Пример #1
    def get_out_memlet_costs(sdfg: dace.SDFG, state_id: int, node: nodes.Node,
                             dfg: StateGraphView):
        scope_dict = sdfg.node(state_id).scope_dict()

        out_costs = 0
        for edge in dfg.out_edges(node):
            _, uconn, v, _, memlet = edge
            dst_node = dfg.memlet_path(edge)[-1].dst

            if (isinstance(node, nodes.CodeNode)
                    and isinstance(dst_node, nodes.AccessNode)):

                # If the memlet is pointing into an array in an inner scope,
                # it will be handled by the inner scope.
                if (scope_dict[node] != scope_dict[dst_node]
                        and scope_contains_scope(scope_dict, node, dst_node)):

                if not uconn:
                    # This would normally raise a syntax error
                    return 0

                if memlet.subset.data_dims() == 0:
                    if memlet.wcr is not None:
                        # write_and_resolve
                        # We have to assume that every reduction costs 3
                        # accesses of the same size (read old, read new, write)
                        out_costs += 3 * PAPIUtils.get_memlet_byte_size(
                            sdfg, memlet)
                        # This standard operation is already counted
                        out_costs += PAPIUtils.get_memlet_byte_size(
                            sdfg, memlet)
        return out_costs
Пример #2
    def has_surrounding_perfcounters(node, dfg: StateGraphView):
        """ Returns true if there is a possibility that this node is part of a
            section that is profiled. """
        parent = dfg.entry_node(node)

        if isinstance(parent, MapEntry):
            if (parent.map.schedule not in PAPIInstrumentation.perf_whitelist_schedules):
                return False
            return True

        return False
Пример #3
    def accumulate_byte_movement(outermost_node, node, dfg: StateGraphView,
                                 sdfg, state_id):

        itvars = dict()  # initialize an empty dict

        # First, get a list of children
        if isinstance(node, MapEntry):
            children = dfg.scope_children()[node]
            children = []
        assert not (node in children)

        # If there still are children, descend recursively (dfs is fine here)
        if len(children) > 0:
            size = 0
            for x in children:
                size = size + PAPIUtils.accumulate_byte_movement(
                    outermost_node, x, dfg, sdfg, state_id)

            return size
            if isinstance(node, MapExit):
                return 0  # We can ignore this.

            # If we reached the deepest node, get all parents
            parent_list = PAPIUtils.get_parents(outermost_node, node, sdfg,
            if isinstance(node, MapEntry):
                map_list = parent_list + [node]
                map_list = parent_list

            # From all iterations, get the iteration count, replacing inner
            # iteration variables with the next outer variables.
            for x in map_list:
                itvars = PAPIUtils.get_iteration_count(x, itvars)

            itcount = 1
            for x in itvars.values():
                itcount = itcount * x

            if isinstance(node, MapEntry):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unexpected node"
                )  # A map entry should never be the innermost node
            elif isinstance(node, MapExit):
                return 0  # We can ignore this.
            elif isinstance(node, Tasklet):
                return itcount * symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(
                        node, dfg, sdfg, state_id))
                raise NotImplementedError
Пример #4
    def get_tasklet_byte_accesses(tasklet: nodes.CodeNode, dfg: StateGraphView, sdfg: dace.SDFG, state_id: int) -> str:
        """ Get the amount of bytes processed by `tasklet`. The formula is
            sum(inedges * size) + sum(outedges * size) """
        in_accum = []
        out_accum = []
        in_edges = dfg.in_edges(tasklet)

        for ie in in_edges:
            in_accum.append(PAPIUtils.get_memlet_byte_size(sdfg, ie.data))

        out_accum.append(PAPIUtils.get_out_memlet_costs(sdfg, state_id, tasklet, dfg))

        # Merge
        full = in_accum

        return "(" + sym2cpp(sum(full)) + ")"