def _insert_matches(con: cx_Oracle.Connection): """ Update the MATCH table with data from the staging table :param con: Oracle connection object """ cur = con.cursor()"updating MATCH") cur.execute(""" DELETE FROM INTERPRO.MATCH WHERE PROTEIN_AC IN ( SELECT PROTEIN_AC FROM INTERPRO.PROTEIN_TO_SCAN ) """)"{cur.rowcount} rows deleted") cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO INTERPRO.MATCH SELECT * FROM INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW """)"{cur.rowcount} rows inserted") con.commit() oracle.drop_table(cur, "INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW", purge=True) cur.close()
class ConnectionManager: """Context Management Protocol for Database access. Implementation for accessing Oracle Databases.""" def __init__(self, config: tuple) -> None: """config should contain the following Infromation: (username, password, connection_info)""" self.config = config pass def __enter__(self) -> Cursor: """Returns a cursor for the interaction with the db""" try: self.connection = Connection(*self.config) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() return self.cursor except ProgrammingError as e: raise CMProgrammingError(e) except InterfaceError as e: raise CMInterfaceError(e) except Error as e: raise CMError(e) except Exception as e: raise CMError(e) pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: """Commits the buffered interactions and closes the cursor and the connection""" self.connection.commit() self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() if exc_type: raise exc_type(exc_val) pass
def insert_multiple(table_name: str, df: pd.DataFrame, conn_db: cx_Oracle.Connection, batch_size=10000): """multiple insert parameters: *) table_name: table_name you're inserting into *) df: dataframe being inserted into table *) conn_db: a connection object from cx_oracle or open_connection *) batch_size: batch size of commit (number of rows) """ cur = conn_db.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES (:{2})".format(table_name, ', '.join(df.columns), ', :'.join(list(map(str,range(1, len(df.columns)+1))))) # Get column types so they can be specified before the insert statement. # This avoids an error when inserting dates # See cur.execute('select * from {} where 1=0'.format(table_name)) db_types = (d[1] for d in cur.description) cur.setinputsizes(*db_types) i = 0 while ((i * batch_size) < len(df)): rows = [] min = i*batch_size max = ((i+1)*batch_size)-1 for x in df.loc[min:max,:].values: rows.append([None if pd.isnull(y) else y for y in x]) cur.executemany(sql, rows) conn_db.commit() i = i + 1 cur.close()
def execute(statement: str, conn_db: cx_Oracle.Connection): """execute a statement parameters: *) statement: str with a statetement *) conn_db : a connection object from cx_oracle or open_connection """ cur = conn_db.cursor() cur.execute(statement) conn_db.commit() cur.close()
def insert_or_update( self, table_name: str, data: dict, conn: cx_Oracle.Connection = None, key: str = None, main_key: [str] = None, ): if conn: cursor = conn.cursor() else: cursor = self.__cursor field = ','.join(data.keys()) param = [':' + str(e) for e in data.keys()] sql = ("insert into {} ({}) " "values ({}) ").format(table_name, field, ','.join(param)) value = [e for e in data.values()] try: cursor.execute(sql, value) except cx_Oracle.IntegrityError: upd_sql = ("UPDATE {} ").format(table_name) set_statement = "set " + ", ".join( ["{} = :{}".format(k, k) for k in data.keys()]) if main_key is None: where_statement = " where " + " and ".join( ["{} = :{}".format(k, k) for k in data.keys() if k != key]) else: where_statement = " where " + " and ".join( ["{} = :{}".format(k, k) for k in main_key]) upd_sql += set_statement + where_statement cursor.execute(upd_sql, data) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc(), "sql: {}".format(sql)) print(traceback.format_exc()) print("sql: {}".format(sql)) if conn: conn.commit() else: self.__local_db.commit()
def pullLatestData(request): sync_job_status='' current_date="''" try: url='' response = requests.get(url) response.encoding = 'utf-8' jsonResponse= response.json() jsonData = jsonResponse["report"] column=jsonData[0].get('columns') data=jsonData[0].get('rows') dat=data print(len(dat)) cur.execute(data_layer.truncate_table) for rec in dat: '''name = item.get("rows") campaignID = item.get("lookupName") print(name) print(campaignID)''' item=rec.split(',') #print(item) if len(item[11])==0: item[11]="''" cur.execute("INSERT INTO REPORT ( TICKET, QUEUE, PRODUCT_ID, SOURCE_SYSTEM, CATEGORY, DISPOSITION, CONTROL_NUMBER, BUG_NUMBER, SEVERITY, STATUS,CREATED, CLOSED, ASSIGNED, UPDATED, PRODUCT_HIERARCHY, CREATED_BY ) VALUES ('" + str(item[0]) + '\',\'' + str(item[1])+ '\',\'' + str(item[2]) + '\',\'' + str(item[3])+ '\',\'' + str(item[4]) + '\',\'' + str(item[5])+ '\',\'' + str(item[6]) + '\',\'' + str(item[7])+ '\',\'' + str(item[8]) + '\',\'' + str(item[9])+ '\',' #+ item[10] + '\',\'' + item[11]+ '\',\'' + "to_date(" + str(item[10]) +",'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')" +',' + "to_date(" + str(item[11]) +",'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"+ ',\'' + str(item[12]) + '\',' + "to_date(" + str(item[13]) +",'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"+ ',\'' + str(item[14]) + '\',\'' # + "q\"[" +item[15] + "]\""+ '\',\'' + str(item[16])+ "')") + str(item[15])+ "')") con.commit() print("executed") except Exception as e : print(e) sync_job_status='Error'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); else: sync_job_status='Success'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); finally : cur.execute("INSERT INTO sync_job_status (last_updated_status, last_updated) VALUES ('" + sync_job_status +"'," + "to_date('" + str(current_date) +"','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"+ ")") con.commit() return JsonResponse({"sync_job_status":sync_job_status})
def _prepare_matches(con: cx_Oracle.Connection): """ Import protein matches in a staging table :param con: Oracle connection object """ cur = con.cursor()"populating MATCH_NEW") oracle.drop_table(cur, "INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW", purge=True) cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW NOLOGGING AS SELECT * FROM INTERPRO.MATCH WHERE 1 = 0 """) cur.execute(""" INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW SELECT P.PROTEIN_AC, M.METHOD_AC, M.SEQ_START, M.SEQ_END, 'T', D.DBCODE, D.EVIDENCE, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, 'INTERPRO', M.EVALUE, M.MODEL_AC, M.FRAGMENTS FROM INTERPRO.PROTEIN_TO_SCAN P INNER JOIN IPRSCAN.MV_IPRSCAN M ON P.UPI = M.UPI INNER JOIN INTERPRO.IPRSCAN2DBCODE D ON M.ANALYSIS_ID = D.IPRSCAN_SIG_LIB_REL_ID -- Exclude MobiDB-Lite, Phobius, SignalP (Euk, Gram+, Gram-), TMHMM, COILS WHERE D.DBCODE NOT IN ('g', 'j', 'n', 's', 'v', 'q', 'x') AND M.SEQ_START != M.SEQ_END """) con.commit()"indexing") for col in ("DBCODE", "PROTEIN_AC"): cur.execute(f""" CREATE INDEX I_MATCH_NEW${col} ON INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW ({col}) TABLESPACE INTERPRO_IND NOLOGGING """) #"gathering statistics") # oracle.gather_stats(cur, "INTERPRO", "MATCH_NEW")"deleting SUPERFAMILY duplicated matches") cur.execute(""" DELETE FROM INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW M1 WHERE EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM INTERPRO.MATCH_NEW M2 WHERE M2.DBCODE = 'Y' AND M1.PROTEIN_AC = M2.PROTEIN_AC AND M1.METHOD_AC = M2.METHOD_AC AND M1.POS_FROM = M2.POS_FROM AND M1.POS_TO = M2.POS_TO AND M1.SCORE > M2.SCORE ) """)"{cur.rowcount} SUPERFAMILY matches deleted") con.commit() cur.close()