Пример #1
    def updateTree(self):
        Rebuilds the tree from the current state of the DataStore.
        self.root = self.tree.AddRoot("Project")
        self.tree.SetPyData(self.root, None)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(self.root, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
        dataTree = self.tree.AppendItem(self.root, "Data Sets")
        self.tree.SetPyData(dataTree, DATA_SET_ITEM)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(dataTree, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(dataTree, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
        figsTree = self.tree.AppendItem(self.root, "Figure Sets")
        self.tree.SetPyData(figsTree, FIGURE_SET_ITEM)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(figsTree, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
        self.tree.SetItemImage(figsTree, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)

        # create tree
        self.buildDataTree(dataTree, DataStore.getData(), [])
        self.buildFigureTree(figsTree, FigureStore.getFigures())
        if self.dataTreeExpanded:
        if self.figureTreeExpanded:
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, parent):
        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, "Select clusterings to match colors", 
                           style=wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, size=(400, 150))
        allData = DataStore.getData()
        self.choices = []
        self.choiceIDs = []
        # Populate the choices list with string, and populate the 
        # choiceIDs list with (dataID, clusteringID) tuples so the 
        # combo box selection can be tied to the data
        for didx in allData:
            fcData = allData[didx]
            for cidx in fcData.clustering: 
                self.choices.append(fcData.displayname + ": " + 
                            getStringRepr(fcData.methodIDs[cidx]) + " " + 
                self.choiceIDs.append((fcData.ID, cidx))
        self.cbxSourceClustering = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=self.choices, style=wx.CB_READONLY)
        self.cbxDestClustering = wx.ComboBox(self, choices=self.choices, style=wx.CB_READONLY)

        self.formSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2, vgap=5, hgap=5)
        self.formSizer.FlexibleDirection = wx.HORIZONTAL
        self.formSizer.AddF(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'First Clustering:'), wx.SizerFlags(1).Expand())
        self.formSizer.AddF(self.cbxSourceClustering, wx.SizerFlags(2).Expand())
        self.formSizer.AddF(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Second Clustering:'), wx.SizerFlags(1).Expand())
        self.formSizer.AddF(self.cbxDestClustering, wx.SizerFlags(2).Expand())
        self.Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        self.Sizer.AddF(self.formSizer, wx.SizerFlags(1).Expand().Border(wx.ALL, 10))
        self.Sizer.AddF(self.CreateButtonSizer(wx.OK|wx.CANCEL), wx.SizerFlags().Expand().Border(wx.BOTTOM, 10))
Пример #3
 def deleteSelection(self):
     Delete the data object referenced by the current tree selection.
     item = self.getSanitizedItemSelectionData()
     if item is None:
     if item[0] is DATA_SET_ITEM:
         ids = (item[1], None) if len(item) < 3 else (item[1], item[2])
         self.applyToSelection(DataStore.remove, FacsData.removeClustering)
         # if all data deleted, clear axes selectors
         if len(DataStore.getData()) == 0:
     if item[0] is FIGURE_SET_ITEM:
         id = item[1]
         #TODO: figure out if this is a good shortcut for clearing the figure of subplots
         if id == FigureStore.getSelectedIndex():
             wx.MessageBox('The currently selected Figure cannot be deleted.', 'Invalid Action', wx.OK | wx.ICON_WARNING)
Пример #4
 def setExpanded(self, item, flag):
     #item = self.getItemSelectionData()
     data = self.tree.GetItemPyData(item)
     if isinstance(data, int):
         if data is DATA_SET_ITEM:
             self.dataTreeExpanded = flag
         if data is FIGURE_SET_ITEM:
             self.figureTreeExpanded = flag
     if isinstance(data, tuple):
         if data[0] is DATA_SET_ITEM:
             if len(data) == 2:
                 DataStore.getData()[data[1]].nodeExpanded = flag
             if len(data) > 3:
                 DataStore.getData()[data[1]].infoExpanded[data[2]] = flag
Пример #5
def reassignClusterIDs(src, dst):
    Given the cluster centers for two clusterings, determine the centers most 
    similar to each other and reassign the cluster ids to match.
    srcFCS = DataStore.getData()[src[0]]
    dstFCS = DataStore.getData()[dst[0]]
    srcdata = srcFCS.data
    if srcFCS.selDims:
        srcdata = dh.filterData(srcFCS.data, srcFCS.selDims)
    srcids = srcFCS.clustering[src[1]]
    srccenters = pc.clustercentroids(srcdata, clusterid=srcids)[0]
    dstdata = dstFCS.data
    if dstFCS.selDims:
        dstdata = dh.filterData(dstFCS.data, dstFCS.selDims)
    dstids = dstFCS.clustering[dst[1]]
    dstcenters = pc.clustercentroids(dstdata, clusterid=dstids)[0]
    srcsep = separate(srcdata, srcids)
    dstsep = separate(dstdata, dstids)

    centerEQ = {}
    taken = []
    # Fill the map with the closest source center for each destination center
    for i,dc in enumerate(dstcenters):
        bestDist = -1
        for j,sc in enumerate(srccenters):
            if (j not in taken):
                dist = nonSymmetricClusterDistance(dstsep[i], srcsep[j])
                if (bestDist < 0) or (dist < bestDist):
                    bestDist = dist
                    centerEQ[i] = j
    # Renumber the cluster IDs in the destination to match the IDs of the closest src center
    tmp = [centerEQ[id] for id in dstids]
    DataStore.getData()[dst[0]].clustering[dst[1]] = tmp
Пример #6
    def OnAddFigure(self, event):
        if len(DataStore.getData()) == 0:
        nameDlg = displayDialogs.EditNameDialog(self, '')
        if (nameDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK):
            newFig = Figure(nameDlg.Text, [dv.Subplot()], 1, (1,1), (0,1))
            currFig = FigureStore.getSelectedFigure() 
            dv.switchFigures(self.facsPlotPanel, currFig, newFig)
            self.facsPlotPanel.subplots = []  

Пример #7
    def OnLoadState(self, event):
        from data.io import loadState
        if len(DataStore.getData()) > 0:
            dlgWarn = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'This action may overwrite currently loaded datasets and/or plots.\n\nContinue anyway?', 'Warning', 
                                   wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_WARNING)
            if dlgWarn.ShowModal() == wx.ID_NO:

        formats = "FIND Project File (*.find)|*.find"
        dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Select saved project", self.dirname, "", formats, wx.FD_OPEN)
        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                loadState(dlg.Directory, dlg.Filename)
            except error.ProjectLoadingError:
            # Load all Figures with Subplot instances from the stored dicts
            for fID in FigureStore.getFigures():
                fig = FigureStore.get(fID)
                splots = []
                for plot in fig.subplots:
                    s = dv.Subplot()
                    s.parent = self.facsPlotPanel.figure
                fig.subplots = splots
            currFigure = FigureStore.getSelectedFigure()
            self.facsPlotPanel.subplots = currFigure.subplots
            self.facsPlotPanel.SelectedSubplotIndex = currFigure.selectedSubplot
            self.facsPlotPanel.updateAxes(currFigure.axes, False)
            self.facsPlotPanel.updateSubplotGrid(currFigure.grid[0], currFigure.grid[1], True)
            self.chkLinked.Value = self.facsPlotPanel.CurrentSubplotLinked
            labels = DataStore.getCurrentDataSet().labels if DataStore.getCurrentDataSet() is not None else []
            self.updateAxesList(labels, currFigure.axes)
            self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Project loaded from %s" % dlg.Path, 0)
Пример #8
 def OnEditChannelNames(self, event):
     Allow users to modify the descriptors for each channel (dimension)
     fcData = DataStore.getCurrentDataSet()
     if fcData is not None:
         dgridDlg = displayDialogs.SampleDataDisplayDialog(self, fcData.data[0:10,:], 
                                                           fcData.labels, 'Edit Channel Labels',
                                                           False, False)
         if (dgridDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK):
             # reassign FacsData instance labels
             for fcd in DataStore.getData().values():
                 labels = [item[1] for item in sorted(dgridDlg.ColumnLabels.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(0))]
                 fcd.labels = labels
             # update channel selection cbxs
             self.updateAxesList(labels, self.facsPlotPanel.SelectedAxes)
             # refresh plot window
         wx.MessageBox("There are no data currently loaded.", "Error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
Пример #9
 def buildDataTree(self, parent, dataDict, visited):
     for dIndex, fData in dataDict.iteritems():
         # add tree node for the FACS data set
         if fData.ID in visited:
         child = self.tree.AppendItem(parent, fData.displayname)
         if (DataStore.getCurrentIndex() == dIndex):
             self.tree.SetItemBold(child, True)
         self.tree.SetPyData(child, (DATA_SET_ITEM, dIndex))
         self.tree.SetItemImage(child, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
         self.tree.SetItemImage(child, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
         # add nodes for all the clusterings of the current data set
         for cIndex in fData.clustering:
             clust = self.tree.AppendItem(child, 
                                         cluster.methods.getStringRepr(fData.methodIDs[cIndex]) + 
                                         " " + str(cIndex+1))
             if ((fData.selectedClustering == cIndex) and (fData.ID == DataStore.getCurrentIndex())):
                 self.tree.SetItemBold(clust, True)
             toolTip = clusteringInfo(fData, cIndex)
             self.tree.SetPyData(clust, (DATA_SET_ITEM, dIndex, cIndex, toolTip)) #(data index, cluster index, tooltip)
             self.tree.SetItemImage(clust, self.fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
             self.tree.SetItemImage(clust, self.fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
             # set clustering options
             for line in toolTip.split('\n'):
                 if (line != ''):
                     info = self.tree.AppendItem(clust, line)
                     self.tree.SetPyData(info, None)
             if (fData.infoExpanded[cIndex]):
         # recursive call to build the tree for any children
         self.buildDataTree(child, dict([(i,DataStore.getData()[i]) for i in fData.children]), visited)
         if (fData.nodeExpanded and self.tree.GetChildrenCount(child) > 0):
Пример #10
def saveState(dir, filename):
    Save a representation of the system state: All the loaded data sets, 
    their clusterings, any transformations or analyses (future), 
    and all plots.
    The state is saved in JSON format based on a dict of the following form:
    data: list of IDs
    binfile: the filename of the binary file used to store all the actual data
    data-dID: dict of settings belonging to a FacsData instance
    clust-dID-cID: a dict of attributes belonging to a clustering
    figures: list of figureID strings
    fig-ID: A dict for each figure keyed on the ID. The subplot attribute here 
          is replaced with a list of fig-ID-p-ID strings for locating subplot dicts
    fig-ID-p-ID: A dict for each subplot in each figure keyed on fig ID and plot ID.
    current-data: data ID
    current-figure: figure ID
    store = shelve.open(os.path.join(dir, filename))
    #store = dbopen(os.path.join(dir, filename), 'c', format='csv')
    # The actual numeric data will be stored in a separate binary file using
    # the numpy savez() method allowing for efficient storage/retrieval of data
    binfile = '%s.npz' % filename
    bindata = {}
    store['data'] = DataStore.getData().keys()
    store['binfile'] = binfile
    for dID in DataStore.getData():
        fdata = DataStore.get(dID)
        dStr = 'data-%i' % dID
        dfname = fdata.filename if (fdata.filename is not '') else binfile
        bindata[dStr] = fdata.data
        store[dStr] = {'filename':     dfname,
                       'displayname':  fdata.displayname, 
                       'labels':       fdata.labels, 
                       'annotations':  fdata.annotations, 
                       'analysis':     fdata.analysis, 
                       'ID':           fdata.ID,
                       'parent':       fdata.parent,
                       'children':     fdata.children,
                       'selDims':      fdata.selDims,
                       'clustering':   fdata.clustering.keys(),
                       'nodeExpanded': fdata.nodeExpanded,
                       'selectedClustering': fdata.selectedClustering}
        # clusterings
        for cID in fdata.clustering:
            cStr = 'clust-%i-%i' % (dID, cID)
            csett = {'method':            fdata.methodIDs[cID],
                     'opts':              fdata.clusteringOpts[cID],
                     'clusteringSelDims': fdata.clusteringSelDims[cID],
                     'infoExpanded':      fdata.infoExpanded[cID]}
            store[cStr] = csett
            bindata[cStr] = fdata.clustering[cID]
    # figures
    sfigs = []
    for figID in FigureStore.getFigures():
        fig = FigureStore.get(figID)
        fStr = 'fig-%i' % figID
        d = dict(fig.__dict__)
        splots = packSubplots(store, figID, fig.subplots)
        d['subplots'] = splots
        store[fStr] = d
    store['figures'] = list(sfigs)

    # other
    store['current-data'] = DataStore.getCurrentIndex()
    store['current-figure'] = FigureStore.getSelectedIndex()
    # write out settings data
    # write out numeric data to binary file
    np.savez(os.path.join(dir, binfile), **bindata)