Пример #1
    def period(self):
        """ Return the combined period datetime tuple. """
        periods = filter_none([x.period for x in self.args])
        if len(periods) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(periods) == 1:
            return periods[0]

        # multiple periods: return the joined period
        return min([p[0] for p in periods]), max([p[1] for p in periods])
Пример #2
    def extent(self):
        """ Boundingbox of combined contents in WGS84 projection. """
        extents = filter_none([x.extent for x in self.args])
        if len(extents) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(extents) == 1:
            return extents[0]

        # multiple extents: return the joined box
        x1 = min([e[0] for e in extents])
        y1 = min([e[1] for e in extents])
        x2 = max([e[2] for e in extents])
        y2 = max([e[3] for e in extents])
        return x1, y1, x2, y2
Пример #3
 def geometry(self):
     """Combined geometry in the projection of the first store geometry. """
     geometries = filter_none([x.geometry for x in self.args])
     if len(geometries) == 0:
     elif len(geometries) == 1:
         return geometries[0]
     result = geometries[0]
     sr = result.GetSpatialReference()
     for geometry in geometries[1:]:
         if not geometry.GetSpatialReference().IsSame(sr):
             geometry = geometry.Clone()
         result = result.Union(geometry)
     return result
Пример #4
    def process(process_kwargs, *args):
        # plan for merging
        combine_mode = process_kwargs["combine_mode"]
        mode = process_kwargs.get("mode", None)

        if combine_mode == "simple":
            # simple mode, return the result right away
            if len(args) == 0:
                return None
                return args[0]
        elif combine_mode == "by_time" and mode == "time":
            sorted_times = Group._unique_times(args)

            # check if single band result required
            start, stop = process_kwargs["start"], process_kwargs["stop"]
            if stop is None and len(sorted_times) > 1:
                index = Group._nearest_index(sorted_times, start)
                sorted_times = sorted_times[index:index + 1]
            return {"time": sorted_times}
        elif combine_mode == "by_time" and mode in ["meta", "vals"]:
            # split the data and time results, skipping None
            n = int(len(args) // 2)

            # assume that we have None at the same positions
            multi, times = filter_none(args[:n]), filter_none(args[n:])
            if len(multi) == 0:
                return None

            if mode == "vals":
                return Group._merge_vals_by_time(multi, times, process_kwargs)
            elif mode == "meta":
                return Group._merge_meta_by_time(multi, times, process_kwargs)
        elif combine_mode == "by_bands" and mode == "time":
            # start and stop are aligned so we can compute the times here
            start = process_kwargs["start"]
            stop = process_kwargs["stop"]
            delta = process_kwargs["timedelta"]
            length = (stop - start).total_seconds() // delta.total_seconds()
            length = int(length) + 1  # the result includes the last frame
            return {"time": [start + i * delta for i in range(int(length))]}
        elif combine_mode == "by_bands" and mode in ["meta", "vals"]:
            # list the data and bands results, skipping None
            multi = []
            bands = []
            for data, _bands in zip(args, process_kwargs["bands"]):
                if data is None:

            if len(multi) == 0:
                return None

            if mode == "vals":
                dtype = process_kwargs["dtype"]
                return Group._merge_vals_by_bands(multi, bands, dtype)
            elif mode == "meta":
                return Group._merge_meta_by_bands(multi, bands)
            raise ValueError("Unknown combine_mode / mode combination")
Пример #5
 def _unique_times(multi):
     times = filter_none([data.get("time", None) for data in multi])
     return sorted(set(itertools.chain(*times)))