Пример #1
 def test_rwStr_pdb_CdSe(self):
     """check conversion to PDB file format"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.read(datafile('CdSe_bulk.stru'), 'pdffit')
     #print stru.description
     s = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     # all lines should be 80 characters long
     linelens = [ len(l) for l in s.split('\n') if l != "" ]
     self.assertEqual(linelens, len(linelens)*[80])
     # now clean and re-read structure
     stru = Structure()
     stru.readStr(s, self.format)
     #print stru.description
     s_els = [a.symbol for a in stru]
     f_els = ['Cd', 'Cd', 'Se', 'Se']
     self.assertEqual(s_els, f_els)
     s_lat = [ stru.lattice.a, stru.lattice.b, stru.lattice.c,
         stru.lattice.alpha, stru.lattice.beta, stru.lattice.gamma ]
     f_lat = [ 4.235204,  4.235204,  6.906027, 90.0, 90.0, 120.0 ]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_lat, f_lat)
     a0 = stru[0]
     s_Uii = [ a0.U[i,i] for i in range(3) ]
     f_Uii = [ 0.01303035, 0.01303035, 0.01401959 ]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_Uii, f_Uii)
     s_sigUii = [ a0.sigU[i,i] for i in range(3) ]
     f_sigUii = [ 0.00011127, 0.00011127, 0.00019575 ]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_sigUii, f_sigUii)
     s_title = stru.description
     f_title = "Cell structure file of CdSe #186"
     self.assertEqual(s_title, f_title)
Пример #2
 def test_rwStr_pdb_CdSe(self):
     """check conversion to PDB file format"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.read(datafile('CdSe_bulk.stru'), 'pdffit')
     #print stru.description
     s = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     # all lines should be 80 characters long
     linelens = [len(l) for l in s.split('\n') if l != ""]
     self.assertEqual(linelens, len(linelens) * [80])
     # now clean and re-read structure
     stru = Structure()
     stru.readStr(s, self.format)
     #print stru.description
     s_els = [a.symbol for a in stru]
     f_els = ['Cd', 'Cd', 'Se', 'Se']
     self.assertEqual(s_els, f_els)
     s_lat = [
         stru.lattice.a, stru.lattice.b, stru.lattice.c, stru.lattice.alpha,
         stru.lattice.beta, stru.lattice.gamma
     f_lat = [4.235204, 4.235204, 6.906027, 90.0, 90.0, 120.0]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_lat, f_lat)
     a0 = stru[0]
     s_Uii = [a0.U[i, i] for i in range(3)]
     f_Uii = [0.01303035, 0.01303035, 0.01401959]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_Uii, f_Uii)
     s_sigUii = [a0.sigU[i, i] for i in range(3)]
     f_sigUii = [0.00011127, 0.00011127, 0.00019575]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_sigUii, f_sigUii)
     s_title = stru.description
     f_title = "Cell structure file of CdSe #186"
     self.assertEqual(s_title, f_title)
Пример #3
    def parseLines(self, lines):
        """Parse list of lines in RAWXYZ format.

        Return Structure object or raise StructureFormatError.
        linefields = [l.split() for l in lines]
        # prepare output structure
        stru = Structure()
        # find first valid record
        start = 0
        for field in linefields:
            if len(field) == 0 or field[0] == "#":
                start += 1
        # find the last valid record
        stop = len(lines)
        while stop > start and len(linefields[stop - 1]) == 0:
            stop -= 1
        # get out for empty structure
        if start >= stop:
            return stru
        # here we have at least one valid record line
        # figure out xyz layout from the first line for plain and raw formats
        floatfields = [isfloat(f) for f in linefields[start]]
        nfields = len(linefields[start])
        if nfields not in (3, 4):
            emsg = ("%d: invalid RAWXYZ format, expected 3 or 4 columns" %
                    (start + 1))
            raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        if floatfields[:3] == [True, True, True]:
            el_idx, x_idx = (None, 0)
        elif floatfields[:4] == [False, True, True, True]:
            el_idx, x_idx = (0, 1)
            emsg = "%d: invalid RAWXYZ format" % (start + 1)
            raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        # now try to read all record lines
            p_nl = start
            for fields in linefields[start:]:
                p_nl += 1
                if fields == []:
                elif len(fields) != nfields:
                    emsg = ('%d: all lines must have ' +
                            'the same number of columns') % p_nl
                    raise StructureFormatError, emsg
                symbol = el_idx is not None and fields[el_idx] or ""
                xyz = [float(f) for f in fields[x_idx:x_idx + 3]]
                if len(xyz) == 2:
                stru.addNewAtom(symbol, xyz=xyz)
        except ValueError:
            emsg = "%d: invalid number" % p_nl
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise StructureFormatError, emsg, exc_traceback
        return stru
Пример #4
    def parseLines(self, lines):
        """Parse list of lines in RAWXYZ format.

        Return Structure object or raise StructureFormatError.
        linefields = [l.split() for l in lines]
        # prepare output structure
        stru = Structure()
        # find first valid record
        start = 0
        for field in linefields:
            if len(field) == 0 or field[0] == "#":
                start += 1
        # find the last valid record
        stop = len(lines)
        while stop > start and len(linefields[stop-1]) == 0:
            stop -= 1
        # get out for empty structure
        if start >= stop:
            return stru
        # here we have at least one valid record line
        # figure out xyz layout from the first line for plain and raw formats
        floatfields = [ isfloat(f) for f in linefields[start] ]
        nfields = len(linefields[start])
        if nfields not in (3, 4):
            emsg = ("%d: invalid RAWXYZ format, expected 3 or 4 columns" %
                    (start + 1))
            raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        if floatfields[:3] == [True, True, True]:
            el_idx, x_idx = (None, 0)
        elif floatfields[:4] == [False, True, True, True]:
            el_idx, x_idx = (0, 1)
            emsg = "%d: invalid RAWXYZ format" % (start + 1)
            raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        # now try to read all record lines
            p_nl = start
            for fields in linefields[start:] :
                p_nl += 1
                if fields == []:
                elif len(fields) != nfields:
                    emsg = ('%d: all lines must have ' +
                            'the same number of columns') % p_nl
                    raise StructureFormatError, emsg
                symbol = el_idx is not None and fields[el_idx] or ""
                xyz = [ float(f) for f in fields[x_idx:x_idx+3] ]
                if len(xyz) == 2:
                stru.addNewAtom(symbol, xyz=xyz)
        except ValueError:
            emsg = "%d: invalid number" % p_nl
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise StructureFormatError, emsg, exc_traceback
        return stru
Пример #5
 def setUp(self):
     # load test structures once
     if TestSuperCell.stru_cdse is None:
         cdsefile = os.path.join(testdata_dir, "CdSe_bulk.stru")
         TestSuperCell.stru_cdse = Structure(filename=cdsefile)
     if TestSuperCell.stru_ni is None:
         nifile = os.path.join(testdata_dir, "Ni.stru")
         TestSuperCell.stru_ni = Structure(filename=nifile)
     # bring them to the instance
     self.stru_cdse = TestSuperCell.stru_cdse
     self.stru_ni = TestSuperCell.stru_ni
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Structure.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     # do not overwrite self.pdffit, when instantiated as a copy
     # of existing PDFFitStructure
     if not hasattr(self, 'pdffit'):
         self.pdffit = {
             'scale': 1.0,
             'delta1': 0.0,
             'delta2': 0.0,
             'sratio': 1.0,
             'rcut': 0.0,
             'spcgr': 'P1',
             'spdiameter': 0.0,
             'stepcut': 0.0,
             'dcell': 6 * [0.0],
             'ncell': [1, 1, 1, 0],
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Structure.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     # do not overwrite self.pdffit, when instantiated as a copy
     # of existing PDFFitStructure
     if not hasattr(self, 'pdffit'):
         self.pdffit = {
             'scale' : 1.0,
             'delta1' : 0.0,
             'delta2' : 0.0,
             'sratio' : 1.0,
             'rcut' : 0.0,
             'spcgr' : 'P1',
             'spdiameter' : 0.0,
             'stepcut' : 0.0,
             'dcell' : 6*[0.0],
             'ncell' : [1, 1, 1, 0],
Пример #8
 def test_rwStr_xcfg_CdSe(self):
     """check conversion to XCFG file format"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.read(datafile('CdSe_bulk.stru'), 'pdffit')
     s = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     stru = Structure()
     stru.readStr(s, self.format)
     s_els = [a.symbol for a in stru]
     f_els = ['Cd', 'Cd', 'Se', 'Se']
     self.assertEqual(s_els, f_els)
     s_lat = [ stru.lattice.a, stru.lattice.b, stru.lattice.c,
         stru.lattice.alpha, stru.lattice.beta, stru.lattice.gamma ]
     f_lat = [ 4.235204,  4.235204,  6.906027, 90.0, 90.0, 120.0 ]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_lat, f_lat)
     a0 = stru[0]
     s_Uii = [ a0.U[i,i] for i in range(3) ]
     f_Uii = [ 0.01303035, 0.01303035, 0.01401959 ]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_Uii, f_Uii)
Пример #9
 def test_writeStr_xyz_Supercell(self):
     at1 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     at2 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.5, 0.5])
     at3 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
     at4 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
     self.stru4 = Structure([at1, at2, at3, at4],
                            lattice=Lattice(4.05, 4.05, 4.05, 90, 90, 90),
     from danse.ins.matter.expansion import supercell
     al_333 = supercell(self.stru4, (3, 3, 3))
     s1 = al_333.writeStr(self.format)
Пример #10
    def readStr(self, s, format='auto'):
        """Same as Structure.readStr, but update spcgr value in
        self.pdffit when parser can get spacegroup.

        Return instance of StructureParser used to load the data.
        See Structure.readStr() for more info.
        p = Structure.readStr(self, s, format)
        sg = getattr(p, 'spacegroup', None)
        if sg:  self.pdffit['spcgr'] = sg.short_name
        return p
Пример #11
    def readStr(self, s, format='auto'):
        """Same as Structure.readStr, but update spcgr value in
        self.pdffit when parser can get spacegroup.

        Return instance of StructureParser used to load the data.
        See Structure.readStr() for more info.
        p = Structure.readStr(self, s, format)
        sg = getattr(p, 'spacegroup', None)
        if sg: self.pdffit['spcgr'] = sg.short_name
        return p
Пример #12
 def test_rwStr_xcfg_CdSe(self):
     """check conversion to XCFG file format"""
     stru = self.stru
     stru.read(datafile('CdSe_bulk.stru'), 'pdffit')
     s = stru.writeStr(self.format)
     stru = Structure()
     stru.readStr(s, self.format)
     s_els = [a.symbol for a in stru]
     f_els = ['Cd', 'Cd', 'Se', 'Se']
     self.assertEqual(s_els, f_els)
     s_lat = [
         stru.lattice.a, stru.lattice.b, stru.lattice.c, stru.lattice.alpha,
         stru.lattice.beta, stru.lattice.gamma
     f_lat = [4.235204, 4.235204, 6.906027, 90.0, 90.0, 120.0]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_lat, f_lat)
     a0 = stru[0]
     s_Uii = [a0.U[i, i] for i in range(3)]
     f_Uii = [0.01303035, 0.01303035, 0.01401959]
     self.assertListAlmostEqual(s_Uii, f_Uii)
Пример #13
 def test_al_supercell(self):
     """check supercell expansion for Al.
     at1 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     at2 = Atom('Al', [0.0, 0.5, 0.5])
     at3 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
     at4 = Atom('Al', [0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
     self.stru4 = Structure([at1, at2, at3, at4],
                            lattice=Lattice(4.05, 4.05, 4.05, 90, 90, 90),
     al_sup = supercell(self.stru4, (3, 3, 3))
     #print al_sup
Пример #14
 def test_naI_supercell(self):
     """check supercell expansion for Al.
     at1 = Atom('Na', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
     at2 = Atom('Na', [0.0, 0.5, 0.5])
     at3 = Atom('Na', [0.5, 0.0, 0.5])
     at4 = Atom('Na', [0.5, 0.5, 0.0])
     at5 = Atom('I', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
     at6 = Atom('I', [0.0, 0.0, 0.5])
     at7 = Atom('I', [0.0, 0.5, 0.0])
     at8 = Atom('I', [0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
     naI = Structure([at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, at7, at8],
                     lattice=Lattice(6.482, 6.482, 6.482, 90, 90, 90),
     for sym, pos in zip(naI.symbols, naI.xyz_cartn):
         print sym + ' %f %f %f' % tuple(pos)
     naI_sup = supercell(naI, (2, 2, 2))
     for sym, pos in zip(naI_sup.symbols, naI_sup.xyz_cartn):
         print sym + ' %f %f %f' % tuple(pos)
Пример #15
 def setUp(self):
     self.stru = Structure()
     self.format = "rawxyz"
Пример #16
    def parseLines(self, lines):
        """Parse list of lines in PDB format.

        Return Structure object or raise StructureFormatError.
        xcfg_Number_of_particles = None
        xcfg_A = None
        xcfg_H0 = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float)
        xcfg_H0_set = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype=bool)
        xcfg_NO_VELOCITY = False
        xcfg_entry_count = None
        xcfg_auxiliary = []
        p_nl = 0
        p_auxiliary_re = re.compile(r"^auxiliary\[(\d+)\] =")
        p_auxiliary = {}
            stru = Structure()
            # ignore trailing blank lines
            stop = len(lines)
            while stop > 0 and lines[stop - 1].strip() == "":
                stop -= 1
            ilines = iter(lines[:stop])
            # read XCFG header
            for line in ilines:
                p_nl += 1
                stripped_line = line.strip()
                # blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
                if stripped_line == "" or line[0] == '#':
                elif xcfg_Number_of_particles is None:
                    if line.find("Number of particles =") != 0:
                        emsg = ("%d: first line must " +
                                "contain 'Number of particles ='") % p_nl
                        raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
                    xcfg_Number_of_particles = int(line[21:].split(None, 1)[0])
                    p_natoms = xcfg_Number_of_particles
                elif line.find("A =") == 0:
                    xcfg_A = float(line[3:].split(None, 1)[0])
                elif line.find("H0(") == 0:
                    i, j = (int(line[3]) - 1, int(line[5]) - 1)
                    xcfg_H0[i, j] = float(line[10:].split(None, 1)[0])
                    xcfg_H0_set[i, j] = True
                elif line.find(".NO_VELOCITY.") == 0:
                    xcfg_NO_VELOCITY = True
                elif line.find("entry_count =") == 0:
                    xcfg_entry_count = int(line[13:].split(None, 1)[0])
                elif p_auxiliary_re.match(line):
                    m = p_auxiliary_re.match(line)
                    idx = int(m.group(1))
                    p_auxiliary[idx] = line[m.end():].split(None, 1)[0]
            # check header for consistency
            if numpy.any(xcfg_H0_set == False):
                emsg = "H0 tensor is not properly defined"
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            p_auxnum = len(p_auxiliary) and max(p_auxiliary.keys()) + 1
            for i in range(p_auxnum):
                if not i in p_auxiliary:
                    p_auxiliary[i] = "aux%d" % i
            sorted_aux_keys = p_auxiliary.keys()
            if p_auxnum != 0:
                stru.xcfg = {
                    'auxiliaries': [p_auxiliary[k] for k in sorted_aux_keys]
            if 6 - 3 * xcfg_NO_VELOCITY + len(p_auxiliary) != xcfg_entry_count:
                emsg = ("%d: auxiliary fields " +
                        "not consistent with entry_count") % p_nl
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            # define proper lattice
            # build p_assign_atom function to assign entries to proper fields
            p_exprs = [
                "a.xyz[0]=fields[0]", "a.xyz[1]=fields[1]",
            if not xcfg_NO_VELOCITY:
                p_exprs += [
                    "a.v=numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)", "a.v[0]=fields[3]",
                    "a.v[1]=fields[4]", "a.v[2]=fields[5]"
            for idx in sorted_aux_keys:
                prop = p_auxiliary[idx]
                col = idx + 6 - 3 * xcfg_NO_VELOCITY
                if prop == "Uiso":
                    p_exprs.append("a.U[0,0]=a.U[1,1]=a.U[2,2]=" +
                                   "fields[%d]" % col)
                elif re.match(r"^U\d\d$", prop) \
                and 1<=int(prop[1])<=3 and 1<=int(prop[2])<=3 :
                    i, j = int(prop[1]) - 1, int(prop[2]) - 1
                    if i == j:
                        p_exprs.append("a.U[%i,%i]=fields[%d]" % (i, j, col))
                        p_exprs.append("a.U[%i,%i]=a.U[%i,%i]=fields[%d]" % \
                                (i, j, j, i, col) )
                    p_exprs.append( "a.__dict__[%r]=fields[%d]" % \
                            (prop, col) )
            p_assign_expr = "pass; " + "; ".join(p_exprs[3:])
            exec "def p_assign_atom(a, fields) : %s" % p_assign_expr
            # here we are inside data
            p_element = None
            p_nl -= 1
            for line in lines[p_nl:stop]:
                p_nl += 1
                words = line.split()
                # ignore atom mass
                if len(words) == 1 and isfloat(words[0]):
                # parse element allowing empty symbol
                elif len(words) <= 1:
                    w = line.strip()
                    p_element = w[:1].upper() + w[1:].lower()
                elif len(words) == xcfg_entry_count and p_element is not None:
                    fields = [float(w) for w in words]
                    stru.addNewAtom(p_element, fields[:3])
                    a = stru.getLastAtom()
                    a.xyz *= xcfg_A
                    p_assign_atom(a, fields)
                    emsg = "%d: invalid record" % p_nl
                    raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            if len(stru) != p_natoms:
                emsg = "expected %d atoms, read %d" % (p_natoms, len(stru))
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            emsg = "%d: file is not in XCFG format" % p_nl
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise StructureFormatError, emsg, exc_traceback
        return stru
Пример #17
    def parseLines(self, lines):
        """Parse list of lines in PDB format.

        Return Structure object or raise StructureFormatError.
        xcfg_Number_of_particles = None
        xcfg_A = None
        xcfg_H0 = numpy.zeros((3,3), dtype=float)
        xcfg_H0_set = numpy.zeros((3,3), dtype=bool)
        xcfg_NO_VELOCITY = False
        xcfg_entry_count = None
        xcfg_auxiliary = []
        p_nl = 0
        p_auxiliary_re = re.compile(r"^auxiliary\[(\d+)\] =")
        p_auxiliary = {}
            stru = Structure()
            # ignore trailing blank lines
            stop = len(lines)
            while stop>0 and lines[stop-1].strip() == "":
                stop -= 1
            ilines = iter(lines[:stop])
            # read XCFG header
            for line in ilines:
                p_nl += 1
                stripped_line = line.strip()
                # blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
                if stripped_line == "" or line[0] == '#':
                elif xcfg_Number_of_particles is None:
                    if line.find("Number of particles =") != 0:
                        emsg = ("%d: first line must " +
                                "contain 'Number of particles ='") % p_nl
                        raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
                    xcfg_Number_of_particles = int(line[21:].split(None, 1)[0])
                    p_natoms = xcfg_Number_of_particles
                elif line.find("A =") == 0:
                    xcfg_A = float(line[3:].split(None, 1)[0])
                elif line.find("H0(") == 0:
                    i, j = ( int(line[3])-1 ,  int(line[5])-1 )
                    xcfg_H0[i,j] = float(line[10:].split(None, 1)[0])
                    xcfg_H0_set[i,j] = True
                elif line.find(".NO_VELOCITY.") == 0:
                    xcfg_NO_VELOCITY = True
                elif line.find("entry_count =") == 0:
                    xcfg_entry_count = int(line[13:].split(None, 1)[0])
                elif p_auxiliary_re.match(line):
                    m = p_auxiliary_re.match(line)
                    idx = int(m.group(1))
                    p_auxiliary[idx] = line[m.end():].split(None, 1)[0]
            # check header for consistency
            if numpy.any(xcfg_H0_set == False):
                emsg = "H0 tensor is not properly defined"
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            p_auxnum = len(p_auxiliary) and max(p_auxiliary.keys())+1
            for i in range(p_auxnum):
                if not i in p_auxiliary:
                    p_auxiliary[i] = "aux%d" % i
            sorted_aux_keys = p_auxiliary.keys()
            if p_auxnum != 0:
                stru.xcfg = {
                    'auxiliaries' : [ p_auxiliary[k]
                                      for k in sorted_aux_keys ]
            if 6-3*xcfg_NO_VELOCITY+len(p_auxiliary) != xcfg_entry_count:
                emsg = ("%d: auxiliary fields " +
                        "not consistent with entry_count") % p_nl
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            # define proper lattice
            # build p_assign_atom function to assign entries to proper fields
            p_exprs = [ "a.xyz[0]=fields[0]",
                        "a.xyz[2]=fields[2]" ]
            if not xcfg_NO_VELOCITY:
                p_exprs += [  "a.v=numpy.zeros(3, dtype=float)",
                              "a.v[2]=fields[5]" ]
            for idx in sorted_aux_keys:
                prop = p_auxiliary[idx]
                col = idx + 6 - 3*xcfg_NO_VELOCITY
                if prop == "Uiso":
                    p_exprs.append("a.U[0,0]=a.U[1,1]=a.U[2,2]=" +
                        "fields[%d]" % col)
                elif re.match(r"^U\d\d$", prop) \
                and 1<=int(prop[1])<=3 and 1<=int(prop[2])<=3 :
                    i, j = int(prop[1])-1, int(prop[2])-1
                    if i==j:
                        p_exprs.append("a.U[%i,%i]=fields[%d]" % (i, j, col) )
                        p_exprs.append("a.U[%i,%i]=a.U[%i,%i]=fields[%d]" % \
                                (i, j, j, i, col) )
                    p_exprs.append( "a.__dict__[%r]=fields[%d]" % \
                            (prop, col) )
            p_assign_expr = "pass; " + "; ".join(p_exprs[3:])
            exec "def p_assign_atom(a, fields) : %s" % p_assign_expr
            # here we are inside data
            p_element = None
            p_nl -= 1
            for line in lines[p_nl:stop]:
                p_nl += 1
                words = line.split()
                # ignore atom mass
                if len(words) == 1 and isfloat(words[0]):
                # parse element allowing empty symbol
                elif len(words) <= 1:
                    w = line.strip()
                    p_element = w[:1].upper() + w[1:].lower()
                elif len(words) == xcfg_entry_count and p_element is not None:
                    fields = [ float(w) for w in words ]
                    stru.addNewAtom(p_element, fields[:3])
                    a = stru.getLastAtom()
                    a.xyz *= xcfg_A
                    p_assign_atom(a, fields)
                    emsg = "%d: invalid record" % p_nl
                    raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
            if len(stru) != p_natoms:
                emsg = "expected %d atoms, read %d" % (p_natoms, len(stru))
                raise StructureFormatError(emsg)
        except (ValueError, IndexError):
            emsg = "%d: file is not in XCFG format" % p_nl
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            raise StructureFormatError, emsg, exc_traceback
        return stru
Пример #18
 def setUp(self):
     self.stru = Structure()
     self.format = "pdb"
     self.places = 3
Пример #19
 def setUp(self):
     self.stru = Structure()
     self.format = 'xyz'
     import tempfile
     handle, self.tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp()
Пример #20
 def setUp(self):
     self.stru = Structure()
     self.format = "xcfg"
     self.places = 6