Пример #1
def from_file(file_path):
	if file_path.find(".") < 0:
		file_path += ".ini"
	parsed = WhitespaceFriendlyConfigParser()
	success = parsed.read(file_path)
	if len(success) == 0:
		print("Failed to load config file")
		return None
	config = Config()
	if "data" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["data"]
		config.database = sec.get("database", None)
	if "connection" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["connection"]
		config.useragent = sec.get("useragent", None)
		config.ratelimit = sec.getfloat("ratelimit", 1.0)
	if "reddit" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["reddit"]
		config.subreddit = sec.get("subreddit", None)
		config.r_username = sec.get("username", None)
		config.r_password = sec.get("password", None)
		config.r_oauth_key = sec.get("oauth_key", None)
		config.r_oauth_secret = sec.get("oauth_secret", None)
	if "options" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["options"]
		config.debug = sec.getboolean("debug", False)
		from data.models import str_to_showtype
		config.new_show_types.extend(map(lambda s: str_to_showtype(s.strip()), sec.get("new_show_types", "").split(" ")))
		config.record_scores = sec.getboolean("record_scores", False)
	if "options.discovery" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["options.discovery"]
		config.discovery_primary_source = sec.get("primary_source", None)
		config.discovery_secondary_sources = sec.get("secondary_sources", "").split(" ")
		config.discovery_stream_sources = sec.get("stream_sources", "").split(" ")
	if "post" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["post"]
		config.post_title = sec.get("title", None)
		config.post_title_postfix_final = sec.get("title_postfix_final", None)
		config.post_body = sec.get("body", None)
		for key in sec:
			if key.startswith("format_") and len(key) > 7:
				config.post_formats[key[7:]] = sec[key]
	# Services
	for key in parsed:
		if key.startswith("service."):
			service = key[8:]
			config.services[service] = parsed[key]
	return config
Пример #2
def from_file(file_path):
	config = Config()
	parsed = WhitespaceFriendlyConfigParser()
	success = parsed.read(file_path)
	if len(success) == 0:
		print("Failed to load config file")
		return config
	if "data" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["data"]
		config.database = sec.get("database", None)
	if "connection" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["connection"]
		config.useragent = sec.get("useragent", None)
		config.ratelimit = sec.getfloat("ratelimit", 1.0)
	if "reddit" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["reddit"]
		config.subreddit = sec.get("subreddit", None)
		config.r_username = sec.get("username", None)
		config.r_password = sec.get("password", None)
		config.r_oauth_key = sec.get("oauth_key", None)
		config.r_oauth_secret = sec.get("oauth_secret", None)
	#TODO: make dynamic
	if "service.mal" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.mal"]
		config.services["mal"] = {"username": sec.get("username", None), "password": sec.get("password", None)}
	if "service.anidb" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.anidb"]
		config.services["anidb"] = {"client": sec.get("client", None)}
	if "service.nyaa" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.nyaa"]
		config.services["nyaa"] = {"domain": sec.get("domain", None)}
	if "options" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["options"]
		config.debug = sec.getboolean("debug", False)
		from data.models import str_to_showtype
		config.new_show_types.extend(map(lambda s: str_to_showtype(s.strip()), sec.get("new_show_types", "").split(",")))
	if "post" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["post"]
		config.post_title = sec.get("title", None)
		config.post_title_postfix_final = sec.get("title_postfix_final", None)
		config.post_body = sec.get("body", None)
		for key in sec:
			if key.startswith("format_") and len(key) > 7:
				config.post_formats[key[7:]] = sec[key]
	return config
Пример #3
def from_file(file_path):
	config = Config()
	parsed = configparser.ConfigParser()
	success = parsed.read(file_path)
	if len(success) == 0:
		print("Failed to load config file")
		return config
	if "data" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["data"]
		config.database = sec.get("database", None)
	if "connection" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["connection"]
		config.useragent = sec.get("useragent", None)
		config.ratelimit = sec.getfloat("ratelimit", 1.0)
	if "reddit" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["reddit"]
		config.subreddit = sec.get("subreddit", None)
		config.r_username = sec.get("username", None)
		config.r_password = sec.get("password", None)
		config.r_oauth_key = sec.get("oauth_key", None)
		config.r_oauth_secret = sec.get("oauth_secret", None)
	#TODO: make dynamic
	if "service.mal" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.mal"]
		config.services["mal"] = {"username": sec.get("username", None), "password": sec.get("password", None)}
	if "service.anidb" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.anidb"]
		config.services["anidb"] = {"client": sec.get("client", None)}
	if "service.nyaa" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["service.nyaa"]
		config.services["nyaa"] = {"domain": sec.get("domain", None)}
	if "options" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["options"]
		config.debug = sec["debug"]
		from data.models import str_to_showtype
		config.new_show_types.extend(map(lambda s: str_to_showtype(s), sec.get("new_show_types", "").split(" ")))
	if "post" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["post"]
		config.post_title = sec.get("title", None)
		config.post_body = sec.get("body", None)
		for key in sec:
			if key.startswith("format_") and len(key) > 7:
				config.post_formats[key[7:]] = sec[key]
	return config
Пример #4
def from_file(file_path):
	config = Config()
	parsed = configparser.ConfigParser()
	success = parsed.read(file_path)
	if len(success) == 0:
		print("Failed to load config file")
		return config
	if "data" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["data"]
		config.database = sec.get("database", None)
	if "connection" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["connection"]
		config.useragent = sec.get("useragent", None)
		config.ratelimit = sec.getfloat("ratelimit", 1.0)
	if "reddit" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["reddit"]
		config.subreddit = sec.get("subreddit", None)
		config.r_username = sec.get("username", None)
		config.r_password = sec.get("password", None)
		config.r_oauth_key = sec.get("oauth_key", None)
		config.r_oauth_secret = sec.get("oauth_secret", None)

	# Dynamically load service configuration
	service_prefix = "service."
	for section_name in [sec for sec in parsed.sections() if sec.startswith(service_prefix)]:
		sec = parsed[section_name]

		service_key = section_name[len(service_prefix):]
		service_config = config.services[service_key] = {}

		for key in sec.keys():
			service_config[key] = sec.get(key)
	if "options" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["options"]
		config.debug = sec["debug"]
		from data.models import str_to_showtype
		config.new_show_types.extend(map(lambda s: str_to_showtype(s), sec.get("new_show_types", "").split(" ")))
	if "post" in parsed:
		sec = parsed["post"]
		config.post_title = sec.get("title", None)
		config.post_body = sec.get("body", None)
		for key in sec:
			if key.startswith("format_") and len(key) > 7:
				config.post_formats[key[7:]] = sec[key]
	return config
Пример #5
def _edit_with_file(db, edit_file):
    import yaml

    info("Parsing show edit file \"{}\"".format(edit_file))
        with open(edit_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
            parsed = list(yaml.full_load_all(f))
    except yaml.YAMLError:
        exception("Failed to parse edit file")

    debug("  num shows={}".format(len(parsed)))

    for doc in parsed:
        name = doc["title"]
        stype = str_to_showtype(doc.get("type", "tv"))  # convert to enum?
        length = doc.get("length", 0)
        has_source = doc.get("has_source", False)
        is_nsfw = doc.get("is_nsfw", False)

        info("Adding show \"{}\" ({})".format(name, stype))
        debug("  has_source={}".format(has_source))
        debug("  is_nsfw={}".format(is_nsfw))
        if stype == ShowType.UNKNOWN:
            error("Invalid show type \"{}\"".format(stype))
            return False

        show = UnprocessedShow(None, None, name, [], stype, length, has_source,
        found_ids = db.search_show_ids_by_names(name, exact=True)
        debug("Found ids: {found_ids}")
        if len(found_ids) == 0:
            show_id = db.add_show(show, commit=False)
        elif len(found_ids) == 1:
            show_id = found_ids.pop()
            db.update_show(show_id, show, commit=False)
            error("More than one ID found for show")
            return False

        # Info
        if "info" in doc:
            infos = doc["info"]
            for info_key in infos:
                url = infos[info_key]
                if not url:

                debug("  Info {}: {}".format(info_key, url))
                info_handler = services.get_link_handler(key=info_key)
                if info_handler:
                    info_id = info_handler.extract_show_id(url)
                    debug("    id={}".format(info_id))

                    if not db.has_link(info_key, info_id):
                        show.site_key = info_key
                        show.show_key = info_id
                        db.add_link(show, show_id, commit=False)
                    error("    Info handler not installed")

        # Streams
        if "streams" in doc:
            streams = doc["streams"]
            for service_key in streams:
                url = streams[service_key]
                if not url:
                remote_offset = 0
                    roi = url.rfind("|")
                    if roi > 0:
                        if roi + 1 < len(url):
                            remote_offset = int(url[roi + 1:])
                        url = url[:roi]
                        "Improperly formatted stream URL \"{}\"".format(url))

                info("  Stream {}: {}".format(service_key, url))

                service_id = service_key.split('|')[0]
                stream_handler = services.get_service_handler(key=service_id)
                if stream_handler:
                    show_key = stream_handler.extract_show_key(url)
                    debug("    id={}".format(show_key))

                    if not db.has_stream(service_id, show_key):
                        s = UnprocessedStream(service_id, show_key, None, "",
                                              remote_offset, 0)
                        db.add_stream(s, show_id, commit=False)
                        service = db.get_service(key=service_id)
                        s = db.get_stream(service_tuple=(service, show_key))
                elif "|" in service_key:
                    # Lite stream
                    service, service_name = service_key.split("|", maxsplit=1)
                    db.add_lite_stream(show_id, service, service_name, url)
                    error("    Stream handler not installed")

        # Aliases
        if "alias" in doc:
            aliases = doc["alias"]
            for alias in aliases:
                db.add_alias(show_id, alias)
                f"Added {len(aliases)} alias{'es' if len(aliases) > 1 else ''}"

    return True
Пример #6
def _edit_with_file(db, edit_file):
	import yaml
	info("Parsing show edit file \"{}\"".format(edit_file))
		with open(edit_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
			parsed = list(yaml.load_all(f))
	except yaml.YAMLError:
		exception("Failed to parse edit file")
	debug("  num shows={}".format(len(parsed)))
	for doc in parsed:
		name = doc["title"]
		stype = str_to_showtype(doc["type"])		# convert to enum?
		length = doc["length"] if "length" in doc else 0
		has_source = doc["has_source"]
		info("Adding show \"{}\" ({})".format(name, stype))
		debug("  has_source={}".format(has_source))
		if stype == ShowType.UNKNOWN:
			error("Invalid show type \"{}\"".format(stype))
			return False
		show = UnprocessedShow(None, None, name, [], stype, length, has_source)
		found_ids = db.search_show_ids_by_names(name, exact=True)
		if len(found_ids) == 0:
			show_id = db.add_show(show, commit=False)
		elif len(found_ids) == 1:
			show_id = found_ids.pop()
			db.update_show(show_id, show, commit=False)
			error("More than one ID found for show")
			return False
		# Info
		if "info" in doc:
			infos = doc["info"]
			for info_key in infos:
				url = infos[info_key]
				if not url:
				debug("  Info {}: {}".format(info_key, url))
				info_handler = services.get_link_handler(key=info_key)
				if info_handler:
					info_id = info_handler.extract_show_id(url)
					debug("    id={}".format(info_id))
					if not db.has_link(info_key, info_id):
						show.site_key = info_key
						show.show_key = info_id
						db.add_link(show, show_id, commit=False)
					error("    Info handler not installed")
		# Streams
		if "streams" in doc:
			streams = doc["streams"]
			for service_key in streams:
				url = streams[service_key]
				if not url:
				remote_offset = 0
					roi = url.rfind("|")
					if roi > 0:
						if roi+1 < len(url):
							remote_offset = int(url[roi+1:])
						url = url[:roi]
					exception("Improperly formatted stream URL \"{}\"".format(url))
				info("  Stream {}: {}".format(service_key, url))
				stream_handler = services.get_service_handler(key=service_key)
				if stream_handler:
					show_key = stream_handler.extract_show_key(url)
					debug("    id={}".format(show_key))
					if not db.has_stream(service_key, show_key):
						s = UnprocessedStream(service_key, show_key, None, "", remote_offset, 0)
						db.add_stream(s, show_id, commit=False)
						service = db.get_service(key=service_key)
						s = db.get_stream(service_tuple=(service, show_key))
						db.update_stream(s, show=show_id, show_key=show_key, remote_offset=remote_offset, commit=False)
					error("    Stream handler not installed")
	return True