class Darwin_Set_Angles():

    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('darwin_set_angles', anonymous=False)
        = 1.0
        self.shoulder_limits = 1.74533
        self.darwin = Darwin()

    def rotate_sinusoid(self):
        # Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
            new_angles['j_shoulder_l'] = self.shoulder_limits*(math.sin(*t))
            # According to right hand rule, positive angle for l shoulder=negative angle for right
            new_angles['j_shoulder_r'] = new_angles['j_shoulder_l']
 def __init__(self):
     rospy.init_node('darwin_set_angles', anonymous=False)
  = 1.0
     self.shoulder_limits = 1.74533
     self.darwin = Darwin()
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('darwin_set_angles', anonymous=False)
        = 1.0
        self.shoulder_limit_max = 1.745
        self.shoulder_limit_min = -1.745        
        # Declare lists to be used for plots
        self.y_list = []
        self.t_list = []

        # Iteration constants
        self.step = 0.2
        self.count = 120
        # Origin of oscillation
        self.origin_j_shoulder_l = 0.0
        self.darwin = Darwin()
class DarwinWalkOptimization():

    def __init__(self):

        ################################## Constant Definitions ##################################

        # Matsuoka Oscillator related initialization

        self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.5, 7.5]  # Weights of the neural oscillator connections
        self.Tr1_BOUNDS = [0.25, 1.5]  # Rise time constant
        self.Tr2_BOUNDS = [0.25, 0.75]  # Rise time constant
        self.Ta1_BOUNDS = [0.25, 1.5]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.Ta2_BOUNDS = [0.25, 0.75]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.b_BOUNDS = [1.0, 8.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.s_BOUNDS = [1.0, 3.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.TRIAL_DURATION = 30  # How many seconds should each trial last
        self.STEP_DURATION = 0.2  # The step increment in seconds

        # PSO specific initialization

        self.POPULATION_SIZE = 30
        self.MAX_ITERS = 100
        self.VEL_BOUND_PCT = 0.2  # Velocity is at most 20% of the position range
        self.C1 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        self.C2 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        # Inertial weight, linearly scales from 0.9 to 0.4 over the entire run
        self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.4, 0.9]

        # Darwin specific initialization

        # Hashmap of joint origins
        self.joint_origins = {}
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh1_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l'] = -1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle2_l'] = 0.262
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r'] = -0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r'] = 1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle2_r'] = 0.262

        # Hashmap of joint upper limits
        self.joint_upper_limits = {}
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = 1.745
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 2.269
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_r'] = 1.047

        # Hashmap of joint lower limits
        self.joint_lower_limits = {}
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'] = -2.269
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = -1.745
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_r'] = -0.524

        # Variable to track distance walked by each individual
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Variables to track the position of the robot
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Variable (list) to track the height of the robot
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Variable to tracj=k if the robot has fallen
        self.has_fallen = False

        # Constant fall limit - If the z coordinate of the robot is below this, then the robot has fallen
        self.DARWIN_COM_FALL_LIMIT = 0.2

        # ROS specific initialization

        self.model_name = 'darwin'
        self.relative_entity_name = 'world'

        # Initialize the ROS node
        rospy.init_node('darwin_walk_demo', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
        rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, self.subscriber_callback_modelstate)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
        self.get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
        self.set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

        # Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
        self.get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)

        # Create the Darwin model
        self.darwin = Darwin()

        # Initialize log file

        # Current time
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

        # Create a log file
        self.log_file = open('/home/sayantan/Knowledge/Independant Studies/Robot Walking/code/robot_walking/data/log_'
                             + str(curr_time) + '_matsuoka_walk_optimization.log', 'w')
        # To control if log contents are dumped on screen as well                     
        self.verbose = True
        self.log_file.write('Created log file at ' + str(curr_time) + '\n')
        # Write the parameters to the log file
        self.log_file.write("Constants and Parameters: "  + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("###########################################" + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("WEIGHT_BOUNDS = " + str(self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Tr1_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Tr1_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Tr2_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Tr2_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Ta1_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Ta1_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Ta2_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Ta2_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("b_BOUNDS = " + str(self.b_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("s_BOUNDS = " + str(self.s_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("TRIAL_DURATION = " + str(self.TRIAL_DURATION) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("STEP_DURATION = " + str(self.STEP_DURATION) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("POPULATION_SIZE = " + str(self.POPULATION_SIZE) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("MAX_ITERS = " + str(self.MAX_ITERS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("VEL_BOUND_PCT = " + str(self.VEL_BOUND_PCT) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("C1 = " + str(self.C1) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("C2 = " + str(self.C2) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = " + str(self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("###########################################" + "\n" + "\n")

        # Initiate the walk optimization

    # Logging function
    def log_write(self, logtext):
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        logtext = "[" + str(curr_time) +"] " + logtext
        self.log_file.write(logtext + "\n")
        if self.verbose:
            print logtext
    # Function to implement the differential equations of the Matsuoka oscillator
    def matsuoka(self, state, individual):

        # Unpack the individual 
        a1 = individual[0]
        a2 = individual[1]
        a3 = individual[2]
        a4 = individual[3]
        a5 = individual[4]
        a6 = individual[5]
        a7 = individual[6]
        a8 = individual[7]
        a9 = individual[8]
        Tr1 = individual[9]
        Tr2 = individual[10]
        Ta1 = individual[11]
        Ta2 = individual[12]
        b = individual[13]
        s = individual[14]

        # Unpack the state vector
        x1 = state[0]
        x2 = state[1]
        x3 = state[2]
        x4 = state[3]
        x5 = state[4]
        x6 = state[5]
        x7 = state[6]
        x8 = state[7]
        x9 = state[8]
        x10 = state[9]
        x11 = state[10]
        x12 = state[11]
        x13 = state[12]
        x14 = state[13]
        x15 = state[14]
        x16 = state[15]
        x17 = state[16]
        x18 = state[17]
        x19 = state[18]
        x20 = state[19]

        f1 = state[20]
        f2 = state[21]
        f3 = state[22]
        f4 = state[23]
        f5 = state[24]
        f6 = state[25]
        f7 = state[26]
        f8 = state[27]
        f9 = state[28]
        f10 = state[29]
        f11 = state[30]
        f12 = state[31]
        f13 = state[32]
        f14 = state[33]
        f15 = state[34]
        f16 = state[35]
        f17 = state[36]
        f18 = state[37]
        f19 = state[38]
        f20 = state[39]

        y1 = state[40]
        y2 = state[41]
        y3 = state[42]
        y4 = state[43]
        y5 = state[44]
        y6 = state[45]
        y7 = state[46]
        y8 = state[47]
        y9 = state[48]
        y10 = state[49]
        y11 = state[50]
        y12 = state[51]
        y13 = state[52]
        y14 = state[53]
        y15 = state[54]
        y16 = state[55]
        y17 = state[56]
        y18 = state[57]
        y19 = state[58]
        y20 = state[59]

        # Hip neurons
        x1_d = ((-1.0 * a2 * y2) - (a1 * y3) + (s) - (b * f1) - (x1)) / float(Tr1)
        x2_d = ((-1.0 * a2 * y1) - (a1 * y4) + (s) - (b * f2) - (x2)) / float(Tr1)
        x3_d = ((-1.0 * a1 * y1) - (a2 * y4) + (s) - (b * f3) - (x3)) / float(Tr1)
        x4_d = ((-1.0 * a1 * y2) - (a2 * y3) + (s) - (b * f4) - (x4)) / float(Tr1)

        # Knee neurons
        x5_d = ((-1.0 * a3 * y6) - (a5 * y1) + (s) - (b * f5) - (x5)) / float(Tr2)
        x6_d = ((-1.0 * a3 * y5) + (s) - (b * f6) - (x6)) / float(Tr2)
        x7_d = ((-1.0 * a3 * y8) - (a5 * y2) + (s) - (b * f7) - (x7)) / float(Tr2)
        x8_d = ((-1.0 * a3 * y7) + (s) - (b * f8) - (x8)) / float(Tr2)

        # Ankle neurons
        x9_d = ((-1.0 * a4 * y10) + (s) - (b * f9) - (x9)) / float(Tr2)
        x10_d = ((-1.0 * a4 * y9) - (a6 * y1) + (s) - (b * f10) - (x10)) / float(Tr2)
        x11_d = ((-1.0 * a4 * y12) + (s) - (b * f11) - (x11)) / float(Tr2)
        x12_d = ((-1.0 * a4 * y11) - (a6 * y2) + (s) - (b * f12) - (x12)) / float(Tr2)

        # Lateral hip neurons
        x13_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y14) - (a7 * y1) + (s) - (b * f13) - (x13)) / float(Tr1)
        x14_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y13) + (s) - (b * f14) - (x14)) / float(Tr1)
        x15_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y16) - (a7 * y2) + (s) - (b * f15) - (x15)) / float(Tr1)
        x16_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y15) + (s) - (b * f16) - (x15)) / float(Tr1)

        # Lateral ankle neurons
        x17_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y18) - (a9 * y13) + (s) - (b * f17) - (x17)) / float(Tr1)
        x18_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y17) - (a9 * y14) + (s) - (b * f18) - (x18)) / float(Tr1)
        x19_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y20) - (a9 * y15) + (s) - (b * f19) - (x19)) / float(Tr1)
        x20_d = ((-1.0 * a8 * y19) - (a9 * y16) + (s) - (b * f20) - (x20)) / float(Tr1)

        # Calculate the elements of the next state
        x1 += self.STEP_DURATION * x1_d
        x2 += self.STEP_DURATION * x2_d
        x3 += self.STEP_DURATION * x3_d
        x4 += self.STEP_DURATION * x4_d
        x5 += self.STEP_DURATION * x5_d
        x6 += self.STEP_DURATION * x6_d
        x7 += self.STEP_DURATION * x7_d
        x8 += self.STEP_DURATION * x8_d
        x9 += self.STEP_DURATION * x9_d
        x10 += self.STEP_DURATION * x10_d
        x11 += self.STEP_DURATION * x11_d
        x12 += self.STEP_DURATION * x12_d
        x13 += self.STEP_DURATION * x13_d
        x14 += self.STEP_DURATION * x14_d
        x15 += self.STEP_DURATION * x15_d
        x16 += self.STEP_DURATION * x16_d
        x17 += self.STEP_DURATION * x17_d
        x18 += self.STEP_DURATION * x18_d
        x19 += self.STEP_DURATION * x19_d
        x20 += self.STEP_DURATION * x20_d

        y1 = max(0.0, x1)
        y2 = max(0.0, x2)
        y3 = max(0.0, x3)
        y4 = max(0.0, x4)
        y5 = max(0.0, x5)
        y6 = max(0.0, x6)
        y7 = max(0.0, x7)
        y8 = max(0.0, x8)
        y9 = max(0.0, x9)
        y10 = max(0.0, x10)
        y11 = max(0.0, x11)
        y12 = max(0.0, x12)
        y13 = max(0.0, x13)
        y14 = max(0.0, x14)
        y15 = max(0.0, x15)
        y16 = max(0.0, x16)
        y17 = max(0.0, x17)
        y18 = max(0.0, x18)
        y19 = max(0.0, x19)
        y20 = max(0.0, x20)

        f1_d = (y1 - f1) / float(Ta1)
        f2_d = (y2 - f2) / float(Ta1)
        f3_d = (y3 - f3) / float(Ta1)
        f4_d = (y4 - f4) / float(Ta1)
        f5_d = (y5 - f5) / float(Ta2)
        f6_d = (y6 - f6) / float(Ta2)
        f7_d = (y7 - f7) / float(Ta2)
        f8_d = (y8 - f8) / float(Ta2)
        f9_d = (y9 - f9) / float(Ta2)
        f10_d = (y10 - f10) / float(Ta2)
        f11_d = (y11 - f11) / float(Ta2)
        f12_d = (y12 - f12) / float(Ta2)
        f13_d = (y13 - f13) / float(Ta1)
        f14_d = (y14 - f14) / float(Ta1)
        f15_d = (y15 - f15) / float(Ta1)
        f16_d = (y16 - f16) / float(Ta1)
        f17_d = (y17 - f17) / float(Ta1)
        f18_d = (y18 - f18) / float(Ta1)
        f19_d = (y19 - f19) / float(Ta1)
        f20_d = (y20 - f20) / float(Ta1)

        f1 += self.STEP_DURATION * f1_d
        f2 += self.STEP_DURATION * f2_d
        f3 += self.STEP_DURATION * f3_d
        f4 += self.STEP_DURATION * f4_d
        f5 += self.STEP_DURATION * f5_d
        f6 += self.STEP_DURATION * f6_d
        f7 += self.STEP_DURATION * f7_d
        f8 += self.STEP_DURATION * f8_d
        f9 += self.STEP_DURATION * f9_d
        f10 += self.STEP_DURATION * f10_d
        f11 += self.STEP_DURATION * f11_d
        f12 += self.STEP_DURATION * f12_d
        f13 += self.STEP_DURATION * f13_d
        f14 += self.STEP_DURATION * f14_d
        f15 += self.STEP_DURATION * f15_d
        f16 += self.STEP_DURATION * f16_d
        f17 += self.STEP_DURATION * f17_d
        f18 += self.STEP_DURATION * f18_d
        f19 += self.STEP_DURATION * f19_d
        f20 += self.STEP_DURATION * f20_d

        # Create the return state
        ret_state = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20,
                     f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19, f20,
                     y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, y12, y13, y14, y15, y16, y17, y18, y19, y20]

        return ret_state

    # Function for Walking using Matsuoka Oscillator
    def matsuoka_walking_fitness(self, individual):
        # Reset the simulation before each walk

        # Set initial state - [x1-20, f1-20, y1-20]
        state = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  # x1-20
                 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  # f1-20
                 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ]  # y1-20

        # Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tilt'] = -0.262  # Tilt the head forward a little

        # Calculate the number of iterations
        num_iterations = self.TRIAL_DURATION / self.STEP_DURATION

        i = 0
        while (i < num_iterations):

            state = self.matsuoka(state, individual)
            # Unpack the state vector
            y1 = state[40]
            y2 = state[41]
            y3 = state[42]
            y4 = state[43]
            y5 = state[44]
            y6 = state[45]
            y7 = state[46]
            y8 = state[47]
            y9 = state[48]
            y10 = state[49]
            y11 = state[50]
            y12 = state[51]
            y13 = state[52]
            y14 = state[53]
            y15 = state[54]
            y16 = state[55]
            y17 = state[56]
            y18 = state[57]
            y19 = state[58]
            y20 = state[59]
            # Calculate the joint angles
            hip_left_lateral = (y15 - y16)
            hip_right_lateral = (y13 - y14)
            hip_left = -(y2 - y4)  # (-) sign according to right hand rotation rule
            hip_right = (y1 - y3)
            knee_left = -(y7 - y8)  # (-) sign according to right hand rotation rule
            knee_right = (y5 - y6)
            ankle_left = -(y12 - y11)  # (-) sign according to right hand rotation rule
            ankle_right = (y10 - y9)
            ankle_left_lateral = hip_left_lateral
            ankle_right_lateral = hip_right_lateral
            # Validate the angles so that they do not exceed the max and min joint limits
            # Check the lower limits

            if hip_left_lateral < self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_l']: hip_left_lateral = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_l']
            if hip_right_lateral < self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_r']: hip_right_lateral = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_r']

            if hip_left<self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l']: hip_left = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l']
            if hip_right<self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r']: hip_right = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r']
            if knee_left<self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l']: knee_left = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l']        
            if knee_right<self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r']: knee_right = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r']
            if ankle_left<self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l']: ankle_left = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l']
            if ankle_right<self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r']: ankle_right = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r']

            if ankle_left_lateral < self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_l']: ankle_left_lateral = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_l']
            if ankle_right_lateral < self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_r']: ankle_right_lateral = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_r']

            # Check the upper limits
            if hip_left_lateral>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_l']: hip_left_lateral = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_l']
            if hip_right_lateral>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_r']: hip_right_lateral = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_r']

            if hip_left>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l']: hip_left = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l']
            if hip_right>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r']: hip_right = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r']
            if knee_left>self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l']: knee_left = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l']        
            if knee_right>self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r']: knee_right = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r']
            if ankle_left>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l']: ankle_left = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l']
            if ankle_right>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r']: ankle_right = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r']

            if ankle_left_lateral>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_l']: ankle_left_lateral = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_l']
            if ankle_right_lateral>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_r']: ankle_right_lateral = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_r']

            # Wait for 10 seconds (till the oscillations stabilize) before assigning angles to joints
            if (i * self.STEP_DURATION > 10):
                # Hip
                new_angles['j_thigh1_l'] = hip_left_lateral
                new_angles['j_thigh1_r'] = -hip_right_lateral

                new_angles['j_thigh2_l'] = hip_left
                new_angles['j_thigh2_r'] = hip_right
                # Knee
                new_angles['j_tibia_l'] = knee_left
                new_angles['j_tibia_r'] = knee_right
                # Ankle
                new_angles['j_ankle1_l'] = ankle_left
                new_angles['j_ankle1_r'] = ankle_right

                new_angles['j_ankle2_l'] = ankle_left_lateral
                new_angles['j_ankle2_r'] = -ankle_right_lateral
                # Set the robot joint angles
                self.darwin.set_angles_slow(new_angles, self.STEP_DURATION)
                # Calculate the current distance travelled by the robot 
                # Start position is always (x=0, y=0)
                # self.distance_walked = np.sign(self.current_model_x) * math.sqrt((self.current_model_x)**2 + (self.current_model_y)**2)
                # Consider only the distance in x direction as fitness
                if (self.current_model_x < 0.1):
                    self.distance_walked = -1.0 # Penalize individuals which move less than 0.1m
                    self.distance_walked = self.current_model_x
                # If the robot has fallen, return the distance travelled till now as the fitness score
                if (self.has_fallen):
                    self.log_write("Robot fall detected")
                    self.log_write("Individual: " + str(individual))
                    self.log_write("Location: x = " + str(self.current_model_x) + " y = " + str(self.current_model_y) + " z = " + str(self.current_model_z))
                    self.log_write("Current fitness = " + str(self.distance_walked))
                    return self.distance_walked
            i += 1
        # If the trial duration has ended return the distance travelled as the fitness score
        # If the control has reached here, then the robot has not fallen. Hence it gets a bonus score
        self.log_write("Robot did not fall during the trial")
        self.log_write("Individual: " + str(individual))
        self.log_write("Location: x = " + str(self.current_model_x) + " y = " + str(self.current_model_y) + " z = " + str(self.current_model_z))
        self.log_write("Current fitness = " + str(self.distance_walked))
        return self.distance_walked + 0.2*self.distance_walked
    # Function to reset the robot in the simulation (before start of run and after a fall)    
    def reset_simulation(self):

        # Reset the joints
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle2_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle2_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_gripper_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_gripper_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50  # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50  # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pan'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pelvis_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pelvis_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_shoulder_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_shoulder_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh1_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tilt'] = -0.262 # Tilt the head forward a little
        new_angles['j_wrist_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_wrist_r'] = 0.0
        # Default delay of setting angles is 2 seconds


        # Reset the robot position
        # Send model to x=0,y=0
        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.z = 0.31
        twist = Twist()

        md_state = ModelState()
        md_state.model_name = self.model_name
        md_state.pose = pose
        md_state.twist = twist
        md_state.reference_frame = self.relative_entity_name

        # Service call to reset model
            response = self.set_model_state(md_state)
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            self.log_write("Darwin model state initialization service call failed: " + str(e))

        # Reset the distance variable
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Reset the position variables
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Reset the height list
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Reset the robot fall detection flag
        self.has_fallen = False
Пример #5
	if angle_elbow_to_hand_l > 1.75:
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_l": 1.5})
	elif angle_elbow_to_hand_l < 0.25:
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_l": 0})
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_l": (angle_elbow_to_hand_l - 0.25)})

	if angle_elbow_to_hand_r > 1.75:
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_r": -1.5})
	elif angle_elbow_to_hand_r < 0.25:
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_r": 0})
		darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_r": -(angle_elbow_to_hand_r - 0.25)})


if __name__ == '__main__':
	rospy.init_node("walker_demo", anonymous=True)
	darwin = Darwin()
	rospy.loginfo("Darwin initialization finished")
	rospy.Subscriber('tf', tf2_msgs.msg.TFMessage, callback, darwin)

Пример #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import rospy
import math
from darwin_gazebo.darwin import Darwin
# from ros_cqi.ros_cqi.darwin_interface import DarwinInterface

if __name__ == "__main__":

    rospy.loginfo("Instantiating Darwin Client")
    darwin = Darwin()
    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Starting")

    while True:
        head = darwin.get_head_position()
        angles = darwin.get_body_rotation()

        if (head.twist.linear.x > 0.01):

    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Finished")
Пример #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
import tf2_msgs.msg
import roslib
import math
import geometry_msgs.msg as msgs
import turtlesim.srv
from darwin_gazebo.darwin import Darwin
import vectormath as v

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rospy.init_node("walker_demo", anonymous=True)
    darwin = Darwin()
    rospy.loginfo("Darwin initialization finished")

    while True:
        x = input()
        y = input()
        z = input()
        if x == 555:
        darwin.set_angles({"j_shoulder_l": x})
        darwin.set_angles({"j_high_arm_l": y})
        darwin.set_angles({"j_low_arm_l": z})
 def initiate_walk(self, walk_seconds,walk_velocity):
     darwin = Darwin()
Пример #9
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from darwin_gazebo.darwin import Darwin

if __name__ == "__main__":

    rospy.loginfo("Instantiating Darwin Client")
    darwin = Darwin()

    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Starting")

    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0.2, 0, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(1, 0, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0, 1, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0, -1, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(-1, 0, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(1, 1, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0, 0, 0)

    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Finished")
class Darwin_Set_Angles():

    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node('darwin_set_angles', anonymous=False)
        = 1.0
        self.shoulder_limit_max = 1.745
        self.shoulder_limit_min = -1.745        
        # Declare lists to be used for plots
        self.y_list = []
        self.t_list = []

        # Iteration constants
        self.step = 0.2
        self.count = 120
        # Origin of oscillation
        self.origin_j_shoulder_l = 0.0
        self.darwin = Darwin()
    # Function to calculate next states
    def matsuoka(self, state):
        # Tunable parameters, static for now
        a  = 2.5
        s  = 1.0
        b  = 2.0
        Tr = 0.75
        Ta = 0.75

        x1 = state[0]
        x2 = state[1]
        f1 = state[2]
        f2 = state[3]
        y1 = state[4]
        y2 = state[5]
        x1_d = ((-1.0*a*y2) + (s) - (b*f1) - (x1))/float(Tr)
        x2_d = ((-1.0*a*y1) + (s) - (b*f2) - (x2))/float(Tr)    
        x1 = x1 + self.step*x1_d
        x2 = x2 + self.step*x2_d
        y1 = max(0.0, x1)
        y2 = max(0.0, x2)
        f1_d = (y1 - f1)/float(Ta)
        f2_d = (y2 - f2)/float(Ta)
        f1 = f1 + self.step*f1_d
        f2 = f2 + self.step*f2_d
        return [x1, x2, f1, f2, y1, y2]
    def rotate_sinusoid(self):
        # Set initial state
        self.state = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ,0.0]
        # Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
            self.state = self.matsuoka(self.state)
            y_oscillator = self.state[4]-self.state[5]
            y_joint = y_oscillator + self.origin_j_shoulder_l

            # Check angle limits
            if (y_joint > self.shoulder_limit_max):
                y_joint = self.shoulder_limit_max
            if (y_joint < self.shoulder_limit_min):
                y_joint = self.shoulder_limit_min
            new_angles['j_shoulder_l'] = y_joint
            # According to right hand rule, positive angle for l shoulder=negative angle for right
            new_angles['j_shoulder_r'] = new_angles['j_shoulder_l']
            # The last parameter is the delay, this should match the step size
            print i

        # Plot
Пример #11
    ans = [x for x in frange(home, end + delta, delta, direction)]
    #print ans
    #print (len(ans))
    # found few mismatch with an extra element contribiting to error in some test cases
    # clearing them off
    final_ans = [ans[x] for x in range(0, int(interval) + 1)]
    #print final_ans
    #print (len(final_ans))
    return final_ans

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rospy.loginfo("Instantiating Darwin Client")
    darwin = Darwin()

    darwin.set_angles({"j_pan": 1})

    steps = 5.0

    # enter all the desired joint angles here
    j_high_arm_r = 1.343676989
    j_high_arm_l = 1.378893255

    j_shoulder_r = -0.831647219
    j_shoulder_l = 0.711766896

    j_low_arm_r = 1.499488737
    j_low_arm_l = -1.508986304
Пример #12
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from darwin_gazebo.darwin import Darwin

if __name__=="__main__":
    rospy.loginfo("Instantiating Darwin Client")
    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Starting")

    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Finished")
class Darwin_Walk_Optimization():

    def __init__(self):

        ################################## Constant Definitions ################################## 
        # Matsuoka Oscillator related initialization

        self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [1.0,3.0] # Weights of the neural oscillator connections
        self.Tr_BOUNDS = [0.1,3.75]       # Rise time constant
        self.Ta_BOUNDS = [0.01,3.75]        # Adaptation time constant
        self.b_BOUNDS = [1.0,6.0]          # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.s_BOUNDS = [0.0,10.0]           # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.NUM_WEIGHTS = 20               # Number of weights in the network
        self.VEL_BOUND_PCT = 0.2            # Velocity is at most 20% of the position range
        self.TRIAL_DURATION = 30            # How many seconds should each trial last
        self.STEP_DURATION = 0.2            # The step increment in seconds
        # PSO specific initialization
        self.POPULATION_SIZE = 100
        # Each individual consists of 24 positions (weights, and oscillator constants), 
        # 24 velocities, 24 PBest positions and 1 PBest score
        self.INDIVIDUAL_VECTOR_SIZE = 73
        self.GBEST_VECTOR_SIZE = 25
        self.MAX_ITERS = 200
        self.C1 = 2.0 # Acceleration constant
        self.C2 = 2.0 # Acceleration constant
        # Inertial weight, linearly scales from 0.9 to 0.4 over the entire run
        self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.4,0.9] 

        # Darwin specific initialization
        # Hashmap of joint origins
        self.joint_origins = {}
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.611 
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l']  = -1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r'] = -0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r']  = 1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0
        # Hashmap of joint upper limits
        self.joint_upper_limits = {}
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = 1.745
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l']  = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r']  = 2.269
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = 1.047

        # Hashmap of joint lower limits
        self.joint_lower_limits = {}
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l']  = -2.269
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = -1.745
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r']  = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = -1.047        

        # Variable to track distance walked by each individual
        self.distance_walked = 0.0
        # Variables to track the position of the robot
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0
        # Variable (list) to track the height of the robot
        self.model_polled_z = [] 
        # Variable to tracj=k if the robot has fallen
        self.has_fallen = False
        # Constant fall limit - If the z coordinate of the robot is below this, then the robot has fallen
        self.DARWIN_COM_FALL_LIMIT = 0.2 

        # ROS specific initialization
        self.model_name = 'darwin'
        self.relative_entity_name = 'world'
        # Initialize the ROS node
        rospy.init_node('darwin_walk_demo', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
        rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, self.subscriber_callback_modelstate)
        # Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
        self.get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
        self.set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)
        # Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
        self.get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)
        # Create the Darwin model
        self.darwin = Darwin()

        # Initialize log file
        # Current time
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
        # Create a log file
        self.log_file = open('/home/sayantan/Knowledge/Independant Studies/Robot Walking/code/robot_walking/data/log_'+str(curr_time)+'_darwin_walk_optimization.log', 'w')
        self.log_file.write('Created log file at ' + str(curr_time) + '\n')
        # Initiate the walk optimization        

    # Function to calculate the next state of the Matsuoka neural oscillators
    def matsuoka(self, individual, state):

        print "State: " + str(state)
        print "Individual: " + str(individual)

        # Extract the weights
        w1 = individual[0]
        w2 = individual[1]
        w3 = individual[2]
        w4 = individual[3]
        w5 = individual[4]
        w6 = individual[5]
        w7 = individual[6]
        w8 = individual[7]
        w9 = individual[8]
        w10 = individual[9]
        w11 = individual[10]
        w12 = individual[11]
        w13 = individual[12]
        w14 = individual[13]
        w15 = individual[14]
        w16 = individual[15]
        w17 = individual[16]
        w18 = individual[17]
        w19 = individual[18]
        w20 = individual[19]

        # Extract the network constants
        Tr = individual[20]
        Ta = individual[21]
        b = individual[22]
        s = individual[23]
        # Extract the current states
        # The numbering scheme: For f21 <variable=f><oscillator#=2><1 for extensor, 2 for flexor>
        # Each oscillator has the state [x1,x2,f1,f2,y1,y2]
        # There are 6 such oscillators
        x11 = state[0] 
        x12 = state[1] 
        f11 = state[2] 
        f12 = state[3] 
        y11 = state[4]
        y12 = state[5]

        x21 = state[6] 
        x22 = state[7] 
        f21 = state[8] 
        f22 = state[9] 
        y21 = state[10]
        y22 = state[11]
        x31 = state[12] 
        x32 = state[13] 
        f31 = state[14] 
        f32 = state[15] 
        y31 = state[16]
        y32 = state[17]

        x41 = state[18] 
        x42 = state[19] 
        f41 = state[20] 
        f42 = state[21] 
        y41 = state[22]
        y42 = state[23]

        x51 = state[24] 
        x52 = state[25] 
        f51 = state[26] 
        f52 = state[27] 
        y51 = state[28]
        y52 = state[29]

        x61 = state[30] 
        x62 = state[31] 
        f61 = state[32] 
        f62 = state[33] 
        y61 = state[34]
        y62 = state[35]
        # Calculate the derivatives of the membrane potentials
        # This is based on the connections between the individual neurons
        x11_d = ((-1.0*w1*y12) - (w6*y21) + (s) - (b*f11) - (x11))/float(Tr)
        x12_d = ((-1.0*w2*y11) - (w8*y22) + (s) - (b*f12) - (x12))/float(Tr)
        x21_d = ((-1.0*w3*y22) - (w5*y11) + (s) - (b*f21) - (x21))/float(Tr)
        x22_d = ((-1.0*w4*y21) - (w7*y12) + (s) - (b*f22) - (x22))/float(Tr)
        x31_d = ((-1.0*w13*y32) - (w9*y11) + (s) - (b*f31) - (x31))/float(Tr)
        x32_d = ((-1.0*w14*y31) + (s) - (b*f32) - (x32))/float(Tr)

        x41_d = ((-1.0*w15*y42) - (w10*y21) + (s) - (b*f41) - (x41))/float(Tr)
        x42_d = ((-1.0*w16*y41) + (s) - (b*f42) - (x42))/float(Tr)

        x51_d = ((-1.0*w17*y52) + (s) - (b*f51) - (x51))/float(Tr)
        x52_d = ((-1.0*w18*y51) - (w11*y11) + (s) - (b*f52) - (x52))/float(Tr)

        x61_d = ((-1.0*w19*y62) + (s) - (b*f61) - (x61))/float(Tr)
        x62_d = ((-1.0*w20*y61) - (w12*y21) + (s) - (b*f62) - (x62))/float(Tr)

        # Calculate the elements of the next state        
        x11 = x11 + self.STEP_DURATION*x11_d
        x12 = x12 + self.STEP_DURATION*x12_d
        x21 = x21 + self.STEP_DURATION*x21_d
        x22 = x22 + self.STEP_DURATION*x22_d
        x31 = x31 + self.STEP_DURATION*x31_d
        x32 = x32 + self.STEP_DURATION*x32_d
        x41 = x41 + self.STEP_DURATION*x41_d
        x42 = x42 + self.STEP_DURATION*x42_d
        x51 = x51 + self.STEP_DURATION*x51_d
        x52 = x52 + self.STEP_DURATION*x52_d
        x61 = x61 + self.STEP_DURATION*x61_d
        x62 = x62 + self.STEP_DURATION*x62_d
        y11 = max(0.0, x11)
        y12 = max(0.0, x12)
        y21 = max(0.0, x21)
        y22 = max(0.0, x22)
        y31 = max(0.0, x31)
        y32 = max(0.0, x32)
        y41 = max(0.0, x41)
        y42 = max(0.0, x42)
        y51 = max(0.0, x51)
        y52 = max(0.0, x52)
        y61 = max(0.0, x61)
        y62 = max(0.0, x62)
        f11_d = (y11 - f11)/float(Ta)
        f12_d = (y12 - f12)/float(Ta)
        f21_d = (y21 - f21)/float(Ta)
        f22_d = (y22 - f22)/float(Ta)
        f31_d = (y31 - f31)/float(Ta)
        f32_d = (y32 - f32)/float(Ta)
        f41_d = (y41 - f41)/float(Ta)
        f42_d = (y42 - f42)/float(Ta)
        f51_d = (y51 - f51)/float(Ta)
        f52_d = (y52 - f52)/float(Ta)
        f61_d = (y61 - f61)/float(Ta)
        f62_d = (y62 - f62)/float(Ta)
        f11 = f11 + self.STEP_DURATION*f11_d
        f12 = f12 + self.STEP_DURATION*f12_d       
        f21 = f21 + self.STEP_DURATION*f21_d
        f22 = f22 + self.STEP_DURATION*f22_d       
        f31 = f31 + self.STEP_DURATION*f31_d
        f32 = f32 + self.STEP_DURATION*f32_d       
        f41 = f41 + self.STEP_DURATION*f41_d
        f42 = f42 + self.STEP_DURATION*f42_d       
        f51 = f51 + self.STEP_DURATION*f51_d
        f52 = f52 + self.STEP_DURATION*f52_d       
        f61 = f61 + self.STEP_DURATION*f61_d
        f62 = f62 + self.STEP_DURATION*f62_d       
        # Create the return state
        ret_state = [x11,x12,f11,f12,y11,y12,
        return ret_state

    # Function for Walking using Matsuoka Oscillator
    def matsuoka_walking_fitness(self, individual):

        joint_plot_actual = []
        t1 = []
        t2 = []
        joint_plot_rectified = []

        print 'Received Individual:' + str(individual)

        # Reset the simulation before each walk
        # Set initial state - [x1,x2,f1,f2,y1,y2] for each oscillator
        # There are 6 oscillators, one each for the joints j_thigh2_l,j_tibia_l,j_ankle1_l,j_thigh2_r,j_tibia_r,j_ankle1_r

        oscillator_state = []
        count = 0
        while(count < 6):
            oscillator_state.extend([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            count += 1

        # Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
        # Calculate the number of iterations
        num_iterations = self.TRIAL_DURATION/self.STEP_DURATION

            # Compute the next state from the Matsuoka oscillator
            # Pass the individual (with weights and constants)
            oscillator_state = self.matsuoka(individual,oscillator_state)
            # Shift the positions to the joint origins
            oscillator_joint_1 = (oscillator_state[0*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[0*6 + 5]) # + self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l']
            oscillator_joint_2 = (oscillator_state[1*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[1*6 + 5]) #+ self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l']
            oscillator_joint_3 = (oscillator_state[2*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[2*6 + 5]) # + self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l']
            oscillator_joint_4 = (oscillator_state[3*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[3*6 + 5]) # + self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r']
            oscillator_joint_5 = (oscillator_state[4*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[4*6 + 5]) #+ self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r']
            oscillator_joint_6 = (oscillator_state[5*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[5*6 + 5]) # + self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r']

            joint_plot_actual.append(oscillator_state[5*6 + 4] - oscillator_state[5*6 + 5])

            # If joint angles exceed the joint limits, set the joint limit as the joint angle            
            oscillator_joint_1 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] if (oscillator_joint_1>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l']) else oscillator_joint_1
            oscillator_joint_1 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] if (oscillator_joint_1<self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l']) else oscillator_joint_1                        
            oscillator_joint_2 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l']  if (oscillator_joint_2>self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'])  else oscillator_joint_2
            oscillator_joint_2 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l']  if (oscillator_joint_2<self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'])  else oscillator_joint_2            
            oscillator_joint_3 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] if (oscillator_joint_3>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l']) else oscillator_joint_3
            oscillator_joint_3 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] if (oscillator_joint_3<self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l']) else oscillator_joint_3            
            oscillator_joint_4 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] if (oscillator_joint_4>self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r']) else oscillator_joint_4
            oscillator_joint_4 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] if (oscillator_joint_4<self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r']) else oscillator_joint_4            
            oscillator_joint_5 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r']  if (oscillator_joint_5>self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'])  else oscillator_joint_5
            oscillator_joint_5 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r']  if (oscillator_joint_5<self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'])  else oscillator_joint_5            
            oscillator_joint_6 = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] if (oscillator_joint_6>self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r']) else oscillator_joint_6
            oscillator_joint_6 = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] if (oscillator_joint_6<self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r']) else oscillator_joint_6


            print "Joint angles:"
            print "[[" + str(oscillator_joint_1) + ", " + str(oscillator_joint_2) + ", " + str(oscillator_joint_3) + ", " + str(oscillator_joint_4) + ", " + str(oscillator_joint_5) + ", " + str(oscillator_joint_6) + "]]"

            if (i*self.STEP_DURATION > 5.0):
                # Set the new angles
                new_angles['j_thigh2_l'] = oscillator_joint_1
                new_angles['j_tibia_l']  = oscillator_joint_2
                new_angles['j_ankle1_l'] = oscillator_joint_3
                new_angles['j_thigh2_r'] = oscillator_joint_4
                new_angles['j_tibia_r']  = oscillator_joint_5
                new_angles['j_ankle1_r'] = oscillator_joint_6

                # The last parameter is the delay, this should match the step size

                # Calculate the current distance travelled by the robot
                self.distance_walked = np.sign(self.current_model_x)*math.sqrt((self.current_model_x)*(self.current_model_x) + (self.current_model_y)*(self.current_model_y))

                # If the robot has fallen, return the distance travelled till now as the fitness score
                    #plt.plot(t1, joint_plot_actual)
                    #plt.plot(t2, joint_plot_rectified)
                    return self.distance_walked

            i = i + 1
        # If the trial duration has ended return the distance travelled as the fitness score
        return self.distance_walked

    def reset_simulation(self):
        # Reset the joints
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_ankle1_l']   = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle1_r']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_ankle2_l']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_ankle2_r']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_gripper_l']  = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_gripper_r']  = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50 # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50 # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l']  = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r']  = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_pan']        = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pelvis_l']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_pelvis_r']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_shoulder_l'] = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_shoulder_r'] = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_thigh1_l']   = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh1_r']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_thigh2_l']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_thigh2_r']   = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_tibia_l']    = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_tibia_r']    = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_tilt']       = 0.0
        new_angles['j_wrist_l']    = 0.0 
        new_angles['j_wrist_r']    = 0.0
        # Default delay of setting angles is 2 seconds

        # Reset the robot position
        # Send model to x=0,y=0
        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.z = 0.31
        twist = Twist()
        md_state = ModelState()
        md_state.model_name = self.model_name
        md_state.pose = pose
        md_state.twist = twist
        md_state.reference_frame = self.relative_entity_name

        # Service call to reset model
            response = self.set_model_state(md_state)             
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Darwin model state initialization service call failed: %s"%e
        rospy.loginfo("Result of model reset: " + str(response))

        # Reset the distance variable
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Reset the position variables
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Reset the height list
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Reset the robot fall detection flag
        self.has_fallen = False
    def __init__(self):

        ################################## Constant Definitions ##################################

        # Matsuoka Oscillator related initialization

        self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [1.0, 3.5]  # Weights of the neural oscillator connections
        self.Tr_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Rise time constant
        self.Ta_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.b_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.s_BOUNDS = [1.0, 2.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.NUM_WEIGHTS = 7  # Number of distinct weights in the network
        self.VEL_BOUND_PCT = 0.2  # Velocity is at most 20% of the position range
        self.TRIAL_DURATION = 30  # How many seconds should each trial last
        self.STEP_DURATION = 0.2  # The step increment in seconds

        # PSO specific initialization

        self.POPULATION_SIZE = 20
        # Each individual consists of 11 positions (weights, and oscillator constants),
        # 11 velocities, 11 PBest positions and 1 PBest score
        self.INDIVIDUAL_VECTOR_SIZE = 34
        self.GBEST_VECTOR_SIZE = 12
        self.MAX_ITERS = 10
        self.C1 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        self.C2 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        # Inertial weight, linearly scales from 0.9 to 0.4 over the entire run
        self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.4, 0.9]

        # Darwin specific initialization

        # Hashmap of joint origins
        self.joint_origins = {}
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l'] = -1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r'] = -0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r'] = 1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0

        # Hashmap of joint upper limits
        self.joint_upper_limits = {}
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = 1.745
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 2.269
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = 1.047

        # Hashmap of joint lower limits
        self.joint_lower_limits = {}
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'] = -2.269
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = -1.745
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = -1.047

        # Variable to track distance walked by each individual
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Variables to track the position of the robot
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Variable (list) to track the height of the robot
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Variable to tracj=k if the robot has fallen
        self.has_fallen = False

        # Constant fall limit - If the z coordinate of the robot is below this, then the robot has fallen
        self.DARWIN_COM_FALL_LIMIT = 0.2

        # ROS specific initialization

        self.model_name = 'darwin'
        self.relative_entity_name = 'world'

        # Initialize the ROS node
        rospy.init_node('darwin_walk_demo', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
        rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, self.subscriber_callback_modelstate)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
        self.get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
        self.set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

        # Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
        self.get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)

        # Create the Darwin model
        self.darwin = Darwin()

        # Initialize log file

        # Current time
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

        # Create a log file
        self.log_file = open('/home/sayantan/Knowledge/Independant Studies/Robot Walking/code/robot_walking/data/log_'
                             + str(curr_time) + '_darwin_walk_optimization_symmetric.log', 'w')
        self.log_file.write('Created log file at ' + str(curr_time) + '\n')

        # Initiate the walk optimization
class DarwinWalkOptimization():

    def __init__(self):

        ################################## Constant Definitions ##################################

        # Matsuoka Oscillator related initialization

        self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [1.0, 3.5]  # Weights of the neural oscillator connections
        self.Tr_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Rise time constant
        self.Ta_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.b_BOUNDS = [0.1, 2.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.s_BOUNDS = [1.0, 2.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.NUM_WEIGHTS = 7  # Number of distinct weights in the network
        self.VEL_BOUND_PCT = 0.2  # Velocity is at most 20% of the position range
        self.TRIAL_DURATION = 30  # How many seconds should each trial last
        self.STEP_DURATION = 0.2  # The step increment in seconds

        # PSO specific initialization

        self.POPULATION_SIZE = 20
        # Each individual consists of 11 positions (weights, and oscillator constants),
        # 11 velocities, 11 PBest positions and 1 PBest score
        self.INDIVIDUAL_VECTOR_SIZE = 34
        self.GBEST_VECTOR_SIZE = 12
        self.MAX_ITERS = 10
        self.C1 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        self.C2 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        # Inertial weight, linearly scales from 0.9 to 0.4 over the entire run
        self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.4, 0.9]

        # Darwin specific initialization

        # Hashmap of joint origins
        self.joint_origins = {}
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l'] = -1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r'] = -0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r'] = 1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0

        # Hashmap of joint upper limits
        self.joint_upper_limits = {}
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = 1.745
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 2.269
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = 1.047

        # Hashmap of joint lower limits
        self.joint_lower_limits = {}
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'] = -2.269
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = -1.745
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = -1.047

        # Variable to track distance walked by each individual
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Variables to track the position of the robot
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Variable (list) to track the height of the robot
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Variable to tracj=k if the robot has fallen
        self.has_fallen = False

        # Constant fall limit - If the z coordinate of the robot is below this, then the robot has fallen
        self.DARWIN_COM_FALL_LIMIT = 0.2

        # ROS specific initialization

        self.model_name = 'darwin'
        self.relative_entity_name = 'world'

        # Initialize the ROS node
        rospy.init_node('darwin_walk_demo', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
        rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, self.subscriber_callback_modelstate)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
        self.get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
        self.set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

        # Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
        self.get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)

        # Create the Darwin model
        self.darwin = Darwin()

        # Initialize log file

        # Current time
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

        # Create a log file
        self.log_file = open('/home/sayantan/Knowledge/Independant Studies/Robot Walking/code/robot_walking/data/log_'
                             + str(curr_time) + '_darwin_walk_optimization_symmetric.log', 'w')
        self.log_file.write('Created log file at ' + str(curr_time) + '\n')

        # Initiate the walk optimization

    # Function to generate individuals (network weights and parameters)
    def generate_individual_position(self, Tr_bounds, Ta_bounds, b_bounds, s_bounds, weight_bounds):

        Tr = random.uniform(Tr_bounds[0], Tr_bounds[1])
        Ta = random.uniform(Ta_bounds[0], Ta_bounds[1])
        b = random.uniform(b_bounds[0], b_bounds[1])
        s = random.uniform(s_bounds[0], s_bounds[1])

        # Setting the couplings of the 2 hip joints
        # Generating weights used in network of 4 oscillators
        # This is the weight in each connection of the 4 neuron network
        # The lower limit is the greatest of the numbers the weight should be greater than
        # The upper limit is the smallest of the numbers the weight should be smaller than
        a = random.uniform(max(b, (1 + (Tr / Ta)), weight_bounds[0]), min(((1 + b) / 2.0), weight_bounds[1]))

        # All weights in for the hip neurons are symmetric
        a1_2 = a1_3 = a3_1 = a3_4 = a4_3 = a4_2 = a2_4 = a2_1 = a

        # Generating the coupling of the knee joints
        # The upper limit should be satisfied and the product of the weights should be above a limit
        a5_6 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))
        a6_5 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))

        '''while ((a5_6 * a6_5) < (1 + (Tr/Ta))**2):
            print "stuck"
            a5_6 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))
            a6_5 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))

        # The knee neuron couplings in the other leg are symmetric
        a7_8 = a5_6
        a8_7 = a6_5

        # Generating the coupling of the ankle joints
        # The upper limit should be satisfied and the product of the weights should be above a limit
        a9_10 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))
        a10_9 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))

        '''while ((a9_10 * a10_9) < (1 + (Tr/Ta))**2):
            a9_10 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))
            a10_9 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], min((1 + b), weight_bounds[1]))

        # The knee neuron couplings in the other leg are symmetric
        a11_12 = a9_10
        a12_11 = a10_9

        # Generating the coupling weight between hip and knee
        a1_5 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], weight_bounds[1])
        a2_7 = a1_5

        # Generating the coupling weight between hip and ankle
        a1_10 = random.uniform(weight_bounds[0], weight_bounds[1])
        a2_12 = a1_10

        return [a, a5_6, a6_5, a9_10, a10_9, a1_5, a1_10, Tr, Ta, b, s]

    # Function to calculate the next state of the Matsuoka neural oscillators
    def matsuoka(self, individual, state):

        print "State: " + str(state)
        print "Individual: " + str(individual)

        # Extract the network weights and parameters
        a1_3 = a3_1 = a3_4 = a4_3 = a4_2 = a2_4 = a2_1 = a1_2 = individual[0]
        a5_6 = a7_8 = individual[1]
        a6_5 = a8_7 = individual[2]
        a9_10 = a11_12 = individual[3]
        a10_9 = a12_11 = individual[4]
        a1_5 = a2_7 = individual[5]
        a1_10 = a2_12 = individual[6]
        Tr = individual[7]
        Ta = individual[8]
        b = individual[9]
        s = individual[10]

        # Extract the current states
        # The numbering scheme: For f21 <variable=f><oscillator#=2><1 for extensor, 2 for flexor>
        # Each oscillator has the state [x1,x2,f1,f2,y1,y2]
        # There are 6 such oscillators
        x1 = state[0]
        x2 = state[1]
        x3 = state[2]
        x4 = state[3]
        x5 = state[4]
        x6 = state[5]
        x7 = state[6]
        x8 = state[7]
        x9 = state[8]
        x10 = state[9]
        x11 = state[10]
        x12 = state[11]

        f1 = state[12]
        f2 = state[13]
        f3 = state[14]
        f4 = state[15]
        f5 = state[16]
        f6 = state[17]
        f7 = state[18]
        f8 = state[19]
        f9 = state[20]
        f10 = state[21]
        f11 = state[22]
        f12 = state[23]

        y1 = state[24]
        y2 = state[25]
        y3 = state[26]
        y4 = state[27]
        y5 = state[28]
        y6 = state[29]
        y7 = state[30]
        y8 = state[31]
        y9 = state[32]
        y10 = state[33]
        y11 = state[34]
        y12 = state[35]

        # Calculate the derivatives of the membrane potentials
        # This is based on the connections between the individual neurons

        # Hip neurons
        x1_d = ((-1.0 * a3_1 * y3) - (a2_1 * y2) + (s) - (b * f1) - (x1)) / float(Tr)
        x3_d = ((-1.0 * a1_3 * y1) - (a4_3 * y4) + (s) - (b * f3) - (x3)) / float(Tr)
        x4_d = ((-1.0 * a3_4 * y3) - (a2_4 * y2) + (s) - (b * f4) - (x4)) / float(Tr)
        x2_d = ((-1.0 * a4_2 * y4) - (a1_2 * y1) + (s) - (b * f2) - (x2)) / float(Tr)

        # Knee neurons
        x5_d = ((-1.0 * a6_5 * y6) - (a1_5 * y1) + (s) - (b * f5) - (x5)) / float(Tr)
        x6_d = ((-1.0 * a5_6 * y5) + (s) - (b * f6) - (x6)) / float(Tr)
        x7_d = ((-1.0 * a8_7 * y8) - (a2_7 * y2) + (s) - (b * f7) - (x7)) / float(Tr)
        x8_d = ((-1.0 * a7_8 * y7) + (s) - (b * f8) - (x8)) / float(Tr)

        # Ankle neurons
        x9_d = ((-1.0 * a10_9 * y10) + (s) - (b * f9) - (x9)) / float(Tr)
        x10_d = ((-1.0 * a9_10 * y9) - (a1_10 * y1) + (s) - (b * f10) - (x10)) / float(Tr)
        x11_d = ((-1.0 * a12_11 * y12) + (s) - (b * f11) - (x11)) / float(Tr)
        x12_d = ((-1.0 * a11_12 * y11) - (a2_12 * y2) + (s) - (b * f12) - (x12)) / float(Tr)

        # Calculate the elements of the next state
        x1 += self.STEP_DURATION * x1_d
        x2 += self.STEP_DURATION * x2_d
        x3 += self.STEP_DURATION * x3_d
        x4 += self.STEP_DURATION * x4_d
        x5 += self.STEP_DURATION * x5_d
        x6 += self.STEP_DURATION * x6_d
        x7 += self.STEP_DURATION * x7_d
        x8 += self.STEP_DURATION * x8_d
        x9 += self.STEP_DURATION * x9_d
        x10 += self.STEP_DURATION * x10_d
        x11 += self.STEP_DURATION * x11_d
        x12 += self.STEP_DURATION * x12_d

        y1 = max(0.0, x1)
        y2 = max(0.0, x2)
        y3 = max(0.0, x3)
        y4 = max(0.0, x4)
        y5 = max(0.0, x5)
        y6 = max(0.0, x6)
        y7 = max(0.0, x7)
        y8 = max(0.0, x8)
        y9 = max(0.0, x9)
        y10 = max(0.0, x10)
        y11 = max(0.0, x11)
        y12 = max(0.0, x12)

        f1_d = (y1 - f1) / float(Ta)
        f2_d = (y2 - f2) / float(Ta)
        f3_d = (y3 - f3) / float(Ta)
        f4_d = (y4 - f4) / float(Ta)
        f5_d = (y5 - f5) / float(Ta)
        f6_d = (y6 - f6) / float(Ta)
        f7_d = (y7 - f7) / float(Ta)
        f8_d = (y8 - f8) / float(Ta)
        f9_d = (y9 - f9) / float(Ta)
        f10_d = (y10 - f10) / float(Ta)
        f11_d = (y11 - f11) / float(Ta)
        f12_d = (y12 - f12) / float(Ta)

        f1 += self.STEP_DURATION * f1_d
        f2 += self.STEP_DURATION * f2_d
        f3 += self.STEP_DURATION * f3_d
        f4 += self.STEP_DURATION * f4_d
        f5 += self.STEP_DURATION * f5_d
        f6 += self.STEP_DURATION * f6_d
        f7 += self.STEP_DURATION * f7_d
        f8 += self.STEP_DURATION * f8_d
        f9 += self.STEP_DURATION * f9_d
        f10 += self.STEP_DURATION * f10_d
        f11 += self.STEP_DURATION * f11_d
        f12 += self.STEP_DURATION * f12_d

        # Create the return state
        ret_state = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12,
                     f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12,
                     y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y11, y12]

        return ret_state

    # Function for Walking using Matsuoka Oscillator
    def matsuoka_walking_fitness(self, individual):

        joint_plot_1 = []
        t1 = []
        t2 = []
        joint_plot_2 = []

        print 'Received Individual:' + str(individual)

        # Reset the simulation before each walk

        # Set initial state - [x1-12, f1-12, y1-12]
        oscillator_state = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  # x1-12
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,  # f1-12
                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  # y1-12

        # Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0

        # Calculate the number of iterations
        num_iterations = self.TRIAL_DURATION / self.STEP_DURATION

        i = 0
        while (i < num_iterations):

            # Compute the next state from the Matsuoka oscillator
            # Pass the individual (with weights and constants)
            oscillator_state = self.matsuoka(individual, oscillator_state)

            # Unpack the state vector
            y1 = oscillator_state[24]
            y2 = oscillator_state[25]
            y3 = oscillator_state[26]
            y4 = oscillator_state[27]
            y5 = oscillator_state[28]
            y6 = oscillator_state[29]
            y7 = oscillator_state[30]
            y8 = oscillator_state[31]
            y9 = oscillator_state[32]
            y10 = oscillator_state[33]
            y11 = oscillator_state[34]
            y12 = oscillator_state[35]

            # Right Leg
            # neuron 1+3   => j_thigh2_r (hip)
            # neuron 5+6   => j_tibia_r  (knee)
            # neuron 9+10  => j_ankle1_r (ankle)

            # Left Leg
            # neuron 2+4   => j_thigh2_l (hip)
            # neuron 7+8   => j_tibia_l  (knee)
            # neuron 11+12 => j_ankle1_l (ankle

            # Shift the positions to the joint origins
            joint_j_thigh2_r = y1 - y3
            joint_j_tibia_r  = y5 - y6
            joint_j_ankle1_r = y9 - y10

            joint_j_thigh2_l = y1 - y3
            joint_j_tibia_l  = (y7 - y8)
            joint_j_ankle1_l = (y11 - y12)

            # If joint angles exceed the joint limits, set the joint limit as the joint angle
            joint_j_thigh2_l = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] if (joint_j_thigh2_l > self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l']) else joint_j_thigh2_l
            joint_j_thigh2_l = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] if (joint_j_thigh2_l < self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l']) else joint_j_thigh2_l
            joint_j_tibia_l = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l']   if (joint_j_tibia_l > self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'])   else joint_j_tibia_l
            joint_j_tibia_l = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l']   if (joint_j_tibia_l < self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'])   else joint_j_tibia_l
            joint_j_ankle1_l = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] if (joint_j_ankle1_l > self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l']) else joint_j_ankle1_l
            joint_j_ankle1_l = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] if (joint_j_ankle1_l < self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l']) else joint_j_ankle1_l
            joint_j_thigh2_r = self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] if (joint_j_thigh2_r > self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r']) else joint_j_thigh2_r
            joint_j_thigh2_r = self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] if (joint_j_thigh2_r < self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r']) else joint_j_thigh2_r
            joint_j_tibia_r = self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r']   if (joint_j_tibia_r > self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'])   else joint_j_tibia_r
            joint_j_tibia_r = self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r']   if (joint_j_tibia_r < self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'])   else joint_j_tibia_r
            joint_j_ankle1_r = self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] if (joint_j_ankle1_r > self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r']) else joint_j_ankle1_r
            joint_j_ankle1_r = self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] if (joint_j_ankle1_r < self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r']) else joint_j_ankle1_r

            print "Joint angles:"
            print "[[" + str(joint_j_thigh2_l) + ", " + str(joint_j_tibia_l) + ", " + str(
                joint_j_ankle1_l) + ", " + str(joint_j_thigh2_r) + ", " + str(joint_j_tibia_r) + ", " + str(
                joint_j_ankle1_r) + "]]"

            if (i * self.STEP_DURATION > 5.0):
                # Set the new angles
                new_angles['j_thigh2_l'] = joint_j_thigh2_l
                new_angles['j_tibia_l'] = joint_j_tibia_l
                new_angles['j_ankle1_l'] = joint_j_ankle1_l

                new_angles['j_thigh2_r'] = joint_j_thigh2_r
                new_angles['j_tibia_r'] = joint_j_tibia_r
                new_angles['j_ankle1_r'] = joint_j_ankle1_r


                # The last parameter is the delay, this should match the step size
                self.darwin.set_angles_slow(new_angles, self.STEP_DURATION)

                # Calculate the current distance travelled by the robot #np.sign(self.current_model_x) *
                self.distance_walked = math.sqrt((self.current_model_x)**2 + (self.current_model_y)**2)

                # If the robot has fallen, return the distance travelled till now as the fitness score
                if (self.has_fallen):
                    #plt.plot(t1, joint_plot_1)
                    #plt.plot(t1, joint_plot_2)
                    return self.distance_walked

            i = i + 1

        # If the trial duration has ended return the distance travelled as the fitness score
        return self.distance_walked

    def reset_simulation(self):

        # Reset the joints
        new_angles = {}
        new_angles['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle2_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_ankle2_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_gripper_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_gripper_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50  # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50  # Arm by the side of the body
        new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pan'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pelvis_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_pelvis_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_shoulder_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_shoulder_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh1_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_tilt'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_wrist_l'] = 0.0
        new_angles['j_wrist_r'] = 0.0
        # Default delay of setting angles is 2 seconds

        # Reset the robot position
        # Send model to x=0,y=0
        pose = Pose()
        pose.position.z = 0.31
        twist = Twist()

        md_state = ModelState()
        md_state.model_name = self.model_name
        md_state.pose = pose
        md_state.twist = twist
        md_state.reference_frame = self.relative_entity_name

        # Service call to reset model
            response = self.set_model_state(md_state)
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Darwin model state initialization service call failed: %s" % e

        rospy.loginfo("Result of model reset: " + str(response))

        # Reset the distance variable
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Reset the position variables
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Reset the height list
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Reset the robot fall detection flag
        self.has_fallen = False
    def __init__(self):

        ################################## Constant Definitions ##################################

        # Matsuoka Oscillator related initialization

        self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.5, 7.5]  # Weights of the neural oscillator connections
        self.Tr1_BOUNDS = [0.25, 1.5]  # Rise time constant
        self.Tr2_BOUNDS = [0.25, 0.75]  # Rise time constant
        self.Ta1_BOUNDS = [0.25, 1.5]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.Ta2_BOUNDS = [0.25, 0.75]  # Adaptation time constant
        self.b_BOUNDS = [1.0, 8.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.s_BOUNDS = [1.0, 3.0]  # Constant of the Matsuoka Oscillator
        self.TRIAL_DURATION = 30  # How many seconds should each trial last
        self.STEP_DURATION = 0.2  # The step increment in seconds

        # PSO specific initialization

        self.POPULATION_SIZE = 30
        self.MAX_ITERS = 100
        self.VEL_BOUND_PCT = 0.2  # Velocity is at most 20% of the position range
        self.C1 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        self.C2 = 2.0  # Acceleration constant
        # Inertial weight, linearly scales from 0.9 to 0.4 over the entire run
        self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = [0.4, 0.9]

        # Darwin specific initialization

        # Hashmap of joint origins
        self.joint_origins = {}
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh1_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_l'] = 0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_l'] = -1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle2_l'] = 0.262
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_origins['j_thigh2_r'] = -0.611
        self.joint_origins['j_tibia_r'] = 1.134
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_origins['j_ankle2_r'] = 0.262

        # Hashmap of joint upper limits
        self.joint_upper_limits = {}
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = 1.745
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_l'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_l'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = 0.524
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 2.269
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = 1.047
        self.joint_upper_limits['j_ankle2_r'] = 1.047

        # Hashmap of joint lower limits
        self.joint_lower_limits = {}
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_l'] = -2.269
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_l'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_l'] = -0.524
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh1_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_thigh2_r'] = -1.745
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_tibia_r'] = 0.0
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle1_r'] = -1.047
        self.joint_lower_limits['j_ankle2_r'] = -0.524

        # Variable to track distance walked by each individual
        self.distance_walked = 0.0

        # Variables to track the position of the robot
        self.current_model_x = 0.0
        self.current_model_y = 0.0
        self.current_model_z = 0.0

        # Variable (list) to track the height of the robot
        self.model_polled_z = []

        # Variable to tracj=k if the robot has fallen
        self.has_fallen = False

        # Constant fall limit - If the z coordinate of the robot is below this, then the robot has fallen
        self.DARWIN_COM_FALL_LIMIT = 0.2

        # ROS specific initialization

        self.model_name = 'darwin'
        self.relative_entity_name = 'world'

        # Initialize the ROS node
        rospy.init_node('darwin_walk_demo', anonymous=False)

        # Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
        rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, self.subscriber_callback_modelstate)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
        self.get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

        # Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
        self.set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

        # Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
        self.get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)

        # Create the Darwin model
        self.darwin = Darwin()

        # Initialize log file

        # Current time
        curr_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

        # Create a log file
        self.log_file = open('/home/sayantan/Knowledge/Independant Studies/Robot Walking/code/robot_walking/data/log_'
                             + str(curr_time) + '_matsuoka_walk_optimization.log', 'w')
        # To control if log contents are dumped on screen as well                     
        self.verbose = True
        self.log_file.write('Created log file at ' + str(curr_time) + '\n')
        # Write the parameters to the log file
        self.log_file.write("Constants and Parameters: "  + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("###########################################" + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("WEIGHT_BOUNDS = " + str(self.WEIGHT_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Tr1_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Tr1_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Tr2_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Tr2_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Ta1_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Ta1_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("Ta2_BOUNDS = " + str(self.Ta2_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("b_BOUNDS = " + str(self.b_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("s_BOUNDS = " + str(self.s_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("TRIAL_DURATION = " + str(self.TRIAL_DURATION) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("STEP_DURATION = " + str(self.STEP_DURATION) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("POPULATION_SIZE = " + str(self.POPULATION_SIZE) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("MAX_ITERS = " + str(self.MAX_ITERS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("VEL_BOUND_PCT = " + str(self.VEL_BOUND_PCT) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("C1 = " + str(self.C1) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("C2 = " + str(self.C2) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS = " + str(self.INERTIAL_WEIGHT_BOUNDS) + "\n")
        self.log_file.write("###########################################" + "\n" + "\n")

        # Initiate the walk optimization
# Subscribe to the /gazebo/model_states topic
rospy.Subscriber("/gazebo/model_states", ModelStates, subscriber_callback_modelstate)

# Register the client for service gazebo/get_model_state
get_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)

# Register the client for service gazebo/set_model_state
set_model_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState)

# Register the client for service /darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers
get_joint_state = rospy.ServiceProxy('/darwin/controller_manager/list_controllers', ListControllers)

darwin = Darwin()
# Set the shoulder roll angle and elbow so that arms are at the side
new_angles = {}
new_angles['j_high_arm_l'] = 1.50
new_angles['j_high_arm_r'] = 1.50
new_angles['j_low_arm_l'] = 0.0
new_angles['j_low_arm_r'] = 0.0

# Declare lists to be used for plots
hip_left = []
knee_left = []
ankle_left = []
hip_right = []
knee_right = []
ankle_right = []
Пример #18
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from darwin_gazebo.darwin import Darwin

if __name__ == "__main__":

    rospy.loginfo("Instantiating Darwin Client")
    darwin = Darwin()

    rospy.loginfo("Darwin Walker Demo Starting")

    darwin.set_angles({"j_high_arm_l": 0.5})
    darwin.set_angles({"j_high_arm_r": 0.5})
    darwin.set_angles({"j_high_arm_l": 0.8})
    darwin.set_angles({"j_high_arm_r": 0.8})

    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0.2, 0, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(1, 0, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0, 1, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(0, -1, 0)
    darwin.set_walk_velocity(-1, 0, 0)