def get_transaction(self, txid): url = '{api_url}/tx/{txid}?verbose=3'.format(api_url=self.url, txid=txid) try:'GET %s' % url) r = requests.get(url) data = r.json() except Exception as ex: LOG.error('Unable to get transaction %s from %s' % (txid, ex)) return { 'error': 'Unable to get transaction %s from' % txid } data = data['data'] if data['data'] is not None else {} # todo check key names , test by setting testnet wrong on explorers tx = TX() tx.txid = txid tx.wtxid = data['witness_hash'] tx.lock_time = data['lock_time'] tx.block_height = data[ 'block_height'] if 'block_height' in data and data[ 'block_height'] != -1 else None tx.confirmations = data[ 'confirmations'] if 'confirmations' in data else None for item in data['inputs']: tx_input = TxInput() tx_input.address = item['prev_addresses'][0] if len( item['prev_addresses']) > 0 else None tx_input.value = item['prev_value'] tx_input.txid = item['prev_tx_hash'] tx_input.n = item['prev_position'] if item[ 'prev_position'] is not -1 else None tx_input.script = item['script_hex'] tx_input.sequence = item['sequence'] tx.inputs.append(tx_input) for i, item in enumerate(data['outputs']): tx_output = TxOutput() tx_output.address = item['addresses'][0] if len( item['addresses']) > 0 else None tx_output.value = item['value'] tx_output.n = i tx_output.spent = False if item['spent_by_tx'] is None else True tx_output.script = item['script_hex'] if item['script_hex'][:2] == '6a': tx_output.op_return = tx.decode_op_return(item['script_hex']) tx.outputs.append(tx_output) return {'transaction': tx.json_encodable()}
def get_transactions(self, address): pagesize = 50 # max 50 for n_tx = None transactions = [] page = 1 while n_tx is None or len(transactions) < n_tx: url = '{api_url}/address/{address}/tx?page={page}&pagesize={pagesize}&verbose=3'.format( api_url=self.url, address=address, page=page, pagesize=pagesize) try:'GET %s' % url) r = requests.get(url) data = r.json() except Exception as ex: LOG.error( 'Unable to get transactions of address %s from %s' % (address, ex)) return { 'error': 'Unable to get transactions of address %s from' % address } data = data['data'] if data['data'] is not None else {} if all(key in data for key in ('total_count', 'list')): n_tx = data['total_count'] transactions += data['list'] page += 1 else: return {'error': 'Received invalid data: %s' % data} if len(transactions) < n_tx: sleep(1) txs = [] for transaction in transactions: tx = TX() tx.txid = transaction['hash'] tx.block_height = transaction['block_height'] tx.confirmations = transaction['confirmations'] tx.wtxid = transaction['witness_hash'] tx.lock_time = transaction['lock_time'] for item in transaction['inputs']: tx_input = TxInput() tx_input.address = item['prev_addresses'][0] if len( item['prev_addresses']) > 0 else None tx_input.value = item['prev_value'] tx_input.txid = item['prev_tx_hash'] tx_input.n = item['prev_position'] if item[ 'prev_position'] is not -1 else None tx_input.script = item['script_hex'] tx_input.sequence = item['sequence'] tx.inputs.append(tx_input) for i, item in enumerate(transaction['outputs']): tx_output = TxOutput() tx_output.address = item['addresses'][0] if len( item['addresses']) > 0 else None tx_output.value = item['value'] tx_output.n = i tx_output.spent = False if item['spent_by_tx'] is None else True tx_output.script = item['script_hex'] if item['script_hex'][:2] == '6a': tx_output.op_return = tx.decode_op_return( item['script_hex']) tx.outputs.append(tx_output) # Only append confirmed transactions if tx.block_height is not -1: txs.append(tx.to_dict(address)) else: # subtract 1 from total txs because it is unconfirmed n_tx -= 1 if n_tx != len(txs): return { 'error': ' Not all transactions are retrieved! expected {expected} but only got {received}' .format(expected=n_tx, received=len(txs)) } else: return {'transactions': txs}