Пример #1
    def get_catalog_refs(self, base_url, rootElement=None):
        """Gets the catalogRef elements from the catalog XML document or optionally those within a
            specified element.
        @param rootElement - element within which to find dataset elements or None to find them
            within the root catalog element.
        @return list of catalogRef entities
        root = self.dom.documentElement if rootElement is None else rootElement
        cr_elements = xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(root, self.ns, 'catalogRef')
        catalog_refs = []
        for el in cr_elements:
            ref_url = xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'href')
            url = url_util.make_url(base_url, ref_url)
            catalog_ref = CatalogRef(
                xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'href'),
                xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'title'), url)


        # Recurse into contained datasets.
        ds_elements = xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(root, self.ns, 'dataset')
        for ds_element in ds_elements:
            catalog_refs.extend(self.get_catalog_refs(base_url, ds_element))

        return catalog_refs
Пример #2
    def get_catalog_refs(self, base_url, rootElement=None):
        """Gets the catalogRef elements from the catalog XML document or optionally those within a
            specified element.
        @param rootElement - element within which to find dataset elements or None to find them
            within the root catalog element.
        @return list of catalogRef entities
        root = self.dom.documentElement if rootElement is None else rootElement
        cr_elements = xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(root, self.ns, 'catalogRef')
        catalog_refs = []
        for el in cr_elements:
            ref_url = xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'href')
            url = url_util.make_url(base_url, ref_url)
            catalog_ref = CatalogRef(xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'href'),
                                     xml_util.getAttributeByLocalName(el, 'title'),


        # Recurse into contained datasets.
        ds_elements = xml_util.getChildrenByNameNS(root, self.ns, 'dataset')
        for ds_element in ds_elements:
            catalog_refs.extend(self.get_catalog_refs(base_url, ds_element))

        return catalog_refs
Пример #3
def check_single_access(base_url, service, access, config, results):
    """Checks access to a THREDDS dataset with specified access details for a single service, i.e.,
    for a a service type that is not Compound.
    @param base_url - base URL of the catalog
    @param service_map - map of service names to service configurations read from the catalog
    @param access - dataset access details
    @param config - configuration
    @param results - accumulated results of check
    if service.service_type not in config.services_to_test:
        if not config.quiet:
            print("### Service of type %s not tested." % service.service_type)

    access_allowed_count = 0
    access_denied_count = 0
    inconsistent = False
    extensions = [''] if service.extensions is None else service.extensions
    url = url_util.make_url(
        base_url, service.base_url) + access.url_path + service.suffix
    for extension in extensions:
        extended_url = url + extension
        (rc, msg, success) = httpget.check_url(extended_url, config)
        if not config.quiet:
            print("  %d  [%s]  %s" % (rc, msg, extended_url))
        if service.is_public(extension):
            if not success:
                inconsistent = True
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("### Expected access allowed.")
        elif service.is_forbidden(extension):
            if success:
                inconsistent = True
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("### Expected access denied.")
            if success:
                access_allowed_count += 1
                access_denied_count += 1

    if access_allowed_count + access_denied_count > 0:
        if access_denied_count == 0:
        elif access_allowed_count == 0:
            inconsistent = True
            if not config.quiet:
                    "### Expected accesses either all allowed or all denied (excluding public and forbidden)."
    if inconsistent:
Пример #4
def check_single_access(base_url, service, access, config, results):
    """Checks access to a THREDDS dataset with specified access details for a single service, i.e.,
    for a a service type that is not Compound.
    @param base_url - base URL of the catalog
    @param service_map - map of service names to service configurations read from the catalog
    @param access - dataset access details
    @param config - configuration
    @param results - accumulated results of check
    if service.service_type not in config.services_to_test:
        if not config.quiet:
            print("### Service of type %s not tested." % service.service_type)

    access_allowed_count = 0
    access_denied_count = 0
    inconsistent = False
    extensions = [''] if service.extensions is None else service.extensions
    url = url_util.make_url(base_url, service.base_url) + access.url_path + service.suffix
    for extension in extensions:
        extended_url = url + extension
        (rc, msg, success) = httpget.check_url(extended_url, config)
        if not config.quiet:
            print("  %d  [%s]  %s" % (rc, msg, extended_url))
        if service.is_public(extension):
            if not success:
                inconsistent = True
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("### Expected access allowed.")
        elif service.is_forbidden(extension):
            if success:
                inconsistent = True
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("### Expected access denied.")
            if success:
                access_allowed_count += 1
                access_denied_count += 1

    if access_allowed_count + access_denied_count > 0:
        if access_denied_count == 0:
        elif access_allowed_count == 0:
            inconsistent = True
            if not config.quiet:
                print("### Expected accesses either all allowed or all denied (excluding public and forbidden).")
    if inconsistent:
Пример #5
        service_map[s.name] = s
        for c in s.children:
            service_map[c.name] = c

    required_properties = config.required_container_properties + config.required_file_properties
    for d in cat.get_datasets(required_properties):
        if not config.quiet:
            print("Dataset: %s" % d.name)
        if not config.listonly:
            check_dataset(service_map, d, config, results)

    if config.recurse:
        for d in cat.get_datasets(required_properties):
            service = service_map.get(d.service_name, None)
            if service and service.service_type in SERVICE_TYPES_RETURNING_CATALOGS:
                ref_url = url_util.make_url(base_url, d.url_path)
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("Dataset: %s  Catalog ref: %s" % (d.name, ref_url))
                _check_catalog(ref_url, config, results)

        for c in cat.get_catalog_refs(base_url):
            if not config.quiet:
                print("Catalog ref: %s" % c.url)
            _check_catalog(c.url, config, results)

def check_dataset(service_map, dataset, config, results):
    """Checks for rqeuired properties in a dataset in a THREDDS catalog.
    @param service_map - map of service names to service configurations read from the catalog
    @param dataset - dataset
    @param config - configuration
    @param results - accumulated results of check
Пример #6
        service_map[s.name] = s
        for c in s.children:
            service_map[c.name] = c

    required_properties = config.required_container_properties + config.required_file_properties
    for d in cat.get_datasets(required_properties):
        if not config.quiet:
            print("Dataset: %s" % d.name)
        if not config.listonly:
            check_dataset(service_map, d, config, results)

    if config.recurse:
        for d in cat.get_datasets(required_properties):
            service = service_map.get(d.service_name, None)
            if service and service.service_type in SERVICE_TYPES_RETURNING_CATALOGS:
                ref_url = url_util.make_url(base_url, d.url_path)
                if not config.quiet:
                    print("Dataset: %s  Catalog ref: %s" % (d.name, ref_url))
                _check_catalog(ref_url, config, results)

        for c in cat.get_catalog_refs(base_url):
            if not config.quiet:
                print("Catalog ref: %s" % c.url)
            _check_catalog(c.url, config, results)

def check_dataset(service_map, dataset, config, results):
    """Checks for rqeuired properties in a dataset in a THREDDS catalog.
    @param service_map - map of service names to service configurations read from the catalog
    @param dataset - dataset
    @param config - configuration