def step_from_pilot(
            frame: int,
            apply: bool = True,
            update: bool = True,
            inject: float = 0.0) -> Tuple[carla.Waypoint, RoadOption, DriveDataFrame]:
        control_with_info: ControlWithInfo = self.agent.run_step(debug=False)
        vehicle_control: carla.VehicleControl = control_with_info.control
        vehicle_control.manual_gear_shift = False
        car_state = self.fetch_car_state()
        drive_data_frame = DriveDataFrame(car_state, control_with_info)
        velocity = car_state.velocity
        speed = 3.6 * math.sqrt(velocity.x ** 2 + velocity.y ** 2 + velocity.z ** 2)
        if apply:
            vehicle_control.steer += inject
            # if abs(inject) > 1e-3 and abs(vehicle_control.steer - control_with_info.control.steer) < 1e-3:
            #     logger.error('failed to inject noise')
            # print('{:+4.2f}, {:+4.2f}'.format(vehicle_control.throttle, vehicle_control.steer))

        if update:
            self.data_frame_number = frame
            self.data_frame_dict[self.data_frame_number] = drive_data_frame
            self.target_waypoint = control_with_info.waypoint
            # assert control_with_info.has_waypoint
        return control_with_info.waypoint, control_with_info.road_option, drive_data_frame
 def step_from_control(
         frame: int,
         vehicle_control: carla.VehicleControl,
         apply: bool = True,
         update: bool = True) -> None:
     throttle_value = vehicle_control.throttle
     if apply:
         vehicle_control.manual_gear_shift = False
         if throttle_value < 0.4:
             vehicle_control.throttle = 0.4  # avoid stopping
         # todo: implement PID controller
         if self.data_frame_number is not None and self.data_frame_number in self.data_frame_dict:
             velocity = self.data_frame_dict[self.data_frame_number].state.velocity
             speed = 3.6 * math.sqrt(velocity.x ** 2 + velocity.y ** 2 + velocity.z ** 2)
   'speed {:+5.3f}'.format(speed))
             if speed > 20:
                 vehicle_control.throttle = 0.0
     if update:
         car_control = CarControl.load_from_vehicle_control(vehicle_control)
         car_control.throttle = throttle_value
         control_with_info = ControlWithInfo(control=car_control, road_option=RoadOption.VOID)
         car_state = self.fetch_car_state()
         drive_data_frame = DriveDataFrame(car_state, control_with_info)
         self.data_frame_number = frame
         self.data_frame_dict[self.data_frame_number] = drive_data_frame
Пример #3
    def export_evaluation_data(self, t: int, curr_eval_data: dict) -> bool:
        with open(str(self.state_path(t)), 'w') as file:
            json.dump(curr_eval_data, file, indent=2)

        data_frames = [DriveDataFrame.load_from_str(s) for s in curr_eval_data['data_frames']]
        controls = list(map(attrgetter('control'), data_frames))
        stops, sub_goals = zip(*curr_eval_data['stop_frames'])
        texts = ['th{:+4.2f} st{:+4.2f} {:4s}:{:+4.2f}'.format(c.throttle, c.steer, g[:4], s)
                 for c, s, g in zip(controls, stops, sub_goals)]
        text_dict = {i: t for i, t in zip(range(*curr_eval_data['frame_range']), texts)}
        src_image_files = [self.agent.image_path(f) for f in range(*curr_eval_data['frame_range'])]
        src_image_files = list(filter(lambda x: x.exists(), src_image_files))
        if self.image_type in ['s', 'd']:
            final_image_files = [self.segment_dir / '{:08d}.png'.format(i) for i in range(len(self.final_images))]
            for p, s in zip(final_image_files, self.final_images):
                cv2.imwrite(str(p), s)
            video_from_files(final_image_files, self.video_dir / 'segment{:02d}.mp4'.format(t),
                             texts=[], framerate=EVAL_FRAMERATE_SCALE * DATASET_FRAMERATE, revert=False)
        image_frames = set([int(s.stem[:-1]) for s in src_image_files])
        drive_frames = set(text_dict.keys())
        common_frames = sorted(list(image_frames.intersection(drive_frames)))
        src_image_files = [self.agent.image_path(f) for f in common_frames]
        dst_image_files = [self.image_dir / for p in src_image_files]
        [shutil.copy(str(s), str(d)) for s, d in zip(src_image_files, dst_image_files)]
        text_list = [text_dict[f] for f in common_frames]
        video_from_files(src_image_files, self.video_path(t),
                         texts=text_list, framerate=EVAL_FRAMERATE_SCALE * DATASET_FRAMERATE, revert=True)
        return self.state_path(t).exists()
Пример #4
def read_data(data_path: Path) -> Dict[str, DriveDataFrame]:
    with open(str(data_path), 'r') as file:
        lines =
    data_dict = dict()
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        words = line.split(':')  # word, drive_data_frame_str
        if len(words) != 2:
        assert len(words) == 2
        data_dict[words[0]] = DriveDataFrame.load_from_str(words[1])
    return data_dict
Пример #5
    def export_evaluation_data(self, t: int, curr_eval_data: dict) -> bool:
        with open(str(self.state_path(t)), 'w') as file:
            json.dump(curr_eval_data, file, indent=2)

        data_frames = [DriveDataFrame.load_from_str(s) for s in curr_eval_data['data_frames']]
        controls = list(map(attrgetter('control'), data_frames))
        stops, sub_goals = zip(*curr_eval_data['stop_frames'])'controls, stops, goals {}, {}, {}'.format(len(controls), len(stops), len(sub_goals)))

        self.export_video(t, 'center', curr_eval_data)
        self.export_video(t, 'extra', curr_eval_data)

        return self.state_path(t).exists()
def load_model_single_trajectory(eval_dir: EvaluationDirectory,
                                 traj_index: int) -> EvaluationTrajectory:
        with open(str(eval_dir.state_path(traj_index)), 'r') as file:
            data = json.load(file)
        raise FileNotFoundError('failed to load {}'.format(
    collided = False if 'collided' not in data else parse_bool(
    data_frames = [
        DriveDataFrame.load_from_str(f) for f in data['data_frames']
    info = EvaluationUnitInfo(eval_dir.data_keyword, eval_dir.exp_index,
                              eval_dir.exp_name, eval_dir.exp_step, traj_index)
    return EvaluationTrajectory(info, data_frames, collided)
Пример #7
def load_evaluation_dataset(param: Parameter) -> Tuple[List[List[DriveDataFrame]], List[str]]:
    param = _prepare_evaluation_param(param)
    data_root = Path.cwd() / '.carla/dataset/evaluation'
    if int(param.dataset_data_names[0][-1]) == 1:
        data_root = data_root / 'town1'
        data_root = data_root / 'town2'
    if not data_root.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError('could not find {}'.format(data_root))

    data_path = data_root / '{}.json'.format(param.eval_keyword)
    with open(str(data_path), 'r') as file:
        eval_dict = json.load(file)

    drives = [[DriveDataFrame.load_from_str(d) for d in dl] for dl in eval_dict['drives']]
    sentences = eval_dict['sentences']
    return list(drives), list(sentences)