def contents_layout(self): state = {"symprec": 0.01, "angle_tolerance": 5} symprec = self.get_numerical_input( label="Symmetry-finding tolerance", kwarg_label="symprec", state=state, help_str="Tolerance of distance between atomic positions and between lengths " "of lattice vectors to be tolerated in the symmetry finding in Ångstroms. " "The angle distortion between lattice vectors is converted to a length and " "compared with this distance tolerance.", shape=(), min=0, ) angle_tolerance = self.get_numerical_input( label="Angle tolerance", kwarg_label="angle_tolerance", state=state, help_str="Explicit angle tolerance for symmetry finding in degrees. " "Set to a negative value to disable.", shape=(), ) return html.Div( [ symprec, angle_tolerance, html.Br(), html.Br(), Loading("analysis")), ] )
def render_output_panel(area_select): data.process_data_for_area(area_select) card = html.Div([ dbc.Card(className="bg-dark text-light", children=[ dbc.CardBody([ html.H4(area_select, id="card-name", className="card-title"), html.Br(), html.H6("Compared to England:", className="card-title"), html.H4("{:,.0f}%".format(data.compare_to_eng), className="card-text text-light"), html.Br(), html.H6( "Compared to previous year:".format(area=area), className="card-title"), html.H4("{:,.0f}%".format(data.change_area), className="card-text text-light"), html.Br(), html.H6("Best period:", className="card-title"), html.H4(data.best_period, className="card-text text-light"), html.H6("with recycling rate {:,.0f}%".format( data.best_rate), className="card-title text-light"), html.Br() ]) ]) ]) return card
def get_regional_emissions_comparison(): return html.Div( dbc.Col( [ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2( [ "Emissions Across Regions in ", html.Strong( id="country_name", style={ "fontWeight": "normal", "color": "green" }, ), ], style={ "textAlign": "center", "marginLeft": "12%" }, ), dcc.Graph(id="regional_emissions_comparison_choropleth"), ], id="regional_emissions_comparison_component", ), style={"marginLeft": "-12%"}, )
def welcomePage(self): title = html.H1( "Recount", style={ "marginBottom": "-1rem", "fontSize": "8rem", "fontWeight": "bold", }, ) subtext_title = html.Strong("Gonna check dat budget!", style={"fontSize": "3rem"}) upper_welcome = html.Div([title, subtext_title], style={"textAlign": "center"}) welcome = html.H2([html.Br(), "Welcome"], style={ "fontSize": "6rem", "fontWeight": "bold" }) paraf1 = html.P([ "Bonjour et bienvenu sur ", html.Strong("Recount"), ", une application qui permet de visualiser ses dépenses.", ]) paraf2 = html.P([ html.Br(), "La ", "version 0.1", " viens de sortir, et ", html.Strong("vous avez été choisi pour la tester!"), ]) paraf3 = html.P([ "Testez, jouez avec les données, et faites moi des retours par mail quand vous le souhaitez à ", html.A("*****@*****.**"), ]) paraf4 = html.P([ "Si vous voulez un petit ", html.Strong("tuto"), " pour vous lancer, j'ai préparé ", html.A("celui-ci."), ]) paraf5 = html.P([ html.Br(), "Niveau sécurité, tout les fichiers sont chiffrés et les connexions sécurisées. Mais je ne vais pas mentir : tout est cadenassé, mais les clefs ne sont pas cachées. Il faut partir du principe qu'", html.Strong("une fuite de données peut arriver TRÈS facilement."), " Si cela vous dérange d'entrer vos dépenses personnelles, utilisez les données de l'exemple ou inventez vos propres données.", ]) paraf6 = html.P([ html.Br(), "Je reste joignable sur mon téléphone, mail ou via facebook." ]) paraf7 = html.P([html.Br(), "Amusez vous bien!"]) list_parafs = [paraf1, paraf2, paraf3, paraf4, paraf5, paraf6, paraf7] for i in range(len(list_parafs)): list_parafs[i].style = {"fontSize": "xx-large"} parafs = html.Div(list_parafs) return html.Div([upper_welcome, welcome, parafs])
def get_project_time_series(): return html.Div( dbc.Col([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2("Emissions Timeline", style={"textAlign": "center"}), dcc.Graph(id="project_time_series"), ]), style={"paddingLeft": "3%"}, )
def get_project_emissions_bar_chart(): return html.Div( dbc.Col([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2("Emissions Detail", style={"textAlign": "center"}), dcc.Graph(id="project_emissions_bar_chart"), ]), style={"paddingLeft": "3%"}, )
def format_additional_content(self): container = html.Div(children=[]) for content in self._record["additional_content"]: div = html.Div(children=[html.H3(content["title"]), html.Br()]) for image in content["images"]: div.children.append(self.format_image(image)) div.children.append(html.P(content["body"])) div.children.append(html.Br()) container.children.append(div) return container
def format_associations(self): assocs = self._record["associations"] div = html.Div(children=[]) if len(self._record["associations"]) > 0: div.children.append(html.H3("Associations")) div.children.append(html.Br()) for assoc in self._record["associations"]: div.children.append( html.P("{}, {}".format(assoc["name"], assoc["type"]))) div.children.append(html.Br()) return div
def format_pulsar_paramters(self): pp = self._record["pulsar_parameters"] return html.Div(children=[ html.H3("Pulsar Parameters"), html.Br(), html.P(["Period: {} ms".format(pp["period"])]), html.P( dcc.Markdown("Dispersion measure: {} pc cm<sup>-3</sup>". format(pp["dm"]), dangerously_allow_html=True)), html.P("Binary: {}".format(pp["binary"])), html.Br() ])
def format_discovery_parameters(self): dp = self._record["discovery_parameters"] return html.Div(children=[ html.H3("Discovery details"), html.Br(), html.P("Discovery date: {}".format(dp["discovery_date"])), html.P("Observation date: {}".format(dp["observation_date"])), html.P("Observation band: {}".format(dp["discovery_band"])), html.P("Discovery S/N: {}".format(dp["discovery_snr"])), html.P("Pipeline: {}".format(dp["pipeline"])), html.P("Project: {}".format(dp["project"])), html.Br() ])
def display_data_retrieval(value, tab): global client global client_thread if value == 'realtime': if tab == 'server': delete_residual_data(delete_streams=False) try: client.data_retrieval = False client_thread.close() client_thread = SLThread('Client SL Realtime', client) client_thread.start() except AttributeError: pass return [] else: if tab == 'server': try: client.data_retrieval = True client_thread.close() except AttributeError: pass return [dcc.DatePickerSingle(id='date-picker-dcc', date=UTCDateTime().date, display_format='YYYY/MM/DD', number_of_months_shown=2, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '40%'}), dbc.Input(id="input-hour", type="number", placeholder="HH", min=0, max=23, step=1, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '20%'}), dbc.Input(id="input-min", type="number", placeholder="MM", min=0, max=59, step=1, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '20%'}), dbc.Input(id="input-sec", type="number", placeholder="SS", min=0, max=59, step=1, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': '20%'}), html.Br(), 'Duration: ', dbc.Input(id="input-period", type="number", value=1, min=1, max=59, step=1, style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width': "20%"}), dbc.Select(id='select-period', options=[ {"label": "day", "value": "day"}, {"label": "hour", "value": "hour"}, {"label": "min", "value": "min"}, {"label": "sec", "value": "sec"}, ], value='hour', style={'display': 'inline-block', 'width':"20%"}), ' ', dbc.Button("Retrieve Data", id='retrieve-data-btn', color="success", className="mb-1", n_clicks=0, style={'display': 'inline-block'}), html.Br()]
def selection(): """ Drop downs for Comparison tab """ selection_health = [ html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ 'Group by:', dbc.Card( dcc.Dropdown( style={'height': '40px'}, id='group', options=[{'label': 'Patient', 'value': 'Name'}, {'label': 'Age', 'value': 'Age'}, {'label': 'Sex', 'value': 'Sex'}], value='Name', clearable=False ))], style={'height': '100%'}), dbc.Col([ 'First plot(x axis)', dbc.Card( dcc.Dropdown( id='Bar chart', style={'height': '100%'}, options=[{'label': name, 'value': name} for name in label_bar], value=label_bar[0], clearable=False, ))]), dbc.Col([ 'Second plot(y axis)', dbc.Card(dcc.Dropdown( id='linear plot', style={'height': '100%'}, options=[{'label': name, 'value': name} for name in label_linear], value=label_linear[1], clearable=False, ))]), ]), ] selection_workout = [html.Br(), dbc.Row([dbc.Col(['Show heart rate during', dcc.Dropdown( id='Bar chart2', style={'height': '100%'}, options=[{'label': name, 'value': name} for name in label_bar2], value='Walking', clearable=False, )])])] return selection_health, selection_workout
def solar(): return html.Div([ html.Div([ html.Div([], className="col-md-2"), html.Div([ html.H2('US Solar Capacity'), html.Br(), dbc.Table.from_dataframe( df, striped=True, bordered=True, hover=True), html.Div(id='output') ], className="col-md-8"), html.Div([], className="col-md-2") ], className='row'), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col([ dcc.Link("Global Warming", href=spa.url_for('warming'), className="btn btn-primary float-end") ], md=12) ]) ], className="container-fluid")
def layout(self): voltage = self.get_numerical_input( kwarg_label="voltage", default=200, label="Voltage / kV", help_str= "The incident wavelength with which to generate the diffraction pattern, " "typically corresponding to a TEM microscope’s voltage.", ) beam_direction = self.get_numerical_input( kwarg_label="beam_direction", default=[0, 0, 1], label="Beam Direction", help_str= "The direction of the electron beam fired onto the sample.", shape=(3, ), is_int=True, ) # TODO: add additional kwargs for TemCalculator, or switch to an alternative solution return Columns([ Column([Box(Loading("tem-plot")))], size=8), Column( [voltage, html.Br(), beam_direction], size=4, ), ], )
def build_login_form(ctx): frm = SpaForm(ctx, 'loginFrm') def registerLink(): return html.Div([ "Don't have an account? ", dcc.Link("Create one", href=admin.url_for('register')) ], className="mt-4 text-center") flash = frm.Alert(id='flash') email = frm.Input('Email', id='email', name='email', type='email', placeholder="Enter email") password = frm.PasswordInput("Password", name='password', id="password", placeholder="Enter password") password.children.insert( 1, dcc.Link('Forgot Password?', href=admin.url_for('forgot'), className="float-end")) remember = frm.Checkbox("Remember me", id='remember', name='remember', checked=True) button = frm.Button('Sign In', type='submit', id='btn') redirect = frm.Location(id='redirect', refresh=True) form = frm.Form( [flash, email, password, remember, html.Br(), button, registerLink()], id='login') @admin.callback([redirect.output.href, flash.output.children], [form.input.form_data]) def _form_submit(values): redirect = frm.NOUPDATE error = frm.NOUPDATE if ctx.isTriggered(form.input.form_data): email = values['email'] password = values['password'] remember = values['remember'] valid = app.login_manager.login(email, password, remember) if valid: redirect = admin.url_for('user.profile') else: error = 'Please check your login details and try again.' return redirect, error layout = form_layout('Sign in', form) return html.Div([layout, redirect])
def init_dashboard(server): dash_app = dash.Dash( server=server, routes_pathname_prefix="/", external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.SUPERHERO], ) dash_app.title = 'Covid-19 Dashboard' #lo Create Layout dash_app.layout = dbc.Container( [ html.H1("USA Covid-19 Dashboard"), html.P(children=['Last updated: ',last_update], style={'text-align': 'right'}), html.Hr(), dbc.Tabs( [ dbc.Tab(label="Overview", tab_id="tab-1"), dbc.Tab(label="Testing", tab_id="tab-3"), dbc.Tab(label="Hospitalizations", tab_id="tab-4"), dbc.Tab(label="Deaths", tab_id="tab-5"), dbc.Tab(label="Vaccination", tab_id="tab-2"), dbc.Tab(label="About", tab_id="tab-6"), ], id = 'tabs', active_tab = 'tab-1', ), html.Div(id="tab-content", className="p-4"), html.Br(), html.Div(id="drop_figure"), ] ) init_callbacks(dash_app) return dash_app.server
def cards_view(): """ card layout """ cards = [ dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Resting Heart Rate Average", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='RestingHeartRate', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4), dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Walking Heart Rate Average", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='WalkingHeartRate', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4), dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Average Heart Rate", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='HeartRate_mean', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4) ]), html.Br(), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Steps", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='step', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4), dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Active Calories", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='ActivitySummary', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4), dbc.Col(dbc.Card([ html.P("Exercise minutes ", className="card-text"), html.H3(id='Exercise_minute', className="card-title"), ], body=True, color="light", style={'height': '100%'}), sm=4) ]) ] return cards
def update_results(n1, n2, nsum): context.calls = context.calls + 1 context.callback_contexts.append(callback_context.triggered) return [ "{} + {} = {}".format(n1, n2, nsum), html.Br(), "ctx.triggered={}".format(callback_context.triggered), ]
def display_click_data(clickdata): if clickdata is None: raise PreventUpdate points = clickdata['points'][0] hovertext = points['hovertext'] hoverline = [] for x in hovertext.split('<br>'): if x: hoverline.append(x) hoverline.append(html.Br()) else: # if blank line hoverline.append(html.Br()) child_info = [ html.Div('Click on variant to display its information'), html.Br(), html.Div(children=hoverline) ] return child_info
def input_md5_demo(value, md5Value): if value: return [ fac.AntdText('value: ', strong=True), value, html.Br(), fac.AntdText('md5Value: ', strong=True), md5Value ]
def contents_layout(self) -> html.Div: algorithm_choices = self.get_choice_input( label="Analysis method", kwarg_label="algorithm", state={"algorithm": "chemenv"}, options=[ {"label": "ChemEnv", "value": "chemenv"}, {"label": "LocalEnv", "value": "localenv"}, {"label": "Bonding Graph", "value": "bondinggraph"}, {"label": "SOAP", "value": "soap"}, ], help_str="Choose an analysis method to examine the local chemical environment. " "Several methods exist and there is no guaranteed correct answer, so try multiple!", ) analysis = html.Div("analysis")) return html.Div([algorithm_choices, html.Br(), analysis, html.Br()])
def test_grva008_shapes_not_lost(dash_dcc): # See issue #879 and pr #905 app = Dash(__name__) fig = {"data": [], "layout": {"dragmode": "drawrect"}} graph = dcc.Graph(id="graph", figure=fig, style={"height": "400px"}) app.layout = html.Div( [ graph, html.Br(), html.Button(id="button", children="Clone figure"), html.Div(id="output", children=""), ] ) app.clientside_callback( """ function clone_figure(_, figure) { const new_figure = {...figure}; const shapes = new_figure.layout.shapes || []; return [new_figure, shapes.length]; } """, Output("graph", "figure"), Output("output", "children"), Input("button", "n_clicks"), State("graph", "figure"), ) dash_dcc.start_server(app) button = dash_dcc.wait_for_element("#button") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#output", "0") # Draw a shape dash_dcc.click_and_hold_at_coord_fractions("#graph", 0.25, 0.25) dash_dcc.move_to_coord_fractions("#graph", 0.35, 0.75) dash_dcc.release() # Click to trigger an update of the output, the shape should survive dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#output", "0") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#output", "1") # Draw another shape dash_dcc.click_and_hold_at_coord_fractions("#graph", 0.75, 0.25) dash_dcc.move_to_coord_fractions("#graph", 0.85, 0.75) dash_dcc.release() # Click to trigger an update of the output, the shape should survive dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#output", "1") dash_dcc.wait_for_text_to_equal("#output", "2") assert dash_dcc.get_logs() == []
def get_references(): return html.Div([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2("References "), html.Ul([ html.Li( html.A( "Energy Usage Reports: Environmental awareness as part of algorithmic accountability", href="", )), html.Li( html.A( "Quantifying the Carbon Emissions of Machine Learning", href="", )), ]), html.Br(), html.Br(), ])
def getSummaryText(df, now): return [ html.P([ "These are the test results for the ", html.A("Traceability Interop Profile", href="", target="_blank"), " as of:" + now ]), html.P([ "The highest current % of passed tests by a single provider is: ", str(df['Passing'].min()), html.Br(), "The lowest is: ", str(df['Passing'].max()), html.Br(), "Across all providers the average % of passed tests is: ", "{:.1%}".format( df['Passing'].str.replace("\%", "").astype(float).mean() / 100), ]) ]
def layout(self): return html.Div([ html.Div( "Transform your crystal structure using the power of pymatgen.", className="mpc-panel-description", ), self._sub_layouts["choices"], html.Br(), html.Div("error")), html.Div("transformation_options")), ])
def get_global_comparison(self): return html.Div([ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2( "Global Benchmarks", style={ "textAlign": "center", "paddingLeft": "15%", "marginLeft": "-15%", }, ), html.Br(), html.Br(), dcc.Tabs( id="global_benchmarks", value="emissions_tab", children=[self.get_emissions_tab(), self.get_energy_mix_tab()], ), ])
def update_model(*args): """ Set up reduced model """ fixed_parameters = list(args) app.update_model(fixed_parameters) output = [] for i in range(len(parameters_name)): output.append(parameters_name[i] + ' = {}'.format(fixed_parameters[i])) output.append(html.Br()) return html.P(output)
def form_container(title, fields, id=None): if id: form = dhc.Form(fields, id=id, preventDefault=True) else: form = dhc.Form(fields, preventDefault=True) return html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div(className="col-md-2"), html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Br(), html.H4(title), html.Br(), form, html.Br(), ], className="card-body", ) ], className="card", ) ], className="col-md-8", ), html.Div(className="col-md-2"), ], className="row", ) ], className="container-fluid", )
def update_localenv_analysis(graph): if not graph: raise PreventUpdate graph = self.from_data(graph) return html.Div( [ str(_get_local_order_parameters(graph, 0)), html.Br(), html.Small("This functionality is still under development."), ] )
def get_cloud_emissions_comparison(): return html.Div( dbc.Col( [ html.Br(), html.Br(), html.H2( [ "Emissions Across ", html.Strong( id="cloud_provider_name", style={ "fontWeight": "normal", "color": "green" }, ), " Regions", ], style={ "textAlign": "center", "marginLeft": "12%" }, ), dcc.Graph(id="cloud_emissions_barchart"), html.Br(), html.Div( id="cloud_recommendation", style={ "marginLeft": "12%", "textAlign": "center" }, ), ], id="cloud_emissions_comparison_component", ), style={"marginLeft": "-12%"}, )