def test_clamped_model_sample_multple(self): """ Test that clamped model sample with multiple clamped variables gets the correct energy. """ checkerboard = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={} ) checkerboard.clamp(1, 1) checkerboard.clamp(3, -1) sample = IsingSample(checkerboard, (-1, 1)) assert sample.assignment.as_tuple == (-1, 1, 1, -1) assert == 0 checkerboard = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={1: 4} ) checkerboard.clamp(0, -1) checkerboard.clamp(1, 1) checkerboard.clamp(2, 1) checkerboard.clamp(3, -1) sample = IsingSample(checkerboard, tuple()) assert sample.assignment.as_tuple == (-1, 1, 1, -1) assert == 4
def test_variables_space_correct(self): """ Tests that IsingModel correctly determines the k-local and 2-local space of variables correctly. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert model.variables == set([0, 1, 2]) # Present in h, but not present in J h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5, 3: 13} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 3): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert model.variables == set([0, 1, 2, 3]) # Present in J, but not present in h h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert model.variables == set([0, 1, 2])
def test_clamp_variable_invalid_value(self): """ Make sure invalid variable cannot be clamped. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) # Attempt to clamp with some retarded value with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, 5) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, -3) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, 1.01) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, -0.99) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, -0.5)
def test_initialize_by_adding(self): """ Initialize SamplePool with a list of existing samples. """ simple = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: -3} ) samples = [ IsingSample(simple, [-1, 1, 1, 1]), IsingSample(simple, [1, -1, 1, -1]), IsingSample(simple, [1, 1, -1, 1]), IsingSample(simple, [-1, -1, -1, -1]) ] pool = SamplePool() for sample in samples: pool.add(sample) assert len(pool) == 4 assert pool[0] == samples[1] # Make sure the entire order is correct assert pool[:1000] == sorted(samples, reverse=True)
def generate(self): h = {} J = {} for (node1, node2) in self.graph.edges: value = (-1) * self.binpix(*node1) * self.binpix(*node2) J[self.variable(*node1), self.variable(*node2)] = value return IsingModel(J, h)
def test_clamp_variable_simple(self): """ Makes sure that variable clamping transforms IsingModel in an expected manner. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) model.clamp(0, 1) assert model.h_clamped == {1: 5.5, 2: -5} assert model.J_clamped == {(1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) model.clamp(0, -1) assert model.h_clamped == {1: 14.5, 2: -5} assert model.J_clamped == {(1, 2): 5}
def test_biased_checkerboard(self): """ Test that biased checkerboard (at one qubit) returns only one solution. """ sampler = GibbsSampler() biased_checkerboard = IsingModel(J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: 2}) result = sampler.sample(biased_checkerboard, 10000) solutions = [s.as_tuple for s in result] assert (-1, 1, -1, 1) in solutions assert len(solutions) == 1 # Enforce the opposite checkerboard biased_checkerboard = IsingModel(J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: -2}) result = sampler.sample(biased_checkerboard, 10000) solutions = [s.as_tuple for s in result] assert (1, -1, 1, -1) in solutions assert len(solutions) == 1
def generate(self, decimals): J = {} h = {} for (node1, node2) in self.graph.edges: J[self.variable(*node1), self.variable(*node2)] = round(2 * random.random() - 1, decimals) for node in self.graph.nodes: h[self.variable(*node)] = round(2 * random.random() - 1, decimals) return IsingModel(J, h)
def test_sample_energy(self): """ Test that the energy value computation is correct. """ h = {} J = {(0, 1): -2.5, (1, 2): 3} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert IsingSample(model, {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: 1}).energy == pytest.approx(-5.5) h = {0: 5.2, 1: 4, 2: -8} J = {} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert IsingSample(model, {0: -1, 1: 1, 2: -1}).energy == pytest.approx(6.8) h = {0: 5.2, 1: 4, 2: -8} J = {(0, 1): -2.5, (1, 2): 3} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert IsingSample(model, {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: -1}).energy == pytest.approx(-0.7)
def test_initialization(self): """ Tests that IsingModel can be created. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} # Something is very broken if even this test does not work model = IsingModel(J, h) assert model is not None
def test_unbiased_checkerboard(self): """ Test that checkerboard problem returns both valid solutions. """ sampler = GibbsSampler() checkerboard = IsingModel(J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={}) result = sampler.sample(checkerboard, 10000) solutions = [s.as_tuple for s in result] assert (-1, 1, -1, 1) in solutions assert (1, -1, 1, -1) in solutions
def test_clamp_variable_not_present(self): """ Make sure invalid variable cannot be clamped. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(8, 1)
def test_clamped_model_sample(self): """ Test that clamped model sample gets the correct energy. """ checkerboard = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={} ) checkerboard.clamp(0, 1) sample = IsingSample(checkerboard, (-1, 1, -1)) assert sample.assignment.as_tuple == (1, -1, 1, -1) assert sample.assignment == {0: 1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: -1} assert == -4 checkerboard = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: 5} ) checkerboard.clamp(0, 1) sample = IsingSample(checkerboard, (-1, 1, -1)) assert sample.assignment.as_tuple == (1, -1, 1, -1) assert sample.assignment == {0: 1, 1: -1, 2: 1, 3: -1} assert == 1 checkerboard = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: -3, 3: 2} ) checkerboard.clamp(3, -1) sample = IsingSample(checkerboard, (-1, -1, -1)) assert sample.assignment.as_tuple == (-1, -1, -1, -1) assert sample.assignment == {0: -1, 1: -1, 2: -1, 3: -1} assert == 5
def test_dwave_conversion_big_J_element(self): """ Test that the conversion to the D-Wave fills elements in the h vector all the way up to maximum J variable. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 4: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5, (0, 3): 2} h_dwave, J_dwave = IsingModel(J, h).as_dwave() assert h_dwave == [20.4, 10, 0, 0, -5] assert J_dwave == {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5, (0, 3): 2}
def test_dwave_conversion_h_inter(self): """ Test that the conversion to the D-Wave fills in missing elements in the h dictionary. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 3: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} h_dwave, J_dwave = IsingModel(J, h).as_dwave() assert h_dwave == [20.4, 10, 0, -5] assert J_dwave == {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5}
def test_serialize_deserialize(self): """ Test that deserialized version of a serialized IsingModel defines the same model. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 3): 5} serialized = IsingModel(J, h).serialize() deserialized = IsingModel.deserialize(serialized) assert deserialized.h == h assert deserialized.J == J
def test_sample_ordering(self): """ Tests that IsingSamples are ordered according to their negative energy. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) assert IsingSample(model, (1, 1, 1)) < IsingSample(model, (1, -1, 1)) assert IsingSample(model, (1, 1, -1)) < IsingSample(model, (-1, -1, 1)) assert IsingSample(model, (-1, 1, 1)) < IsingSample(model, (1, 1, 1)) assert IsingSample(model, (1, 1, 1)) < IsingSample(model, (-1, -1, 1))
def test_valid_sample(self): """ Create valid samples for a given model. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) # Something is very broken if even this test does not work sample = IsingSample(model, {0: 1, 1: -1, 2: 1}) sample = IsingSample(model, {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1}, occurences=54) sample = IsingSample(model, {0: -1, 1: 1, 2: -1}, occurences=23) assert sample is not None
def test_invalid_sample_length(self): """ Attempt to create a sample with invalid number of variables. """ h = {0: 20.4, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) with pytest.raises(ValueError): sample = IsingSample(model, {0: -1, 1: 1}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): sample = IsingSample(model, {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: -1}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): sample = IsingSample(model, {})
def test_clamp_multiple_variables(self): """ Make sure clamping multiple variables work. """ h = {0: 4, 1: 10, 2: -5, 3: 4, 4: -5} J = {(0, 1): -6, (1, 2): 5, (0, 3): 3, (0, 2): -4} model = IsingModel(J, h) model.clamp(0, -1) model.clamp(2, 1) model.clamp(4, -1) assert model.h_clamped == {1: 21, 3: 1} assert model.J_clamped == {}
def test_clamp_variable_already_clamped(self): """ Make sure invalid variable cannot be clamped. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) # Clamp the variable model.clamp(2, -1) # Attempt to clamp the variable again with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.clamp(2, 1)
def test_sample_equality(self): """ Test that the samples are equal iff assignments are equal. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) # Equal assignments imply equal samples assert IsingSample(model, (-1, 1, 1)) == IsingSample(model, (-1, 1, 1)) # Unequal assignments imply unequal samples assert IsingSample(model, (1, 1, 1)) != IsingSample(model, (1, -1, 1)) assert IsingSample(model, (1, -1, 1)) != IsingSample(model, (1, 1, -1)) assert IsingSample(model, (-1, 1, 1)) != IsingSample(model, (1, 1, 1))
def test_clamp_not_affecting_original(self): """ Make sure that the original ising model definition is not affected by clamping variables. """ h = {0: 4, 1: 10, 2: -5, 3: 4, 4: -5} J = {(0, 1): -6, (1, 2): 5, (0, 3): 3, (0, 2): -4} model = IsingModel(J, h) model.clamp(0, -1) model.clamp(2, 1) model.clamp(4, -1) assert model.h == {0: 4, 1: 10, 2: -5, 3: 4, 4: -5} assert model.J == {(0, 1): -6, (1, 2): 5, (0, 3): 3, (0, 2): -4}
def test_sample_deserialize_serialize(self): """ Tests that a sample can be deserialized and then serialized into a duplicate object containing same content. """ h = {0: 4.5, 1: 10, 2: -5} J = {(0, 1): -4.5, (1, 2): 5} model = IsingModel(J, h) sample = IsingSample(model, (-1, 1, -1)) deserialized = IsingSample.deserialize(model, sample.serialize()) # Assert equality assert sample == deserialized assert == assert sample.occurences == deserialized.occurences
def test_occurrence_growing(self): """ Check that the number of occurrences is growing when same sample is submitted. """ simple = IsingModel( J={(0, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (2, 3): 1, (3, 0): 1}, h={0: -3} ) pool = SamplePool() pool.add(IsingSample(simple, [1, 1, 1, 1], occurences=3)) assert len(pool) == 1 assert pool[0].occurences == 3 pool.add(IsingSample(simple, [1, 1, 1, 1], occurences=2)) assert len(pool) == 1 assert pool[0].occurences == 5 pool.add(IsingSample(simple, [1, 1, 1, 1])) assert len(pool) == 1 assert pool[0].occurences == 6 pool.add(IsingSample(simple, [-1, -1, -1, -1], occurences=15)) assert len(pool) == 2 assert pool[0].occurences == 6 assert pool[1].occurences == 15 pool.add(IsingSample(simple, [-1, -1, -1, -1], occurences=5)) assert len(pool) == 2 assert pool[0].occurences == 6 assert pool[1].occurences == 20