def sdr_improvement(self): with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: config_ = tf.ConfigProto() config_.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config_).as_default() as sess: tfds = TFDataset(**self.args) additional_args = { "mix": tfds.next_mix, "non_mix": tfds.next_non_mix, "ind": tfds.next_ind, "pipeline": True, "tot_speakers" : 251 } self.args.update(additional_args) print self.args nb_batches_test = tfds.length(tfds.TEST) feed_dict_test = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TEST)} for b in range(nb_batches_test): output = self.model.improvement(feed_dict_test, b) yield output print 'Batch #', b+1, '/', nb_batches_test
def test(self): with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tfds = TFDataset(**self.args) additional_args = { "mix": tfds.next_mix, "non_mix": tfds.next_non_mix, "ind": tfds.next_ind, "pipeline": True, "tot_speakers": 251 } self.args.update(additional_args) config_ = tf.ConfigProto() config_.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config_).as_default() as sess: nb_batches_test = tfds.length('test') feed_dict_test = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle('test')} step = 0 for b in range(nb_batches_test): c = self.model.test_batch(feed_dict_test, step) print 'Batch #', b + 1, '/', nb_batches_test, 'sec loss=', c
def train(config, params): if params['msg'] == True: model = CLS_MSG_Model(params['batch_size'], params['num_points'], params['num_classes'], params['bn']) else: model = CLS_SSG_Model(params['batch_size'], params['num_points'], params['num_classes'], params['bn'])['batch_size'], params['num_points'], 3)) print(model.summary()) print('[info] model training...') optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=params['lr']) loss_object = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy() acc_object = tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy() train_ds = TFDataset(os.path.join(config['dataset_dir'], 'train.tfrecord'), params['batch_size']) val_ds = TFDataset(os.path.join(config['dataset_dir'], 'val.tfrecord'), params['batch_size']) train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( os.path.join(config['log_dir'], config['log_code'])) with train_summary_writer.as_default(): while True: train_pts, train_labels = train_ds.get_batch() loss, acc = train_step(optimizer, model, loss_object, acc_object, train_pts, train_labels) if optimizer.iterations % config['log_freq'] == 0: tf.summary.scalar('train loss', loss, step=optimizer.iterations) tf.summary.scalar('train accuracy', acc, step=optimizer.iterations) if optimizer.iterations % config['test_freq'] == 0: test_pts, test_labels = val_ds.get_batch() test_loss, test_acc = test_step(optimizer, model, loss_object, acc_object, test_pts, test_labels) tf.summary.scalar('test loss', test_loss, step=optimizer.iterations) tf.summary.scalar('test accuracy', test_acc, step=optimizer.iterations)
def inference(self): with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: config_ = tf.ConfigProto() config_.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config_).as_default() as sess: tfds = TFDataset(**self.args) additional_args = { "mix": tfds.next_mix, "non_mix": tfds.next_non_mix, "ind": tfds.next_ind, "pipeline": True, "tot_speakers": 251 } self.args.update(additional_args) # nb_batches_test = tfds.length(tfds.TEST) # feed_dict_test = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TEST), tfds.chunk_size: self.args['chunk_size']} if self.args["out"]: nb_batches_test = tfds.length(tfds.TEST_OTHER) feed_dict_test = { tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TEST_OTHER), tfds.chunk_size: self.args['chunk_size'] } tfds.get_initializer(tfds.TEST_OTHER), feed_dict={tfds.chunk_size: self.args['chunk_size']}) else: nb_batches_test = tfds.length(tfds.TEST) feed_dict_test = { tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TEST), tfds.chunk_size: self.args['chunk_size'] } tfds.test_initializer, feed_dict={tfds.chunk_size: self.args['chunk_size']}) for b in range(nb_batches_test): output = self.model.infer(feed_dict_test, b) print 'Batch #', b + 1, '/', nb_batches_test, yield output
def train(self): print 'Total name :' nb_epochs = self.args['epochs'] time_spent = [0 for _ in range(10)] with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: config_ = tf.ConfigProto() config_.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config_.allow_soft_placement = True with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config_).as_default() as sess: tfds = TFDataset(**self.args) additional_args = { "mix": tfds.next_mix, "non_mix": tfds.next_non_mix, "ind": tfds.next_ind, "pipeline": True, "tot_speakers" : 251 } self.args.update(additional_args) nb_batches_train = tfds.length(tfds.TRAIN)#894 # tfds.length('train') nb_batches_test = tfds.length(tfds.TEST)#50 #tfds.length('test') nb_batches_valid = tfds.length(tfds.VALID)#50#tfds.length('valid') print 'BATCHES' print nb_batches_train, nb_batches_test, nb_batches_valid feed_dict_train = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TRAIN)} feed_dict_valid = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.VALID)} feed_dict_test = {tfds.handle: tfds.get_handle(tfds.TEST)} best_validation_cost = 1e100 t1 = time.time() step = 0 for epoch in range(nb_epochs): for b in range(nb_batches_train): t = time.time() # m = self.model.test(feed_dict_train) # print m c = self.model.train(feed_dict_train, step) if (step+1)%self.args['validation_step'] == 0: t = time.time() # Compute validation mean cost with batches to avoid memory problems costs = [] for b_v in range(nb_batches_valid): cost = self.model.valid_batch(feed_dict_valid,step) costs.append(cost) valid_cost = np.mean(costs) self.model.add_valid_summary(valid_cost, step) # Save the model if it is better: if valid_cost < best_validation_cost: best_validation_cost = valid_cost # Save as new lowest cost best_path = print 'Save best model with :', best_validation_cost t_f = time.time() print 'Validation set tested in ', t_f - t, ' seconds' print 'Validation set: ', valid_cost time_spent = time_spent[1:] +[time.time()-t1] avg = sum(time_spent)/len(time_spent) print 'Epoch #', epoch+1,'/', nb_epochs,' Batch #', b+1,'/',nb_batches_train,'in', avg,'sec loss=', c \ , ' ETA = ', getETA(avg, nb_batches_train, b+1, nb_epochs, epoch+1) t1 = time.time() step += 1 print 'Best model with Validation: ', best_validation_cost print 'Path = ', best_path # Load the best model on validation set and test it self.model.restore_last_checkpoint() for b_t in range(nb_batches_test): cost = self.model.test_batch(feed_dict_test) costs.append(cost) print 'Test cost = ', np.mean(costs)