def _set_layout(assets): asset_names = sorted(assets.keys()) header_elements = [ Div( [ H1("Data Asset Visualiser", className="header-title"), P("Load assets from JSON Lines files", className="header-description"), ], className="header", ), Div( dcc.Dropdown( id="asset-filter", options=[{"label": a, "value": a} for a in asset_names], value="", clearable=True, className="dropdown", ), className="menu", ), ] body = Div(_generate_body(), id="charts-body", className="wrapper") all_elements = header_elements + [body] return Div(all_elements)
def get_item_hud(hud_title='LCL FORECAST ANALYSIS', hud_1_0='', hud_1_1='') \ -> Container: """ :param hud_title: str top of HUD :param hud_1_0: str Byline Position 1 :param hud_1_1: str Byline Position 2 :param hud_1_2: str :return: Container: 'item-hud-container' Row Container:'item-hud-title-container' Col H1: 'hud-title' Container: 'item-hud-byline-container' Row Navbar: item-hud-bar' NavItem: H2: 'hud-1-0' H2: hud-1-1' Row Tabs: 'table-tabs-nav' Tab: 'tab-all """ layout = Container( fluid=True, id='item-hud-container', children=[ Row( Container( id='item-hud-title-container', children=[Col(H1(id='hud-title', children=hud_title))])), Container( id='item-hud-byline-container', style=VISIBILITY_HIDDEN, children=[ Row([ Navbar(id='item-hud-bar', children=[ NavItem(H2(hud_1_0, id='hud-1-0')), NavItem(H2(hud_1_1, id='hud-1-1')) ]) ]), Row([ Tabs( id='table-tabs-nav', children=[Tab(tab_id='tab-all', label='All')], ) ], id='item-hub-tabs-row') ]), Div(id='datasource-1'), Div(id='datasource-2') ]) return layout
def get_html(self) -> List[ComponentMeta]: """Initializes the header dash html """ content = self.content return [ Div(children=[ H1(className="penn-medicine-header__title", id="title", children=content["title"]), Markdown(content["description"]) ]) ]
def not_found() -> Div: """ Returns the 404 page not found page """ return Container([ Row([ Col([ H1('404 Page not found'), internal_link('Home', href='/'), ]) ]) ])
def index() -> Div: ''' Returns the app index page ''' return Container([ Row([ Col([ H1('Welcome to the Index Page'), P('You can visit a second page by' ' clicking the link below'), internal_link('Hello Page', href='/hello'), ]) ]) ])
def hello() -> Div: ''' Returns the hello page ''' return Container([ Row([ Col([ H1('Hello, World!'), Br(), Input(id='hello_input', value='', type='text', placeholder='Enter name', debounce=True), Br(), Div(id='hello_output'), internal_link('Home', href='/'), ]) ]) ])
def main(): app = dash.Dash() html_graphs = top_html_graphs() html_table = monthly_html_table() app.css.append_css({ 'external_url': '' }) app.layout = Div(children=[ Div(H1([ 'Personal Finance ', html.Small('insights', style={'color': '#888'}) ]), className='page-header'), html_graphs, html_table ], style={'padding': '2%'}) # firefox = Popen(['firefox', '--new-tab', '']) app.run_server(debug=True)
def html_instruction_list(self) -> typing.List: return [ H1("BET ETF Calculator"), Ul( [ Li("Andrei Răduță"), Li("*****@*****.**"), Li( Link( children="", href="", ) ), ] ), H2("Instructions:"), Ol( [ Li("Set the size of the list of symbols."), Li("Set the sum you are going to invest."), Li("Set the specific transaction fee for your grid."), Li( [ "Set your current holdings for each symbol ", I("(no information is stored)."), ] ), Li( ( "The buying price is the last price (at the specified " "time). Feel free to change it." ) ), Li("Place your orders. The order values should be the same."), ] ), I(id="symbols_time"), ]
def __init__(self): super(GK_GUI, self).__init__() = dash.Dash() self.serve_static() print(__file__) self.vars = {} self.get_data() = Div(children=[ H1(children='GEKKO results', style={'text-align': 'center'}), Div(className='col-sm-3', children=[ H3("options['INFO']"), Div(children=[ self.make_options_table(self.options['INFO'], ["Option", "Value"]) ]), H3("options['APM']"), Div(children=[ self.make_options_table(self.options['APM'], ["Option", "Value"]) ]) ]), Div(className='col-sm-9', children=[self.make_tabs()]) ])
def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) dash_app = Dash(__name__, server=app, url_base_pathname='/dash/', external_stylesheets=[{ "href": "" "family=Lato:wght@400;700&display=swap", "rel": "stylesheet", }]) dash_app.layout = Div(children=[ Div(children=[ P(children='📈', className='header-emoji'), H1(children='Dash-PTS', className='header-title'), P( children=''' A Free and Open Source project-tracking systems tool: ''', className='header-description', ), P( children='', className='header-description', ), ], className='header'), Div( children=[ Div(children=[ Div(children='Department', className='menu-title'), Dropdown(id='department-name', options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in ['Sales', 'R&D', 'Support']], value='R&D', className='dropdown') ], ), Div(children=[ Div(children='Team', className='menu-title'), Dropdown( id='team-name', options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in ['Data Science', 'Mobile', 'WEB', 'QA']], value='Mobile', className='dropdown') ], ), ], className='menu', ), Div( children=[ Graph( id='burn-down', className='card', config={'displayModeBar': False}, ), Graph( id='velocity', className='card', config={'displayModeBar': False}, ) ], className='wrapper', ) ], ) @app.route('/dash') def index(): return dash_app.index() @dash_app.callback([ Output(component_id='burn-down', component_property='figure'), Output(component_id='velocity', component_property='figure'), ], [ Input(component_id='team-name', component_property='value'), Input(component_id='department-name', component_property='value'), ]) def generate_graphs(team_name, department_name): return (burn_down( sprint='', initial_data=datetime(2021, 4, 5), final_data=datetime(2021, 4, 16), total_points=50, sprint_data=[50, 45, 41, 37, 39, 39, 39, 35, 27, 13], ), velocity({ 'names': ['Sprint ' + str(x) for x in range(1, 7)], 'commitment': [50, 47, 61, 53, 50, 51], 'completed': [52, 43, 58, 58, 49, 39], })) return app
dates = shops = shops = np.append(shops, ["All"]) #TODO: #Dropdown limit today ="%Y-%m-%d") prices_today = prices_df[prices_df['date']==today] fig =, x='name', y='price',title="Product Prices") bars_page = [ Container([ H1('Bar plot'), H4('Select Date'), dcc.Dropdown( id='dateDropdown', options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in dates], value=[i for i in dates]), H4('Select shop'), dcc.Dropdown( id='shopDropdown', options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in shops], value=[i for i in shops]), H4('Select type of product'), dcc.Dropdown( id='productDropdown',
from dash_html_components import Div, H1 from modules.utils import colors layout_error_404 = Div([ H1( children='404 - Page not found', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text'] } ) ])
config = {'edits': {'shapePosition': True}} graphdcc = dcc.Graph(id='tested_graph', figure=wind_figure(dflb, times=[('2018-12-12', '2018-12-13')]), style={ "width": "98%", 'height': '98%' }, config=config) div0 = TileDiv([Span("Page de test des tracés", className='app-title')], className="header") div1 = TileDiv([graphdcc], nrows=8, className='chart_div') div2 = TileDiv( [H1("Relayout data"), P(id='relayout-data')], nrows=4, className='chart_div') div3 = TileDiv([P('some text')], className='chart_div') apptest.layout = Div(generate_layout(div0, div1, div2, div3)) @apptest.callback(Output('relayout-data', 'children'), [Input('tested_graph', 'relayoutData')]) def display_selected_data(relayoutData): return json.dumps(relayoutData, indent=2) # @apptest.callback( # Output('tested_graph','figure'),
from dash.dependencies import Input as DInput from dash.dependencies import Output as DOutput from dotmap import DotMap as dot import pandas as pd import dash_table import datetime as date import dash_core_components as dcc __prices_file = 'csv/prices.csv' prices_df = pd.read_csv(__prices_file) productOptions = prices_df.kind.unique() table_page = [ Container([ H1('Table'), H4('Select type of product'), dcc.Dropdown(id='productDropdown', options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in productOptions], value=[i for i in productOptions]), dash_table.DataTable(columns=[{ 'name': 'Name', 'id': 'name', 'type': 'text' }, { 'name': 'Kind', 'id': 'kind', 'type': 'text'
from dash_html_components import Div, Img, Button, H2, H1, P, Hr, A, Span, Label from templates.wordcloud import wordloud_controls import dash_core_components as dcc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from app import app from templates.wordcloud import make_word_cloud, footer from templates.amazonIframe import amazonMusicProduct import lorem body = Div([ Div([ Div([ H1("Copy & Paste Word Cloud Generator", className='display-4'), Hr(), P('This is the copy & paste word cloud generator. Simply copy and paste the text into the box below.' ), ], className='container') ], className="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid"), Div([ Div([ Div('Text Field Wordcloud', className='card-header'), dcc.Loading(Div([ H2('', className='card-title'), Div([Img(src='', className='card-img-top', width='100%')], style={'height': 500}), ], className='card-body', id='text-field-wordcloud'), style={
return df_download df_download = create_df_download(df_base) minmax = get_minmax_from_df(df_download) layout = Div([ # a storage to save the signal to update the tables and graphs Store(id='download--store--signal'), # title and subtitle Div([ # title H1(children='catalog-dash'), # subtitle H3(children='Download table analysis') ], style={'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text']}), # top tables - information table, date picker range and limit Div([ # left table - information table Div([ # title P( children='Table: Information', style={'color': colors['text']} ), # table information DataTable(
xaxis_type='category') markdown_text = """ Ez a projekt egy kurzuszáró munka a Rajk Szakkollégium Alkalmazott Adatközpontú Algoritmustervezés kurzusára. A projekt lényege, hogy [Github Actions]( segítségével naponta kétszer letöltjük 12 magyar hírportál főoldalán található cikkeket, majd a szövegekből kinyerjük az oldalak egymásra mutató hivatkozásait. A hivatkozásokból hálózatot építünk a cikkek szövegeiből pedig egyszerű leíró statisztikákat készítünk hírportál szerinti bontásban. A megjelenítés Dash felületen egy Heroku applikáción keresztül történik. """ # layout app.layout = html.Div(children=[ H1( children=" Hivatkozási hálózat ", style={ "color": "black", "backgroundColor": "ffffff", "text-align": "center", }, ), html.Div( children=[ html.P( children=[ H3(children="Miről szól a projekt?"), html.Element(dcc.Markdown(children=markdown_text), ), ], className="six columns", ), html.Div( html.Iframe( srcDoc=open("citation_net_VL_AAA_final.html").read(),
import logging import dash_table as dt from dash_bootstrap_components import Button, Col, Container, NavItem, Navbar, Row, Tab, Tabs from dash_html_components import A, Div, H1, H2, H3 from app1.dashapp.callbacks.callbacks import VISIBILITY_HIDDEN from app1.dashapp.layout.navs import search_collapse from app1.dicts import * logger = logging.getLogger('view') header = H1('THIS') def layout(view): """ Layout with the following hierachy my-content-window :param view: app1.viewmodel.DashView :return: dash.Dash().layout """ df = view.df busgrps = view.dicts[BUSGRP_ID__BUSGRP_LDESC] this_layout = get_main_layout( main_window_col_10=get_main_window(), side_menu_col_2=get_side_menu(), top_navbar=get_top_navbar(busgrps), ) # bottom_navbar = None
from dash_html_components import Div, Img, Button, H2, H1, P, Hr, A, Span, Label from templates.wordcloud import wordloud_controls import dash_core_components as dcc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from app import app from templates.wordcloud import make_word_cloud, footer body = Div([ Div([ Div([ H1("Text Upload Word Cloud Generator", className='display-4'), Hr(), P('This is the text upload word cloud generator. Simply upload a UTF-8 encoded .txt file.' ), ], className='container') ], className="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid"), Div([ Div([ Div('Text Upload Wordcloud', className='card-header'), dcc.Loading(Div([ H2('', className='card-title'), Div([Img(src='', className='card-img-top', width='100%')], style={'height': 500}), ], className='card-body', id='text-upload-wordcloud'), style={ 'paddingTop': 200, 'paddingBottom': 200
def get_layout(app): row_0 = Div([ H2("Upload to Database (excel file)", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), Upload( id='upload-data', children=Div(['Drag and Drop or ', A('Select Files')]), style={ 'width': '100%', 'height': '60px', 'lineHeight': '60px', 'borderWidth': '1px', 'borderStyle': 'dashed', 'borderRadius': '5px', 'textAlign': 'center', 'margin': '10px' }, # Allow multiple files to be uploaded multiple=False), Loading( id="loading", children=[Div(id='output-data-upload')], type="default", ), ]) row_1 = Div([ Div([ H2("Text input", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio1', options=[{ 'label': 'Partial match', 'value': 'PMATCH' }, { 'label': 'Exact match', 'value': 'EMATCH' }], value='EMATCH', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), Input(id="input1", type="text", placeholder="Query"), Br(), Button('Start text search', id='button') ], className='col-6'), Div([ H2("Search field", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio2', options=[{ 'label': 'Chemical name', 'value': 'NAME' }, { 'label': 'CAS Number', 'value': 'CAS' }, { 'label': 'IASO Barcode No.', 'value': 'BAR' }], value='NAME', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), ], className='col-6') ], className='row') row_2 = Div([ Div([ H2("Graphical search type", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), RadioItems(id='radio3', options=[{ 'label': 'Similarity ', 'value': 'SIM' }, { 'label': 'Substructural ', 'value': 'SUB' }, { 'label': 'Exact ', 'value': 'EX' }], value='SIM', labelStyle={ 'display': 'inline-block', }), DashMarvinJS(id='editor', marvin_url=app.get_asset_url('mjs/editor.html'), marvin_width='100%') ], className='col-6'), Div([ H2("Search results", style={'textAlign': 'left'}), DataTable( id='table', columns=fields1, fixed_rows={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, row_selectable='single', style_data={ 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'height': 'auto', 'width': 'auto' }, style_table={ 'overflowY': 'hidden', 'overflowX': 'hidden', 'margin-left': '0px' }, style_cell={ 'textAlign': 'left', 'padding': '5px', 'height': 'auto', 'padding-left': '17px', 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'minWidth': '10px', 'maxWidth': '150px' }, style_as_list_view=True, style_cell_conditional=[ { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Picture' }, 'width': '60%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Brutto formula' }, 'width': '10%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'Chemical name' }, 'width': '15%' }, { 'if': { 'column_id': 'CAS No.' }, 'width': '10%' }, ], ) ], className='col-6') ], className='row') row_3 = DataTable( id='table2', columns=fields2, fixed_rows={ 'headers': True, 'data': 0 }, #row_selectable='single', editable=True, row_deletable=True, style_data={ 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'height': 'auto' }, style_table={ 'maxHeight': '500px', 'overflowY': 'hidden', 'overflowX': 'hidden', 'margin-left': '0px' }, style_cell={ 'textAlign': 'left', 'padding': '10px', 'padding-left': '20px', 'height': 'auto', 'whiteSpace': 'normal', 'minWidth': '120px', 'width': '150px' }, #style_cell_conditional=[ # {'if': {'column_id': 'Quantity'}, # 'width': '150px'}, # {'if': {'column_id': 'Quantity unit'}, # 'width': '150px'}, #], style_as_list_view=True) row_4 = Div([ Button('Add Row', id='addrow', n_clicks=0), Button('Submit changes', id='submit', n_clicks=0), ConfirmDialog( id='confirm', message= 'All changes will be applied from now! Are you sure you want to continue?', ) ]) layout = Div([ H1("Chemicals Storage", style={'textAlign': 'center'}), row_0, Hr(), row_1, Hr(), row_2, Hr(), row_3, Hr(), row_4 ]) return layout
__prices_file = 'csv/prices.csv' prices_df = pd.read_csv(__prices_file) names = prices_df["name"].unique() names = names[1:20] shops = selected = dot({'shop': None, 'kind': None}) #TODO: #Dropdown limit #Shop dropdown? #Line evolution_page = [ Container([ H1('Evolution'), H4('Select product'), P("Shop"), dcc.Dropdown(id='shopEvo', options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in shops], value=[i for i in shops], placeholder="Shop"), P("Kind"), dcc.Dropdown(id='productEvo', ), Button("Load Products", id="LoadNamesEvo", n_clicks=0), P("Product name"), dcc.Dropdown(id='evolutionDropdown', ), dcc.Graph(id="evolutionGraph")
from app import app from dash_bootstrap_components import Container from dash_html_components import H1 from dash.dependencies import Input as DInput from dash.dependencies import Output as DOutput from dotmap import DotMap as dot import pandas as pd import dash_core_components as dcc __prices_file = 'csv/prices.csv' prices_df = pd.read_csv(__prices_file) dates = home_page = [ Container([ H1('Home'), dcc.Dropdown(id='dateDropdown', options=[{ 'label': i, 'value': i } for i in dates], value=[i for i in dates]), ], id='app-main-home') ]
from dash_core_components import Link from dash_html_components import Br, Div, H1, H3 from app import url_base_pathname from modules.utils import colors layout = Div([ # title H1(children='catalog-dash', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text'] }), # subtitle H3(children='Index', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text'] }), Link('Scene', href='{}/scene'.format(url_base_pathname)), Br(), Link('Download', href='{}/download'.format(url_base_pathname)) ])
'kind': None }) selectedTwo = dot({ 'shop': None, 'kind': None }) __prices_file = 'csv/prices.csv' prices_df = pd.read_csv(__prices_file) names = prices_df["name"].unique() shops = comp_page = [ Container([ H1('Comparator'), #First Product H4('Select first product'), P("Shop"), dcc.Dropdown( id='shopCompOne', options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in shops], value=[i for i in shops], placeholder="Shop"), P("Kind"), dcc.Dropdown( id='productCompOne', ), Button("Load Products", id="LoadNamesCompOne", n_clicks=0), P("Product name"), dcc.Dropdown(
# correl plot fig = px.scatter( players, x="rating", y="closeness centrality", trendline="ols", hover_name="playerName", ) fig.update_layout(title_text="Closeness centrality and rating of players") #layout app.layout = html.Div(children=[ H1( children=f"{match_title} pass network", style={ "color": "black", "backgroundColor": "ffffff", "text-align": "center", }, ), html.Div( children=[ html.Div( children=[ H3(children="mi ez a cucc?"), html.Element( children="babababababababababbabaaabababababababababab", ), ], className="six columns", ), html.Div(
), ], brand="Stock Data", brand_href="#", sticky="top", ) body = boots.Container( [ boots.Row( [ boots.Col( [ H1( 'Search Stocks', className='', id='' ), Span( 'Examples: COKE, TSLA, MSFT, CYH.' ), core.Input( id='ticker_input', value='MSFT', className='input' ) ], className='col-4 mb-4' ), boots.Col( [
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from random import randint app = Dash(__name__) N = 20 database = { 'index': list(range(N)), 'maiores': [randint(1, 1000) for _ in range(N)], 'menores': [randint(1, 1000) for _ in range(N)], 'bebes': [randint(1, 1000) for _ in range(N)], } app.layout = Div(children=[ H1('Evento X'), H3('idade das pessoas que foram ao evento'), Checklist(id='meu_check_list', options=[{ 'label': 'Menores de Idade', 'value': 'menores' }, { 'label': 'Bebes', 'value': 'bebes' }, { 'label': 'Maiores de idade', 'value': 'maiores' }], value=['bebes']), Dropdown(id='meu_dropdown', options=[
from dash_html_components import Div, Img, Button, H2, H1, P, Hr, A, Span, Label from templates.wordcloud import wordloud_controls import dash_core_components as dcc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from templates.wordcloud import make_word_cloud, footer from templates.amazonIframe import amazonPrimeVideoProduct from app import app import wikipedia body = Div([ Div([ Div([ H1("Wikipedia Word Cloud Generator", className='display-4'), Hr(), P('This is the Wikipedia word cloud generator. Simply Enter the Article Name (exactly as seen on the wiki page) and click generate. Alternatively\ grab a random wikipedia article with the click of a button.') ], className='lead container') ], className="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid"), Div( [ # amazonPrimeVideoProduct, Div([ Div('Wikipedia Wordcloud', className='card-header'), dcc.Loading(Div([ H2('', className='card-title'), Div([Img(src='', className='card-img-top', width='100%')], style={'height': 500}), ], className='card-body',
from dash_core_components import Link from dash_html_components import Br, Div, H1, H3 from app import url_base_pathname from modules.utils import colors layout = Div([ # title H1( children='publisher-dash', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text'] } ), # subtitle H3( children='Index', style={ 'textAlign': 'center', 'color': colors['text'] } ), # Link('Scene', href=f'{url_base_pathname}/scene'), Br(), Link('Publisher', href=f'{url_base_pathname}/publisher') ])
Div([ H5(title, className='card-title'), P(text, className='card-text') ], className='card-body'), Div([ dcc.Link(btn_text, href=btn_href, className='btn btn-primary', style={'color': 'white'}) ], className='card-footer') ], className='card') return body body = Div([ Div([ Div([ Div([ H1("Word Cloud World", className='display-4 text-center'), Img(src="/static/world.png", width="300", height="300", alt="", style={'display': 'block', 'margin': '0 auto'}) ], className=''), P("Welcome!", className="lead text-center"), Hr() ], className='container') ], className="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid", style={'background-image': '/static/world.png'}), Div([ P("""Welcome to Word Cloud World! Word clouds are a creative way to visually represent textual data. They allow you to see the most significant or frequent words used in any body of text. Here at Word Cloud World we have created automated apps to visualise Wikipedia articles or Song lyrics. You can also create your own word cloud by cutting and pasting text or by uploading a textfile! You can customize your word cloud by changing its colour, shape and size. """), H5('Some Inspiration'),