Пример #1
def make_network_json_single_value(nodes, clust_order, mat ):
	import json
	import d3_clustergram

	# initialize dict
	d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

	# append row dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
		inst_dict['sort'] = clust_order['row'].index(i)

	# append col dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
		inst_dict['sort'] = clust_order['col'].index(i)

	# links - generate edge list 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):
			inst_dict = {}
			inst_dict['source'] = i
			inst_dict['target'] = j
			inst_dict['value'] = mat[i,j]
			d3_json['links'].append( inst_dict )

	# return the json 
	return d3_json 
def make_network_json_single_value(nodes, clust_order, mat):
    import json
    import d3_clustergram

    # initialize dict
    d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

    # append row dicts to array
    for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
        inst_dict = {}
        inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
        inst_dict['sort'] = clust_order['row'].index(i)

    # append col dicts to array
    for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
        inst_dict = {}
        inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
        inst_dict['sort'] = clust_order['col'].index(i)

    # links - generate edge list
    for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
        for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):
            inst_dict = {}
            inst_dict['source'] = i
            inst_dict['target'] = j
            inst_dict['value'] = mat[i, j]

    # return the json
    return d3_json
Пример #3
def d3_clust_single_value(nodes, clust_order, data_mat):
	import json
	import d3_clustergram

	# initialize dict
	d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

	# append row dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['row'].index(i)
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['row'][i]

		# append to row_nodes 

	# append col dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['col'].index(i)
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['col'][i]

		# add to d3_json 

	# links - generate edge list 
	# simply transfer the data from mat 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):

			# only gather links that are non-zero 
			if data_mat[i,j] > 0: 

				# create link dict

				# initialize dict 
				inst_dict = {}
				# set source and target 
				inst_dict['source'] = i
				inst_dict['target'] = j

				# get the value from the original matrix 
				inst_value = data_mat[i,j] 

				# save the inst_dict['value']
				inst_dict['value'] = inst_value 

				# append to links 
				d3_json['links'].append( inst_dict )

	return d3_json
Пример #4
def write_json_single_value(nodes, clust_order, mat, full_path, row_class={}, col_class={}, link_hl={} ):
	import json
	import json_scripts
	import d3_clustergram

	# initialize dict
	d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

	# generate distance cutoffs 
	all_dist = []
	for i in range(11):

	#!! generate tmp classes 
	import random

	# append row dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['row'].index(i)
		# do not need to get index
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['row'][i]

		# save group 
		inst_dict['group'] = []
		for inst_dist in all_dist:
			inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['row'][inst_dist][i]) )

		# save value for bar 
		inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

		# add class information 
		inst_dict['class'] = row_class[nodes['row'][i]]

		# append dictionary 

	# append col dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['col'].index(i)
		# do not need to get index
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['col'][i]
		# save group data for different cutoffs
		inst_dict['group'] = []
		for inst_dist in all_dist:
			inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['col'][inst_dist][i]) )

		# save value for bar 
		inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

		# add class information 
		inst_dict['class'] = col_class[nodes['col'][i]]

		# append dictionary 

	# links - generate edge list 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):
			if abs(mat[i,j]) > 0:
				inst_dict = {}
				inst_dict['source'] = i
				inst_dict['target'] = j
				inst_dict['value'] = mat[i,j]

				# initailize with no highlight
				inst_dict['highlight'] = 0

				# add highlight if necessary 
				if len(link_hl) > 0:
					# check highlight
					if nodes['col'][j] in link_hl:
						# check if gene is a known target of the transcription factor 
						if nodes['row'][i] in link_hl[nodes['col'][j]]:

							# highlight 
							inst_dict['highlight'] = 1
				d3_json['links'].append( inst_dict )

	# write json 
	# fw = open(full_path, 'w')
	# fw.write( json.dumps( d3_json, indent=2) )
	# fw.close()	
	json_scripts.save_to_json(d3_json, full_path, 'noindent')
Пример #5
def d3_clust_single_value(nodes, clust_order, mat, terms_colors):
	import json
	import d3_clustergram

	# initialize dict
	d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

	# append row dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['row'].index(i)
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['row'][i]
		inst_dict['nl_pval'] = clust_order['nl_pval']['row'][i]

		# append to row_nodes 

	# append col dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['col'].index(i)
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['col'][i]
		inst_dict['pval'] = clust_order['pval']['col'][i]
		inst_dict['nl_pval'] = clust_order['nl_pval']['col'][i]
		inst_dict['pval_bh'] = clust_order['pval_bh']['col'][i]
		inst_dict['color'] = terms_colors[nodes['col'][i]]

		# print(nodes['col'][i])

		# add to d3_json 

	# get max and min col and row value for scaling 
	# the row nl_pval is just the sum of enriched terms the gene appears in 
	max_row_value = max(clust_order['nl_pval']['row'])
	max_col_value = max(clust_order['nl_pval']['col'])

	# links - generate edge list 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):

			# initialize dict 
			inst_dict = {}
			# set source and target 
			inst_dict['source'] = i
			inst_dict['target'] = j

			# calculate the inst_value, a combination of col and row attributes
			# scale value by largest 
			row_value = clust_order['nl_pval']['row'][i] / max_row_value
			col_value = clust_order['nl_pval']['col'][j] / max_col_value

			# take the mean of the two values times the binary mat[i,j]
			inst_value = ( row_value + col_value )/ 2 * mat[i,j] 

			# make minimum inst_value 0.1 
			if inst_value > 0:
				# save the inst_dict['value']
				inst_dict['value'] = inst_value + 0.1 

			# add the color 
			inst_dict['color'] = terms_colors[nodes['col'][j]]

			# only keep non-zero value links 
			if inst_value > 0: 

				# append to links 
				d3_json['links'].append( inst_dict )

	return d3_json
Пример #6
def write_json_single_value(nodes, clust_order, LDR, full_path, perts, row_class={}, col_class={}, link_hl={} ):
	import json
	import json_scripts
	import d3_clustergram


	#!! special case, encode extra released information for LDR 
	mat = LDR['mat']
	# get release data 
	rl = LDR['rl']
	print('\n\nchecking rl\n\n')

	# print(rl['t'])

	# initialize dict
	d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

	# generate distance cutoffs 
	all_dist = []
	for i in range(11):

	#!! generate tmp classes 
	import random

	# append row dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['row'].index(i)
		# do not need to get index
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['row'][i]

		# # save group 
		# inst_dict['group'] = []
		# for inst_dist in all_dist:
		# 	inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['row'][inst_dist][i]) )

		# # save value for bar 
		# inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

		# # add class information 
		# inst_dict['class'] = row_class[nodes['row'][i]]

		# append dictionary 

	# append col dicts to array 
	for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
		inst_dict = {}
		inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
		inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['col'].index(i)
		# do not need to get index
		inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['col'][i]
		# # save group data for different cutoffs
		# inst_dict['group'] = []
		# for inst_dist in all_dist:
		# 	inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['col'][inst_dist][i]) )

		# # save value for bar 
		# inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

		# # add class information 
		# inst_dict['class'] = col_class[nodes['col'][i]]

		# append dictionary 

	# links - generate edge list 
	for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
		for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):
			if abs(mat[i,j]) > 0:
				inst_dict = {}
				inst_dict['source'] = i
				inst_dict['target'] = j
				inst_dict['value'] = mat[i,j]
				# !! custom change for LDRgram
				inst_dict['value_up'] = rl['t'][i,j]
				inst_dict['value_dn'] = -rl['f'][i,j]

				# print('\tas: '+nodes['row'][i])
				# print('\tcl: '+nodes['col'][j])
				# add perturbation information 
				inst_tuple = ( nodes['row'][i], nodes['col'][j] )
				# print( perts[inst_tuple] )
				# add to dictionary 
				inst_dict['perts'] = perts[inst_tuple]

				d3_json['links'].append( inst_dict )

	# write json 
	json_scripts.save_to_json(d3_json, full_path, 'indent')
def write_json_single_value(nodes,
    import json
    import json_scripts
    import d3_clustergram


    #!! special case, encode extra released information for LDR
    mat = LDR['mat']
    # get release data
    rl = LDR['rl']
    print('\n\nchecking rl\n\n')

    # print(rl['t'])

    # initialize dict
    d3_json = d3_clustergram.ini_d3_json()

    # generate distance cutoffs
    all_dist = []
    for i in range(11):
        all_dist.append(float(i) / 10)

    #!! generate tmp classes
    import random

    # append row dicts to array
    for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
        inst_dict = {}
        inst_dict['name'] = nodes['row'][i]
        inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['row'].index(i)
        # do not need to get index
        inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['row'][i]

        # # save group
        # inst_dict['group'] = []
        # for inst_dist in all_dist:
        # 	inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['row'][inst_dist][i]) )

        # # save value for bar
        # inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

        # # add class information
        # inst_dict['class'] = row_class[nodes['row'][i]]

        # append dictionary

    # append col dicts to array
    for i in range(len(nodes['col'])):
        inst_dict = {}
        inst_dict['name'] = nodes['col'][i]
        inst_dict['clust'] = clust_order['clust']['col'].index(i)
        # do not need to get index
        inst_dict['rank'] = clust_order['rank']['col'][i]

        # # save group data for different cutoffs
        # inst_dict['group'] = []
        # for inst_dist in all_dist:
        # 	inst_dict['group'].append( float(clust_order['group']['col'][inst_dist][i]) )

        # # save value for bar
        # inst_dict['value'] = random.random()

        # # add class information
        # inst_dict['class'] = col_class[nodes['col'][i]]

        # append dictionary

    # links - generate edge list
    for i in range(len(nodes['row'])):
        for j in range(len(nodes['col'])):
            if abs(mat[i, j]) > 0:
                inst_dict = {}
                inst_dict['source'] = i
                inst_dict['target'] = j
                inst_dict['value'] = mat[i, j]
                # !! custom change for LDRgram
                inst_dict['value_up'] = rl['t'][i, j]
                inst_dict['value_dn'] = -rl['f'][i, j]

                # print('\tas: '+nodes['row'][i])
                # print('\tcl: '+nodes['col'][j])
                # add perturbation information
                inst_tuple = (nodes['row'][i], nodes['col'][j])
                # print( perts[inst_tuple] )
                # add to dictionary
                inst_dict['perts'] = perts[inst_tuple]


    # write json
    json_scripts.save_to_json(d3_json, full_path, 'indent')