def build_cwt(timeseries, max_scale=256, mother_freq=2, Norm=True, fmin=1000.0, fmax=4096, maplen=2048): # Make sure the timeseries peaks in the middle of the map paddata = np.zeros(maplen) peakidx = np.argmax( paddata[0.5 * maplen - peakidx:0.5 * maplen] =[:peakidx] paddata[0.5 * maplen:0.5 * maplen + len( - peakidx] =[peakidx:] timeseries = pycbc.types.TimeSeries(paddata, delta_t=timeseries.delta_t) sample_rate = 1. / timeseries.delta_t # Range of wavelet scales we're interested in scales = 1 + np.arange(max_scale) #scales = np.logspace(0,np.log10(max_scale),max_scale) # Construct the 'mother wavelet'; we'll begin using a Morlet wavelet # (sine-Gaussian) but we should/could investigate others # Could also experiment with values of f0. See cwt.Morlet for info mother_wavelet = cwt.Morlet(len_signal = \ len(timeseries), scales = scales, sampf=sample_rate, f0=mother_freq) # Compute the CWT wavelet = cwt.cwt(, mother_wavelet) # Take the absolute values of coefficients tfmap = np.abs(wavelet.coefs) # Reduce to useful frequencies freqs = sample_rate * wavelet.motherwavelet.fc \ / wavelet.motherwavelet.scales tfmap[(freqs < fmin) + (freqs > fmax), :] = 0.0 # Normalise tfmap /= max(map(max, abs(wavelet.coefs))) # Return a dictionary timefreq = dict() timefreq['analysed_data'] = timeseries timefreq['map'] = tfmap timefreq['times'] = timefreq['frequencies'] = freqs timefreq['scales'] = scales timefreq['mother_wavelet'] = mother_wavelet timefreq['image_shape'] = np.shape(tfmap) return timefreq
data =[startidx:startidx+400] #data =[startidx:startidx+512] data_noisefree =[startidx:startidx+400] motherfreq = 1.5 scalerange = motherfreq/(np.array([10,0.5*sample_rate])*(1.0/sample_rate)) scales = np.arange(scalerange[1],scalerange[0]) mother_wavelet = cwt.Morlet(len_signal = len(data), scales = scales, sampf=sample_rate, f0=motherfreq) #mother_wavelet = cwt.SDG(len_signal = len(data), scales = scales, normalize = True, # fc = 'center') wavelet = cwt.cwt(data, mother_wavelet) # --- Plotting # convert to pseudo frequency freqs = scale2hertz(mother_wavelet.fc, scales, sample_rate) peaktime = np.argmax(abs(data_noisefree))/16384. time = np.arange(0, len(data)/16384.0, 1.0/16384) - peaktime #collevs=np.linspace(0, max(map(max,abs(wavelet.coefs)**2)), 100) fpeakmin=2000.0 collevs=np.linspace(0, 1*max(wavelet.get_wps()[freqs>fpeakmin]), 100) fig, ax_cont = pl.subplots(figsize=(10,8))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cwt fs = 1e3 t = np.linspace(0, 1, fs+1, endpoint=True) x = np.cos(2*np.pi*32*t) * np.logical_and(t >= 0.1, t < 0.3) + np.sin(2*np.pi*64*t) * (t > 0.7) wgnNoise = 0.05 * np.random.standard_normal(t.shape) x += wgnNoise c, f = cwt.cwt(x, 'morl', sampling_frequency=fs) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(np.absolute(wt), aspect='auto')
# # Construct CWT (continuous wavelet transform) using pyCWT module # # Range of wavelet scales we're interested in scales = 1+np.arange(256) # Construct the 'mother wavelet'; we'll begin using a Morlet wavelet # (sine-Gaussian) but we should/could investigate others # Could also experiment with values of f0. See cwt.Morlet for info mother_wavelet = cwt.Morlet(len_signal = len(signal), scales = scales, sampf=sample_rate, f0=1) # Compute the CWT wavelet = cwt.cwt(, mother_wavelet) # ------------------------ # # --- Plot The Results --- # # ------------------------ # Compute the center frequencies corresponding to each scale freqs = 0.5 * sample_rate * wavelet.motherwavelet.fc / wavelet.motherwavelet.scales # Choose the number of colour levels to plo collevs=np.linspace(0, max(map(max,abs(wavelet.coefs)**2)), 100) # Open the figure fig, ax_cont = pl.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
def print_eic_ms(mzML_file): basename0=os.path.basename(mzML_file) print(basename0) ms1_scans=['MS1'] ms2_scans=['MS2'] tree=ET.parse(open(mzML_file,'rb')) for element in tree.iter(tag='{}spectrum'): if element.findtext(".//*{}binary"): mslevel_elem=element.find("*[@accession='MS:1000511']") if mslevel_elem is None: ref_id=element.find("{}referenceableParamGroupRef").attrib['ref'] mslevel_elem=(tree.find(".//*{}referenceableParamGroup[@id='"+ref_id+"']/*[@accession='MS:1000511']")) centroid_elem=(tree.find(".//*{}referenceableParamGroup[@id='"+ref_id+"']/*[@accession='MS:1000127']")) else: centroid_elem=element.find("*[@accession='MS:1000127']") if centroid_elem is None: print("error: profile mode!") sys.exit() mslevel=mslevel_elem.attrib['value'] if mslevel=='1': ms1_scans.append(store_scan(element)) elif mslevel=='2': ... else: sys.exit() element.clear() del element del tree print(len(ms1_scans)-1,' MS1 scans') def mz_slice(ms_scans): rtdict={rt:n for n,rt in enumerate(sorted({sc.rt for sc in ms_scans[1:]}))} ofile.write('scan '+ms_scans[0]+'\n') ofile.write('\t'.join([str(x) for x in rtdict])+'\n') data_points=[Point(scan.rt,mz,i) for scan in ms_scans[1:] for mz,i in zip(,scan.I)] data_points.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('mz')) mzlist=array('d',(mz for _,mz,_ in data_points)) for ent in lib_ent: for ii in [-.03,-.015,0]: mbd=ent.Mmass+ii pos0 = bisect_left(mzlist, mbd) pos1 = bisect_left(mzlist, mbd+.03) if ent.rt!='NA': dp_sub=[x for x in data_points[pos0:pos1] if abs(ent.rt-x[0])<RT_shift+30] else: dp_sub=data_points[pos0:pos1] if len(dp_sub)>min_group_size and max(I for _,_,I in dp_sub)>min_highest_I: eic_dict=dict() # highest intensity in this m/z range for rt,mz,I in dp_sub: if rt not in eic_dict or eic_dict[rt][1]<I: eic_dict[rt]=(mz,I) if min_group_size<=len({r for r,(_,i) in eic_dict.items() if i>group_I_threshold}): for rt,mz_i in sorted(eic_dict.items()): ofile.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(rt,*mz_i)) ofile.write('-\n') ofile.write('\n') with open('eic_'+basename0+'.txt','w') as ofile: mz_slice(ms1_scans) cwt.cwt(mzML_file)
motherfreq = 2 scalerange = motherfreq / (np.array([10, 0.5 * sample_rate]) * (1.0 / sample_rate)) scales = np.arange(scalerange[1], scalerange[0]) mother_wavelet = cwt.Morlet(len_signal=len(data), scales=scales, sampf=sample_rate, f0=motherfreq) #mother_wavelet = cwt.SDG(len_signal = len(data), scales = scales, normalize = True, # fc = 'center') wavelet = cwt.cwt(data, mother_wavelet) # --- Plotting # convert to pseudo frequency freqs = scale2hertz(mother_wavelet.fc, scales, sample_rate) #collevs=np.linspace(0, max(map(max,abs(wavelet.coefs)**2)), 100) fpeakmin = 2000.0 collevs = np.linspace(0, 5 * max(wavelet.get_wps()[freqs > fpeakmin]), 100) fig, ax_cont = pl.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) c = ax_cont.contourf(time, freqs, np.abs(wavelet.coefs)**2,
def _padded_cwt(params, dt, dj, s0, J,mother, padding_len): padded = np.concatenate([params,params,params]) #padded = np.pad(params, padding_len, mode='edge') wavelet_matrix, scales, freqs, coi, fft, fftfreqs = cwt.cwt(padded, dt, dj, s0, J,mother) wavelet_matrix = _unpad(wavelet_matrix, len(params)) return (wavelet_matrix, scales, freqs, coi, fft, fftfreqs)