Пример #1
class Model(object):
    """Model of the application, it contains the main information"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.__data = Data();                       # Ingredient Data class used to import and load data
        self.__recette = 0                          # Last recipe specified
        self.__metaGroups = []                      # All groups datas
        self.__initDatas()                          # Iniciate groups datas
    def __initDatas(self):
        """Create all groups rules explicated in the documentation"""
        self.__metaGroups.append(MetaGroup(1, Constants.CalorieMetaGroup1))
        self.__metaGroups.append(MetaGroup(2, Constants.CalorieMetaGroup2))
        self.__metaGroups.append(MetaGroup(3, Constants.CalorieMetaGroup3))
        self.__metaGroups.append(MetaGroup(4, Constants.CalorieMetaGroup4)) 
    def calculatePortions(self):
        """Calculate one portion of one recipe"""
        aMetaGroup = self.__getMetaGroup(self.recette.getNiveau())
        aGroups = aMetaGroup.getGroups()
        oPortionList = []
        for aGroup in aGroups :
            aPoidsPortion = (self.recette.getRecipeWeight() * aGroup.getPortionCalories())/self.recette.getRecipeCalories()
            aCarbo = (self.recette.getRecipeCarbo() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            aProteine = (self.recette.getRecipeProteine() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            aLipide = (self.recette.getRecipeLipide() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            aFibre = (self.recette.getRecipeFibre() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            aSodium = (self.recette.getRecipeSodium() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            aSature = (self.recette.getRecipeSature() * aPoidsPortion)/self.recette.getRecipeWeight()
            oPortionList.append(PortionRecette(aPoidsPortion, aGroup, aCarbo, aProteine, aLipide, aFibre, aSodium, aSature))
        return oPortionList       
    def __getMetaGroup(self, iNiveau):
        for oMetaGroup in self.__metaGroups:
            if oMetaGroup.getNiveau() == iNiveau:
                return oMetaGroup
        raise MyException("getMetaGroup() : Nivel de sobre grupo errado.")
    def checkNumIngr(self, iNumero): 
        """Check if the ingredient is in the ingredients list"""
        for aIngredient in self.__data.getIngredients():
            if aIngredient.numero == iNumero:
                return True
        return False
    def displayModel(self):
        """Display all the model"""
        for aMetaGroup in self.__metaGroups:
    def displayRecipe(self):
        """Display the recipe"""
    def resetDatabase(self):
        """Reset the database and load from the Excel file."""
    def getIngredient(self, iNumero):
        """Retrieve the ingredient thanks to the ingredient number"""
        for oIngredient in self.__data.getIngredients():
            if oIngredient.numero == iNumero:
                return oIngredient
        raise MyException("getIngredient() : Numero de ingrediente errado.")
    def setRecette(self, iRecette):
        self.__recette = iRecette
    def getRecette(self):
        return self.__recette
    recette = property(getRecette, setRecette, "Recette doc")