Пример #1
            c <= 5000,
            a + b + c <= 10000,
        # set condition first half of year
        constraints = [
            a >= 2000,
            b >= 2000,
            c >= 2000,
            a <= 4000,
            b <= 4500,
            a + b + c <= 10000,

    # set problem
    obj = cp.Maximize(p_a * a + p_b * b + p_c * c)
    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    # solve

    # result (every month product cnt)
    a_cnt = round(float(a.value))
    b_cnt = round(float(b.value))
    c_cnt = round(float(c.value))

    # set per month cnt 
Пример #2
def np_simul_integerizer_cvx(sub_int_weights, parent_countrol_importance,
                             sub_countrol_importance, sub_float_weights,
                             sub_resid_weights, lp_right_hand_side,
                             parent_hh_constraint_ge_bound, sub_incidence,
                             parent_incidence, total_hh_right_hand_side,
                             relax_ge_upper_bound, parent_lp_right_hand_side,
                             hh_constraint_ge_bound, parent_resid_weights,
    sub_int_weights : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sample_count) int
    parent_countrol_importance : numpy.ndarray(parent_control_count,) float
    parent_relax_ge_upper_bound : numpy.ndarray(parent_control_count,) float
    sub_countrol_importance : numpy.ndarray(sub_control_count,) float
    sub_float_weights : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sample_count) float
    sub_resid_weights : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sample_count) float
    lp_right_hand_side : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sub_control_count) float
    parent_hh_constraint_ge_bound : numpy.ndarray(parent_control_count,) float
    sub_incidence : numpy.ndarray(sample_count, sub_control_count) float
    parent_incidence : numpy.ndarray(sample_count, parent_control_count) float
    total_hh_right_hand_side : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count,) float
    relax_ge_upper_bound : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sub_control_count) float
    parent_lp_right_hand_side : numpy.ndarray(parent_control_count,) float
    hh_constraint_ge_bound : numpy.ndarray(sub_zone_count, sub_control_count) float
    parent_resid_weights : numpy.ndarray(sample_count,) float
    total_hh_sub_control_index : int
    total_hh_parent_control_index : int

    resid_weights_out : numpy.ndarray of float
        residual weights in range [0..1] as solved,
        or, in case of failure, sub_resid_weights unchanged
    status_text : string
        STATUS_OPTIMAL, STATUS_FEASIBLE in case of success, or a solver-specific failure status

    import cvxpy as cvx

        cvx.OPTIMAL: 'OPTIMAL',
        cvx.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE: 'FEASIBLE',  # for compatability with ortools
        None: 'FAILED'
    CVX_MAX_ITERS = 1000

    sample_count, sub_control_count = sub_incidence.shape
    _, parent_control_count = parent_incidence.shape
    sub_zone_count, _ = sub_float_weights.shape

    # - Decision variables for optimization
    x = cvx.Variable(sub_zone_count, sample_count)

    # x range is 0.0 to 1.0 unless resid_weights is zero, in which case constrain x to 0.0
    x_max = (~(sub_float_weights == sub_int_weights)).astype(float)

    # - Create positive continuous constraint relaxation variables
    relax_le = cvx.Variable(sub_zone_count, sub_control_count)
    relax_ge = cvx.Variable(sub_zone_count, sub_control_count)

    parent_relax_le = cvx.Variable(parent_control_count)
    parent_relax_ge = cvx.Variable(parent_control_count)

    # - Set objective

    # could probably ignore as handled by constraint
    sub_countrol_importance[total_hh_sub_control_index] = 0
    parent_countrol_importance[total_hh_parent_control_index] = 0

    LOG_OVERFLOW = -725
    log_resid_weights = np.log(
        np.maximum(sub_resid_weights, np.exp(LOG_OVERFLOW))).flatten('F')
    assert not np.isnan(log_resid_weights).any()

    log_parent_resid_weights = \
        np.log(np.maximum(parent_resid_weights, np.exp(LOG_OVERFLOW))).flatten('F')
    assert not np.isnan(log_parent_resid_weights).any()

    # subzone and parent objective and relaxation penalties
    # note: cvxpy overloads * so * in following is matrix multiplication
    objective = cvx.Maximize(
        cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(log_resid_weights, cvx.vec(x))) +
                             cvx.vec(cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=0)))) -  # nopep8
        cvx.sum_entries(relax_le * sub_countrol_importance) -
        cvx.sum_entries(relax_ge * sub_countrol_importance) - cvx.sum_entries(
            cvx.mul_elemwise(parent_countrol_importance, parent_relax_le)) -
            cvx.mul_elemwise(parent_countrol_importance, parent_relax_ge)))

    constraints = [
        (x * sub_incidence) - relax_le >= 0,
        (x * sub_incidence) - relax_le <= lp_right_hand_side,
        (x * sub_incidence) + relax_ge >= lp_right_hand_side,
        (x * sub_incidence) + relax_ge <= hh_constraint_ge_bound,
        x >= 0.0,
        x <= x_max,
        relax_le >= 0.0,
        relax_le <= lp_right_hand_side,
        relax_ge >= 0.0,
        relax_ge <= relax_ge_upper_bound,

        # - equality constraint for the total households control
        cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=1) == total_hh_right_hand_side,
        cvx.vec(cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=0) * parent_incidence) -
        parent_relax_le >= 0,  # nopep8
        cvx.vec(cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=0) * parent_incidence) -
        parent_relax_le <= parent_lp_right_hand_side,  # nopep8
        cvx.vec(cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=0) * parent_incidence) +
        parent_relax_ge >= parent_lp_right_hand_side,  # nopep8
        cvx.vec(cvx.sum_entries(x, axis=0) * parent_incidence) +
        parent_relax_ge <= parent_hh_constraint_ge_bound,  # nopep8
        parent_relax_le >= 0.0,
        parent_relax_le <= parent_lp_right_hand_side,
        parent_relax_ge >= 0.0,
        parent_relax_ge <= parent_relax_ge_upper_bound,

    prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

    assert CVX_SOLVER in cvx.installed_solvers(), \
        "CVX Solver '%s' not in installed solvers %s." % (
        CVX_SOLVER, cvx.installed_solvers())
    logger.info("simul_integerizing with '%s' solver." % CVX_SOLVER)

        prob.solve(solver=CVX_SOLVER, verbose=True, max_iters=CVX_MAX_ITERS)
    except cvx.SolverError as e:
        logging.warning('Solver error in SimulIntegerizer: %s' % e)

    # if we got a result
    if np.any(x.value):
        resid_weights_out = np.asarray(x.value)
        resid_weights_out = sub_resid_weights

    status_text = STATUS_TEXT[prob.status]

    return resid_weights_out, status_text
Пример #3
def tight_infer_with_partial_graph(y_val, s1_val, s0_val, oa, oe, om):
    partial_cbn = load_xml_to_cbn(partial_model)

    Age = partial_cbn.v['age']
    Edu = partial_cbn.v['education']
    Sex = partial_cbn.v['sex']
    Workclass = partial_cbn.v['workclass']
    Marital = partial_cbn.v['marital-status']
    Hours = partial_cbn.v['hours']
    Income = partial_cbn.v['income']

    if s1_val == s0_val:
        # there is no difference when active value = reference value
        return 0.00, 0.00
        # define variable for P(r)
        PR = cvx.Variable(Marital.domain_size**8)

        # define ell functions
        g = {}
        for v in {Marital}:
            v_index = v.index
            v_domain_size = v.domain_size
            parents_index = partial_cbn.index_graph.pred[v_index].keys()
            parents_domain_size = np.prod(
                [partial_cbn.v[i].domain_size for i in parents_index])
            g[v_index] = list(
                product(range(v_domain_size), repeat=int(parents_domain_size)))

        # format
        # [(), (), ()]
        # r corresponds to the tuple
        # parents corresponds to the location of the tuple

        # assert the response function. (t function of Pearl, I function in our paper)
        def Indicator(obs, parents, response):
            # sort the parents by id
            par_key = parents.keys()
            # map the value to index
            par_index = 0
            for k in par_key:
                par_index = par_index * partial_cbn.v[
                    k].domain_size + parents.dict[k]

            return 1 if obs.first_value() == g[
                obs.first_key()][response][par_index] else 0

        # build the object function
        weights = np.zeros(shape=[Marital.domain_size**8])

        for rm in range(Marital.domain_size**8):
            # assert r -> o to obtain the conditional individuals
            product_i = 1
            for (obs, parents, response) in [(Event({Marital: om}),
                                                  Sex: s0_val,
                                                  Age: oa,
                                                  Edu: oe
                                              }), rm)]:
                product_i *= Indicator(obs, parents, response)

            if product_i == 1:
                # if ALL I()= 1, then continue the counterfactual inference
                # the first term for pse
                sum_identity = 0.0
                for m1, w, h in product(Marital.domains.get_all(),
                    product_i = partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Sex: s0_val}), Event({})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Age: oa}), Event({})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Edu: oe}), Event({Age: oa})) * \
                                Indicator(Event({Marital: m1}), Event({Sex: s1_val, Age: oa, Edu: oe}), rm) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Workclass: w}), Event({Age: oa, Edu: oe, Marital: m1})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Hours: h}), Event({Workclass: w, Edu: oe, Marital: m1, Age: oa, Sex: s1_val})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Income: y_val}), Event({Sex: s1_val, Edu: oe, Workclass: w, Marital: m1, Hours: h, Age: oa}))

                    sum_identity += product_i

                weights[rm] += sum_identity

                # the second term for pse
                sum_identity = 0.0
                for m0, w, h in product(Marital.domains.get_all(),
                    product_i = partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Sex: s0_val}), Event({})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Age: oa}), Event({})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Edu: oe}), Event({Age: oa})) * \
                                Indicator(Event({Marital: m0}), Event({Sex: s0_val, Age: oa, Edu: oe}), rm) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Workclass: w}), Event({Age: oa, Edu: oe, Marital: m0})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Hours: h}), Event({Workclass: w, Edu: oe, Marital: m0, Age: oa, Sex: s0_val})) * \
                                partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Income: y_val}), Event({Sex: s0_val, Edu: oe, Workclass: w, Marital: m0, Hours: h, Age: oa}))

                    sum_identity += product_i

                weights[rm] -= sum_identity

        # build the objective function
        objective = weights.reshape(1, -1) @ PR / partial_cbn.get_prob(
                Sex: s0_val,
                Age: oa,
                Edu: oe,
                Marital: om

        ### to build the constraints

        ### the inferred model is consistent with the observational distribution
        A_mat = np.zeros(
            (Age.domain_size, Edu.domain_size, Marital.domain_size,
             Sex.domain_size, Marital.domain_size**8))
        b_vex = np.zeros((Age.domain_size, Edu.domain_size,
                          Marital.domain_size, Sex.domain_size))

        # assert r -> v
        for a, e, m, s in product(Age.domains.get_all(), Edu.domains.get_all(),
            # calculate the probability of observation
            b_vex[a.index, e.index, m.index, s.index] = partial_cbn.get_prob(
                    Age: a,
                    Edu: e,
                    Marital: m,
                    Sex: s
            # sum of P(r)
            for rm in range(Marital.domain_size**8):
                product_i = partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Sex: s}), Event({})) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Age: a}), Event({})) * \
                            partial_cbn.get_prob(Event({Edu: e}), Event({Age: a})) * \
                            Indicator(Event({Marital: m}), Event({Sex: s, Age: a, Edu: e}), rm)
                A_mat[a.index, e.index, m.index, s.index, rm] = product_i

        # flatten the matrix and vector
        A_mat = A_mat.reshape(-1, Marital.domain_size**8)
        b_vex = b_vex.reshape(-1, 1)

        ### the probability <= 1
        C_mat = np.identity(Marital.domain_size**8)
        d_vec = np.ones(Marital.domain_size**8)

        ### the probability is positive
        E_mat = np.identity(Marital.domain_size**8)
        f_vec = np.zeros(Marital.domain_size**8)

        constraints = [
            A_mat @ PR == b_vex, C_mat @ PR <= d_vec, E_mat @ PR >= f_vec

        # minimize the causal effect
        problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(objective), constraints)

        # print('tight lower effect: %f' % (problem.value))
        lower = problem.value

        # maximize the causal effect
        problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Maximize(objective), constraints)

        # print('tight upper effect: %f' % (problem.value))
        upper = problem.value

        return upper, lower
Пример #4
def optimization_fun(ret,
    if in_benchmark:
        # 如果必须在成份股内选择,则需要对风险矩阵进行处理,跳出仅是成份股的子矩阵
        wei_tmp = bench_wei.dropna()
        bug_maybe = [i for i in wei_tmp.index if i not in e.index]
        if len(bug_maybe) > 0:

        e_tmp = e.loc[wei_tmp.index, wei_tmp.index].fillna(0)
        ret_tmp = ret[wei_tmp.index].fillna(0)
        if pre_w:
            pre_w = pre_w[wei_tmp.index].fillna(0)

        # 确保几个重要变量有相同的index
        n_index = [i for i in e.index if i in ret.index]
        e_tmp = e.loc[n_index, n_index]
        ret_tmp = ret[n_index]
        wei_tmp = bench_wei[n_index].fillna(0)
        if isinstance(pre_w, pd.Series):
            to_test_list = len([i for i in pre_w.index if i not in n_index])
            if np.any(pre_w[to_test_list] > 0.001):
            pre_w = pre_w[n_index].fillna(0)
        # 如果可以选非成份股,则可以确定一个成份股权重比例的约束条件。
        is_in_bench = deepcopy(wei_tmp)
        is_in_bench[is_in_bench > 0] = 1  # 代表是否在成份股内的变量

    data = Data()
    basic = data.stock_basic_inform
    industry_sw = basic[['申万一级行业']]
    # 股票组合的行业虚拟变量
    industry_map = industry_sw.loc[ret_tmp.index, :]

    # dummies_bench = pd.get_dummies(industry_map.loc[bench_wei.index, :])
    # dummies_bench.sum()  不同行业的公司数量
    industry_map.fillna('综合', inplace=True)
    dummies = pd.get_dummies(industry_map[industry_map.columns[0]])


    # 个股最大权重为行业权重的 3/4
    ind_wei = np.dot(dummies.T, wei_tmp)
    ind_wei_se = pd.Series(index=dummies.columns, data=ind_wei)
    industry_map['max_wei'] = None
    for i in industry_map.index:
                'max_wei'] = 0.75 * ind_wei_se[industry_map.loc[i, '申万一级行业']]
        except Exception as e:
            industry_map.loc[i, 'max_wei'] = 0.02
    max_wei = industry_map['max_wei'].values

    x = cp.Variable(len(ret_tmp), nonneg=True)

    q = ret_tmp.values
    P = lamda * e_tmp.values

    ind_wei = np.dot(dummies.T, wei_tmp)  # b.shape
    ind_wei_su = pd.Series(ind_wei, index=dummies.columns)
    dum = dummies.T.values  # A.shape

    para_dict = {
        'x': x,
        'max_wei': max_wei,
        'in_benchmark_wei': in_benchmark_wei,
        'is_in_bench': is_in_bench,
        'ret_e': ret_tmp,
        'dum': dum,
        'wei_tmp': wei_tmp,
        'ind_wei': ind_wei,
        'risk_factor_dict': risk_factor_dict,
        'limit_factor_df': limit_factor_df,
        'pre_w': pre_w,
        'P': P,
        'total_wei': 1,
    con_dict = {
        'in_benchmark': in_benchmark,
        'industry_max_expose': industry_max_expose,
        'turnover': turnover,
        'te': te,

    constraints = generates_constraints(para_dict, con_dict)
    prob = generates_problem(q, x, P, c, pre_w, constraints, te)

    time_start = time.time()
    status = prob.status
    # 如果初始条件无解,需要放松风险因子的约束
    iters = 0
    while status != 'optimal' and iters < 3:
        if len(risk_factor_dict) > 0 and iters == 0:
            tmp_d = deepcopy(risk_factor_dict)
            for k, v in tmp_d.items():
                tmp_d[k] = v + 0.5
            para_dict['risk_factor_dict'] = tmp_d

        elif not turnover and iters == 1:
            turnover = turnover + 0.2
            con_dict['turnover'] = turnover
        elif iters == 2:
            industry_max_expose = industry_max_expose + 0.05
            con_dict['industry_max_expose'] = industry_max_expose

        iters = iters + 1
        constraints = generates_constraints(para_dict, con_dict)
        prob = generates_problem(q, x, P, c, pre_w, constraints, te)
        status = prob.status

    time_end = time.time()
    print('优化结束,用时', time_end - time_start)

    # if prob.status != 'optimal':
    #     input('input:未得出最优解,请检查')
    # np.sum(x.value)
    # np.sum(x.value > 0.0)
    # np.sum(x.value > 0.001)
    # np.sum(x.value[x.value > 0.001])
    # np.sum(x.value[x.value < 0.001])
    # 返回值
    wei_ar = np.array(x.value).flatten()  # wei_ar.size
    wei_se = pd.Series(wei_ar, index=ret_tmp.index)

    # 设定标准,一般情况下无需对股票数量做二次优化,只有股票数量过多是才需要。
    if np.sum(x.value > 0.001) > max_num:
        # wei_selected, n2, tobe_opt = select_import_wei(wei_se, max_num)
        tobe_opt = list(wei_se[wei_se > 0.001].index)
        print('第二次优化为从{}支股票中优化选择出{}支'.format(len(tobe_opt), max_num))

        # 经过处理后,需要优化的计算量大幅度减少。比如第一次优化后,权重大于0.001的股票数量是135,超过最大要求的100。
        # 我们首先保留其中前90,然后从后面的45个中选择10保留下来。
        e_tmp2 = e_tmp.loc[tobe_opt, tobe_opt]
        ret_tmp2 = ret_tmp[tobe_opt]
        # wei_tmp2 = wei_tmp[tobe_opt]

        is_in_bench2 = is_in_bench[tobe_opt]

        dummies2 = pd.get_dummies(industry_map.loc[tobe_opt,
        dum2 = dummies2.T.values
        # 小坑
        new_ind = ind_wei_su[dummies2.columns]
        new_ind = new_ind / new_ind.sum()
        ind_wei2 = new_ind.values

        # 对个股权重优化的坑,开始时是行业权重乘以0.75,但在二次优化的时候,可能有的行情的权重不够用了。
        max_wei2 = 3 * industry_map.loc[tobe_opt, 'max_wei'].values
        total_wei = 1
        if pre_w:
            pre_w = pre_w[tobe_opt]

        P2 = lamda * e_tmp2.values
        # 有些行业个股权重以前的不够了
        x = cp.Variable(len(ret_tmp2), nonneg=True)
        y = cp.Variable(len(ret_tmp2), boolean=True)
        para_dict2 = {
            'x': x,
            'y': y,
            'y_sum': max_num,  # - n2,
            'max_wei': max_wei2,  # max_wei2.max()    max_wei2.sum()
            'in_benchmark_wei': in_benchmark_wei,
            'is_in_bench': is_in_bench2,
            'ret_e': ret_tmp2,
            'dum': dum2,
            'wei_tmp': wei_tmp,
            'ind_wei': ind_wei2,  # ind_wei2.sum()
            'risk_factor_dict': risk_factor_dict,
            'limit_factor_df': limit_factor_df,
            'pre_w': pre_w,
            'P': P,
            'total_wei': total_wei
        con_dict2 = {
            'in_benchmark': in_benchmark,
            'industry_max_expose': industry_max_expose,
            'turnover': turnover,
            'te': te,
        q2 = ret_tmp2.values
        # P2.shape
        # q2.shape
        # ind_wei2.sum()
        # max_wei2.sum()
        cons = generates_constraints(para_dict2, con_dict2)
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(q2.T * x - cp.quad_form(x, P2)), cons)
        prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS_BB, feastol=1e-10)
        if prob.status != 'optimal':
        # winsound.Beep(600, 2000)
        # print(x.value)
        # print(y.value)
        # np.sum(x.value > 0.001)
        # np.sum(x.value)
        # np.sum(y.value)
        # np.sum(x.value[y.value == 1])

    # prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(q.T * x - cp.quad_form(x, P)),  # - cp.quad_form(x, P)),
    #                   constraints)
    # print(prob.is_dcp())
    # prob.solve()
    # print(prob.status)
    # print(x.value)
    # np.sum(x.value > 0.01)
    # # np.vstack((a, b))  # 在垂直方向上拼接
    # # np.hstack((a, b))  # 在水平方向上拼接
    # industry_max_expose = 0.05

    # if max_num:
    #     '''
    #     优化目标函数:
    #     ECOS is a numerical software for solving convex second-order cone programs (SOCPs) of type
    #     min c'*x
    #     s.t. A * x = b
    #     G * x <= _K h
    #     步骤:
    #     1,假设股票数量没有约束,求解组合优化,得到绝对权重向量
    #     2,对股票数量不过N_max的原始可行域进行限制,选股空间为w1中有权重(>1e-6),数量为n1
    #        强制保留w1中各行业最大权重股以及其他权重靠前的股票,数量为n2,n2<N_max
    #     3,在第2步限制后的可行域内运用BB算法求解最优权重,设置最大迭代刺猬niters,超过
    #        迭代次数返回截至目前的最优解。
    #     '''
    #     # 步骤1
    #     sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    #     wei = sol['x']    # print(wei)  wei.size
    #     wei_ar = np.array(wei).flatten()  # wei_ar.size
    #     n1 = np.sum(wei_ar > 0)
    #     #  np.sum(wei_ar[wei_ar > 0.01])
    #     wei_se = pd.Series(wei_ar, index=ret_tmp.index)
    #     # 步骤2
    #     wei_selected, n2 = select_import_wei(wei_se)
    #     # 步骤3
    #     wei_selected, n2
    #     x = cp.Variable(len(ret_tmp), nonneg=True)
    #     y = cp.Variable(len(ret_tmp), boolean=True)
    #     prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(q.T * x - cp.quad_form(x, P)),  # - cp.quad_form(x, P)),
    #                       [  # G @ x <= h,                              # print(P)   G.size  h.size
    #                           x - y <= 0,
    #                           A @ x == b,
    #                           cp.sum(x) == 1,
    #                           cp.sum(y) <= 200,
    #                       ])
    #     print(prob.is_dcp())
    #     # max_iters: maximum number of iterations
    #     # reltol: relative accuracy(default: 1e-8)
    #     # feastol: tolerance for feasibility conditions (default: 1e-8)
    #     # reltol_inacc: relative accuracy for inaccurate solution (default: 5e-5)
    #     # feastol_inacc: tolerance for feasibility condition for inaccurate solution(default:1e-4)
    #     prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS_BB, max_iters=20000, feastol=1e-4, reltol=1e-4, reltol_inacc=1e-4,
    #                feastol_inacc=1e-4)
    #     # prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS_BB,  max_iters=20, feastol=1e-5, reltol=1e-5, feastol_inacc=1e-1)
    #     print(prob.status)
    #     print(x.value)
    #     print(y.value)
    #     max_num
    #     pass
    # # print(cvxpy.installed_solvers())
    # #
    # # np.sum(A, axis=1)
    # # A.size
    # # np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
    # #
    # # sol = solvers.qp(P, q, G, h, A, b)
    # # wei = sol['x']  # print(wei)  wei.size
    # #
    # # np.rank(A)
    # # print(A)
    # # print(q.T * wei)
    # #
    # # #  np.sum(wei)
    # # wei_ar = np.array(wei).flatten()  # wei_ar.size
    # # #  np.sum(wei_ar > 0.01)
    # # #  np.sum(wei_ar[wei_ar > 0.01])

    return wei_se
Пример #5
x = np.asarray([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]])
y = np.asarray([[-10, -20, -30, -40, -50], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

lamda = cp.Variable(5)
mu = cp.Variable(5)
t_sum_x = cp.Variable(2)
t_sum_y = cp.Variable(2)
constraints = [cp.sum(lamda) == 0.5, cp.sum(mu) == 0.5, lamda >= 0, mu >= 0]

x = x.transpose()
y = y.transpose()

for i in range(5):
    t_sum_x = t_sum_x + (lamda[i] * x[i])
    t_sum_y = t_sum_y + (mu[i] * y[i])
obj = cp.Maximize(-cp.norm(t_sum_x - t_sum_y))

prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
v_x = np.zeros(2)
v_y = np.zeros(2)

for i in range(5):
    v_x = v_x + (lamda.value[i] * x[i])
    v_y = v_y + (mu.value[i] * y[i])

print("status:", prob.status)
print("optimal lambda", lamda.value)
print("optimal mu", mu.value)
print("max val", -1 * np.linalg.norm(v_x - v_y))
print("Hull point 1:", 2 * v_x)
Пример #6
def iter_dccp(self, max_iter, tau, mu, tau_max, solver, **kwargs):
    ccp iterations
    :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations in ccp
    :param tau: initial weight on slack variables
    :param mu:  increment of weight on slack variables
    :param tau_max: maximum weight on slack variables
    :param solver: specify the solver for the transformed problem
        value of the objective function, maximum value of slack variables, value of variables
    # split non-affine equality constraints
    constr = []
    for arg in self.constraints:
        if str(type(arg)) == "<class 'cvxpy.constraints.zero.Zero'>" and not arg.is_dcp():
    obj = self.objective
    self = cvx.Problem(obj, constr)
    it = 1
    converge = False
    # keep the values from the previous iteration or initialization
    previous_cost = float("inf")
    previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
    variable_pres_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    # each non-dcp constraint needs a slack variable
    var_slack = []
    for constr in self.constraints:
        if not constr.is_dcp():

    while it<=max_iter and all(var.value is not None for var in self.variables()):
        constr_new = []
        # objective
        temp = convexify_obj(self.objective)
        if not self.objective.is_dcp():
            # non-sub/super-diff
            while temp is None:
                # damping
                var_index = 0
                for var in self.variables():
                    #var_index = self.variables().index(var)
                    var.value = 0.8*var.value + 0.2* variable_pres_value[var_index]
                    var_index += 1
                temp = convexify_obj(self.objective)
            # domain constraints
            for dom in self.objective.args[0].domain:
        # new cost function
        cost_new =  temp.args[0]

        # constraints
        count_slack = 0
        for arg in self.constraints:
            temp = convexify_constr(arg)
            if not arg.is_dcp():
                while temp is None:
                    # damping
                    for var in self.variables:
                        var_index = self.variables().index(var)
                        var.value = 0.8*var.value + 0.2* variable_pres_value[var_index]
                    temp = convexify_constr(arg)
                newcon = temp[0]  # new constraint without slack variable
                for dom in temp[1]:# domain
                right = newcon.expr.args[1] + var_slack[count_slack]
                count_slack = count_slack+1

        # objective
        if self.objective.NAME == 'minimize':
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new += tau*cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Minimize(cost_new)
            for var in var_slack:
                cost_new -= tau*cvx.sum(var)
            obj_new = cvx.Maximize(cost_new)

        # new problem
        prob_new = cvx.Problem(obj_new, constr_new)
        # keep previous value of variables
        variable_pres_value = []
        for var in self.variables():
        # solve
        if solver is None:
            logger.info("iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f", it, prob_new.solve(**kwargs), tau)
            logger.info("iteration=%d, cost value=%.5f, tau=%.5f", it, prob_new.solve(solver=solver, **kwargs), tau)
        max_slack = None       
        # print slack
        if (prob_new._status == "optimal" or prob_new._status == "optimal_inaccurate") and not var_slack == []:
            slack_values = [v.value for v in var_slack if v.value is not None]
            max_slack = max([np.max(v) for v in slack_values] + [-np.inf])
            logger.info("max slack = %.5f", max_slack)
        if np.abs(previous_cost - prob_new.value) <= 1e-3 and np.abs(self.objective.value - previous_org_cost) <= 1e-3:
            it_real = it
            it = max_iter+1
            converge = True
            previous_cost = prob_new.value
            previous_org_cost = self.objective.value
            it_real = it
            tau = min([tau*mu,tau_max])
            it += 1
    # return
    if converge:
        self._status = "Converged"
        self._status = "Not_converged"
    var_value = []
    for var in self.variables():
    if not var_slack == []:
        return(self.objective.value, max_slack, var_value)
        return(self.objective.value, var_value)
Пример #7
        A[S[ac[0]]][idx] += 1
        for nxt, prob in Q[ac[0]][ac[1] - 1].items():
            A[S[ac[0]]][idx] += prob
            A[S[nxt]][idx] -= prob
A = np.reshape(A, (60, cols))
rewards = []
[rewards.append(0) if ac[1] == 0 else rewards.append(-20) for ac in actions]

rewards = np.reshape(rewards, (1, cols))
alpha = [0] * 60
alpha[59] = 1
alpha = np.reshape(alpha, (60, 1))
X = cp.Variable((cols, 1))
constraints = [(A @ X) == alpha, X >= 0]
obj = cp.Maximize(rewards * X)
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
print("status:", prob.status)
print("Optimal value:", prob.value)
print("Optimal X:", X.value)
for j in S:
    S[j] = -10
X = np.reshape(X.value, (cols, ))
for val, ac in zip(X, actions):
    if (S[ac[0]] < val):
        S[ac[0]] = val
        if (ac[1] == 0):
            Q[ac[0]] = 'NOOP'
        elif (ac[1] == 1):
            Q[ac[0]] = 'SHOOT'
Пример #8
import numpy as np
v = np.array([1,1,1,1])
# edge weight from {a,b,c,d} to {e,f,g,h}
c = np.array([[1,0,3,0],

# boolean matrix to check whether the edge will result in maximum bipartite graph or not
x = cp.Variable((4,4), boolean=True)
constraints =[]

for i in range(0,4):
    for j in range(0,4):
    #the number of edges between any two vertices should be <=1. Therefore these constraints ensure that no row or column should sum upto more than one.
#maximizing the set of edges
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.multiply(c,x))), constraints)

print("The maximum weight is", prob.value)
print("The edge matrix is",x.value)

Пример #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp

# problem data
v1 = [2, 3, 3]
v2 = [4, 5, 10]
v = np.array(v1 + v2)
n = len(v)

# construct and solve the problem
x = cp.Variable(n)
objective = cp.Maximize(v @ x)
constraints = [
    0 <= x,
    x <= 1,  # continuous relaxation of x \in {0, 1}
    cp.sum(x[0::3]) <= 1,  # at-most-one constraint for agent 1
    cp.sum(x[3::]) <= 1,
    cp.sum(x[0] + x[2]) + cp.sum(x[3] + x[5]) <= 1,  # pairwise-disjoint
    cp.sum(x[1] + x[2]) + cp.sum(x[4] + x[5]) <= 1
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve(verbose=True)

# The optimal value for x is stored in `x.value` which is assigned when
# prob.solve() is executed.
print(f"Optimal value for the problem is: {np.round(result, 4)}.")
print(f"Optimal solution for the problem is: {np.round(x.value, 4)}.")

# The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint is stored in
Пример #10
a2 = np.array([2,-2])
a3 = np.array([-1,2])
a4 = np.array([-2,-2])

A = np.array([[3,1],

b = np.ones(4)

r = cp.Variable(1)
xc = cp.Variable(2)

objective = cp.Maximize(r)

constraints = [a1 @ xc + r*math.sqrt(a1@a1) <= b[0],
               a2 @ xc + r*math.sqrt(a2@a2) <= b[1],
               a3 @ xc + r*math.sqrt(a3@a3) <= b[2],
               a4 @ xc + r*math.sqrt(a4@a4) <= b[3]

prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve()

# Plotting
radius = r.value
center = np.array(xc.value)
Пример #11
                expr += CVX.log(log_sum)

    # calculate bad infection for parent and child relation
    T = time_period
    alpha_ji = Ai[target_node]                       
    expr += bad_infection * logSurvival(T,0,alpha_ji)
    #print('expr: {}'.format(expr))

    tempA = np.zeros(num_nodes, dtype=float)
        prob = CVX.Problem(CVX.Maximize(expr), constraints)
        #res = prob.solve(verbose=True,max_iters=500)
        res = prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=CVX.CVXOPT)
        #if prob.status in [CVX.OPTIMAL, CVX.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE]:
        tempA = np.asarray(Ai.value).squeeze().tolist()
        #A[:,convexNodes[target_node]] = tempA
        #Aone = {}
        #for x in range(len(tempA)):
        #    Aone[convexNodesArr[x]] = tempA[x]
        #    A[:, target_node] = -1
        #print('result: {}'.format(res))
    except BaseException as e:
Пример #12
def NOA(h11, h12, h21, h22, v, QQ1, QQ2, r1, r2, N, phii1, phii2, pma, eta,
        YY1, YY2):
    cpln2 = 0.6931471805599453  # ln2 = 0.6931471805599453
    epsilon = 0.0001  # iteration breaking threshold
    itera_max = 100

    amp = 1
    N *= amp

    k = (2**r1 - 1) * (2**r2 - 1) * h12 * h21 / (h11 * h22)
    pnot1 = N * (
        (2**r1 - 1) * h21 / h11 + k) / (h21 *
                                        (1 - k))  # minimum power required
    pnot2 = N * ((2**r2 - 1) * h12 / h22 + k) / (h12 * (1 - k))
    p_max = np.array([[pma], [pma]])  # 2 × 1
    p_min = np.array([[pmin], [pmin]])  # 2 × 1
    # p_min = np.array([[0], [0]])

    if k < 1 and pnot1 <= pma and pnot2 <= pma:
        I = 0  # iteration num
        objNOA = -10000
        pk1 = pma
        pk2 = pma
        while True:
            I += 1
            p = cp.Variable(shape=(2, 1),
                            nonneg=True)  # 2 × 1, np.dot(A, p) - B
            # if use "f = (...) / cp.log(2)", will raise error "Problem does not follow DCP rules."
            f = (v * alpha1 + 2 * u1 * QQ1) * cp.log(N + h11 * p[0][0] * amp + h12 * p[1][0] * amp) / cpln2 \
                + (v * alpha2 + 2 * u2 * QQ2) * cp.log(N + h22 * p[1][0] * amp + h21 * p[0][0] * amp) / cpln2 \
                - (v * eta * beta1) * p[0][0] - (v * eta * beta2) * p[1][0] \
                - 2 * (u1 * QQ1 * r1 - phii1 * v1 * YY1 + u2 * QQ2 * r2 - phii2 * v2 * YY2)
            y1 = N + h12 * pk2 * amp
            y2 = N + h21 * pk1 * amp
            g = (v * alpha1 + 2 * u1 * QQ1) * cp.log(y1) / cpln2 + (
                v * alpha2 + 2 * u2 * QQ2) * cp.log(y2) / cpln2

            vectorP = np.array([p[0][0] - pk1, p[1][0] - pk2])
            deltaG = np.array([
                (v * alpha2 + 2 * u2 * QQ2) * h21 / ((N + h21 * pk1) * cpln2),
                (v * alpha1 + 2 * u1 * QQ1) * h12 / ((N + h12 * pk2) * cpln2)

            A = np.array([[-1, h12 * (2**r1 - 1) / h11],
                          [h21 * (2**r2 - 1) / h22, -1]])  # 2 × 2
            B = np.array([[-(2**r1 - 1) * N / h11],
                          [-(2**r2 - 1) * N / h22]])  # 2 × 1

            objfunc = cp.Maximize(f - g - deltaG[0] * vectorP[0] -
                                  deltaG[1] * vectorP[1])
            constr = [p_min <= p, p <= p_max, (A * p - B) <= 0]
            prob = cp.Problem(objfunc, constr)
            # print(prob)
            if prob.status == 'optimal' or prob.status == 'optimal_inaccurate':
                pp1 = max(p.value[0][0], pmin)
                pp2 = max(p.value[1][0], pmin)
                pp1 = min(p.value[0][0], pma)
                pp2 = min(p.value[1][0], pma)
                k1 = h11 * pp1 / (N + h12 * pp2)  # SINR
                k2 = h22 * pp2 / (N + h21 * pp1)
                if k1 >= 0 and k2 >= 0:
                    Rk1 = np.log2(1 + k1)  # channel capacity, bps
                    Rk2 = np.log2(1 + k2)
                    pp1 = 0
                    pp2 = 0
                    objNOA = prob.value
                    Rk1 = 0
                    Rk2 = 0
                if abs(objNOA - objfunc.value) <= epsilon:
                    objNOA = objfunc.value
                elif I >= itera_max:
                    objNOA = objfunc.value
                    pk1 = pp1
                    pk2 = pp2
                    objNOA = objfunc.value
                pp1 = 0
                pp2 = 0
                objNOA = -10000
                Rk1 = 0
                Rk2 = 0
        pp1 = 0
        pp2 = 0
        objNOA = -10000
        Rk1 = 0
        Rk2 = 0
    return objNOA, pp1, pp2, Rk1, Rk2
def optimization_problem(data_frame):
    """Defines the optimization problem, and solves it for the maximum revenue along with saving the relevant result 
    as a dataframe and a plot."""
    #LMP Prices
    prices = data_frame["LMP_kWh"]

    #Initialize Variables for optimization Problem
    rate = cp.Variable((len(data_frame), 1))
    E = cp.Variable((len(data_frame), 1))

    #Create max, min for the 3 optimization variables
    discharge_max = 5
    charge_max = -5
    SOC_max = 0.9 * 14
    SOC_min = 0.1 * 14

    #Initialize constraints and revenue
    constraints = []
    revenue = 0

    print("Starting Constraint Creation")
    #Create constraints for the each time step along with revenue.
    for i in range(len(data_frame)):
        if i % 1000 == 0: print(i)
        constraints += [
            rate[i] <=
            discharge_max,  #Rate should be lower than or equal to max rate,
            rate[i] >= charge_max,
            E[i] <=
            SOC_max,  #Overall kW should be within the range of [SOC_min,SOC_max]
            E[i] >= SOC_min
        revenue += prices[i] * (
        )  #Revenue = sum of (prices ($/kWh) * (energy sold (kW) * 1hr - energy bought (kW) * 1hr) at timestep t)

    for i in range(1, len(data_frame)):
        if i % 1000 == 0: print(i)
        constraints += [E[i] == E[i - 1] + rate[i - 1]
                        ]  #Current SOC constraint

    constraints += [E[0] == random.uniform(SOC_min, SOC_max),
                    rate[0] == 0]  #create first time step constraints

    print("Solving problem")
    #Create Problem and solve to find Optimal Revenue and Times to sell.
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(revenue), constraints)
    prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS, verbose=True)
    print("Optimal Maximum Revenue is {0}".format(prob.value))

    #Convert values for the variables into arrays
    E_val = [E.value[i][0] for i in range(len(data_frame))]
    charge_val = [rate.value[i][0] for i in range(len(data_frame))]

    #Join values to the data frame
    data_frame["E"] = E_val
    data_frame["Charge"] = charge_val
    data_frame["DATETIME"] = data_frame.index
    revenue = [0]
    for i in range(1, len(data_frame)):
        revenue.append(revenue[-1] + prices[i] * charge_val[i])

    data_frame["Cumulative Additive Revenue"] = revenue
    print("Saving DF")
    #Save dataframe
    print("Plotting 2 day timeline")
    #Plot dataframe for 2 days
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    data_frame.iloc[:48].plot(x="DATETIME", y=["E", "Charge"])
    plt.ylabel("Power- kW")

    return data_frame
Пример #14
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np

# Problem data.
# Glove eqn 18/8
m = 30
n = 20
X = np.random.randn(n, n)
fX = np.random.randn(n, n)
B = np.random.randn(n, n)

# Construct the problem.
W = cp.Variable((n, n))

objective = cp.Maximize(cp.prod(fX, cp.sum(W @ W.T + B - np.log(X))))
#objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A@x - b))
# constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1]
contraints = [W >= 0]
prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

# The optimal objective value is returned by `prob.solve()`.
result = prob.solve()
# The optimal value for x is stored in `x.value`.
# The optimal Lagrange multiplier for a constraint is stored in
# `constraint.dual_value`.
Пример #15
    def test_CBC_hard(self):

        num_states = 5
        x = cvxpy.Bool(num_states,name='x')
        sw_on = cvxpy.Bool(num_states,name='sw_on')
        sw_off = cvxpy.Bool(num_states,name='sw_off')
        sw_stay_on = cvxpy.Bool(num_states,name='sw_stay_on')
        sw_stay_off = cvxpy.Bool(num_states,name='sw_stay_off')
        fl = cvxpy.Variable(num_states,name='float')

        constr = []

        # can only be one transition type
        constr.append(sw_on*1.0 + sw_off*1.0 + sw_stay_on*1.0 + sw_stay_off*1.0 == 1)

        for i in range(num_states):
            # if switching on, must be now on
            constr.append(x[i] >= sw_on[i])

            # if switchin on, must have been off previously
            if i>0:
                constr.append((1-x[i-1]) >= sw_on[i])

            # if switching off, must be now off
            constr.append((1-x[i]) >= sw_off[i])

            # if switchin off, must have been on previously
            if i>0:
                constr.append(x[i-1] >= sw_off[i])

            # if staying on, must be now on
            constr.append(x[i] >= sw_stay_on[i])

            # if staying on, must have been on previously
            if i>0:
                constr.append(x[i-1] >= sw_stay_on[i])

            # if staying, must be now off
            constr.append((1-x[i]) >= sw_stay_off[i])

            # if staying off, must have been off previously
            if i>0:
                constr.append((1-x[i-1]) >= sw_stay_off[i])

        # random stuff
        constr.append(x[1] == 1)
        constr.append(x[3] == 0)
        for i in range(num_states):
            constr.append(fl[i] <= i*sw_on[i])
            constr.append(fl[i] >= -i)

        obj = cvxpy.Maximize(sum(sw_off) + sum(sw_on))
        for i in range(num_states):
            if i%2 == 0:
                obj += cvxpy.Maximize(fl[i])
                obj += cvxpy.Maximize(-1*fl[i])
        problem = cvxpy.Problem(obj, constr)
        ret = problem.solve(solver=cvxpy.CBC)
        self.assertTrue(problem.status in [cvxpy.OPTIMAL, cvxpy.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE])

        print(' | '.join(['i','x','sw_on','sw_off','stay_on','stay_off','float']))
        for i in range(num_states):
            row = ' | '.join([
                '%1d' % i,
                '%1d' % int(round(x[i].value)),
                '%5d' % int(round(sw_on[i].value)),
                '%6d' % int(round(sw_off[i].value)),
                '%7d' % int(round(sw_stay_on[i].value)),
                '%8d' % int(round(sw_stay_off[i].value)),
                '%f' % fl[i].value
Пример #16
def main(mat):
    amat = mat['A']
    bmat = mat['B']

    print('Input shape:', amat.shape)
    n = amat.shape[0]
    qap_func = gen_qap_func(amat, bmat)

    qap_fhats = {(n,): np.array([1])}
    variables = {(n,): cp.Variable((1, 1))}
    #qap_irreps = [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 2, 1, 1)]
    qap_irreps = [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 1, 1)]
    for irrep in [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 2, 1, 1)]:
        qhat = qap_fhat(amat, bmat, irrep)
        qap_fhats[irrep] = qhat
        variables[irrep] = make_variable(qhat.shape)

    c_lambdas = {}
    c_lambdas_inv = {}
    for irrep in [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 1, 1)]:
        c = c_lambda(irrep)
        c_lambdas_inv[irrep] = np.linalg.inv(c)
        c_lambdas[irrep] = c
        print(irrep, np.linalg.norm(c), np.allclose([email protected], np.eye(len(c))))
    # These need to be functions of variables
    block_diags = {}
    #for irrep in qap_irreps:
    #for irrep in [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 2), (n - 2, 1, 1)]:
    for irrep in [(n - 1, 1), (n - 2, 1, 1)]:
        birreps, _ = qap_decompose(irrep)
        print('irrep: {} | decompose: {}'.format(irrep, birreps))
        block_diags[irrep] = gen_block_diag_vars(variables, birreps)
        print('done irrep: {} | decompose: {}'.format(irrep, birreps))

    # constraints are functions of the block_diags
    d_n     = hook_length((n,)) / math.factorial(n)
    d_n1    = hook_length((n - 1, 1)) / math.factorial(n)
    d_n22   = hook_length((n - 2, 2)) / math.factorial(n)
    d_n211  = hook_length((n - 2, 1, 1)) / math.factorial(n)
    obj = \
        d_n    * cp.sum(cp.multiply(variables[(n,)], qap_fhats[(n,)])) + \
        d_n1   * cp.sum(cp.multiply(variables[(n - 1, 1)], qap_fhats[(n - 1, 1)])) + \
        d_n22  * cp.sum(cp.multiply(variables[(n - 2, 2)], qap_fhats[(n - 2, 2)])) + \
        d_n211 * cp.sum(cp.multiply(variables[(n - 2, 1, 1)], qap_fhats[(n - 2, 1,  1)]))

    n1_one = np.ones((block_diags[(n-1, 1)].shape[0], 1))
    n2_one = np.ones((block_diags[(n-2, 1, 1)].shape[0], 1))
    constraints = [
        #c_lambdas_inv[(n - 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 1, 1)] >= 0,
        #(c_lambdas_inv[(n - 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 1, 1)]) @ n1_one  == 1,
        #(c_lambdas_inv[(n - 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 1, 1)]).T @ n1_one  == 1,
        # c_lambdas_inv[(n - 2, 2)] @ block_diags[(n - 2, 2)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 2, 2)] >= 0,
        c_lambdas_inv[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 2, 1, 1)] >= 0,
        #c_lambdas_inv[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ n2_one == 1,
        #(c_lambdas_inv[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 2, 1, 1)] @ c_lambdas[(n - 2, 1, 1)]).T @ n2_one == 1,
        variables[(n,)] == 1
    problem = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(obj), constraints)
    result =problem.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, verbose=True)
    #print(f'Obj: {problem.value:.2f}')
    perm = c_lambdas_inv[(n-1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 1, 1)].value @c_lambdas[(n-1, 1)]
    perm_tup = c_lambdas_inv[(n-2, 1, 1)] @ block_diags[(n - 2, 1, 1)].value @c_lambdas[(n-2, 1, 1)]
    res = ((perm @ amat @ perm.T)@ bmat).sum()
    print('Perm tup sums:', perm_tup.sum(axis=1), perm_tup.sum(axis=0), perm_tup.sum(), perm_tup.shape)
    print(f'Lower bound:  {res} | result: {result}')
Пример #17
def dccp_transform(self):
    problem transformation
        prob_new: a new dcp problem
        parameters: parameters in the constraints
        flag: indicate if each constraint is transformed
        parameters_cost: parameters in the cost function
        flag_cost: indicate if the cost function is transformed
        var_slack: a list of slack variables
    # split non-affine equality constraints
    constr = []
    for arg in self.constraints:
        if str(type(arg)) == "<class 'cvxpy.constraints.zero.Zero'>" and not arg.is_dcp():
    self.constraints = constr

    constr_new = [] # new constraints
    parameters = []
    flag = []
    parameters_cost = []
    flag_cost = []
    # constraints
    var_slack = [] # slack
    for constr in self.constraints:
        if not constr.is_dcp():
            var_slack.append(cvx.Variable(constr.size[0], constr.size[1]))
            temp = convexify_para_constr(constr)
            newcon = temp[0]   # new constraint without slack variable
            right = newcon.args[1] + var_slack[-1] # add slack variable on the right side
            constr_new.append(newcon.args[0]<=right) # new constraint with slack variable
            constr_new.append(var_slack[-1]>=0) # add constraint on the slack variable
            for dom in temp[2]: # domain
    # cost functions
    if not self.objective.is_dcp():
        temp = convexify_para_obj(self.objective)
        cost_new =  temp[0] # new cost function
        for dom in temp[3]: # domain constraints
        cost_new = self.objective.args[0]
    # objective
    tau = cvx.Parameter()
    if self.objective.NAME == 'minimize':
        for var in var_slack:
            cost_new += tau*cvx.sum(var)
        obj_new = cvx.Minimize(cost_new)
        for var in var_slack:
            cost_new -= tau*cvx.sum(var)
        obj_new = cvx.Maximize(cost_new)
    # new problem
    prob_new = cvx.Problem(obj_new, constr_new)
    return prob_new, parameters, flag, parameters_cost, flag_cost, var_slack
Пример #18
import numpy as np
n = 10
mu = np.abs(np.random.randn(n, 1))
Sigma = np.random.randn(n, n)
Sigma = Sigma.T.dot(Sigma)

# Long only portfolio optimization.
import cvxpy as cp

w = cp.Variable(n)
gamma = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
ret = mu.T*w 
risk = cp.quad_form(w, Sigma)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret - gamma*risk), 
               [cp.sum(w) == 1, 
                w >= 0])

# Compute trade-off curve.
SAMPLES = 10000
risk_data = np.zeros(SAMPLES)
ret_data = np.zeros(SAMPLES)
gamma_vals = np.logspace(-2, 3, num=SAMPLES)
for i in range(SAMPLES):
    gamma.value = gamma_vals[i]
    risk_data[i] = cp.sqrt(risk).value
    ret_data[i] = ret.value

# Plot long only trade-off curve.
Пример #19
 def _init_objective_UB_LUPI(self, sign=None, **kwargs):
         self.feature_relevance <= sign * self.w_priv[self.lupi_index])
     self._objective = cvx.Maximize(self.feature_relevance)
Пример #20
def relaxed_qclp(adj,
    Solves the linear program associated with the relaxed QCLP.

    adj : sp.spmatrix, shape [n, n]
        Sparse adjacency matrix.
    alpha : float
        (1-alpha) teleport[v] is the probability to teleport to node v.
    fragile : np.ndarray, shape [?, 2]
        Fragile edges that are under our control.
    local_budget : np.ndarray, shape [n]
        Maximum number of local flips per node.
    reward : np.ndarray, shape [n]
        Reward vector.
    teleport : np.ndarray, shape [n]
        Teleport vector.
    global_budget : int
        Global budget.
    upper_bounds : np.ndarray, shape [n]
        Upper bound for the values of x_i.
    xval : np.ndarray, shape [n+len(fragile)]
        The value of the decision variables.
    opt_fragile : np.ndarray, shape [?, 2]
        Optimal fragile edges.
    obj_value : float
        Optimal objective value.
    n = adj.shape[0]
    n_fragile = len(fragile)
    n_states = n + n_fragile

    adj = adj.copy()
    adj_clean = adj.copy()

    # turn off all existing edges before starting
    adj = adj.tolil()
    adj[fragile[:, 0], fragile[:, 1]] = 0

    # add an edge from the source node to the new auxiliary variables
    source_to_aux = sp.lil_matrix((n, n_fragile))
    source_to_aux[fragile[:, 0], np.arange(n_fragile)] = 1

    original_nodes = sp.hstack((adj, source_to_aux))
    original_nodes = sp.diags(1 / original_nodes.sum(1).A1) @ original_nodes

    # transitions among the original nodes are discounted by alpha
    original_nodes[:, :n] *= alpha

    # add an edge from the auxiliary variables back to the source node
    aux_to_source = sp.lil_matrix((n_fragile, n))
    aux_to_source[np.arange(n_fragile), fragile[:, 0]] = 1
    turned_off = sp.hstack((aux_to_source, sp.csr_matrix(
        (n_fragile, n_fragile))))

    # add an edge from the auxiliary variables to the destination node
    aux_to_dest = sp.lil_matrix((n_fragile, n))
    aux_to_dest[np.arange(n_fragile), fragile[:, 1]] = 1
    turned_on = sp.hstack((aux_to_dest, sp.csr_matrix((n_fragile, n_fragile))))
    # transitions from aux nodes when turned on are discounted by alpha
    turned_on *= alpha

    trans = sp.vstack((original_nodes, turned_off, turned_on)).tocsr()

    states = np.arange(n + n_fragile)
    states = np.concatenate((states, states[-n_fragile:]))

    c = np.zeros(len(states))
    # reward for the original nodes
    c[:n] = reward
    # negative reward if we are going back to the source node
    c[n:n + n_fragile] = -reward[fragile[:, 0]]

    one_hot = sp.eye(n_states).tocsr()
    A = one_hot[states] - trans

    b = np.zeros(n_states)
    b[:n] = (1 - alpha) * teleport

    x = cp.Variable(len(c), nonneg=True)

    # set up the sums of auxiliary variables for local and global budgets
    frag_adj = sp.lil_matrix((len(c), len(c)))

    # the indices of the turned off/on auxiliary nodes
    idxs_off = n + np.arange(n_fragile)
    idxs_on = n + n_fragile + np.arange(n_fragile)

    # if the edge exists in the clean graph use the turned off node, otherwise the turned on node
    exists = adj_clean[fragile[:, 0], fragile[:, 1]].A1
    idx_off_on_exists = np.where(exists, idxs_off, idxs_on)
    # each source node is matched with the correct auxiliary node (off or on)
    frag_adj[fragile[:, 0], idx_off_on_exists] = 1

    deg = (trans != 0).sum(1).A1
    unique = np.unique(fragile[:, 0])

    # the local budget constraints are sum_i ( x_i_{on/off} * deg_i ) <= budget * x_i)
    # we index only on the unique source nodes to avoid trivial constraints
    budget_constraints = [
        cp.multiply((frag_adj @ x)[unique], deg[unique]) <= cp.multiply(
            local_budget[unique], x[unique])

    if global_budget is not None and upper_bounds is not None:
        # if we have a bounds matrix (for any PPR vector) we need to compute the upper bounds for the teleport
        if len(upper_bounds.shape) == 2:
            upper_bounds = teleport @ upper_bounds

        # do not consider upper_bounds that are zero
        nnz_unique = unique[upper_bounds[unique] != 0]
        # the global constraint is sum_i ( x_i_{on/off} * deg_i / upper(x_i) ) <= budget )
        global_constraint = [
            (frag_adj @ x)[nnz_unique]
            @ (deg[nnz_unique] / upper_bounds[nnz_unique]) <= global_budget
        if global_budget is not None or upper_bounds is not None:
                'Either global_budget or upper_bounds is provided, but not both. '
                'Solving using only local budget.')
        global_constraint = []

    prob = cp.Problem(objective=cp.Maximize(c * x),
                      constraints=[x * A == b] + budget_constraints +
    prob.solve(solver='GUROBI', verbose=False)

    assert prob.status == 'optimal'

    xval = x.value
    # reshape the decision variables such that x_ij^0 and x_ij^1 are in the same row
    opt_fragile_on_off = xval[n:].reshape(2, -1).T.argmax(1)
    opt_fragile = fragile[opt_fragile_on_off != exists]

    obj_value = prob.value
    return xval, opt_fragile, obj_value, prob
Пример #21
    def find_allocation_for_graph(self, consumption_graph: ConsumptionGraph):
        this function get a consumption graph and use cvxpy to solve
        the convex problem to find a proportional allocation.
        the condition for the convex problem is:
        1) each alloc[i][j] >=0 - an agent cant get minus pesent
        from some item
        2) if consumption_graph[i][j] == 0 so alloc[i][j]= 0 .
        if in the current consumption graph the agent i doesnt consume the item j
        so in the allocation he is get 0% from this item
        3) the proportional condition (by definition)
        4) the sum of every column in the allocation == 1
        each item divided exactly to 100 percent
        and after solving the problem - check if the result are better from the
        "min_sharing_allocation"  (meaning if the current allocation as lass shering from "min_sharing_allocation")
        and update it
        :param consumption_graph: some given consumption graph
        :return: update "min_sharing_allocation"
        # the test are according to the result of ver 1 in GraphCheck
        >>> v = [[1, 2, 3,4], [4, 5, 6,5], [7, 8, 9,6]]
        >>> fpap =FairProportionalAllocationProblem(v)
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0.0, 0.0, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0.0, 0.0, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0.0, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        [[0.    0.    0.    0.884]
         [0.    0.464 1.    0.049]
         [1.    0.535 0.    0.065]]
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 0.0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0.0, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        [[0.    0.    0.    0.842]
         [0.    0.    0.999 0.147]
         [1.    1.    0.    0.01 ]]
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 0.0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        [[0.    0.    0.    0.836]
         [0.    0.    0.994 0.149]
         [1.    1.    0.005 0.013]]
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        >>> g1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1], [0.0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0.0, 0.0]]
        >>> g = ConsumptionGraph(g1)
        >>> print(fpap.find_allocation_for_graph(g))
        [[0.    0.    0.    0.856]
         [0.    0.471 1.    0.143]
         [1.    0.528 0.    0.   ]]
        if (consumption_graph.get_num_of_sharing() ==
            mat = cvxpy.Variable((self.num_of_agents, self.num_of_items))
            constraints = []
            # every var >=0 and if there is no edge the var is zero
            # and proportional condition
            for i in range(self.num_of_agents):
                count = 0
                for j in range(self.num_of_items):
                    if (consumption_graph.get_graph()[i][j] == 0):
                        constraints.append(mat[i][j] == 0)
                        constraints.append(mat[i][j] >= 0)
                    count += mat[i][j] * self.valuation[i][j]
                    count >= sum(self.valuation[i]) / len(self.valuation))
            # the sum of each column is 1 (the property on each object is 100%)
            for i in range(self.num_of_items):
                constraints.append(sum(mat[:, i]) == 1)
            objective = cvxpy.Maximize(1)
            prob = cvxpy.Problem(objective, constraints)

            except cvxpy.SolverError:
            if prob.status == 'optimal':

                # prob.solve(solver="SCS")  # Returns the optimal value. prob.solve(solver="SCS")
                # if not (prob.status == 'infeasible'):
                alloc = Allocation(mat.value)
                self.min_sharing_number = alloc.num_of_shering()
                self.min_sharing_allocation = alloc.get_allocation()
                self.find = True
            # only for doctet:
            return (mat.value)
Пример #22
def solver(item: OptimizationDataIn):
    df_solve = pd.read_json(item.df_solve)

    above_goal_flag = 0
    df_solve = df_solve[df_solve[item.sel_metric] <= item.dtss_goal]

    if item.minimum_cost_or_pvp:
        df_solve = df_solve[
            df_solve[item.goal_type] >= item.minimum_cost_or_pvp]

    unique_parts = df_solve['Part_Ref'].unique()
    descriptions = [x for x in df_solve['Part_Desc']]
    df_solve = df_solve[df_solve['Part_Ref'].isin(unique_parts)]

    n_size = df_solve['Part_Ref'].nunique()  # Number of different parts
    if not n_size:
        return None

    values = np.array(df_solve[item.goal_type].values.tolist()
                      )  # Costs/Sale prices for each reference, info#1
    other_values = df_solve[item.non_goal_type].values.tolist()
    dtss = np.array(df_solve[item.sel_metric].values.tolist()
                    )  # Days to Sell of each reference, info#2

    selection = cp.Variable(n_size, integer=True)

    dtss_constraint = cp.multiply(selection.T, dtss)

    total_value = selection @ values  # Changed in CVXPY 1.1

    if item.max_part_number:
        problem_testing_2 = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(total_value), [
            dtss_constraint <= item.dtss_goal, selection >= 0,
            selection <= 100,
            cp.sum(selection) <= item.max_part_number
        problem_testing_2 = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(total_value), [
            dtss_constraint <= item.dtss_goal, selection >= 0, selection <= 100

    result = problem_testing_2.solve(solver=cp.GLPK_MI,

    if selection.value is not None:
        if result >= item.goal_value:
            above_goal_flag = 1

    response = {
        'selection': [qty for qty in selection.value],
        'unique_parts': [part for part in unique_parts],
        'descriptions': [desc for desc in descriptions],
        'values': [value for value in values],
        'other_values': [value for value in other_values],
        'dtss': [dts for dts in dtss],
        'above_goal_flag': above_goal_flag,
        'optimization_total_sum': result

    return response
Пример #23
mentor_school_compatability = np.array([[3, 9], [4, 9], [2, 9]])

# compatability
# time slot A, time slot B, trait 1, trait 2, trait 3, trait 4

assert mentor_school_compatability.shape[
    0] == num_mentors, "number of mentors in matrix does not match settings"
assert mentor_school_compatability.shape[
    1] == num_schools, "number of school in matrix does not match settings"

mentor_school_assignments = cvx.Variable((num_mentors, num_schools),

# We want to maximize the dot product of compatability and assignments
objective = cvx.Maximize(
        cvx.multiply(mentor_school_compatability, mentor_school_assignments)))

constraints = []

# Every mentor has exactly one school
for mentor_index in range(num_mentors):
    constraints.append(sum(mentor_school_assignments[mentor_index]) == 1)

# Every school has at least one mentor
for school_index in range(num_schools):
    num_mentors_for_school = 0
    for mentor_index in range(num_mentors):
        num_mentors_for_school += mentor_school_assignments[mentor_index,
    constraints.append(num_mentors_for_school >= 1)
Пример #24
    def test_gurobi_warm_start(self):
        """Make sure that warm starting Gurobi behaves as expected
           Note: This only checks output, not whether or not Gurobi is warm starting internally
        if cvx.GUROBI in cvx.installed_solvers():
            import numpy as np

            A = cvx.Parameter((2, 2))
            b = cvx.Parameter(2)
            h = cvx.Parameter(2)
            c = cvx.Parameter(2)

            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            objective = cvx.Maximize(c[0] * self.x[0] + c[1] * self.x[1])
            constraints = [
                self.x[0] <= h[0], self.x[1] <= h[1], A * self.x == b
            prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 3)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 2])
            orig_objective = result
            orig_x = self.x.value

            # Change A and b from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])  # <----- Changed
            b.value = np.array([0, 1])  # <----- Changed
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            # Without setting update_eq_constrs = False, the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 3)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [2, 1])

            # Change h from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([1, 1])  # <----- Changed
            c.value = np.array([1, 1])

            # Without setting update_ineq_constrs = False, the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 2)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 1])

            # Change c from the original values
            A.value = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
            b.value = np.array([1, 0])
            h.value = np.array([2, 2])
            c.value = np.array([2, 1])  # <----- Changed

            # Without setting update_objective = False, the results should change to the correct answer
            result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
            self.assertEqual(result, 4)
            self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(self.x.value, [1, 2])

            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(self.x, 1)),
                                   [self.x == 0])
                prob.solve(solver=cvx.GUROBI, warm_start=True)
                             "The solver %s is not installed." % cvx.GUROBI)
constraints.append(sum(c9, p9, g9) == 1)
constraints.append(sum(c10, p10, g10) == 1)

#start adding stuff to objective function to max
scores = []

#setting up bucket variables
constraints.append(2 * mb1 <= m1 + b1)
constraints.append(2 * mw1 <= m1 + w1)
constraints.append(2 * fb1 <= f1 + b1)
constraints.append(2 * fw1 <= f1 + w1)
constraints.append(2 * mh1 <= m1 + hh1_1)





objective = cp.Maximize(sum(scores))

prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)
print "status:", prob.status
print "optimal value", prob.value
Пример #26
 def maximum_entropy(self, assumptions, **kwargs):
     prob = cvxpy.Problem(
         assumptions + [cvxpy.sum_entries(self._cvxpy_var) == 1] +
         [self._cvxpy_var >= 0])
Пример #27
def np_integerizer_cvx(incidence, resid_weights, log_resid_weights,
                       control_importance_weights, total_hh_control_index,
                       lp_right_hand_side, relax_ge_upper_bound,

    incidence : numpy.ndarray(control_count, sample_count) float
    resid_weights : numpy.ndarray(sample_count,) float
    log_resid_weights : numpy.ndarray(sample_count,) float
    control_importance_weights : numpy.ndarray(control_count,) float
    total_hh_control_index : int
    lp_right_hand_side : numpy.ndarray(control_count,) float
    relax_ge_upper_bound : numpy.ndarray(control_count,) float
    hh_constraint_ge_bound : numpy.ndarray(control_count,) float

    resid_weights_out : numpy.ndarray(sample_count,)
    status_text : str

    import cvxpy as cvx

        None: 'FAILED'
    CVX_MAX_ITERS = 300

    incidence = incidence.T
    sample_count, control_count = incidence.shape

    # - Decision variables for optimization
    x = cvx.Variable(1, sample_count)

    # - Create positive continuous constraint relaxation variables
    relax_le = cvx.Variable(control_count)
    relax_ge = cvx.Variable(control_count)

    # FIXME - could ignore as handled by constraint?
    control_importance_weights[total_hh_control_index] = 0

    # - Set objective

    objective = cvx.Maximize(
        cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(log_resid_weights, cvx.vec(x))) -
                                         relax_le)) -
        cvx.sum_entries(cvx.mul_elemwise(control_importance_weights, relax_ge))

    total_hh_constraint = lp_right_hand_side[total_hh_control_index]

    # 1.0 unless resid_weights is zero
    max_x = (~(resid_weights == 0.0)).astype(float).reshape((1, -1))

    constraints = [
        # - inequality constraints
        cvx.vec(x * incidence) - relax_le >= 0,
        cvx.vec(x * incidence) - relax_le <= lp_right_hand_side,
        cvx.vec(x * incidence) + relax_ge >= lp_right_hand_side,
        cvx.vec(x * incidence) + relax_ge <= hh_constraint_ge_bound,
        x >= 0.0,
        x <= max_x,
        relax_le >= 0.0,
        relax_le <= lp_right_hand_side,
        relax_ge >= 0.0,
        relax_ge <= relax_ge_upper_bound,

        # - equality constraint for the total households control
        cvx.sum_entries(x) == total_hh_constraint,

    prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

    assert CVX_SOLVER in cvx.installed_solvers(), \
        "CVX Solver '%s' not in installed solvers %s." % (CVX_SOLVER, cvx.installed_solvers())
    logger.info("integerizing with '%s' solver." % CVX_SOLVER)

        prob.solve(solver=CVX_SOLVER, verbose=True, max_iters=CVX_MAX_ITERS)
    except cvx.SolverError:
            'Solver error encountered in weight discretization. Weights will be rounded.'

    status_text = STATUS_TEXT[prob.status]

    if status_text in STATUS_SUCCESS:
        assert x.value is not None
        resid_weights_out = np.asarray(x.value)[0]
        assert x.value is None
        resid_weights_out = resid_weights

    return resid_weights_out, status_text
Пример #28
constraints = []
for i in range(0, 2):
    sum = 0
    for j in range(0, 3):
        #Psi<=Bsi probability can be maximum 1 and minimum 0. When bsi=0, then psi=0 when bsi=1, then 0<psi<1
        constraints += [probi[i][j] <= Bs[i][j]]
        sum += probi[i][j]
    #sum of probabilties should be 1
    constraints += [sum == 1]

for i in range(0, 3):
    sum1 = 0
    sum2 = 0
    for j in range(0, 3):
        sum1 += probi[1][j] * player1[i][j]
        sum2 += probi[0][j] * player2[j][i]
    #sum of probabilites*player's utility should be less than or equal to nash equilibrium utility
    constraints += [sum1 <= u[0][0]]
    constraints += [sum2 <= u[1][0]]
    constraints += [(u[0][0] - sum1) <= big * (1 - Bs[0][i])]
    constraints += [(u[1][0] - sum2) <= big * (1 - Bs[1][i])]

prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(cp.sum(Bs)), constraints)

print("Probability Distribution is", probi.value)
print("The binary x is", Bs.value)
print("The nash utilities are", u.value)
Пример #29
def diamond_norm(choi, **kwargs):
    r"""Return the diamond norm of the input quantum channel object.

    This function computes the completely-bounded trace-norm (often
    referred to as the diamond-norm) of the input quantum channel object
    using the semidefinite-program from reference [1].

        choi(Choi or QuantumChannel): a quantum channel object or
                                      Choi-matrix array.
        kwargs: optional arguments to pass to CVXPY solver.

        float: The completely-bounded trace norm

        QiskitError: if CVXPY package cannot be found.

    Additional Information:
        The input to this function is typically *not* a CPTP quantum
        channel, but rather the *difference* between two quantum channels
        :math:`\|\Delta\mathcal{E}\|_\diamond` where
        :math:`\Delta\mathcal{E} = \mathcal{E}_1 - \mathcal{E}_2`.

        J. Watrous. "Simpler semidefinite programs for completely bounded
        norms", arXiv:1207.5726 [quant-ph] (2012).

    .. note::

        This function requires the optional CVXPY package to be installed.
        Any additional kwargs will be passed to the ``cvxpy.solve``
        function. See the CVXPY documentation for information on available
        SDP solvers.
    _cvxpy_check('`diamond_norm`')  # Check CVXPY is installed

    choi = Choi(_input_formatter(choi, Choi, 'diamond_norm', 'choi'))

    def cvx_bmat(mat_r, mat_i):
        """Block matrix for embedding complex matrix in reals"""
        return cvxpy.bmat([[mat_r, -mat_i], [mat_i, mat_r]])

    # Dimension of input and output spaces
    dim_in = choi._input_dim
    dim_out = choi._output_dim
    size = dim_in * dim_out

    # SDP Variables to convert to real valued problem
    r0_r = cvxpy.Variable((dim_in, dim_in))
    r0_i = cvxpy.Variable((dim_in, dim_in))
    r0 = cvx_bmat(r0_r, r0_i)

    r1_r = cvxpy.Variable((dim_in, dim_in))
    r1_i = cvxpy.Variable((dim_in, dim_in))
    r1 = cvx_bmat(r1_r, r1_i)

    x_r = cvxpy.Variable((size, size))
    x_i = cvxpy.Variable((size, size))
    iden = sparse.eye(dim_out)

    # Watrous uses row-vec convention for his Choi matrix while we use
    # col-vec. It turns out row-vec convention is requried for CVXPY too
    # since the cvxpy.kron function must have a constant as its first argument.
    c_r = cvxpy.bmat([[cvxpy.kron(iden, r0_r), x_r], [x_r.T, cvxpy.kron(iden, r1_r)]])
    c_i = cvxpy.bmat([[cvxpy.kron(iden, r0_i), x_i], [-x_i.T, cvxpy.kron(iden, r1_i)]])
    c = cvx_bmat(c_r, c_i)

    # Convert col-vec convention Choi-matrix to row-vec convention and
    # then take Transpose: Choi_C -> Choi_R.T
    choi_rt = np.transpose(
        np.reshape(choi.data, (dim_in, dim_out, dim_in, dim_out)),
        (3, 2, 1, 0)).reshape(choi.data.shape)
    choi_rt_r = choi_rt.real
    choi_rt_i = choi_rt.imag

    # Constraints
    cons = [
        r0 >> 0, r0_r == r0_r.T, r0_i == - r0_i.T, cvxpy.trace(r0_r) == 1,
        r1 >> 0, r1_r == r1_r.T, r1_i == - r1_i.T, cvxpy.trace(r1_r) == 1,
        c >> 0

    # Objective function
    obj = cvxpy.Maximize(cvxpy.trace(choi_rt_r @ x_r) + cvxpy.trace(choi_rt_i @ x_i))
    prob = cvxpy.Problem(obj, cons)
    sol = prob.solve(**kwargs)
    return sol
Пример #30
@author: yemi
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cv
import pandas as pd

prev_healthcare=pd.read_csv('raw_tables/preventive_healthcare.csv', sep=';', decimal=',')
expenses={'Cardio':1e6, 'Diabete':1e6, 'Cancer':1e6, 'Psychiatric':1e6,
       'Neurology':1e6, 'DHO':1e6, 'Orthopedics':1e6}

N=cv.Variable((1,5), integer=True)
        sum(expenses[cat]*(1-prev_healthcare[cat].iloc[k])**N[0,k] for cat in expenses.keys()) 
        for k in range(prev_healthcare.shape[0])))
constraint=[sum(N[0,k]*prev_healthcare['Cost'].iloc[k] for k in 
problem=cv.Problem(obj, constraint)