Пример #1
    def create_host_indicator(self, host_indicator):
        indicator = Indicator()
        indicator.title = 'Hostname of site hosting malware'
        indicator.add_indicator_type('Domain Watchlist')

        host = Hostname()
        host.value = host_indicator
        host.condition = 'Equals'

        return indicator
Пример #2
def convert_address_ref(obj2x, direction, obs2x_id):
    sa = None
    add_property = direction + "_ref"
    port_property = direction + "_port"
    if add_property in obj2x:
        if obj2x[add_property] in _STIX1X_OBJS:
            sa = SocketAddress()
            obj = _STIX1X_OBJS[obj2x[add_property]]
            if isinstance(obj, Address):
                sa.ip_address = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, DomainName):
                sa.hostname = Hostname()
                sa.hostname.hostname_value = obj.value
            warn("%s is not an index found in %s", 306, obj2x[add_property], obs2x_id)
    if port_property in obj2x:
        if not sa:
            sa = SocketAddress()
        sa.port = Port()
        sa.port.port_value = obj2x[port_property]
    return sa
Пример #3
def addsec_to_cybox(as_obtype, as_obdata):
    # Addition Security to CybOX mappings, for discrete/separate observables

    # 30: DataTypeSymbolName
    if as_obtype == 30:
        a = API()
        a.function_name = as_obdata
        return a

    # 32: DataTypeLibraryName
    if as_obtype == 32:
        l = Library()
        l.name = as_obdata
        l.path = as_obdata
        return l

    # 14: DataTypeUsername
    if as_obtype == 14:
        u = UserAccount()
        u.username = as_obdata
        return u

    # 10: DataTypeFile
    if as_obtype == 10:
        f = File()
        f.full_path = as_obdata
        return f

    # 23: DataTypeHostname
    if as_obtype == 23:
        h = Hostname()
        h.hostname_value = as_obdata
        return h

    # 29: DataTypeEnvString
    if as_obtype == 29:
        # Here, Process is meant to represent the hosting process; then we
        # attach the actual environment variable value
        p = Process()
        p.environment_variable_list = as_obdata
        return p

    # 17: DataTypeApplication
    if as_obtype == 17:
        # Particularly on Android, identification of an installed package fits
        # somewhere between File and Process, but not quite either.  The closest
        # fit is around LinuxPackage, which is what we use.  We should technically
        # derive from it, but we're trying to keep things simple.
        p = LinuxPackage()
        p.name = as_obdata
        return p

    # 11: DataTypeX509
    # 12: DataTypeX509Subject
    # 13: DataTypeX509Issuer
    if as_obtype == 11 or as_obtype == 12 or as_obtype == 13:
        c = X509Certificate()
        if as_obtype == 11: c.raw_certificate = as_obdata.encode('hex')
        if as_obtype == 12: c.certificate.subject = as_obdata
        if as_obtype == 13: c.certificate.issuer = as_obdata
        return c

    # 2: DataTypeSHA1Hash
    # 7: DataTypeVersionString
    # 18: DataTypeString
    # 31: DataTypePropertyName
    # TODO: find the proper CybOX to represent these; for now, we don't
    # report them
    return None
Пример #4
def transform(data, new_only=True):
        transform - The transforms are source specific.
        Source: http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/mdl.xml
        data - must be source xml converted to a dictionary

    :param data:
    :param new_only:

    # Input validation
    if not isinstance(data, dict):
        return False

    work = []
    history = db('local_file', 'history', ADPTR_SRC_ID)
    value2key = db('local_file', 'value_to_key', 'values')
    items = data.get('rss', {}).get('channel', {}).get('item')

    if items:
        for item in items:
            guid = item.get('guid', {}).get('#text')

            if guid:
                # Check to see if this item has been process before
                # if not, add to work
                if guid in history:
                    if not new_only:
                    db('local_file', 'history', ADPTR_SRC_ID,
                       {guid: {
                           'date': str(datetime.now())

    if work:
        ### Generate STIXPackage and STIXHeader
        STIXPackage._version = ADPTR_VER_STIX
        pkg = STIXPackage()

        src_info, value2key = gen_info_src({}, 'www.malwaredomainlist.com',

        hdr = STIXHeader()
        hdr.title = data.get('rss', {}).get('channel', {}).get('title')
        hdr.description = data.get('rss', {}).get('channel',
        hdr.information_source = src_info
        pkg.stix_header = hdr

        for item in work:
            key = item.get('guid', {}).get('#text')

            # Decompose data description
            tmp = [x.strip() for x in item.get('description').split(',')]
            decomp = {}
            for x in tmp:
                k, v = x.split(':')
                decomp.update({k.strip(): v.strip()})

            # Generate STIX Indicator
            ind, history = gen_indicator(item, key, history)
            ind.producer = src_info
            ind.short_description = 'MDL RefID: %s | %s' % (
                key, decomp.get('Description'))

            # Decompose host
            host = decomp.get('Host')
            uri = None
            file_ = None
            if '/' in host:
                host, uri = host.split('/', 1)
                # TODO: parse out file Name

            if host:  # Generate Cybox HostName
                obj = Hostname()
                obj.is_domain_name = True
                obj.naming_system = 'DNS'
                obj.hostname_value = host
                ob, value2key = gen_CyboxOb(obj, host, value2key)
                ob.title = 'HostName: %s' % obj.hostname_value


            if uri:  # Generate Cybox URI
                obj = URI()
                obj.type_ = URI.TYPE_URL
                url = AnyURI('%s/%s' % (host, uri))
                obj.value = url
                ob, value2key = gen_CyboxOb(obj, url, value2key)
                ob.title = 'URL: %s' % url

            if file_:
                obj = File()

            ip = decomp.get('IP address')
            if ip:
                obj_ip = Address()
                if isIPv4(ip):
                    obj_ip.category = Address.CAT_IPV4
                elif isIPv6(ip):
                    obj_ip.category = Address.CAT_IPV6

                obj_ip.is_source = True
                obj_ip.address_value = ip
                # if obj_host:
                #     obj_ip.add_related(obj_host,
                #                     ObjectRelationship.TERM_RESOLVED_TO,
                #                     inline=False)

                ob = CyboxOb(obj_ip)
                ob.title = 'IP: %s' % ip

            asn = decomp.get('ASN')
            if asn:
                obj_asn = Address()
                obj_asn.category = Address.CAT_ASN
                obj_asn.address_value = asn
                # if obj_host:
                #     obj_asn.add_related(obj_host,
                #                 ObjectRelationship.TERM_CONNECTED_TO,
                #                 inline=False)
                # if obj_ip:
                #     obj_asn.add_related(obj_ip,
                #                 ObjectRelationship.TERM_CONNECTED_TO,
                #                 inline=False)

                ob = CyboxOb(obj_asn)
                ob.title = 'ASN: %s' % ip


    db('local_file', 'value_to_key', 'values', value2key)
    db('local_file', 'history', ADPTR_SRC_ID, history)
    return pkg