Пример #1
def decompile(bear):
    criteria = lambda x: 'AddNew' in x.name and not x.is_metaclass()
    cls, = filter(criteria, bear.by_class[Class])
    offset = cls.super.getRandomDotClass.imp

    registers = [0]*16
    while True:
        instr = darm.disasm_armv7(bear.read_at(offset)[0])
        offset += 4

        print hex(offset), instr
        if str(instr.instr) == 'POP':
Пример #2
def main():
    if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
        print "usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " logcat.txt"

    entries = []

    with open("/tmp/sopickle", "rb") as f:
        entries = pickle.load(f)

    with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f, open("/tmp/annotated_logcat.txt",
                                           "w") as d:
        lines = f.readlines()
        arm_line = re.compile('\<[\w,\.]+\>')
        for l in lines:
            prefix = l[:19]
            l = l[l.find(':') + 2:]  # there are 19 characters before
            ls = l.split()
            son = arm_line.findall(l)
            if not son:
                d.write(prefix + l)
            son = son[0][1:-1]
            entry = entries[son]
            if not entry:
                d.write(prefix + l)
            address = int(ls[2][:-1], 16)

            #find the offset from the name list
            last_entry = (0, "UNKNOWN")
            for e in entry:
                ent_addr = e[0]
                if ent_addr > address:
                    last_entry = e

            #call darm to get the ARM disassembly
            dis = darm.disasm_armv7(int(ls[-1], 16))

            d.write(prefix + '<' + last_entry[1] + '+' +
                    str(address - last_entry[0]) + '> ' + ls[1] + ' ' + ls[2] +
                    ' ' + str(dis))
Пример #3
if opCount is 0 :
  print "Disassemble helper using darm"
  print "supports ARMv7/Thumb/Thumb2, VFP/Neon/SIMD upcoming..."
  print " Usage : python disasm.py <machine code ...>"
  print " 1. $ python disasm.py"
  print "  --> Disassemble from your input until ctrl + c"
  print " 2. $ python disasm.py e5900004 e7d3001f ..."
  print "  --> Disassemble from serialized input (2 or more)"
  print " 3. $ python disasm.py ~/op.txt"
  print "  --> Disasemble from a file"

  print "please input machine code: \n"
  while True :
    input_int = raw_input("")
    hexValue = int(input_int, 16)
    print str(darm.disasm_armv7(hexValue))
elif opCount is 1 :
  path = sys.argv[1]
  if os.path.exists(path) :
    print "Disassemble a file %s" % path
    filein = open(path, "r")
    lines = filein.readlines()

    for line in lines :
      print "%s\t%s" % (line.rstrip('\n'), str(darm.disasm_armv7(int(line, 16))))
  else :
    print "%s is not exist" % path
else :
  # print str(darm.disasm_armv7(0xe1a00002))
  for i in range(opCount) :
Пример #4
import struct
import darm # https://github.com/jbremer/darm

# Read RAM dump.
dump = ""
with open("DUMP.BIN", "rb") as f:
    dump = f.read()

# Read decrypted launcher.
data = ""
with open("Launcher.dat", "rb") as f:
    data = f.read()

# Format entries.
for i in xrange(len(data)/4):
	v = struct.unpack("<I", data[i*4:i*4+4])[0]
	inst = ""
	if v >= 0x100000 and v <= 0x252000: # This is gonna work just fine.
		if v & 1:
			addr = (v - 0x100000) & 0xFFFFFFFE
			inst = darm.disasm_thumb(struct.unpack("<H", dump[addr:addr+2])[0])
			addr = v - 0x100000
			inst = darm.disasm_armv7(struct.unpack("<I", dump[addr:addr+4])[0])
		if inst == None:
			print "{0:08X}: {1:08X}".format(i*4, v)
			print "{0:08X}: {1:08X} - {2}".format(i*4, v, inst)
		print "{0:08X}: {1:08X}".format(i*4, v)