def __init__(self, object, anim_name, frameno, frame_length): try: self.image = pygame.image.load(data.picpath(object, anim_name, frameno)).convert() except: try: self.image = pygame.image.load( data.picpath("brown", anim_name, frameno) ).convert() # Fallback to brown tileset except: self.image = pygame.image.load( data.picpath("object", "idle", 0) ).convert() # Fallback to default object image error_message("Object graphic missing: " + object + "_" + anim_name + "_" + str(frameno)) self.frame_length = frame_length self.image.set_colorkey((255, 0, 255)) return
class Util: pygame.font.init() smallfont = pygame.font.Font( data.filepath(os.path.join("misc", "Vera.ttf")), FONT_SIZE) cached_text_images = {} cached_images = {} cached_images["dialogueskip"] = pygame.image.load( data.picpath("skip", "dialogue"))
def __init__(self, screen, level_name = "0"): self.screen = screen self.bgimage = pygame.image.load(data.picpath("background", "static")) self.image = None self.rect = self.bgimage.get_rect() self.rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 self.rect.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 self.flipping = False self.flipcounter = 0 self.tiles = [] self.objects = [] self.scripted_events = [] conffile = open(data.levelpath(level_name)) tiley = 0 values = [] set = "brown" #Parsing this from the conf file should be added trigger = False current_event = None for line in conffile.readlines(): if tiley < FULL_TILES_VER: tilex = 0 while tilex < FULL_TILES_VER: if (line[tilex] == "W"): self.tiles.append(Tile(self.screen, tilex, tiley)) if (line[tilex] == "B"): self.tiles.append(Tile(self.screen, tilex, tiley, set, "bars")) if (line[tilex] == "S"): self.tiles.append(Spikes(self.screen, tilex, tiley)) tilex += 1 tiley += 1 else: if line.strip() != "": values = line.split() if trigger: if values[0] == "end" and values[1] == "trigger": trigger = False else: current_event.add_element(line) continue if values[0] == "trigger": trigger = True current_event = Scripted_event(values[1], int(values[2])) self.scripted_events.append(current_event) continue x = (float(values[1]) - (FULL_TILES_HOR - TILES_HOR)) * TILE_DIM y = (float(values[2]) - (FULL_TILES_VER - TILES_VER))* TILE_DIM if values[0] == "player": self.player = Player(self.screen, x, y) continue if values[0] == "spider": self.objects.append(Spider(self.screen, x, y, dir_from_str(values[3]))) continue if values[0] == "key": self.objects.append(Item(self.screen, x, y, set, values[0])) continue if values[0] == "lever": trigger_type = TRIGGER_NONE if values[4] == "TRIGGER_FLIP": trigger_type = TRIGGER_FLIP self.objects.append( Item(self.screen, x, y, set, values[0], int(values[3]), trigger_type) ) continue self.reset_active_tiles() return
def __init__(self, object, anim_name, frameno, frame_length): self.image = pygame.image.load(data.picpath(object, anim_name, frameno)).convert_alpha() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.frame_length = frame_length return
def display_bg(key, screen): bg_image = pygame.image.load(data.picpath("bg", key)) rect = bg_image.get_rect() screen.blit(bg_image, rect) return
def run(self, menu_choice = 0): done = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() menu_items = ["Quit", "Sound: " + bool_to_str(Variables.vdict["sound"]), "Dialogue: " + bool_to_str(Variables.vdict["dialogue"]) ] count = 0 while (count <= Variables.vdict["unlocked"] and count < TOTAL_LEVELS): menu_items.append("Level " + str(count + 1)) count += 1 if self.score != None: menu_image = render_text("Your final score: " + str(self.score), COLOR_GUI) rect = menu_image.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP - 25 self.screen.blit(menu_image, rect) while not done: # Pygame event and keyboard input processing for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): menu_choice = MENU_QUIT done = True elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN) or (event.type == JOYAXISMOTION and event.axis == 1 and event.value > 0.7): if menu_choice + 4 < len(menu_items): menu_choice += 1 play_sound("click") elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP) or (event.type == JOYAXISMOTION and event.axis == 1 and event.value < -0.7): if menu_choice + 3 > 0: menu_choice -= 1 play_sound("click") elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_z or event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_RETURN)) or (event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN and (event.button == 0 or event.button == 1)): done = True #Menu rendering menu_offset = -(len(menu_items) - 6) * 10 menu_bg = pygame.image.load(data.picpath("menu", "bg")).convert_alpha() rect = menu_bg.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP self.screen.blit(menu_bg, rect) menu_head = render_text("Which way is up?") rect = menu_head.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP + 50 + menu_offset self.screen.blit(menu_head, rect) current_menu_index = -3 for m in menu_items: if (menu_choice == current_menu_index): color = COLOR_GUI_HILIGHT else: color = COLOR_GUI menu_image = render_text(m, color) rect = menu_image.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP + 60 + (current_menu_index + 4) * 20 + menu_offset self.screen.blit(menu_image, rect) current_menu_index += 1 #Display, clock pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(FPS) return menu_choice
def __init__(self, screen, level_name="0"): self.screen = screen self.bgimage = pygame.image.load(data.picpath("background", "static")) self.image = None self.rect = self.bgimage.get_rect() self.rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 self.rect.centery = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 self.flipping = False self.flipcounter = 0 self.tiles = [] self.objects = [] self.scripted_events = [] conffile = open(data.levelpath(level_name)) tiley = 0 values = [] set = "brown" #Parsing this from the conf file should be added trigger = False current_event = None for line in conffile.readlines(): if tiley < FULL_TILES_VER: tilex = 0 while tilex < FULL_TILES_VER: if (line[tilex] == "W"): self.tiles.append(Tile(self.screen, tilex, tiley)) if (line[tilex] == "B"): self.tiles.append( Tile(self.screen, tilex, tiley, set, "bars")) if (line[tilex] == "S"): self.tiles.append(Spikes(self.screen, tilex, tiley)) tilex += 1 tiley += 1 else: if line.strip() != "": values = line.split() if trigger: if values[0] == "end" and values[1] == "trigger": trigger = False else: current_event.add_element(line) continue if values[0] == "trigger": trigger = True current_event = Scripted_event(values[1], int(values[2])) self.scripted_events.append(current_event) continue x = (float(values[1]) - (FULL_TILES_HOR - TILES_HOR)) * TILE_DIM y = (float(values[2]) - (FULL_TILES_VER - TILES_VER)) * TILE_DIM if values[0] == "player": self.player = Player(self.screen, x, y) continue if values[0] == "spider": self.objects.append( Spider(self.screen, x, y, dir_from_str(values[3]))) continue if values[0] == "key": self.objects.append( Item(self.screen, x, y, set, values[0])) continue if values[0] == "lever": trigger_type = TRIGGER_NONE if values[4] == "TRIGGER_FLIP": trigger_type = TRIGGER_FLIP self.objects.append( Item(self.screen, x, y, set, values[0], int(values[3]), trigger_type)) continue self.reset_active_tiles() return
def run(self, menu_choice = 0): done = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.screen.blit(self.bgscreen, (0, 0)) #Renders the menu background, usually the faded out game display #Or a black screen #Menu loop while not done: # Pygame event and keyboard input processing for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): menu_choice = MENU_QUIT done = True elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_DOWN) or (event.type == JOYAXISMOTION and event.axis == 1 and event.value > 0.7): if menu_choice + 1 < len(self.menu_items): menu_choice += 1 play_sound("click") elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_UP) or (event.type == JOYAXISMOTION and event.axis == 1 and event.value < -0.7): if menu_choice > 0: menu_choice -= 1 play_sound("click") elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key == K_z or event.key == K_SPACE or event.key == K_RETURN)) or (event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN and (event.button == 0 or event.button == 1)): done = True #Menu rendering #Menu offset value centers the menu when the maximum amount of choices is not visible if len(self.menu_items) < MENU_MAX_VISIBLE: menu_offset = -(len(self.menu_items) - 5) * 10 else: menu_offset = -(MENU_MAX_VISIBLE - 5) * 10 menu_bg = pygame.image.load(data.picpath("menu", "bg")).convert_alpha() rect = menu_bg.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP self.screen.blit(menu_bg, rect) if self.heading_text != None: menu_head = render_text(self.heading_text) rect = menu_head.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP + 50 + menu_offset self.screen.blit(menu_head, rect) #If the menu choice is greater than the second last menu item on screen, #the menu must be scrolled: if menu_choice > (MENU_MAX_VISIBLE - 1): current_menu_index = menu_choice - MENU_MAX_VISIBLE if (menu_choice + 1) < len(self.menu_items): current_menu_index += 1 else: current_menu_index = 0 menu_visible = 0 while (not (menu_visible > MENU_MAX_VISIBLE or (current_menu_index) == len(self.menu_items))): m = self.menu_items[current_menu_index] if (menu_choice == current_menu_index): menu_image = render_text(m, COLOR_GUI_HILIGHT, COLOR_GUI_DARK) else: menu_image = render_text(m, COLOR_GUI) rect = menu_image.get_rect() rect.centerx = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 = GUI_MENU_TOP + 60 + (menu_visible + 1) * 20 + menu_offset self.screen.blit(menu_image, rect) current_menu_index += 1 menu_visible += 1 #Display, clock pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(FPS) return menu_choice