Пример #1
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfOneFromTenReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of one read from a set
     of ten reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = '\n'.join(['>id', 'ACGT'] * 10)
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mock_open(read_data=data)):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=1, trueLength=10))
         self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
Пример #2
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfZeroFromZeroReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of zero reads from a set
     of zero reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = ''
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mock_open(read_data=data)):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=0, trueLength=0))
         self.assertEqual([], result)
Пример #3
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfOneFromTenReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of one read from a set
     of ten reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = '\n'.join(['>id', 'ACGT'] * 10)
     mockOpener = mockOpen(read_data=data)
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mockOpener):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=1, trueLength=10))
         self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
Пример #4
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfZeroFromZeroReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of zero reads from a set
     of zero reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = ''
     mockOpener = mockOpen(read_data=data)
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mockOpener):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=0, trueLength=0))
         self.assertEqual([], result)
Пример #5
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfTwoFromTwoReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of two reads from a set
     of two reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = '\n'.join(['>id1', 'ACGT', '>id2', 'TGCA'])
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mock_open(read_data=data)):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=2, trueLength=2))
             [Read('id1', 'ACGT'), Read('id2', 'TGCA')], result)
Пример #6
 def testFilterRandomSubsetOfTwoFromTwoReads(self):
     It must be possible to select a random subset of two reads from a set
     of two reads, where the read count is provided to C{filter} via the
     C{trueLength} argument.
     data = '\n'.join(['>id1', 'ACGT', '>id2', 'TGCA'])
     mockOpener = mockOpen(read_data=data)
     with patch.object(builtins, 'open', mockOpener):
         reads = FastaReads('filename.fasta')
         result = list(reads.filter(randomSubset=2, trueLength=2))
         self.assertEqual([Read('id1', 'ACGT'), Read('id2', 'TGCA')],