Пример #1
def main():

    # If you wish to start a worker cluster just for this script, you
    # can do so with a command like this. See the slurm module for
    # more info on the available options.
    # Note: If you are running multiple cluster-workers scripts, be
    # careful with this because only one set of master/workers can be
    # running at a time.
    # This command will launch a cluster of workers using the Slurm
    # job manager if it is available, but otherwise will launch workers
    # locally to take advantage of multi-core parallelism.
    # To bypass this auto-detect, use submodule versions: `cw.mp.start()`
    # to launch workers locally, or `cw.slurm.start()`. Additional
    # arguments (such as which Slurm partition to use) can be passed to
    # `cw.start()` and they will be passed along if slurm is available.

    # Set up the client, connecting to the master host.
    # If no host is specified (as here), it will will guess which host
    # to use (e.g. if slurm is available, it will use `cw.slurm.master_host()`,
    # otherwise it will default to `localhost` for MP mode.
    client = cw.client.ClientThread(completion)

    # Submit a bunch of work.
    for i in range(10):
        # cw.randid() is a convenient utility function for generating
        # unique job IDs in case you don't already have natural IDs.
        jobid = cw.randid()
        print(u'submitting job {} to square {}'.format(jobid, i))
        client.submit(jobid, work, i)

    # Wait for all of the jobs to finish. This helps ensure that we see
    # the results of all of our work before shutting down the
    # interpreter.

    # If you started the worker cluster programmatically above, you
    # can safely shut down the cluster workers here.
    # This will use the same auto-detection mechanism to determine
    # how to shutdown. To explicitly stop a slurm cluster, for example,
    # use `cw.slurm.stop()`, which will free up the allocated nodes.
Пример #2
def main():

    # If you wish to start a worker cluster just for this script, you
    # can do so with a command like this. See the slurm module for
    # more info on the available options.
    # Note: If you are running multiple cluster-workers scripts, be
    # careful with this because only one set of master/workers can be
    # running at a time.
    # This command will launch a cluster of workers using the Slurm
    # job manager if it is available, but otherwise will launch workers
    # locally to take advantage of multi-core parallelism.
    # To bypass this auto-detect, use submodule versions: `cw.mp.start()`
    # to launch workers locally, or `cw.slurm.start()`. Additional
    # arguments (such as which Slurm partition to use) can be passed to
    # `cw.start()` and they will be passed along if slurm is available.

    # Set up the client, connecting to the master host.
    # If no host is specified (as here), it will will guess which host
    # to use (e.g. if slurm is available, it will use `cw.slurm.master_host()`,
    # otherwise it will default to `localhost` for MP mode.
    client = cw.client.ClientThread(completion)

    # Submit a bunch of work.
    for i in range(10):
        # cw.randid() is a convenient utility function for generating
        # unique job IDs in case you don't already have natural IDs.
        jobid = cw.randid()
        print(u'submitting job {} to square {}'.format(jobid, i))
        client.submit(jobid, work, i)

    # Wait for all of the jobs to finish. This helps ensure that we see
    # the results of all of our work before shutting down the
    # interpreter.

    # If you started the worker cluster programmatically above, you
    # can safely shut down the cluster workers here.
    # This will use the same auto-detection mechanism to determine
    # how to shutdown. To explicitly stop a slurm cluster, for example,
    # use `cw.slurm.stop()`, which will free up the allocated nodes.
Пример #3
def main():
    # This example uses a context manager to launch the master and
    # workers for this task (as opposed to an explicit `start` and
    # `stop`). You can choose from `cw.mp.allocate`,
    # `cw.slurm.allocate`, and `cw.allocate` to choose automatically.
    with cw.allocate(nworkers=2):

        # A second context manager creates a client for the cluster. You
        # can use this independently of the cluster startup context if
        # you, for example, want to spin up the cluster workers
        # manually and keep them around for several clients.
        with cw.client.ClientThread(completion) as client:

            # Now submit the actual work.
            for i in range(10):
                jobid = cw.randid()
                print(u'submitting job {} to square {}'.format(jobid, i))
                client.submit(jobid, work, i)
Пример #4
def nntune_cw(datafn):
    import cw.client
    import threading

    # Map job IDs to topologies.
    jobs = {}
    jobs_lock = threading.Lock()

    # Map topologies to errors.
    topo_errors = collections.defaultdict(list)

    def completion(jobid, output):
        with jobs_lock:
            topo = jobs.pop(jobid)
        logging.info(u'got result for {}'.format('-'.join(map(str, topo))))

    # Run jobs.
    client = cw.client.ClientThread(completion)
    for topo in exhaustive_topos():
        for i in range(REPS):
            jobid = cw.randid()
            with jobs_lock:
                jobs[jobid] = topo
            client.submit(jobid, evaluate, datafn, topo)
    logging.info('all jobs submitted')
    logging.info('all jobs finished')

    # Find best.
    min_error = None
    min_topo = None
    for topo, errors in topo_errors.items():
        error = sum(errors) / len(errors)
        if min_error is None or error < min_error:
            min_error = error
            min_topo = topo
    print('best:', '-'.join(map(str, min_topo)))
    print('error:', min_error)