def get_all_info(self): # Fetches every single item's historical data final_value = {} for i in range(1,14): with cm.ContextManager(f'data/group_{i}/daily/{str(date_today)}.json') as file: use_file = json.loads( for value in use_file.values(): value = analysis.Analysis.create_list_fetch_all(value) # MERGES ALL THE JSON FILES TOGETHER final_value.update(use_file) # SO THIS VERY USEFUL LOOP THAT FETCHES ALL PAST DAY INFO onlyfiles = len(os.listdir("data/group_2/daily")) use_date = date_today for a in range(onlyfiles-1): use_date -= day_delta for i in range(1,14): with cm.ContextManager(f"data/group_{i}/daily/{str(use_date)}.json") as file: lookback_file = json.loads( for key,value in lookback_file.items(): print(key,value) final_value[key]['stock'].append(value['stock']) final_value[key]['volume'].append(value['volume']) final_value[key]['price'].append(value['price']) # print(final_value[key]) return Data_Access(final_value)
def option_two(): # Item id-name references while True: with cm.ContextManager( f"{abspath}/data/mp_reference.json") as item_reference_file: reference_json = json.loads( all_data = data_access.Data_Access.get_all_info() version_list = [ 'Fetch Item Info', 'All Data', 'Rankings', 'Back to Main Menu' ] for x in version_list: print(f"{version_list.index(x) +1}: {x}") version_input = int(input("Input Version: ")) # try: if version_input != 4: data_object = services.Data_Access_Version( all_data.make_indicators(), version=version_input, reference=reference_json) elif version_input == 4: break """
def fetch_and_store_data(url): work_url = '' # Dev V2 will just focus on sending a proper API request to the website # Dev V3 will focus on the group search and saving methods, and making sure everything runs just right # Using the API interaction module, it fetches and returns a raw message from the endpoint # Decodes the raw returned message into a processable data-type using the Analysis module # Open reference file to translate IDs with cm.ContextManager(f"{abspath}/data/mp_reference.json") as file: use_file = json.loads( # List of item-groups as they are organised in bdo-mp # TO BE MOVED TO ITS OWN FILE group_list = [(1,"Main Weapons"),(5,"Sub Weapons"),(10,"Awakening Weapons"),(15,"Armors"),(20,"Accessories"),(25,"Materials"),(30,"Enchancements/Upgrades"),(35,"Consumables"),(40,"Life Tools"),(45,"Alchemy Stones"),(50,"Crystals"),(65,"Mount"),(70,"Ship"),(75,"Wagon"),(80,"Furniture")] sub_lists = [17,15,22,6,4,8,2,8,10,4,7,13,9,6,9] request_session = requests.Session() request_session.headers = use_headers with request_session as session: for i in group_list: sub_range = sub_lists[group_list.index(i)] final_print = [] for x in range(1,sub_range+1): # rawest_msg = (api_requests.Api_Request.sub_class_request(url=work_url,mainkey=i[0],subkey=1,session=session).content).content # Step 1: (fetches the info from the mp for the currently selected group, selecting the group with the value from "group_list") raw_msg = json.loads((api_requests.Api_Request.sub_request(mainKey=i[0],subKey=x,session=session).content))['resultMsg'] # Step 2: (decodes the message and converts it to usable data) decoded_msg = analysis.decode_msg(raw_msg) # This is how you find the index of a value in a list for a in use_file: for item in decoded_msg: if item[0] == a[0]: final_print.append((a,item[1:])) else: pass # print(item) """for a in decoded_msg: # This sorts through all the item references in the json file and match them to the api returned data # by ID, and return both data in a tuple for item in use_file: if item[0] == a[0]: final_print.append((item,a[1:]))""" # THIS SEGMENT IS GOING TO BE MOVED TO SAVE_DATA MODULE to_save_json = analysis.reformat_sub_group(final_print) to_save_json = json.dumps(to_save_json,indent=4) date_today = str( folder_index = group_list.index(i)+1 with open(f"{abspath}/data/group_{folder_index}/daily/{date_today}.json","w") as file: file.write(to_save_json) # Progress bar progress_percent = ((group_list.index(i)+1) / (len(group_list))) * 100 print(f"Completion: {progress_percent}% - {i[1]}", end='\r')
import json import data import datetime import requests import data.context_manager as cm import api_data.api_requests as api_requests from analysis.analysis import Analysis as analysis from data_access import data_access import services # Main file # Temporary Link, will turn into a selection abspath = os.path.abspath('bdo-marketplace-data') print(abspath) with cm.ContextManager(f"{abspath}/data/settings.json") as file: settings = json.loads( temporary_link = '' offile_mode = False # Option one hits the api and saves all the data for that day def option_one(url): try: services.fetch_and_store_data(url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err: print(f"Could not connect to API: {err}\n") print("Marketplace info not fetched") print("Starting in Offline Mode") offline_mode = True
# Formula: ratio(price_change,stock_change)*volume_change*price(this is to favor more expensive items) # the final print() prints out the top 10 best purchases, not taking into account price and relevancy top_10 = [reference_dict[a] for a in working_list[:10]] return top_10 print(top_10) if __name__ == "__main__": # I DID SOME MASSIVE THINGS HERE IN TEST_BRANCH_1, I CANNOT WAIT TO GO EVEN FURTHER WITH THIS, AFTER SOME BUG FIXES AND ERROR HANDLING # I WILL BE READY TO TRY BUILD AN API AND TEST IT ON A TELEGRAM BOT # all_item_info = Data_Access.get_all_info()._data with cm.ContextManager('../data/mp_reference.json') as item_reference_file: reference_json = json.loads( # print(reference_json) # This currently has absolutely no error handling treat it with a grain of salt version_input = int(input("Version n: ")) version = version_input """if version == 1: input_name = input("Input part of searched item, it'll return all items with it in their name: ") returned_item_from_input = list(filter(lambda a: input_name in a[1],reference_json)) # Prints out all the searched for items' past data for items in returned_item_from_input: try: print("------------------------")