def test_data(self): import data fids = readids(cptest + 'file_id_list.scp') path, shape = data.getpathandshape('dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(path == 'dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(shape == None) path, shape = data.getpathandshape('dummy.fwlspec:(-1,129)') self.assertTrue(path == 'dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(shape == (-1, 129)) path, shape = data.getpathandshape('dummy.fwlspec:(-1,129)', (-1, 12)) self.assertTrue(path == 'dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(shape == (-1, 12)) path, shape = data.getpathandshape('dummy.fwlspec', (-1, 12)) self.assertTrue(path == 'dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(shape == (-1, 12)) dim = data.getlastdim('dummy.fwlspec') self.assertTrue(dim == 1) dim = data.getlastdim('dummy.fwlspec:(-1,129)') self.assertTrue(dim == 129) indir = cptest + 'binary_label_' + str( lab_size) + '_norm_minmaxm11/*.lab:(-1,' + str(lab_size) + ')' Xs = data.load(indir, fids, shape=None, frameshift=0.005, verbose=1, label='Xs: ') self.assertTrue(len(Xs) == 10) print(Xs[0].shape) self.assertTrue(Xs[0].shape == (667, lab_size)) print(data.gettotallen(Xs)) self.assertTrue(data.gettotallen(Xs) == 5694) outdir = cptest + 'wav_cmp_lf0_fwlspec65_fwnm17_bndnmnoscale/*.cmp:(-1,83)' Ys = data.load(outdir, fids, shape=None, frameshift=0.005, verbose=1, label='Ys: ') print('len(Ys)=' + str(len(Ys))) self.assertTrue(len(Ys) == 10) print('Ys[0].shape' + str(Ys[0].shape)) self.assertTrue(Ys[0].shape == (666, 83)) wdir = cptest + 'wav_fwlspec65_weights/*.w:(-1,1)' Ws = data.load(wdir, fids, shape=None, frameshift=0.005, verbose=1, label='Ws: ') self.assertTrue(len(Ws) == 10) Xs, Ys, Ws = data.croplen([Xs, Ys, Ws]) [Xs, Ys], Ws = data.croplen_weight([Xs, Ys], Ws, thresh=0.5) Xs_w_stop = data.addstop(Xs) X_train, MX_train, Y_train, MY_train, W_train = data.load_inoutset( indir, outdir, wdir, fids, length=None, lengthmax=100, maskpadtype='randshift', inouttimesync=False) X_train, MX_train, Y_train, MY_train, W_train = data.load_inoutset( indir, outdir, wdir, fids, length=None, lengthmax=100, maskpadtype='randshift') X_train, MX_train, Y_train, MY_train, W_train = data.load_inoutset( indir, outdir, wdir, fids, length=None, lengthmax=100, maskpadtype='randshift', cropmode='begendbigger') X_train, MX_train, Y_train, MY_train, W_train = data.load_inoutset( indir, outdir, wdir, fids, length=None, lengthmax=100, maskpadtype='randshift', cropmode='all') worst_val = data.cost_0pred_rmse(Ys) print('worst_val={}'.format(worst_val)) worst_val = data.cost_0pred_rmse(Ys[0]) print('worst_val={}'.format(worst_val)) def data_cost_model_mfn(Xs, Ys): return np.std(Ys) # TODO More usefull X_vals = data.load(indir, fids) Y_vals = data.load(outdir, fids) X_vals, Y_vals = data.croplen([X_vals, Y_vals]) cost = data.cost_model_mfn(data_cost_model_mfn, [X_vals, Y_vals]) print(cost) class SmokyModel: def predict(self, Xs): return np.zeros([1, Xs.shape[1], 83]) mod = SmokyModel() cost = data.cost_model_prediction_rmse(mod, [Xs], Ys) print(cost) std = data.prediction_mstd(mod, [Xs]) print(std) rms = data.prediction_rms(mod, [Xs]) print(rms)
def train_oneparamset(self, indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_tra, fid_lst_val, params_savefile, trialstr='', cont=None): print('Loading all validation data at once ...') # X_val, Y_val = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1) X_vals = data.load(indir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Context labels: ') Y_vals = data.load(outdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Output features: ') X_vals, Y_vals = data.croplen([X_vals, Y_vals]) print(' {} validation files'.format(len(fid_lst_val))) print(' number of validation files / train files: {:.2f}%'.format(100.0*float(len(fid_lst_val))/len(fid_lst_tra))) print('Model initial status before training') worst_val = data.cost_0pred_rmse(Y_vals) print(" 0-pred validation RMSE = {} (100%)".format(worst_val)) init_pred_rms = data.prediction_rms(self._model, [X_vals]) print(' initial RMS of prediction = {}'.format(init_pred_rms)) init_val = data.cost_model_prediction_rmse(self._model, [X_vals], Y_vals) best_val = None print(" initial validation RMSE = {} ({:.4f}%)".format(init_val, 100.0*init_val/worst_val)) nbbatches = int(len(fid_lst_tra)/self.cfg.train_batch_size) print(' using {} batches of {} sentences each'.format(nbbatches, self.cfg.train_batch_size)) print(' model #parameters={}'.format(self._model.count_params())) nbtrainframes = 0 for fid in fid_lst_tra: X = data.loadfile(outdir, fid) nbtrainframes += X.shape[0] print(' Training set: {} sentences, #frames={} ({})'.format(len(fid_lst_tra), nbtrainframes, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime((nbtrainframes*self._model.vocoder.shift))))) print(' #parameters/#frames={:.2f}'.format(float(self._model.count_params())/nbtrainframes)) if self.cfg.train_nbepochs_scalewdata and not self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is None: # During an epoch, the whole data is _not_ seen by the training since cfg.train_batch_lengthmax is limited and smaller to the sentence size. # To compensate for it and make the config below less depedent on the data, the min ans max nbepochs are scaled according to the missing number of frames seen. # TODO Should consider only non-silent frames, many recordings have a lot of pre and post silences epochcoef = nbtrainframes/float((self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax*len(fid_lst_tra))) print(' scale number of epochs wrt number of frames') self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs*epochcoef) self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs = int(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs*epochcoef) print(' train_min_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs)) print(' train_max_nbepochs={}'.format(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs)) self.prepare() # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes costs = defaultdict(list) epochs_modelssaved = [] epochs_durs = [] nbnodecepochs = 0 generator_updates = 0 epochstart = 1 if cont and len(glob.glob(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5*'))>0: print(' reloading previous training state ...') savedcfg, extras, rngstate = self.loadTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5') np.random.set_state(rngstate) cost_val = extras['cost_val'] # Restoring some local variables costs = extras['costs'] epochs_modelssaved = extras['epochs_modelssaved'] epochs_durs = extras['epochs_durs'] generator_updates = extras['generator_updates'] epochstart = extras['epoch']+1 # Restore the saving criteria if only none of those 3 cfg values changed: if (savedcfg.train_min_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_max_nbepochs==self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs) and (savedcfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs==self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs): best_val = extras['best_val'] nbnodecepochs = extras['nbnodecepochs'] print_log(" start training ...") epoch = -1 for epoch in range(epochstart,1+self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs): timeepochstart = time.time() rndidx = np.arange(int(nbbatches*self.cfg.train_batch_size)) # Need to restart from ordered state to make the shuffling repeatable after reloading training state, the shuffling will be different anyway np.random.shuffle(rndidx) rndidxb = np.split(rndidx, nbbatches) cost_tra = None costs_tra_batches = [] costs_tra_gen_wgan_lse_ratios = [] load_times = [] train_times = [] for batchid in xrange(nbbatches): timeloadstart = time.time() print_tty('\r Training batch {}/{}'.format(1+batchid, nbbatches)) # Load training data online, because data is often too heavy to hold in memory fid_lst_trab = [fid_lst_tra[bidx] for bidx in rndidxb[batchid]] X_trab, Y_trab, W_trab = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_trab, length=self.cfg.train_batch_length, lengthmax=self.cfg.train_batch_lengthmax, maskpadtype=self.cfg.train_batch_padtype, cropmode=self.cfg.train_batch_cropmode) if 0: # Plot batch import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() plt.imshow(Y_trab[0,].T, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='jet') from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb; Pdb().set_trace() load_times.append(time.time()-timeloadstart) print_tty(' (iter load: {:.6f}s); training '.format(load_times[-1])) timetrainstart = time.time() cost_tra = self.train_on_batch(batchid, X_trab, Y_trab) # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes train_times.append(time.time()-timetrainstart) if not cost_tra is None: print_tty('err={:.4f} (iter train: {:.4f}s) '.format(cost_tra,train_times[-1])) if np.isnan(cost_tra): # pragma: no cover print_log(' previous costs: {}'.format(costs_tra_batches)) print_log(' E{} Batch {}/{} train cost = {}'.format(epoch, 1+batchid, nbbatches, cost_tra)) raise ValueError('ERROR: Training cost is nan!') costs_tra_batches.append(cost_tra) print_tty('\r \r') costs['model_training'].append(np.mean(costs_tra_batches)) cost_val = self.update_validation_cost(costs, X_vals, Y_vals) # This has to be overwritten by sub-classes print_log(" E{}/{} {} cost_tra={:.6f} (load:{}s train:{}s) cost_val={:.6f} ({:.4f}% RMSE) {} MiB GPU {} MiB RAM".format(epoch, self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs, trialstr, costs['model_training'][-1], time2str(np.sum(load_times)), time2str(np.sum(train_times)), cost_val, 100*costs['model_rmse_validation'][-1]/worst_val, tf_gpu_memused(), proc_memresident())) sys.stdout.flush() if np.isnan(cost_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost is nan!') # if (self._errtype=='LSE') and (cost_val>=self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh*worst_val): raise ValueError('ERROR: Validation cost blew up! It is higher than {} times the worst possible values'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_validthresh)) # TODO[0]+'-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val}) # Save model parameters if epoch>=self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs: # Assume no model is good enough before self.cfg.train_min_nbepochs if ((best_val is None) or (cost_val<best_val)): # Among all trials of hyper-parameter optimisation best_val = cost_val, printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val}, infostr='(E{} C{:.4f})'.format(epoch, best_val)) epochs_modelssaved.append(epoch) nbnodecepochs = 0 else: nbnodecepochs += 1 if self.cfg.train_log_plot: print_log(' saving plots') log_plot_costs(costs, worst_val, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_costs_'+trialstr+'.svg', epochs_modelssaved=epochs_modelssaved) nbsamples = 2 nbsamples = min(nbsamples, len(X_vals)) Y_preds = [] for sampli in xrange(nbsamples): Y_preds.append(self._model.predict(np.reshape(X_vals[sampli],[1]+[s for s in X_vals[sampli].shape]))[0,]) plotsuffix = '' if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 and epochs_modelssaved[-1]==epoch: plotsuffix='_best' else: plotsuffix='_last' log_plot_samples(Y_vals, Y_preds, nbsamples=nbsamples, fname=os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-fig_samples_'+trialstr+plotsuffix+'.png', vocoder=self._model.vocoder, title='E{}'.format(epoch)) epochs_durs.append(time.time()-timeepochstart) print_log(' ET: {} max TT: {}s train ~time left: {}'.format(time2str(epochs_durs[-1]), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs), time2str(np.median(epochs_durs[-10:])*(self.cfg.train_max_nbepochs-epoch)))) self.saveTrainingState(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0]+'-trainingstate-last.h5', printfn=print_log, extras={'cost_val':cost_val, 'best_val':best_val, 'costs':costs, 'epochs_modelssaved':epochs_modelssaved, 'epochs_durs':epochs_durs, 'nbnodecepochs':nbnodecepochs, 'generator_updates':generator_updates, 'epoch':epoch}) if nbnodecepochs>=self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs: # pragma: no cover print_log('WARNING: validation error did not decrease for {} epochs. Early stop!'.format(self.cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs)) break if best_val is None: raise ValueError('No model has been saved during training!') return {'epoch_stopped':epoch, 'worst_val':worst_val, 'best_epoch':epochs_modelssaved[-1] if len(epochs_modelssaved)>0 else -1, 'best_val':best_val}
def train_multipletrials(self, indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_tra, fid_lst_val, params, params_savefile, cfgtomerge=None, cont=None, **kwargs): # Hyp: always uses batches # All kwargs arguments are specific configuration values # First, fill a struct with the default configuration values ... cfg = configuration() # Init structure # LSE cfg.train_learningrate_log10 = -3.39794 # [potential hyper-parameter] (10**-3.39794=0.0004) cfg.train_adam_beta1 = 0.9 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_adam_beta2 = 0.999 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_adam_epsilon_log10 = -8 # [potential hyper-parameter] # WGAN cfg.train_D_learningrate = 0.0001 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_D_adam_beta1 = 0.5 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_D_adam_beta2 = 0.9 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_G_learningrate = 0.001 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_G_adam_beta1 = 0.5 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_G_adam_beta2 = 0.9 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_pg_lambda = 10 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_LScoef = 0.25 # If >0, mix LSE and WGAN losses (def. 0.25) cfg.train_validation_ltm_winlen = 20 # Now that I'm using min and max epochs, I could use the actuall D cost and not the ltm(D cost) TODO cfg.train_min_nbepochs = 200 cfg.train_max_nbepochs = 300 cfg.train_nbepochs_scalewdata = True cfg.train_cancel_nodecepochs = 50 cfg.train_cancel_validthresh = 10.0 # Cancel train if valid err is more than N times higher than the initial worst valid err cfg.train_batch_size = 5 # [potential hyper-parameter] cfg.train_batch_padtype = 'randshift' # See load_inoutset(..., maskpadtype) cfg.train_batch_cropmode = 'begendbigger' # 'begend', 'begendbigger', 'all' cfg.train_batch_length = None # Duration [frames] of each batch (def. None, i.e. the shortest duration of the batch if using maskpadtype = 'randshift') # TODO Remove for lengthmax cfg.train_batch_lengthmax = None # Maximum duration [frames] of each batch cfg.train_nbtrials = 1 # Just run one training only cfg.train_hypers = [] #cfg.train_hypers = [('learningrate_log10', -6.0, -2.0), ('adam_beta1', 0.8, 1.0)] # For ADAM #cfg.train_hyper = [('train_D_learningrate', 0.0001, 0.1), ('train_D_adam_beta1', 0.8, 1.0), ('train_D_adam_beta2', 0.995, 1.0), ('train_batch_size', 1, 200)] # For ADAM cfg.train_log_plot = True # ... add/overwrite configuration from cfgtomerge ... if not cfgtomerge is None: cfg.merge(cfgtomerge) # ... and add/overwrite specific configuration from the generic arguments for kwarg in kwargs.keys(): setattr(cfg, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg]) print('Training configuration') cfg.print_content() print('Loading all validation data at once ...') # X_val, Y_val = data.load_inoutset(indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1) X_vals = data.load(indir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Context labels: ') Y_vals = data.load(outdir, fid_lst_val, verbose=1, label='Output features: ') X_vals, Y_vals = data.croplen([X_vals, Y_vals]) print(' {} validation files'.format(len(fid_lst_val))) print( ' {:.2f}% of validation files for number of train files'.format( 100.0 * float(len(fid_lst_val)) / len(fid_lst_tra))) if cfg.train_nbtrials > 1: self._model.saveAllParams(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0] + '-init.pkl', cfg=cfg, printfn=print_log) try: trials = [] for triali in xrange( 1, 1 + cfg.train_nbtrials ): # Run multiple trials with different hyper-parameters print('\nStart trial {} ...'.format(triali)) try: train_rets = None trialstr = 'trial' + str(triali) if len(cfg.train_hypers) > 0: cfg, hyperstr = self.randomize_hyper(cfg) trialstr += ',' + hyperstr print(' randomized hyper-parameters: ' + trialstr) if cfg.train_nbtrials > 1: self._model.loadAllParams( os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0] + '-init.pkl') timewholetrainstart = time.time() train_rets = self.train(params, indir, outdir, wdir, fid_lst_tra, fid_lst_val, X_vals, Y_vals, cfg, params_savefile, trialstr=trialstr, cont=cont) cont = None print_log('Total trial run time: {}s'.format( time2str(time.time() - timewholetrainstart))) except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover raise KeyboardInterrupt except (ValueError, GpuArrayException): # pragma: no cover if len(cfg.train_hypers) > 0: print_log('WARNING: Training crashed!') import traceback traceback.print_exc() else: print_log('ERROR: Training crashed!') raise # Crash the whole training if there is only one trial if cfg.train_nbtrials > 1: # Save the results of each trial, but only the non-crashed trials if not train_rets is None: ntrialline = [triali] + [ getattr(cfg, field[0]) for field in cfg.train_hypers ] ntrialline = ntrialline + [ train_rets[key] for key in sorted(train_rets.keys()) ] header = 'trials ' + ' '.join([ field[0] for field in cfg.train_hypers ]) + ' ' + ' '.join(sorted(train_rets.keys())) trials.append(ntrialline) np.savetxt(os.path.splitext(params_savefile)[0] + '-trials.txt', np.vstack(trials), header=header) except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover print_log('WARNING: Training interrupted by user!') print_log('Finished')
def generate_wav( self, inpath, outpath, fid_lst, syndir, vocoder, wins=[[-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [1.0, -2.0, 1.0]], do_objmeas=True, do_resynth=True, pp_mcep=False, pp_spec_pf_coef=-1 # Common value is 1.2 , pp_spec_extrapfreq=-1): from external.pulsemodel import sigproc as sp print('Reloading output stats') # Assume mean/std normalisation of the output Ymean = np.fromfile(os.path.dirname(outpath) + '/mean4norm.dat', dtype='float32') Ystd = np.fromfile(os.path.dirname(outpath) + '/std4norm.dat', dtype='float32') print('\nLoading generation data at once ...') X_test = data.load(inpath, fid_lst, verbose=1) if do_objmeas: y_test = data.load(outpath, fid_lst, verbose=1) X_test, y_test = data.croplen((X_test, y_test)) def denormalise(CMP, wins=[[-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], [1.0, -2.0, 1.0]]): CMP = CMP * np.tile(Ystd, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) + np.tile( Ymean, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) # De-normalise if len(wins) > 0: # Apply MLPG from external.merlin.mlpg_fast import MLParameterGenerationFast as MLParameterGeneration mlpg_algo = MLParameterGeneration(delta_win=wins[0], acc_win=wins[1]) var = np.tile(Ystd**2, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) # Simplification! CMP = mlpg_algo.generation(CMP, var, len(Ymean) / 3) else: CMP = CMP[:, :vocoder.featuressize()] return CMP if not os.path.isdir(syndir): os.makedirs(syndir) if do_resynth and (not os.path.isdir(syndir + '-resynth')): os.makedirs(syndir + '-resynth') for vi in xrange(len(X_test)): print('Generating {}/{} ...'.format(1 + vi, len(X_test))) print(' Predict ...') if do_resynth: CMP = denormalise(y_test[vi], wins=[]) resyn = vocoder.synthesis(vocoder.fs, CMP, pp_mcep=False) sp.wavwrite(syndir + '-resynth/' + fid_lst[vi] + '.wav', resyn, vocoder.fs, norm_abs=True, force_norm_abs=True, verbose=1) CMP = self.predict( np.reshape(X_test[vi], [1] + [s for s in X_test[vi].shape])) CMP = CMP[0, :, :] CMP = denormalise(CMP, wins=wins) syn = vocoder.synthesis(vocoder.fs, CMP, pp_mcep=pp_mcep) sp.wavwrite(syndir + '/' + fid_lst[vi] + '.wav', syn, vocoder.fs, norm_abs=True, force_norm_abs=True, verbose=1) if do_objmeas: vocoder.objmeasures_add(CMP, y_test[vi]) if do_objmeas: vocoder.objmeasures_stats() print_log('Generation finished')
def generate_wav( self, inpath, outpath, fid_lst, syndir, do_objmeas=True, do_resynth=True, pp_mcep=False, pp_spec_pf_coef=-1 # Common value is 1.2 , pp_spec_extrapfreq=-1, pp_f0_smooth=None): from external.pulsemodel import sigproc as sp print('Reloading output stats') # Assume mean/std normalisation of the output Ymean = np.fromfile(os.path.dirname(outpath) + '/mean4norm.dat', dtype='float32') Ystd = np.fromfile(os.path.dirname(outpath) + '/std4norm.dat', dtype='float32') print('\nLoading generation data at once ...') X_test = data.load(inpath, fid_lst, verbose=1) if do_objmeas or do_resynth: y_test = data.load(outpath, fid_lst, verbose=1) X_test, y_test = data.croplen((X_test, y_test)) def denormalise(CMP, mlpg_ignore=False): CMP = CMP * np.tile(Ystd, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) + np.tile( Ymean, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) # De-normalise # TODO Should go in the vocoder, but there is Ystd to put as argument ... # Though, the vocoder is not taking care of the deltas composition during data composition either. if (not self.vocoder.mlpg_wins is None) and len( self.vocoder.mlpg_wins) > 0: # If MLPG is used if mlpg_ignore: CMP = CMP[:, :self.vocoder.featuressizeraw()] else: # Apply MLPG from external.merlin.mlpg_fast import MLParameterGenerationFast as MLParameterGeneration mlpg_algo = MLParameterGeneration( delta_win=self.vocoder.mlpg_wins[0], acc_win=self.vocoder.mlpg_wins[1]) var = np.tile(Ystd**2, (CMP.shape[0], 1)) # Simplification! CMP = mlpg_algo.generation(CMP, var, self.vocoder.featuressizeraw()) return CMP if not os.path.isdir(syndir): os.makedirs(syndir) if do_resynth and (not os.path.isdir(syndir + '-resynth')): os.makedirs(syndir + '-resynth') for vi in xrange(len(X_test)): print('Generating {}/{} fid={} ...'.format(1 + vi, len(X_test), fid_lst[vi])) print(' Predict ...') if do_resynth: CMP = denormalise(y_test[vi], mlpg_ignore=True) resyn = self.vocoder.synthesis(CMP, pp_mcep=False) sp.wavwrite(syndir + '-resynth/' + fid_lst[vi] + '.wav', resyn, self.vocoder.fs, norm_max=True, verbose=1) CMP = self.predict( np.reshape(X_test[vi], [1] + [s for s in X_test[vi].shape])) CMP = CMP[0, :, :] CMP = denormalise(CMP) syn = self.vocoder.synthesis(CMP, pp_mcep=pp_mcep, pp_f0_smooth=pp_f0_smooth) sp.wavwrite(syndir + '/' + fid_lst[vi] + '.wav', syn, self.vocoder.fs, norm_max=True, verbose=1) if do_objmeas: self.vocoder.objmeasures_add(CMP, y_test[vi]) if do_objmeas: self.vocoder.objmeasures_stats() print_log('Generation finished')