Пример #1
    def __init__(self, network_type, iterations, window, input_size, conv, nn,
                 filter_type, number_of_classifiers):
        subject_set = VARS.get_subject_set_SS(False)

        output = 10
        keep_activities = VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC_DYNAMIC

        self.config = VARS.get_config(input_size, output, iterations, 100,
                                      network_type, conv, nn, filter_type)
        print 'Creating data set'
        self.data_set = data_generator.read_data_sets_without_activity(
            subject_set, output, remove_activities, None, keep_activities,

        networks = []
        for i in range(0, number_of_classifiers):
            #self.config['model_name'] = self.config['model_name'] + "_" + str(i)
            cnn = CNN_MOD_4.CNN_FILTER(self.config)
            cnn.load_model('models/' + self.config['model_name'])

        ss_iterator = 0
        num_samples = 0
        while ss_iterator < 3:
            prediction_steps = 10
            test_set_length = len(self.data_set.test._labels)
            threshold = 0.99
            # Returns an n-long array with random integer
            # integer range, length of array
            pool_size = 1000
            test_indecies = np.random.choice(test_set_length,

            number_of_samples = 40
            #print 'Predicting'
            prediction_indices = np.zeros([pool_size, 3])
            final_prediction_indices = np.zeros([number_of_samples * 10, 3])
            for i in range(0, len(test_indecies)):
                # Get the data instance
                data = self.data_set.test._data[test_indecies[i]]
                # Predict the class label
                predictions = np.zeros((number_of_classifiers, output))
                # Add the different prediction vectors to a list
                for j in range(0, number_of_classifiers):
                    prediction = networks[j].run_network_return_probability(
                    predictions[j] = prediction

                activity = np.argmax(predictions)
                confidens = prediction[activity]

                prediction_indices[i] = [test_indecies[i], activity, confidens]

            final_prediction_indices = []
            equal_pool_size = False
            threshold_subset = False
            highest_confident = True
            self_learning = False
            if equal_pool_size:
                ''' Select the N most confident samples from each class '''
                activity_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
                # Sort
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                for i in range(0, len(activity_list)):
                    #print prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:,1] == activity]
                    top_predictions = prediction_indices[
                        prediction_indices[:, 1] ==
                    for item in top_predictions:
            if threshold_subset:
                ''' Select random subsample with confidens over threshold'''
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    prediction_indices[:, 2] >= 0.8]
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    prediction_indices[:, 2] >= 0.9]
                print 'Number of prediction instances', len(prediction_indices)
                subset = np.random.choice(len(prediction_indices),
                                          number_of_samples * 10,
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[subset]

            if highest_confident:
                ''' Select the top n samples'''
                # Sort
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    -number_of_samples * 10:]
                print final_prediction_indices[0]
            if self_learning:
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[
                    prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[:
                                                              * 10]

            print 'Number of new instances', len(final_prediction_indices)
            num_samples += len(final_prediction_indices)
            self.data_set = data_generator.move_data_from_test_to_train(
                final_prediction_indices, self.data_set)

            activity_accuracy = np.zeros(
            for cnn in networks:
                train_iterations = 800

                print 'Number of training iterations', train_iterations
            ss_iterator += 1

        print 'Number of transfered instances', num_samples
Пример #2
   def __init__(self, network_type, iterations, window, input_size, conv_f_1, conv_f_2, nn_1, filter_type, number_of_classifiers):
      subject_set = self.VARS.get_subject_set_SS(True)
      if network_type == "sd":
         self.output = 2
         self.config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, self.output, iterations, 100, network_type, conv_f_1, conv_f_2, nn_1, filter_type)
         convertion = self.VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC_DYNAMIC
      if network_type == "original":
         self.output = 17
         convertion = self.VARS.CONVERTION_ORIGINAL
         self.config = self.VARS.get_config(input_size, self.output, iterations, 100, network_type, conv_f_1, conv_f_2, nn_1, filter_type)

      print 'Creating data set'
      self.data_set = data_generator.read_SS_data_set(subject_set, self.output, convertion, window)

      networks = []
      filter_types = ["VALID","SAME","VALID"]

      old_activity_accuracy = np.zeros(len(self.data_set.validation.labels[0]))
      for i in range(0,number_of_classifiers):
         self.config['model_name'] = self.config['model_name'] + "_" + str(i)
         #self.config['filter_type'] = filter_types[i]
         cnn = CNN_MOD_2.CNN_MOD(self.config)
         old_activity_accuracy += cnn.train_network()

      old_activity_accuracy = old_activity_accuracy/number_of_classifiers

      ss_iterator = 0
      num_samples = 0
      while ss_iterator < 5:   
         prediction_steps = 10
         test_set_length = len(self.data_set.test._labels)
         threshold = 0.4
         # Returns an n-long array with random integer
         # integer range, length of array
         test_indecies = np.random.choice(test_set_length, test_set_length, replace=False)

         #print 'Predicting'
         prediction_indices = []
         for i in range(0, len(test_indecies)):
            # Get the data instance
            data = self.data_set.test._data[test_indecies[i]]
            # Predict the class label
            predictions = np.zeros((number_of_classifiers, self.output))    
            # Add the different prediction vectors to a list
            for j in range(0, number_of_classifiers):
               prediction = networks[j].run_network_return_probability([[data]])[0]
               predictions[j] = prediction
            # Check if the majority of the predictions are UNDER the threshold
            if np.sum(predictions > threshold) < number_of_classifiers:
               prediction_indices.append([test_indecies[i], predictions])

         print 'Number of new instances',len(prediction_indices)
         num_samples += len(prediction_indices)
         self.data_set = data_generator.move_data_from_test_to_train(prediction_indices, self.data_set)
         activity_accuracy = np.zeros(len(self.data_set.validation.labels[0]))
         for cnn in networks:
            accuracy = cnn.train_network()
            activity_accuracy += accuracy
         activity_accuracy = activity_accuracy / len(networks)
         print old_activity_accuracy - activity_accuracy
         ss_iterator +=1       

      print 'Number of transfered instances', num_samples
    def __init__(self, network_type, iterations, window, input_size, conv, nn, filter_type, number_of_classifiers):
        subject_set = VARS.get_subject_set_SS(False)

        output = 10
        keep_activities = VARS.CONVERTION_STATIC_DYNAMIC

        self.config = VARS.get_config(input_size, output, iterations, 100, network_type, conv, nn, filter_type)
        print "Creating data set"
        self.data_set = data_generator.read_data_sets_without_activity(
            subject_set, output, remove_activities, None, keep_activities, window

        networks = []
        for i in range(0, number_of_classifiers):
            # self.config['model_name'] = self.config['model_name'] + "_" + str(i)
            cnn = CNN_MOD_4.CNN_FILTER(self.config)
            cnn.load_model("models/" + self.config["model_name"])
            # cnn.train_network()

        ss_iterator = 0
        num_samples = 0
        while ss_iterator < 3:
            prediction_steps = 10
            test_set_length = len(self.data_set.test._labels)
            threshold = 0.99
            # Returns an n-long array with random integer
            # integer range, length of array
            pool_size = 1000
            test_indecies = np.random.choice(test_set_length, pool_size, replace=False)

            number_of_samples = 40
            # print 'Predicting'
            prediction_indices = np.zeros([pool_size, 3])
            final_prediction_indices = np.zeros([number_of_samples * 10, 3])
            for i in range(0, len(test_indecies)):
                # Get the data instance
                data = self.data_set.test._data[test_indecies[i]]
                # Predict the class label
                predictions = np.zeros((number_of_classifiers, output))
                # Add the different prediction vectors to a list
                for j in range(0, number_of_classifiers):
                    prediction = networks[j].run_network_return_probability([[data]])[0]
                    predictions[j] = prediction

                activity = np.argmax(predictions)
                confidens = prediction[activity]

                prediction_indices[i] = [test_indecies[i], activity, confidens]

            final_prediction_indices = []
            equal_pool_size = False
            threshold_subset = False
            highest_confident = True
            self_learning = False
            if equal_pool_size:
                """ Select the N most confident samples from each class """
                activity_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
                # Sort
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                for i in range(0, len(activity_list)):
                    # print prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:,1] == activity]
                    top_predictions = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 1] == activity_list[i]][
                    for item in top_predictions:
            if threshold_subset:
                """ Select random subsample with confidens over threshold"""
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 2] >= 0.8]
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 2] >= 0.9]
                print "Number of prediction instances", len(prediction_indices)
                subset = np.random.choice(len(prediction_indices), number_of_samples * 10, replace=False)
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[subset]

            if highest_confident:
                """ Select the top n samples"""
                # Sort
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[-number_of_samples * 10 :]
                print final_prediction_indices[0]
            if self_learning:
                prediction_indices = prediction_indices[prediction_indices[:, 2].argsort()]
                final_prediction_indices = prediction_indices[: number_of_samples * 10]

            print "Number of new instances", len(final_prediction_indices)
            num_samples += len(final_prediction_indices)
            self.data_set = data_generator.move_data_from_test_to_train(final_prediction_indices, self.data_set)

            activity_accuracy = np.zeros(len(self.data_set.validation.labels[0]))
            for cnn in networks:
                train_iterations = 800

                print "Number of training iterations", train_iterations
            ss_iterator += 1

        print "Number of transfered instances", num_samples