Пример #1
    if True:
        # The serials are hexlified versions, to be more readable.
        dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20P', b'28cde9f505000027', exprRawToCelsiusDS)
        dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20P', b'289abbab05000057', exprRawToCelsiusDS) # Waterproof
        dao.newSensor(b'MLX90614', b'Ambient', exprRawToCelsiusMLX)
        dao.newSensor(b'MLX90614', b'Object', exprRawToCelsiusMLX)

    iface = Iface()
    bEnd = Value('b', False)
    Thread(target=workerHWIFace, args=(iface,bEnd)).start()

    if True:
        dao.newWave(sComment='Cristaux, chauffe un peu pas longtemps')
        # FIXME: change dao API, comment sensor with bPartNumber,bHardID...
        dao.commentSensor(1, 'Sur la breadboard, un peu loin de la casserole', 'Air (°C)')
        dao.commentSensor(2, 'Dans l\'eau, le plus loin de la résistance', 'Eau (°C)')
        dao.commentSensor(3, 'Sur la breadboard, près de la casserole', 'Air (°C)')
        dao.commentSensor(4, 'Vise le cul de la casserole', 'Eau, ext (°C)')
        dao.commentSensor(5, 'N/A')
        t0 = time.time()
            PERIOD = 10
            while not bEnd.value:
                while time.time()-t0 < PERIOD:
                t0 += PERIOD
                assert time.time()-t0 < PERIOD
                # FIXME: think about sensorID too in newMeasure...
                iT = int(time.time())
                # Records measures
Пример #2
Файл: mydb.py Проект: Miaou/BBB
    log.write(time.ctime() + " : End of DS measurement")
    log.write("\nTotal time : " + str(time.time()-temps))

iface = Bulk()
stop = Value('b', False)
db = 'essai.db'
dao = DAO(db)
mesure_reussie = Value('b', False)
if False:
    dao.newSensor(b'SHT21', b'RH')
    dao.newSensor(b'SHT21', b'Temperature')
    dao.newWave(sComment='Premier essai avec la nouvelle BBB')
    dao.commentSensor(1, 'Derriere le PC', 'Air(%RH)')
    dao.commentSensor(2, 'Derriere le PC', 'Air(.C)')
    Thread(target=workerSHT, args=(iface, stop)).start()

        while True:
            dao.newMeasure(1, iface.shtRH)
            dao.newMeasure(2, iface.shtTemp)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('End of record')
        stop.value = True

if True:
    #dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20', b'2864edaa050000b0')
    dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20', b'28ff753e651401b3')
Пример #3
    log.write(time.ctime() + " : End of DS measurement")
    log.write("\nTotal time : " + str(time.time() - temps))

iface = Bulk()
stop = Value('b', False)
db = 'essai.db'
dao = DAO(db)
mesure_reussie = Value('b', False)
if False:
    dao.newSensor(b'SHT21', b'RH')
    dao.newSensor(b'SHT21', b'Temperature')
    dao.newWave(sComment='Premier essai avec la nouvelle BBB')
    dao.commentSensor(1, 'Derriere le PC', 'Air(%RH)')
    dao.commentSensor(2, 'Derriere le PC', 'Air(.C)')
    Thread(target=workerSHT, args=(iface, stop)).start()

        while True:
            dao.newMeasure(1, iface.shtRH)
            dao.newMeasure(2, iface.shtTemp)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('End of record')
        stop.value = True

if True:
    #dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20', b'2864edaa050000b0')
    dao.newSensor(b'DS18B20', b'28ff753e651401b3')