Пример #1
import tallydata

# correcting the argv base.DATA_PATH
QUESTION_ID = sys.argv[1]
DATA_PATHS = sys.argv[2:]  

# for default election params

# use the meeting1 data structures
from electionparams import *

# import just the R tables
# there could be a few given the multiple data_paths
r_tables_xml = [base.file_in_dir(data_path, filenames.MEETING_THREE_OUT, 'Meeting Three Out') for data_path in DATA_PATHS]
r_tables_list = [data.parse_r_tables(r_tables) for r_tables in r_tables_xml]

# print "ok now tallying\n\n"

# the list of partitions, each of which is a list of the max number of answers each question allows
partition_map = election.partition_map_choices

# we only tally per question now, so BALLOTS is just an array
# go through each partition
for r_tables in r_tables_list:
  for p_id, r_table in r_tables.iteritems():
    for row_id, row in r_table.rows.iteritems():
      # split the result among questions for this partition, according to partition map
      split_result = r_table.get_permutations_by_row_id(row_id, partition_map[p_id])
Пример #2
meeting_four_out_xml = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_FOUR_OUT, 'Meeting Four Out')
meeting_four_random_data = base.file_in_dir(base.DATA_PATH, filenames.MEETING_FOUR_RANDOM_DATA, "Random Data for Meeting Four Challenges", xml=False, correct_windows=False)

# from meeting1 and meeting 2
election, d_table_commitments, already_open_d_tables = meeting1.election, meeting1.partitions, meeting2.response_partitions
p_table_votes = meeting3.p_table_votes

# from meeting3, the D tables with intermediate decrypted votes
cast_ballot_partitions = data.parse_d_tables(meeting3.meeting_three_out_xml)

# challenge and response to those rows
d_table_challenges = data.parse_d_tables(meeting_four_in_xml)
d_table_responses = data.parse_d_tables(meeting_four_out_xml)

# r tables
r_tables_by_partition = data.parse_r_tables(meeting3.meeting_three_out_xml)

def verify(output_stream):
  # verify that challenges are appropriately generated
  challenges_match_randomness = True
  # we assume that one D table always opens on the same side
  # we do a bit of an odd thing here to keep the partitions and d tables in order
  # because that's how counter is decided
  counter = 0
  # a dictionary of partition_ids, with values a dictionary of d_table ID
  expected_challenge_sides = {}
  seed = meeting_four_random_data + election.constant