Пример #1
    res = np.zeros((len(data),))
    cnt = 0
    for i in data:
        res[cnt] = (np.sqrt(i[0]**2+i[1]**2+i[2]**2) - ref) / ref 
        cnt += 1
    res *= 100
    return res
''' data acquisition '''

#d = datAc.pipeAcquisition("gatttool -t random -b E3:C0:07:76:53:70 --char-write-req --handle=0x000f --value=0300 --listen",
#    d = datAc.pipeAcquisition("gatttool -t random -b E7:00:30:16:CD:18 --char-write-req --handle=0x000f --value=0300 --listen",                          
#                                 4,measNr=500, fileName="160127_noRot")
d = datAc.textAcquisition("160208_calDat")
#    d = datAc.textAcquisition("160212_calDat")

''' calculate and the hard/soft bias values '''
#(hard_old, soft_old) = calcHardSoft(d[0])
#print "hard_old: ", hard_old
#print "soft_old: ", soft_old

''' Freescale '''
#free0 = calcFreescale(d0[0])
#free1 = calcFreescale(d1[0])
#free2 = calcFreescale(d2[0])
#off0 = [0.5*free0[0], 0.5*free0[1], 0.5*free0[2]]
#mag0 = np.sqrt(free0[3]+off0[0]**2+off0[1]**2+off0[2]**2)
Пример #2
''' for x-movement '''
t = np.arange(0.06,0.11,(0.05/62))

b_cyl = np.zeros((len(t),3))
b_dip = np.zeros((len(t),3))

cnt = 0
for i in t:
    b_cyl[cnt] = modC.calcB_cyl(np.array([i, 0.,0.]),np.array([0., 0.]))*1e+3
    b_dip[cnt] = modD.calcB(np.array([i,0.,0.]),np.array([1, 0, 0]))*1e+3
    cnt += 1

d = datAc.textAcquisition("151216_xMove")[0]*1e-4  
meas = d[9:71]

''' meas fitting '''
range_m = max(meas[:,0]) - min(meas[:,0])
range_s = max(b_cyl[:,0]) - min(b_cyl[:,0])
scaleMeas = range_s/range_m
meas = meas[:,0]*scaleMeas
offsetMeas = b_cyl[0][0] - meas[0]
meas = meas + offsetMeas

meas *= 1

''' re-estimation '''
estCyl = np.zeros((len(b_cyl[1:]),1))
estCyl[0] = t[0]
import numpy as np
import modelDip as modD
import modelCyl as modC
import plotting as plo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dataAcquisitionMulti as datAc

dP = datAc.textAcquisition("160215_clipPos")[0]*1e-4
dN = datAc.textAcquisition("160215_clipNeg")[0]*1e-4

#dP -= np.mean(dP[:,0][:20])
#dN -= np.mean(dN[:,0][:15])

dP = dP[20:] *[1.,0.,0.]
dN = dN[15:] *[1.,0.,0.]   

start = 7.1
stopP = 2.0625
rPos = np.arange(stopP,start,((start-stopP)/len(dP)))[::-1]
stopN = 1.4528
rNeg = np.arange(stopN,start,((start-stopN)/len(dN)))[::-1]
tP = rPos
tN = rNeg
#tP = np.arange(0.03,0.07,(0.03/95))[::-1]
#tN = np.arange(0.04,0.07,(0.03/70))[::-1]
bP = np.zeros((len(tP),3))
bN = np.zeros((len(tN),3))
Пример #4
#s4 = [-0.03154, 0.06755, 0.]     # sensor beneath pinky
s4 = [0.04755, -0.03012, 0.]

# length of fingers
rInd = 0.08                     # length of index finger (from jointle)
rMid = 0.08829                  # length of middle finger (from jointle)
rRin = 0.07979                  # length of ring finger (from jointle)
rPin = 0.07215                  # length of pinky finger (from jointle)

# lengths of phalanges
phalInd = [0.03038, 0.02728, 0.02234]
phalMid = [0.03640, 0.03075, 0.02114]
phalRin = [0.03344, 0.02782, 0.01853]
phalPin = [0.02896, 0.02541, 0.01778]

b = datAcM.textAcquisition("perfectB")

""" fitting the data to the model """

""" estimating the position from the measurments """
estPos = np.zeros((4,len(b[0]),3))
# initial positions
estPos[0][0] = [jointInd[0]+rInd, jointInd[1], jointInd[2]]
estPos[1][0] = [jointMid[0]+rMid, jointMid[1], jointMid[2]]
estPos[2][0] = [jointRin[0]+rRin, jointRin[1], jointRin[2]]
estPos[3][0] = [jointPin[0]+rPin, jointPin[1], jointPin[2]]
# fixed bnds for position
bndsPos = ((jointInd[0],jointInd[0]+rInd),    # index finger
    #      (jointInd[1]-0.003,jointInd[1]+0.003),
''' estimation '''
#startT = time.time()
#a = modC.estimateAng_cyl([0,0], phalMid, sMid, jointMid, b_cyl[-1])
#print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT
#print a.x
#print angles[-1]
estAng = np.zeros((len(angles),2))   
stat = np.zeros((len(angles),2))
tolerance = 1.e-06
cnt = 0
startT = time.time()
for i in b_cyl[1:]:
    startEst = time.time()
    temp = modC.estimateAng_cyl(estAng[cnt], phalMid, sMid, jointMid, i)
    stat[cnt] = [time.time()-startEst, temp.fun]
    estAng[cnt+1] = temp.x    
    cnt += 1    
print "time needed: ", time.time()-startT   
d = datAc.textAcquisition('150814_pinkyOff')

plo.plotter2d((b_cyl,estAng,angles),("model","estimated Angles","perfectAngles"),shareAxis=False)


Пример #6
#                                  modE.angToB(i,phalPin,jointPin,s3),axis=0)
#    calcBPin = np.append(calcBPin,modE.angToB(i,phalInd,jointInd,s4)+
#                                  modE.angToB(i,phalMid,jointMid,s4)+
#                                  modE.angToB(i,phalRin,jointRin,s4)+
#                                  modE.angToB(i,phalPin,jointPin,s4),axis=0)                                  
##    calcB_old = np.append(calcB_old,modE.evalfuncMagDotH(calcPos[cnt],calcOrien[cnt],s1),axis=0)
#    cnt += 1    
#calcBInd = calcBInd[1:]    
#calcBMid = calcBMid[1:]    
#calcBRin = calcBRin[1:]    
#calcBPin = calcBPin[1:]    
#calcB_old = calcB_old[1:]

# simply get the data from the textfile...
calcBdata = datAc.textAcquisition("151103_perfectB_straight")
#calcBdata = datAc.textAcquisition("151030_perfectB_H")

''' estimating the angles '''
#estAngIndPy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngMidPy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngRinPy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngPinPy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngIndCy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngMidCy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngRinCy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
#estAngPinCy = np.zeros((len(t),3))
estAngInd = np.zeros((len(t),3))
estAngMid = np.zeros((len(t),3))
estAngRin = np.zeros((len(t),3))
estAngPin = np.zeros((len(t),3))
Пример #7
''' script for experimenting with the measured and the modeled B-field '''

import dataAcquisitionMulti as datAc
import numpy as np
import subprocess,time, os
import modelEqMultiCython as modE
import plotting as plo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import perfectBangles as b

cmd = "gatttool -t random -b E3:C0:07:76:53:70 --char-write-req --handle=0x000f --value=0300 --listen"
calcB = datAc.textAcquisition("151102_perfectB")

#(d_index,d_middle,d_ring,d_pinky) = datAc.collectForTime(cmd, 10, 0.01, avgFil=False, avgN=10, fileName="151101_rawMeas_move2")
#(d_index,d_middle,d_ring,d_pinky) = datAc.collectForTime(cmd, 20, 0.01, fileName="151102_rawMeas_ovMove")
data = datAc.textAcquisition("151102_rawMeas_move")
(d_index,d_middle,d_ring,d_pinky) = (data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3])

# absolute positions of wooden-joints
#jointInd = [0.09138, 0.02957, -0.01087]         # to wooden-joint(index)
#jointMid = [0.09138, 0.00920, -0.01087]          # to wooden-joint(middle)
#jointRin = [0.09138, -0.01117, -0.01087]         # to wooden-joint(ring)
#jointPin = [0.09138, -0.03154, -0.01087]         # to wooden-joint(pinky)
jointInd = b.jointInd
jointMid = b.jointMid
jointRin = b.jointRin
jointPin = b.jointPin

## position of sensor
#s1 = [0.06755, 0.02957, 0.]     # sensor beneath index
#s2 = [0.04755, 0.00920, 0.]     # sensor beneath middle
Пример #8
''' script for estimation with multiple sensors per magnet '''

import dataAcquisitionMulti as datAc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import modelEqMultiCython as modE
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import *
import plotting as plo
import time,random

''' acquiring the data '''
cmd = "gatttool -t random -b E3:C0:07:76:53:70 --char-write-req --handle=0x000f --value=0300 --listen"
#d = datAc.pipeAcquisition(cmd,4,measNr=199,fileName="151209_four")
d = datAc.textAcquisition("151209_index2")
#d = datAc.collectForTime(cmd,5,wait=0)

#d_ind = datAc.moving_average3d(d[0],10)
#d_mid = datAc.moving_average3d(d[1],10)
#d_rin = datAc.moving_average3d(d[2],10)
#d_pin = datAc.moving_average3d(d[3],10)
index = datAc.moving_average3d(d[0],10)
middle = datAc.moving_average3d(d[1],10)
ring = datAc.moving_average3d(d[2],10)
pinky = datAc.moving_average3d(d[3],10)

#index = np.delete(index,np.s_[1],1)
#middle = np.delete(middle,np.s_[1],1)
#ring = np.delete(ring,np.s_[1],1)
#pinky = np.delete(pinky,np.s_[1],1)

sInd = [-0.03, -0.0, 0.024]     # rack1
Пример #9
    tmp[cnt] = (i-(s0+zOff))
#    b_dip0[cnt] = modD.calcB(i, h0)
#    b_cyl0[cnt] = modC.calcB_cyl(i, 0.)
    cnt += 1
#plo.plotter2d((b_dip0, b_dip1, b_dip2, b_dip3), ("DIP 0", "1", "2", "3"), shareAxis=False)        
#plo.plotter2d((b_cyl0, b_cyl1, b_cyl2, b_cyl3), ("CYL 0", "1", "2", "3"))

''' fitting of measured data '''
#d = datAc.textAcquisition("160208_flatFit1")
d = datAc.textAcquisition("160212_flatSens7")
#d = datAc.textAcquisition("160212_flatSens5")

#d[0] -= [  92.87515152,  286.92060606, -318.85131313]   # for 160201_s1_x5-10 
#d[1] -= [  46.86343434,  276.33575758, -423.56191919]
#d[2] -= [  47.29494949,  264.67717172, -422.53242424]
#d[3] -= [  74.65848485,  233.96656566, -403.30909091]

#d[0] -= [  95.95686869,  288.99565657, -316.52959596]   # for 160201_y4-0_x5 - 160201_y4-0_x7_2
#d[1] -= [  49.74555556,  276.99181818, -424.61929293]
#d[2] -= [  50.31323232,  265.79050505, -421.99272727]
#d[3] -= [  77.2389899 ,  235.17080808, -403.23666667]

#d[0] -= [ -41.76743719,  252.39633166, -391.40733668]   # for 160208
#d[1] -= [ -55.70944724 , 230.11417085, -402.72698492]
#d[2] -= [ -60.59075377 , 213.51316583, -400.75899497]
Пример #10
                             i, 0.,    # angle rin
                             0., 0])   # angle pin                             
    cnt += 1
bMid = np.zeros((len(t), 3*len(sensList_dip)))    
bRin = np.zeros((len(t), 3*len(sensList_dip)))    
cnt = 0
for i in range(len(t)):
#    b_cyl[i] = modC.cy.angToB_cyl(angles_cyl[i],fingList_cyl,sensList_cyl,jointList_cyl)    # simulating cylindrical model
    bMid[i] = modD.cy.angToBm_cy(angles1[i],fingList_dip,sensList_dip,jointList_dip)              # simulating dipole model
    bRin[i] = modD.cy.angToBm_cy(angles2[i],fingList_dip,sensList_dip,jointList_dip)              # simulating dipole model
b_meas = datAc.textAcquisition("160131_allMid2")    
b_meas *= 0.01
print "-----------middle----------"
print "INDEX"    
(scale1, off1) = datAc.getScaleOff(bMid[:,0:3],b_meas[0])    
b_ind = b_meas[0]*scale1+off1
print "MIDDLE"
#(scale2, off2) = datAc.getScaleOff(bMid[:,3:6],b_meas[1])    
#b_mid = b_meas[0]*scale2+off2
print "RING"
(scale3, off3) = datAc.getScaleOff(bMid[:,6:9],b_meas[2])    
b_rin = b_meas[2]*scale3+off3
print "PINKY"
(scale4, off4) = datAc.getScaleOff(bMid[:,9:],b_meas[3])    
b_pin = b_meas[3]*scale4+off4
Пример #11
#                                0, i,    # angle mid
#                                i, 0.4,    # angle rin
#                                i, i*0.3])   # angle pin
    cnt += 1
b = np.zeros((len(t), 3*len(sensList)))    

cnt = 0
for i in range(len(t)):    
    b[i] = modD.cy.angToBm_cy(angles[i],fingList,sensList,jointList)              # simulating dipole model

''' fitting '''
d = datAc.textAcquisition("160129_mid3")[1]
d *= 0.01

(scale, off) = datAc.getScaleOff(b,d)

d_fit = d*scale+off


''' estimation '''

P = np.eye(2)
# process noise covariance matrix (2x2)
Q = np.diag([1e+2, 1e-2])                
# measurement noise covariance matrix (3x3)                
Пример #12
''' script for estimation with multiple sensors per magnet '''

import dataAcquisitionMulti as datAc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import modelEqMultiCython as modE
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import *
import plotting as plo
import time

''' acquiring the data '''
cmd = "gatttool -t random -b E3:C0:07:76:53:70 --char-write-req --handle=0x000f --value=0300 --listen"
#d = datAc.pipeAcquisition(cmd,4,measNr=199,fileName="151201_onefour1")
d = datAc.textAcquisition("151201_onefour1")

d_ind = datAc.moving_average3d(d[0],10)
d_mid = datAc.moving_average3d(d[1],10)
d_rin = datAc.moving_average3d(d[2],10)
d_pin = datAc.moving_average3d(d[3],10)

sInd = [-0.03, -0.0, 0.024]
sMid = [-0.03, -0.022, 0.024]
sRin = [-0.03, -0.044, 0.024]
sPin = [-0.03, -0.066, 0.024]

sInd2 = [-0.07, 0.0, 0.024]
sMid2 = [-0.07, -0.022, 0.024]
sRin2 = [-0.07, -0.044, 0.024]
sPin2 = [-0.07, -0.066, 0.024]
Пример #13
##        print time.time()-startT
##        startT = time.time()
#        m = np.append(m,datAc.readMagPacket(proc),0)        
##        t = np.append(t,time.time()-startT)
#        cnt += 1
#except KeyboardInterrupt:
#    pass
#d = datAc.sortData(m)

''' take the datapoints for 160217_MPU2 from [300:-1] (for sensor 0 or 1) and display them reversed '''

d = datAc.textAcquisition("160217_MPU2")
oneC = d[0][300:][::-1]
twoC = d[1][300:][::-1]
oneR = d[2][300:][::-1]
twoR = d[3][300:][::-1]
''' plot everything... '''

