Пример #1
    def set_property(self, property_name, property_value):
        p = self.get_property(property_name)

        if p is None:
            p = Property()
            p.name = property_name

        p.value = property_value
Пример #2
def make_cybox_object(type_, name=None, value=None):
    Converts type_, name, and value to a CybOX object instance.

    :param type_: The object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param name: The object name.
    :type name: str
    :param value: The object value.
    :type value: str
    :returns: CybOX object

    if type_ == "Account":
        acct = Account()
        acct.description = value
        return acct
    elif type_ == "Address":
        return Address(category=name, address_value=value)
    elif type_ == "Email Message":
        e = EmailMessage()
        e.raw_body = value
        return e
    elif type_ == "API":
        api = API()
        api.description = value
        return api
    elif type_ == "Artifact":
        if name == "Data Region":
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_GENERIC
        elif name == 'FileSystem Fragment':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM
        elif name == 'Memory Region':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_MEMORY
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return Artifact(value, atype)
    elif type_ == "Code":
        obj = Code()
        obj.code_segment = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Disk":
        disk = Disk()
        disk.disk_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "Disk Partition":
        disk = DiskPartition()
        disk.device_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "DNS Query":
        r = URI()
        r.value = value
        dq = DNSQuestion()
        dq.qname = r
        d = DNSQuery()
        d.question = dq
        return d
    elif type_ == "DNS Record":
        # DNS Record indicators in CRITs are just a free form text box, there
        # is no good way to map them into the attributes of a DNSRecord cybox
        # object. So just stuff it in the description until someone tells me
        # otherwise.
        d = StructuredText(value=value)
        dr = DNSRecord()
        dr.description = d
        return dr
    elif type_ == "GUI Dialogbox":
        obj = GUIDialogbox()
        obj.box_text = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "GUI Window":
        obj = GUIWindow()
        obj.window_display_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "HTTP Request Header Fields" and name and name == "User-Agent":
        # TODO/NOTE: HTTPRequestHeaderFields has a ton of fields for info.
        #    we should revisit this as UI is reworked or CybOX is improved.
        obj = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
        obj.user_agent = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Library":
        obj = Library()
        obj.name = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Memory":
        obj = Memory()
        obj.memory_source = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Mutex":
        m = Mutex()
        m.named = True
        m.name = String(value)
        return m
    elif type_ == "Network Connection":
        obj = NetworkConnection()
        obj.layer7_protocol = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Pipe":
        p = Pipe()
        p.named = True
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Port":
        p = Port()
            p.port_value = PositiveInteger(value)
        except ValueError: # XXX: Raise a better exception...
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Process":
        p = Process()
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "String":
        c = Custom()
        c.custom_name = "crits:String"
        c.description = ("This is a generic string used as the value of an "
                         "Indicator or Object within CRITs.")
        c.custom_properties = CustomProperties()

        p1 = Property()
        p1.name = "value"
        p1.description = "Generic String"
        p1.value = value
        return c
    elif type_ == "System":
        s = System()
        s.hostname = String(value)
        return s
    elif type_ == "URI":
        r = URI()
        r.type_ = name
        r.value = value
        return r
    elif type_ == "User Account":
        obj = UserAccount()
        obj.username = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Volume":
        obj = Volume()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Driver":
        w = WinDriver()
        w.driver_name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Event Log":
        obj = WinEventLog()
        obj.log = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Event":
        w = WinEvent()
        w.name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Handle":
        obj = WinHandle()
        obj.type_ = name
        obj.object_address = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Kernel Hook":
        obj = WinKernelHook()
        obj.description = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Mailslot":
        obj = WinMailslot()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Network Share":
        obj = WinNetworkShare()
        obj.local_path = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Process":
        obj = WinProcess()
        obj.window_title = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Registry Key":
        obj = WinRegistryKey()
        obj.key = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Service":
        obj = WinService()
        obj.service_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win System":
        obj = WinSystem()
        obj.product_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Task":
        obj = WinTask()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win User Account":
        obj = WinUser()
        obj.security_id = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Volume":
        obj = WinVolume()
        obj.drive_letter = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "X509 Certificate":
        obj = X509Certificate()
        obj.raw_certificate = value
        return obj
    The following are types that are listed in the 'Indicator Type' box of
    the 'New Indicator' dialog in CRITs. These types, unlike those handled
    above, cannot be written to or read from CybOX at this point.

    The reason for the type being omitted is written as a comment inline.
    This can (and should) be revisited as new versions of CybOX are released.
    NOTE: You will have to update the corresponding make_crits_object function
    with handling for the reverse direction.

    In the mean time, these types will raise unsupported errors.
    #elif type_ == "Device": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "DNS Cache": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "GUI": # revisit when CRITs supports width & height specification
    #elif type_ == "HTTP Session": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Linux Package": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Packet": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Route": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Subnet": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Socket": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "UNIX File": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Pipe": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Process": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX User Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Volume": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "User Session": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Whois": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Computer Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Critical Section": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Executable File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Kernel": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Mutex": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Pipe": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Prefetch": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win System Restore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Thread": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Waitable Timer": # No CybOX API
    raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
Пример #3
def make_cybox_object(type_, name=None, value=None):
    Converts type_, name, and value to a CybOX object instance.

    :param type_: The object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param name: The object name.
    :type name: str
    :param value: The object value.
    :type value: str
    :returns: CybOX object

    if type_ == "Account":
        acct = Account()
        acct.description = value
        return acct
    elif type_ == "Address":
        return Address(category=name, address_value=value)
    elif type_ == "Email Message":
        e = EmailMessage()
        e.raw_body = value
        return e
    elif type_ == "API":
        api = API()
        api.description = value
        return api
    elif type_ == "Artifact":
        if name == "Data Region":
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_GENERIC
        elif name == 'FileSystem Fragment':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_FILE_SYSTEM
        elif name == 'Memory Region':
            atype = Artifact.TYPE_MEMORY
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return Artifact(value, atype)
    elif type_ == "Code":
        obj = Code()
        obj.code_segment = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Disk":
        disk = Disk()
        disk.disk_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "Disk Partition":
        disk = DiskPartition()
        disk.device_name = type_
        disk.type = name
        return disk
    elif type_ == "DNS Query":
        r = URI()
        r.value = value
        dq = DNSQuestion()
        dq.qname = r
        d = DNSQuery()
        d.question = dq
        return d
    elif type_ == "DNS Record":
        # DNS Record indicators in CRITs are just a free form text box, there
        # is no good way to map them into the attributes of a DNSRecord cybox
        # object. So just stuff it in the description until someone tells me
        # otherwise.
        d = StructuredText(value=value)
        dr = DNSRecord()
        dr.description = d
        return dr
    elif type_ == "GUI Dialogbox":
        obj = GUIDialogbox()
        obj.box_text = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "GUI Window":
        obj = GUIWindow()
        obj.window_display_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "HTTP Request Header Fields" and name and name == "User-Agent":
        # TODO/NOTE: HTTPRequestHeaderFields has a ton of fields for info.
        #    we should revisit this as UI is reworked or CybOX is improved.
        obj = HTTPRequestHeaderFields()
        obj.user_agent = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Library":
        obj = Library()
        obj.name = value
        obj.type = name
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Memory":
        obj = Memory()
        obj.memory_source = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Mutex":
        m = Mutex()
        m.named = True
        m.name = String(value)
        return m
    elif type_ == "Network Connection":
        obj = NetworkConnection()
        obj.layer7_protocol = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Pipe":
        p = Pipe()
        p.named = True
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Port":
        p = Port()
            p.port_value = PositiveInteger(value)
        except ValueError:  # XXX: Raise a better exception...
            raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
        return p
    elif type_ == "Process":
        p = Process()
        p.name = String(value)
        return p
    elif type_ == "String":
        c = Custom()
        c.custom_name = "crits:String"
        c.description = ("This is a generic string used as the value of an "
                         "Indicator or Object within CRITs.")
        c.custom_properties = CustomProperties()

        p1 = Property()
        p1.name = "value"
        p1.description = "Generic String"
        p1.value = value
        return c
    elif type_ == "System":
        s = System()
        s.hostname = String(value)
        return s
    elif type_ == "URI":
        r = URI()
        r.type_ = name
        r.value = value
        return r
    elif type_ == "User Account":
        obj = UserAccount()
        obj.username = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Volume":
        obj = Volume()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Driver":
        w = WinDriver()
        w.driver_name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Event Log":
        obj = WinEventLog()
        obj.log = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Event":
        w = WinEvent()
        w.name = String(value)
        return w
    elif type_ == "Win Handle":
        obj = WinHandle()
        obj.type_ = name
        obj.object_address = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Kernel Hook":
        obj = WinKernelHook()
        obj.description = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Mailslot":
        obj = WinMailslot()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Network Share":
        obj = WinNetworkShare()
        obj.local_path = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Process":
        obj = WinProcess()
        obj.window_title = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Registry Key":
        obj = WinRegistryKey()
        obj.key = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Service":
        obj = WinService()
        obj.service_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win System":
        obj = WinSystem()
        obj.product_name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Task":
        obj = WinTask()
        obj.name = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win User Account":
        obj = WinUser()
        obj.security_id = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "Win Volume":
        obj = WinVolume()
        obj.drive_letter = value
        return obj
    elif type_ == "X509 Certificate":
        obj = X509Certificate()
        obj.raw_certificate = value
        return obj
    The following are types that are listed in the 'Indicator Type' box of
    the 'New Indicator' dialog in CRITs. These types, unlike those handled
    above, cannot be written to or read from CybOX at this point.

    The reason for the type being omitted is written as a comment inline.
    This can (and should) be revisited as new versions of CybOX are released.
    NOTE: You will have to update the corresponding make_crits_object function
    with handling for the reverse direction.

    In the mean time, these types will raise unsupported errors.
    #elif type_ == "Device": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "DNS Cache": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "GUI": # revisit when CRITs supports width & height specification
    #elif type_ == "HTTP Session": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Linux Package": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Packet": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Route": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Network Subnet": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Socket": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "UNIX File": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Pipe": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Process": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX User Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "UNIX Volume": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "User Session": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Whois": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Computer Account": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Critical Section": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Executable File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win File": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Kernel": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Mutex": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Network Route Entry": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Pipe": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Prefetch": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Semaphore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win System Restore": # No CybOX API
    #elif type_ == "Win Thread": # No good mapping between CybOX/CRITs
    #elif type_ == "Win Waitable Timer": # No CybOX API
    raise UnsupportedCybOXObjectTypeError(type_, name)
Пример #4
def transform(addsec_data):

    # Parse the Addition Security protobuf object, which contains a STIX report representation
    as_report = addsec_cti_pb2.Report()

    # Create a new STIX package & report container
    stix_package = STIXPackage()
    stix_package.stix_header = STIXHeader()
    stix_package.stix_header.description = "Addition Security Report"
    stix_report = Report()

    # Addition Security includes various identification information re: the entity of the report.
    # We are going to convert it into three CybOX objects: Product, Device, and Custom

    cybox_product = Product()
    cybox_product.product = "MobileAwareness"
    cybox_product.vendor = "Addition Security"

    cybox_device = Device()
    cybox_device.device_type = "Mobile Device"

    cybox_custom_sourceapp = Custom()
    cybox_custom_sourceapp.custom_name = "addsec:sourceApplication"
    cybox_custom_sourceapp.custom_properties = CustomProperties()

    p = Property()
    p.name = "organizationId"
    p.value = as_report.organizationId.encode(
        'hex')  # NOTE: this is binary bytes

    p = Property()
    p.name = "application"
    p.value = as_report.applicationId  # NOTE: bundleId/packageId of hosting app

    p = Property()
    p.name = "instanceId"
    p.value = as_report.systemId.encode('hex')  # NOTE: this is binary bytes


    # Enumerate the Addition Security reported sightings
    for as_sighting in as_report.observations:

        # Addition Security lets customers transit custom messages over the reporting channel; these
        # messages show up as a "Customer Message" indicator with string-based payload.  Since these
        # messages are both proprietary in nature and potentially unrelated to STIX, we are going to
        # filter them out from this processing.
        if as_sighting.observationType == 8: continue  # 8: CustomerData

        # Sightings are used to report device information as well; let's expel device-related
        # sightings and re-route their data into the CybOX device object (instead of including
        # as an indicator w/ sighting)
        if as_sighting.testId == 1 or as_sighting.testId == 2:  #
            addsec_to_cybox_device(cybox_device, as_sighting)

        # Ditto for reported product information as well
        if as_sighting.testId == 8:  # 8: SDKVersionInfo
            addsec_to_cybox_product(cybox_product, as_sighting)

        # Compose a STIX-appropriate indicator value from the Addition Security indicator ID & SubID
        indicator_id = "addsec:asma-%d-%d" % (as_sighting.testId,
        stix_indicator = Indicator(id_=indicator_id)
        stix_indicator.title = addsec_title_lookup(as_sighting.testId,

        # Create a sighting for this indicator
        stix_sighting = Sighting()
        stix_indicator.sightings = stix_sighting
        stix_sighting.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        if as_sighting.confidence > 0:
            stix_sighting.confidence = addsec_to_stix_confidence(

        # Enumerate the observables for this sighting
        for as_observable in as_sighting.datas:

            cybox_obj = addsec_to_cybox(as_observable.dataType,
            if not cybox_obj is None:

        # Finally, add this indicator (w/ sightings & related observables) to the top level report

    # Finalize the STIX report and output the XML
    stix_package.reports = stix_report
    return stix_package.to_xml()
Пример #5
def create_custom_properties(object, propertyName, propertyValue):
    prop = Property()
    prop.name = propertyName
    prop.value = str(propertyValue)