Пример #1
    def _MakeMtdfProblem(self, c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2), bounds=None):
        """Create a CVXOPT problem for finding the Maximal Thermodynamic
        Driving Force (MTDF).
        Does not set the objective function... leaves that to the caller.
            c_range: a tuple (min, max) for concentrations (in M).
            bounds: a list of (lower bound, upper bound) tuples for compound
            A tuple (dgf_var, motive_force_var, problem_object).
        constraints = []
        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc, bounds=bounds,

        # Create the driving force variable and add the relevant constraints
        driving_force_lb = cvxpy.variable(name='B')
        constraints += self._MakeDrivingForceConstraints(ln_conc, driving_force_lb)
        return ln_conc, driving_force_lb, constraints
Пример #2
    def _MakeMtdfProblem(self, c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2), bounds=None):
        """Create a CVXOPT problem for finding the Maximal Thermodynamic
        Driving Force (MTDF).
        Does not set the objective function... leaves that to the caller.
            c_range: a tuple (min, max) for concentrations (in M).
            bounds: a list of (lower bound, upper bound) tuples for compound
            A tuple (dgf_var, motive_force_var, problem_object).
        constraints = []

        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc,

        # Create the driving force variable and add the relevant constraints
        driving_force_lb = cvxpy.variable(name='B')
        constraints += self._MakeDrivingForceConstraints(
            ln_conc, driving_force_lb)
        return ln_conc, driving_force_lb, constraints
Пример #3
    def test_robust_regression(self):
        # Compare cvxpy solutions to cvxopt ground truth
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize, huber, sum,
                           leq, geq, square, norm2, ones, zeros, quad_form)
        tol_exp = 5  # Check solution to within 5 decimal places
        m, n = self.m, self.n
        A = matrix(self.A)
        b = matrix(self.b)

        # Method 1: using huber directly
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(sum(huber(A * x - b, 1.0))))

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)

        # Method 2: solving the dual QP
        x = variable(n)
        u = variable(m)
        v = variable(m)
        p = program(minimize(0.5 * quad_form(u, 1.0) + sum(v)), [
            geq(u, 0.0),
            leq(u, 1.0),
            geq(v, 0.0),
            leq(A * x - b, u + v),
            geq(A * x - b, -u - v)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)
Пример #4
def _cqp(D, o, k, m, N):
    ''' solves using cvxpy '''
    # cast to object.
    D = cvxpy.matrix(D)
    N = cvxpy.matrix(N)	
    o = cvxpy.matrix(o)
    # create variables.
    f = cvxpy.variable(k, 1, name='f')
    x=cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='x')
    y=cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='y')    
	# create constraints.
    geqs = cvxpy.greater_equals(f,0.0)
	#TO DO: Sum of all f = sum of observed reads classes (and not equal to 1)
    sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), 1.0)
    #sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), sum_obs_freq)
    #dev = cvxpy.equals(D*f-o-x,0.0)	
	#4. matrix N (m x m) * x - y = 0
    sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N*x-y,0.0)
    #Check now to do N^2
	#sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N^2*x-y,0.0)
    #This might not work but try
    #sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(x/N-y,0.0)
    #constrs = [geqs, sum1, dev, sizeConstr]
    constrs = [geqs, sum1]
    log.debug('\tin _cqp function: \n\t\tPrint matrices shapes:')
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', D.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', f.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', o.shape)
    # create the program.
    #p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(y)),constraints=constrs)
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(D*f-o)),constraints=constrs)
    p.options['abstol'] = 1e-6 ## 'abstol' - Absolute accuracy	Default: 1e-7
    p.options['reltol'] = 1e-5 ## 'reltol' - Relative accuracy	Default: 1e-6
    p.options['feastol'] = 1e-5 ## 'feastol' - Tolerance for feasibility conditions	Default: 1e-6
    p.options['maxiters'] = 500 ## 'maxiters' - Maximum number of iterations	Default: 100
    # solve the program.
    # return results.
    #print np.around(f.value, decimals=20)
    #print "Print using loop"
    getcontext().prec = 20
    #for i in f.value:
    #    temp_fi=str(i).strip('[]')	
    #    print temp_fi
    return f.value
    def test_robust_regression(self):
        # Compare cvxpy solutions to cvxopt ground truth
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           huber, sum, leq, geq, square, norm2,
                           ones, zeros, quad_form)
        tol_exp = 5 # Check solution to within 5 decimal places
        m, n = self.m, self.n
        A = matrix(self.A)
        b = matrix(self.b)

        # Method 1: using huber directly
        x = variable(n)
        p = program(minimize(sum(huber(A*x - b, 1.0))))

            x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)

        # Method 2: solving the dual QP
        x = variable(n)
        u = variable(m)
        v = variable(m)
        p = program(minimize(0.5*quad_form(u, 1.0) + sum(v)),
                    [geq(u, 0.0), leq(u, 1.0), geq(v, 0.0),
                     leq(A*x - b, u + v), geq(A*x - b, -u - v)])
            x.value, self.xh, tol_exp)
Пример #6
 def cvxify(self):
   """docstring for cvxify"""
   for link in self.get_links():
     link.v_flow = variable(name='flow: {0}'.format(link.name))
   for (source, sink), routes in self.od_routes.iteritems():
     for i, route in enumerate(routes):
       route.v_flow = variable(name='rf: o: {0}, d: {1} [{2}]'.format(source.name, sink.name, i))
Пример #7
    def test_problem_ubsdp(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'

        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize, sum, abs,
                           norm2, log, square, zeros, max, hstack, vstack, eye,
                           eq, trace, semidefinite_cone, belongs, reshape)
        (m, n) = (self.m, self.n)
        c = matrix(self.c)
        A = matrix(self.A)
        B = matrix(self.B)
        Xubsdp = matrix(self.Xubsdp)
        tol_exp = 6

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           X + S = I
        #           X >= 0,  S >= 0.
        # c is an n-vector.
        # A is an m^2 x n-matrix.
        # B is an m x m-matrix.
        X = variable(m, n)
        S = variable(m, n)
        constr = [
            eq(trace(reshape(A[:, i], (m, m)) * X) + c[i, 0], 0.0)
            for i in range(n)
        constr += [eq(X + S, eye(m))]
        constr += [
            belongs(X, semidefinite_cone),
            belongs(S, semidefinite_cone)
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X)), constr)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(X.value, self.Xubsdp, tol_exp)

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           0 <= X <= I
        X2 = variable(m, n)
        constr = [
            eq(trace(reshape(A[:, i], (m, m)) * X2) + c[i, 0], 0.0)
            for i in range(n)
        constr += [
            belongs(X2, semidefinite_cone),
            belongs(eye(m) - X2, semidefinite_cone)
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X2)), constr)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(X2.value, X.value, tol_exp)
    def test_problem_ubsdp(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           sum, abs, norm2, log, square, zeros, max,
                           hstack, vstack, eye, eq, trace, semidefinite_cone,
                           belongs, reshape)
        (m, n) = (self.m, self.n)
        c = matrix(self.c)
        A = matrix(self.A)
        B = matrix(self.B)
        Xubsdp = matrix(self.Xubsdp)
        tol_exp = 6

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           X + S = I
        #           X >= 0,  S >= 0.
        # c is an n-vector.
        # A is an m^2 x n-matrix.
        # B is an m x m-matrix.
        X = variable(m, n)
        S = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [eq(X + S, eye(m))]
        constr += [belongs(X, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(S, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X)), constr)
            X.value, self.Xubsdp, tol_exp)

        # Use cvxpy to solve
        # minimize  tr(B * X)
        # s.t.      tr(Ai * X) + ci = 0,  i = 1, ..., n
        #           0 <= X <= I
        X2 = variable(m, n)
        constr = [eq(trace(reshape(A[:,i], (m, m)) * X2) + c[i,0], 0.0)
                  for i in range(n)]
        constr += [belongs(X2, semidefinite_cone),
                   belongs(eye(m) - X2, semidefinite_cone)]
        p = program(minimize(trace(B * X2)), constr)
            X2.value, X.value, tol_exp)
Пример #9
def nuc_al(I, X, turn, epsilon=.1, quiet=False):

	m,K = np.shape(X)

	if not turn:
		V = cp.variable(m,K, name='V')
		U = X

		V = X
		U = cp.variable(m,K, name='U')

	f_cost = cp.parameter(name='f_cost')
	f_cost.value = 0

	J = cp.parameter(K,K, name='J')
	J.value = cp.zeros((K,K))

	# define the cost parameter
	for k in range(K):
		# create a list of interferer indeces Ik
		# from the interference set I
		Ik = np.arange(1,K+1)*I[k,:]	# careful about zero indexing...
		Ik = Ik[Ik>0] - 1
		#print 'I_%d = ' % k, Ik
		if len(Ik) > 0:
			for l in Ik:
				l = int(l)
				J[k,l] = U[:,k].T*V[:,l]	# interference terms
			f_cost = f_cost + cp.nuclear_norm(J[k,:])
			#f_cost = f_cost + cp.norm1(J[k,:])

	# create constraints
	constraints = []
	for k in range(K):
		c = cp.geq(U[:,k].T*V[:,k], epsilon)
		#c = cp.geq(cp.lambda_min(U[:,k].T*V[:,k]), epsilon)

	p = cp.program(cp.minimize(f_cost), constraints)
	print 'minimize: ', p.objective
	print 'subject to:'
	print p.constraints

	if not turn:
		return V.value
		return U.value
Пример #10
def construct_lp_relaxation( demand_hist, M, transport_graph, cost_label='cost' ) :
    demand_hist is a dictionary from ordered station pairs (i,j) -> whole integers
    M is a membership graph with edges (i,x) for all corresponding stations-state pairs
    A is a DiGraph on X, with cost given by property 'cost'
    APSP = nx.all_pairs_dijkstra_path_length( transport_graph, weight=cost_label )
    cost = 0.
    constr = []
    """ create enroute variables """
    S = nx.DiGraph()        # service "edges"
    for (i,j), NUM in demand_hist.iteritems() :
        VARS = []
        for x,y in itertools.product( M.neighbors_iter(i), M.neighbors_iter(j) ) :
            var = cvxpy.variable()
            distance = APSP[x][y]
            cost += var * distance
            constr.append( cvxpy.geq( var, 0. ) )   # needs to be non-negative
            S.add_edge( x, y, var=var, distance=distance )
            VARS.append( var )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( cvxpy.sum(VARS), NUM ) )   # total such trips should sum to num
    """ create balance variables """
    B = nx.DiGraph()
    HEADS = [ h for h, d in S.in_degree_iter() if d > 0 ]
    TAILS = [ t for t, d in S.out_degree_iter() if d > 0 ]
    for y,x in itertools.product( HEADS, TAILS ) :
        var = cvxpy.variable()
        cost += var * APSP[y][x]
        constr.append( cvxpy.geq( var, 0. ) )
        B.add_edge( y,x, var=var )
    """ generate flow conservation constraints """
    for x in S.nodes_iter() :
        sin = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in S.in_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        sout = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in S.out_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        bin = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in B.in_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        bout = sum( [ data['var'] for _,__,data in B.out_edges_iter( x, data=True ) ] )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( sin, bout ) )
        constr.append( cvxpy.eq( sout, bin ) )
    #service_vars = S        # alias
    return cost, constr, S
Пример #11
def nuc_al(I, X, turn, epsilon=.1, quiet=False):

    m, K = np.shape(X)

    if not turn:
        V = cp.variable(m, K, name='V')
        U = X

        V = X
        U = cp.variable(m, K, name='U')

    f_cost = cp.parameter(name='f_cost')
    f_cost.value = 0

    J = cp.parameter(K, K, name='J')
    J.value = cp.zeros((K, K))

    # define the cost parameter
    for k in range(K):
        # create a list of interferer indeces Ik
        # from the interference set I
        Ik = np.arange(1, K + 1) * I[k, :]  # careful about zero indexing...
        Ik = Ik[Ik > 0] - 1
        #print 'I_%d = ' % k, Ik
        if len(Ik) > 0:
            for l in Ik:
                l = int(l)
                J[k, l] = U[:, k].T * V[:, l]  # interference terms
            f_cost = f_cost + cp.nuclear_norm(J[k, :])
            #f_cost = f_cost + cp.norm1(J[k,:])

    # create constraints
    constraints = []
    for k in range(K):
        c = cp.geq(U[:, k].T * V[:, k], epsilon)
        #c = cp.geq(cp.lambda_min(U[:,k].T*V[:,k]), epsilon)

    p = cp.program(cp.minimize(f_cost), constraints)
    print 'minimize: ', p.objective
    print 'subject to:'
    print p.constraints

    if not turn:
        return V.value
        return U.value
Пример #12
def estimate_confidence_bound_with_cvx(f_mat, num_reads_in_bams, fixed_i,
                                       mle_estimate, bound_type, alpha):
    if bound_type == 'lb': bound_type = 'LOWER'
    if bound_type == 'ub': bound_type = 'UPPER'
    assert bound_type in ('LOWER',
                          'UPPER'), ("Improper bound type '%s'" % bound_type)
    expected_array, observed_array = f_mat.expected_and_observed(

    from cvxpy import matrix, variable, geq, log, eq, program, maximize, minimize, sum

    mle_log_lhd = calc_lhd(mle_estimate, observed_array, expected_array)

    lower_lhd_bound = mle_log_lhd - chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, 1) / 2.
    free_indices = set(range(expected_array.shape[1])) - set((fixed_i, ))

    Xs = matrix(observed_array)
    ps = matrix(expected_array)
    thetas = variable(ps.shape[1])
    constraints = [
        geq(Xs * log(ps * thetas), lower_lhd_bound),
        eq(sum(thetas), 1),
        geq(thetas, 0)

    if bound_type == 'UPPER':
        p = program(maximize(thetas[fixed_i, 0]), constraints)
        p = program(minimize(thetas[fixed_i, 0]), constraints)
    p.options['maxiters'] = 1500
    value = p.solve(quiet=not DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION)
    thetas_values = numpy.array(thetas.value.T.tolist()[0])
    log_lhd = calc_lhd(thetas_values, observed_array, expected_array)

    return chi2.sf(2 * (mle_log_lhd - log_lhd), 1), value
Пример #13
    def _MakeMinimalFeasbileConcentrationProblem(self, bounds=None, c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2)):
        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        constraints = []
        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc, bounds=bounds,

        # find the row vector describing the overall stoichiometry
        S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)
        dg0r_primes = cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)
        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium. 
        for i in xrange(self.Nr):
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(self.dG0_r_prime[0, i]):
            curr_dgr = dg0r_primes[0, i] + RT * ln_conc * S[:, i]

            if self.fluxes[0, i] != 0:
                constraints.append(cvxpy.leq(curr_dgr * np.sign(self.fluxes[0, i]),
                constraints.append(cvxpy.geq(curr_dgr * np.sign(self.fluxes[0, i]),
                constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0))
        # Set the constraints
        return ln_conc, constraints
def PROGRAM( roadnet, surplus, objectives ) :
    """ construct the program """
    # optvars
    assist = dict()
    cost = dict()
    DELTA = .00001   # cvxpy isn't quite robust to non-full dimensional optimization
    for _,__,road in roadnet.edges_iter( keys=True ) :
        assist[road] = cvxpy.variable( name='z_{%s}' % road )
        cost[road] = cvxpy.variable( name='c_{%s}' % road )
    #print assist
    #print cost
    objfunc = sum( cost.values() )
    OBJECTIVE = cvxpy.minimize( objfunc )
    # the flow conservation constraints
    for u in roadnet.nodes_iter() :
        INFLOWS = []
        for _,__,road in roadnet.in_edges( u, keys=True ) :
            INFLOWS.append( assist[road] + surplus[road] )
        OUTFLOWS = []
        for _,__,road in roadnet.out_edges( u, keys=True ) :
            OUTFLOWS.append( assist[road] )
        #conserve_u = cvxpy.eq( sum(OUTFLOWS), sum(INFLOWS) )
        error_u = sum(OUTFLOWS) - sum(INFLOWS)
        conserve_u = cvxpy.leq( cvxpy.abs( error_u ), DELTA )
        CONSTRAINTS.append( conserve_u )
    # the cost-form constraints
    for road in cost :
        for f, line in objectives[road].iter_items() :
            # is this plus or minus alpha?
            LB = cvxpy.geq( cost[road], line.offset + line.slope * assist[road] )
            CONSTRAINTS.append( LB )
    prog = cvxpy.program( OBJECTIVE, CONSTRAINTS )
    return prog, assist
Пример #15
 def find_decoders_cvxopt(self, values, neus_in_pop, min_w = 0 , max_w = 1):
     find optimal decoders using convex bounded optimization
     tuning = self.tuning_curves[neus_in_pop]
     A_m = np.matrix(np.matrix(A))
     aa = cx.zeros(np.shape(A))
     aa[A_m.nonzero()] = A_m[A_m.nonzero()]
     bb = cx.zeros(np.shape(value))
     bb[value.nonzero()[0]] = value[value.nonzero()[0]]
     m,n = np.shape(aa)
     dec = cx.variable(m)
     p = cx.program(cx.minimize(cx.norm2((aa)*(dec)-(bb))), [cx.leq(dec,max_w),cx.geq(dec,min_w)])
     return dec.value
Пример #16
    def _GetTotalReactionEnergy(self, c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2), bounds=None, min_driving_force=0):
        constraints = []
        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc, bounds=bounds,
        # find the row vector describing the overall stoichiometry
        S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)
        f = cvxpy.matrix(self.fluxes)
        g0 = cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)
        g = g0 + RT * ln_conc * S
        total_g = f * g.T

        constraints += self._MakeDrivingForceConstraints(ln_conc, min_driving_force)
        return ln_conc, constraints, total_g
Пример #17
    def test_problem_expdesign(self):

        # test problem needs review
        print 'skipping, needs review'
        from cvxpy import (matrix, variable, program, minimize,
                           log, det_rootn, diag, sum, geq, eq, zeros)
        tol_exp = 6
        V = matrix(self.V)
        n = V.shape[1]
        x = variable(n)

        # Use cvxpy to solve the problem above
        p = program(minimize(-log(det_rootn(V*diag(x)*V.T))),
                    [geq(x, 0.0), eq(sum(x), 1.0)])
            x.value, self.xd, tol_exp)
            def f_Gamma(c):
                # For fixed c solve the semidefinite program for Algorithm 4
                # Variable Gamma_plus (for \Gamma_{i+1})
                d_plus = variable(2*n, 1, name='d_plus')
                # Constraints
                constr = []
                for j in range(2*n):
                    ctt =  less_equals(d_plus[j,0], 0)
                    constr.append( less_equals(-d_plus[j,0], 0))
                    constr.append( less_equals( d_plus[j,0], d[j,0]))
                    constr.append( less_equals( J[j,j]*d_plus[j,0] + sum([abs(J[i,j])*d_plus[i,0] for i in range(2*n)]) - abs(J[j,j])*d_plus[j,0], c* d_plus[j,0]))
                # Objective function
                obj = geo_mean(d_plus)
                # Find solution
                p = program(maximize(obj), constr)

                return d_plus.value
Пример #19
def compute_transform(p1, p2, best_matches):
    import cvxpy, cvxpy.utils

    # How many good matches are there?
    num_bad_matches = sum([x == None for x in best_matches])
    num_good_matches = p1.shape[0] - num_bad_matches

    # Need at least three points for a good translation fit...
    if (num_good_matches < 3):
        print 'ERROR: not enough matches to compute a 3D affine fit.'

    # Prepare data for fitting
    X = cvxpy.utils.ones((3, num_good_matches))
    Y = cvxpy.utils.ones((3, num_good_matches))
    count = 0
    for i in range(p1.shape[0]):
        if best_matches[i] != None:
            X[0, count] = p1[i, 0]
            X[1, count] = p1[i, 1]
            X[2, count] = p1[i, 2]
            Y[0, count] = p2[best_matches[i], 0]
            Y[1, count] = p2[best_matches[i], 1]
            Y[2, count] = p2[best_matches[i], 2]
            count += 1

    #    print X.T
    #    print Y.T

    translation = cvxpy.variable(3, 1)

    cost_fn = cvxpy.norm1((X[:, 1] + translation) - Y[:, 1])
    for c in range(2, num_good_matches):
        cost_fn += cvxpy.norm1((X[:, c] + translation) - Y[:, c])

    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cost_fn))

    return ((1, np.identity(3), np.array(translation.value).squeeze()),
Пример #20
    def _MakeMinimumFeasbileConcentrationsProblem(self,
                                                  c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2)):
        """Creates the CVXOPT problem for finding minimum total concentrations.
            Two tuple (ln_concentrations var, problem).
        assert self.dG0_f_prime is not None

        constraints = []

        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc,

        # Make the objective and problem.
        S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)

        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        dgf_primes = RT * ln_conc + cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_f_prime)
        for i in xrange(self.Nr):
            if self.fluxes[0, i] > 0:
                    cvxpy.leq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes, self.DEFAULT_REACTION_UB))
                    cvxpy.geq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes, self.DEFAULT_REACTION_LB))
            elif self.fluxes[0, i] == 0:
                constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes, 0))
                    cvxpy.geq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes, -self.DEFAULT_REACTION_UB))
                    cvxpy.leq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes, -self.DEFAULT_REACTION_LB))

        return ln_conc, constraints
Пример #21
 def _MakeMinimumFeasbileConcentrationsProblem(self, bounds=None,
                                               c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2)):
     """Creates the CVXOPT problem for finding minimum total concentrations.
         Two tuple (ln_concentrations var, problem).
     assert self.dG0_f_prime is not None
     constraints = []
     # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
     ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
     constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc, bounds=bounds,
     # Make the objective and problem.
     S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)
     # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
     # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
     # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
     dgf_primes = RT * ln_conc + cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_f_prime)
     for i in xrange(self.Nr):
         if self.fluxes[0, i] > 0:
             constraints.append(cvxpy.leq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes,
             constraints.append(cvxpy.geq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes,
         elif self.fluxes[0, i] == 0:
             constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes,
             constraints.append(cvxpy.geq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes,
             constraints.append(cvxpy.leq(S[i, :] * dgf_primes,
     return ln_conc, constraints
Пример #22
    def _MakeMinimalFeasbileConcentrationProblem(self,
                                                 c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2)):
        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        constraints = []

        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc,

        # find the row vector describing the overall stoichiometry
        S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)
        dg0r_primes = cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)

        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        for i in xrange(self.Nr):
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(self.dG0_r_prime[0, i]):

            curr_dgr = dg0r_primes[0, i] + RT * ln_conc * S[:, i]

            if self.fluxes[0, i] != 0:
                    cvxpy.leq(curr_dgr * np.sign(self.fluxes[0, i]),
                    cvxpy.geq(curr_dgr * np.sign(self.fluxes[0, i]),
                constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0))

        # Set the constraints
        return ln_conc, constraints
Пример #23
    def _GetTotalReactionEnergy(self,
                                c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2),
        constraints = []

        # Define and apply the constraints on the concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(1, self.Nc, name='lnC')
        constraints += self._MakeLnConcentratonBounds(ln_conc,

        # find the row vector describing the overall stoichiometry
        S = cvxpy.matrix(self.S)
        f = cvxpy.matrix(self.fluxes)
        g0 = cvxpy.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)
        g = g0 + RT * ln_conc * S
        total_g = f * g.T

        constraints += self._MakeDrivingForceConstraints(
            ln_conc, min_driving_force)

        return ln_conc, constraints, total_g
Пример #24
def compute_decoders_convex_bounded(x_values,A,nsteps,function=lambda x:x, min_x = -0.2, max_x = 0.2):
    '''solve convex optimization problem with cvxpy '''
    import cvxpy as cx
    import numpy as np

    A_m = np.matrix(np.matrix(A))
    aa = cx.zeros(np.shape(A))
    aa[A_m.nonzero()] = A_m[A_m.nonzero()]
    #function to be encoded  
    value=np.array([[function(x)] for x in x_values]) 

    bb = cx.zeros(np.shape(value))
    bb[0,value.nonzero()[0]] = value[value.nonzero()[0]]    

    m,n = np.shape(aa)
    dec = cx.variable(m)
    p = cx.program(cx.minimize(cx.norm2(np.transpose(aa)*(dec)-np.transpose(bb))), [cx.leq(dec,max_x),cx.geq(dec,min_x)])

    return dec.value
Пример #25
def estimate_transcript_frequencies_with_cvxopt(observed_array,
    from cvxpy import matrix, variable, geq, log, eq, program, maximize, \
        minimize, sum, quad_over_lin

    Xs = matrix(observed_array)
    ps = matrix(expected_array)
    thetas = variable(ps.shape[1])
    constraints = [eq(sum(thetas), 1), geq(thetas, 0)]

    if sparse_penalty == None:
        p = program(maximize(Xs * log(ps * thetas)), constraints)
        p = program(
            maximize(Xs * log(ps * thetas) - sparse_penalty *
                     quad_over_lin(1., thetas[sparse_index, 0])), constraints)

    p.options['maxiters'] = 1500
    value = p.solve(quiet=not verbose)
    thetas_values = numpy.array(thetas.value.T.tolist()[0])
    return thetas_values
 def cr_var(self, name):
   return variable(name=name)
Пример #27
def fit_ellipse_stack2(dx, dy, dz, di, norm_type="l2"):
    fit ellipoid using squared loss

    idea to learn all stacks together including smoothness


    #TODO create flag for norm1 vs norm2
    assert norm_type in ["l1", "l2", "huber"]

    # sanity check
    assert len(dx) == len(dy)
    assert len(dx) == len(dz)
    assert len(dx) == len(di)

    # unique zs
    dat = defaultdict(list)

    # resort data
    for idx in range(len(dx)):
        dat[dz[idx]].append( [dx[idx], dy[idx], di[idx]] )

    # init ret
    ellipse_stack = []
    for idx in range(max(dz)):
        ellipse_stack.append(Ellipse(0, 0, idx, 1, 1, 0))

    total_N = len(dx)
    M = len(dat.keys())
    #D = 5
    D = 4

    X_matrix = []
    thetas = []
    slacks = []
    eps_slacks = []

    mean_di = float(numpy.mean(di))

    for z in dat.keys():

        x = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,0]
        y = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,1]

        # intensities
        i = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,2]
        ity = numpy.diag(i) / mean_di

        # dimensionality
        N = len(x)
        d = numpy.zeros((N, D))

        d[:,0] = x*x
        d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        d[:,2] = x
        d[:,3] = y
        #d[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

        #d[:,0] = x*x
        #d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        #d[:,3] = x
        #d[:,4] = y
        #d[:,5] = numpy.ones(N)
        # consider intensities
        old_shape = d.shape
        #d = numpy.dot(ity, d)
        assert d.shape == old_shape
        print d.shape   
        d = cvxpy.matrix(d)
        #### parameters

        # da
        X = cvxpy.parameter(N, D, name="X" + str(z))
        X.value = d

        #### varibales
        # parameter vector
        theta = cvxpy.variable(D, name="theta" + str(z))

    # construct obj
    objective = 0

    print "norm type", norm_type 

    for i in xrange(M):

        if norm_type == "l1":
            objective += cvxpy.norm1(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i] + 1.0)
        if norm_type == "l2":
            objective += cvxpy.norm2(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i] + 1.0)

        #TODO these need to be summed
        #objective += cvxpy.huber(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i], 1)
        #objective += cvxpy.deadzone(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i], 1)

    # add smoothness regularization
    reg_const = float(total_N) / float(M-1)

    for i in xrange(M-1):
        objective += reg_const * cvxpy.norm2(thetas[i] - thetas[i+1])

    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(objective))

    prob = p
    import ipdb

    # add constraints
    #for i in xrange(M):
    #    #p.constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(thetas[i][0,:] + thetas[i][1,:], 1))
    #    p.constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(thetas[i][4,:], 1))

    # set solver settings
    p.options['reltol'] = 1e-1
    p.options['abstol'] = 1e-1
    #p.options['feastol'] = 1e-1

    # invoke solver

    # wrap up result
    ellipse_stack = {}

    active_layers = dat.keys()
    assert len(active_layers) == M

    for i in xrange(M):

        w = numpy.array(thetas[i].value)

        ## For clarity, fill in the quadratic form variables
        #A        = numpy.zeros((2,2))
        #A[0,0]   = w[0]
        #A.ravel()[1:3] = w[2]
        #A[1,1]   = w[1]
        #bv       = w[3:5]
        #c        = w[5]

        A              = numpy.zeros((2,2))
        A[0,0]         = w[0]
        A.ravel()[1:3] = 0 #w[2]
        A[1,1]         = w[1]
        #bv             = w[2:4]
        bv             = w[2:]
        #c              = w[4]
        c              = 1.0
        ## find parameters
        z, a, b, alpha = util.conic2parametric(A, bv, c)
        print "layer (i,z,a,b,alpha):", i, z, a, b, alpha

        layer = active_layers[i]
        ellipse_stack[layer] = Ellipse(z[0], z[1], layer, a, b, alpha)

    return ellipse_stack
def measurenx_to_approxnx(roadnet, epsilon, length="length", weight1="weight1", weight2="weight2"):
    input: a road network, with weights on its elements
    returns a graph summarizing the network optimization problem instance;
    roadnets are multi-digraph, where edge 'keys' are assumed to be unique,
    i.e., road names; and should be different from node labels too;
    digraph = nx.DiGraph()

    """ insert supply and demand of roads """
    for u, v, road, data in roadnet.edges_iter(keys=True, data=True):
        roadlen = float(data.get(length, 1))  # float() just in case
        assert roadlen >= 0.0

        oneway = data.get("oneway", False)

        surplus = float(data.get(weight1, 0.0)) - data.get(weight2, 0.0)
        deficit = -surplus

        split the road into equal-length segments;
        create a node for each segment;
        N = int(np.ceil(roadlen / epsilon))
        eps = roadlen / N

        if surplus > 0.0:
            NODES = [(road, k, "supply") for k in range(N)]
            for node in NODES:
                    "s", node, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, maxflow=surplus / N, w_lo=-eps, w_hi=0.0

            SEQ = [u] + NODES + [v]
            for lnode, rnode in zip(SEQ[:-1], SEQ[1:]):
                digraph.add_edge(lnode, rnode, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, w_lo=eps, w_hi=eps)
                if not oneway:
                    digraph.add_edge(rnode, lnode, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, w_lo=eps, w_hi=eps)

        if deficit > 0.0:
            NODES = [(road, k, "demand") for k in range(N)]
            for node in NODES:
                    node, "t", flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, maxflow=deficit / N, w_lo=-eps, w_hi=0.0

            SEQ = [u] + NODES + [v]
            for lnode, rnode in zip(SEQ[:-1], SEQ[1:]):
                digraph.add_edge(lnode, rnode, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, w_lo=eps, w_hi=eps)
                if not oneway:
                    digraph.add_edge(rnode, lnode, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, w_lo=eps, w_hi=eps)

    """ insert supply and demand of nodes """
    for u, data in roadnet.nodes_iter(data=True):
        surplus = data.get(weight1, 0.0) - data.get(weight2, 0.0)
        deficit = -surplus

        # supply layer
        if surplus > 0.0:
            digraph.add_edge("s", u, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, maxflow=surplus)
        if deficit > 0.0:
            digraph.add_edge(u, "t", flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, maxflow=deficit)

    """ setup the network flow structure """
    conns = roadmaps.connectivity_graph(roadnet)
    for u, v, data in conns.edges_iter(data=True):
        weight = data.get(length, 1)
        flowvar = cvxpy.variable()
        digraph.add_edge(u, v, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0.0, w_lo=weight, w_hi=weight)

    """ turn the weights into costs """
    for _, __, data in digraph.edges_iter(data=True):
        flowvar = data["flow"]
        if "w_lo" in data:
            data["cost_lo"] = data["w_lo"] * flowvar
        if "w_hi" in data:
            data["cost_hi"] = data["w_hi"] * flowvar

    return digraph  # a flownx
Пример #29
    def MinimizeConcentration(self,
        """Finds feasible concentrations minimizing the concentration
           of metabolite i.
            metabolite_index: the index of the metabolite to minimize.
                if == None, minimize the sum of all concentrations.
            concentration_bounds: the Bounds objects setting concentration bounds.
        my_bounds = concentration_bounds or self.DefaultConcentrationBounds()

        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(m=1, n=self.Ncompounds, name='lnC')
        ln_conc_lb, ln_conc_ub = my_bounds.GetLnBounds(self.compounds)
        constr = [
            cvxpy.geq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_lb)),
            cvxpy.leq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_ub))

        my_dG0_r_primes = np.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)

        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        S = np.matrix(self.S)

        for i, flux in enumerate(self.fluxes):

            curr_dg0 = my_dG0_r_primes[0, i]
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(curr_dg0):

            rcol = cvxpy.matrix(S[:, i])
            curr_dgr = curr_dg0 + RT * ln_conc * rcol
            if flux == 0:
                constr.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0.0))
                constr.append(cvxpy.leq(curr_dgr, 0.0))

        objective = None
        if metabolite_index is not None:
            my_conc = ln_conc[0, metabolite_index]
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.exp(my_conc))
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.exp(ln_conc)))

        name = 'CONC_OPT'
        if metabolite_index:
            name = 'CONC_%d_OPT' % metabolite_index
        problem = cvxpy.program(objective, constr, name=name)
        optimum = problem.solve(quiet=True)
        status = problem.solve(quiet=True)
        if status != 'optimal':
            status = optimized_pathway.OptimizationStatus.Infeasible(
                'Pathway infeasible given bounds.')
            return ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
                self._model, self._thermo,
                my_bounds, optimization_status=status)
        opt_ln_conc = np.matrix(np.array(ln_conc.value))
        result = ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
        return result
Пример #30
 def cvxify(self):
   super(CTMStaticProblem, self).cvxify()
   for link in self.get_links():
     link.v_dens = variable(name='dens: {0}'.format(link.name))
Пример #31
    def ACT2Corrected(self,gene,num_iterations=5):
            Next steps: Some way to preserve flows at divergence nodes
            One way could be reallocate flows at all divergence nodes in the original ratio and fix it 
            Iterate 10 times
        for iteri in range(num_iterations):
            Xvar = cvx.variable(len(X),1)    
            p = cvx.program(cvx.minimize(cvx.norm2(A*Xvar-B)),[cvx.geq(Xvar,0.0)])
                message='Could not solve for %s'%(gene)
                return (outwgs,100.0)   
            if iteri==0:                          # Get optimal value
            #print err.value/len(X)
            X_corr= [a[:] for a in X]
            for i in range(len(Xval)):
            #print X_corr
            exonlist=[[a[1],a[2]] for a in X_corr if a[0]==2]
            exonwtlist=[a[3] for a in X_corr if a[0]==2]
            #print 'E',exonlist
            splicelist=[[a[1],a[2]] for a in X_corr if a[0]==3]
            splicewtlist=[a[3] for a in X_corr if a[0]==3]
            for i in range(len(exonlist)):
                if exon in splicelist:
            for i in removelist:
            #print 'E',exonlist
            startnodelist=[a[1]for a in X_corr if a[0]==1]
            endnodelist=[a[1]for a in X_corr if a[0]==-1]
            #print exonlist
            #print wgs[0]
            #print intronlist
            #print wgs[1]

            exonwtlist1=[exonwtlist[i] for i in range(len(exonwtlist)) if exonlist[i] in wgs[0]]
            intronwtlist1=[exonwtlist[i] for i in range(len(exonwtlist)) if exonlist[i] in wgs[1]]
        return (outwgs,err.value/len(X))
Пример #32
def _cqp(D, o, k, m, N):
    ''' solves using cvxpy '''

    # cast to object.
    D = cvxpy.matrix(D)
    N = cvxpy.matrix(N)
    o = cvxpy.matrix(o)

    # create variables.
    f = cvxpy.variable(k, 1, name='f')
    x = cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='x')
    y = cvxpy.variable(m, 1, name='y')

    # create constraints.
    geqs = cvxpy.greater_equals(f, 0.0)

    #TO DO: Sum of all f = sum of observed reads classes (and not equal to 1)
    sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), 1.0)
    #sum1 = cvxpy.equals(cvxpy.sum(f), sum_obs_freq)

    #dev = cvxpy.equals(D*f-o-x,0.0)

    #4. matrix N (m x m) * x - y = 0
    sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N * x - y, 0.0)
    #Check now to do N^2
    #sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(N^2*x-y,0.0)
    #This might not work but try
    #sizeConstr = cvxpy.equals(x/N-y,0.0)

    #constrs = [geqs, sum1, dev, sizeConstr]
    constrs = [geqs, sum1]

    log.debug('\tin _cqp function: \n\t\tPrint matrices shapes:')
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', D.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', f.shape)
    log.debug('\t\t\t%s', o.shape)

    # create the program.
    #p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(y)),constraints=constrs)
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.norm2(D * f - o)),
    p.options['abstol'] = 1e-6  ## 'abstol' - Absolute accuracy	Default: 1e-7
    p.options['reltol'] = 1e-5  ## 'reltol' - Relative accuracy	Default: 1e-6
        'feastol'] = 1e-5  ## 'feastol' - Tolerance for feasibility conditions	Default: 1e-6
        'maxiters'] = 500  ## 'maxiters' - Maximum number of iterations	Default: 100

    # solve the program.

    # return results.
    #print np.around(f.value, decimals=20)

    #print "Print using loop"
    getcontext().prec = 20
    #for i in f.value:
    #    temp_fi=str(i).strip('[]')
    #    print temp_fi

    return f.value
Пример #33
def fit_ellipse_eps_insensitive(x, y):
    fit ellipoid using epsilon-insensitive loss

    x = numpy.array(x)
    y = numpy.array(y)

    print "shapes", x.shape, y.shape

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 5

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    #dat[:,2] = y*x
    dat[:,2] = x
    dat[:,3] = y
    dat[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxpy.matrix(dat)
    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxpy.parameter(N, D, name="X")

    # parameter for eps-insensitive loss
    eps = cvxpy.parameter(1, name="eps")

    #### varibales

    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxpy.variable(D, name="theta")

    # dim = (N x 1)
    s = cvxpy.variable(N, name="s")

    t = cvxpy.variable(N, name="t")

    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxpy.sum(t)
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(objective))
    # add constraints 
    # (N x D) * (D X 1) = (N X 1)
    p.constraints.append(X*theta <= s)
    p.constraints.append(-X*theta <= s)
    p.constraints.append(s - eps <= t)
    p.constraints.append(0 <= t)
    #p.constraints.append(theta[4] == 1)
    # trace constraint
    p.constraints.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat
    eps.value = 0.0
    #solver = "mosek" 

    w = numpy.array(cvxpy.value(theta))

    ## For clarity, fill in the quadratic form variables
    A        = numpy.zeros((2,2))
    A[0,0]   = w[0]
    A.ravel()[1:3] = 0#w[2]
    A[1,1]   = w[1]
    bv       = w[2:4]
    c        = w[4]
    ## find parameters
    z, a, b, alpha = util.conic2parametric(A, bv, c)

    return z, a, b, alpha
Пример #34
    def solve(self):
        ''' solver for the optimal purchasing of gas at stations
        does not return anything, but attaches some resulting properties at the end'''
        n = len(self.route.stations)

        if self.method == "dynamic":
            def conditionallyFillUp(gas_in_tank,station):
                print 'filling up'
                distance_to_end = sum([self.route.distances[j]
                                       for j in range(station,n)]
                bought.append(max(0,min(distance_to_end / self.car.economy, self.car.tank_max) - gas_in_tank))

            prices = [station.regular for station in self.route.stations]
            print 'prices: ' + str(prices)
            i = 0
            range_of_car = (self.car.tank_max - self.gas_min) * self.car.economy
            print 'range of car: ' + str(range_of_car)
            #set initial stations
            current_price = self.route.stations[i].regular
            station_chosen = i

            #Probably safe to assume both are zero, call api if necessary
            distance_to_first_station = 0
            distance_from_last_station = 0
            if (self.car.start - distance_to_first_station / self.car.economy < self.gas_min):
                raise Exception("Unfeasible to reach")
                gas_in_tank_at_last_station = self.car.start - (distance_to_first_station / self.car.economy)
            #Make parameter (probably as proportion of full tank) on website
            gas_at_end = self.gas_min
            #for export
            stations_chosen = []
            bought = []
            #simulte partially filled tank as miles already driven
            miles_since_last_stop = (self.car.tank_max - gas_in_tank_at_last_station) * self.car.economy + distance_to_first_station
            #make sure you can get home

            while i < n:
                #for feasibility check
                firstStationOnTank = i
                #determine where car should stop
                while i < n:
                    #check if next stop is cheaper
                    print i
                    print current_price
                    if self.route.stations[i].regular < current_price:
                        current_price = self.route.stations[i].regular
                        station_chosen = i
                        print 'station_chosen: ' + str(station_chosen)
                    miles_since_last_stop += self.route.distances[i]
                    i = i + 1
                    print 'miles_since_last_stop: ' + str(miles_since_last_stop)
                    if miles_since_last_stop > range_of_car:
                        print i
                        if (gas_in_tank_at_last_station - self.route.distances[firstStationOnTank] / self.car.economy < self.gas_min):
                            raise Exception("Unfeasible to reach")
                        current_price = self.route.stations[i].regular
                        station_chosen = i

                #determine how much gas car should get
                if len(stations_chosen) > 1:
                    distance_between_stations = sum([self.route.distances[j]
                                           for j in range(stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 2],stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 1])]
                    print stations_chosen
                    print 'last_station: ' + str(stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 2]) + ", price:" + str(self.route.stations[stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 2]].regular)
                    print 'this station: ' + str(stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 1]) + ", price:" + str(self.route.stations[stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 1]].regular)
                    if (self.route.stations[stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 2]].regular < self.route.stations[stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 1]].regular):
                        #fill 'er up, errr, conditionally
                        conditionallyFillUp(gas_in_tank_at_last_station, stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 2])
                        #only get enough gas to get to next station
                        print 'getting minimum'
                        bought.append(distance_between_stations / self.car.economy)
                    gas_in_tank_at_last_station = gas_in_tank_at_last_station - (distance_between_stations / self.car.economy) + bought[len(bought) - 1]
                miles_since_last_stop = 0
            conditionallyFillUp(gas_in_tank_at_last_station, stations_chosen[len(stations_chosen) - 1])
            print 'stations_chosen: ' + str(stations_chosen)
            print 'bought: ' + str(bought)
            objective_value = sum(
                                for j in range(len(stations_chosen))]
            self.stations_chosen = stations_chosen
            # how to constrain the LP
            in_tank = variable(n,name ='gas in tank') # how much gas in tank var
            bought = variable(n,name = 'gas bought') # how much to buy at each station var

            constraints = ([eq(in_tank[0,0],self.car.start)] + # starting gas
                           [eq(in_tank[i+1,0], # mass balance
                               in_tank[i,0] +
                               bought[i,0] -
                               self.route.distances[i]/self.car.economy)#DV: Changed from * to /
                               for i in range(n-1)] + 
                            [geq(in_tank,self.gas_min)] + # can't dip below certain amount
                            [leq(in_tank + bought,self.car.tank_max)] + # max size of tank
                            [geq(bought,0)] # physical constraint (cannot cyphon gas for sale to bum)
            # the total cost of the fuel
            fuel_cost = sum(
                             for j in range(n)]
            # define program
            p = program(minimize(fuel_cost), constraints)
            objective_value = p.solve()
            # attach properties to access later
            self.in_tank = in_tank
            self.program = p
        self.bought = bought
        self.objective_value = objective_value
Пример #35

import cvxpy
import numpy

S = cvxpy.matrix([[-1, 1, 0],
                  [0, -1, 1]])
Km = cvxpy.matrix([[1e-4, 0, 0],
                   [0, 1e-4, 0]])
kcat = cvxpy.matrix([[100],[100]])
m_plus = numpy.abs(numpy.clip(S, -1000, 0))

c = cvxpy.variable(3, 1, name='concentrations')

opt = cvxpy.minimize()

Пример #36
    def MinimizeConcentration(self, metabolite_index=None,
        """Finds feasible concentrations minimizing the concentration
           of metabolite i.
            metabolite_index: the index of the metabolite to minimize.
                if == None, minimize the sum of all concentrations.
            concentration_bounds: the Bounds objects setting concentration bounds.
        my_bounds = concentration_bounds or self.DefaultConcentrationBounds()

        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(m=1, n=self.Ncompounds, name='lnC')
        ln_conc_lb, ln_conc_ub = my_bounds.GetLnBounds(self.compounds)
        constr = [cvxpy.geq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_lb)),
                  cvxpy.leq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_ub))]
        my_dG0_r_primes = np.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)
        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        S = np.matrix(self.S)
        for i, flux in enumerate(self.fluxes):
            curr_dg0 = my_dG0_r_primes[0, i]
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(curr_dg0):
            rcol = cvxpy.matrix(S[:, i])
            curr_dgr = curr_dg0 + RT * ln_conc * rcol
            if flux == 0:
                constr.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0.0))
                constr.append(cvxpy.leq(curr_dgr, 0.0))        
        objective = None
        if metabolite_index is not None:
            my_conc = ln_conc[0, metabolite_index]
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(cvxpy.exp(my_conc))
            objective = cvxpy.minimize(
        name = 'CONC_OPT'
        if metabolite_index:
            name = 'CONC_%d_OPT' % metabolite_index
        problem = cvxpy.program(objective, constr, name=name)
        optimum = problem.solve(quiet=True)        

        status = problem.solve(quiet=True)
        if status != 'optimal':
            status = optimized_pathway.OptimizationStatus.Infeasible(
                'Pathway infeasible given bounds.')
            return ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
                self._model, self._thermo,
                my_bounds, optimization_status=status)
        opt_ln_conc = np.matrix(np.array(ln_conc.value))
        result = ConcentrationOptimizedPathway(
            self._model, self._thermo,
            my_bounds, optimal_value=optimum,
        return result
Пример #37
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np

I = np.random.randn(10, 10) > .4
I[np.diag_indices_from(I)] = 0
K = np.shape(I)[0]

X = cp.variable(K, K, name='X')
const = []
for i in range(K):
    for j in range(K):
        if I[i, j] > 0:
            c = cp.equals(X[i, j], 0)
c = cp.equals(cp.diag(X), 1)

p = cp.program(cp.minimize(cp.nuclear_norm(X)), const)
print X.value
Пример #38

import cvxpy
import numpy

S = cvxpy.matrix([[-1, 1, 0], [0, -1, 1]])
Km = cvxpy.matrix([[1e-4, 0, 0], [0, 1e-4, 0]])
kcat = cvxpy.matrix([[100], [100]])
m_plus = numpy.abs(numpy.clip(S, -1000, 0))

c = cvxpy.variable(3, 1, name='concentrations')

opt = cvxpy.minimize()
Пример #39
    noise = noise*(tau/norm(noise))
    # Add noise to signal
    rSig = signal + noise
    rSig = abs(rSig)                 #phase is not used in MRI

    # Choose regularization parameter
    # lambda > lambda_max -> zero solution
    lambda_max = 2*norm(dot(nA.T, rSig.T), np.inf) 

    lamb = 1.0e-8*lambda_max
    print('Solving L1 penalized system with cvxpy...')

    coefs = cvx.variable(n_qpnts,1)
    A     = cvx.matrix(nA)
    rhs   = cvx.matrix(rSig).T

    objective = cvx.minimize(cvx.norm2(A*coefs - rhs) +
                             lamb*cvx.norm1(coefs) )
    constraints = [cvx.geq(coefs,0.0)]
    prob = cvx.program(objective, constraints)

    # Call the solver
    prob.solve(quiet=True)  #Use quiet=True to suppress output

    # Convert the cvxmod objects to plain numpy arrays for further processing
    nd_coefs_l1 = np.array(coefs.value).squeeze()
Пример #40
def measurenx_to_approxnx( roadnet, epsilon, length='length', weight1='weight1', weight2='weight2' ) :
    input: a road network, with weights on its elements
    returns a graph summarizing the network optimization problem instance;
    roadnets are multi-digraph, where edge 'keys' are assumed to be unique,
    i.e., road names; and should be different from node labels too;
    digraph = nx.DiGraph()
    SUPPLY = []
    DEMAND = []
    """ insert supply and demand of roads """
    for u,v, road, data in roadnet.edges_iter( keys=True, data=True ) :
        roadlen = float( data.get( length, 1 ) )   # float() just in case
        assert roadlen >= 0.
        split the road into equal-length segments;
        create a node for each segment;
        record boundary points, and mass contained
        N = int( np.ceil( roadlen / epsilon ) )
        eps = roadlen / N
        surplus = float( data.get( weight1, 0. ) ) - data.get( weight2, 0. )
        deficit = -surplus
        bd = np.linspace( 0, roadlen, N+1 )
        bd = [ roadmaps.RoadAddress( road, x ) for x in bd ]
        for i, boundary in enumerate( zip( bd[:-1], bd[1:] ) ) :
            if surplus > 0. :
                node = (road,i,'supply')
                digraph.add_node( node, boundary=boundary )
                digraph.add_edge( 's', node, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0., maxflow=surplus/N )
                SUPPLY.append( node )
            if deficit > 0. :
                node = (road,i,'demand')
                digraph.add_node( node, boundary=boundary )
                digraph.add_edge( node, 't', flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0., maxflow=deficit/N )
                DEMAND.append( node )
    """ ...and nodes """
    for u, data in roadnet.nodes_iter( data=True ) :
        surplus = data.get( weight1, 0. ) - data.get( weight2, 0. )
        deficit = -surplus
        if surplus > 0. :
            boundary = [ roadmaps.roadify( roadnet, u, weight=length ) ]
            node = (u,'supply')
            digraph.add_node( node, boundary=boundary )
            digraph.add_edge( 's', node, flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0., maxflow=surplus )
            SUPPLY.append( node )
        if deficit > 0. :
            boundary = [ roadmaps.roadify( roadnet, v, weight=length ) ]
            node = (u,'demand')
            digraph.add_node( node, boundary=boundary )
            digraph.add_edge( node, 't', flow=cvxpy.variable(), minflow=0., maxflow=deficit )
            DEMAND.append( node )
    """ generate bipartite graph b/w SUPPLY and DEMAND """
    for u, v in itertools.product( SUPPLY, DEMAND ) :
        bd_u = digraph.node[u]['boundary']
        bd_v = digraph.node[v]['boundary']
        options = [ pair for pair in itertools.product( bd_u, bd_v ) ]
        options = [ roadmaps.distance( roadnet, p, q, weight=length ) for p,q in options ]
        #options = [ np.inf ]
        w = min( options )
        W = max( options )
        flowvar = cvxpy.variable()
        digraph.add_edge( u, v, flow=flowvar, minflow=0., w=w, W=W, cost_lo = w * flowvar, cost_hi = W * flowvar )
    nxopt.attach_flownx_constraints( digraph )
    return digraph      # a flow network
Пример #41
    def FindMTDF(self, concentration_bounds=None, normalization=None):
        """Finds the MTDF.
            bounds: the Bounds objects setting concentration bounds.
        my_bounds = concentration_bounds or self.DefaultConcentrationBounds()
        normalization = normalization or self.DeltaGNormalization.DEFAULT

        # Constrain concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(m=1, n=self.Ncompounds, name='lnC')
        ln_conc_lb, ln_conc_ub = my_bounds.GetLnBounds(self.compounds)
        constr = [
            cvxpy.geq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_lb)),
            cvxpy.leq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_ub))

        # Make the objective
        motive_force_lb = cvxpy.variable(name='B')
        my_dG0_r_primes = np.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)

        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        S = np.matrix(self.S)

        for i, flux in enumerate(self.fluxes):

            curr_dg0 = my_dG0_r_primes[0, i]
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(curr_dg0):

            rcol = cvxpy.matrix(S[:, i])
            curr_dgr = curr_dg0 + RT * ln_conc * rcol
            if flux == 0:
                constr.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0))
                motive_force = self.DeltaGNormalization.NormalizeDGByFlux(
                    curr_dgr, flux, normalization)

                constr.append(cvxpy.geq(motive_force, motive_force_lb))

        objective = cvxpy.maximize(motive_force_lb)
        problem = cvxpy.program(objective, constr, name='MTDF_OPT')

        if status != 'optimal':
            status = optimized_pathway.OptimizationStatus.Infeasible(
                'Pathway infeasible given bounds.')
            return MTDFOptimizedPathway(
                self._model, self._thermo,
                my_bounds, optimization_status=status)

        mtdf = float(motive_force_lb.value)
        opt_ln_conc = np.matrix(np.array(ln_conc.value))
        result = MTDFOptimizedPathway(
        return result
Пример #42
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np

I = np.random.randn(10,10) > .4
I[np.diag_indices_from(I)] = 0
K = np.shape(I)[0]

X = cp.variable(K,K, name='X')
const = []
for i in range(K):
	for j in range(K):
		if I[i,j] > 0:
			c = cp.equals(X[i,j],0)
c = cp.equals(cp.diag(X),1)

p = cp.program(cp.minimize(cp.nuclear_norm(X)), const)
print X.value
Пример #43
    def FindMTDF(self, concentration_bounds=None, normalization=None):
        """Finds the MTDF.
            bounds: the Bounds objects setting concentration bounds.
        my_bounds = concentration_bounds or self.DefaultConcentrationBounds()
        normalization = normalization or self.DeltaGNormalization.DEFAULT
        # Constrain concentrations
        ln_conc = cvxpy.variable(m=1, n=self.Ncompounds, name='lnC')
        ln_conc_lb, ln_conc_ub = my_bounds.GetLnBounds(self.compounds)
        constr = [cvxpy.geq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_lb)),
                  cvxpy.leq(ln_conc, cvxpy.matrix(ln_conc_ub))]
        # Make the objective
        motive_force_lb = cvxpy.variable(name='B')
        my_dG0_r_primes = np.matrix(self.dG0_r_prime)

        # Make flux-based constraints on reaction free energies.
        # All reactions must have negative dGr in the direction of the flux.
        # Reactions with a flux of 0 must be in equilibrium.
        S = np.matrix(self.S)
        for i, flux in enumerate(self.fluxes):
            curr_dg0 = my_dG0_r_primes[0, i]
            # if the dG0 is unknown, this reaction imposes no new constraints
            if np.isnan(curr_dg0):
            rcol = cvxpy.matrix(S[:, i])
            curr_dgr = curr_dg0 + RT * ln_conc * rcol
            if flux == 0:
                constr.append(cvxpy.eq(curr_dgr, 0))
                motive_force = self.DeltaGNormalization.NormalizeDGByFlux(
                    curr_dgr, flux, normalization)
                constr.append(cvxpy.geq(motive_force, motive_force_lb))
        objective = cvxpy.maximize(motive_force_lb)
        problem = cvxpy.program(objective, constr, name='MTDF_OPT')
        if status != 'optimal':
            status = optimized_pathway.OptimizationStatus.Infeasible(
                'Pathway infeasible given bounds.')
            return MTDFOptimizedPathway(
                self._model, self._thermo,
                my_bounds, optimization_status=status)
        mtdf = float(motive_force_lb.value)
        opt_ln_conc = np.matrix(np.array(ln_conc.value))
        result = MTDFOptimizedPathway(
            self._model, self._thermo,
            my_bounds, optimal_value=mtdf,
        return result
Пример #44
def fit_ellipse(x, y):
    fit ellipoid using squared loss and abs loss

    #TODO introduce flag for switching between losses

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 5

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    #dat[:,2] = x*y
    dat[:,2] = x
    dat[:,3] = y
    dat[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxpy.matrix(dat)
    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxpy.parameter(N, D, name="X")

    #### varibales

    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxpy.variable(D, name="theta")

    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxpy.norm1(X*theta)

    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxpy.program(cvxpy.minimize(objective))

    p.constraints.append(cvxpy.eq(theta[0,:] + theta[1,:], 1))
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat


    w = numpy.array(theta.value)
    #print weights

    ## For clarity, fill in the quadratic form variables
    A              = numpy.zeros((2,2))
    A[0,0]         = w[0]
    A.ravel()[1:3] = 0 #w[2]
    A[1,1]         = w[1]
    bv             = w[2:4]
    c              = w[4]

    ## find parameters
    z, a, b, alpha = util.conic2parametric(A, bv, c)
    print "XXX", z, a, b, alpha

    return z, a, b, alpha