
        print('    Defining problem')
        prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
        print('Problem Formulation DONE\n\nCalling the solver: ' + cvx.MOSEK)
        ts0 = time.time()
        prob.solve(solver=cvx.MOSEK, verbose=verbose)
        ts1 = time.time()
        print(cvx.MOSEK + ' done in {0:.2f} seconds.'.format(ts1 - ts0))
        if x.value is not None:
            print('\nProcessing solution')
            self.solver_result = np.array(x.value)
            self.background = self.solver_result[-1]
            t1 = time.time()
            print('Fitting DONE:\n    Elapsed time: {0:.2f} s'.format(t1-t0))
Пример #7
    def set_environmental_variables(self):
        Slices cast values of the environmental values for the current timestep.
        :return: None
        start_slice = self.start_hour_index + self.timestep
        end_slice = start_slice + self.horizon + 1  # Need to extend 1 timestep past horizon for OAT slice

        # Get the current values from a list of all values
        self.ghi_current = self.all_ghi[start_slice:end_slice]
        self.ghi_current_ev = deepcopy(self.ghi_current)
        ghi_noise = np.multiply(
            self.ghi_current[1:], 0.01 *
            np.power(1.3 * np.ones(self.horizon), np.arange(self.horizon)))
        self.ghi_current_ev[1:] = np.add(self.ghi_current[1:], ghi_noise)

        self.oat_current = self.all_oat[start_slice:end_slice]
        self.oat_current_ev = deepcopy(self.oat_current)
        oat_noise = np.multiply(
            np.power(1.1 * np.ones(self.horizon), np.arange(self.horizon)),
        self.oat_current_ev[1:] = np.add(self.oat_current[1:], oat_noise)

        self.tou_current = self.all_tou[start_slice:end_slice]
        self.base_price = np.array(self.tou_current, dtype=float)

        # Set values as cvxpy values
        self.oat_forecast = cp.Constant(self.oat_current)
        self.ghi_forecast = cp.Constant(self.ghi_current)
Пример #8
    def construct_state_equations_and_storage_constraint(self):
        """ Implementation of state equations, and states capacities (storages)
        :return: list of cvx.Constraint
        constraint_state_eq = []
        # 1) every intermediate / output state starts with a quantity of 0 kg
        for s in range(self.S):
            if s not in self.input_states:
                constraint_state_eq.append( self.y_s[s] == 0 )

        # 2) state equations and storage capacities
        for t in range(self.T):
            for s in range(self.S):
                self.y_st_inflow[s,t] = cvx.Constant(0)
                self.y_st_outflow[s,t] = cvx.Constant(0)

                for i in range(self.I):
                    for j in range(self.J):
                        if self.J_i[i,j]:
                            # set inflows
                            if (t-self.P[j,s] >= 0):
                                self.y_st_inflow[s,t] += self.rho_out[j,s]*self.y_ijt[i,j,t-self.P[j,s]]
                            # set outflows
                            self.y_st_outflow[s,t] += self.rho_in[j,s]*self.y_ijt[i,j,t]

                constraint_state_eq.append( self.C_min[s] <= self.y_s[s]
                                            + sum( [self.y_st_inflow[(s,tt)] for tt in range(t+1)] )
                                            - sum( [self.y_st_outflow[(s,tt)] for tt in range(t+1)] ))
                constraint_state_eq.append( self.C_max[s] >= self.y_s[s]
                                            + sum( [self.y_st_inflow[(s,tt)] for tt in range(t+1)] )
                                            - sum( [self.y_st_outflow[(s,tt)] for tt in range(t+1)] ))

        return constraint_state_eq
    def sdpPlayer(self, playerId, Qeq):
        Build and solve optimisation for playerId
        With parameters, we could build it only once.
        constraints = []
        varDict = {}

        for type in ["0", "1"]:
            for answer in [str(a) for a in range(self.dimension)]:
                varMatrix = cp.Variable((self.dimension, self.dimension),
                constraints += [varMatrix >> 0]
                #We must create a matrix by hand, cp.Variabel((2,2)) can't be used as first arguement of cp.kron(a, b) or np.kron(a, b)
                #var = [[varMatrix[0, 0], varMatrix[0, 1]], [varMatrix[1, 0], varMatrix[1, 1]]]
                varDict[answer + type] = varMatrix

        #Erreur toqito
        constraint0 = varDict["00"]
        constraint1 = varDict["01"]

        for a in range(1, self.dimension):
            constraint0 += varDict[str(a) + "0"]
            constraint1 += varDict[str(a) + "1"]

        constraints += [cp.bmat(constraint0) == np.eye(self.dimension)]
        constraints += [cp.bmat(constraint1) == np.eye(self.dimension)]

        socialWelfare = cp.Constant(0)
        playerPayout = cp.Constant(0)
        winrate = cp.Constant(0)

        for question in
            for answer in
                proba = self.probaPlayer(answer, question, playerId, varDict)
                socialWelfare += *
                    answer) * proba
                playerPayout += *
                    answer, playerId) * proba
                winrate += * proba

        #If Qeq flag, we optimise the player's payout, not the QSW.
        if Qeq:
            sdp = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.real(playerPayout)), constraints)
            sdp = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.real(socialWelfare)), constraints)

        sdp.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=False)
        self.QSW = cp.real(socialWelfare).value
        self.winrate = cp.real(winrate).value
        self.lastDif = np.abs(
            cp.real(playerPayout).value - self.playersPayout[playerId])
        print("player payout {} updateDiff {}".format(
            cp.real(playerPayout).value, self.lastDif))

        self.playersPayout[playerId] = cp.real(playerPayout).value
        return varDict
Пример #10
    def get_initial_conditions(self):

        if self.timestep == 0:
            self.temp_in_init = cp.Constant(self.t_in_init)
            self.temp_wh_init = cp.Constant(
                (self.t_wh_init * (self.wh_size - self.draw_size[0]) +
                 self.tap_temp * self.draw_size[0]) / self.wh_size)

            if 'battery' in self.type:
                self.e_batt_init = cp.Constant(
                self.p_batt_ch_init = cp.Constant(0)

            self.counter = 0

            self.temp_in_init = cp.Constant(
            self.temp_wh_init = cp.Constant(
                (float(self.prev_optimal_vals["temp_wh_opt"]) *
                 (self.wh_size - self.draw_size[0]) +
                 self.tap_temp * self.draw_size[0]) / self.wh_size)

            if 'battery' in self.type:
                self.e_batt_init = cp.Constant(
                self.e_batt_init = cp.Constant(
                self.p_batt_ch_init = cp.Constant(
                    float(self.prev_optimal_vals["p_batt_ch"]) -

            self.counter = int(self.prev_optimal_vals["solve_counter"])
Пример #11
def cvxpy_partial_trace_im(rho_re, rho_im, dims, axis=0):
    if not isinstance(rho_re, Expression):
        rho_re = cvxpy.Constant(shape=rho_re.shape, value=rho_re)
    if not isinstance(rho_im, Expression):
        rho_im = cvxpy.Constant(shape=rho_im.shape, value=rho_im)
    rho_np_re = expr_as_np_array(rho_re)
    rho_np_im = expr_as_np_array(rho_im)
    traced_rho = true_np.imag(np_partial_trace(rho_np_re, dims, axis)) \
               + true_np.real(np_partial_trace(rho_np_im, dims, axis))
    traced_rho = np_array_as_expr(traced_rho)
    return traced_rho
Пример #12
 def test_matmul_canon(self):
     X = cvxpy.Constant(np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]))
     Y = cvxpy.Constant(np.array([[1.0], [2.0], [3.0]]))
     Z = cvxpy.matmul(X, Y)
     canon_matrix, constraints = dgp_atom_canon.mulexpression_canon(
         Z, Z.args)
     self.assertEqual(len(constraints), 0)
     self.assertEqual(canon_matrix.shape, (2, 1))
     first_entry = np.log(np.exp(2.0) + np.exp(4.0) + np.exp(6.0))
     second_entry = np.log(np.exp(5.0) + np.exp(7.0) + np.exp(9.0))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(first_entry, canon_matrix[0, 0].value)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(second_entry, canon_matrix[1, 0].value)
Пример #13
    def setup_pv_problem(self):
        Adds CVX variables for photovoltaic subsystem in pv and battery_pv homes.
        :return: None
        # Define constants
        self.pv_area = cp.Constant(float(self.home["pv"]["area"]))
        self.pv_eff = cp.Constant(float(self.home["pv"]["eff"]))

        # Define PV Optimization variables
        self.p_pv = cp.Variable(self.horizon)
        self.u_pv_curt = cp.Variable(self.horizon)
Пример #14
def solve_lsq(M, y, regularize=0.0, K=None):
    n = M.shape[1]
    x = cp.Variable(n)
    t = cp.Variable(K.shape[0])
    M_cp = cp.Constant(M)
    obj = cp.sum_squares(M_cp @ x - y)
    constraints = [x >= 0]
    if regularize:
        K_cp = cp.Constant(K)
        obj += regularize * cp.sum_squares(t)
        constraints += [t >= 0, K_cp @ x <= t]
    objective = cp.Minimize(obj)
    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
    prob.solve(cp.SCS, verbose=True)
    return x.value
Пример #15
    def cost(self):
        noload = cvx.Constant(self.no_load_cost)
        if len(self.bid_curve) == 0: return noload
        p = -self.terminals[0].power_var
        offset = self.no_load_cost
        segments = [offset + p * self.bid_curve[0][1]]
        if len(self.bid_curve) == 1:
            return segments[0]
        offset += self.bid_curve[0][1] * self.bid_curve[0][0]
        for i in range(len(self.bid_curve) - 1):
            b = self.bid_curve[i + 1][1]
            segments.append(b * (p - self.bid_curve[i][0]) + offset)
            offset += b * (self.bid_curve[i + 1][0] - self.bid_curve[i][0])
        return cvx.max_elemwise(*segments)

#gen = GeneratorWithBidCurve(
#    no_load_cost=290.42,
#    bid_curve=[
#        (30, 21.21),
#        (33.1, 21.43),
#        (36.2, 21.66),
#        (39.4, 21.93),
#        (42.5, 22.22),
#        (45.6, 22.53),
#        (48.8, 22.87),
#        (51.9, 23.22),
#        (55, 23.6)])
#load = FixedLoad(power=43)
#net = Net([gen.terminals[0], load.terminals[0]])

#network = Group([gen, load], [net])
Пример #16
    def symvar_kronl(self, param):
        # Use a symmetric matrix variable
        X = cp.Variable(shape=(2, 2), symmetric=True)
        b_val = 1.5 * np.ones((1, 1))
        if param:
            b = cp.Parameter(shape=(1, 1))
            b.value = b_val
            b = cp.Constant(b_val)
        L = np.array([[0.5, 1], [2, 3]])
        U = np.array([[10, 11], [12, 13]])
        kronX = cp.kron(X, b)  # should be equal to X

        objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum(X.flatten()))
        constraints = [U >= kronX, kronX >= L]
        prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

                                    np.array([[0.5, 2], [2, 3]]) / 1.5)
        objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(X.flatten()))
        prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
                                    np.array([[10, 11], [11, 13]]) / 1.5)
Пример #17
def ILP_protocol_w_compression(reference_summary: str,
                               sent_units: List[str],
                               compression: List[dict],
    constraint_list = []
    ref_toks = reference_summary.split(" ")
    ref_toks = [x.lower() for x in ref_toks]
    ref_toks_set = list(set(ref_toks))
    uniq_tok_num = len(ref_toks_set)
    y_tok = cp.Variable(shape=(uniq_tok_num), boolean=True)

    len_doc = len(sent_units)
    sent_var = cp.Variable(shape=len_doc, boolean=True)
    len_of_each_sentence = cp.Constant([len(x) for x in sent_units])
    length_constraint_sents = sent_var * len_of_each_sentence
    constraint_list.append(length_constraint_sents <= max_word_limit)
    obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(ref_toks))
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints=constraint_list)
    # prob.solve(solver=cp.GLPK_MI)
Пример #18
    def test_dcp_curvature(self):
        expr = 1 + cvx.exp(cvx.Variable())
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONVEX)

        expr = cvx.Parameter()*cvx.Variable(nonneg=True)
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.AFFINE)

        f = lambda x: x**2 + x**0.5  # noqa E731
        expr = f(cvx.Constant(2))
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONSTANT)

        expr = cvx.exp(cvx.Variable())**2
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONVEX)

        expr = 1 - cvx.sqrt(cvx.Variable())
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONVEX)

        expr = cvx.log(cvx.sqrt(cvx.Variable()))
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONCAVE)

        expr = -(cvx.exp(cvx.Variable()))**2
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONCAVE)

        expr = cvx.log(cvx.exp(cvx.Variable()))
        self.assertEqual(expr.is_dcp(), False)

        expr = cvx.entr(cvx.Variable(nonneg=True))
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONCAVE)

        expr = ((cvx.Variable()**2)**0.5)**0
        self.assertEqual(expr.curvature, s.CONSTANT)
Пример #19
def FusedLassoFilterQuat(D,smoothness, degree, order):
    The idea here is to use a relaxation of the quadratically constrained smoothing problem of the quaternions.
    # params
    n = D.shape[0]
    A = fd_matrix_parsi(n, degree, order, dt=1.0)

    # Localize NaN
    nonNan = cp.Constant(sp.diags(1 - np.any(np.isnan(D), axis=1)))

    # Create scalar optimization variables.
    q0 = cp.Variable(shape=n, value=D[:, 0])
    qx = cp.Variable(shape=n, value=D[:, 1])
    qy = cp.Variable(shape=n, value=D[:, 2])
    qz = cp.Variable(shape=n, value=D[:, 3])
    l = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=smoothness)

    # Form objective.
    loss = lambda x, i: [email protected]((x - D[:, i])) + l*cp.atoms.norm1(A @ x)
    obj = cp.Minimize(loss(q0, 0) + loss(qx, 1) + loss(qy, 2) + loss(qz, 3))
    con = [q0**2 + qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2 == 1]

    # Form and solve problem.
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, con)

    # assert(prob.status == "optimal"), "Filtering did not converg."

    return np.vstack((q0.value, qx.value, qy.value, qz.value))
Пример #20
def bregman_projection_cvx(w, density_parameter, distribution=True):

        Bregman projection for a discrete distribution or a discrete bounded measure, using CVX package
        w : array-like, dtype=float, shape=n
        Discrete probability distribution or discrete bounded measure
        density_parameter: float
        Projection parameter alpha or gamma (based on being a distribution or a measure)
        distribution: bool
        Determines whether w should be treated as a distribution

    n = len(w)
    V = cp.Variable(shape=n)
    W = cp.Parameter(shape=n)
    density_parameter = cp.Constant(value=density_parameter)

    W.value = np.array(w)

    objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum(cp.kl_div(V, W)))
    if distribution:
        constraints = [V >= density_parameter / n,
                       cp.sum(V) == 1.0]
        constraints = [cp.sum(V) >= density_parameter * n,
                       V <= 1]

    prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

    return prob.status, V.value
Пример #21
def predict_log_likelihoods(S, R, T, mu0, uptake_met_concs, excreted_met_concs ):
    m,n = S.shape
    rxns = S.columns
    mets = S.index
    log_c = cvx.Variable(m)
    log_likelihood = cvx.Variable(n)
    deltaG0 =
    log_Q = S.as_matrix().T*log_c
    log_K = cvx.Constant(-1.0/(R*T))*deltaG0
    mu = R*T*log_c + mu0.values

    uptake_met_indices = S.index.get_loc(uptake_met_concs.index)
    excreted_met_indices = S.index.get_loc(excreted_met_concs.index)
    obj = cvx.Maximize(cvx.sum_entries( cvx.entr( log_likelihood )))
    constraints = [log_c[uptake_met_indices] == uptake_met_concs.values,
                   log_c[excreted_met_indices] == excreted_met_concs.values,

                   log_likelihood == log_K - log_Q,

                   mu >= np.sum(mu[excreted_met_indices]),
                   mu <= np.sum(mu[uptake_met_indicies])
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, constraints)
    return pd.DataFrame(log_c.value, index=mets), pd.DataFrame(log_likelihood.value, index=rxns)
Пример #22
    def test_analytic_param_in_exponent(self) -> None:
        # construct a problem with solution
        # x^\star(\alpha) = 1 - 2^alpha, and derivative
        # x^\star'(\alpha) = -log(2) * 2^\alpha
        base = 2.0
        alpha = cp.Parameter()
        x = cp.Variable(pos=True)
        objective = cp.Maximize(x)
        constr = [cp.one_minus_pos(x) >= cp.Constant(base)**alpha]
        problem = cp.Problem(objective, constr)

        alpha.value = -1.0 = 1e-5
        problem.solve(solver=cp.DIFFCP, gp=True, requires_grad=True, eps=1e-6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 1 - base**(-1.0))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha.gradient, -np.log(base) * base**(-1.0))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(, alpha.gradient * 1e-5, places=3)

        gradcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-3)
        perturbcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-3)

        alpha.value = -1.2 = 1e-5
        problem.solve(solver=cp.DIFFCP, gp=True, requires_grad=True, eps=1e-6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, 1 - base**(-1.2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(alpha.gradient, -np.log(base) * base**(-1.2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(, alpha.gradient * 1e-5, places=3)

        gradcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-3)
        perturbcheck(problem, gp=True, solve_methods=[s.SCS], atol=1e-3)
Пример #23
 def solve_mpc(self):
     Sets the objective function of the Home Energy Management System to be the
     minimization of cost over the MPC time horizon and solves via CVXPY.
     Used for all home types.
     :return: None
     self.cost = cp.Variable(self.horizon)
     self.wh_weighting = 10
     self.objective = cp.Variable(self.horizon)
     self.constraints += [
         self.cost == cp.multiply(self.total_price, self.p_grid)
     ]  # think this should work
     self.weights = cp.Constant(
         np.power( * np.ones(self.horizon),
     self.obj = cp.Minimize(
         cp.sum(cp.multiply(self.cost, self.weights))
     )  #+ self.wh_weighting * cp.sum(cp.abs(self.temp_wh_max - self.temp_wh_ev))) #cp.sum(self.temp_wh_sp - self.temp_wh_ev))
     self.prob = cp.Problem(self.obj, self.constraints)
     if not self.prob.is_dcp():
         self.log.error("Problem is not DCP")
         self.prob.solve(solver=self.solver, verbose=self.verbose_flag)
         self.solved = True
         self.solved = False
Пример #24
    def water_draws(self):
        draw_sizes = (self.horizon // self.dt +
                      1) * [0] + self.home["wh"]["draw_sizes"]
        raw_draw_size_list = draw_sizes[(self.timestep //
                                         self.dt):(self.timestep // self.dt) +
                                        (self.horizon // self.dt + 1)]
        raw_draw_size_list = (np.repeat(raw_draw_size_list, self.dt) /
        draw_size_list = raw_draw_size_list[:self.dt]
        for i in range(self.dt, self.h_plus):
            draw_size_list.append(np.average(raw_draw_size_list[i - 1:i + 2]))

        self.draw_size = draw_size_list
        df = np.divide(self.draw_size, self.wh_size)
        self.draw_frac = cp.Constant(df)
        self.remainder_frac = cp.Constant(1 - df)
Пример #25
    def _initialize_probs(self, A, k, missing_list, regX, regY):

        # useful parameters
        m = A[0].shape[0]
        ns = [a.shape[1] for a in A]
        if missing_list == None: missing_list = [[]] * len(self.L)

        # initialize A, X, Y
        B = self._initialize_A(A, missing_list)
        X0, Y0 = self._initialize_XY(B, k, missing_list)
        self.X0, self.Y0 = X0, Y0

        # cvxpy problems
        Xv, Yp = cp.Variable(m, k), [cp.Parameter(k + 1, ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp, Yv = cp.Parameter(m, k + 1), [cp.Variable(k + 1, ni) for ni in ns]
        Xp.value = copy(X0)
        for yj, yj0 in zip(Yp, Y0):
            yj.value = copy(yj0)
        onesM = cp.Constant(ones((m, 1)))

        obj = sum(L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xv*yj[:-1,:] \
                + onesM*yj[-1:,:]) + offset) + ry(yj[:-1,:])\
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in \
                zip(self.L, A, Yp, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)) + regX(Xv)
        pX = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj))
        pY = [cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(\
                L(Aj, cp.mul_elemwise(mask, Xp*yj) + offset) \
                + ry(yj[:-1,:]) + regX(Xp))) \
                for L, Aj, yj, mask, offset, ry in zip(self.L, A, Yv, self.masks, self.offsets, regY)]

        self.probX = (Xv, Yp, pX)
        self.probY = (Xp, Yv, pY)
Пример #26
def cvxpy_partial_trace(rho, dims, axis=0):
    if not isinstance(rho, Expression):
        rho = cvxpy.Constant(shape=rho.shape, value=rho)
    rho_np = expr_as_np_array(rho)
    traced_rho = np_partial_trace(rho_np, dims, axis)
    traced_rho = np_array_as_expr(traced_rho)
    return traced_rho
def socp_3(axis):
    x = cp.Variable(shape=(2,))
    c = np.array([-1, 2])
    root2 = np.sqrt(2)
    u = np.array([[1 / root2, -1 / root2], [1 / root2, 1 / root2]])
    mat1 = np.diag([root2, 1 / root2]) @ u.T
    mat2 = np.diag([1, 1])
    mat3 = np.diag([0.2, 1.8])

    X = cp.vstack([mat1 @ x, mat2 @ x, mat3 @ x])  # stack these as rows
    t = cp.Constant(np.ones(3, ))
    objective = cp.Minimize(c @ x)
    if axis == 0:
        con = cp.constraints.SOC(t, X.T, axis=0)
        con_expect = [
            np.array([0, 1.16454469e+00, 7.67560451e-01]),
            np.array([[0, -9.74311819e-01, -1.28440860e-01],
                      [0, 6.37872081e-01, 7.56737724e-01]])
        con = cp.constraints.SOC(t, X, axis=1)
        con_expect = [
            np.array([0, 1.16454469e+00, 7.67560451e-01]),
            np.array([[0, 0],
                      [-9.74311819e-01, 6.37872081e-01],
                      [-1.28440860e-01, 7.56737724e-01]])
    obj_pair = (objective, -1.932105)
    con_pairs = [(con, con_expect)]
    var_pairs = [(x, np.array([0.83666003, -0.54772256]))]
    sth = SolverTestHelper(obj_pair, var_pairs, con_pairs)
    return sth
def expcone_socp_1():
    A random risk-parity portfolio optimization problem.
    sigma = np.array([[1.83, 1.79, 3.22],
                      [1.79, 2.18, 3.18],
                      [3.22, 3.18, 8.69]])
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma)
    c = 0.75
    t = cp.Variable(name='t')
    x = cp.Variable(shape=(3,), name='x')
    s = cp.Variable(shape=(3,), name='s')
    e = cp.Constant(np.ones(3, ))
    objective = cp.Minimize(t - c * e @ s)
    con1 = cp.norm(L.T @ x, p=2) <= t
    con2 = cp.constraints.ExpCone(s, e, x)
    # SolverTestHelper data
    obj_pair = (objective, 4.0751197)
    var_pairs = [
        (x, np.array([0.576079, 0.54315, 0.28037])),
        (s, np.array([-0.55150, -0.61036, -1.27161])),
    con_pairs = [
        (con1, 1.0),
        (con2, [np.array([-0.75, -0.75, -0.75]),
                np.array([-1.16363, -1.20777, -1.70371]),
                np.array([1.30190, 1.38082, 2.67496])]
    sth = SolverTestHelper(obj_pair, var_pairs, con_pairs)
    return sth
Пример #29
 def test_sdp_var(self):
     """Test sdp var.
     const = cp.Constant([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     X = cp.Variable((3, 3), PSD=True)
     prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(0), [X == const])
     self.assertEqual(prob.status, cp.INFEASIBLE)
Пример #30
 def test_trace_canon(self):
     X = cvxpy.Constant(np.array([[1.0, 5.0], [9.0, 14.0]]))
     Y = cvxpy.trace(X)
     canon, constraints = dgp_atom_canon.trace_canon(Y, Y.args)
     self.assertEqual(len(constraints), 0)
     expected = np.log(np.exp(1.0) + np.exp(14.0))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, canon.value)