Пример #1
class DeduplicateAccess(xf.Transformation):
    This transformation takes a node that is connected to multiple destinations
    with overlapping memlets, and consolidates those accesses through a 
    transient array or scalar.

    _map_entry = nodes.MapEntry(nodes.Map('_', [], []))
    _node1 = nodes.Node()
    _node2 = nodes.Node()

    def expressions():
        state = sd.SDFGState()
        state.add_nedge(DeduplicateAccess._map_entry, DeduplicateAccess._node1,
        state.add_nedge(DeduplicateAccess._map_entry, DeduplicateAccess._node2,
        return [state]

    def can_be_applied(graph: sd.SDFGState,
        map_entry = graph.node(candidate[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry])
        nid1 = candidate[DeduplicateAccess._node1]
        node1 = graph.node(nid1)
        nid2 = candidate[DeduplicateAccess._node2]
        node2 = graph.node(nid2)

        # Two nodes must be ordered (avoid duplicates/nondeterminism)
        if nid1 >= nid2:
            return False

        # Two nodes must belong to same connector
        edges1 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node1))
        edges2 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node2))
        if len(edges1 & edges2) == 0:
            return False

        # For each common connector
        for conn in (edges1 & edges2):
            # Deduplication: Only apply to first pair of edges
            node_ids = [
                graph.node_id(e.dst) for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry)
                if e.src_conn == conn
            if any(nid < nid1 for nid in node_ids):
                return False
            if any(nid < nid2 for nid in node_ids if nid != nid1):
                return False

            # Matching condition: Bounding box union of subsets is smaller than
            # adding the subset sizes
            memlets: List[Memlet] = [
                e.data for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry)
                if e.src_conn == conn
            union_subset = memlets[0].subset
            for memlet in memlets[1:]:
                union_subset = subsets.bounding_box_union(
                    union_subset, memlet.subset)

            # TODO: Enhance me!
            # NOTE: This does not always result in correct behaviour for certain
            # ranges whose volume is not comparable by "<",
            # e.g "2*K" >? "K+1" > "K-1" >? "1"

            if not strict:
                    if union_subset.num_elements() < sum(
                            m.subset.num_elements() for m in memlets):
                        return True
                except TypeError:

        return False

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        return str(graph.node(candidate[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry]))

    def apply(self, sdfg: sd.SDFG):
        graph: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        map_entry = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry])
        node1 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node1])
        node2 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node2])

        # Steps:
        # 1. Find unique subsets
        # 2. Find sets of contiguous subsets
        # 3. Create transients for subsets
        # 4. Redirect edges through new transients

        edges1 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node1))
        edges2 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node2))

        # Only apply to first connector (determinism)
        conn = sorted(edges1 & edges2)[0]

        edges = [e for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry) if e.src_conn == conn]

        # Get original data descriptor
        dname = edges[0].data.data
        desc = sdfg.arrays[edges[0].data.data]
        if isinstance(edges[0].dst,
                      nodes.AccessNode) and '15' in edges[0].dst.data:

        # Get unique subsets
        unique_subsets = set(e.data.subset for e in edges)

        # Find largest contiguous subsets
            # Start from stride-1 dimension
            contiguous_subsets = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(
                dim=next(i for i, s in enumerate(desc.strides) if s == 1))
        except (StopIteration, NotImplementedError):
                "DeduplicateAcces::Not operating on Stride One Dimension!")
            contiguous_subsets = unique_subsets
        # Then find subsets for rest of the dimensions
        contiguous_subsets = helpers.find_contiguous_subsets(
        # Map original edges to subsets
        edge_mapping = defaultdict(list)
        for e in edges:
            for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
                if subset.covers(e.data.subset):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Failed to find contiguous subset for edge %s" % e.data)

        # Create transients for subsets and redirect edges
        for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
            name, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient(subset.size(), desc.dtype)
            anode = graph.add_access(name)
            graph.add_edge(map_entry, conn, anode, None,
                           Memlet(data=dname, subset=subset))
            for e in edge_mapping[ind]:
                new_memlet = copy.deepcopy(e.data)
                new_edge = graph.add_edge(anode, None, e.dst, e.dst_conn,
                for pe in graph.memlet_tree(new_edge):
                    # Rename data on memlet
                    pe.data.data = name
                    # Offset memlets to match new transient
                    pe.data.subset.offset(subset, True)
Пример #2
class LocalStorage(pattern_matching.Transformation, ABC):
    """ Implements the Local Storage prototype transformation, which adds a
        transient data node between two nodes.

    _node_a = nodes.Node()
    _node_b = nodes.Node()

    array = Property(
        desc="Array to create local storage for (if empty, first available)",

    def __init__(self, sdfg_id, state_id, subgraph, expr_index):
        super().__init__(sdfg_id, state_id, subgraph, expr_index)
        self._local_name = None
        self._data_node = None

    def expressions():
        return [
            sdutil.node_path_graph(LocalStorage._node_a, LocalStorage._node_b)

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        a = candidate[LocalStorage._node_a]
        b = candidate[LocalStorage._node_b]
        return '%s -> %s' % (a, b)

    def apply(self, sdfg):
        graph = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        node_a = graph.nodes()[self.subgraph[LocalStorage._node_a]]
        node_b = graph.nodes()[self.subgraph[LocalStorage._node_b]]

        # Determine direction of new memlet
        scope_dict = graph.scope_dict()
        propagate_forward = sd.scope_contains_scope(scope_dict, node_a, node_b)

        array = self.array
        if array is None or len(array) == 0:
            array = next(e.data.data
                         for e in graph.edges_between(node_a, node_b)
                         if e.data.data is not None and e.data.wcr is None)

        original_edge = None
        invariant_memlet = None
        for edge in graph.edges_between(node_a, node_b):
            if array == edge.data.data:
                original_edge = edge
                invariant_memlet = edge.data
        if invariant_memlet is None:
            for edge in graph.edges_between(node_a, node_b):
                original_edge = edge
                invariant_memlet = edge.data
                warnings.warn('Array %s not found! Using array %s instead.' %
                              (array, invariant_memlet.data))
                array = invariant_memlet.data
        if invariant_memlet is None:
            raise NameError('Array %s not found!' % array)

        # Add transient array
        new_data, _ = sdfg.add_array('trans_' + invariant_memlet.data, [
            for r in invariant_memlet.bounding_box_size()
        data_node = nodes.AccessNode(new_data)

        # Store as fields so that other transformations can use them
        self._local_name = new_data
        self._data_node = data_node

        to_data_mm = copy.deepcopy(invariant_memlet)
        from_data_mm = copy.deepcopy(invariant_memlet)
        offset = subsets.Indices([r[0] for r in invariant_memlet.subset])

        # Reconnect, assuming one edge to the access node
        if propagate_forward:
            graph.add_edge(node_a, original_edge.src_conn, data_node, None,
            new_edge = graph.add_edge(data_node, None, node_b,
                                      original_edge.dst_conn, from_data_mm)
            new_edge = graph.add_edge(node_a, original_edge.src_conn,
                                      data_node, None, to_data_mm)
            graph.add_edge(data_node, None, node_b, original_edge.dst_conn,

        # Offset all edges in the memlet tree (including the new edge)
        for edge in graph.memlet_tree(new_edge):
            edge.data.subset.offset(offset, True)
            edge.data.data = new_data
Пример #3
class DeduplicateAccess(pattern_matching.Transformation):
    This transformation takes a node that is connected to multiple destinations
    with overlapping memlets, and consolidates those accesses through a 
    transient array or scalar.

    _map_entry = nodes.MapEntry(nodes.Map('_', [], []))
    _node1 = nodes.Node()
    _node2 = nodes.Node()

    def expressions():
        state = sd.SDFGState()
        state.add_nedge(DeduplicateAccess._map_entry, DeduplicateAccess._node1,
        state.add_nedge(DeduplicateAccess._map_entry, DeduplicateAccess._node2,
        return [state]

    def can_be_applied(graph: sd.SDFGState,
        map_entry = graph.node(candidate[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry])
        nid1 = candidate[DeduplicateAccess._node1]
        node1 = graph.node(nid1)
        nid2 = candidate[DeduplicateAccess._node2]
        node2 = graph.node(nid2)

        # Two nodes must be ordered (avoid duplicates/nondeterminism)
        if nid1 >= nid2:
            return False

        # Two nodes must belong to same connector
        edges1 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node1))
        edges2 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node2))
        if len(edges1 & edges2) == 0:
            return False

        # For each common connector
        for conn in (edges1 & edges2):
            # Deduplication: Only apply to first pair of edges
            node_ids = [
                graph.node_id(e.dst) for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry)
                if e.src_conn == conn
            if any(nid < nid1 for nid in node_ids):
                return False
            if any(nid < nid2 for nid in node_ids if nid != nid1):
                return False

            # Matching condition: Bounding box union of subsets is smaller than
            # adding the subset sizes
            memlets: List[Memlet] = [
                e.data for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry)
                if e.src_conn == conn
            union_subset = memlets[0].subset
            for memlet in memlets[1:]:
                union_subset = subsets.bounding_box_union(
                    union_subset, memlet.subset)
            if union_subset.num_elements() < sum(m.subset.num_elements()
                                                 for m in memlets):
                return True

        return False

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        return str(graph.node(candidate[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry]))

    def are_subsets_contiguous(subset_a: subsets.Subset,
                               subset_b: subsets.Subset,
                               dim: int = None) -> bool:
        if dim is not None:
            # A version that only checks for contiguity in certain
            # dimension (e.g., to prioritize stride-1 range)
            if (not isinstance(subset_a, subsets.Range)
                    or not isinstance(subset_b, subsets.Range)):
                raise NotImplementedError('Contiguous subset check only '
                                          'implemented for ranges')

            # Other dimensions must be equal
            for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(subset_a.ranges,
                if i == dim:
                if s1[0] != s2[0] or s1[1] != s2[1] or s1[2] != s2[2]:
                    return False

            # Set of conditions for contiguous dimension
            ab = (subset_a[dim][1] + 1) == subset_b[dim][0]
            a_overlap_b = subset_a[dim][1] >= subset_b[dim][0]
            ba = (subset_b[dim][1] + 1) == subset_a[dim][0]
            b_overlap_a = subset_b[dim][1] >= subset_a[dim][0]
            # NOTE: Must check with "==" due to sympy using special types
            return (ab == True or a_overlap_b == True or ba == True
                    or b_overlap_a == True)

        # General case
        bbunion = subsets.bounding_box_union(subset_a, subset_b)
        return bbunion.num_elements() == (subset_a.num_elements() +

    def find_contiguous_subsets(subset_list: List[subsets.Subset],
                                dim: int = None) -> Set[subsets.Subset]:
        Finds the set of largest contiguous subsets in a list of subsets. 
        :param subsets: Iterable of subset objects.
        :param dim: Check for contiguity only for the specified dimension.
        :return: A list of contiguous subsets.
        # Currently O(n^3) worst case. TODO: improve
        subset_set = set(
            subsets.Range.from_indices(s) if isinstance(s, subsets.Indices
                                                        ) else s
            for s in subset_list)
        while True:
            for sa, sb in itertools.product(subset_set, subset_set):
                if sa is sb:
                if sa.covers(sb):
                elif sb.covers(sa):
                elif DeduplicateAccess.are_subsets_contiguous(sa, sb, dim):
                    subset_set.add(subsets.bounding_box_union(sa, sb))
            else:  # No modification performed
        return subset_set

    def apply(self, sdfg: sd.SDFG):
        graph: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        map_entry = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._map_entry])
        node1 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node1])
        node2 = graph.node(self.subgraph[DeduplicateAccess._node2])

        # Steps:
        # 1. Find unique subsets
        # 2. Find sets of contiguous subsets
        # 3. Create transients for subsets
        # 4. Redirect edges through new transients

        edges1 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node1))
        edges2 = set(e.src_conn for e in graph.edges_between(map_entry, node2))

        # Only apply to first connector (determinism)
        conn = sorted(edges1 & edges2)[0]

        edges = [e for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry) if e.src_conn == conn]

        # Get original data descriptor
        dname = edges[0].data.data
        desc = sdfg.arrays[edges[0].data.data]

        # Get unique subsets
        unique_subsets = set(e.data.subset for e in edges)

        # Find largest contiguous subsets
            # Start from stride-1 dimension
            contiguous_subsets = self.find_contiguous_subsets(
                dim=next(i for i, s in enumerate(desc.strides) if s == 1))
        except (StopIteration, NotImplementedError):
            contiguous_subsets = unique_subsets

        # Then find subsets for rest of the dimensions
        contiguous_subsets = self.find_contiguous_subsets(contiguous_subsets)

        # Map original edges to subsets
        edge_mapping = defaultdict(list)
        for e in edges:
            for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
                if subset.covers(e.data.subset):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Failed to find contiguous subset for edge %s" % e.data)

        # Create transients for subsets and redirect edges
        for ind, subset in enumerate(contiguous_subsets):
            name, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient(subset.size(), desc.dtype)
            anode = graph.add_access(name)
            graph.add_edge(map_entry, conn, anode, None,
                           Memlet(data=dname, subset=subset))
            for e in edge_mapping[ind]:
                new_memlet = copy.deepcopy(e.data)
                new_edge = graph.add_edge(anode, None, e.dst, e.dst_conn,
                for pe in graph.memlet_tree(new_edge):
                    # Rename data on memlet
                    pe.data.data = name
                    # Offset memlets to match new transient
                    pe.data.subset.offset(subset, True)