def get_vk_groups(group_ids, only_members=False): i = 0 n = 0 error = None gids_str = '' groups_data = [] for gid in group_ids: gids_str += str(abs(gid)) i += 1 n += 1 if i == 500 or n == len(group_ids): if only_members: groups = vk.api('groups.getById', {'group_ids': gids_str, 'fields': 'members_count'}, ispost=True) else: groups = vk.api('groups.getById', {'group_ids': gids_str, 'fields': VK_GROUP_META_FIELDS}, ispost=True) if vk.check(groups): groups_data += groups['response'] else: error = groups i = 0 gids_str = '' else: gids_str += ',' if error is None: return groups_data else: return error
def get_friends_for_vk_user(user_id: str, meta=False): total = 0 error = None params = {'user_id': user_id, 'offset': 0} if meta: params['fields'] = VK_USER_META_FIELDS friends = vk.api('friends.get', params) if vk.check(friends): friends_data = friends['response']['items'] total = friends['response']['count'] params['offset'] += 5000 else: friends_data = [] error = friends while params['offset'] < total: friends = vk.api('friends.get', params) if vk.check(friends): friends_data += friends['response']['items'] params['offset'] += 5000 else: params['offset'] = total friends_data = [] error = friends if error is None: return friends_data else: return error
def get_posts(owner_id, count, offset=0): print('Get posts from wall: ' + str(owner_id) + ' count: ' + str(count) + ' offset: ' + str(offset)) total = 0 error = None posts = vk.api('wall.get', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'count': min(count, 100), 'offset': offset}) if vk.check(posts): posts_data = posts['response']['items'] total = posts['response']['count'] if total > offset + count: total = offset + count offset += 100 else: posts_data = [] error = posts while offset < total: posts = vk.api('wall.get', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'count': 100, 'offset': offset}) if vk.check(posts): posts_data += posts['response']['items'] offset += 100 else: offset = total posts_data = [] error = posts if error is None: return posts_data else: return error
def get_groups_for_vk_user(user_id: str): offset = 0 total = 0 error = None groups = vk.api('groups.get', {'user_id': user_id, 'offset': offset}) if vk.check(groups): groups_ids = groups['response']['items'] total = groups['response']['count'] offset += 1000 else: groups_ids = [] error = groups while offset < total: groups = vk.api('groups.get', {'user_id': user_id, 'offset': offset}) if vk.check(groups): groups_ids += groups['response']['items'] offset += 1000 else: offset = total groups_ids = [] error = groups if error is None: return groups_ids else: return error
def get_members_for_vk_group(group_id: str, user_ids=None, meta=False): total = 0 error = None subs_set = set() subs_data = [] if user_ids is None: # get all subscribers params = {'group_id': group_id, 'offset': 0} if meta: params['fields'] = VK_USER_META_FIELDS subs = vk.api('groups.getMembers', params) if vk.check(subs): subs_data = subs['response']['items'] total = subs['response']['count'] params['offset'] += 1000 else: subs_data = [] error = subs while params['offset'] < total: subs = vk.api('groups.getMembers', params) if vk.check(subs): subs_data += subs['response']['items'] params['offset'] += 1000 else: params['offset'] = total subs_data = [] error = subs else: # get subscribers from list of ids i = 0 n = 0 idstr = '' for user_id in user_ids: n += 1 if i == 0: idstr = str(user_id) else: idstr += ',' + str(user_id) i += 1 if i >= 500 or n == len(user_ids): subs = vk.api('groups.isMember', {'group_id': group_id, 'user_ids': idstr}, True, True) if vk.check(subs): for memb in subs['response']: if memb['member'] == 1: subs_data.append(int(memb['user_id'])) else: error = subs break i = 0 idstr = '' for sub_data in subs_data: subs_set.add(sub_data) if error is None: return subs_set else: return error
def get_posts_by_id(owner_id, ids: set): print('Get posts by ids from wall: ' + str(owner_id) + ' count: ' + str(len(ids))) total = 0 checked = 0 error = None ids_string = '' posts_data = [] for post_id in ids: total += 1 checked += 1 ids_string += str(owner_id) + '_' + str(post_id) if total >= 100 or checked == len(ids): posts = vk.api('wall.getById', {'posts': ids_string}, ispost=True) # print(posts) if vk.check(posts): posts_data += posts['response'] else: posts_data = [] error = posts total = 0 ids_string = '' else: ids_string += ',' if error is None: return posts_data else: return error
def get_vk_users(user_ids, only_counters=False, batch_size=1000, async_load=False): i = 0 n = 0 k = 0 error = None uids_str = '' users_data = [] requests = [] if async_load: n_requests = len(vk.get_tokens()) else: n_requests = 1 if only_counters: fields = 'counters, last_seen' else: fields = VK_USER_META_FIELDS for uid in user_ids: uids_str += str(uid) i += 1 n += 1 if i == batch_size or n == len(user_ids): requests.append({'user_ids': uids_str, 'fields': fields}) k += 1 if k == n_requests or n == len(user_ids): if async_load: result = vk.api_batch('users.get', requests, ispost=True) for users in result: if vk.check(users): users_data += users['response'] else: error = users else: for params in requests: users = vk.api('users.get', params, ispost=True) if vk.check(users): users_data += users['response'] else: error = users i = 0 uids_str = '' else: uids_str += ',' if error is None: return users_data else: return error
def get_root_post_for_wall_with_meta(owner_id, post_id): print('Getting root post info for: '+str(owner_id)+'_'+str(post_id)) postmeta = {} response = vk.api('wall.getById', {'posts': str(owner_id)+'_'+str(post_id)}) if vk.check(response): if len(response['response']): post = response['response'][0] else: print(response) response = {'error':{'error_code':666, 'error_msg':'empty response'}} return response exit(666) postmeta['postinfo'] = get_postinfo_for_post(post, owner_id) postmeta['text'] = re.sub(r"\n", " ", post['text']) search_words = postmeta['text'].split(' ') postmeta['search_string'] = ' '.join(search_words[:20]) postmeta['md5'] = hashlib.md5(postmeta['text'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return postmeta else: return response
def get_likes_for_post(post_id, owner_id): print('Getting likes for post: ' + str(owner_id) + '_' + str(post_id)) resume = True likes = set() error = None offset = 0 while resume: likesinfo = vk.api('likes.getList', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': owner_id, 'item_id': post_id, 'count': 1000, 'offset': offset}) if vk.check(likesinfo): likes.update(likesinfo['response']['items']) if len(likesinfo['response']['items']) >= 1000: offset += 1000 else: resume = False else: error = likesinfo resume = False if error is None: return likes else: return error
def find_post_on_wall(owner_id, content_md5: str, search_string: str, original_from_id=0, original_date=None, wallsearch=False, use_cache=False, cache_date_utc=None, original_id = 0): print('Finding post on wall: ' + str(owner_id) + ' wallsearch: ' + str(wallsearch)) if wallsearch: posts = vk.api('', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'query': search_string, 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1}) if posts.get('response'): print(posts['response']) elif posts.get('error'): print(posts['error']) else: posts = vk.api('wall.get', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1}, use_cache=use_cache, cache_date_utc=cache_date_utc) postfound = None if vk.check(posts): for post in posts['response']['items']: if check_post_text_md5(post, content_md5): postfound = post break if post['from_id'] == original_from_id and post['id'] == original_id: postfound = post break copy_history = post.get('copy_history') if copy_history is not None: for copy_post in copy_history: copy_from_id = copy_post['from_id'] copy_date = copy_post['date'] post_id = copy_post['id'] if copy_from_id == original_from_id and post_id == original_id and copy_date == original_date: postfound = post break if check_post_text_md5(copy_post, content_md5): postfound = post copy_from_id = copy_post['from_id'] copy_date = copy_post['date'] if original_date is None or copy_date == original_date: if original_from_id == 0 or copy_from_id == original_from_id: break # print(post) else: if vk.is_error(posts): err_code = posts['error'].get('error_code') if err_code is not None: if err_code == 29: if wallsearch: print(' limit reached') else: print('wall.get limit reached') if use_cache: vk.remove_from_cache('wall.get', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1}) return posts elif err_code <= 10: if use_cache: vk.remove_from_cache('wall.get', {'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(owner_id), 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1}) return posts else: print('hidden user found') return {'type': 'hidden'} print(posts) if postfound is None: if wallsearch is False: if vk.check(posts): n_items = len(posts['response']['items']) if n_items == 100: last_post_date = posts['response']['items'][n_items - 1].get('date') if last_post_date > original_date: print('we need to go deeper...') return find_post_on_wall(owner_id, content_md5, search_string, original_from_id, original_date, True, original_id=original_id) return {'type': 'liker'} else: print('post found') return get_postinfo_for_post(postfound, owner_id, content_md5)
# Created by Gubanov Alexander (aka Derzhiarbuz) at 09.06.2019 # Contacts: [email protected] import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient import pprint import da_vk_api as vk client = MongoClient() db = client.mongo_test collection = db.test_collection unit = collection.find() for u in unit: pprint.pprint(u) posts = vk.api('wall.get', { 'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(906557), 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1 }, use_cache=True) print(posts) vk.remove_from_cache('wall.get', { 'type': 'post', 'owner_id': str(906557), 'count': 100, 'owners_only': 1 })